And there's more video and other reports in the Twitter feed of ABC's Tom Llamas (who's the reporter Trump called a "sleaze"). Two that have video: "Outside Trump rally protestors chased down this kid and tackled him" and "Our video of Trump supporter who says he was beaten up coming out of @realDonaldTrump rally." And, from another ABC reporter: "One more-- the moment lone Trump supporter tried to stand her ground. Had her sign ripped up, glasses snatched."
No matter how hostile the press may be to Trump, violence like this is going to get photographed and will become viral. What idiots these protesters are (and how unfair they are to nonviolent Trump opponents).
Here's the NBC report: "Donald Trump supporters were mobbed and assaulted by protesters on Thursday night after the candidate's campaign rally in California."
Some Trump supporters were punched. One woman wearing a "Trump" jersey was cornered, spit at, and pelted with eggs and water bottles. Police held back at first but eventually moved in....From the Buzzfeed report (which has more video, including the burning of an American flag):
Lan Hoang said anti-Trump protesters stole his "Make America Great Again" hat off of his head and set it on fire as he was leaving the rally. The 24-year-old said he saw "a lot" of Trump supporters get attacked on the walk back to his car after the rally.
Protesters also smashed cars in a nearby parking structure and surrounded and taunted an elderly couple, according to Steve Tong. "It was unbelievable," he told NBC Bay Area. "I've never seen anything like that in America before."
In at least two instances Trump supporters engaged with protesters, chanting “Donald Trump” and walking directly into the thickest, most angry portions of the protests. But things quickly spiraled, and rallygoers simply trying to get back to their cars were chased down and beaten — often at the feet of San Jose Police, who stood by motionless....Incredible. Liccardo isn't some small-town naif. This is San Jose, and Liccardo is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
A police source told BuzzFeed News that officers were under orders to not break ranks, and that while “nobody wants to see somebody beaten… we had a global plan.” The source added that the department did not want officers to step in for several reasons, notably out of fear for individual officers’ safety, as well as concerns that breaking up a fight may end up escalating the violence....
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, a Clinton supporter, praised the police... “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign”....
ADDED: I'm having flashbacks to the Wisconsin protests of 2011, which were big and rowdy but did not have this kind of violence. You felt a threatening atmosphere, because there were so many people, so angry, and so seemingly irrational with all the drum-beating and chanting. It's amazing really, that they were able to create such a big drama, with the feeling of a revolutionary uprising, without cracking up into violence.
In any case, those protests looked unruly and anti-democratic from the outside, and the Wisconsin protesters did not have good awareness of the effect they were having on the mind of the electorate in general. Their target, Governor Scott Walker, survived a recall election and then got reelected.
Now, these anti-Trump protesters are much worse than the Wisconsin protesters. They have devolved into outright violence, including mob attacks on lone individuals. We shall see what effect they have. I'd say they undercut the argument that Trump is a horrible brute, and by intensifying the desire for order, they strengthen support for the strongman that Trump seems to be.
१५५ टिप्पण्या:
If we only had people working for government that could stop stuff like that. We could call them police and give them the authority to make arrests.
Good police plan-- Don't engage with the violent Lefties.
This country is fucked.
"Incredible. Liccardo isn't some small-town naif. This is San Jose, and Liccardo is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government."
I find this statement incredible. Those places breed morons.
The violence broke out after the event in San Jose wrapped up just before 8 p.m. local time (11 p.m. ET). Some Trump supporters were punched. One woman wearing a "Trump" jersey was cornered, spit at, and pelted with eggs and water bottles.
Democrats attack Trump supporters but news reports claim violence "broke out" and Trump supporters "were punched". Punched by whom? Reporters just can't help themselves even when their efforts reveal them.
Not only are the attackers not identified as Democrats or crazed left wingers there's no question their actions will never be deemed to reflect on those who created the environment of violence.
This is what By Any Means Necessary looks like. More to come. I hope you enjoy watching Trump's victory in action.
When someone supposedly yelled "terrorist!" about Barack Obama at a Palin rally, it was evidence of how violent the republican party has become.
When Democrats lied about hearing the n word as they marched in to sign Obamacare, it was a smear against the whole Tea Party.
But of course, this violence won't reflect on the Democrats or Hillary Clinton.
Harvard Law? JFK School of Govt? Lets face it Ann, a welding certificate of completion from any accredited welding school has more intellectual heft and rigor than ANY degree from ANY of the "Ivies" these days. At least we know the welders are competent and contribute something of value to society..
(and how unfair they are to nonviolent Trump opponents).
Trump supporters attacked, Trump opponents hardest hit.
if this happened in a state that allowed people to defend themselves, and one of the protesters was shot, would the police spring into action? I doubt that the protesters would try this in a second amendment state.
Good police plan-- Don't engage with the violent Lefties.
This country is fucked.
Perhaps only California is fucked. I chortle at the thought of this scene being attempted in Texas amidst CHL-permitted Trump supporters. A mob is a well established demonstration of disparity of force.
Punched by whom?
On the news report I heard this morning, the reporter took great pains to explain the protestors involved in violent acts were not Hillary, Bernie or Democrat supporters. He said they were kids just "looking for trouble". He also blamed Trump supporters for egging them on.
Nobody really liked Nixon. Hubert Humphrey was known as a man of good cheer. Violent leftists elected Nixon. I well imagine that somewhere all this is being edited into commercials basically saying "They want you to shut up and pay!" The tut-tuting classes will decry HIM as divisive for showing people the truth of his opponents.
"Incredible. Liccardo isn't some small-town naif. This is San Jose, and Liccardo is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government."
Ann just reflecting her Jersey princess values - babbittry and elitism.
Note the Mexican flags in many of the videos. Nothing says "Make America Great Again" better than violent goons waving Mexican flags.
I sense that Althouse disapproves of the civic engagement of San Jose's superbly educated mayor.
The Soros paid Protesting Rioters' message is clear as a bell. Trump was invading Mexican territory, and that will not be allowed to happen peacefully in Mexico.
We need Trump's wall to find out where the border lies today. It probably lies 50+ miles north of San Francisco today.
Apparently this is this a new standard Procedure for the Hispanic dominated North American area Without Borders that has been so coveted by the new Jesuit Pope from Argentina who was inserted after the real Pope's forced resignation.
That old man Bernie has got to go. These violent protesters are his people.
1. Trump may win CA after all. Keep up the violence you morons.
2. We have a Harvard Law naïf in the White House. See, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Russia, China etc
Can the victims sue the police for violating their right to assembly and to speech by failing to enforce the law? Hope so. This is racketeering.
So Police don't have to do their job in San Jose. That's the take-away. Attack Trump supporters with impunity.
Ready, set, go.
I agree that this will not turn out well for Democrats, who seem to have learned nothing from Wisconsin.
No matter how hostile the press may be to Trump, violence like this is going to get photographed and will become viral. What idiots these protesters are (and how unfair they are to nonviolent Trump opponents).
In the eyes of the press and the Left, it is Trump's fault. Even though these sub-human cretins assaulted these people for LITERALLY no reason --- it is still, somehow, Trump's fault for making them mad.
Would anybody, honestly, mourn a deportation of groups chanting to make California Mexico again? If cities cannot (or will not, more precisely) protect citizens the leaders don't support, is it time for them to relinguish their independent control and put the Feds in charge to insure that civil rights are being honored?
A police source told BuzzFeed News that officers were under orders to not break ranks, and that while “nobody wants to see somebody beaten… we had a global plan.” The source added that the department did not want officers to step in for several reasons, notably out of fear for individual officers’ safety, as well as concerns that breaking up a fight may end up escalating the violence....
Gun control advocates should ALSO be pissed. They want people to rely on the police --- and we see the police being completely inept at doing anything. If the police won't protect you, you're negligent to yourself and your family to not be armed. Take it all the way to the SCOTUS with the argument that the state has proven, repeatedly, it will not protect the rights of people the leadership opposes.
Perhaps only California is fucked
Then the state should lose its independence since it will not protect its citizens and the National Guard should be sent there to do the necessary work. Democrats did Selma and Democrats are doing this now. It is a pattern.
Now, these anti-Trump protesters are much worse than the Wisconsin protesters. They have devolved into outright violence, including mob attacks on lone individuals. We shall see what effect they have. I'd say they undercut the argument that Trump is a horrible brute, and by intensifying the desire for order, they strengthen support for the strongman that Trump seems to be.
When EVERY Republican candidate is Hitler incarnate, and they have been for my life, then the cries of how terrible a candidate is becomes less meaningful.
Seeing the light, Begley? Thank God.
Trump is exactly what is needed. You might prefer the soft spoken intellectual route, but in times of strife sometimes you need the man of action who is simply willing to rip the curtain down and expose the grime, corruption, and human filth for all to see.
The filth that the left has been funding and breeding in this country for DECADES as the GOP ignored it. They let it fester. They betrayed their countrymen.
The smart, nice crowd has failed to solve or even expose anything. Maybe Trump is the smart one all along, and the go along, get along crowd were just surfing the wave of past success. Which isn't very smart. Just lucky.
Can the victims sue the police for violating their right to assembly and to speech by failing to enforce the law? Hope so. This is racketeering.
They'll go the 9th Circuit who will side with the state. Then the SCOTUS will deadlock at 4-4, so yes, it'll be allowed.
Now, if my state allowed that to happen to Democrats, it'd be an easy win then. But because it's Republicans, well, their rights aren't as vital.
Note the Mexican flags in many of the videos. Nothing says "Make America Great Again" better than violent goons waving Mexican flags.
They chanted "Make California Mexico again".
And I think we should. Give Mexico Southern California.
Then cut off the water to them and allow California to use water in a rational manner. And the idiots who advocate the open borders will see how great stuff is when Mexico is running things and are a bit less open to criticism from non-citizens.
"That old man Bernie has got to go. These violent protesters are his people."
You could say that. But notice that Mayor Sam "Blame the Victims" Liccardo is identified as a Clinton supporter, so his view of his duty is colored by that perspective, which is also revealing. As Trump would say, "He is not being nice."
If you don't like Trump, the answer is to show up on election day and vote for someone else. These clowns are inciting many of us to show up and vote for Trump.
I'm voting Trump. I'm actually getting enthusiastic about him. My overriding reason is Hillary is an unindicted criminal, but Trump has many good qualities.
"Amadeus 48 said...
Note the Mexican flags in many of the videos. Nothing says "Make America Great Again" better than violent goons waving Mexican flags."
There was also and SEIU sign. Not the first time those assholes were involved in shit like this.
a. when you "know" trump cant win, why would you worry abt the optics?
b. dont worry abt your liberties- lets import a few million more citizens from less than free countries!
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, a Clinton supporter, praised the police... “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign”....
Right! Trump is responsible for anti-Trump protesters going violent and attacking Trump supporters. Talk about blaming the victim. Thought we were not supposed to do that?
Charles Gasparino says that Trump eggs them on. News analysis on parade.
Was the judge from "La Raza" in the crowd?
No matter how hostile the press may be to Trump, violence like this is going to get photographed and will become viral. What idiots these protesters are (and how unfair they are to nonviolent Trump opponents).
Yeah, it's the nonviolent Trump opponents who are the REAL victims here...
Five more months of this, and Trump is absolutely going to crush in the election. Portland is all about progressive ideals, but one of those ideals they don't talk about is making sure that San Jose never, ever comes to Portland.
So keep waving those Mexican flags and throwing eggs, amigos.
Not a Trump fan in the slightest but I'm beginning to see the value in his election. I want his angry leftist detractors to feel miserable, even the supposedly non-violent ones who somehow lay the blame at Trump's feet for violence perpetrated against his supporters. Fuck them all. Anti-Trump protesters are vile, as are the PC social justice warriors on campus and in the workplace. I hope they feel miserable as well under a Trump administration.
Trump is laughably misinformed on many issues and he has strange instincts, neither conservative nor liberal, but he represents an outright repudiation of the the part of America's culture that is very sick. And Hillary being an incompetent fool and a criminal helps push me to Trump.
"Choose your enemies well, for they are the ones you'll become most like."
Trump's opposition has invented views of Trump and, sadly, is once again proving the above adage.
WAVE those Mexican flags you idiots. Recreate '68 asshats. We conservatives couldn't ask for a better example of PC culture run amok than my fellow Californians doing a bring-your-gangster-buddies-to-a-La-Raza-rally act on camera, backed up by the mumblings of a race-addled mayor from the party of Jim Crow, Slavery, Internment and the Clintons.
Hispanics are the majority in California. When is the right to not be attacked going to extend to Whitey, huh? This is the state of hate that Progs have ginned up. Who is the fascist here?
Where is the gay presence? Burn down a pizza parlor or something.
It's partially about rallying illegal immigrants to vote.
They all have social security numbers to work, and that's all you need to register to vote. After that, nobody can even glance at your id card at the polls.
Deport all illegal aliens. Give them no government benefits. They can apply for legal immigration like anyone else, but since they were here illegally, they cannot return or apply for five years. This is standard law in almost every other modern country.
Let's play the "Imagine That Same Picture, But of a 2008 Obama Supporter Being Egged By a Palin Supporter" game.
Empowered youth, free from the shackles of personal moral, family and civic responsibilities, are merely expressing a group desire to stand up against a system of historical oppression, economic exploitation and social injustice.
These young men, women and non-gendered activists become history's children as they call-out Trump supporters individually in random acts of creative social expression.
Recent police pension cuts, reduced library hours and a lack of cellos have caused many young scholars to seek nourishment and guidance....hungry for community.
The cops were obviously under orders by, guess who ?
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, a Clinton supporter, praised the police... “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign”....
Yes, it's irresponsible to oppose the Queen.
I am a somewhat conservative libertarian - too conservative to vote for Johnson and Weld. I was a Cruz supporter and derided Trump as a huckster and a populist.
I retain many doubts about Trump, but I am going to hold my nose and vote for him in November. If he wins, it will be interesting.
if Hillary wins (and the FBI does their job) we will have another Clinton impeachment drama where only the Republicans suffer at the hands of the press.
I watched various news programs this morning. None of these video clips were played. There were verbal reports only of violent protesters. The videos I saw were of police arresting demonstrators.......When that elderly Trump supporter elbowed the demonstrator being removed from the rally, the video of that was played and replayed constantly. There were mentions of how this was comparable to Nazi rallies in Weimar Germany.......Trump talks about how dishonest the media is. Would you believe an Athenian who told you all Athenians were liars? Would you believe a reporter who told you that Trump supporters were violent bigots?
Keep it up boys and girls. This behavior is going to elect Donald Trump president.
I have long thought that I spent way too much time on the internet. I have enjoyed many of Ann's posts over the years. But reading what is happening here is so dispiriting, even for such a cynic as I, that I think its driving me away from digital media. Finally. I am spending less and less time consuming so called "news" or whatever we can call the collection of crap words circulating the web.
That is how obnoxious these anti Trump protesters are - curing me of a compulsion I've tried to manage for years. So much stupid, it hurts the brain. Are these people so deluded to think they can act like this and the electorate will sit back and think: "Yeah, THAT is the side I want to vote for, the side that beats the shit out of anyone that doesn't agree with them"?
PB, add in that the legal child may stay, but the illegal parents absolutely cannot.
Most of the electorate is not paying attention, so this doesn't matter
Sorry, but we have summer and the end of a school on our mind. Graduation parties, the beginning of swim lessons, and its a summer weekend.
The end result of these protests - the wall gets higher and Trump gets more votes.
Brown-shirt activities by the alleged Nazi haters.
. “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign”....
I am a never-Trump type myself, but this sort of thing makes me think about voting for him, if for no other reason than to keep this kind of opposition out of power. If these thugs are having that effect on somebody as anti-Trump as I am, I'm guessing it's going to help Trump with a lot more voters than it hurts.
And this idea that the police shouldn't intervene to stop violence because THEY might get hurt is insane. If they aren't there to protect non-violent attendees at a political rally from thugs trying to intimidate and hurt them, what the hell are we paying them for?
It is Time for the Skull Fucker to come and Fuck their Skulls.
Slow, deep Skull Fucking.
By the Skull Fucker.
It is Time.
I am Laslo.
San Jose is, of course, a sanctuary city.
I would like to think that the mayor is an anomaly, but I fear he is the norm. Remember how the Democrats of Louisiana successfully blamed Bush for their Hurricane Katrina fiasco?
On a smaller scale, my cousin's wife is a Democratic party ideologue. She holds a position within the Cincinnati public school administration. She's one of those people with hundreds of Facebook friends, many of whom I assume are her underlings. She is constantly posting her distaste for people with different political philosophies than hers. For example, after the Ohio primary she posted how glad she was that none of her friends or relatives were stupid enough to vote for Trump. She got a little bit of pushback from conservative relatives, but it made me wonder whether the Cincinnati Public School System Administration wasn't run by ideologues, otherwise she wouldn't feel comfortable expressing that sort of sentiment publicly. It is never good for a public system - whether it is schools or police departments or city or state government to be run by ideologues. That is one thing you can say about Trump. He is not an ideologue.
"Incredible. Liccardo isn't some small-town naif. This is San Jose, and Liccardo is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government."
Incredible? Hardly. William Buckley could have explained it to you.
Incredible. Liccardo isn't some small-town naif. This is San Jose, and Liccardo is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
The implication this is more surprising because of his certification pedigree is the most naive thing the Professor has ever written here. This is the sort of thing Orwell meant when he wrote "One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool."
At some point, you Liberals have to take responsibility for the fact that your ideas have destroyed a great nation. I'll be voting Trump in November. But it would take a lot more than President Trump to make this country great again.
Madison is a university town, and the gentry does not immediately go physical.
These are labor tactics, and I would suspect SEIU organized.
These violent anti-Trump protesters - specifically the illegals waving foreign flags - are making his point - they don't deserve to be in the US. They're only serving to increase Trump's support. If he wins the election, they will be one of the reasons why.
The more I hear about the alleged illustrious graduates of Harvard Law School the more I realize that place lets almost anyone in as long as they belong to a select grievance group.
And yet despite regular events like this it's Trump and his supporters that will be likened to nazis.
The source added that the department did not want officers to step in for several reasons,
Reminds me of this TV commercial:
Woman: "Hey, do something."
Guy in uniform: "Oh, I'm not a security guard, I'm a security monitor. I only notify people if there's a robbery. There's a robbery."
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, a Clinton supporter, praised the police... “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign”
Most Scientific Progressives would agree with this reasoning.
I think some of the "Mexican" flags waved actually are the Aztlan "flag." Same colors and sizes, just a different center symbol.
With the CA dem primary just around the corner, I can't help thinking this is something ginned up by Hillary supporters to try to scare moderate CA dems away from Bernie. (This assuming moderates will tend to blame violent protest on the "extreme" left)
Waving the Aztlan "flag" is not really that well thought out, I think. It sort of advocates a union of the U.S. and Mexico, and with populations of respectively 330 million and 120 million, how do they think that would work out?
We call this "living in the shadows!" "Taking jobs Americans won't do!" What a country, illegal fearlessly take to the streets, wreck mayhem and popo just looks away!
“Make California Mexico Again!” they chanted while waving Mexican flags.
The media know this helps Trump. That is why as of 10:40am EST NPR has not even reported on the San Jose anti-Trump lefty violence.
I've typed and re-typed this comment several times, trying to extinguish my outrage and cull the profanity, but it wasn't easy. I can only process the illegal violent behavior of these thugs by knowing that it will help Trump to win in a landslide. I also know that President Trump will squash these punks and their enablers like bugs when he's in office. You asked for a war -- you got one. Prepare to lose, you miserable jackasses.
This is such a great example of media bias. It should be studied in journalism school.
1) Mexican flags were being waived. Lots of them. If this were the south and someone had a confederate flag it would be all over the news as a site proof the racists were in attendance and causing the trouble. But the Mexican flag and groups calling themselves "The Race" get no mention.
2) One guy bleeding from the head was telling his story to a group of Reporters. The questions were along the lines of, what did you do to provoke them I to hurting you? The video of him before he is clobbered shows him walking, quietly, looking and walking away from the protestors, as he is clobbered in the head.
3) The woman who had egg and spit on her and appeared to be trapped and unable to get through the doors is prefaced with, "Before this happened she flipped off the crowd" as if that justifies their behavior. Who brings eggs to a protest unless it's premeditated?
Almost every spin on this story has tried it's hardest to blame Trump. One guy from Vox said something like, "At this point if you go to a Trump rally you should know there will be violence and therefore deserve what you get."
See how that works? We create violence at Trump rallies, therefore, if you don't sit down and shut up, you're responsible for what happens to you.
I'm in rural, upstate New York and can smell the desperation from here.
I'm having flashbacks to the Wisconsin protests of 2011...
We tried to warn you not to take the brown acid...
Amazing. Police were present, saw assaults and did nothing? Because they had a "global plan"? I think the BLM was battlespace prep for this: it has so intimidated the police that they are now more sheepish than those they vowed to protect. The natural response to their planned neglect will be self-defense, and that could get ugly. I hope it doesn't but at some point one of these now-emboldened SJWs is going to end up in a wheelchair or worse.
The better course --besides shaming the authorities into doing what they were paid the big bucks to do-- is to video all of this, up front and personal, get names to go with faces of the assailants, post it everywhere, online and on telephone poles. Shame them and shame those who tolerate them.
And if Trump rally goers were offered free classes in self defense, that would be interesting. There are things you can do with a walking stick that are truly scary.
Time to make some phone calls.
This election is really about one thing.
Have the Democrats been able to import enough votes through loose immigration policies, to dominate Presidential Elections.
The Washington Post has an article claiming this violence is the inverse of earlier violence against anti-Trump supporters. How can they write that in good conscious?
Lyle said...
The Washington Post has an article claiming this violence is the inverse of earlier violence against anti-Trump supporters. How can they write that in good conscious?
What evidence exists they have a conscience?
By Any Means Necessary.
> Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government
There's the tell. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Your Wisconsin protestors, wacky politics aside, were still civilized. The San Diego folks, are not, at all. That simple.
There are several possible explanations for that.
A reluctant maybe-maybe-not Trump supporter told me that the maybe-not was all over this morning because of this.
Ann Althouse Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, a Clinton supporter, praised the police... “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign”.... Incredible.
No ma'am, not incredible. Predictable. I asked last month "what will the Media and Left NOT excuse?" Clearly they will excuse outright violence/fighting in the streets if that violence is done against their enemies/the Right.
Perfectly predictable. Remember all that bias we kooky right wingers have been complaining about all this time? This is why. Not incredible--predictable. Terrible, but fully expected.
Is anyone in the media going to ask HilLary Clinton about this? Assuming they could even if they wanted to?
Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
A reluctant maybe-maybe-not Trump supporter told me that the maybe-not was all over this morning because of this.
This is the third time I've heard this since last night's violence by leftist thugs.
Trump should start paying these people to show up at his rallies.
Brownshirts, basically.
Ironic, I suppose.
eric said...
Trump should start paying these people to show up at his rallies.
6/3/16, 11:04 AM
Nope! He is a business man. Why pay someone to do something that they are more than willing to do [enthusiastically] for free?
Conscience, duh, you are right.
The Hispanics in California have been coddled. They have not encountered a President Trump's Scottish-American response to territorial attacks since the days of James K Polk.
Incredible. Liccardo isn't some small-town naif. This is San Jose, and Liccardo is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Ann, if you think this is incredible, consider this your wake-up call. This is the status quo.
@Althouse, the left has used violence or the implicit threat of violence as a tactic ever since the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. Think Bill Ayers. Think Stonewall. Think LA after Rodney King. Think the "Battle in Seattle." Think the Occupy movement. Think Ferguson and Baltimore. You didn't notice it until more recently because (1) you were on the other side back then, and (2) it has gotten worse since the election of Barack Obama, and you still have some integrity.
Additional thoughts.
It is a certainty that some of the more extremist members of the mob belong to La Raza. Judge Curiel needs to do three things: (1) immediately denounce the violence, (2) resign from La Raza, and (3) recuse himself from the Trump University case. Anything less says that the rule of law is broken in the United States.
La Raza needs to be formally identified as a terrorist organization, and treated as such by the federal government.
I do not believe that the San Diego police were cowed by the BLM into doing nothing while people were being beaten, as Owen does upthread. I believe that we are seeing a massive conspiracy on the part of the Democrat leadership of the State of California, the City of San Jose, and city employees (e.g., the police) to intimidate voters. There has been nothing like this since Jim Crow was used against colored people in the 1960s.
A vote this November for any Democrat in any office is a vote to continue violent mobs against Republicans while the police idly stand by.
"Your Wisconsin protestors, wacky politics aside, were still civilized"
The Wisconsin protesters were privileged unionized government employees protesting the legislative threat to a 50 year-old codified political deal that gave them economic power over the people they were supposed to be serving — peaceful middle class Wisconsin citizens who had democratically elected a new state government determined to legally reverse that 50 year-old racket.
For the protesters in California, it's a desperate preemptive strike against a perceived threat to their benefits gained illegitimately and illegally.
And this idea that the police shouldn't intervene to stop violence because THEY might get hurt is insane. If they aren't there to protect non-violent attendees at a political rally from thugs trying to intimidate and hurt them, what the hell are we paying them for?
Also, you don't need guns because cops have them and you can totally trust them to protect you. Totally.
This is the sort of thing Orwell meant when he wrote "One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool."
Another winner is "That idea is so stupid it can only be blamed on higher education"
2) One guy bleeding from the head was telling his story to a group of Reporters. The questions were along the lines of, what did you do to provoke them I to hurting you? The video of him before he is clobbered shows him walking, quietly, looking and walking away from the protestors, as he is clobbered in the head.
Remember the Obamacare passage and the Dems walking thru the Mall holding a giant gavel. After inventing racial slurs being tossed about, nobody in the press asked Pelosi about provoking people, when she was specifically trying to do that.
Shame them and shame those who tolerate them.
You assume they are capable of shame. I'm not so optimistic.
And if Trump rally goers were offered free classes in self defense, that would be interesting. There are things you can do with a walking stick that are truly scary.
Make call Trump rallies "concealed carry". A well-armed society tends to be a much more polite society.
Very good, Meade. I agree.
Amadeus 48: Note the Mexican flags in many of the videos. Nothing says "Make America Great Again" better than violent goons waving Mexican flags.
Pshaw, sir, what nativist nonsense. 'Tis no different than patriotic Italian-Americans waving the flags of their ancestral sod on Columbus Day, or patriotic Irish-Americans on St. Paddy's. As American as you or I.
Or so I am confidently assured by all the intolerance-hating La Raza apologists of my acquaintance.
You know if these violent protestors had studied American history they would have learned that the Indian attacks along the western frontier, the Appalachians, at the time, early 1800s, were what motivated militias to move on them and pretty much destroy them. Trump already reminds me of Andrew Jackson as these protests remind me of the massacres of white settlers. Keep it up, your trail of tears back to Mexico starts soon.
The Harvard cred of the San Jose mayor is laughable to almost everyone except, Althouse and her ilk. Talk about bitter clingers. "Babbitry and elitism," someone else wrote, which is a great phrase. Harvard's property should be taken by eminent domain and auctioned off to a real estate investor to develop. The University could then be re-assembled in one of the suburbs, say Framingham, where there was a GM plant that closed ages ago. The brilliant minds could try and figure out why it closed. Perhaps it could move to any of the Superfund sites that dot the state.
Our leading (?) institutions condone this behavior. Is it a surprise that we would see more of it. It's fairly common at our universities. Just go to a Milo event or re-visit the youtube vidoes of the hapless Melissa Click at Mizzou. It's pretty common in many of our cities after a black man is shot by a cop (but not another black man).
Progressives don't respect the right of assembly or the right of speech. If they can't control it, the want to shut it down.
Each violent protest drives voters to Trump He ought to have a lot more rallies I know Trump is aware of this effect
"Trump is responsible for anti-Trump protesters going violent and attacking Trump supporters."
Uh huh. "I'm sorry I had to beat the crap out of my wife, Your Honor, but it was really her fault, not mine. When she talks to me like that, she knows what's coming -- and she does it anyway! I'm sweet as can be as long as she keeps her big mouth shut, but she just. keeps. provoking me."
Good defense.
Each violent protest drives Democrat voters to Bernie. I don't think Bernie stands a chance in California but Trump is doing everything possible to help him. Why else would a GOP candidate be holding rallies in California except to provoke this kind of response? There is some serious gamesmanship happening here.
Meade--yes. All of that is true. Althouse pointed out that even with all the tension and passion of the WI protests, they did not flare into these gutter tactics of throwing eggs, spitting, smashing cars, attacking innocents, etc.
Weirdly, you don't mention that these violent attacks are UGLY, Professor.
Ann Althouse said...What idiots these protesters are (and how unfair they are to nonviolent Trump opponents).
Yup, nonviolent Trump opponents are the REAL victims here.
A police source told BuzzFeed News that officers were under orders to not break ranks, and that while “nobody wants to see somebody beaten… we had a global plan.” The source added that the department did not want officers to step in for several reasons, notably out of fear for individual officers’ safety, as well as concerns that breaking up a fight may end up escalating the violence....
The police don't have to protect you. It's not their top's probably not even in their top 5. They won't feel bad about it, they won't apologize for it. Get a gun.
It's funny, but none of this REAL VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN seems to upset the Left all that much. Will anyone call on Hillary Clinton to apologize for the violent attacks against women people who support her are carrying out? Of course not.
Here's a gem from Salon today: "In a functioning democracy, political violence should almost always be condemned." Almost, huh?
Really, the left is just disgusting. Literally repulsive. Occasionally you might find someone who's against assaulting women for their opinions ... but only because it's bad optics and strategy. Not because it's inherently wrong.
HoodlumDoodlum said...
It's funny, but none of this REAL VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN seems to upset the Left all that much. Will anyone call on Hillary Clinton to apologize for the violent attacks against women people who support her are carrying out? Of course not.
6/3/16, 12:27 PM
Easy answer. She is not a REAL woman. If she was, she would be for Hillary! and as she is not, she is not a real, authentic woman and as such, is fair game.
Blacks that don't support Democrats are not real blacks.
Women that don't support Hillary! are not real women.
Those "others" are evil and as such are subject to whatever liberals care to subject them to. Helps keep the rest on the reservation...
"Liccardo is a graduate of... Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government."
That's the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. We Gov majors called it "The K school", where people who wanted to say they went to Harvard went. You don't graduate from there. You get some garbage ribbon from there.
Fox News Radio was reporting the violence this way: "Trump supporters fought with protesters outside."
Here you go. What a disgusting clique! This is why Trump is winning.
Have to love the SJW mindset: "Trump supporters are fascist because they don't agree with me!"
@ Chuck1040 Well maybe at the Law School you might.
There is some serious gamesmanship happening here.
Excellent point. If you think your best chance to win is for your opponent to self-immolate, make sure your opponent has a steady supply of matches.
I am somewhat surprised that the media did not report this as:
Female Trump supporter steals eggs and bottles from protesters while police stand idly by...
Mexican flag waving rioters. Trump couldn't spend enough money to buy that advertising in his favor. The bumper stickers write themselves "Hillary for President Of The United Mexican States". Or "They are voting Democrat. Are you?".
As for the intimidation factor soon enough one of these Democrat Brownshirts is going threaten someone with a gun and get killed. The the Democrats will make that P.O.S their Horst Wessel.
The Cracker Emcee said...
Each violent protest drives Democrat voters to Bernie. I don't think Bernie stands a chance in California but Trump is doing everything possible to help him. Why else would a GOP candidate be holding rallies in California except to provoke this kind of response? There is some serious gamesmanship happening here.
Brilliantly idiotic !
And if Trump rally goers were offered free classes in self defense, that would be interesting. There are things you can do with a walking stick that are truly scary.
Why should I be forced to defend myself at a political rally?
The source added that the department did not want officers to step in for several reasons, notably out of fear for individual officers’ safety, as well as concerns that breaking up a fight may end up escalating the violence....
Because breaking up a fight always escalates the violence, while letting to fight go forward decreases the violence.
Opponents attacking supporters of the 2nd Amendment?
It's going to be worse than "unfair ... to nonviolent" Democrats, idiots and all.
Those Latino men cheering and pelting a woman with eggs, seems somewhat similar to ISIS and Taliban men stoning a woman for some sexual impropriety.
The protestors in that video aren't sexist or violent toward women?
I guess you can only be labeled a violent sexist if your are Trump supporter or in a college Fraternity.
And Jesus said to the crowd, "whoever is without sin cast the first egg".
I wonder what Pope Francis thinks?
@Gusty Winds:
"The protestors in that video aren't sexist or violent toward women?"
Nope. In today's diversity-driven world of identity politics, what matters is what social signaling you make. In this case, you prove your aversion to sexism by supporting Hillary Clinton. If you're a Bernie boy or (heaven forbid) a Trump supporter, you're signaling how much you irrationally hate and fear women. How you actually treat people is really secondary in this model. As American demographics continue their present course, just expect more of this. Hence: America is doomed.
"the department did not want officers to step in for several reasons, notably out of fear for individual officers’ safety, as well as concerns that breaking up a fight may end up escalating the violence."
Yeah..ooh..wouldn't want things to "escalate"
SJ cops need safe spaces too.
And, as I've been saying for a year now, this is going to get much worse.
"I Have Misplaced My Pants said...Your Wisconsin protestors, wacky politics aside, were still civilized."
Sure..folks who bang cowbells, drown out speeches, intimidated store owners to display signs, intruded into a Special Olympics awards ceremony..and pissed in corners of the interior of the capitol building.
But then, their favorite legislators fled the state and one told a female act 10 signee "You're Dead."
Ha! This is pretty good:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump 14m14 minutes ago
Great evening in San Jose other than the thugs. My supporters are far tougher if they want to be, but fortunately they are not hostile.
Let's play the "Imagine That Same Picture, But of a 2008 Obama Supporter Being Egged By a Palin Supporter" game
For starters, there would be many comments about how it must have been a Soros-funded moby who threw the egg because no true conservative would do a such a thing.
Althouse: "What idiots these protesters are (and how unfair they are to nonviolent Trump opponents)."
Gee, I'm not quite sure how concerns for "nonviolent Trump opponents" bubble even close to the top here as concerns go. Would those be people like the Mayor, or maybe like the "it serves them right" pricks commenting at WaPo?
The behavior of these hooligans, our divisive President, Mayor Liccardo and the cowardly unionized police, sworn to serve and protect, suggest that the Democrats are an emergent lynch mob. The Democrat Convention will confirm it.
Political theorists have said for years that a Communist/Marxist economic revolution was not the ticket for the U.S. and that a social revolution would be necessary to destroy our way of life. Well, it is upon us now and the Democrats are complicit.
madisonfella said...
Let's play the "Imagine That Same Picture, But of a 2008 Obama Supporter Being Egged By a Palin Supporter" game
For starters, there would be many comments about how it must have been a Soros-funded moby who threw the egg because no true conservative would do a such a thing.
Good point. And probably true. I mean, it didn't happen, right?
But, we can use our imagination.
Your Wisconsin protestors, wacky politics aside, were still civilized.
Althouse was physically assaulted by a thug and constantly threatened by the unions during the entire ordeal. This blog documented massive amounts of widespread vandalism to war memorials and other government property. Meade made note of several rapes that occurred inside the Capitol building. Others reported on the piles of feces and trash in the hallways and how the smell of drugs, booze, and b.o. lingered for weeks afterwards. Even now, there is still a small mob that gathers weekly to yell and scream as loud as they can (only they call it "singing")
Doesn't sound very "civilized" to me.
Is there a color we can wear to stand against political violence?
Whose fault will it be when a violent "protester" is shot, stabbed, clubbed or beaten into peacefulness by their intended victim?
My father, some time after the Kent State shootings, pointed out rather sadly that there weren't a lot of ROTC buildings getting burned down on campuses any more. I hope it does not take such counter-revolutionary violence to quell the tide this time around.
Employment as a martyr make get your name in the newspapers, but it doesn't have job security.
"...what the hell are we paying (the police) for?" 6/3/16, 8:26 AM
"We" aren't paying them. They are union hacks paid by Democrats.
hombre said...
"...what the hell are we paying (the police) for?" 6/3/16, 8:26 AM
"We" aren't paying them. They are union hacks paid by Democrats.
The sad fact is that the police are under no legal obligation to put themselves in danger to save your life, or even to put themselves between you and a beating.
Owen said...
And if Trump rally goers were offered free classes in self defense, that would be interesting. There are things you can do with a walking stick that are truly scary.
Fuck that--the next few Trump rallies should have boxes of ballpark-style mini bats by the exits, bright red with "Make America Great Again" etched on each one, of course.
It's Leftist world now, and Trump times! If Trump is going to be blamed for violence when his supporters are attacked, why not give your people some pseudo weapons with which to defend themselves and/or attack? Is the Media going to blame you MORE? Hey, you wanna know how you get actual Brownshirts...?
Where are the hashtags, Obama? Deploy, deploy!
Rusty said...
hombre said...
"...what the hell are we paying (the police) for?" 6/3/16, 8:26 AM
"We" aren't paying them. They are union hacks paid by Democrats.
Half right, we're still paying for them. That's the genius of the left taking control of government and quasi government institutions. We fund their efforts to ruin us.
Meade made note of several rapes that occurred inside the Capitol building.
I don't remember this and find it hard to believe. Did you mean to reference the occupy movement?
Bernie supporters don't really hate Trump. It's Clinton's supporters doing this. Then of course Clinton trolls come on the web and blame Bernie's supporters for this. I think Bernie's supporters are happier people than this. It is Hillary who is grasping for power so intently.
It's 1968 all over again. I believe that there's still a silent majority of people who support law and order. We'll see in November.
OpenID madisonfella said...
Let's play the "Imagine That Same Picture, But of a 2008 Obama Supporter Being Egged By a Palin Supporter" game
For starters, there would be many comments about how it must have been a Soros-funded moby who threw the egg because no true conservative would do a such a thing.
6/3/16, 2:24 PM
Since no conservative did such a thing, we'd be right!
So who are the REAL fascists?!
I'm sold. Call them what they are, these are Bernie and Hillary supporters. I'm all in for Trump now. These people must never be put in positions of power.
"The sad fact is that the police are under no legal obligation to put themselves in danger to save your life, or even to put themselves between you and a beating." 6/3/16, 3:12 PM
No, but that's a defense against lawsuits. There are real world consequences of the police declining to protect people, the most important of which is people protect themselves. I would guess Trumpkins know how to do that. Civil disorder ensues. In that case the next consequence: a much tougher row for the police to hoe, or, even better, the realization that they are either inept, or unnecessary.
"Meade made note of several rapes that occurred inside the Capitol building.
Rick said...
"I don't remember this and find it hard to believe. Did you mean to reference the occupy movement?"
ms. madisonfella has been lying about this for years. She started her lie more than 3 years ago with "Meade made the claim that there were rapes occurring in the Capitol during the protests."
I never claimed that there were rapes in the Capitol during the protests so madisonfella changed her lie from "Meade made the claim that there were rapes..." to "Meade made note of several rapes that occurred..."
The truth is, in a 2013 blogpost by former Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz's, in a comment challenging Cieslewicz's careless writing, I referenced his assertion that, at previous Mifflin St. block parties, "[e]ven in the best years, the detox center was full and there were often reported sexual assaults and others that probably went unreported." .
The person who hides behind the pseudonym, "madisonfella" deals in lies and sleaze just like many of her now-discredited fellow self-satisfied "heroes" of the so-called "Wisconsin Uprising." Ordinary people would be embarrassed to be her.
Hoodlum Doodlum said:
"Fuck that--the next few Trump rallies should have boxes of ballpark-style mini bats by the exits, bright red with "Make America Great Again" etched on each one, of course."
Many great comments upthread, but this was the only one that resulted in a mouthful of beer on my computer screen. Well played sir!
"Incredible. Liccardo isn't some small-town naif. This is San Jose, and Liccardo is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government."
An Education major at San Jose State who finished in the bottom half of his graduating class would have been smarter than to say what Liccardo said. Not much smarter, but smarter. The image of Harvard is sinking. If this keeps up, Harvard will become like one of those dilapidated mansions on Long Island Sound once owned by a railroad magnate. It was once elegant but now houses a batty granddaughter who hears voices and puts spells on her cats.
What idiots these protesters are (and how unfair they are to nonviolent Trump opponents).
To the best of my knowledge, neither Hillary nor Bernie have made an unequivocal condemnation of the violent anti-Trump protesters. That to me indicates that neither Bernie nor Hillary have any problems with the violence, as the violence is not directed at them, with the icing on the cake that their supporters can blame Trump for the violence. [Blaming the victim is fine as long as your opponent is the victim, say the progs.]
But have the effrontery to yell at one of their allies, such Babs Boxer, and all hell will break loose.
"[B]y intensifying the desire for order, they strengthen support for the strongman that Trump seems to be."
Great; just great.
Totalitarians need anarchists, after all, to stir up trouble and generate calls for someone--anyone--to step in and restore order.
This will not end well.
Our hostess is correct. Once again Trump prevails, thanks to the enemy.
Hispanics are such a sympathetic group - it should have been easy to make Trump look bad in California. Instead Hispanics attack women like Muslims in Tahrir square. Hispanics are shamed. Millions silently move toward toward Trump.
If one want to split hairs, Meade did say it was sexual assaults rather than rapes that were occurring. But since Isthmus scrubbed his comment from their site he can now claim he never even mentioned the Capitol.
But he is lying. And he knows it.
" The Cracker Emcee said...
Each violent protest drives Democrat voters to Bernie. I don't think Bernie stands a chance in California but Trump is doing everything possible to help him. Why else would a GOP candidate be holding rallies in California except to provoke this kind of response? There is some serious gamesmanship happening here.
Brilliantly idiotic !"
You missed the point entirely. Idiotic, indeed. Wounding Hillary with a Bernie win in Cali is one of the best things that could happen to the Trump campaign. Do you think Trump is holding rallies in California because he expects it to flip Red in 2016? Highly doubtful. I'm guessing there's going to be lots of Trump rallies in areas with lots of illegals, and all the resultant optics. Trump is indeed playing chess, while everyone else is playing Candyland. Not that that makes him a political genius. It makes him a pragmatist.
Your comments are as effective in achieving your (apparent) goals as were the violent protestors at the Trump rally.
Trump is indeed playing chess, while everyone else is playing Candyland.
madisonfella said...
"If one want to split hairs, Meade did say it was sexual assaults rather than rapes that were occurring."
Finally. madisonfella owns up to one of the sleaziest lies in which she has, for years, continued to engage. At last. Thank you.
Although madisonfella might call it "splitting hairs," the terms "rape" and "sexual assault," while varying by state, have distinct legal meanings. “Sexual assault” generally means unwanted sexual contact. "Rape" is one form of sexual assault and most often means forced sexual intercourse. Wisconsin criminal law does not use the term "rape" but instead uses four different degrees of sexual assault. Forced sexual intercourse is considered to be a First-Degree Sexual Assault.
And my claim that there were (in 2011, in the Wisconsin state Capitol building, during the so-called "Uprising") reports of unwanted sexual contact (legally: "sexual assault") IS TRUE.
I look forward to Trump's Office of Civil Rights descending on San Jose.
The WI protesters had nobody to fight against. People from Lancaster to Egg Harbor, from Kenosha to Superior, and all the villages, burgs and farms in between, pretty much everyone off the isthmus, watched those hippies, punks and commies trying to make a big stink, trying to become collectively famous, and then quietly voted for Walker. I was there, for an unrelated reason, and I just watched amused.
From that the protesters learned an important rule of Bokononims: The karass needs a wampeter, usually an enemy, and a feeling of oppression to fight against, or it will deflate like a granfalloon.
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