Said Donald Trump, invited to comment on the stupid Onion-like front page of yesterday's Boston Globe, which was all fake news about the horrors of an imagined Trump presidency.
(Scroll to 3:23 for that part of the discussion. Trump also comments on Cruz's aggressive and successful pursuit of convention delegates, Bill Clinton's possibly ham-handed campaigning for Hillary, and using "strong tactics" to fight ISIS.)
AND: At the end of that clip, Trump talks about how Ivanka and her husband are not registered to vote in the NY primary. You have to register a year in advance. That goes to the question of whether a given state wants to have closed primaries or not. If you want it closed, you have to close it up early enough to exclude the cross-over voters — the people who want to look at the actual candidates and the state of the different races before deciding which party's process to get involved in.
४५ टिप्पण्या:
Howie Carr agrees with Trump.
Do you really think Cruz is going to appeal to all the angry voters ?
Not a bad message this year. He's going to end up with way more votes. The RNC is probably grateful at this point that Trump is undermining Cruz as the second option. The RNC is going to conduct state by state polling to see what is the best option going into the convention.
The Boston Glob is doing what it can to ensure Trump's the GOP nominee, in order to lose to the DNC nominee.
Either that, or the Glob is staffed by idiots.
Tough call.
The Boston Globe demonstrates why Citizen's United was decided correctly.
Bob Ellison said...
The Boston Glob is doing what it can to ensure Trump's the GOP nominee, in order to lose to the DNC nominee.
Either that, or the Glob is staffed by idiots.
Remember Hanlon's razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”.
Ignorance is Bliss is 100% correct.
When will the Boston Globe run a similar spoof on Hillary?
He's right.
Back when newspapers had meaning, the Boston Globe was legendary. In the 70’s, before cable, before ESPN, their sports coverage was the best in the nation. The Jordan and Taylor families that owned the Globe were really savvy. They cashed out in the 90’s with two huge paydays. First was selling off their fortuitous investment in the fledgling McCaw Cellular and then dumping the newspaper on the New York Times. The paper went to shit after the NYT took over. Actually, the entire industry went to shit.
Right now, I think I'd rather my resume said, "Gawker" than "Globe".
at the same time, you know the msm is worried hillary might screw it up, and trump can beat her
Trump nailed it on that.
The Globe's pretty despicable. I tweeted polling data to the editor demonstrating how far out of line her editorial board's view are. A majority supports Trump's Muslim immigration ban, including 62 percent of independents, for example:
I'm just curious what he'd say about the Globe if its coverage of him were positive. I'm guessing: Great paper, superb journalism, really thriving in a tough market.
Why oh why don't Americans trust their institutions anymore?
Why don't we trust the Federal Government?
Why don't we trust the Media?
What's that you say? Something about the IRS, something about the lack of accountability, something about the lack of any institutional standards, something about blatant tendentiousness and outright partisanship? No, no, that can't be it.
The Media puts on its clown shoes and asks us why we don't take them seriously anymore. Meanwhile actual stories need to be told and actual people are less well informed than they otherwise might be, but somehow the Media says it's all our own fault.
Damn, when Donald Trump seems more serious and adult by comparison you know you've fucked up.
Trump 1, Boston Globe 0
When smug leftist journalists show their true colors.
I can't imagine Hillary even knows what a super market throw out even is.
Twitter discussion of Eric and Ivanaka not registering
There is a question:
Does he
A) mean not registering at all to vote? Why should they not have been registered by their age, and the general registration deadline was March 25 or so.
Or does he
B) mean re-registering and before they were either registered Democrats or Independents?
In New York State the deadline to switch parties is the previous November election, and it's really earlier, in October. This election it was Friday, October 9, 2015.
And that's a deadline that could easily have been missed if you didn't know about New York State's rules for switching parties.
It seems, it is indeed the second choice, but Donald Trump got it all garbled.
Trump said "I think they have to register a year in advance and they didn't"
Even about this, he still, doesn't get his facts straight?
Nonapod: it's also known as Heinlein's Razor.
It could be up to a year in advance almost, but for this it was a bit more than six months.
The regular primary is in September and the re-registration would have to be done before the previous November election.
The primary is in September, except that a lawsuit resulted in the fact for federal elective offices it will be in June.
Legislators in Albany could not agree on anew date to hold all primaries. August is legal for all because that's early enough for military ballots to be mailed and sent back. Some wanted to switch all primaries to August, but the argument against that people are vacation, and some wanted to switch all primaries to June, but the argument against that is that the state legislature is still is session till June and they couldn't campaign.
So they compromised by advancing the primary for members of House of Representatives and the United States Senate to June (where the New York primary once was - the presidential primary, such as it was was also held then - the third Tuesday in June) and keeping the primary for state and local offices, which are not governed by federal law, in September.
One advantage of the current arrangement is that members of the state legislatuire can run for Congress without giving up their seats since they won't have to start gathering petitions until the primary for federal offices is over.
"Trump said "I think they have to register a year in advance and they didn't"".
It's pretty clear by now this guy isn't really trying to win. Even the most half-assed candidate has his family and friends registered to vote for him.
At 9:48
"If I were a New Yorker, I wouldn't even consider (voting for Ted Cruz)"
But he is a "New Yorker!" What he isn't, is an average voter.
His comments about his children not registering are right at the end:
He doesn't get his facts right.
The failure (probably to re-register) is excusable - but even so - he announced in June - they had till October 9 to learn about the need to re-register in the Republican Party and the deadline.
Virtually everything in NY is more complicated than outsiders ever could imagine. Plus everything is subject to change on a whim.
From the official NY State website:
MAIL REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Section 5-210(3))
Application must be postmarked no later than March 25th and received by a board of elections no later than March 30th to be eligible to vote in the Presidential Primary.
IN PERSON REGISTRATION (N.Y. Election Law Sections 5-210, 5-211, 5-212)
You may register at your local board of elections or any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act, on any business day throughout the year but, to be eligible to vote in the Presidential Primary, your application must be received no later than March 25th.
Come out to Los Angeles Donald--where the once pretentious Los Angeles Times has--in reality--not much further to fall before it becomes a supermarket throwaway.
As with everything this cycle, the story is not about the serious matters involved, but who sucks or does not suck. We are a pathetic people these days. After the election, who sucked will mean even less than it does now, which is also zero, and the issues we are universally ignoring will be waiting to bite us in the ass again. It was a stupid thing to put on the front page as pretend news, but at least they brought up the subjects, which is more than almost anybody else is doing.
What is the likely outcome of these candidates policy ideas? Do we have any pundits with expertise outside of horse racing, public relations, and suckery?
As I pointed out in a previous thread, a registered voter in New York State who registers as an "independent" is not considered as a member of a party...because there is no "Independent Party" in New York State.
Therefore the October, 2015 deadline to change parties does not apply. Instead, the March 25, 2015 deadline either to register to vote...or to join a party if you're registered already (or both) DOES apply.
Since Donald Trump (per the TV interview above) seems to have difficulty comprehending this information (with respect to a previously registered-to-vote son and daughter not being to vote for him in the upcoming primary), this means EITHER that these children were members of a different party (like, the Democratic Party), OR (assuming they were not previously registered as a party member) also intellectually challenged in their ability to read English.
March 25, 2016, not 2015...which demonstrates my own intellectual disability to type English.
In some states Democrats have been able to take advantage of open primaries to vote for weak Republican candidates to face beatable incumbent Democrats. Notable examples include Todd Akin, he who believes that it is impossible to get pregnant from a rape, but there have been others.
@StephenFearby There is an "Independence" Party, and a lot of its members thought they were registering "Independent."
I think not picking a party is the same thing as picking one and any party registration for a person already registered to vote only takes effect after the next November election.
All the papers are dying, and good riddance.
(Nothing much to do with this instance, mind you.)
Inside Trump's play-it-by-ear campaign:
“I listened to thousands of hours of talk radio, and he was getting reports from me,” Nunberg recalled. What those reports said was that the GOP base was frothing over a handful of issues including immigration, Obamacare, and Common Core.
Nunberg later got pushed out by Corey Lewandowski. Trump was persuaded to fire him because of some old tweets.
Here's how Hope Hicks (the eprson who released the Trump statement after the Wisconsin rimary) got hired:
One day in January 2015, Hope Hicks got a call from Trump’s office asking her to come in. At the time, she was working on the 25th floor with Ivanka. “Mr. Trump looked at me and said, ‘I’m thinking about running for president, and you’re going to be my press secretary,’ ” Hicks said. “I think it’s ‘the year of the outsider.’ It helps to have people with outsider perspective.” Her mother told her she should write a book about this experience someday. “She said it would be like Primary Colors, and I told her, ‘You don’t even know.’ ”
"Open up the libel laws"!!!!
A conservative source close to the campaign told me that Trump only truly consults one person, Alabama Republican senator Jeff Sessions: “When Jeff Sessions calls, Trump listens.” ...
...Meanwhile, the Trump team has poured almost all of its efforts into producing rallies down to the most minute details....Everyone who attends a rally has to register by email, and the campaign uses this list, which Lewandowski estimates is “in the millions at this point,” to turn out voters. Most campaigns spend a lot of money to acquire voter lists; Trump largely built his own. ... To save time and money, he now does events at airports....His ad strategy, too, is inexpensive....Trump is cheap, and proud of it. Indeed, Lewandowski’s bonus for winning New Hampshire was a paltry $50,000. It’s part of Trump’s central argument: He will run the government like a business...
...When he launched his campaign, Trump suspected it would eventually fizzle and he would return to The Apprentice. “You know, when I first got into this, it was for other reasons,” he told a friend. [??] As weeks and then months passed with him remaining out front, he began to think winning the nomination was a real possibility, even as he resisted calls to professionalize his campaign. Why bother, when what he was doing was working so well? ...
...One explanation for all this raggedness is that the Trump team is simply burned out. People who know Trump say they’ve never seen him so tired. Several months ago, he began wearing a bulletproof vest, two sources close to the campaign told me, which has added to his discomfort on the stump, leaving him sweaty and spent after events...
...Some have speculated that the arrival of Manafort and the shifting strategy of the campaign mean that Lewandowski’s role will be reduced, and not just because of the battery charge. People inside Trump’s world, while praising Lewandowski’s talents as an advance man, are privately expressing doubts about his strategic abilities....
...During my tour of Trump’s campaign office, I overheard Glassner on the phone discussing the nascent state of their finance efforts. “I have to find a place for these rich guys to go to,” he said. “Dinners, receptions, events. We need everything, because we don’t have a finance committee.” ...
...Editor's Note: The online version of this article was updated after press time to reflect that the Trump campaign has 94 people on its payroll, including state- and local-level employees, according to the latest FEC filing.
I'm enjoying the irony of Trump complaining about the states that award delegates to the candidates who make the best deals.
Someday these trust-funded Social Register legacies at the Globe will pay the ultimate price for their endless lies. I can’t wait to read that headline: GOODBYE BOSTON.
It would be reassuring if rags like the Globe were dying but unfortunately they survive year after year because they're attractive to trust funders and newly minted billionaires willing to fund operating losses.
Leftie cable 'news' networks have parent network football revenues to support them.
Ann, I'm surprised you took Mr. Trump's statements at face value. No, one does not have to be registered a YEAR in advance to vote in the Presidential primary. According to the New York State Board of Elections' official website, the deadline for registration was MARCH 25th.
Also, on the Boston paper, a small quibble. Yes, they printed a fake front page envisioning a Trump presidency. But it did NOT run in place of their actual front page. It ran INSIDE the newspaper, which carried a standard front page on Sunday. Maybe that matters to folks, maybe it doesn't, but I thought it should be mentioned. It changed my own perception of the appropriateness of what they did, I will admit. At first, I thought they were crossing the Rubicon, but now I think of it as a clever, if perhaps too over-the-top, attempt to make their editorial point.
OOps, should have read ALL the comments before adding my own. So the voter registration misinformation has been discussed already. My apologies. But, RP, I'm curious. When you quote the rules and say, "Virtually everything in NY is more complicated than outsiders ever could imagine. Plus everything is subject to change on a whim." you are being sarcastic, right? Because I think the rules are pretty simple and uncontroversial.
Sammy Finkelman said...
@StephenFearby "...I think not picking a party is the same thing as picking one..."
"Very very" deep thought...positively Orwellian!
A high-level position is waiting for you in the Trump campaign.
The Boston Globe ran this as an extra INSIDE the newspaper. This is not unlike the LA Times running a Godzilla ad as a mock front page a couple sections in, which they frequently do for Hollywood movies. Not a big deal. If it was the ACTUAL front page that might be problematic [though still humorous to me].
His family probably registered as Democrats. That's not to say that they're not conservative. NYC is a one party locale. The real election is the primary. You register as a Democrat and pick the most conservative candidate in the Dem primary. Last mayoral election that was Weiner. That's the way it goes here.......The subtext of Trump's campaign is his opposition to the media. When coverage is blatantly slanted against him, it works to his advantage.
What can't be attributed to stupidity?
Do any of you know what it means?
Being completely unreasonable given the situation.
This includes every human being at one time or another, although of course after childhood the instances decrease naturally.
What makes evil reasonable given what circumstances?
My classic answer would be killing a few to save a many; but any such thought-jerkoffs only help the terrorists, for real. Obama has led us to understand any action creates a reaction; all bad. All on us. We got to stop. End us.
None of you understand yet: Einstein was completely unreasonable during his time.
As am I.
To those who profit even the most innefficient means of production acheive an end; government has no concern whatsover with efficiency in terms of ending the coal-burning assholes places to go appreciate themselves all day, when perfectly capable skypes are available to any American college student, with the best of the best at their 24/7 disposal.
But for some reason all those huge buildings, and all the damn internet and personal computer (PC) and tablets and big smart phones are all still around too.
These leftists rapists are accurate they need to change, they just say we instead of them when meaning only us. But the hugely innefficient, mostly dedications to old dead white men, the incorporate the modern university, like of course UW, make me sick with the thought of all the damned pollution killing the environment for the next generation in sundry ways, inclusive of time and not normal/positive.
The only right answer to "what can't be attributable to being stupid" is of course not being stupid, but that is what M. vos Savant with the IQ and all taught, via the Digest of Readers natch, just ain't right.
So I listen to Leftover Salmon.
This idea of "oh pertudy I am plagarizing or repeating or cheating because I had similar thoughts to someone else who got rich 'cause of it" is the most extreme oppposite of cleanliness.
Very, very very very very very very opposite of clean okay.
So I have a tort now right? Along with all individuals on soil called America. I had cats growing up everywhere.
I am mostly Irish and German.
I gots me torts bloody my ass right?
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