Dave Barry once joked of the famous exception to free speech: "You can't shout FIRE in a crowded theater. In fact, you can't shout fire in a crowded theater even if there actually is a fire."
It's kind of like that here. Throughout history, when racists and xenophobes have wanted to stir people up, they've said, They're raping our women! So now we sensitive and enlightened people know, you can't ever say of outsiders or newcomers, They're raping our women! Even if, you know, they actually are. Besides, what do you mean "our," mister?
All the complainants said they were “surrounded” by their tormentors before being “touched and fondled” improperly at the annual free Schlossgrabenfestes music festival.
Is it un-PC to call these lecherous swirls a "Human Haboob"?
They havent worked out the rules yet, for a tribalized society. Soon enough all these people will figure out norms - those places certain people will find reasonably safe, places where certain others are welcome, etc. Like in Britain, where ethnic segregation is quite a thing.
Throughout history, when racists and xenophobes have wanted to stir people up, they've said, They're raping our women! So now we sensitive and enlightened people know, you can't ever say of outsiders or newcomers, They're raping our women! Even if, you know, they actually are.
Which leads to the inevitable question: Were some of those claims in the past actually true?
He also says he thinks they should only be accommodated temporarily.
The Pope, obviously, couldn't care less about the survival of Western Europe. There's something sinister about Francis. The whole over the top humility thing is an act.
Francis should travel home to South America and lecture Latin left-wing governments on the responsibility of making food available for purchase.
Binks is right. All cultures are morally equivalent. Other than oil, what has the Muslim culture given to the world? And now that we have plenty of oil at $70, why do we need them?
All the complainants said they were “surrounded” by their tormentors before being “touched and fondled” improperly at the annual free Schlossgrabenfestes music festival.
Maybe these non-native German speakers were unclear just what a Schloss is and exactly when they were allowed to graben them.
I'm going to come at this from a different perspective and point out that the German Police appear to have been neutered by the Politicals, the press and the German Elites.
The German Police I knew 40 years ago would have gone 100% apeshit and baton if German girls came running to them complaining of rape.
Having seen the Politzei work over unruly GI's, I am truly shocked at their current pacivity with Muslims. PC clearly trumps nuclear weapons :)
Was that wrong? Did they do something wrong? We must explain to them that that is inappropriate behavior. Lets also be sure to explain to them that its not acceptable to defecate in the public swimming pools which I'm sure it never occurred to them that is poor fellowship and not considerate of others..
I am fully in support of this. I also believe the refugees would be best served if housed on South 39th Street in Milwaukee near his voting address, or somewhere on the University of Wisconsin Campus where I am sure there is plenty of available housing, food, resources, and girls with big American breasts.
Lo and behold. Muslim young military age men are committed to being a gang of Raiders invading Europe and North America to take loot, women and slaves.
In case you wonder why our brave media is not diving more into stories like this and challenging the immigrants to become civilized, check out this fun video (this is in Stockholm!) -- http://www.dailywire.com/news/4241/black-african-muslims-attack-aussie-news-crew-robert-kraychik
An American woman with a concealed carry permit could sure educate some of these Pakistani men. The ones that survived to be arrested, anyway. Ladies, I recommend the Glock 19 with hollow point ammo.
I like the bacon grease idea. Not sure that would actually work though -.wouldnt the heat through the air melt the grease? I read somewhere that the Brits really hadn't done this to the Muzzies back in what is now mostly Pakistan. What is most important is that they think it might work. Still, if it doesn't work, wouldn't there still be a market for special purpose anti-Muzzie rounds? Maybe seal in the bacon grease in the hollow of the hollow points. Maybe call them Jihadi Specials. Something like that. Unfortunately, probably won't be acceptable for our troops in Afghanistan, and now again, in Iraq. (I found out the other day that the .223 rounds used in M-16s were designed to tumble after impact because hollow points are banned by, I believe, the Geneva Convention - expect this sort of thing would be equally verboten)..
@ Bruce - If not sealed at the end, it would most surely happen; perhaps even if teflon coated. A company did however, coat their rounds with a bacon grease infused paint. Jihawg Ammo is apparently though, no longer available.
Not sure about the advisability of a Glock 19 for concealed carry for those women. In my view, Glocks are one of those guns that should only be carried in a holster (or case). Never loose in a purse. Or never carry with a round in the chamber. The problem is that they don't have a real safety, but rather are "safe action", which means that they can be dropped several stories and won't go off, but will if anything is in the trigger guard, which is why a purse would be so dangerous. And determining whether there is a round in the chamber is not easy either. I like the Springfield Armory system there much better. I am currently primarily shooting a G 17 (the slightly bigger brother for the mentioned G 17), and would love to replace it with a Sig, or if I can't find that much money, Springfield. I tried a G 19 a couple months ago, and just don't shoot it as well as my G 17. But then, Mike wasn't talking about arming adult males, but rather vulnerable females. Still, for a lot of women, I would probably go even smaller, lighter, and maybe smaller caliber.
@Unknown - "And limiting Islamic immigrants is a ....bad?...idea?"
It's a bad idea, because it's not feasible. You simply cannot vet for religious belief. You can hover, ban immigration from various countries, for a host of reasons.
The Crusades have become boring. What happened to the good old days when the Muslims were slaughtered by the thousands, and blood flowed like a river to the Olive trees?
Do abortion rites, clinical "planning", and other dysfunctional behaviors pose such an extreme threat to Europe's viability that their left-wing leaders need to further sacrifice the people in order to save them?
That said, opportunistic abandonment, progressive wars, impulsive regime changes, and mass emigration (exceeding assimilation and integration) from existing and created second and third-world nations have predictable consequences. Not everyone is Islamic or Christian or Atheist or Pro-Choice etc.
I read a report a few months ago about what happened when some "refugees" tried the same thing with Russian women. A group of Russian men thoroughly beat the living crap out of them. The police showed up and essentially did nothing. Just as in Texas where reportedly "he deserved killing" is considered an acceptable defense, the Russian police decided that those "refugees" deserved their ass whipping.
This is what it's going to take to teach the refugees that certain behavior is unacceptable. I doubt anything short of that will make them change their behavior. Unfortunately, it seems many western men (term used generously) are too civilized to do what is necessary.
The Crusades have become boring. What happened to the good old days when the Muslims were slaughtered by the thousands, and blood flowed like a river to the Olive trees?
The crusades were defensive wars fought to stop the spread of Islam and to try and reclaim lands conquered by Islam. Islam was the aggressor.
Little known, but the iconic Mexican tune "La Cucaracha" is actually a Spanish folksong, though at this time it is utterly forgotten in Spain.
It is of course very well suited to topical doggerel, and so it has been applied for various causes. There are versions that were sung against Napoleon, for instance. But for ancient historical reasons most versions seem to have been anti-Moorish/anti-Muslim. Some collections of lyrics, from perhaps the 18th-19th century, include -
De la patillas de un moro tengo que hacer una escoba, para que barra el cuartel la infantería española.
"From the whiskers of a Moor I've got to make a broom to sweep the barracks of the Spanish infantry"
Del pellejo del rey moro tengo que hacer un sofá, para que se siente en él el Capitán General.
"From the hide of the Moorish King I'll make a sofa So as to make a seat for the Captain-General"
De las costillas de un moro me atrevo a formar un puente, para que pase la España y su ejército valiente.
@Gahrie - "Carter did. And it is actually part of US immigration law."
No, Carter acted against Iranian national, mostly those on student visas. His action, and our immigration law, was not predicated nor directed towards a class based solely on religion.
The version of "La Cucaracha" I quoted (not of course the Mexican cucaracha) seems to date from Spain's Moroccan campaign of 1860 (It mentions O'Donnell, Tangiers, etc.) If you want a look at the source, Google books has "Cantos Populares" Francisco Rodriguez Marin, 1883. Folksongs (genuine ones) are pretty good indicators of popular attitudes I think.
I'd be interested to hear from Mr. Trump [since it was his proposal], how he would institute an immigration ban based on religious belief. "Welcome to the United States Mr Ghazi....are you a Muslim?" - "No, I am not" - "Thank you Mr. Ghazi, you may proceed to baggage claim".
@Bruce Hayden, you offer valid criticisms. The advantage of the Glock 19 is that it's sized for a woman's hand but carries 15 rounds. There are basically five solutions for the problem you raised.
(1) Many purses have pockets large enough for a compact semi-automatic, and the pocket will keep loose items from engaging the trigger.
(2) Concealed carry purses used to be very un-stylish (because designed by men without feminine input), but these days are made of good leather and feature good hardware, therefore much more attractive.
(3) There are holsters that a woman can use under loose clothing. Note that at the end of the video the model is concealing her handgun under a bikini bottom and loose beach cover-up. Hey! Eyes on the holster, not her torso!
(4) The Flash Bang under bra holster. A woman doesn't have to be as well-endowed as the model in this video, but should be at least a B to avoid people being able to see that she's got a holster.
(5) A Smith & Wesson hammerless J-frame snub nose revolver. The downside of the S&W snubbie is that it carries only five rounds, though the model 351PD is chambered for .22 Magnum, which hits pretty hard, and carries seven rounds.
n.n said... Do abortion rites, blah blah blah blah Pro-Choice etc. n.n said... Was that before or after people and babies were aborted blah blah n.n said... Have you advocated or contracted to commit abortion?
My mother returned to France for a family visit in 1967. She had been away for 20 years, and one of her older sisters had died. When she came home she had a 45 RPM record of Mireille Mathieu. Our family name is Mathieu, so I found that interesting (turns out Mathieu in France is like Jones in America, ha).
My brothers held their noses (being rock n roll types), but I was intrigued. I told my mother I liked it. She then wrote her other sister, and she sent us a few albums. Oh my, I wore the grooves out on those. The only place I saw her records (cassette tapes actually) was in Germany and Arabia. Never in the states.
I called her the woman with a million faces, because her face has changed through the years. Not so much now, as she's 70. Her mother just died a few months ago at age 94. Good Lord!
I'd be interested to hear from Mr. Trump [since it was his proposal], how he would institute an immigration ban based on religious belief.
Really, CI? That was his proposal? His actual proposal is on his web site. Why don't you read it? Then you can explain how you came to believe this particular interpretation of his comments since it bears so little resemblance to what he actually said. I am tired of leading horses to water today, find it yourself since you are such an expert on Trump.
"The only place I saw her records (cassette tapes actually) was in Germany and Arabia"
The only place I saw her stuff was on Youtube, while looking for Piaf. Thats an entire career that never made it to the US - or Asia via the US. Am something of a fan. She was for some reason really big in Germany. Any idea?
buwaya said...She was for some reason really big in Germany. Any idea?
The Germans had a similar music called Schlagger. When I was stationed there in the late 70's, early 80's, it was the music I liked. Usually associated with beer and pork! ha.
For some reason Mireille just couldn't learn English, but found that German was very natural.
Her manager gave up forcing her to learn English when she started selling beaucoup records there, after her French sales started declining...
I like the Springfield Armory system there much better. I am currently primarily shooting a G 17 (the slightly bigger brother for the mentioned G 17), and would love to replace it with a Sig …
Take a look at the Sig SP2022. It’s Sig’s lower-priced polymer frame model. Comes in a variety of caliber, starting w/9mm. It’s reliable, accurate and easy to shoot.
Yes, I am. The conversation begins and ends with a reconciliation of moral and natural imperatives. It is self-evident that debasing human life for light and opportunistic causes is a violation of both. So, yeah, I will engage in the slightest of contortions to repeat the point in every context.
As for Pro-Choice, selective value, selective dignity, selective science, selective law, selective principles, and so on and so forth, we've been there, and done that. We should think twice, thrice about reestablishing this philosophy as the basis of a national Church (i.e. organized behavioral arbiter).
I am sure there is a perfunctory link in one of those left wing news sources you trusted to interpret what he said for you. Thanks for the admission though
@Tim - Lighten up Francis. It's telling when someone can't remain civil...it's usually because they're wrong. But you'd best tend to your own horses, since his numerous statements regarding this ban are a quick Google away. Tell us, did his campaign state or not state the following: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"?
That's from Trumps website, by the way: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-statement-on-preventing-muslim-immigration.
Are you sure you still want to stand by your assertion?
How about a ban on immigrants from certain countries and those that have traveled into those countries? Nothing to do with religion. How about that, you paid Hillary Moby?
@Gusty Winds: thanks for that link. Presumably the experience of the Dalai Lama and other Tibetans at the hands of the Chinese has given him respect for cultures that want to maintain their own values and customs in the face of invasion by a destructive culture with radically different ideas.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on"
Izzat true? If so, it sounds a hell of a lot more sensible than "Anybody who gets in stays here" or "Please bring us more Muslim immigrants." Let's hear the arguments for open immigration. Let's hear the arguments for more Muslim immigrants.
You know, under the current immigration policies and procedures we allowed into this country a Muslim who advocated killing Americans, and who did just that in San Bernardino. If you don't think that those policies and procedures need to be fixed with respect to Muslims, then how do you propose to stop future San Bernardinos from happening?
"In 19th-century psychiatry, monomania was a form of partial insanity conceived as single pathological preoccupation in an otherwise sound mind." Except for the last five words.
The conversation begins and ends with a reconciliation of moral and natural imperatives.
No it doesn't. That's barely not gibberish. Schizo-babble.
It is self-evident that debasing human life for light and opportunistic causes is a violation of both.
No it's not and no it doesn't. See above.
As for Pro-Choice, selective value, selective dignity, selective science, selective law, selective principles, and so on and so forth, we've been there, and done that.
Every subject make you start babbling nonsense about dead babies; what kind of meds are you not taking?
I'd be interested to hear from Mr. Trump [since it was his proposal], how he would institute an immigration ban based on religious belief.
Temporary ban proposed in the context of Hillary and Obama suggesting that we should accept hundreds of thousands of "refugees" from Syria. I can understand why these refugees weigh heavily on their conscience, and never mind the thousand sexual assaults and robberies carried out by these refugees In cologne on New Year's Eve alone, remember that "refugees" with Syrian passports were among the perpetrators in the Paris attacks, nobody knows yet who was behind the most recent Egypt Air bombing, which seems to have disappeared from the news, I guess on the grounds that it helps Trump and hurts Hillary.
I have admitted many times that Trump is far from a perfect candidate and can be sloppy with his language, but if your argument against controlling immigration from a population that does not believe in democracy, women's, or gay rights, just for starters, is that it can't be done perfectly, so we shouldn't even attempt it, good luck with that argument in the general election.
Remember the choice is Hillary, who had a large hand in creating this refugee mess in the first place.
@Tim - "but if your argument against controlling immigration from a population that does not believe in democracy, women's, or gay rights, just for starters, is that it can't be done perfectly, so we shouldn't even attempt it, good luck with that argument in the general election."
Not even remotely my argument. I believe that we should institute a travel and student visa ban for a moderate list of named countries, for travelers coming from, travelled to or have home of origin in those nations.
My position was not to ban "Muslim immigrants", which is exactly what Trump stated. Why wouldn't you hold accountable, the candidate who claims to represent you?
The "big deal" is that his STATED plan was entirely infeasible. I thought we looked for some semblance of intellect in a POTUS.
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९८ टिप्पण्या:
Pakistan is not Syria. What are they seeking asylum from?
German women are really hot.
This is what happens in a disarmed society.
It's a new plot twist idea for movies.
I passed up this one
their reunion is marked by a strong mutual attraction, but their passionate relationship is short-lived when Tommy is killed in a freak car accident.
Tired old stuff needs new blood.
As ye grope so shall ye rape.
Dave Barry once joked of the famous exception to free speech: "You can't shout FIRE in a crowded theater. In fact, you can't shout fire in a crowded theater even if there actually is a fire."
It's kind of like that here. Throughout history, when racists and xenophobes have wanted to stir people up, they've said, They're raping our women! So now we sensitive and enlightened people know, you can't ever say of outsiders or newcomers, They're raping our women! Even if, you know, they actually are. Besides, what do you mean "our," mister?
All the complainants said they were “surrounded” by their tormentors before being “touched and fondled” improperly at the annual free Schlossgrabenfestes music festival.
Is it un-PC to call these lecherous swirls a "Human Haboob"?
Was it grope grope?
Reportedly there are three million waiting in Turkey to come to the West. That's about twice the population of Nebraska.
They havent worked out the rules yet, for a tribalized society. Soon enough all these people will figure out norms - those places certain people will find reasonably safe, places where certain others are welcome, etc. Like in Britain, where ethnic segregation is quite a thing.
Throughout history, when racists and xenophobes have wanted to stir people up, they've said, They're raping our women! So now we sensitive and enlightened people know, you can't ever say of outsiders or newcomers, They're raping our women! Even if, you know, they actually are.
Which leads to the inevitable question: Were some of those claims in the past actually true?
There is an awful lot to run away from, in Pakistan.
If I were in Pakistan I would run off at the first opportunity.
The Dalai Lama thinks Europe has let in too many refugees.
He also says he thinks they should only be accommodated temporarily.
The Pope, obviously, couldn't care less about the survival of Western Europe. There's something sinister about Francis. The whole over the top humility thing is an act.
Francis should travel home to South America and lecture Latin left-wing governments on the responsibility of making food available for purchase.
Constitutional Insurgent said...
This is what happens in a disarmed society.
6/1/16, 9:58 AM
i guess sometimes it happens in armed societies too....
We must respect all rape cultures.
Binks is right. All cultures are morally equivalent. Other than oil, what has the Muslim culture given to the world? And now that we have plenty of oil at $70, why do we need them?
Obviously the complainants are racist. They only object because the men were swarthy instead of Germanic.
"Is it un-PC to call these lecherous swirls a "Human Haboob"?"
Rapey Duststorm People might be hurtful.
Gropes of Wrath
All the complainants said they were “surrounded” by their tormentors before being “touched and fondled” improperly at the annual free Schlossgrabenfestes music festival.
Maybe these non-native German speakers were unclear just what a Schloss is and exactly when they were allowed to graben them.
I'm going to come at this from a different perspective and point out that the German Police appear to have been neutered by the Politicals, the press and the German Elites.
The German Police I knew 40 years ago would have gone 100% apeshit and baton if German girls came running to them complaining of rape.
Having seen the Politzei work over unruly GI's, I am truly shocked at their current pacivity with Muslims. PC clearly trumps nuclear weapons :)
"If I were in Pakistan I would run off at the first opportunity."
That's why millions of them are in Britain. The only problem is that they are turning London into Islamabad.
How will this affect their asylum chances?
Was that wrong? Did they do something wrong? We must explain to them that that is inappropriate behavior. Lets also be sure to explain to them that its not acceptable to defecate in the public swimming pools which I'm sure it never occurred to them that is poor fellowship and not considerate of others..
All the complainants said they were “surrounded” by their tormentors before being “touched and fondled” improperly...
Maybe they just need lessons on the proper touching and fondling of German women.
Democrat Daniel Riemer, a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly thinks its a great idea for Wisconsin to accept refugees from Syria.
I am fully in support of this. I also believe the refugees would be best served if housed on South 39th Street in Milwaukee near his voting address, or somewhere on the University of Wisconsin Campus where I am sure there is plenty of available housing, food, resources, and girls with big American breasts.
One translation would be Palace Grave Festival. I'm not sure they thought this all the way through.
Lo and behold. Muslim young military age men are committed to being a gang of Raiders invading Europe and North America to take loot, women and slaves.
Nothing has changed.
Surprised the media actually reported this story.
I never saw that coming
In case you wonder why our brave media is not diving more into stories like this and challenging the immigrants to become civilized, check out this fun video (this is in Stockholm!) -- http://www.dailywire.com/news/4241/black-african-muslims-attack-aussie-news-crew-robert-kraychik
An American woman with a concealed carry permit could sure educate some of these Pakistani men. The ones that survived to be arrested, anyway. Ladies, I recommend the Glock 19 with hollow point ammo.
And fill the hollow point with bacon grease.
Dog bites man. Not news, just expected behavior.
Virgil Hilts said...
check out this fun video (this is in Stockholm!)
I watched the video. Unbelievable. And the Swedes seem so passive about it. They have already submitted. Their country is gone.
I wonder if the Swedish Bikini Team will soon have to wear burkas.
I think refugees are like windmills to Democrats, the Pope, and Madison's self-righteous liberals.
They welcome them. Insist they add value.
They just don't want either located in their own backyard.
I like the bacon grease idea. Not sure that would actually work though -.wouldnt the heat through the air melt the grease? I read somewhere that the Brits really hadn't done this to the Muzzies back in what is now mostly Pakistan. What is most important is that they think it might work. Still, if it doesn't work, wouldn't there still be a market for special purpose anti-Muzzie rounds? Maybe seal in the bacon grease in the hollow of the hollow points. Maybe call them Jihadi Specials. Something like that. Unfortunately, probably won't be acceptable for our troops in Afghanistan, and now again, in Iraq. (I found out the other day that the .223 rounds used in M-16s were designed to tumble after impact because hollow points are banned by, I believe, the Geneva Convention - expect this sort of thing would be equally verboten)..
@ Bruce - If not sealed at the end, it would most surely happen; perhaps even if teflon coated. A company did however, coat their rounds with a bacon grease infused paint. Jihawg Ammo is apparently though, no longer available.
Der Groppen Gruppen.
You just can't dump a bunch of fish into an aquarium. Some of them are not compatible with others.s
Not sure about the advisability of a Glock 19 for concealed carry for those women. In my view, Glocks are one of those guns that should only be carried in a holster (or case). Never loose in a purse. Or never carry with a round in the chamber. The problem is that they don't have a real safety, but rather are "safe action", which means that they can be dropped several stories and won't go off, but will if anything is in the trigger guard, which is why a purse would be so dangerous. And determining whether there is a round in the chamber is not easy either. I like the Springfield Armory system there much better. I am currently primarily shooting a G 17 (the slightly bigger brother for the mentioned G 17), and would love to replace it with a Sig, or if I can't find that much money, Springfield. I tried a G 19 a couple months ago, and just don't shoot it as well as my G 17. But then, Mike wasn't talking about arming adult males, but rather vulnerable females. Still, for a lot of women, I would probably go even smaller, lighter, and maybe smaller caliber.
And limiting Islamic immigrants is a ....bad?...idea?
Colt Detective Special, or similar -
Hey this one is made in the Philippines! - cheap too
Rock Island/Armscor M206
Small grip for small hands.
@Bruce - Agreed. I don't like loose purse carry, which is why I bought my wife a Sherpani concealed carry purse.
First they try to rename your sandstorms "haboobs", then they try to grab your boobs.
@Unknown - "And limiting Islamic immigrants is a ....bad?...idea?"
It's a bad idea, because it's not feasible. You simply cannot vet for religious belief. You can hover, ban immigration from various countries, for a host of reasons.
OT: given Gen. Petreaus getting into trouble by retaining and disclosing his calendar to an uncleared biographer
She was cleared, but lacked the 'need to know'
e.g. it wasn't Army business she was working. It was a biography...
The Crusades have become boring. What happened to the good old days when the Muslims were slaughtered by the thousands, and blood flowed like a river to the Olive trees?
Si grand soit le monde,
si loin que je sois
à chaque seconde,
moi, je pense à toi
à ce coin de France
où tu est resté
avec mon enfance et mes oliviers.
Do abortion rites, clinical "planning", and other dysfunctional behaviors pose such an extreme threat to Europe's viability that their left-wing leaders need to further sacrifice the people in order to save them?
That said, opportunistic abandonment, progressive wars, impulsive regime changes, and mass emigration (exceeding assimilation and integration) from existing and created second and third-world nations have predictable consequences. Not everyone is Islamic or Christian or Atheist or Pro-Choice etc.
I read a report a few months ago about what happened when some "refugees" tried the same thing with Russian women. A group of Russian men thoroughly beat the living crap out of them. The police showed up and essentially did nothing. Just as in Texas where reportedly "he deserved killing" is considered an acceptable defense, the Russian police decided that those "refugees" deserved their ass whipping.
This is what it's going to take to teach the refugees that certain behavior is unacceptable. I doubt anything short of that will make them change their behavior. Unfortunately, it seems many western men (term used generously) are too civilized to do what is necessary.
There is a way to reduce those critters' sex drive. Some fast work with a sharp knife will do it.
Muslims were slaughtered by the thousands
Was that before or after Christians, Jews, Hindu, etc. were slaughtered and enslaved by Muslims by the millions?
Was that before or after people and babies were aborted and reclassified by Atheists by the millions?
The Crusades have become boring. What happened to the good old days when the Muslims were slaughtered by the thousands, and blood flowed like a river to the Olive trees?
The crusades were defensive wars fought to stop the spread of Islam and to try and reclaim lands conquered by Islam. Islam was the aggressor.
You simply cannot vet for religious belief
Carter did. And it is actually part of US immigration law.
Little known, but the iconic Mexican tune "La Cucaracha" is actually a Spanish folksong, though at this time it is utterly forgotten in Spain.
It is of course very well suited to topical doggerel, and so it has been applied for various causes. There are versions that were sung against Napoleon, for instance. But for ancient historical reasons most versions seem to have been anti-Moorish/anti-Muslim.
Some collections of lyrics, from perhaps the 18th-19th century, include -
De la patillas de un moro
tengo que hacer una escoba,
para que barra el cuartel
la infantería española.
"From the whiskers of a Moor
I've got to make a broom
to sweep the barracks
of the Spanish infantry"
Del pellejo del rey moro
tengo que hacer un sofá,
para que se siente en él
el Capitán General.
"From the hide of the Moorish King
I'll make a sofa
So as to make a seat
for the Captain-General"
De las costillas de un moro
me atrevo a formar un puente,
para que pase la España
y su ejército valiente.
Not popular these days.
mccullough said...
"Pakistan is not Syria. What are they seeking asylum from?"
If I was a Muslim man, and all the women in my village were circumcised, I'd swim to Europe too.
@Gahrie - "Carter did. And it is actually part of US immigration law."
No, Carter acted against Iranian national, mostly those on student visas. His action, and our immigration law, was not predicated nor directed towards a class based solely on religion.
Those guys were adherents of the Religion of Piece [of Ass].
The version of "La Cucaracha" I quoted (not of course the Mexican cucaracha) seems to date from Spain's Moroccan campaign of 1860 (It mentions O'Donnell, Tangiers, etc.)
If you want a look at the source, Google books has "Cantos Populares" Francisco Rodriguez Marin, 1883. Folksongs (genuine ones) are pretty good indicators of popular attitudes I think.
Gahrie said...
"You simply cannot vet for religious belief"
Carter did. And it is actually part of US immigration law.
Many people are quick to say you can't do something that they really just don't want to do. You don't know what you can't do until you try to.
I'd be interested to hear from Mr. Trump [since it was his proposal], how he would institute an immigration ban based on religious belief. "Welcome to the United States Mr Ghazi....are you a Muslim?" - "No, I am not" - "Thank you Mr. Ghazi, you may proceed to baggage claim".
There's an important lesson to be learned here,
If they would wear appropriate Islamic attire thins like this might not happen to them.
Coupe: "Si grand soit le monde,
si loin que je sois
à chaque seconde,
moi, je pense à toi
à ce coin de France
où tu est resté
avec mon enfance et mes oliviers."
Nice. Who wrote this?
Have you traveled or ever lived in Iran? Were you a terrorist?
Have you advocated or contracted to commit abortion? Not even in the back alley?
Have you promoted or implemented [class] diversity schemes? Implicitly?
Thank you.
Invasions are met with three options:
1) The locals will give up and be pacified by the invaders.
2) The locals will resist and slaughter the invaders.
3) Guerilla warfare.
There has never been another option.
It is much easier to stereotype a German as a racist than to stereotype a Pakistani migrant as a rapist.
Germany's sex ed website they put up to teach immigrants not to rape isn't working? (WaPo article about the site.)
@Bruce Hayden, you offer valid criticisms. The advantage of the Glock 19 is that it's sized for a woman's hand but carries 15 rounds. There are basically five solutions for the problem you raised.
(1) Many purses have pockets large enough for a compact semi-automatic, and the pocket will keep loose items from engaging the trigger.
(2) Concealed carry purses used to be very un-stylish (because designed by men without feminine input), but these days are made of good leather and feature good hardware, therefore much more attractive.
(3) There are holsters that a woman can use under loose clothing. Note that at the end of the video the model is concealing her handgun under a bikini bottom and loose beach cover-up. Hey! Eyes on the holster, not her torso!
(4) The Flash Bang under bra holster. A woman doesn't have to be as well-endowed as the model in this video, but should be at least a B to avoid people being able to see that she's got a holster.
(5) A Smith & Wesson hammerless J-frame snub nose revolver. The downside of the S&W snubbie is that it carries only five rounds, though the model 351PD is chambered for .22 Magnum, which hits pretty hard, and carries seven rounds.
In defense of the molesters, the event was explicitly marketed as a grabbinfest.
molesters ... the event was explicitly marketed as a grabbinfest
A case study in rape-rape caused by semantic disparities. Press two for German.
n.n said...
Do abortion rites, blah blah
blah blah Pro-Choice etc.
n.n said...
Was that before or after people and babies were aborted blah blah
n.n said...
Have you advocated or contracted to commit abortion?
Serious question: are you insane?
Owen said...Nice. Who wrote this?
André Pascal, about 1966 as I recall. He and Paul Mauriat teamed up to create songs for the new kid Mireille Mathieu.
La première étoile
My mother returned to France for a family visit in 1967. She had been away for 20 years, and one of her older sisters had died. When she came home she had a 45 RPM record of Mireille Mathieu. Our family name is Mathieu, so I found that interesting (turns out Mathieu in France is like Jones in America, ha).
My brothers held their noses (being rock n roll types), but I was intrigued. I told my mother I liked it. She then wrote her other sister, and she sent us a few albums. Oh my, I wore the grooves out on those. The only place I saw her records (cassette tapes actually) was in Germany and Arabia. Never in the states.
I called her the woman with a million faces, because her face has changed through the years. Not so much now, as she's 70. Her mother just died a few months ago at age 94. Good Lord!
You should see how badly they treat women in their own countries.
I'd be interested to hear from Mr. Trump [since it was his proposal], how he would institute an immigration ban based on religious belief.
Really, CI? That was his proposal? His actual proposal is on his web site. Why don't you read it? Then you can explain how you came to believe this particular interpretation of his comments since it bears so little resemblance to what he actually said. I am tired of leading horses to water today, find it yourself since you are such an expert on Trump.
Serious question: are you insane?
n.n. is simply focused. Very, very, very focused.
"The only place I saw her records (cassette tapes actually) was in Germany and Arabia"
The only place I saw her stuff was on Youtube, while looking for Piaf.
Thats an entire career that never made it to the US - or Asia via the US.
Am something of a fan.
She was for some reason really big in Germany. Any idea?
buwaya said...She was for some reason really big in Germany. Any idea?
The Germans had a similar music called Schlagger. When I was stationed there in the late 70's, early 80's, it was the music I liked. Usually associated with beer and pork! ha.
For some reason Mireille just couldn't learn English, but found that German was very natural.
Her manager gave up forcing her to learn English when she started selling beaucoup records there, after her French sales started declining...
His actual proposal is on his web site. Why don't you read it?
It is? I can't find it. Please provide a link.
I like the Springfield Armory system there much better. I am currently primarily shooting a G 17 (the slightly bigger brother for the mentioned G 17), and would love to replace it with a Sig …
Take a look at the Sig SP2022. It’s Sig’s lower-priced polymer frame model. Comes in a variety of caliber, starting w/9mm. It’s reliable, accurate and easy to shoot.
Yes, I am. The conversation begins and ends with a reconciliation of moral and natural imperatives. It is self-evident that debasing human life for light and opportunistic causes is a violation of both. So, yeah, I will engage in the slightest of contortions to repeat the point in every context.
As for Pro-Choice, selective value, selective dignity, selective science, selective law, selective principles, and so on and so forth, we've been there, and done that. We should think twice, thrice about reestablishing this philosophy as the basis of a national Church (i.e. organized behavioral arbiter).
I am sure there is a perfunctory link in one of those left wing news sources you trusted to interpret what he said for you. Thanks for the admission though
@Tim - Lighten up Francis. It's telling when someone can't remain civil...it's usually because they're wrong. But you'd best tend to your own horses, since his numerous statements regarding this ban are a quick Google away. Tell us, did his campaign state or not state the following: "Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on,"?
That's from Trumps website, by the way: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-statement-on-preventing-muslim-immigration.
Are you sure you still want to stand by your assertion?
How about a ban on immigrants from certain countries and those that have traveled into those countries? Nothing to do with religion. How about that, you paid Hillary Moby?
@Gusty Winds: thanks for that link. Presumably the experience of the Dalai Lama and other Tibetans at the hands of the Chinese has given him respect for cultures that want to maintain their own values and customs in the face of invasion by a destructive culture with radically different ideas.
"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on"
Izzat true? If so, it sounds a hell of a lot more sensible than "Anybody who gets in stays here" or "Please bring us more Muslim immigrants." Let's hear the arguments for open immigration. Let's hear the arguments for more Muslim immigrants.
You know, under the current immigration policies and procedures we allowed into this country a Muslim who advocated killing Americans, and who did just that in San Bernardino. If you don't think that those policies and procedures need to be fixed with respect to Muslims, then how do you propose to stop future San Bernardinos from happening?
"Let's hear the arguments for more Muslim immigrants."
You'll have to find someone who supports that. Best of luck.
n.n said...
Yes, I am.
"In 19th-century psychiatry, monomania was a form of partial insanity conceived as single pathological preoccupation in an otherwise sound mind." Except for the last five words.
The conversation begins and ends with a reconciliation of moral and natural imperatives.
No it doesn't. That's barely not gibberish. Schizo-babble.
It is self-evident that debasing human life for light and opportunistic causes is a violation of both.
No it's not and no it doesn't. See above.
As for Pro-Choice, selective value, selective dignity, selective science, selective law, selective principles, and so on and so forth, we've been there, and done that.
Every subject make you start babbling nonsense about dead babies; what kind of meds are you not taking?
mccullough said, "Pakistan is not Syria. What are they seeking asylum from?" They are seeking asylum from a country that doesn't pass out welfare.
I'd be interested to hear from Mr. Trump [since it was his proposal], how he would institute an immigration ban based on religious belief.
Temporary ban proposed in the context of Hillary and Obama suggesting that we should accept hundreds of thousands of "refugees" from Syria. I can understand why these refugees weigh heavily on their conscience, and never mind the thousand sexual assaults and robberies carried out by these refugees In cologne on New Year's Eve alone, remember that "refugees" with Syrian passports were among the perpetrators in the Paris attacks, nobody knows yet who was behind the most recent Egypt Air bombing, which seems to have disappeared from the news, I guess on the grounds that it helps Trump and hurts Hillary.
I have admitted many times that Trump is far from a perfect candidate and can be sloppy with his language, but if your argument against controlling immigration from a population that does not believe in democracy, women's, or gay rights, just for starters, is that it can't be done perfectly, so we shouldn't even attempt it, good luck with that argument in the general election.
Remember the choice is Hillary, who had a large hand in creating this refugee mess in the first place.
A lot of the arguments for Trump fall apart if Bernie is the candidate, but they hold if it is Biden, IMHO.
@Tim - "but if your argument against controlling immigration from a population that does not believe in democracy, women's, or gay rights, just for starters, is that it can't be done perfectly, so we shouldn't even attempt it, good luck with that argument in the general election."
Not even remotely my argument. I believe that we should institute a travel and student visa ban for a moderate list of named countries, for travelers coming from, travelled to or have home of origin in those nations.
So your position is the same as Trumps, just more carefully stated. Noted. I am not sure why you made a big deal out of it.
My position was not to ban "Muslim immigrants", which is exactly what Trump stated. Why wouldn't you hold accountable, the candidate who claims to represent you?
The "big deal" is that his STATED plan was entirely infeasible. I thought we looked for some semblance of intellect in a POTUS.
These are our choices. When Hillary is gone, I will talk about Trump's sloppy rhetoric. Now he is better than Clinton hands down.
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