७ जून, २०१६

Hillary's faux clinch. Who benefits?

First, it is a fake, since it's not a majority of the democratically chosen delegates who are pledged to vote for one of the candidates. It includes statements by superdelegates, who are free until they actually vote at the convention. 
The A.P. declared Mrs. Clinton the presumptive nominee by reaching out to superdelegates who had not announced which candidate they were supporting, and confirming that enough were backing Mrs. Clinton to get her to the magic number of 2,383. 
So A.P. proactively smoked out some superdelegates who had not been talking about what they planned to do.  I'd say A.P. benefited, by getting what looks like the scoop and choosing when to drop it. A.P. also loses credit to the extent that it seems to be forefronting itself and manufacturing dubious news. But the other news outlets had to jump on it.

I felt a twinge of pressure to get back on my blog last night and note the "clinch." I resisted. In the light of morning, I'm struck by how bogus this news event is. Did A.P. make this leap out of its own notions of journalism, and it just happened to come on the eve of 6 primaries, including California, a strikingly tight race, or was it dropped with precision where it could help one candidate or another?

The answer to that question seems to depend on whether it's obvious who is helped and who is hurt.
[Clinton's] aides were reluctant to proclaim the race over, for fear of depressing turnout on Tuesday — especially in California, where the race remains close — or appearing to take the victory for granted...

Advisers to Mr. Sanders took a dim view of the math. He previously said he would lobby Clinton superdelegates to shift their support to him by arguing that he is the party’s best chance to defeat Mr. Trump, and he particularly plans to target those superdelegates who represent states where Mr. Sanders won primaries and caucuses....

Moments before Mr. Sanders took the stage, former State Senator Nina Turner of Ohio led thousands of supporters in a chant shouting, “Fight on. Fight on. Fight on.” It was a sentiment shared by many audience members like Alex Borja, 18, of Castro Valley, Calif., who said he was happy Mr. Sanders had not conceded to Mrs. Clinton and hoped he would remain in the race through the summer.

“I don’t think it’s fair that they have basically coronated Hillary as the nominee from the beginning and, at this point, Bernie still has a chance to win the delegates needed to clinch the nomination at the convention,” Mr. Borja said....
I don't think it's clear who's helped. Plenty of people will still vote in today's Democratic Party primaries. Assume you're a Bernie supporter in California: Does the A.P. announcement make you feel fired up to get in there and say no to Hillary or does it depress you and make you inclined not to bother. Assume you're a Hillary supporter: Does the A.P. announcement make you want to scamper in there and participate in the satisfaction of backing the winner and build her margin of victory into an unquestionable swell of approval or does it make you think you're not needed and can safely structure your Tuesday without this one extra errand?

There are a lot of individual voters out there deciding what to do, but, generally, I think Bernie's supporters are more fired up and emotional and Hillary's are more blandly accepting of what seems to be already in the works. So I'm going to say Bernie benefits. His voters have something to outrage and invigorate them — and they're the kind of people who've been susceptible to outrage and invigoration. That's Bernie.

BUT: Did A.P. intend to help Bernie? Perhaps so. The media are benefited by the ongoing excitement. The news of the (faux) clinch was exciting for one night, so there was the temptation to go for that excitement without looking ahead at all. But if the "clinch" story was predicted to help Bernie, then the A.P. also stood to gain by the continuation of the Bernie-vs.-Hillary story. Quite aside from the excitement of an ongoing race, Bernie is the more exciting character, and it will be tedious on the Democratic side when we have only Hillary to watch. With the excitement of Bernie out of the picture, Trump will be the only one left who's compulsively watchable.

८१ टिप्पण्या:

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

I think that this story was promoted by the pro-Hillary campaign people. There is a revolving door between the MSM and the Democrats, especially Clinton Democrats.
You don't think reporters come up with political stories by themselves, do you? They have stories pushed on them all day long, and pick and choose which to publish. Hillary wants to be coronated ASAP. I could easily picture one of her people contacting people he or she knows at the AP and suggesting that they talk to superdelegates who have not pledged, yet. Gets her declared winner before the polls open in Cali.
It is literally impossible to be too cynical with the Clinton and the political press.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...


That would make more sense if it was clear that this helps Hillary. It's at least not clear. I think it helps Bernie.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

It will be interesting to see if Bernie Sanders endorses HIllary Clinton.

or Jill Stein

An endorsement of Jill Stein (the Green party candidate) would give a lot of Bernie supporters somewhere to vote.

It's kind of bizarre that there is no talk/pressure on Hillary to put Bernie Sanders on her ticket. He's the #2 candidate, by a wide margin, brings a huge amount of energy to the race, and represents lots of enthusiasm and excitement. But there's been zero talk about putting him on the ticket! The assumption is that all those voters will just get in line and vote for Hillary. Which is rather like assuming all those never-Trumpers are going to get in line and vote for Trump.

Wilbur म्हणाले...

Professor, you're assuming Hillary thinks about this like you do. From her perspective it may appear to be tremendously positive.

I don't think it matters much at all.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

It's also more than a little amusing that all these Trump fans are now GOPe. Support the party! Don't leave the party! GOP now, GOP forever! GOPe, GOPe, GOPe.

ha ha ha

Xmas म्हणाले...

I'm in the same boat as you, Professor. CA is a tight race and anything that takes the pressure of Clinton supporters to show up and vote is bad for Hillary. It will be even worse if it suppresses enough voters in New Jersey to make that a tight race. That state should be Hillary's for sure.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

It was for Hillary's benefit, and it was coordinated.

1) If she looses California tonight, the call has already been made. Media won't back away, and sexist Bernie will be pressured to drop out.
2) If she wins California, it validates the call, and sexist Bernie will be pressured to drop out.

David Begley म्हणाले...

All of womanhood benefits with this announcement. This is, well, historic. An unindicted criminal has been nominated to be President.

lonetown म्हणाले...

If they were looking for a replay of Chicago, they just guaranteed it. The Bernieites are not going to accept a stolen convention. NO. EFFING. WAY.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Even the little birds seem angry this morning. They aren't chirping and flitting about as usual. They're huddled in sullen rings, muttering.

Sydney म्हणाले...

That would make more sense if it was clear that this helps Hillary. It's at least not clear. I think it helps Bernie.

You are assuming a level of intelligence and competence in the Hillary campaign that so far has never been in evidence, stretching back to eight years ago when she ran against Obama.

Birkel म्हणाले...

This helps Hillary, as does the "leak" that Obama is going to endorse and campaign for Hillary.

Cranial-Rectal inversion for anybody who doesn't think this helps Hillary. George Snuffelupagus on Good Morning America led with the story. When was the last time he did anything anti-Clinton?

Unknown म्हणाले...

I agree, helps Bernie. I'm a YUUUGE Hillary fan, cannot wait to vote for her today in NJ (running out to join the winning team!) That said, all that the Berniie-ites have had going for them, for a while now, are these bogus claims of "we wuz robbed." If it's true that she doesn't have a majority of elected delegates yet, she will by the end of the day b/c these Dem primaries award proportionally, and, at best, Bernie may eke out a narrow majority in Ca (though I doubt it). Plus, we have, what, a few more likely-Bernie, lily-white states like Idaho or something, where HRC will nonetheless get some votes and delegates. So, she will win fair and square on elected delegates. But now, that genuine win will be obscured and the math-challenged will feel justified in "fighting on." I also agree this was probably done at the urging of the Clinton campaign, and that it was a stupid move, and typical of their clod-hopping, robotic, off-step lack of a feel for human emotional rhythm.

damikesc म्हणाले...

It's also more than a little amusing that all these Trump fans are now GOPe. Support the party! Don't leave the party! GOP now, GOP forever! GOPe, GOPe, GOPe.

Given that the same NeverTrumpers demanded people vote for McCain "for the party", it seems consistent to expect the same. McCain was one of the first opponents of the First Amendment to ever run and we were EXPECTED to vote for him.

It's all good. The GOP will never win another election. Because activists have seen that the elite, while demanding loyalty to THEIR choice of candidate, won't follow their demands if they dislike the candidate.

I bet it'll be REAL easy to get voters for milquetoast GOP nominees in the future. Especially if some of the conservatives do, as they are threatening, vote for Hillary. When that happens, the party is dead.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Did A.P. intend to help Bernie? Perhaps so. The media are benefited by the ongoing excitement.

Think for a minute about how corrupt and dishonest this is. Elites in the media, not reporting on the news, but intentionally skewering the news to benefit one of the parties.

I wonder if other news organizations will attack the A.P.'s bogus story?

Who is the "Associated Press" and why do they get to decide who is the Democrat nominee for president? Name names! Identify the scoundrels! Who's running the AP! Let's investigate and find out the corrupt bastards who are in the bag for Hillary!

Darrell म्हणाले...

Hillary voters can stay home today. The science is settled.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

I say the AP is a shady and secretive organization!

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

It depresses me to think Hillary will be the nominee. WTH is the Democratic Party doing?

Darrell म्हणाले...

If the Justice Department indicts Hillary today on 30,000 felony counts, the outcome may be affected.

amielalune म्हणाले...

Saint Croix:

"Think for a minute about how corrupt and dishonest this is. Elites in the media, not reporting on the news, but intentionally skewering the news to benefit one of the parties.

I wonder if other news organizations will attack the A.P.'s bogus story?

Who is the "Associated Press" and why do they get to decide who is the Democrat nominee for president? Name names! Identify the scoundrels! Who's running the AP! Let's investigate and find out the corrupt bastards who are in the bag for Hillary!"

MY GOD, PLEASE don't tell me you are just now figuring it out? Or is it just that it's fine for the msm to do such things until they do it against a Democrat? Open your eyes, for pete's sake.

Brando म्हणाले...

I don't see how this helps either of them. Bernie fans already figure the game is rigged against outsiders, and using superdelegates to consider this a "clinch" is transparent. Hillary fans are already pushing the "let's move on to the general election" argument, so they're going to try and push this. Ultimately, a wash. But also irresponsible journalism--neither Hillary nor Bernie can clinch it with earned delegates, so nothing is final until the super delegates vote at the convention (or if one drops out and gives their earned delegates to the other). And if some major scandal hits and forces Hillary to drop out in the next month, do you really think any of those pledged superdelegates (including her husband) is going to still back her?

Democrats are probably hoping the FBI pisses or gets off the pot--if there's going to be any indictment recommendation, they'd rather it happen now while they can still get a new candidate. The real embarrassment would be her winning the presidency while under indictment.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Hillary has switched to her presumptive nominee diapers today. It's all over.

rehajm म्हणाले...

You'll know who they intended to help by how much you'll hear about Bernie after today.

I'd wager sonewhere south of Bernie who?

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

Brando wrote:
"And if some major scandal hits and forces Hillary to drop out in the next month . . ."
This is why I hate absentee voting. If it's the only way you can vote, sure, but it cheapens the process. The less effort you put into the something, the less you value it. Voting should be made more difficult, not less difficult. It is inevitable, some day, that someone will win an election due to absentee ballots despite a horrific scandal erupting the day before the election.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

@Brando @ 7.39,
You might just be right. Hillary gets elected while under indictment. What a nightmare. Imagine being in the military and your CiC is under indictment for brazenly violating national security laws. Or being in the DoJ and the head of government is under criminal indictment.
One wonders if she is under indictment when elected if she will take the oath of office or do the honorable thing and resign and let the VP take office (somewhat like the Nixon arrangement) or absent that will Congress impeach and remove her?

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

MY GOD, PLEASE don't tell me you are just now figuring it out? Or is it just that it's fine for the msm to do such things until they do it against a Democrat? Open your eyes, for pete's sake

I'm feeling the Bern, feeling the Bern, I'm started to burn for Bern, somebody better hose me down.

I will find you, you invisible AP bastards!

Union thugs for peace on the way

our pigeons will shit on your heads

Birkel म्हणाले...


It depresses me to think you have only, just now after many long years, figured out what is obvious.

WTH is going on with otherwise moderately intelligent people?

Answer: willful blindness caused by political allegiance.

RNB म्हणाले...

'Coronated'? What a revolting neologism!

Bob Ellison म्हणाले...

Hillary can of course pardon herself. That may be 50% of her lust for power.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

I've noticed a run of DVDs where menstruation advances the plot (Hot Pursuit - "Can't you hold it?" "It doesn't work like that"; and Maps to the Stars).

A step up from The Proposal (2009) which was content to just mention it in passing ("Kotex runs") in a list of errands.

Hillary should get in on it somehow.

Talking Carl म्हणाले...

This is exactly what AP did when they announced Trump's "clinching" the nomination. They surveyed unbound delegates and found a few that put him over the top. Looks like ordinary journalistic effort to be first to report the "scoop", such as it is.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

The Media is part of this speculation packaged as a story. That's a huge problem for media credibility (what small microscopic parts of it might exist, that is).

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Just finished an article from Fox about those pending felony counts from the FBI. Some have apparently suggested that they have been waiting to drop their recommendations to prosecute on the DJ and the public for when the primaries are over but before the convention because they didn't want to affect the voting. Problem for waiting until after the convention is that it will be hard in many states to swap out candidates. They were able to do it in NJ because they had a Dem leaning Supreme Court that said that they could ignore black letter law because, essentially, a Dem Senate seat was at risk. Unfortunately for the Dems this time, roughly half the state supreme courts are Republican dominated. So, what happens when Hillary is certified on half the state ballots, and her replacement on the other half? Making things worse, maybe, is the 4-4,split on the US Supreme Court. And to make things even more fun - the House is likely to remain Republican, but even if not, it will most likely still have more Republican state delegations, since Dem Reps tend to represent urban areas in populous states. So dropping the referral between the end of primaries and the Dem convention offers the least political disruption - except that the Sanders people can expect then that he gets the nomination. The Dem establishment needs the criminal referral to drop between the convention and the election in order to substitute their apparently preferred Slo Joe Biden/Fauxhauntis Warren ticket. But, if it goes too long, a bunch of states with Republican supreme courts will have already certified their ballots with Hillary as the nominee. Should be interesting. Oh, and the FBI Director is a straight shooting, highly ethical, Republican.

Brando म्हणाले...

"This is why I hate absentee voting. If it's the only way you can vote, sure, but it cheapens the process."

Frankly states should require that absentee ballots not be postmarked more than 24 hours prior to election day, or 24 hours after election day, with an exception for documented exceptional circumstances.

"One wonders if she is under indictment when elected if she will take the oath of office or do the honorable thing and resign and let the VP take office (somewhat like the Nixon arrangement) or absent that will Congress impeach and remove her?"

That'd be counting a lot of Clinton developing a sense of shame. I could see her fighting right up until the Senate removes her. The Clintons know they can always count on some baseline level of unquestioning support, and all they have to do is convince enough people on top of that to prevent the 2/3 necessary to drum her out of office.

Imagine if Nixon had done that--fought tooth and nail to get 34 senators to block removal.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Oh, and I forgot - while the House is likely to remain Republican, the Senate is still more likely than not to flip, given the number of Republican seats at stake. So, we may end up with the House essentially voting for a Trump Presidency, while the Senate goes for a Dem VP. But we now run unified tickets of Pres/VP. How does that work out? Again, the 4-4 Supreme Ct split should make it interesting.

Brando म्हणाले...

"This is exactly what AP did when they announced Trump's "clinching" the nomination. They surveyed unbound delegates and found a few that put him over the top. Looks like ordinary journalistic effort to be first to report the "scoop", such as it is."

That's true, but at least in that case all his primary opponents had conceded by then so it didn't have the impression of influencing remaining voting. Since the Dems have several hundred unbound delegates (the superdelegates) it's not officially over until one candidate has a majority via earned delegates (which neither can achieve here) or the first ballot is actually cast in the convention.

"Some have apparently suggested that they have been waiting to drop their recommendations to prosecute on the DJ and the public for when the primaries are over but before the convention because they didn't want to affect the voting."

I can understand not wanting to get embroiled in an election, but if they have a case for indictment, they have a duty to indict. Frankly, I'd like to see it happen before the convention because I'm not so sure that Hillary would lose the general election even if indicted, and I'd rather the Dems have a chance to take a mulligan than have a president undergoing a criminal trial while in office.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

These are the 6 media companies that exist today. There used to be 88. These 6 all get their news from Reuters and the Associated Press. Reuters owns the AP and Rothschilds own Reuters.

hey, I'm sure these bogus news stories will help in your quest to control the narrative!

or it might cause distrust in your readers and make them lose faith in you

the night before the primary!


Martha म्हणाले...

Hillary!'s coronation was never in doubt. Nor is her election I fear. The Clintons power is frightening—absolutely frightening. Coupled with their disregard for the rule of law......our future depends on the FBI investigation.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

Not sure how absentee voting would work here. The problem is that you don't actually vote for a Presidential candidate, but rather a slate of electors who are supposed to vote for that candidate. Who are the electors with a write-in candidate? Who would be authorized to pick them? It is easy when the candidates have been nominated by a political party (no matter how small). Something else entirely when there is no party. We could end up with 51 different answers here.

M Jordan म्हणाले...

The AP* did this for one reason and one reason only: to depress Sanders forces and assure Clinton a win in California. Now Sanders supporters should know a little how a Republican feels about the media. Their corruption is deeper than even Donald Trump imagines.

*AP, not A.P. Ann. That's way too clumsy.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

hey Hillary! Hey AP!

What if Bernie's bird brings his bird buddies?

I've seen that movie!

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

All the FBI can do is recommend indictment in a criminal referral to the Obama/Lynch DoJ. The DoJ is the one that would have to indict and try the case. Which I think unlikely, for political reasons. Indicting the Dem candidate for President would probably give the election to Trump, who has declared his willngness to dismantle much of what Obama has done. It would mean doing the right thing, which the Administration has been loathe to do over the last 7 1/2 years. Plus, I have no doubt that the Clintons, through their foundation and their connections, could make Obama rich after he leaves office.

Martha म्हणाले...

MSM has been ignoring Bernie for about a week. AP just went one step further in declaring a Sanders candidacy officially dead.

Comanche Voter म्हणाले...

Life has to be pretty darn dull if you are excited by Bernie. You can't be the sharpest tool in the shed if you are excited by Bernie's faux solutions to things, using ideology and methodology that's led to countries without beer or toilet paper. See Venezuela.

OTOH since my only two choices on my primary ballot in California today are Bernie and Hillary, and since I'd rather have a positive Wasserman test than vote for Hillary---now or in November-- I'll feel the Bern and mark my ballot. Then I'll go home and take a long shower with lots of homemade lye soap like my grandma used to make.

Captain Drano म्हणाले...

I agree it was bogus. But then again, enduring listening to the news and her boring, robotic-yet screechy voice saying "this is a [not "an"] historic moment" made me want to puke, so maybe there was an underlying motive to energize Bernie supporters to keep MSM ratings up. Who knows--only one thing is certain--anything from the D side + the MSM is so incestuous anything is possible.

Etienne म्हणाले...

CBS couldn't wait to announce the historical first of a woman winning the primary.

Who cares. Now we have to wait for the first serial murderer to become President. Oh wait, she could win that title as well.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

@ Saint Croiz -
It's also more than a little amusing that all these Trump fans are now GOPe. Support the party! Don't leave the party! GOP now, GOP forever! GOPe, GOPe, GOPe.

ha ha ha

Exactly. They pointed their guns at the GOPe, now they point the gun at us.

Paul म्हणाले...

"Which is rather like assuming all those never-Trumpers are going to get in line and vote for Trump."

Except there are far more Sanders supporters. The rats have been fleeing the NeverTrump ship in droves. There are just a few jackasses left.

Paul म्हणाले...

"It's also more than a little amusing that all these Trump fans are now GOPe. Support the party! Don't leave the party! GOP now, GOP forever! GOPe, GOPe, GOPe.

ha ha h"

Hardly. The GOPe is still reviled, deservedly so. However it's in all our interests to resist the final demise of the United States Of America which would be realized with the election of Hillary Clinton for President. So we implore you to suck it up and vote to prevent that catastrophe.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Hillary was always ahead of the curve. Heck, when she was born she was named after Edmund Hillary who hadn't done anything of note at that point in his life. The millions of voters in California don't have to waste their time. The Presidential diapers are already on order.

Brando म्हणाले...

"It's also more than a little amusing that all these Trump fans are now GOPe. Support the party! Don't leave the party! GOP now, GOP forever! GOPe, GOPe, GOPe."

Well, a lot of the GOPe (though I despise the term, because it means everything and nothing at the same time, and for the Trumpists only really means "people who I don't like" rather than "people with influence and power in the GOP or conservative movement") have in fact gotten in line, and are now spending the next few months trying to separate themselves from Trump's latest and continuing idiocies. So they really are good soldiers, and plan to go down with this ship.

I never thought much of the "you suck, now come support us who think you suck, because it's your fault if we lose" argument. Whether it's McCain or Trump, ultimately the standard bearer has the burden of pulling the coalition together (look how hard Hillary is having at it). If you can't get the coalition together, is it really the fault of people you can't appeal to? And frankly it doesn't look like Trump even wants to appeal to anyone, but rather to say "get behind me, or else" which is working remarkably well all things considered.

And even Gingrich in his latest trip to the woodshed is learning that the only thing that matters in Trump world is Trump uber alles. That's the thread holding it all together.

Paul म्हणाले...

"And even Gingrich in his latest trip to the woodshed is learning that the only thing that matters in Trump world is Trump uber alles. That's the thread holding it all together."

Umm...no. Again for those of you slow on the uptake it's only about one thing.

Keeping Hillary out of the White House.

THAT is the thread holding it all together

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Well, I want to keep Hillary out of the White House too, but I think Trump is entirely cool with Hillary in the White House.

Paul म्हणाले...

"Well, I want to keep Hillary out of the White House too, but I think Trump is entirely cool with Hillary in the White House."

Yes Trump is cool with being a loser...wut?!

Michael K म्हणाले...

"I think Trump is entirely cool with Hillary in the White House."

This conspiracy theory is puzzling as supposedly intelligent people join the ranks of the "9/11 truthers" and assorted nuts and bolts.

Nobody has explained why he would do this.

Brando म्हणाले...

"Well, I want to keep Hillary out of the White House too, but I think Trump is entirely cool with Hillary in the White House."

He certainly seems to come to her rescue every time she's on the ropes. IG report blowing a hole in her defense of her e-mail practices? What a great time to take a shot at Governor Martinez, and follow it up with a dumb attack on the Judge in the Trump University case! Maybe he can underperform Romney's numbers with Hispanics.

If Hillary wins--and she very well may--it will be solely because the GOP picked someone less popular than her.

Brando म्हणाले...

"This conspiracy theory is puzzling as supposedly intelligent people join the ranks of the "9/11 truthers" and assorted nuts and bolts."

Easy there, your own candidate has latched on to practically every conspiracy theory out there. Maybe he'll even buy into the theory that he is throwing this for Hillary, and the logic loop will destroy his brain.

khesanh0802 म्हणाले...

I rarely agree with St Croix, but think his attack on AP and thus all MSM is spot on. What the hell do they tech in "journalism" school? It sure as hell isn't respect for facts, or honesty for the matter.

khesanh0802 म्हणाले...


damikesc म्हणाले...

These constant "she's WON THIS THING!!" stories for months is why I'm ignoring all polling stories at this point.

Democrats are probably hoping the FBI pisses or gets off the pot--if there's going to be any indictment recommendation, they'd rather it happen now while they can still get a new candidate. The real embarrassment would be her winning the presidency while under indictment.

They've had to request another secret declaration about why they cannot honor another FOIA request involving their investigation of emails. They are having to admit it is both a criminal AND counter-intel investigation.

Lewis Wetzel म्हणाले...

Lots of headlines on the internet this AM, claiming Hillary has clinched the nomination, all crediting the AP.

Paul म्हणाले...

"If Hillary wins--and she very well may--it will be solely because the GOP picked someone less popular than her."

You'd love that so you could justify your endless clucking but I think Trump will defeat her soundly and is the only Republican candidate who could do so. Time will tell.

Darrell म्हणाले...

The federal judge not only has ties to La Raza, he has ties to the clown pushing the lawsuit against Trump. The judge should have recused himself within a second. Now he should be sitting in jail.

Brando म्हणाले...

"You'd love that so you could justify your endless clucking but I think Trump will defeat her soundly and is the only Republican candidate who could do so. Time will tell."

I wouldn't love a Hillary presidency even for the sake of proving my warnings about Trump correct (and I think Trump has a chance against her, as Hillary is also a terrible candidate). I disagree with you that either of these candidates can defeat the other "soundly" (not with polarization the way it is today) or that he is the only Republican who could have defeated her. We'll see about the former, but the latter is obviously unprovable.

Brando म्हणाले...

"The federal judge not only has ties to La Raza, he has ties to the clown pushing the lawsuit against Trump. The judge should have recused himself within a second. "

If there was a basis for recusal, Trump would have filed for one by now. The fact that he didn't says it all. This is not about trying to get the judge to drop out, this is about trying to lay groundwork for the fallout after an expected negative ruling on this case. If it goes against him, Trump can say "see? Mexicans!"

MarkW म्हणाले...

I think it was intended to help Hillary and that is likely to be the effect. What will happen if Bernie wins California? If that happens, the Hillary-supporting media can have a big collective yawn over the results, leading with the 'fact' that it's all irrelevant because Hillary has already won (and suggesting it's probably only because Hillary voters may stayed home since their candidate had already clinched). The AP story was intended not so much to affect the results in California, but to make a Hillary loss into boring non-news.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Interesting question. If I were a Bernie supporter in CA, I'd certainly be more motivated to vote today. But I also think the media overestimate their influence.

eric म्हणाले...

Whether you think this helps Hillary or Bernie is besides the point.

What did the AP think?

The AP probably remembers what happened in Florida in 2000. They called the state for Gore and because of that, depressed the vote turnout for Bush in the pan handle. The AP is trying to do the same thing. It's over. Hillary has won. Why bother voting for Bernie?

People should be fired over such obvious attempts at influencing elections.

Darrell म्हणाले...


Big Mike म्हणाले...

BUT: Did A.P. intend to help Bernie? Perhaps so. The media are benefited by the ongoing excitement. [emphasis mine]

The AP wanted to hype the news from the Virgin Islands. How to do that? The way they chose was to opine that this clinches her nomination. Will this increase or will it depress Bernie turnout in California? Doesn't matter to the AP one way or the other. They'll still get their headlines because it's California. Maybe more mouse clicks is Bernie wins, but unless he somehow manages to win by a landslide Hillary will get enough delegates to guarantee a first ballot nomination.

amielalune म्हणाले...

If I were a Bernie voter, I think this would motivate me more. I can't even begin to put myself in the shoes of a Hillary voter. Thank God.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Too funny, Ms. Althouse. This story was written and promoted in order to depress turnout for Sanders today- one can be 100% certain of this because of the timing- the day before the primary. I just love the bit about how the Clinton campaign was unwilling to declare victory, something they have been proclaiming for the last 2 months in the campaign to get Sanders to drop out!

Trump was right- the press is a den of scumbags and sleazes. However, Sanders deserves it for not really going after Clinton on her ethics.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...

I believe that the "scoop" by AP was intended to help Hillary. It was a big gamble to discourage Bernie voters in CA, but Bernie supporters don't care and this confirms the system is rigged. It's really quite disgusting for the media to disrespect the voters' role in determining election outcomes. In the long run that hurts Hillary.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

On further consideration, I think it was at least intended to favor Hillary, as has been pointed out: It's over, Sanders supporters! Why vote? OTOH, maybe some Hillary voters will stay home! :)

mockturtle म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
mockturtle म्हणाले...

Honestly, I would even prefer Bernie over Hillary.

readering म्हणाले...

But for AP's counting and story last night there was going to be a lot of news made after the polls close in Jersey about Hillary going over the top. Would that have been fake? No. This is no big deal. A fake blog post to hit the MSM and frontrunner for no good purpose.

HoodlumDoodlum म्हणाले...

It hurts Hillary with the votes today but it helps her tremendously over all. If she underperforms today, well, who cares--she's the presumptive nominee! IF she performs as expected or overperforms today, well, of course--she's the presumptive nominee! She wins either way. Thanks, Media.

shiloh म्हणाले...

"WTH is the Democratic Party doing?"

Trying to win the presidency.

WTH is the Republican Party doing?

mikee म्हणाले...

As I have written before, Hillary had all the votes she needed for the primary from the moment of her announcement as a candidate, and therefore ran a lackluster campaign because, hey, campaigning is real work, and being crowned is easier than winning an election.

She will continue to run a lackluster campaign, because she is absolutely sure she has enough votes, real and fraudulent, to win the general against any number of votes Trump may claim to have after the election.

Here's to a four year clusterf**k worldwide with that psychopath Hillary as president.

Clyde म्हणाले...

It ain't over until the crooked lady accepts... Assuming she isn't perp-walked first.

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