"Through these conversations, I feel confident he would help us turn the ideas in this agenda into laws to help improve people’s lives. That’s why I’ll be voting for him this fall. It’s no secret that he and I have our differences,. I won’t pretend otherwise. And when I feel the need to, I’ll continue to speak my mind. But the reality is, on the issues that make up our agenda, we have more common ground than disagreement."
Wrote Ryan.
Trump's response: "I’m very pleased. I have a good relationship with him actually. He was taken a little bit by storm because my situation was supposed to go the convention.”
Top comments at the NYT: "This endorsement alone should disqualify Ryan from ever being considered for POTUS. It's absolutely reckless...."/"I can smell your soul rotting from here, Mr. Ryan."/"I have a strong desire to follow Mr. Ryan through the streets of Washington, periodically ringing a bell and shouting: "Shame! Shame!"
८८ टिप्पण्या:
The more the Liberal Left and the LameStream Media© cry "racist", "crazy-loose-canon", "unfit to be President", about Trump, the more people want him as POTUS.
Never underestimate the vast majority of Flyover Land want this to happen as a thumb in the eye for the Washington and LameStream Media© elite.
Lots of extra clicks for the Janesville Gazette today!
Good to see Ryan join #NeverNeverTrump.
The person who needs to have someone walking behind her saying shame is Hillary.
I'm sorry to post something off-topic, well, except it's about Republicans, but can I just say that this news from Alaska and the possibility of having two Senators with the same name is hilarious to me? (That it would mean Another Murkowski would leave the Senate is just icing).
Could've been possible in WI, too -- Ron Johnson is a pretty common name.
I wonder how many Donald Trumps are considering a run for office now.
he and I have our differences
I would be concerned if it were otherwise. That said, the bridge between overlapping and common interests is shorter than between diametrically opposed interests.
Supporting Hillary OR Bernie is reckless.
zipity is correct. The more the left and the media attack Trump the more support he attracts. When Mitt Romney and William Kristol attack Trump my previously middling support increased. Trump is pi$$ing off all the right people.
Ryan and Trump need each other, so it was inevitable that Ryan would support Trump. The possibility of a Hillary Presidency has a clarifying effect on the mind.
So Paul Ryan came to his senses.
Donald Trump ran and won the nomination. Those who lost and their followers should at least shut up and sit down.
Now, can we pay some attention to the opposing party? You know, the people we are running against in the actual election?
Ryan understands how tenuous his position as speaker is. I wonder if he realizes he is going to be expected to get a border enforcement bill through the house yet? Do you suppose Speaker Ryan is still going to try to push TPP through?
Never underestimate the vast majority of Flyover Land want this to happen as a thumb in the eye for the Washington and LameStream Media© elite.
Yup. I think there are a lot of folks in coastal country that feel the same.
I wonder how his primary opponent is doing. That might have a tiny bit to do with this.
NYT readers are nuts.
Why don't they just go out and tar and feather Ryan?
Okay, good. On to the general.
Hagar said...
" Now, can we pay some attention to the opposing party? You know, the people we are running against in the actual election?"
There are 2 things that remain to be done: Beat the democrats and make sure the republicans do what we want when they are in power.
It is the second one that has been most problematic for us. Trump needs to keep the pressure on the GOPe also and make sure all of the enemies in DC are defeated.
David Begley said...
"NYT readers are nuts.
Why don't they just go out and tar and feather Ryan?"
Meh. There are a scant few people in DC that do not deserve to be tarred and feathered. They would have to get in line.
When Mitt Romney and William Kristol attack Trump my previously middling support increased. Trump is pi$$ing off all the right people.
Exactly. I find myself more firmly in Trump's corner with every anti-Trump diatribe. Not just to be oppositional but because I truly believe his critics don't understand him, or his appeal, at all.
The judgment of anyone who reads the NYT is suspect. Ergo, their reactions to this bit of news is inconsequential.
You won't find gold panning for it in the readers comments sections of the NYT's, or the opinion pages either, come to think of it.
Maybe it happens every four years and I've simply forgotten how weird it gets. Or maybe Trump has a special talent for lighting off a roman candle of lunacy.
You would expect to find hyperbole (nice of saying bullshit) virtually spilling of the pages of the NYT's, the paper of record for progressive thought. But it's even lit off some of the grandee's of so-called conservative thought. I'm pretty sure that Bill Kristol has lost his mind.
The MSNBC super political analysts were seriously worried this morning what the NYC liberal Donald Trump has done trying to win over the Conservative of all Conservatives, The Right Honorable and Saintly Paul Ryan.
They were talking so confused that Trump really has no effective opposition. He has them stuttering like Obama.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Ryan and his BFF Romney are still out to preserve and protect the GOP wing of Barack and Hillary's New World Order.
Trump is being way too nice to Ryan now. I bet Trump plans to fire his ass in the near future.
This is like Taming of the Shrew. Ryan thinks he's Petruchio and Trump is Katherina.
I wonder if Glenn Beck has fallen off the wagon yet...
@MadisonMan --
Two years ago we had Mayor Dan running for Gov while Col. Dan was running for Senate. It really was that silly, and the signage confused everyone. I have no idea why he's decided to run against Lisa, who's beloved. The Dan Sullivan Squared show is a long shot.
This is like Taming of the Shrew. Ryan thinks he's Petruchio and Trump is Katherina.
Except, in this case, Kate will likely turn the tables on Petruchio.
Paul Ryan blundered into this. He thought he had to remain neutral until the convention or at least the last set of primaries. Then Ted Cruz unexpectedly dropped out and Paul Ryan didn't have his new message ready, and said something stupid. Trump seems to get that.
Nyamujal said...
"This is like Taming of the Shrew. Ryan thinks he's Petruchio and Trump is Katherina."
If Ryan thought he was in charge he would have resigned instead of endorsed.
Here's what I fail to understand: In the GOP corner there are the Neocons, like Kristol, and the Tea Party bunch, like Cruz and Ryan. Both groups hate Trump more than they hate each other, even though he has broadened the base of the party as has no other candidate since Reagan.
He [Ryan] was taken a little bit by storm because my situation was supposed to go the convention.
I wonder why Trump said that. Did Ryan himself say something along those lines in his talks with Trump?
I wonder also whether Ryan has told Trump that Trump cannot even pretend to pay for his border barrier by means of accounting tricks within the Executive Branch. In other words, Ryan insists that Congress will pay for any border barrier by normal procedures.
Paul Omnibus Spending Bill Ryan
"I wonder also whether Ryan has told Trump that Trump cannot even pretend to pay for his border barrier by means of accounting tricks within the Executive Branch. In other words, Ryan insists that Congress will pay for any border barrier by normal procedures."
It seems to me that such details aren't likely to be discussed at this point. That's counting chickens before the eggs are laid, much less hatched.
Gusty Winds said...
"I wonder if Glenn Beck has fallen off the wagon yet..."
Senator McConnell was clear when he said that they (Ryan and McConnell) would maintain the separation of powers if Mr. Trump is elected President. For some reason both sides of the election seem to think that we elect a dictator for President who has total power over the country. Even the candidates buy into it by making promises that only the Congress and President together came make come true.
A President Trump will be restrained by Congress and since he has condemned President Obama for exceeding his powers, will stay within the boundaries of the office. (The latter may be snark, no President wants to do that and Congress usually lets them act as they want, especially when it comes to war.)
Nonetheless it is not only the duty for the highest elected official in the party to back the party candidate, but also there is very little for him to lose, his district will go 65% for Trump no matter what the rest of the country does.
I read a Thunderbirds plane crashed today at an AF Academy commencement flyover where Obama was speaking.
And within a few minutes a Blue Angels F-18 crashed in Tn during a practice for a show this weekend.
The AF pilot ejected safely. The Navy pilot was killed.
Top comments at the NYT is: "This endorsement alone should disqualify Ryan from ever being considered for POTUS. It's absolutely reckless...."/"I can smell your soul rotting from here, Mr. Ryan."/"I have a strong desire to follow Mr. Ryan through the streets of Washington, periodically ringing a bell and shouting: "Shame! Shame!"
I didn't know Bill Kristol read the NYTimes:)
" For some reason both sides of the election seem to think that we elect a dictator for President who has total power over the country."
This is much closer to the truth than most want to think. The power of the Federal bureaucracies and of their culturally and economically aligned appendages is tremendous; though this machine is only usable by a Democratic party administration. Against it Congress is of little use, as we have seen, and the same with the courts. Only the States are in a position to put up some effective opposition, sometimes.
A Republican administration arguably is by its nature much weaker than a Democratic one, because it will have to fight the structure of government for everything, and rely on Congress and the courts (if it gets the chance to appoint the right judges) for critical support.
Whoever is following Trump ringing a bell and shouting "shame!" will surely be drooling too, how do you leave out a detail like that?
There's a chance that several trainloads of New York City progressives will be moving north across the border if The Trumpster wins in November. I call that a good start.
If I could, I would put them on Governor Moonbeam Brown's high speed train in California, except that even by 2022 it will only go from Corcoran to Wasco. It's not going to get from downtown San Francisco to downtown Los Angeles in my great grandchildren's lifetime (and my oldest grand child turns 3 next week). Still the prospect of a bunch of progressive New Yorkers going back and forth in a valley parched by a man caused drought (but hey we are saving the three inch long Delta Smelt) has some attraction. They could look out the window and see what their ilk hath wrought.
Those comments say a lot about the NY Times and nothing about Paul Ryan.
And by the way, Kate and Petruchio are each others' match and will happily be equals throughout life (in the context of the times.) Kate's "women are so simple" speech is entirely tongue-in-cheek.
"Kate's "women are so simple" speech is entirely tongue-in-cheek."
That's how modern directors handle it, but that is nowhere in the text.
Redstate.com has compared the behavior of Republicans like Ryan to the movie(s) "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." One by one, people whom you liked and/or respected are being replaced by clones from Trump's seed pods.
Ryan declaring his support for Trump is breaking news ...
Oh the humanity!
Damned w/faint praise hardly seems adequate.
buwaya: "though this machine is only usable by a Democratic party administration. "
The FBI, CIA, and NSA would be perfectly usable by a Trump administration bent on authoritarianism and a (somewhat) kinder, gentler neo-fascism.
"I wonder also whether Ryan has told Trump that Trump cannot even pretend to pay for his border barrier by means of accounting tricks within the Executive Branch. In other words, Ryan insists that Congress will pay for any border barrier by normal procedures."
Trump probably told Ryan that Ryan/McConnell should just treat Trump like they've treated President Obama and they'll get along just fine.
Outside of his district and a few of his friends in DC, I don't think anyone really cares who Ryan endorses.
I see zero enthusiasm for him in the grassroots Republican party. He became Speaker because of the GOPe insiders.
I'm sure Bill Kristol, George Will and Jonah Goldberg are unhappy. But who gives a fuck?
The comments Although quotes represents the new anti-Trump firewall. Rubio got slammed too. Ryan, though, really does have power to push back.
I'm beginning to think that Trump will win this thing, unless Clinton honorably retires, and he will be as revolutionary as the Edsel.
@sinz52: So more of the same? Yawn.
This is none of all that drama or gamesmanship, nor defeat. Ryan is simply like most non-leftists right now. Despite all the un-digestable gristle and icing that comes with Trump, the prospect of President Hillary is beyond what any of us can bare. After what happened in the primary, there simply is no other option than to help him beat her. That does not require Ryan to kiss the ring or say what he clearly does not believe. Like Ryan, I'll simply have to vote for him...holding my nose with crossed fingers.
Trump will now continue to get more of this grudging support that will make it easier for other to come out for him, and make it easier to vote for him, even for those who can't admit they will. Democrats have a huge structural advantage in the vote, but I see Trump only growing now, which is what it will take to beat her, unless...
It's intriguing to imagine what will happen if Hillary's legal problems continue to develop as they are on track right now. I don't see how she escapes what she has done. If she is forced to drop out, does she, and then does it really become Bernie vs Trump? Are you kidding me? That's some kind of hilarious tragedy right there.
Number one commenter never in a million years would vote for any Republican, much less Paul Ryan. Means nothing.
The nytimes comment section. That is funny.
"The FBI, CIA, and NSA would be perfectly usable by a Trump administration bent on authoritarianism and a (somewhat) kinder, gentler neo-fascism."
Doubtful. Even these are all mostly Democrat in personal allegiance. Trump will, above all, have to worry about leaks and sabotage. The CIA vs Bush for instance.
I can't tell whether the comments were written by liberals or conservatives.
and, of course, the best reason to support Trump is because FUCK YOU, that's why.
There's a chance that several trainloads of New York City progressives will be moving north across the border if The Trumpster wins in November.
We can only hope!
As for Trump's relationship with reality - not so good.
Top comments at the NYT is: "This endorsement alone should disqualify Ryan from ever being considered for POTUS. It's absolutely reckless...."/"I can smell your soul rotting from here, Mr. Ryan."/"I have a strong desire to follow Mr. Ryan through the streets of Washington, periodically ringing a bell and shouting: "Shame! Shame!"
What do you want to bet that not a single "liker" of the comment has ever voted Republican for president?
Comments on the NYT site are usually tedious. I have never found any online comment section to be worth the time to read, except this one. You're welcome, Ann.
"There's a chance that several trainloads of New York City progressives will be moving north across the border if The Trumpster wins in November."
Nah. Promises like this were why I held my nose and voted for both Bushes, McCain and Romney. It never happens. They'll never leave until they've destroyed the nest first.
Sorry, but Trump and Hillary have The Taming of the Shrew parallel locked up. I am thinking the woman who called Vince Foster a "hick lawyer" who "will never get it" and who was responsible for all of the Clinton's problems in an open staff meeting in the White House a week before he killed himself is up for the "shrew" part with nobody else close.
and, of course, the best reason to support Trump is because FUCK YOU for trying to ram Hillary and Bush down our throats, that's why.
Fixed it for you.
Despite all the un-digestable gristle and icing that comes with Trump, the prospect of President Hillary is beyond what any of us can bare.
Oh, I'm sure you've bared more in the past.
If she is forced to drop out, does she, and then does it really become Bernie vs Trump? Are you kidding me? That's some kind of hilarious tragedy right there.
Two people who both love their country and its people more than you do. Ha ahahahaha. What a hilarious tragedy.
Everyone seems to forget that the Congress has the power of the purse and, if really committed and with support from the president, can reduce or remove funding for any and all activities of the government (except the new Consumer banking board that needs to be shut down.) This power is one that has been limited by having a D president. Having Trump in the presidency - and a House and Senate majority - would open all kinds of avenues for restricting Federal overreach. It would be a hell of a test for those "principled conservatives" that keep singing their own praises.
As Ryan goes, so goes Wisconsin. And Ann Althouse.
Calling my shot right now.
As Ryan goes, so goes Wisconsin. And Ann Althouse.
Goodness, I hope so. None of us deserve a Clinton presidency.
The Left already dove in on Romney being Hitler.
So that makes Trump a Hitler Hitler.
Or even a Hitler Hitler Hitler.
Maybe a Hitler Hitler Hitler Mussolini.
To paraphrase, for the critics:
You never go the full Hitler.
I am Laslo.
(well into the song)
Easy now
Shame it
Ah, shame it, baby
You can shame it one time for me
Ye-ah-ha-ah, I said come on over, baby
Whole lotta shaming goin' on
Now, let's get down real low one time now
Shame, baby, shame
All you gotta do, honey, is kinda stand in one spot
Wiggle around just a little bit, that's when you got it, yeah
Come on baby, whole lotta shamin' goin' on
Now let's go one time
Shame it baby, shame, shame it baby, shame
Woo, shame baby, come on babe, shame it, baby, shame
Come on over, whole lotta shamin' goin' on
Mass psychosis. A nation enthralled by a great con.
Mass psychosis. A nation enthralled by a great con.
yeah....but it'll be over in January...
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Rhythm and Balls said...
"As for Trump's relationship with reality - not so good."
As Bernie supporters act like thugs and hooligans constantly attacking people and police at trump events. Reality? Bernie's supporters are violent and provocative. Everywhere Bernie goes his supporters are left alone. Everywhere trump goes crazy Bernie supporters attack trump supporters.
You better hope we keep showing restraint.
I'm beginning to think that Trump will win this thing, unless Clinton honorably retires, and he will be as revolutionary as the Edsel.
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to listen to a bunch of inner city blacks respond when CNN started airing Hillary's speech calling Trump irrational and dangerous. They despise her, and were not too fond of Obama. CNN then tried to damn Trump for something he said that was mean (but true), and they were laughing along with him saying "but he's right!"
I think the Left is in for a big shock this election.
Two people who both love their country and its people more than you do.
*snort* Bernie is the Sparrow from Game of Thrones. If you think he cares about America or the poor, you are naive. Like all socialists, the People are just props to him.
Fen said...
I think the Left is in for a big shock this election.
I think all Americans are in for a big shock if the aimless, unprincipled, narcissistic bully and liar named Deranged Donald is elected. Did I mention that he is childish, unfocused, idiotic and likely demented at age 70?
I think all Americans are in for a big shock if the aimless, unprincipled, narcissistic bully and liar named Deranged Donald is elected.
This works perfectly for Hillary too except that Hillary is focused alright, extremely focused on personal power, and nothing, not her principles, not the values she tells her supporters she stands for, not regard for the truth, nothing stands in her way.
"I think all Americans are in for a big shock if the aimless, unprincipled, narcissistic bully and liar named Deranged Donald is elected. Did I mention that he is childish, unfocused, idiotic and likely demented at age 70?"
I don't think you should hold back. What are your real opinions?
One of the problems here is that until you said "named Deranged Donald" I wasn't sure which candidate you were talking about. You could really say that about any of them. Do you really think Hillary's thrashing around concerning her home-brew email system seems anything other than the aimless, childish, unfocused, idiotic, narcissistic bullying of a demented liar? How about Bernie's campaign, which involves the demented ravings of a septuagenarian focused on the word "free"?
As Ryan goes, so goes Wisconsin?
Apparently you missed the last election. Paul Ryan isn't even that well loved in his district, he just has pathetic competition for his seat.
This seems to easy for me, and I'm sure Trump. Any question about Trumps short commings would be answered by, Obama. The left and the media (I know, redundant) lost all credibility when they went all in on Obama. Obama is, yet today, the most inexperienced president ever. Obama, as of now has not accomplished anything. Trumps foreign policy experience exceeds Obama's. Trump today has successful negotiations with foreign govts. Negotiations where he got what he wanted. Not like Obama who just gives away everything, gets nothing in return and claims success. Cuba comes to mind. Name one thing Obama got in return, one way the people of Cuba are better off. Iran? We all know its a lie, just like Obamacare.
So, you dont like Trump. fine. But do claim he is somehow worse than Clinton's wife, or Obama.
Trump has performed amazingly, considering the fact he is always swimming upstream. But he is still advancing and gaining support every day. re Ryan.
The more the Liberal Left and the LameStream Media© cry "racist", "crazy-loose-canon", "unfit to be President", about Trump, the more people want him as POTUS.
Never underestimate the vast majority of Flyover Land want this to happen as a thumb in the eye for the Washington and LameStream Media© elite.
Chanting "Make California Mexico again" while assaulting Trump supporters isn't going to go well. I HOPE, should he win, he goes on a massive deportation spree.
Then goes after racist groups like La Raza.
“I don’t want to vote for Trump. I want to vote for Bernie. But I have reached the point where I feel like voting for Trump against Clinton would be doing my patriotic duty. … If the only way to escape a trap is to gnaw off my leg, I’d like to think I’d have the guts to do it.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/06/wall-street-2016-donald-trump-hillary-clinton-213931#ixzz4AVznpu7B
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I feel the same way. The crisis of 2008 showed that none of them knew what they were doing except for their ability to personally enrich themselves, Trump and Sanders have shown that they are just in it for themselves in terms of power politics too. None of this precious elite every gave a shit about anybody who could not help them personally. None of them.
The violence broke out after the event in San Jose wrapped up just before 8 p.m. local time (11 p.m. ET). Some Trump supporters were punched. One woman wearing a "Trump" jersey was cornered, spit at, and pelted with eggs and water bottles.
Democrats attack Trump supporters but news reports claim violence "broke out" and Trump supporters "were punched". Punched by whom? Reporters just can't help themselves even when their efforts reveal them.
Not only are the attackers not identified as Democrats or crazed left wingers there's no question their actions will never be deemed to reflect on those who created the environment of violence.
This is what By Any Means Necessary looks like. More to come. I hope you enjoy watching Trump's victory in action.
As I recall you have video of Wisconsin protesters chanting "shame, shame". You should put it up so people can understand how juvenile NYT commenters are to think of this as a worthwhile event.
Unfocused people don't build skyscrapers in Manhattan.
Unfocused people don't take over political parties with the entire apparatus lined up against them.
Just FYI, smart set. You types aren't looking too smart these days.
Everyone seems to forget that the Congress has the power of the purse and, if really committed and with support from the president, can reduce or remove funding for any and all activities of the government (except the new Consumer banking board that needs to be shut down.) This power is one that has been limited by having a D president. Having Trump in the presidency - and a House and Senate majority - would open all kinds of avenues for restricting Federal overreach. It would be a hell of a test for those "principled conservatives" that keep singing their own praises.
Obama gave money to insurance companies when the IRS said they had no actual right to do so.
So, having the power of the purse is meaningless with a committed enough dictator.
As for Trump's relationship with reality - not so good.
Trump has been so unreal that he sewed up the nomination earlier than any of the pundits thought he could and drew more votes than any GOP primary candidate in history before the primaries were even done. What an unreal guy.
About Ryan: Apparently Ryan does not believe in risking political suicide. He had to endorse the candidate that his party’s voters have chosen; he had no other choice if he wanted to remain politically relevant.
And speaking of “relationships with reality,” Ryan and his House members must answer to the same voters that have set records in turnout to make Trump the GOP nominee. He virtue-signaled to just the right degree in case Trump’s popularity with the GOP voters should fizzle out. I believe we saw last week in New Mexico that with a President Trump in the Whitehouse you’re either on the bus or you’re off the bus.
BTW, Mika, a Morning Joe Hillary supporter, is incensed that Paul Ryan would “cave in” to Trump.
Readers, the fact that those like Mika on the Left would casually and unwittingly speak about Ryan’s endorsement of Trump as if Ryan is a traitor to their cause points to the reason many of us sometimes have trouble telling the parties apart.
In other words, despite public rhetoric to the contrary, the eGOP seems to often line up with or decline to vigorously oppose the Democrats’ agenda and to eagerly join the MSM’s gleeful firing squads more frequently than they need to. When they don’t the Lefties get really, really hurt and angry. I mean … they have been counting on Ryan and here he goes and lets them down.
Also, the lone Trump supporter who was pelted with eggs by the paid demonstrators as she was trying to enter the Trump rally yesterday was wonderful optics for Trump. She smiled at them! Luckily, the police there were either incompetent or were ordered to hold back. Even Morning Joe HAD to show a few(but just a few) seconds of it.
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"As for Trump's relationship with reality - not so good."
So far every time in this election, when Trump says "I'm going to do X" and the Smart Set says "Trump can never do X", reality has shown Trump to be the winner.
Try harder, champ.
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