"I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life."
ADDED: He also said: "Don’t be shocked … if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen."
९३ टिप्पण्या:
Well, Senatorial comity lies a-mouldering in the grave, doesn't it?
I think it's clear Ted does not have the establishment and any thoughts of winning on a second or later ballot at the convention will not be allowed to happen.
All those Cruz/Fiorina signs are destined for the trash bin come July no matter what Ted does.
You have to wonder how much contact the Speaker of the House had with the junior Senator from Texas.
Not really news--Cruz has long been hated by the establishment. The only reason any of the establishment is helping him now is they think Trump is worse. The only surprising thing about Boehner is he's one of the few establishment types that thinks Trump is the lesser of the two evils.
And Biden isn't getting into this race. His chance was over a year ago, he waited too long, done. They're nominating Hillary with all the risks that entails.
Apologies to Lucifer ...
Boehner is part of the establishment that includes republicans and democrats that are hardly different in how they really desire things be run. In Chicago we call this the Combine. It's not about us, it's about their combined interests and personal wealth.
Probably the best move so far by the GOPe to boost the not-Trump candidate, but too little, too late.
I was thinking it would be Ash Carter parachuting in, myself.
Cruz should say "I have to win now. In fact, I need to end this interview and get back to campaigning."
I thought Tom Ellis was Lucifer.
Establishment republican takes principled opposition from a colleague personally. It explains why he was such a lousy Speaker of the House.
"They're nominating Hillary with all the risks that entails."
What risk? It's a guaranteed win.
Looks to me that Ted Cruz has just secured his most important endorsement.
I don't think Hillary is going to win.
Boehner attacked Cruz out of racial solidarity.
Boehner and Trump are both Orango-Americans.
"What risk? It's a guaranteed win."
I think she's favored against Trump, but she's one of the weakest candidates they could have put up against him. Imagine how much better a less scandal-plagued and better campaigner would have done for them. And even Biden fits that bill.
Their risk will likely pay off (as will every crooked donor's investment in the Clinton Machine) but it's still a bit of a gamble. If Trump could beat any Democrat this year, it'd be her.
Boehner's House was persuaded by Cruz to shut down the government in 2013 and it did not hurt the GOP election in 2014 So Boehner lost control of his own GOP House by Cruz Not surprised he thinks Cruz is the devil. Apologies to Tom Ellis
I guess Boner didn't feel the need to elaborate on why he feels that way about Cruz.
The name Lucifer means "Light Bearer", and it refers to the dawn-indicating "morning star", which is another name for the planet Venus.
Because the planet Venus disappears from the sky as dawn happens, this disappearance is a metaphor for Satan falling from Heaven during his unsuccessful rebellion against God Almighty.
Ted Cruz's rebellion against Congress's leadership is like Satan's rebellion against God Almighty, and therefore calling Cruz "Lucifer" is an apt epithet.
"Mark said...
I think it's clear Ted does not have the establishment and any thoughts of winning on a second or later ballot at the convention will not be allowed to happen."
Allowed by who? The delegates set the rules and the delegates run the Convention. If a majority of the delegates want Ted Cruz, it will happen. If a majority of the delegates want Donald Trump, it will happen. If a majority of the delegates support the establishment, then an establishment candidate will "spontaneously" emerge.
It all comes down to one question: Who are the delegates?
" "Don’t be shocked … if two weeks before the convention, here comes Joe Biden parachuting in and Barack Obama fanning the flames to make it all happen." "
I was expecting this to happen long before now. But perhaps they're waiting until they know for sure who the GOP candidate is -- so they know exactly what their sales pitch is.
John Boehner is a self serving, self righteous asshole who betrayed the base of his party and ill served the American people.
> Ted Cruz's rebellion against Congress's leadership is like Satan's rebellion against God Almighty
You're comparing Republican Congressional leadership to God Almighty? Facts very much not in evidence.
It really is astonishing to me that when the other choices are the Commie, the Crook, or the Clown, high level Republicans are saying stuff like this about the one choice that might not be a complete disaster for our country.
Best unintentional(?) endorsement of Cruz yet.
In the highly unlikely event of a Cruz presidency I'd imagine not a lot of things getting through congress (which I'm generally be OK with unless they're the type of things that shrink government). He's ruffled more than his fair share of feathers over the years. On the other hand I think a Trump presidency may involve a more active congress, lots of new big expensive programs of the sort that the establishment will love. Lots of opportunities for new graft streams.
Allowed by who? The delegates set the rules and the delegates run the Convention. If a majority of the delegates want Ted Cruz, it will happen. If a majority of the delegates want Donald Trump, it will happen. If a majority of the delegates support the establishment, then an establishment candidate will "spontaneously" emerge.
It all comes down to one question: Who are the delegates?
Exactly, all of this talk about what the “establishment” will or will not allow to happen at the RNC is coming from people who don’t have the first clue about how the process works. The rules are set by the delegates (over 2400 people) who are elected by the people from their State or territory. The campaigns who are engaged in the process (which so far seems to be Ted Cruz’s campaign) have been vetting people who they believe would vote for Cruz as soon as they are no longer bound by their State or territory’s rules to do so – even if they are bound to a different candidate on the first or first couple of ballots. In Minnesota we elected three of them in our Congressional District (all loyal Cruz people) as did or will the other seven Congressional Districts. Next month at our State Convention we will elect about a dozen State-wide delegates following the same process. I expect that the majority of those delegates will be loyal Cruz supporters as well.
"Best unintentional(?) endorsement of Cruz yet."
For me that honor is held by Robert Reich, perennial short-lister--along with Thomas Frank and Barbara Ehrenrech-- for the Linda Lovelace Award for State-fellation. Reich said he'd rather have Trump for president rather than Cruz, because Cruz is an "ideologue." That's "liberal" Hivespeak for "someone who threatens the Plantation."
What's small, squishy, orange and bitter?
You got it.
"It really is astonishing to me that when the other choices are the Commie, the Crook, or the Clown, high level Republicans are saying stuff like this about the one choice that might not be a complete disaster for our country."
Maybe they know Ted better than you do.
Boehner is filth.
Cruz is unlikeable. Period. I still want Cruz in the white house but he is not the person that can win this fight. A Cruz nomination at this point on the 3rd or 4th or whatever ballot would forever doom him politically and the republican party will not even make it to November.
More people would write Trump's name in that vote for Cruz. Of course after coming in first in the nomination race I think it would be highly unlikely the GOP could keep him off the ballot as a 3rd party candidate.
Thorley Winston said...
"I expect that the majority of those delegates will be loyal Cruz supporters as well."
We will find out if these Cruz supporters want Cruz in the white house or if they want to be responsible for a 48 state loss and the end of the conservative movement as a faction in American politics.
Boehner is that out of touch with the Republican base? No wonder everyone was cheering his departure. To you, John Boehner, I give Cromwell's speech dissolving the Long Parliament:
"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!"
My most sincere thanks, Mr. Orange Boner! The best endorsement for Ted Cruz evah!
"It really is astonishing" It is, especially since both Trump and Cruz repudiate pretty much everything the Boehner gang stands for. But just as Trump "gets along with the Republicans," as he put it, the GOPe will have less trouble with him. He is all about the deal, you know. And as Prez he won't have to worry about those pesky bankruptcy laws anymore.
Big Mike - apt quotation.
Biden dropping in at the last minute and Obama fanning the flames.....
If you'll read my only post on Althouse yesterday, you'll see my prediction of something exactly like that happening.
That is all.
Why do I say this?
Because the people who hate Hillary hate her much worse than the people who hate The Donald hate him.
Boehner, the living embodiment of everything wrong with the GOPe, also claimed that he gets along great with Trump and that they are, his words, "texting buddies".
But the Trump narrative is that Cruz is the tool of the GOPe, and Trump will oppose it.
God, Trumpkins are so frikkin gullible.
In fact I think it's safe to say our next president will be the least hated candidate in america. As opposed to the most liked.
Thus spake Pandarus.
Levi Starks said...
"Biden dropping in at the last minute and Obama fanning the flames.....
If you'll read my only post on Althouse yesterday, you'll see my prediction of something exactly like that happening.
That is all."
People keep poo pooing this. Have been for months. I tend to agree with you at times.
The only counter I will put out is that Hillary has so much inside dirt on Obama that if they take her off the ballot she will unload on the whole administration. It would be epic to see what went on in the most deceitful least transparent administration ever. I think Obama would rather support Hillary and lose than have her spill the beans on him.
Joe Biden is a certified moron and as big a leftist as Eliz Warren. And he is a 40 plus year Beltway insider. He is the poster boy for what is wrong with this country. Yet the Repubs never say that - I wonder why?
Republicans had a very good chance of defeating Obama in 2012 but instead continually fought over who was "Conservative enough." They eventually nominated Romney, who was eminently qualified but not Conservative enough, and there was zero enthusiasm. Are they going to do the same thing this year and do people really believe that Cruz would win a general election when he can't win primaries in his own party? He only wins where he has established networks of fundamentalist clergy in caucus states.
Put Cruz on the Supreme Court. The justices are not even supposed to work with each other to start with. Perfect for Ted.
"In fact I think it's safe to say our next president will be the least hated candidate in america. As opposed to the most liked."
Probably will be a record high disapproval rating for an elected president. Inauguration Day will be interesting. Will they have enough cops to handle the protesters?
John is right about Biden. Hillary indicted due to low poll numbers. Hillary now trashing the Obama record. Biden runs as Obama's third term.
"Yet the Repubs never say that - I wonder why?"
I get tired of this "Repubs never say anything bad about [insert name]" meme. The last 8 years has been almost nothing BUT Republicans saying bad things about Obama, fighting him at every turn, etc. Most Democrats think all Republicans DO is try to stand in Obama's way. And Republican/Conservative websites have been nothing but complaining about Obama.
And mostly deservedly so. Maybe they just weren't all that effective, but it's impossible to see what might have happened (although we'll probably see it in the next four years when the government is squarely back in Democratic control in all branches. [Slow clap to Trump supporters])
This idea that until Donald Trump started bloviating nobody spoke an ill word toward a Democrat, or about open borders, or etc, is silly.
Sounds like Cruz refused to pick up Boehner's tab at some point...or maybe Orange sticks together.
I would be very disappointed to see Biden get distracted from curing cancer.
So I'm seeing an image of a miserable Lucifer Cruz standing amidst fire fanned by President Obama while Biden parachutes in on red, white, and blue silks just out of reach of the flames.
This does make you wonder what their interactions were like. That's some pretty intense dislike.
John Boehner is a miserable dickhead of Democrat facilitator if ever there was one.
Most Democrats think all Republicans DO is try to stand in Obama's way.
@Bill Roberts, you've put your finger on why I've been angry with McConnell and Boehner (and now Ryan). If they are opposing Obama just to oppose Obama, the way Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid opposed George W. Bush just to oppose Bush, then they are abundantly wrong. On the other hand, if they are opposing Obama because his ideas are simply bad for the United States and only make sense in the faculty lounges of left-leaning universities, then for gosh sakes stand up and say so. They need to explain their position to the American people.
@Freeman, Ted Cruz says he barely knows Boehner and they've only met two or three times, mostly exchanging pleasantries. Someone's lying, and I'd be willing to bet it isn't Cruz.
"I get tired of this "Repubs never say anything bad about [insert name]" meme. The last 8 years has been almost nothing BUT Republicans saying bad things about Obama, fighting him at every turn, etc. Most Democrats think all Republicans DO is try to stand in Obama's way. And Republican/Conservative websites have been nothing but complaining about Obama."
It's important for the myth. To believe that Trump is "changing the game" you have to believe that Republicans have just been sweet as pie to Obama and never criticizing him all these years. Unfounded, of course, but useful to the Trump narrative.
Just like the Republicans are all for open borders until a certain orange troll showed up and became the "first" person to make this an issue.
@Freeman, Ted Cruz says he barely knows Boehner and they've only met two or three times, mostly exchanging pleasantries. Someone's lying, and I'd be willing to bet it isn't Cruz.
You'd be betting wrong. Cruz was actually Boehner's attorney at one time. Lyin' Ted. I will admit that Boehner's calling Cruz 'Lucifer in the flesh' might be a slight exaggeration. Slight.
Big Mike said...
"They need to explain their position to the American people."
No. They need to get their message to the American people through a media filter in a way that the average voter will hear and like. This is fundamental and for the love of god try to understand the difference.
Cruz spends 30+ minutes eloquently explaining these positions whenever he wins a caucus "landslide." People just turn that crap off. Hillary counters with "equal work equal pay" or something else stupid, the media cheers and everyone goes home thinking republicans hate women.
The ironic thing is the NRO/Lawyer crowd picks up the same 5 second media sound bite about how Trump wants single payer or really wants amnesty and runs with it like a stupid Hillary supporter.
You have to play the game you are in, not the game you want to play. The wonks and nerds desperately want Cruz because he speaks to you in your language and eloquently lays out he conservative vision. I get it. But you have to realize most Americans want to go to work, go home and drink a beer and watch the football game. You have 3 minutes to speak to them before they turn the channel. Trump knows how to make it count. Cruz does not.
Waiting for any Trumpkins to cite the wisdom of Mr. Boehner.
Brando said...
"It's important for the myth. To believe that Trump is "changing the game" you have to believe that Republicans have just been sweet as pie to Obama and never criticizing him all these years. Unfounded, of course, but useful to the Trump narrative.
Just like the Republicans are all for open borders until a certain orange troll showed up and became the "first" person to make this an issue."
Perfect example. Like I said above: Thick.
And you are wrong. No other republican has called Hillary evil. No other republican has said the only reason she has any support is because she was a woman and she would be polling at 5% if she were a man.
Qwinn said...
"Boehner, the living embodiment of everything wrong with the GOPe, also claimed that he gets along great with Trump and that they are, his words, "texting buddies".
But the Trump narrative is that Cruz is the tool of the GOPe, and Trump will oppose it.
God, Trumpkins are so frikkin gullible."
Yup. Trump is a secret GOPe tool. You convinced me. You are so so smart. Why can't people just see how right you are and vote for Cruz? Is it because you cannot see things from other peoples point of view? Just maybe?
Don't worry you are so smart you don't have to understand other people or their point of view.
Boehner is texting and golfing buddies with Trump....Trump LOVES Nancy Pelosi, and has donated to Harry Reid, and Hillary Clinton....Seems we know who the establishment candidate really is
"You convinced me."
In debates, snarkiness is the go-to trump card.
"And you are wrong. No other republican has called Hillary evil. No other republican has said the only reason she has any support is because she was a woman and she would be polling at 5% if she were a man."
Oh please--you must not read or listen to a lot of Republicans if you think this sort of thing is unique to Trump. Which is fine--but don't expect everyone else to believe that this guy is the only one saying this stuff. Hell, even John McCain once publicly joked that her daughter was the product of Hillary having sex with Janet Reno.
I give Trump credit for the remark that is the subject of this post--but if you think "no one else dares attack her" then you're living in a fantasyland.
No one is more responsible for the rise of Tromp than Boehner. The Republicans took control of the House on the 2010 election and continued in control in the 2012 and 2014 elections, but under Boehner they made no effort to curb Obama. Why wouldn't a substantial number of Republicans conclude that the establishment has sold them out and that only an outsider can be trusted to reverse the nation's disastrous course?
"No other republican has said..."
I'm suddenly reminded of the dufflepuds from Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Boehner's not the type to have friends; he has cronies.
So John Boehner became friends with the attorney who represented him, and won over a million dollars? But now that attorney is The Devil?
First, the term is client, not friend.
Second, The Devil comment is at odds with Boehner seeking out Cruz' expertise.
Also, the attorney-client relationship from 1998 does not mean the client and the attorney talked much, if ever, about things other than the case, especially in the intervening 18 years.
Someone's lying, and I'd be willing to bet it isn't Cruz.
Well I lost that bet. Not quite twenty years ago Cruz was Boehner's lawyer. And normally you want an SOB for a lawyer, and you hope that your SOB is a bigger SOB than the lawyer on the other side.
@Achilles, there's nothing inconsistent between your comment and mine. Sooner or later when Obama tells one of his whoppers ("I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year." "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too. The only change you’ll see are falling costs as our reforms take hold.") a senior Republican needs to call him a liar, and then when the lie is exposed, remind the electorate that you were right and he was wrong, because he lied.
That's for starters.
"Okay... I'll drink to that - one son of a bitch to another..."
Birkel, look at the tape. Cruz denied knowing Boehner. You're denying that is a bald-faced lie?
What definition of "knowing" are you using, mockturtle?
If Cruz denied knowing that a man named John Boehner exists, I would quickly agree that you caught Cruz in a lie.
I work with people that I do not, by any useful definition, know.
Interestingly, Boehner seems to know Cruz very well. ;-)
By the way, Trump has an event at the Orange County Fairgrounds in 3 hours and there are thousands of people there and thousands waiting to get in. The LA Times. says "hundreds" are there at 3 PM today, an hour ago. Two popular talk radios guys, John and Ken, have been there all day.
"In Chicago we call this the Combine."
Well, you stole that from Chief Bromden!
I humbly accept your concession, mockturtle.
We all know that the true elite (i.e., the rich, i.e., the bourgeoisie, i.e, the capitalist pigs, i.e., "them"--not their stinkin' stooges in Congress) are behind the scenes pulling the strings, of course. Which is why we are all so poor and have nothing. It's not fair. Not fair at all. We would be all be yuge if not for the string pulling insects.
I have come to a decision. I agree we should all vote for Trump and cut out the middle men. He has confessed to pulling strings all his life. That's good enough for me. He'll surely get rid of the system he's been using and benefiting from all his life and pass on the middle guys' cut to us, because, well, that's just who he is. A really nice guy.
The logic here is inescapable. I surrender to it.
"Trump has an event at the Orange County"
Fitting. Is Boner there?
The Saxons made a poem based on Lucifer as in the book of Genesis in the year 800 AD. And this is how they saw the rebellious type.
""one angel there above all [God] made with a mind so great, gave him so much to rule, next highest in heaven’s kingdom; and so clear-hued, so lovely, he was like the shining stars. ...[this] angel’s arrogance grew, he talked himself up and tried out boasts, asserting he had no desire to serve. He said that his body was bright and shimmering, brilliant and bravely hued; said his heart could find no reasons why he should render his prince a disciple’s service. It seemed to him he could muster a finer, far greater strength of skilled fighting hosts than the Holy Lord himself could assemble.
'Why should I toil?' he said. 'I see no reason to have a master — my own hands can work as many wonders. With strength like mine I could build myself a far braver throne higher in heaven — why sweat for his grace, bowing meekly for favor? I too may be God.'
'Stout-hearted troops stand by me who will not fail me in the fight, fearless companions who choose me for master. With might like theirs I can plan a campaign, and push on to the end. They are keen-hearted friends, their faith is firm. And I can rule them all in this realm. How can it be right I should run after God for any good thing?'
I'm watching Cruz on Megyn Kelly and, while he might not be Lucifer, he reeks of the Shakespearean version of Richard III. I can picture him, vanquished, waving his sword and crying, "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!"
If Cruz returns to the Senate and serves a long time, working to reduce the federal government's intrusion into all our lives, a polite thank you will suffice.
that's silly, I think a better comparison is between taft and eisenhower, the former was the keeper of the right's flame, the latter had the popular support, and this was born out in the 52 convention,
Intellectual Signal says:
"he reeks of the Shakespearean version of Richard III."
That's the best argument ever. Shakespeare!
Ok. I give up. I never heard of either of those guys.
You must be really smart. Ever heard of Laslo? He's pretty good too. Check him out.
Truth is breaking out all over. Trump's example seems to have given men the courage to speak out boldly:
From Boehner we learn a spiritual discernment about Cruz that has become obvious to anyone watching that the slithering, snake Cruz is the most qualified miserable son of a bitch liar since the Father of Lies.
From Knight we learn a spiritual discernment about Trump that has become obvious to anyone watching that Trump is the most qualified Candidate for the job of President since Harry S Truman, and that the Sumbitch Trump is a man who can play on Bobby Knight's team any day.
The Band of Brothers is reforming. Too bad Dick Winters has died.
Like Will Rogers, Ted Cruz never met a man he didn't like but Cruz never knew John Boehner, a lying, devilish sort of man in his own right.
Seriously, it's quite easy to name drop Shakespeare. How 'bout a quote FROM THE FUCKIN' PLAY that demonstrates what yer talking' 'bout?
Google it if you have to, shit head. Fake it. Like everyone else on the internet.
Like the Orange guy with the Plastic Surgeon pretending to be a hunch on his back.
"I am determined to prove a villain,
And hate the idle pleasures of these days."
tradguy says:
From Knight we learn a spiritual discernment about Trump that has become obvious to anyone watching that Trump is the most qualified Candidate for the job of President since Harry S Truman, and that the Sumbitch Trump is a man who can play on Bobby Knight's team any day.
The great Bobby Knight is reknown for having cursed referees, players and fans, tossed-chairs during a game and struck several of his players in the face. Worse, he insulted the 1976 undefeated Hoosier National Champs by refusing to attend a 40th Anniversary gathering conducted in their honor on campus. Why? Because a long-dead IU President fired him! Trump Hive members seem to be afflicted by the small mind of their leader.
There is a multitude of conservatives out here who will honor the hashtag "NeverTrump" and show the New York Liberal what 40% of the Republican voters sitting at home on election day will do to his narcissistic dreams. We are not without power - ask Mitt Romney!
Gadfly...Why not just take a permanent pilgrimage to Rafael Eduardo's birthplace and childhood home in Alberta, Canada where you can feel at home. They don't like strong Amuricans much either.
Just to be clear, "my kingdom for a horse" is trite and doesn't apply here. Neither one of these guys has a horse, if by that you mean a majority of Republicans. Neither one of them will ever have that. How about this:
"Talkers are no good doers: be assured
We come to use our hands and not our tongues.”
The R party is beginning a civil war here. And it will spread.
And perfect for Trump:
“Plain and not honest is too harsh a style.”
And perfect for BN:
"Bad is the world; and all will come to nought."
Boehner must want Cruz to be President. He was such a fucking terrible Speaker.
You have to wonder how much contact the Speaker of the House had with the junior Senator from Texas.
Cruz has said he doubts he spoke to Boehner for 20 minutes in his life.
I wonder if he was blubbering when saying that.
Cruz denied knowing Boehner. You're denying that is a bald-faced lie?
Legal staff seldom has regular face-to-face time with clients unless it's a big case. Why would they need to otherwise?
@RS, feel free to rewrite your comment without advocating for the shooting of real live individuals and I'll probably not delete.
Peter King, mind you, says calling Cruz "Lucifer" is insulting the devil.
He is the man, mind you, who defended the IRA when they were busily killing people.
The Satanic Temple responds: "Cruz’s failures of reason, compassion, decency, and humanity are products of his Christian pandering, if not an actual Christian faith. It grows tedious when pedophile priests and loathsome politicians are conveniently dismissed as Satanic, even as they spew biblical verse and prostrate themselves before the cross, recruiting the Christian faithful. Satanists will have nothing to do with any of them."
Traditional Guy:
"From Boehner we learn a spiritual discernment about Cruz that has become obvious to anyone watching that the slithering, snake Cruz is the most qualified miserable son of a bitch liar since the Father of Lies."
No hyperbole there.
The thing that bothers me perhaps most about the Trump phenomenon is the worship given him by his followers. People willing to now admire a guy like Boehner (the epitome of the GOP "establishment" if there ever was one) because he supports their guy.
I guess we're past the point that we can just support a candidate because he would do a good job. We have to "spiritually discern" that he is the embodiment of truth (Trump? Seriously?) and his opponents aren't just wrong, and they aren't even just evil anymore, they are Lucifer embodied.
"From Knight we learn a spiritual discernment about Trump that has become obvious to anyone watching that Trump is the most qualified Candidate for the job of President since Harry S Truman"
I like the way we're all tempering our expectations . . .
This really reminds me of all the Obama talk from 2008. He was a "savior" too.
I just want a boring president who will perform his/her job within the boundaries set by the constitution with quiet and economy, who will be seen by his/her constituents (meaning, the entire country, not just half of it) as an employee and not as a savior. Someone who will do all he/she can to avoid developing a cult of personality.
Too much to ask. Those kind of people don't get elected anymore.
Truman was a machine pol who nobody took seriously before FDR named him VP and then died.
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