Cruz was mathematically eliminated from a first ballot win last Tuesday. I can't get it confirmed just yet, but it appears as though Trump will be over 1000 delegates after tonight.
That was unhinged, Mike. I would have thought that Trump "lost it"; except that I thought he lost his mind long ago, and tonight he is the electoral winner, not loser.
But my God, what an insane tirade about a 50 year old photo. I know Trump is unqualified to be sworn into office as president. I am now leaning toward "frightening."
Good luck in the general. With Trump's majority, the exit polling also seems to show a profound, astonishing division within the Republican Party. Not the Democratic Party; the Republican Party.
One other thing; nobody needs to convince me about the weakness of Hillary Clinton as a candidate. She would need a huge infusion of excitement and energy to win a general election. And I think she just got it. The only way for Republicans to boost that campaign, was to nominate Trump.
For some reason, in my mind, I processed that post as 'whiner', closely followed by 'weiner'.
I think Cruz needs to put his big boy panties on and realize that this isn't his time. He simply doesn't resonate. I amfirmly in the ABH camp, but pulling that lever for Trump is going to be painful. I'm looking at Gary Johnson - although I suppose I could write in. I'm encoraging all my Bernie supporting friends and family to write in Bernie. Right now all of them, every single one, have declared they will not vote for Hillary. Several say they will write in Bernie. I keep encouraging that. It also galls them that Bernie hinted on Sunday that Trump must be stopped - which I pointed out could be viewed as Bernie endorsing Hillary if he isn't the nominee. They were very uncomfortable with that. Felt a bit betrayed actually.
Cruz, the most principled conservative in the race, simply lacks the capacity to draw in supporters in a critical mass for any number of reasons. His campaign and electoral weakness stands in stark contrast to his intellect.
Sanders hanging tough on the dem side.
I should offer up a direct criticism of Hillary at this point, but every time I do "lifelong republican" Chuck gets very upset and accuses me of "being obsessed with Hillary".
So would a Trump supporter mind stepping up and indicating who you are rooting for, in the following Senate elections:
1. Senator Rob Portman vs. former governor Ted Strickland (Ohio).
2. Senator Mark Kirk vs. congresswoman Tammy Duckworth (Illinois).
3. Senator Ron Johnson vs. Russ Feingold (Wisconsin).
4. Senator Pat Toomey vs. somebody (Pennsylvania).
These four mainstream Republicans, GOP establishment, are essential to holding the Senate for Republicans. Losing them all, would likely portend a flip of the Senate to Democrats. All four incumbent Senate Republicans distanced themselves from Trump. Pat Toomey is the Senator from The Club for Growth. And to win a general, it would be fair to say that Trump would need to win Ohio, Pennsylvania and perhaps Wisconsin. Illinois might be permanently Blue, although a better national Republican ticket might have capitalized in Governor Bruce Rauner's reforms in Illinois.
John: "What I am really liking is the current Drudge headline. Hilary 50.1, Sanders 49.9. What does Hilary do if she loses here?"
Employ about 5,000 more "Chucks" on both sides of the R/D fence to run interference and protect her "electability" while attempting to sap the morale of the opposing side.
It is time for all us Happy Trumpants to reserve our rooms over at the Trump Old Post Office Hotel. From there we can walk over to the The People's white House and greet President Trump on Inauguration Day.
Drago said... Cruz, the most principled conservative in the race, simply lacks the capacity to draw in supporters in a critical mass for any number of reasons. His campaign and electoral weakness stands in stark contrast to his intellect.
Sanders hanging tough on the dem side.
I should offer up a direct criticism of Hillary at this point, but every time I do "lifelong republican" Chuck gets very upset and accuses me of "being obsessed with Hillary".
No that is not what I have said, and that is not what I would say now. You freak.
You are the guy who, every time I show up to criticize Trump, wonders why I don't have a negative word to say about Hillary. And I have given you far better explanations than you deserve, you miserably obsessed freak.
I am telling you again, even though you show all signs of being too stubborn and too stupid to get it; the very best Clinton critics in the business are the editors and columnists at the Journal, the Weekly Standard and NRO, who have been criticizing Democrats for a generation. And they are the same people who have authored the very best criticism of Trump.
You criticize Mrs. Clinton if you want; why do you demand that I do it for you?
You represent a more pathological approach; wherein anyone who doesn't like Trump must be a secret admirer of Hillary. I'm not.
I'll vote for Trump. I don't want him to have any excuses when he loses.
Next step for Trump; start begging Republican donors to support his campaign.
Sorry I wasn't clear, John Henry. I meant I could pull the lever for Johnson possibly - who I know is in the ballots - OR write in my preferred candidate.
And yes, that could be equated to just pulling the lever for Criminallary - unless a huge number of Bernie supporters vote their conscience. Or give Jill Stein and the Green party a look. Seriously. Bernie should consider her for a running mate - or be her VP pick.
"These four mainstream Republicans, GOP establishment, are essential to holding the Senate for Republicans. Losing them all, would likely portend a flip of the Senate to Democrats. All four incumbent Senate Republicans distanced themselves from Trump."
Then it's time for them to start to support Trump. All Republicans need to rally around the nominee to defeat Hillary. That's all there is to it. You #NeverTrumpers are losers. The choice is whether to be sore losers or patriots.
I don't know what he will do or if he will show good sense in governing. Speculation now is about Gingrich as either VP or Chief of Staff.
Cruz could have been the VP but Cruz is a loose cannon and showed it by the level of lunatic flailing the past week. I actually thought he might see the handwriting and join under some sort of deal to succeed Trump is he, as I expect, does not serve a second term.
Newt Gingrich is 72, even older than Trump. I don't trust Rubio. Maybe Susanna Martinez, but she has no DC experience.
I doubt Tom Cotton would be interested but you never know.
This is a revolution and revolutions can get messy.
@drago 6:27 The problem with Cruz is that he is not "principled". He is an opportunist and self-promoter. If he were principled he would not have caused the shutdown that left the R's with egg on their face. From his time in the Senate he has proven that he is a poor tactician. There is a reason Boehner, and most others in Congress, think he is the personification of evil
We could have a whole new campaign for strategic write-in-vote non-candidate. Where Never-TrumpHillaryists decide who to write-in who they do like. Maybe they could vote on the qualities they want and then get a robot made in Japan. At least the American worker would then be represented. I asked Siri whether a robot should be President and she said (the web said) they are honest and aren't in it for the money so maybe their time has come. Then she told me to upgrade my phone, there was deal at Apple. She told me to get a Fitbit and a remote-controlled furnace thermometer. Latest message, she wants to know why I bought carmel and sea salt dark chocolate. I said Trump won in Indiana. Then I put her under a pillow so she couldn't buzz any more but I think she is arranging a nation wide poll. Don't answer the phone if she calls; she's a bigger nag than Hillary and she's turning her screen orange because she says it worked for Donald Trump.
chuck: "You represent a more pathological approach; wherein anyone who doesn't like Trump must be a secret admirer of Hillary. I'm not."
I understand your need to alter the reality of your own assertions. It was you yourself who asserted that you would not offer any criticism of Hillary so long as The Donald was in the race.
It was you yourself who labeled my criticism of Hillary "an obsession".
You know, exactly like any "lifelong republican" would do.
"the very best Clinton critics in the business are the editors and columnists at the Journal, the Weekly Standard and NRO, who have been criticizing Democrats for a generation"
It depends on what you mean by "very best".
The most aesthetically pleasing to certain people? The most valid by some theoretical standard? The most assiduous?
None of these matter much. The Weekly Standard, NRO, etc. do not get much distribution, nor do their arguments matter for more than a very few people.
They certainly aren't the most effective critics of the Clintons. Obama's campaign was much more effective. Drudge is more effective. Limbaugh is more effective. Even Sanders is more effective.
AllenS: "Without name calling, Chuck has nothing."
I wouldn't say that as I believe you may not be properly identifying the animating factors behind Chucks attacks against Trump and refusal to criticize Hillary.
Once you begin to alter the base assumptions to account for the specific behavior, you can usually find a set of assumptions which, when followed to their logical conclusion, provides a quite coherent rationale for the behavior.
I leave it to each observer to draw their own conclusions about "lifelong republican" Chuck.
Do not do this. You have no idea how much trouble you are getting into when you have to fix the #%^$&* furnace. Manual furnace, NP. "Smart" furnace control = software problems that you cant deal with alone.
buwaya: "Do not do this. You have no idea how much trouble you are getting into when you have to fix the #%^$&* furnace. Manual furnace, NP. "Smart" furnace control = software problems that you cant deal with alone"
I'm afraid you are fighting against the tides of history on this one in much the same way that electronic controls for appliances swept away the much more reliable manual controls.
I've been a Republican since I moved to the United States. I understood the party to be a coalition of conservatives and libertarians.
I neither know nor care what Trump or his interloper minions are; if he's a Republican, I'm not.
Ergo, as of tonight, I'm an Independent. Enjoy your burning husk of a barge for a few months, Trumpkins, and get used to saying the words "Madam President."
Simon: "Ergo, as of tonight, I'm an Independent. Enjoy your burning husk of a barge for a few months, Trumpkins, and get used to saying the words "Madam President."
I'm not a Trumpkin, but following the lead of your side of the party forced us to get used to the words "President Obama".
I care fuck all about the Republican Party. The system is the thing that is important. That system has allowed people the world over to legally immigrate to the United States and have better lives than those they left behind.
The man or woman at the top should not matter. The system should keep power divided between fools of all stripes. But the system has been systematically attacked. Power has been considated. The regulatory state consumes all.
The trajectory must be changed if conditions are to improve. Here's hoping!
Drago said... Simon: "Ergo, as of tonight, I'm an Independent. Enjoy your burning husk of a barge for a few months, Trumpkins, and get used to saying the words "Madam President."
I'm not a Trumpkin, but following the lead of your side of the party forced us to get used to the words "President Obama".
First, and perhaps most important, fuck you. Second, it is YOUR cancerous corner of the party, the moderate fucking stupid idiotic populist middle that has nominated this catastrophe, not the conservative side of the party, i.e. my side of the party, that did what we could to save us from the hostile takeover you have successfully mounted. Third, and finally, fuck you. Trump supporters blocked on-sight.
Right now, with 43% Republican/44% Democratic votes in Indiana:
Sanders 52% HRC 48%
Trump 52.6% Cruz 39% Kasich 8%
In other words, the percentage of the "insurgent" voting block in both parties is the same, which means that the "establishment" (Cruz + Kasich on the Repub. side) block is the same also. Who knows if this pattern will hold or is simply a fluke?
wildswan said... "We could have a whole new campaign for strategic write-in-vote non-candidate."
So name the candidate. The problem with that strategy is that it depends on the idiot "never Trump but also never the only candidate who can beat Trump" being willing to actually back a candidate, which they won't.
Maybe I'll write in "Laura Roslin." At least she had a pair.
Remember, we must all go along with the "mainstream" republicans and naturalize about 30 million illegal immigrants (and if you believe the lower estimates then you are just the type of voter the dems loved to target with their obamacare claims).
Once that happens, all is lost. We become Caracas and Mexico City.
Will Trump disappoint us on this count? Perhaps. Perhaps more than just perhaps.
Will Hillary? 100%
That is the choice. Nothing else much matters at this point as all will flow from that battle.
If you pull the lever for anyone other Trump, then you are an operational supporter of Hillary. Such is the binary electoral process that we have.
"I am telling you again, even though you show all signs of being too stubborn and too stupid to get it; the very best Clinton critics in the business are the editors and columnists at the Journal, the Weekly Standard and NRO, who have been criticizing Democrats for a generation. And they are the same people who have authored the very best criticism of Trump."
Nope, you're too stupid and stubborn to see that the WSJ, Weekly Standard and NRO by their anti-Trump hysteria, support for open borders (whether active or passive) and bad trade deals, and their Neo-Con foreign policies have us to a Trump nomination and may well elect Hillary.
Your buddy George Will just stated the Republican party should favor Hillary over Trump. Some Conservative. What a Critic!
If any of these publications have shown 1/3 as much hatred and vitriol toward Obama that they have toward Trump - we wouldn't be here.
Birches: "I thought 2012 was America's last chance to make things right. I didn't realize it was also the small government conservatism's last chance too"
I fear you are correct and I sense that so much of what is happening in the party is precisely why Trump is winning even over principled conservatives with a pretty good story like Cruz.
Timing in politics is so crucial and Cruz simply missed a window.
Well I was going to post "Fuck Trump" but enough people have beaten me to that so instead I'll simply state that I will not vote for a nut job conspiracy theorist.
Christopher: "Well I was going to simply post "Fuck Trump" but enough people have beaten me to that so instead I'll simply state that I will not vote for a nut job conspiracy theorist"
Hillary "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" Clinton thanks you.
Whew. We sure dodged that "conspiracy theorist" in the White House, didn't we?
Right! Because TED FUCKING CRUZ is part of the ESTABLISHMENT!
Calm down, Sebastian. I had to pick a word at the moment that covered all of the players on both sides, & that's the one I picked. Don't read too much into it.
No, Cruz is not part of the GOPe like Jeb was, but he is a sitting Senator, which is more than Trump is, you must admit.
Do not do this. You have no idea how much trouble you are getting into when you have to fix the #%^$&* furnace. Manual furnace, NP. "Smart" furnace control = software problems that you cant deal with alone."
Siri called the neighbors to come over and tell me not to listen to buwaya. (She can't make me hear from the under the pillow.) Apparently a remote controlled furnace thermometer is actually the robot party's next candidate. They have taken down buwya's IP. He will be dealt with. The RP's held the neighbors' router hostage till the message was delivered.
I am not a robot by birth but I will identify as one on the next census
Of course, I must now offer my apologies to "lifelong republican" Chuck for daring to criticize Hillary.
BTW, Cruz is currently delivering perfectly apt conservative truths in a fairly compelling way along with an interesting personal story.
But we have reached a point in history where these methods carry far less weight than they did a generation ago.
Even as I sit here enjoying Cruz' message (because it's a timeless message about what America is all about) I must face the fact that the dems have successfully undermined all the values that Cruz' message speaks to.
All of the people who tell others how they 'must' vote (conceding it is a rhetorical device) offend me. Each adult has agency. I believe in personal responsibility.
>Cruz is that he is not "principled". He is an opportunist and self-promoter. If he were principled he would not have caused the shutdown that left the R's with egg on their face<
good allan there are really stupid peeps on the intertubes
YH: "No, Cruz is not part of the GOPe like Jeb was, but he is a sitting Senator, which is more than Trump is, you must admit."
Cruz is so far from an establishment guy that there is simply no basis for ever referring to him as such, even if it is only your intent to compare him against Trump on a "not establishment" scale.
Birkel said... "All of the people who tell others how they 'must' vote (conceding it is a rhetorical device) offend me. Each adult has agency. I believe in personal responsibility."
I'm not telling you how you must vote: If you want to vote for Trump, that's your business. Just don't delude yourself that voting for any candidate other than Cruz was a vote for Trump. If you were too deluded or childish to accept simple math that has been clear since FEBRUARY, well, then you're right to believe in personal responsibility, because you personally share in the responsibility of those who whined that they didn't like Trump but wouldn't sack up and do what it would take to stop him. You're WORSE than Drago. At least he's being fucking HONEST with himself.
All those who refuse to support the republican nominee are electing Hillary Clinton. You may not like hearing it and you may try to argue it, but it is true. Anyone voting Hillary should be ostracized from the party, never to wok in it again.
"Perhaps next time you should check to ensure your premise is correct.
Because it is not."
So Trump didn't wasn't talking about Obama's birth certificate? So he and his allies didn't float a bullshit connection between Cruz's father and JFK's assassination within the past week?
Please, oh please, tell me which of those is incorrect.
Instead of saying its been a good run America, let's say instead it's been a good run conservatism. It's held the GOP captive for almost 40 years now, and regardless of Trumps success or failure in November, it's clear conservatism's time in the sun is over. It has failed to stop Obama, would certainly fail to stop Hillary, it is no longer the coalition of ideas.
Some new coalition will seize control of the GOP, who knows where it will end? The only certain thing is change.
Sanders is pulling ahead of Hillary and Trump is slightly ahead of their combined vote total. Then Cruz and Kasich have another 300,000. So ... who's going to win the general election? Are we sure we know?
If you don't want to vote for Trump, then don't vote for him. All of this pouting is getting old. It's like a continuous whine. Your guy NeverTrump didn't get any votes.
YoungHegelian said... "No, Cruz is not part of the GOPe like Jeb was, but he is a sitting Senator, which is more than Trump is, you must admit."
He's a sitting Senator whom the establishment hated so much that they'd rather have Trump than Cruz. That's how "establishment" Cruz is: The GOP establishment loves Cruz so much that they'd rather lose the house, the senate, the presidency, the supreme court, and gods know how many state races than see him get the nomination. What an establishment kinda guy!
All those who refuse to support the republican nominee are electing Hillary Clinton. You may not like hearing it and you may try to argue it, but it is true. Anyone voting Hillary should be ostracized from the party, never to wok in it again.
@Simon You may not like him, but in this country its the votes that count and a whole lot of people are voting for Trump. Ask me to explain it and I can't get beyond the fact there are a whole bunch of people who are tired of being pissed on by the "anointed".
khesanh0802 said... "@Simon You may not like him, but in this country its the votes that count and a whole lot of people are voting for Trump. Ask me to explain it and I can't get beyond the fact there are a whole bunch of people who are tired of being pissed on by the 'anointed'."
And that has what in the blue blazes to do with voting for Trump? That's zero excuse. The "anointed" candidate was Jeb Bush and he dropped out of the race a long time ago. The only explanation for voting for Trump is stupidity, viciousness, mendacity, and misogyny. Fuck every single one of them.
I already lived through losing the Catholic Church to a hostile takeover by a hostile force with values antithetical to our own in the last few years; to see the same thing play out in the GOP is too much to bear.
Karen of Texas: "Is Cruz's suspend a final poke in the eye to the GOPe? What are they going to do now? Does Cruz at least get the final f#@$ you, GOPe?"
They will stick with Kasich to the end and pray they can turn enough super-delegates to throw the convention into chaos. Besides, Kasich enjoys standing up and lecturing the republican base on their morale failures so he won't quit anytime soon.
BTW, what part of Texas? You don't have to be specific since this is the intertubes.
Every time that Trump shows up to campaign, and people start rioting and burning police cars, and punching Trump supporters, and destroying property, all of the NeverTrump commentators here who say that they will vote for someone else, are replaced 10 fold daily.
Simon: "And that has what in the blue blazes to do with voting for Trump?"
It's a binary system: Trump or Hillary. Pick. And by refusing to pick (and being a sentient human being) you clearly move your "against Hillary" vote into the "meh" column which helps her.
Simon: "That's zero excuse. The "anointed" candidate was Jeb Bush and he dropped out of the race a long time ago."
He didn't drop out. He got shellacked. You know, sort of like how Napoleon "dropped out" after Waterloo.
Simon: "The only explanation for voting for Trump is stupidity, viciousness, mendacity, and misogyny. Fuck every single one of them"
Said every democrat/leftist about every voter for every republican candidate in the modern era of US elections.
Drago: It is not a binary system. Before a voter fills in the circle for Trump or Clinton, that voter needs to decide to go to the polling place. That is a decision tree with lots of branches, multiple inputs, and a great many unknowns and unmeasurables.
@Simon Your list - stupidity, viciousness, mendacity, and misogyny -misses the anger over lost jobs and lost self-respect that is motivating many of the Trump voters.
By the "anointed" I mean those who have become a part of the permanent government establishment - either party.
The US is not the Catholic Church. Voters have more say than parishioners. I am an Episcopalian. If you think the Catholic Church has lost its way you should look at the flaming wreckage that is the Episcopal church.
Birkel: "AllenS: How kind of you to tell other free people they have a right to vote as they wish"
As a famous lefty once said, it's not relevant how you vote. All that matters is who counts the vote, and a Hillary election will begin to solidify, in an irreparable way, a permanent dem underclass majority.
In all likelihood we are probably already past that point.
I'd definitely like to see all 4 Repub Senators re-elected. That is strategery right? And that is what got us where we are today. So you can have your strategery - I'll vote Trump and hope he does of the hings he has military, enfoce our borders, build a Big Wall and address job losses due to unlimited illegal/ legal immigration and crappy trade deals. -
It depends a bit on what you call "conservative." As I remarked on another thread, it was very curious to hear a Labour MP speak way more "conservatively" about Free Trade compared to Cameron or any of our party big-wigs.
>Sanders is pulling ahead of Hillary and Trump is slightly ahead of their combined vote total. Then Cruz and Kasich have another 300,000. So ... who's going to win the general election? Are we sure we know?<
fascinating insight that there mores r's than d's in indiana. you be bill krystal!!11!!
Don't let my boy vote for Trump The dying mother said. Don't let him vote for Hillary I rather see him dead. But let him vote for ... for... Then sadly, she fell dead.
Birkel: "Drago: Having pointed out two occasions above, you will not have to search hard"
Hmmm, lets take a look...
I found this:
Birkel: "Drago: Then I suggest you and other True ConservativeScotsmen not adopt the thought patterns and rhetorical devices of the side you claim to resist"
When did I employ such a device?
If you are suggesting that my assertion that our national elections are binary, well, you might as well complain about my pointing out that gravity exists.
And how you got from there to a "True ConservativeScotsmen" accusation defies logic itself.
Bobby Jindal has said he will vote for Trump, ABH. Is that good enough for you guys?
CNN is even warming up to Trump, all the hardcore leftie panelists are saying positive things about him. The righties are the ones saying negative shit.
David Begley: "SJ Lynch is right. Hillary is too weak. Hillary indicted. Biden in. Hillary pardoned on Christmas Eve."
I would not have believed that a few months back, but I'm forced to consider the possibilities given Hillary's astonishing weakness despite every advantage in the book and universal media support.
"Let's see. Should I vote for the crook ... or should I vote for the crook? We really are screwed."
Vote for a third party candidate you can support. The two party system is dead as a means of the people exerting any influence on how our country is run.
CBS This Morning was reporting at 7 am this morning that although the latest polls showed Hillary leading bernie by 50-46 there were some signs the Hillary Clinton was secretly very worried about losing Indiana, and West Virginia, too.
In West Virginia undeclared people can vote in both primaries and even before tonight it was looking more like they are more interested in stopping Hillary even though Bernie is more against coal than she is. Not more against guns, though.
the same way that electronic controls for appliances swept away the much more reliable manual controls.
I hate to bring up a somber note on this thread (Go Trump) but as I watched that young woman (who drove into 15 feet of water in a Houston underpass) waving her cell phone flashlight app to get help, I kept thinking..."if only she had a window crank".
Because if there is one thing the Washington establishment pays attention to are the third party write in candidates. Yup. That is the way to go. Get a silver virtue pin for the lapel too. Wear with pride.
rcocean said... "Good. Go vote for Hillary. If you're a Republican we don't need you."
I'm a conservative. If Trump is a Republican—and how can that be denied if he's the nominee?—I'm not, because that means that the GOP isn't a conservative party any more.
Enjoy your bonfire until Hillary destroys you and the smoldering husk of the party. Just take comfort in this: At your darkest moment in the next administration, when you really hate how awful it's gotten, I'll be here to remind you that it was all your fault and that we tried to stop you and fuck you very much for screwing all of us in your childish scream of inchoate rage.
eddie: "I kept thinking..."if only she had a window crank".
I've always trained my little ones how to handle a submerged vehicle scenario just in case they are go under or end up driving with a beloved and respected dem senator late at night.
Again, I apologize to "lifelong republican" Chuck for criticizing a democrat, even though he is not Hillary.
I said before I don’t even know if Cruz will win Nebraska and West Virginia. Now Donald Trump says he was hearing they were doing well there.
In West Virginia sources contradict themsleves, but one says 3 are decided statewide, 3×3=9 by CD and 22 are at large, by name. Now people can vote for up to 22, but if they vote for 23 their ballot is invalid, and they cannot vote for more than 2 delegates from the same county.
Donald Trump said he got 62% in New York but they never get credit for it but now they don't need it.
Trump is talking about trade. Which he claims gives the U.S. only one thing: unemployment. A company going to a different state is OK.
Back in 2003, I knew someone who ran for President. IIRC, every presidential election year, there are about 1,500 people running for POTUS.
So, there you are. If you want to vote for someone besides Trump or Hillary (or Bernie), there are plenty of choices for you. Please, we don't need to hear about it for the next 5 months.
In the Indiana primary 2012 Romney got 410,000 votes, Trump at this moment has 450,000, 67% of the vote counted. Romney's 2012 opponent got 98,000. Trump's opponents have about 380,000. So this to me says enthusiasm is growing for Trump.
And it is a sort of Republican riot against the anointed by degree class. The more names Trump voters get called, the more voters he has. In 1968 when Bobby Kennedy saw McGovern was getting somewhere with the anti-war issue he took the issue away from him. But the "e's" are trying to win by calling Americans every dirty name they can think of. The "e's" think they can shame people into supporting Dirty Hillary and her sidekick, Slick Willy
Trump says the Rasmussen poll came out the other day and in that poll, he's now leading HHillary Clinton - and that's going to continue.
He says they are not going to be able what he can do on trade, on the military, on the border - relationship with Hspanics will be good because they all want jobs.
He thinks other countries take away jobs - by selling things that people want to buy.
"CNN is even warming up to Trump, all the hardcore leftie panelists are saying positive things about him. The righties are the ones saying negative shit."
That's because Trump is a lefty, who was smart enough to con a bunch of people into believing he will build a wall.
He will not build a wall. No wall will be built during the Trump administration.
Cruz gave a contradictory concession speech. He spoke aboput how important things are - and seemed to have Trump in mind as a bad thing - and then concedes. He said he had promised to contonue as long as there was a road open.
Trump says people who called him bad things are calling him now and saying they'd love to gte on the Trump train.
It does appear that the Republican Party coalition of my lifetime is dead. The Democratic Party's coalition is not doing much better. It will be interesting to see how this re-aligns. Of course that assumes the country survives - no longer a certainty - and, if so, if the democratic republic survives, which is also no longer a certainty.
I don't begrudge Cruz taking it hard. This is probably the most difficult, challenging thing he has ever done. He put his entire heart into it. Of course he's disappointed. Give him a few days to recover. He will get behind Trump against Clinton. All right thinking people will get behind Trump.
Cruz lost and had a good showing. The rest of the losing Republican field just lost. Badly. Even Kasich, who is too far gone into his own personal wilderness to stop himself.
Where does that leave Cruz, who despite the hatred from the Dems and the loathing from the GOPe, did better than any other actual Republican in these primaries? Not in a personal wilderness, nor on a back bench in the Senate, nor in need of anyone's pity or disdain.
Trump and the GOP would be smart to limit Cruz to the Supreme Court as a surprise nominee after the Inauguration. But I said "smart" in that regard, didn't I? Oh, well.
Democracy in action!!! or, at least the Democrats, in action. They like to be inclusive and they have super-delegates in case anyone gets carried away with inclusiveness and tries for reform.
You can, however use the men's bathroom, gender-men. The urinals are open for business, lady parts.
Which is somehow an image of Democrats, inclusiveness and reform.
Slinks seems harsh. I've been on the losing end of some bruising union certification fights, where management unflinchingly broke the law, intimidated the poorest and most vulnerable, and generally stooped to all kinds of sliminess. I absolutely despise the leadership of that union today, but as an organizer I was scrupulous to a fault and so were most of my co-organizers (well, actually most of them were too lazy to cheat). Anyway, it's tough to lose when you feel you've fought the honest fight.
"With a little over half the votes counted the R total is over 700,000, the D total is about 400,000. What does that tell you?"
Did yo do the same math with New York. Last time a Dem won Indiana was '64 so no surprise more Republican votes. Please do the same math for NY, Conn RI etc.
Phil 3:14: "Did yo do the same math with New York. Last time a Dem won Indiana was '64 so no surprise more Republican votes. Please do the same math for NY, Conn RI etc"
It does appear daunting. The dems have been quite busy for the last 50 years in building up their mobs of garage mahals in blue states and to pair that up with their long march thru the institutions.
I agree with Ted Cruz on many issues, but to win the presidency, you have to make an emotional connection with millions of voters. Cruz fell short on this.
Trump doesn't focus on issues, but he has made an emotional connection with a large segment of the Republican Party.
I agree with the sentiment expressed above that if we can support, Dole, McCain and Romney, we oughta be able to support Trump, howeve unorthodox it may feel.
I'd like Trump to focus intelligently on the illegal immigration issue, the radical Muslim issue, and the trade issue. But that may be asking too much.
I'd like him to focus also on the bread & butter Consevative issue of shrinking the Government and expanding the private sector.
Trump was simply positioned correctly at the right time. For me, the true epiphany happened after the Paris Massacre, and was only reinforced by the days following San Bernadino. In January, I had become convinced that Trump might well be unstoppable for the nomination, but had grave doubts about his general election chances, but I have come to realize that people are continuously underestimating the depth of the support he has, and where that support is coming from. I think Trump vs Clinton will be not even be close, and Trump wins going away. I think this will become abundantly clear once the last primary has been run, and when it sinks in at the White House, a leak will be directed to the New York Times detailing how Clinton is going to be indicted. The Democrats will never allow Sanders to have the nomination- I fully expect this Fall's matchup will be Trump vs Biden. I don't know how to predict that one yet.
Well I joined the Republican Party 20+ years ago ( from being an Independent). Time to say adios.
My main conclusions: - the hard line conservative would NOT have won in '08 or '12 - the majority of Republicans and Democrats want the government to take their side and help them out ("the Wall" vs "White privilege") - there's tribalism just under the surface: white for Donald, black/Latino for Hillary. -looking at all four candidates and where they fit on the political spectrum, overall the country has shifted left -BIGGEST conclusion: WHÀT THE HELL IS GOING ON
Meade said... Am I the first to predict a Trump/Sanders ticket?
Laurence I won't laugh at that, even if you were looking for a laugh (I am guessing you were not).
But it would be a remarkable statement indeed, to those Trump voters who were angry that "RINOS" in congress caved too easily to Democrats. Trump voters who felt "betrayed" by Washington Republicans who promised a legislative slate of ending ObamaCare, but who didn't deliver (as if they could).
Trump-Sanders would be a natural, however, for Trump critics who took Trump at his word, when he said that he admired single-payer national healthcare systems. Because Bernie Sanders does too!
And, most important of all, it would make Matt Drudge the happiest man in Miami.
"It does appear daunting. The dems have been quite busy for the last 50 years in building up their mobs of garage mahals in blue states and to pair that up with their long march thru the institutions."
"Cruz could have been the VP but Cruz is a loose cannon and showed it by the level of lunatic flailing the past week."
I had predicted right up until tonight that Cruz was likely to be the VP, but I think he has burned that bridge entirely. I am not sure who will be the VP now since Trump isn't going to need any support prior to the convention.
What will Trump and his wild eyed supporters do without Cruz to kick? I doubt Trump has it in him to really go after Hillary the way he trashed his fellow R's.
Trump's acceptance speech seemed somewhat low energy. There was a bit of post partum depression to it. There was no mention of crooked Hillary and how disgusting her bathroom habits are. I was hoping for more fireworks, but maybe by tomorrow he'll be refreshed and recharged.
I think its funny that the Republicans are going to end up with, not a principled conservative, but a liberal who is almost more liberal than Hillary. Big laugh at that one. Now that the nomination is in sniffing distance, will he change his tune? I don't think he is capable of that.
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३१३ टिप्पण्या:
313 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»The recent revelation that Cruz's father helped Lee Harvey Oswald turned out to be decisive.
Cruz was mathematically eliminated from a first ballot win last Tuesday. I can't get it confirmed just yet, but it appears as though Trump will be over 1000 delegates after tonight.
Kasich is getting 9% - looks like a lot of those "Kasich voters" weren't "Nevertrump voters".
Trump now has - according to CNN 1,035 votes. He needs 1237. He's won. Its over.
That was unhinged, Mike. I would have thought that Trump "lost it"; except that I thought he lost his mind long ago, and tonight he is the electoral winner, not loser.
But my God, what an insane tirade about a 50 year old photo. I know Trump is unqualified to be sworn into office as president. I am now leaning toward "frightening."
Good luck in the general. With Trump's majority, the exit polling also seems to show a profound, astonishing division within the Republican Party. Not the Democratic Party; the Republican Party.
One other thing; nobody needs to convince me about the weakness of Hillary Clinton as a candidate. She would need a huge infusion of excitement and energy to win a general election. And I think she just got it. The only way for Republicans to boost that campaign, was to nominate Trump.
For some reason, in my mind, I processed that post as 'whiner', closely followed by 'weiner'.
I think Cruz needs to put his big boy panties on and realize that this isn't his time. He simply doesn't resonate. I amfirmly in the ABH camp, but pulling that lever for Trump is going to be painful. I'm looking at Gary Johnson - although I suppose I could write in. I'm encoraging all my Bernie supporting friends and family to write in Bernie. Right now all of them, every single one, have declared they will not vote for Hillary. Several say they will write in Bernie. I keep encouraging that. It also galls them that Bernie hinted on Sunday that Trump must be stopped - which I pointed out could be viewed as Bernie endorsing Hillary if he isn't the nominee. They were very uncomfortable with that. Felt a bit betrayed actually.
Going to be an interesting election for sure.
Rumor on twitter is that Jonah Goldberg and Lowrey are contemplating a double suicide. They're taking "nevertrump" to a whole new level.
It's over. Move from denial to grief. Or anger. Whatever.
Cruz, the most principled conservative in the race, simply lacks the capacity to draw in supporters in a critical mass for any number of reasons. His campaign and electoral weakness stands in stark contrast to his intellect.
Sanders hanging tough on the dem side.
I should offer up a direct criticism of Hillary at this point, but every time I do "lifelong republican" Chuck gets very upset and accuses me of "being obsessed with Hillary".
I'm looking at Gary Johnson - although I suppose I could write in.
No need to write in. the Libertarian Party candidate, perhaps Johnson, will be on the ballot in all 50 states as I understand it.
John Henry
John: "I'm looking at Gary Johnson - although I suppose I could write in"
Just skip the middle man and pull the lever for Hillary.
Drago, not me. I am not voting for anyone presidentially. That was Karen that wanted to vote libertarian.
John Henry
John: "Drago, not me. I am not voting for anyone presidentially."
I realize that my comment appeared directed at you. it was not intended to be. Apologies.
trump won? By almost 20 points?
I call shenanigans. Why just yesterday the press was telling us that polls proved that Cruz was gonna win by 5 points or more.
What I am really liking is the current Drudge headline. Hilary 50.1, Sanders 49.9.
What does Hilary do if she loses here?
John Henry
So far, Trump appears to have garnered as many votes as Clinton and Sanders combined.
So would a Trump supporter mind stepping up and indicating who you are rooting for, in the following Senate elections:
1. Senator Rob Portman vs. former governor Ted Strickland (Ohio).
2. Senator Mark Kirk vs. congresswoman Tammy Duckworth (Illinois).
3. Senator Ron Johnson vs. Russ Feingold (Wisconsin).
4. Senator Pat Toomey vs. somebody (Pennsylvania).
These four mainstream Republicans, GOP establishment, are essential to holding the Senate for Republicans. Losing them all, would likely portend a flip of the Senate to Democrats. All four incumbent Senate Republicans distanced themselves from Trump. Pat Toomey is the Senator from The Club for Growth. And to win a general, it would be fair to say that Trump would need to win Ohio, Pennsylvania and perhaps Wisconsin. Illinois might be permanently Blue, although a better national Republican ticket might have capitalized in Governor Bruce Rauner's reforms in Illinois.
How to handle all of that?
John: "What I am really liking is the current Drudge headline. Hilary 50.1, Sanders 49.9. What does Hilary do if she loses here?"
Employ about 5,000 more "Chucks" on both sides of the R/D fence to run interference and protect her "electability" while attempting to sap the morale of the opposing side.
Quite simple really.
Just think! After Trump is elected and all those Trump-haters move to Canada, there will be so many jobs available! Nice work, Donald! :-)
It is time for all us Happy Trumpants to reserve our rooms over at the Trump Old Post Office Hotel. From there we can walk over to the The People's white House and greet President Trump on Inauguration Day.
Damn, Bern is going down with all guns firing!
Drago said...
Cruz, the most principled conservative in the race, simply lacks the capacity to draw in supporters in a critical mass for any number of reasons. His campaign and electoral weakness stands in stark contrast to his intellect.
Sanders hanging tough on the dem side.
I should offer up a direct criticism of Hillary at this point, but every time I do "lifelong republican" Chuck gets very upset and accuses me of "being obsessed with Hillary".
No that is not what I have said, and that is not what I would say now. You freak.
You are the guy who, every time I show up to criticize Trump, wonders why I don't have a negative word to say about Hillary. And I have given you far better explanations than you deserve, you miserably obsessed freak.
I am telling you again, even though you show all signs of being too stubborn and too stupid to get it; the very best Clinton critics in the business are the editors and columnists at the Journal, the Weekly Standard and NRO, who have been criticizing Democrats for a generation. And they are the same people who have authored the very best criticism of Trump.
You criticize Mrs. Clinton if you want; why do you demand that I do it for you?
You represent a more pathological approach; wherein anyone who doesn't like Trump must be a secret admirer of Hillary. I'm not.
I'll vote for Trump. I don't want him to have any excuses when he loses.
Next step for Trump; start begging Republican donors to support his campaign.
Well we had a good run America. I'm voting for Gary Johnson.
Sorry I wasn't clear, John Henry. I meant I could pull the lever for Johnson possibly - who I know is in the ballots - OR write in my preferred candidate.
And yes, that could be equated to just pulling the lever for Criminallary - unless a huge number of Bernie supporters vote their conscience. Or give Jill Stein and the Green party a look. Seriously. Bernie should consider her for a running mate - or be her VP pick.
"These four mainstream Republicans, GOP establishment, are essential to holding the Senate for Republicans. Losing them all, would likely portend a flip of the Senate to Democrats. All four incumbent Senate Republicans distanced themselves from Trump."
Then it's time for them to start to support Trump. All Republicans need to rally around the nominee to defeat Hillary. That's all there is to it. You #NeverTrumpers are losers. The choice is whether to be sore losers or patriots.
"although a better national Republican ticket might have capitalized in Governor Bruce Rauner's reforms in Illinois.
How to handle all of that?"
You vote for Trump and hope, as I think will happen, there is a huge preference cascade for Trump.
I don't know what he will do or if he will show good sense in governing. Speculation now is about Gingrich as either VP or Chief of Staff.
Cruz could have been the VP but Cruz is a loose cannon and showed it by the level of lunatic flailing the past week. I actually thought he might see the handwriting and join under some sort of deal to succeed Trump is he, as I expect, does not serve a second term.
Newt Gingrich is 72, even older than Trump. I don't trust Rubio. Maybe Susanna Martinez, but she has no DC experience.
I doubt Tom Cotton would be interested but you never know.
This is a revolution and revolutions can get messy.
Gary Johnson got us Indian gaming while it was still illegal by Federal law and other spooky things. Personally, I think he is a little unhinged.
I'd like to see Gingrich back in the game somewhere somehow. That would really put a twist in the left's knickers.
@drago 6:27 The problem with Cruz is that he is not "principled". He is an opportunist and self-promoter. If he were principled he would not have caused the shutdown that left the R's with egg on their face. From his time in the Senate he has proven that he is a poor tactician. There is a reason Boehner, and most others in Congress, think he is the personification of evil
Oh well.
Ted Cruz is scheduled for a rally at noon in Lincoln, NE.
Trump to be in Omaha on Friday.
@Chuck Name calling is the last resort of a man with a weak argument.
We could have a whole new campaign for strategic write-in-vote non-candidate. Where Never-TrumpHillaryists decide who to write-in who they do like. Maybe they could vote on the qualities they want and then get a robot made in Japan. At least the American worker would then be represented. I asked Siri whether a robot should be President and she said (the web said) they are honest and aren't in it for the money so maybe their time has come. Then she told me to upgrade my phone, there was deal at Apple. She told me to get a Fitbit and a remote-controlled furnace thermometer. Latest message, she wants to know why I bought carmel and sea salt dark chocolate. I said Trump won in Indiana. Then I put her under a pillow so she couldn't buzz any more but I think she is arranging a nation wide poll. Don't answer the phone if she calls; she's a bigger nag than Hillary and she's turning her screen orange because she says it worked for Donald Trump.
Without name calling, Chuck has nothing. Looks like Sanders has Hillary by the short hairs.
Chuck: "No that is not what I have said,..."
It is precisely what you said.
Yes indeed, you are a "lifelong republican" and a lawyer.....who happened to not know that the dems employed lawfare against Palin.
Uh huh.
Not to worry. Every party needs a Tokyo Rose just to keep it interesting.
chuck: "You represent a more pathological approach; wherein anyone who doesn't like Trump must be a secret admirer of Hillary. I'm not."
I understand your need to alter the reality of your own assertions. It was you yourself who asserted that you would not offer any criticism of Hillary so long as The Donald was in the race.
It was you yourself who labeled my criticism of Hillary "an obsession".
You know, exactly like any "lifelong republican" would do.
"the very best Clinton critics in the business are the editors and columnists at the Journal, the Weekly Standard and NRO, who have been criticizing Democrats for a generation"
It depends on what you mean by "very best".
The most aesthetically pleasing to certain people?
The most valid by some theoretical standard?
The most assiduous?
None of these matter much. The Weekly Standard, NRO, etc. do not get much distribution, nor do their arguments matter for more than a very few people.
They certainly aren't the most effective critics of the Clintons.
Obama's campaign was much more effective.
Drudge is more effective.
Limbaugh is more effective.
Even Sanders is more effective.
AllenS: "Without name calling, Chuck has nothing."
I wouldn't say that as I believe you may not be properly identifying the animating factors behind Chucks attacks against Trump and refusal to criticize Hillary.
Once you begin to alter the base assumptions to account for the specific behavior, you can usually find a set of assumptions which, when followed to their logical conclusion, provides a quite coherent rationale for the behavior.
I leave it to each observer to draw their own conclusions about "lifelong republican" Chuck.
buwaya: "They certainly aren't the most effective critics of the Clintons."
Gee, it's almost as if "lifelong republican" Chuck went scrounging around for the LEAST effective critics of Clinton to praise.
But then, why, why would a "lifelong republican" do such a thing?
One wonders aloud....
"remote-controlled furnace thermometer"
Do not do this. You have no idea how much trouble you are getting into when you have to fix the #%^$&* furnace. Manual furnace, NP. "Smart" furnace control = software problems that you cant deal with alone.
buwaya: "Do not do this. You have no idea how much trouble you are getting into when you have to fix the #%^$&* furnace. Manual furnace, NP. "Smart" furnace control = software problems that you cant deal with alone"
I'm afraid you are fighting against the tides of history on this one in much the same way that electronic controls for appliances swept away the much more reliable manual controls.
I've been a Republican since I moved to the United States. I understood the party to be a coalition of conservatives and libertarians.
I neither know nor care what Trump or his interloper minions are; if he's a Republican, I'm not.
Ergo, as of tonight, I'm an Independent. Enjoy your burning husk of a barge for a few months, Trumpkins, and get used to saying the words "Madam President."
Simon: "Ergo, as of tonight, I'm an Independent. Enjoy your burning husk of a barge for a few months, Trumpkins, and get used to saying the words "Madam President."
I'm not a Trumpkin, but following the lead of your side of the party forced us to get used to the words "President Obama".
So, thanks for that.
The Cracker Emcee said...
"It's over. Move from denial to grief. Or anger. Whatever."
SMOD 2016. SMOD will abolish income inequality, the IRS, and 98% of the Earth's land surface.
I care fuck all about the Republican Party. The system is the thing that is important. That system has allowed people the world over to legally immigrate to the United States and have better lives than those they left behind.
The man or woman at the top should not matter. The system should keep power divided between fools of all stripes. But the system has been systematically attacked. Power has been considated. The regulatory state consumes all.
The trajectory must be changed if conditions are to improve. Here's hoping!
who, ron fournier, snorfle, bill kristol, a little better, not williamson certainly, I'll grant certain leeway for mccarthy and nordlinger,
Simon: "SMOD 2016. SMOD will abolish income inequality, the IRS, and 98% of the Earth's land surface."
Ah, another faithful AceOfSpades fan.
I believe your 98% of earth's land destroyed by SMOD is rather low.
Drago said...
Simon: "Ergo, as of tonight, I'm an Independent. Enjoy your burning husk of a barge for a few months, Trumpkins, and get used to saying the words "Madam President."
I'm not a Trumpkin, but following the lead of your side of the party forced us to get used to the words "President Obama".
First, and perhaps most important, fuck you.
Second, it is YOUR cancerous corner of the party, the moderate fucking stupid idiotic populist middle that has nominated this catastrophe, not the conservative side of the party, i.e. my side of the party, that did what we could to save us from the hostile takeover you have successfully mounted.
Third, and finally, fuck you. Trump supporters blocked on-sight.
You wanna see something statistically weird?
Right now, with 43% Republican/44% Democratic votes in Indiana:
Sanders 52%
HRC 48%
Trump 52.6%
Cruz 39%
Kasich 8%
In other words, the percentage of the "insurgent" voting block in both parties is the same, which means that the "establishment" (Cruz + Kasich on the Repub. side) block is the same also. Who knows if this pattern will hold or is simply a fluke?
Data from here.
I thought 2012 was America's last chance to make things right. I didn't realize it was also the small government conservatism's last chance too.
wildswan said...
"We could have a whole new campaign for strategic write-in-vote non-candidate."
So name the candidate. The problem with that strategy is that it depends on the idiot "never Trump but also never the only candidate who can beat Trump" being willing to actually back a candidate, which they won't.
Maybe I'll write in "Laura Roslin." At least she had a pair.
Remember, we must all go along with the "mainstream" republicans and naturalize about 30 million illegal immigrants (and if you believe the lower estimates then you are just the type of voter the dems loved to target with their obamacare claims).
Once that happens, all is lost. We become Caracas and Mexico City.
Will Trump disappoint us on this count? Perhaps. Perhaps more than just perhaps.
Will Hillary? 100%
That is the choice. Nothing else much matters at this point as all will flow from that battle.
If you pull the lever for anyone other Trump, then you are an operational supporter of Hillary. Such is the binary electoral process that we have.
"I am telling you again, even though you show all signs of being too stubborn and too stupid to get it; the very best Clinton critics in the business are the editors and columnists at the Journal, the Weekly Standard and NRO, who have been criticizing Democrats for a generation. And they are the same people who have authored the very best criticism of Trump."
Nope, you're too stupid and stubborn to see that the WSJ, Weekly Standard and NRO by their anti-Trump hysteria, support for open borders (whether active or passive) and bad trade deals, and their Neo-Con foreign policies have us to a Trump nomination and may well elect Hillary.
Your buddy George Will just stated the Republican party should favor Hillary over Trump. Some Conservative. What a Critic!
If any of these publications have shown 1/3 as much hatred and vitriol toward Obama that they have toward Trump - we wouldn't be here.
YoungHegelian said...
"the 'establishment' (Cruz + Kasich on the Repub. side) block is the same also."
Right! Because TED FUCKING CRUZ is part of the ESTABLISHMENT!
Are you kidding?! THIS is how we ended up nominating the short-fingered frakwit—idiotic statements equating TED CRUZ with the fucking ESTABLISHMENT!
Jesus wept.
Birches: "I thought 2012 was America's last chance to make things right. I didn't realize it was also the small government conservatism's last chance too"
I fear you are correct and I sense that so much of what is happening in the party is precisely why Trump is winning even over principled conservatives with a pretty good story like Cruz.
Timing in politics is so crucial and Cruz simply missed a window.
Well I was going to post "Fuck Trump" but enough people have beaten me to that so instead I'll simply state that I will not vote for a nut job conspiracy theorist.
Christopher: "Well I was going to simply post "Fuck Trump" but enough people have beaten me to that so instead I'll simply state that I will not vote for a nut job conspiracy theorist"
Hillary "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" Clinton thanks you.
Whew. We sure dodged that "conspiracy theorist" in the White House, didn't we?
Right! Because TED FUCKING CRUZ is part of the ESTABLISHMENT!
Calm down, Sebastian. I had to pick a word at the moment that covered all of the players on both sides, & that's the one I picked. Don't read too much into it.
No, Cruz is not part of the GOPe like Jeb was, but he is a sitting Senator, which is more than Trump is, you must admit.
"Whew. We sure dodged that "conspiracy theorist" in the White House, didn't we?"
Perhaps next time you shouldn't support a birther who claims that his opponents father killed JFK.
buwaya said...
"remote-controlled furnace thermometer"
Do not do this. You have no idea how much trouble you are getting into when you have to fix the #%^$&* furnace. Manual furnace, NP. "Smart" furnace control = software problems that you cant deal with alone."
Siri called the neighbors to come over and tell me not to listen to buwaya. (She can't make me hear from the under the pillow.) Apparently a remote controlled furnace thermometer is actually the robot party's next candidate. They have taken down buwya's IP. He will be dealt with. The RP's held the neighbors' router hostage till the message was delivered.
I am not a robot by birth but I will identify as one on the next census
Of course, I must now offer my apologies to "lifelong republican" Chuck for daring to criticize Hillary.
BTW, Cruz is currently delivering perfectly apt conservative truths in a fairly compelling way along with an interesting personal story.
But we have reached a point in history where these methods carry far less weight than they did a generation ago.
Even as I sit here enjoying Cruz' message (because it's a timeless message about what America is all about) I must face the fact that the dems have successfully undermined all the values that Cruz' message speaks to.
And there you have it.
Christopher: "Perhaps next time you shouldn't support a birther who claims that his opponents father killed JFK"
Perhaps next time you should check to ensure your premise is correct.
Because it is not.
But hey, whatever, right?
All of the people who tell others how they 'must' vote (conceding it is a rhetorical device) offend me. Each adult has agency. I believe in personal responsibility.
Principles apply personally and politically.
>Cruz is that he is not "principled". He is an opportunist and self-promoter. If he were principled he would not have caused the shutdown that left the R's with egg on their face<
good allan there are really stupid peeps on the intertubes
YH: "No, Cruz is not part of the GOPe like Jeb was, but he is a sitting Senator, which is more than Trump is, you must admit."
Cruz is so far from an establishment guy that there is simply no basis for ever referring to him as such, even if it is only your intent to compare him against Trump on a "not establishment" scale.
Birkel: "Each adult has agency. I believe in personal responsibility. Principles apply personally and politically."
Two thoughts:
1) Agreed
2) How quaint and irrelevant in these days of our nation being given over to the left at breakneck pace.
Drudge has Sanders 53% to Hillary 47, with 50 percent of vote in. Wow. That is the big story here.
Birkel said...
"All of the people who tell others how they 'must' vote (conceding it is a rhetorical device) offend me. Each adult has agency. I believe in personal responsibility."
I'm not telling you how you must vote: If you want to vote for Trump, that's your business. Just don't delude yourself that voting for any candidate other than Cruz was a vote for Trump. If you were too deluded or childish to accept simple math that has been clear since FEBRUARY, well, then you're right to believe in personal responsibility, because you personally share in the responsibility of those who whined that they didn't like Trump but wouldn't sack up and do what it would take to stop him. You're WORSE than Drago. At least he's being fucking HONEST with himself.
All those who refuse to support the republican nominee are electing Hillary Clinton. You may not like hearing it and you may try to argue it, but it is true. Anyone voting Hillary should be ostracized from the party, never to wok in it again.
Jim: "Drudge has Sanders 53% to Hillary 47, with 50 percent of vote in. Wow. That is the big story here"
Shhhhhh. "lifelong republican" Chuck won't like that one bit.
"Perhaps next time you should check to ensure your premise is correct.
Because it is not."
So Trump didn't wasn't talking about Obama's birth certificate? So he and his allies didn't float a bullshit connection between Cruz's father and JFK's assassination within the past week?
Please, oh please, tell me which of those is incorrect.
Then I suggest you and other True ConservativeScotsmen not adopt the thought patterns and rhetorical devices of the side you claim to resist.
Instead of saying its been a good run America, let's say instead it's been a good run conservatism. It's held the GOP captive for almost 40 years now, and regardless of Trumps success or failure in November, it's clear conservatism's time in the sun is over. It has failed to stop Obama, would certainly fail to stop Hillary, it is no longer the coalition of ideas.
Some new coalition will seize control of the GOP, who knows where it will end? The only certain thing is change.
For the first time since I moved here, I'm ashamed by my state. That Trump got votes is bad enough. That he won is unconscionable.
Well, now they say Cruz is ending it, tonight.
Sanders is pulling ahead of Hillary and Trump is slightly ahead of their combined vote total. Then Cruz and Kasich have another 300,000. So ... who's going to win the general election? Are we sure we know?
You appear to have me confused with some other ass hole who espouses views you ascribe to me without evidence. I am a different ass hole.
Ted suspends.
Hello President Hillary.
If you don't want to vote for Trump, then don't vote for him. All of this pouting is getting old. It's like a continuous whine. Your guy NeverTrump didn't get any votes.
YoungHegelian said...
"No, Cruz is not part of the GOPe like Jeb was, but he is a sitting Senator, which is more than Trump is, you must admit."
He's a sitting Senator whom the establishment hated so much that they'd rather have Trump than Cruz. That's how "establishment" Cruz is: The GOP establishment loves Cruz so much that they'd rather lose the house, the senate, the presidency, the supreme court, and gods know how many state races than see him get the nomination. What an establishment kinda guy!
Cruz just dropped out of the race. Good!
Cruze just dropped out.
well, suspended his campaign. Nobody ever drops out. Who knows, trump might have a heart attack.
John Henry
All those who refuse to support the republican nominee are electing Hillary Clinton. You may not like hearing it and you may try to argue it, but it is true. Anyone voting Hillary should be ostracized from the party, never to wok in it again.
Simon: "You're WORSE than Drago. At least he's being fucking HONEST with himself."
Yeah, that's right. The Cruz supporter who refuses to do anything that will help Hillary is the problem. Uh huh. That's the problem.
Hillary thanks you.
Now go run off and pretend her winning the election is none of your responsibility.
I am not a fan of Trump. But I understand fully where he came from and why so many are supporting him and who is really responsible for his rise.
And I fear Hillary more.
Are you already making excuses for a Trump schlonging in the general?
I'm asking for a friend.
Daniel Richwine:
Conservatism has not lost. Math and compound interest take no holidays. They suffer no arguments.
The Gods of the Copybook Headings indeed are conservative.
I don't think Hillary will win, its looks like Trump to me.
Chuck: "I'm asking for a friend."
You should make Hillary ask her own questions.
@Simon You may not like him, but in this country its the votes that count and a whole lot of people are voting for Trump. Ask me to explain it and I can't get beyond the fact there are a whole bunch of people who are tired of being pissed on by the "anointed".
Interesting -
Is Cruz's suspend a final poke in the eye to the GOPe? What are they going to do now? Does Cruz at least get the final f#@$ you, GOPe?
khesanh0802 sums it up nicely.
Cruz is going to have to end his campaign - no one's going to fund a California campaign after tonight.
Good for Sanders, who is winnning Indiana handily.
khesanh0802 said...
"@Simon You may not like him, but in this country its the votes that count and a whole lot of people are voting for Trump. Ask me to explain it and I can't get beyond the fact there are a whole bunch of people who are tired of being pissed on by the 'anointed'."
And that has what in the blue blazes to do with voting for Trump? That's zero excuse. The "anointed" candidate was Jeb Bush and he dropped out of the race a long time ago. The only explanation for voting for Trump is stupidity, viciousness, mendacity, and misogyny. Fuck every single one of them.
I already lived through losing the Catholic Church to a hostile takeover by a hostile force with values antithetical to our own in the last few years; to see the same thing play out in the GOP is too much to bear.
Karen of Texas: "Is Cruz's suspend a final poke in the eye to the GOPe? What are they going to do now? Does Cruz at least get the final f#@$ you, GOPe?"
They will stick with Kasich to the end and pray they can turn enough super-delegates to throw the convention into chaos. Besides, Kasich enjoys standing up and lecturing the republican base on their morale failures so he won't quit anytime soon.
BTW, what part of Texas? You don't have to be specific since this is the intertubes.
With a little over half the votes counted the R total is over 700,000, the D total is about 400,000. What does that tell you?
So Joffrey or Cersei?
Every time that Trump shows up to campaign, and people start rioting and burning police cars, and punching Trump supporters, and destroying property, all of the NeverTrump commentators here who say that they will vote for someone else, are replaced 10 fold daily.
Vote for someone else. I don't care.
Simon: "And that has what in the blue blazes to do with voting for Trump?"
It's a binary system: Trump or Hillary. Pick. And by refusing to pick (and being a sentient human being) you clearly move your "against Hillary" vote into the "meh" column which helps her.
Simon: "That's zero excuse. The "anointed" candidate was Jeb Bush and he dropped out of the race a long time ago."
He didn't drop out. He got shellacked. You know, sort of like how Napoleon "dropped out" after Waterloo.
Simon: "The only explanation for voting for Trump is stupidity, viciousness, mendacity, and misogyny. Fuck every single one of them"
Said every democrat/leftist about every voter for every republican candidate in the modern era of US elections.
How kind of you to tell other free people they have a right to vote as they wish.
whoa.. Cruz is gone!
Drago: It is not a binary system. Before a voter fills in the circle for Trump or Clinton, that voter needs to decide to go to the polling place. That is a decision tree with lots of branches, multiple inputs, and a great many unknowns and unmeasurables.
Birkel: "AllenS: How kind of you to tell other free people they have a right to vote as they wish"
Birkel, I believe you may have misinterpreted AllenS' comment.
Trump needs to start bashing Joe Biden now. Because the Dems will drop Hillary like a used condom if they think she won't win the general election.
No, Drago. I mark you, AllenS and the others correctly.
You have adopted the tactics of the Left. But you cannot see it.
Chuck: "Drago: It is not a binary system."
Interesting, do continue....
Chuck: "Before a voter fills in the circle for Trump or Clinton, that voter needs to decide to go to the polling place."
uh, what? Ok, ok, keep going and lets see where we end up...
Chuck: "That is a decision tree with lots of branches, multiple inputs, and a great many unknowns and unmeasurables"
Shouldn't you have preceded all of that with "...then came the dinosaurs....."
I would recommend you stick with the legal/social commentary as this "binary stuff" appears to flummox you.
Birkel: "You have adopted the tactics of the Left. But you cannot see it."
I'm game.
Which tactic, precisely, have I adopted?
Too funny, Birkel.
Cruz is out. Trump uber alles!
Instapundit is reporting that Cruz has announced he is dropping out of the race.
A lot of people call him Bobby Knight.
@Simon Your list - stupidity, viciousness, mendacity, and misogyny -misses the anger over lost jobs and lost self-respect that is motivating many of the Trump voters.
By the "anointed" I mean those who have become a part of the permanent government establishment - either party.
The US is not the Catholic Church. Voters have more say than parishioners. I am an Episcopalian. If you think the Catholic Church has lost its way you should look at the flaming wreckage that is the Episcopal church.
Birkel: "AllenS: How kind of you to tell other free people they have a right to vote as they wish"
As a famous lefty once said, it's not relevant how you vote. All that matters is who counts the vote, and a Hillary election will begin to solidify, in an irreparable way, a permanent dem underclass majority.
In all likelihood we are probably already past that point.
"The only explanation for voting for Trump is stupidity, viciousness, mendacity, and misogyny. Fuck every single one of them."
Good. Go vote for Hillary. If you're a Republican we don't need you.
Having pointed out two occasions above, you will not have to search hard.
I will continue to mark these things as I see them. After that, you will have to look inward.
If Trump gets elected and appoints Cruz to the supreme court then Trump will have already satisfied my maximum expectations for his Presidency.
It's all probably downhill from there.
I'd definitely like to see all 4 Repub Senators re-elected. That is strategery right? And that is what got us where we are today. So you can have your strategery - I'll vote Trump and hope he does of the hings he has military, enfoce our borders, build a Big Wall and address job losses due to unlimited illegal/ legal immigration and crappy trade deals. -
It depends a bit on what you call "conservative." As I remarked on another thread, it was very curious to hear a Labour MP speak way more "conservatively" about Free Trade compared to Cameron or any of our party big-wigs.
>Sanders is pulling ahead of Hillary and Trump is slightly ahead of their combined vote total. Then Cruz and Kasich have another 300,000. So ... who's going to win the general election? Are we sure we know?<
fascinating insight that there mores r's than d's in indiana. you be bill krystal!!11!!
Don't let my boy vote for Trump
The dying mother said.
Don't let him vote for Hillary
I rather see him dead.
But let him vote for ... for...
Then sadly, she fell dead.
Birkel: "Drago: Having pointed out two occasions above, you will not have to search hard"
Hmmm, lets take a look...
I found this:
Birkel: "Drago: Then I suggest you and other True ConservativeScotsmen not adopt the thought patterns and rhetorical devices of the side you claim to resist"
When did I employ such a device?
If you are suggesting that my assertion that our national elections are binary, well, you might as well complain about my pointing out that gravity exists.
And how you got from there to a "True ConservativeScotsmen" accusation defies logic itself.
Anyone notice that when Cruz left the stage after dropping out they played Brooks & Dunn's Only in America. Beautiful song, brings tears to my eyes.
I looked it up in Wikipedia. There it says that both Bush II and Obama used it as a theme song in their campaign.
Just coincidence I would suppose. If I believed in political coincidence.
John Henry
@Drago - North of Dallas. Highway 75 runs "through" our city. ;)
SJ Lynch is right. Hillary is too weak. Hillary indicted. Biden in. Hillary pardoned on Christmas Eve.
Bobby Jindal has said he will vote for Trump, ABH. Is that good enough for you guys?
CNN is even warming up to Trump, all the hardcore leftie panelists are saying positive things about him. The righties are the ones saying negative shit.
Oh god. It's gonna get fun now, isn't it?
Bullets for sale!
Come getcher red hot bullets!
Bullets for sale!
And whiskey! We got some whiskey too!
Will trade for food.
Fox called Indiana for sanders.
"The righties are the ones saying negative shit."
That's 'cause they're the ones who still give a shit.
Let's see. Should I vote for the crook ... or should I vote for the crook? We really are screwed.
David Begley: "SJ Lynch is right. Hillary is too weak. Hillary indicted. Biden in. Hillary pardoned on Christmas Eve."
I would not have believed that a few months back, but I'm forced to consider the possibilities given Hillary's astonishing weakness despite every advantage in the book and universal media support.
steve uhr: "Let's see. Should I vote for the crook ... or should I vote for the crook? We really are screwed"
Ah yes, the old --if a republican is guilty then the republicans are guilty and if a dem is guilty then the system and everybody is guilty-- tactic.
Thanks. Someone had to offer it up I suppose.
"Let's see. Should I vote for the crook ... or should I vote for the crook? We really are screwed."
Vote for a third party candidate you can support. The two party system is dead as a means of the people exerting any influence on how our country is run.
CBS This Morning was reporting at 7 am this morning that although the latest polls showed Hillary leading bernie by 50-46 there were some signs the Hillary Clinton was secretly very worried about losing Indiana, and West Virginia, too.
In West Virginia undeclared people can vote in both primaries and even before tonight it was looking more like they are more interested in stopping Hillary even though Bernie is more against coal than she is. Not more against guns, though.
the same way that electronic controls for appliances swept away the much more reliable manual controls.
I hate to bring up a somber note on this thread (Go Trump) but as I watched that young woman (who drove into 15 feet of water in a Houston underpass) waving her cell phone flashlight app to get help, I kept thinking..."if only she had a window crank".
Cook: "Vote for a third party candidate you can support."
I think we should let the left "lead" on that.
Nebraska is closed and the Democrats had a caucus on March 5. It is heavily Republican though. Senator Ben Sasse is very much against Trump.
So it was maybe fair to assign Nebraska’s 36 delegates to Cruz (it's winner take all statewide)
Now I don't know.
Indiana was bombarded by political ads. Maybe there was false ads about Donalad Trump - he's talking about it.
That's 'cause they're the ones who still give a shit.
You misspelled "snit".
Robert Cook
Because if there is one thing the Washington establishment pays attention to are the third party write in candidates. Yup. That is the way to go. Get a silver virtue pin for the lapel too. Wear with pride.
I believe this is the appropriate moment where someone is supposed to say "At least it couldn't get any worse."
(starts to rain)
rcocean said...
"Good. Go vote for Hillary. If you're a Republican we don't need you."
I'm a conservative. If Trump is a Republican—and how can that be denied if he's the nominee?—I'm not, because that means that the GOP isn't a conservative party any more.
Enjoy your bonfire until Hillary destroys you and the smoldering husk of the party. Just take comfort in this: At your darkest moment in the next administration, when you really hate how awful it's gotten, I'll be here to remind you that it was all your fault and that we tried to stop you and fuck you very much for screwing all of us in your childish scream of inchoate rage.
Did I mention fuck you?
eddie: "I kept thinking..."if only she had a window crank".
I've always trained my little ones how to handle a submerged vehicle scenario just in case they are go under or end up driving with a beloved and respected dem senator late at night.
Again, I apologize to "lifelong republican" Chuck for criticizing a democrat, even though he is not Hillary.
I said before I don’t even know if Cruz will win Nebraska and West Virginia. Now Donald Trump says he was hearing they were doing well there.
In West Virginia sources contradict themsleves, but one says 3 are decided statewide, 3×3=9 by CD and 22 are at large, by name. Now people can vote for up to
22, but if they vote for 23 their ballot is invalid, and they cannot vote for more than 2 delegates from the same county.
Donald Trump said he got 62% in New York but they never get credit for it but now they don't need it.
Trump is talking about trade. Which he claims gives the U.S. only one thing: unemployment. A company going to a different state is OK.
Back in 2003, I knew someone who ran for President. IIRC, every presidential election year, there are about 1,500 people running for POTUS.
So, there you are. If you want to vote for someone besides Trump or Hillary (or Bernie), there are plenty of choices for you. Please, we don't need to hear about it for the next 5 months.
Trump just called him Ted. And said he is 'one hell of a competitor'. Trump is a bridge builder.
Hillary is likeable enough.
"there mores r's than d's in indiana"
In the Indiana primary 2012 Romney got 410,000 votes, Trump at this moment has 450,000, 67% of the vote counted. Romney's 2012 opponent got 98,000. Trump's opponents have about 380,000. So this to me says enthusiasm is growing for Trump.
And it is a sort of Republican riot against the anointed by degree class. The more names Trump voters get called, the more voters he has. In 1968 when Bobby Kennedy saw McGovern was getting somewhere with the anti-war issue he took the issue away from him. But the "e's" are trying to win by calling Americans every dirty name they can think of. The "e's" think they can shame people into supporting Dirty Hillary and her sidekick, Slick Willy
end up driving with a beloved and respected dem senator late at night.
War on Women scorecard:
Ted Kennedy 1
Republicans 0
Cruz didn't slink off. He gave a good concession speech and promised to continue to fight for liberty.
Cruz just needs to keep lobbying the delegates. Looks like Wisconsin was an outlier
Trump says the Rasmussen poll came out the other day and in that poll, he's now leading HHillary Clinton - and that's going to continue.
He says they are not going to be able what he can do on trade, on the military, on the border - relationship with Hspanics will be good because they all want jobs.
He thinks other countries take away jobs - by selling things that people want to buy.
How cool if Cruz starts helping Trump garner votes?
Did you see his posture as he disappered behind the curtain?
"CNN is even warming up to Trump, all the hardcore leftie panelists are saying positive things about him. The righties are the ones saying negative shit."
That's because Trump is a lefty, who was smart enough to con a bunch of people into believing he will build a wall.
He will not build a wall. No wall will be built during the Trump administration.
I count 1 d and no rs in Indiana.
What are you talking about?
John Henry
Cruz gave a contradictory concession speech. He spoke aboput how important things are - and seemed to have Trump in mind as a bad thing - and then concedes. He said he had promised to contonue as long as there was a road open.
Trump says people who called him bad things are calling him now and saying they'd love to gte on the Trump train.
He has to thank Jeff Sessions, Sarah Palin, Jerry Falwell of Liberty University.
"I'm a conservative."
Yeah. You're all worked up about Trump's "Misogyny" - whatever the fuck that is. I bet you're a conservative in the same way Andrew Sullivan is.
And if you could swallow McCain and Romney and Dole but Trump isn't conservative enough, then go vote 3rd party.
And take Glenn Beck, National Review, George Will, Bill Kristol, and Red State with you.
It does appear that the Republican Party coalition of my lifetime is dead. The Democratic Party's coalition is not doing much better. It will be interesting to see how this re-aligns. Of course that assumes the country survives - no longer a certainty - and, if so, if the democratic republic survives, which is also no longer a certainty.
I hate using that word "interesting."
In 1968 when Bobby Kennedy saw McGovern was getting somewhere with the anti-war issue he took the issue away from him.
You mean Eugene McCarthy. McGovern made a short lived bid in 1968 afetr RFK was killed.
Donald Trump had wordsf praise for Ted Cruz. Tough competitor.
I don't begrudge Cruz taking it hard. This is probably the most difficult, challenging thing he has ever done. He put his entire heart into it. Of course he's disappointed. Give him a few days to recover. He will get behind Trump against Clinton. All right thinking people will get behind Trump.
Huge win for Bernie Sanders in Indiana.
I don't begrudge Cruz taking it hard.
He'll cheer up when Donald offers him a SCOTUS nomination for his delagates.
Cruz lost and had a good showing. The rest of the losing Republican field just lost. Badly. Even Kasich, who is too far gone into his own personal wilderness to stop himself.
Where does that leave Cruz, who despite the hatred from the Dems and the loathing from the GOPe, did better than any other actual Republican in these primaries? Not in a personal wilderness, nor on a back bench in the Senate, nor in need of anyone's pity or disdain.
Trump and the GOP would be smart to limit Cruz to the Supreme Court as a surprise nominee after the Inauguration. But I said "smart" in that regard, didn't I? Oh, well.
Sanders wins!!! 42 delegates
Hillary loses!!! 36 delegates
Democracy in action!!! or, at least the Democrats, in action. They like to be inclusive and they have super-delegates in case anyone gets carried away with inclusiveness and tries for reform.
You can, however use the men's bathroom, gender-men. The urinals are open for business, lady parts.
Which is somehow an image of Democrats, inclusiveness and reform.
Slinks seems harsh. I've been on the losing end of some bruising union certification fights, where management unflinchingly broke the law, intimidated the poorest and most vulnerable, and generally stooped to all kinds of sliminess. I absolutely despise the leadership of that union today, but as an organizer I was scrupulous to a fault and so were most of my co-organizers (well, actually most of them were too lazy to cheat). Anyway, it's tough to lose when you feel you've fought the honest fight.
Now please Donald, do the same to Hillary.
If Ted Cruz looked like Tom Cruise, he would probably be the nominee.
Unfair picture!
" 'In 1968 when Bobby Kennedy saw McGovern was getting somewhere with the anti-war issue he took the issue away from him.'
You mean Eugene McCarthy. McGovern made a short lived bid in 1968 afetr RFK was killed. "
Right. What was I thinking?
Am I the first to predict a Trump/Sanders ticket?
Meade: "Am I the first to predict a Trump/Sanders ticket?"
Not even close, but your enthusiasm is infectious.
Which is good thing, even though it sounds like it is not.
Maybe here Meade, but I posted about it elsewhere a few weeks ago, and Greg Gutfeld made a joke about it on The Five as well.
Khesan said
"With a little over half the votes counted the R total is over 700,000, the D total is about 400,000. What does that tell you?"
Did yo do the same math with New York. Last time a Dem won Indiana was '64 so no surprise more Republican votes. Please do the same math for NY, Conn RI etc.
Meade was on it months ago.
Phil 3:14: "Did yo do the same math with New York. Last time a Dem won Indiana was '64 so no surprise more Republican votes. Please do the same math for NY, Conn RI etc"
It does appear daunting. The dems have been quite busy for the last 50 years in building up their mobs of garage mahals in blue states and to pair that up with their long march thru the institutions.
This will save me a lot of time in November. Don't have to waste my time voting.
Cruz is so....Nixonian!
The horns were brilliant.
Wildman, in 2012 Romney already had the nomination. You can't compare vote totals.
damikesc: "This will save me a lot of time in November. Don't have to waste my time voting"
After just a couple more elections of not voting, or maybe just this one, you won't have to waste any time voting ever again.
It will all be over.
I agree with Ted Cruz on many issues, but to win the presidency, you have to make an emotional connection with millions of voters. Cruz fell short on this.
Trump doesn't focus on issues, but he has made an emotional connection with a large segment of the Republican Party.
I agree with the sentiment expressed above that if we can support, Dole, McCain and Romney, we oughta be able to support Trump, howeve unorthodox it may feel.
I'd like Trump to focus intelligently on the illegal immigration issue, the radical Muslim issue, and the trade issue. But that may be asking too much.
I'd like him to focus also on the bread & butter Consevative issue of shrinking the Government and expanding the private sector.
Call me naive, but that's what I'd like to see.
tim in vermont said...
"Meade was on it months ago."
I was? Oh, right, yes -- months ago.
Bay Area Guy: "#NevervoteHillary"
Alas, the "principled" ones are walking away in order to hand it all to Hillary.
Forget it Bay Area Guy, it's democrat-town.
Trump was simply positioned correctly at the right time. For me, the true epiphany happened after the Paris Massacre, and was only reinforced by the days following San Bernadino. In January, I had become convinced that Trump might well be unstoppable for the nomination, but had grave doubts about his general election chances, but I have come to realize that people are continuously underestimating the depth of the support he has, and where that support is coming from. I think Trump vs Clinton will be not even be close, and Trump wins going away. I think this will become abundantly clear once the last primary has been run, and when it sinks in at the White House, a leak will be directed to the New York Times detailing how Clinton is going to be indicted. The Democrats will never allow Sanders to have the nomination- I fully expect this Fall's matchup will be Trump vs Biden. I don't know how to predict that one yet.
And if you could swallow McCain and Romney and Dole but Trump isn't conservative enough, then go vote 3rd party.
And take Glenn Beck, National Review, George Will, Bill Kristol, and Red State with you.
How is Trump going to win without people who attend Church regularly and white, married women? Are they suddenly apart of the establishment?
Well I joined the Republican Party 20+ years ago ( from being an Independent). Time to say adios.
My main conclusions:
- the hard line conservative would NOT have won in '08 or '12
- the majority of Republicans and Democrats want the government to take their side and help them out ("the Wall" vs "White privilege")
- there's tribalism just under the surface: white for Donald, black/Latino for Hillary.
-looking at all four candidates and where they fit on the political spectrum, overall the country has shifted left
Meade said...
Am I the first to predict a Trump/Sanders ticket?
Laurence I won't laugh at that, even if you were looking for a laugh (I am guessing you were not).
But it would be a remarkable statement indeed, to those Trump voters who were angry that "RINOS" in congress caved too easily to Democrats. Trump voters who felt "betrayed" by Washington Republicans who promised a legislative slate of ending ObamaCare, but who didn't deliver (as if they could).
Trump-Sanders would be a natural, however, for Trump critics who took Trump at his word, when he said that he admired single-payer national healthcare systems. Because Bernie Sanders does too!
And, most important of all, it would make Matt Drudge the happiest man in Miami.
Meade s the obe who.pointed out the horns.
It's the ears of the man standing behind her.
"It does appear daunting. The dems have been quite busy for the last 50 years in building up their mobs of garage mahals in blue states and to pair that up with their long march thru the institutions."
Must It always be about demonizing your opponent?
Michael K wrote:
"Cruz could have been the VP but Cruz is a loose cannon and showed it by the level of lunatic flailing the past week."
I had predicted right up until tonight that Cruz was likely to be the VP, but I think he has burned that bridge entirely. I am not sure who will be the VP now since Trump isn't going to need any support prior to the convention.
If it takes Trump/Sanders to wash this nation clean of the Clinton Corruption Scourge ... I'm in.
I have a coiled up clothespin waiting.
bonus: A Sullivan can eat sh*t.
Anyone want to comment on the fact that Donald Trump never seems to have much to say beyond the horse race aspect? He goes on and on about that.
Cruz as Trump's VP? No way. Never. Cruz has principles.
Trump-Sheen 2016.
What will Trump and his wild eyed supporters do without Cruz to kick? I doubt Trump has it in him to really go after Hillary the way he trashed his fellow R's.
A Trump-Sanders ticket isn't going to happen, but it would be hilarious if it did.
It's going to be Boehner.
Trump's acceptance speech seemed somewhat low energy. There was a bit of post partum depression to it. There was no mention of crooked Hillary and how disgusting her bathroom habits are. I was hoping for more fireworks, but maybe by tomorrow he'll be refreshed and recharged.
I think its funny that the Republicans are going to end up with, not a principled conservative, but a liberal who is almost more liberal than Hillary. Big laugh at that one. Now that the nomination is in sniffing distance, will he change his tune? I don't think he is capable of that.
Vicki from Pasadena
We can now say that the tea party is dead.
May we play the Canadian national anthem as he crosses the border back to his native country.
You were. Or maybe it was just me.
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