I prefer Sanders to Hillary. I've read an interview where they actually tried to nail him down on how he would accomplish his goals, like break up the big banks. He really is like Chavez or Castro. He thinks he can just wave a magic wand and things will be done. To be more precise, he assumes that what he wants to do is already legally within the powers of the presidency or can be made to be legally within the powers of the presidency. As far as Sanders is concerned, the things he wants to do are the right things, and if the constitution or precedent says that they aren't, we just need to change our understanding of the constitution and precedent. He really is an antiquated relic of the New Left of the 1960s.
The problem with Sanders is NOT that he mistakenly believes the president can fix things unilaterally.
The problem is his proposed "solutions" are completely ignorant of reality. They read like some bright 4th grader's ideas for solving the world's problem.
The NY Daily News interview is one of the scarier texts of recent times, not just because of the sheer absurdity of the content, but as evidence that this man who has been in public life so long has learned exactly nothing. Psychologists will want to investigate whether it is the brain rot that causes the socialism or the socialism that causes the brain rot.
The best thing long term for both the country and the Democratic Party would be a win for Sanders for the nomination. First and most important it would finally help root out the corrupt Clinton Machine out of the party and a massive loss in the general will hopefully snap the party back into a realistic and moderate center-left party that doesn't hate capital,capitalists and economic growth and doesn't insult the values of the majority of the population.
The Republicans are starting to win by default simply due to the extremism of the Democrats and that isn't good long term for the country.
Odd, the Left and Republican Elites (one and same anymore) talk about Trump's "disadvantage" with women, but very seldom does one hear about Hillary's disadvantage with those of pale skin. She wins the minorities and that is OK with everyone, but so what if she does not get white men votes.
Thirty years ago, I navigated I-80 through Wyoming. The sign at the Wyoming-Nebraska state border said "Pop. 350,000". I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed much.
Its fun to read about all of the vote suppression by the Democratic machine (kind of puts the lie to libs giving a crap about making each vote count) to defeat Bernie. Articles from Think Progress, Puffington Host, Mother Jones, etc. all basically assume the Hillary campaign and the fed/state party apparatchik (Debbie!) are deliberately, corruptly and criminally manipulating the system to systematically disenfranchise young voters and others who are more likely to vote for Bernie. Of course when Hillary wins the nomination, all will be forgiven and forgotten.
Thirty years ago, I navigated I-80 through Wyoming. The sign at the Wyoming-Nebraska state border said "Pop. 350,000". I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed much.
Wyoming doesn't get much respect, esp. from those of us just to the south. For example, I used to hear a lot of: "Wyoming, where the men are men, and the sheep are nervous". My partner didn't know though that at one point in Wyoming history, you could get yourself shot by trying to run sheep.
Right now, we spend half the year in the state south of Wyoming, and the other half in the state on the other side, and on our way up there last year, we took I-80 across to I-15 (N of SLC). She claimed that to be the most boring road she had ever driven. But, she had said that the previous fall of US 285 from Santa Fe up through the San Louis valley (by the Sangre De Cristo mountains), which to me is beautiful. For me, that honor falls to esp. large parts of Nevada, but also New Mexico and then Arizona. But, that is where she is from, and so all that desert isn't as ugly for her, as it is for me. Nevertheless, from where we reside in Colorado, I-70 west through to Green River, then US 6 up to Provo is, by far, the more scenic route, than I-80 through the bottom of Wyoming. This years though, the plan is I-25 up the east side of Wyoming, and then I-90 across the bottom of Montana. Since she thinks anything in Montana is beautiful, I expect a lot less complaining. We shall see.
One caution to those driving through the state - obey the speed limits, even if the cars around you are driving faster. Over the last 40 or so years, I have had multiple tickets in the state, and, inevitably, they have felt discriminatory - for example, being picked out of group of vehicles moving faster than I, just because I had CO (or UT) plates, and they all had bucking horse plates.
There truly aren't a lot of Democrats in Wyoming. But, I am not the least bit surprised that an apparently honest Senator from Vermont is greatly preferred by those unfortunates over the massively corrupt Clinton. She is the type of politician probably most despised in the west, and maybe nowhere more than in places like Wyoming, where much of the west remains.
There's a curious device called a throw chain (equivalent, a juice can _half_ filled with pebbles) in dog training.
When thrown at a dog all the momentum of the thing is transferred to the dog but the energy of it is spread out over a long time, as the individual links (resp. pebbles) come to a stop at different times.
So you get a solid whump but no damage to the dog, beyond surprise that you can get to him when he thought you couldn't.
It teaches that he has to do what he's been taught he has to do, even when not on the leash that used to enforce it.
"Not wanting to miss her chance, Cannon said she mailed a change-of-party form to the Monroe County Board of Elections in August. But when she checked on the status of her registration last month, she was told her form wasn’t received until late October. She would be ineligible to vote for Sanders in the spring."
Both stories are garbage....because they assume if you're a registered independent in New York State, you belong to the "Independent Party". Now, there IS an "Independence Party" here...but no "Independent Party"
Registered as a independent actually means you've registered as having no party affiliation...at all...and can't vote in primary elections.
And that means as a previously registered independent voter you could have registered as a member of a party in the upcoming April primary by March 25, 2016, NOT October 9, 2015
As I did, for the first time in my life.
I wonder if wearing my Trump scare wig with a fake turd nestled on top would be considered unlawful electioneering by the poll workers.
There goes Shiloh the DINO. You can always count on him to gloat on how corruption will somehow accrue to his benefit.
But corrupt voting delegation systems don't interest me. What will be more interesting is the bets we will take on how quickly his Political Foster Mother, President Hillary, will take to implement the same failed Republican agenda that no one wants.
How soon into her term will she take to launch her first Mid-East "regime change" war?
How soon into her term will she take until her over-leveraged Wall Street friends are allowed to collapse the economy yet again?
How soon into her term will she take until she implements a program of making sure more black youths are jailed than educated and/or trained for a modern work force?
But you see, it's all ok with Shiloh the DINO. That's because Shiloh has no gonads and needs to rent them from the sort of female authority figure that he never had in his own life.
This is not an election campaign. This is a manufactured human resources crisis gone wrong on a national scale.
How wonderful that we have eunuchs like Shiloh the DINO to see it ushered in.
Best movie ever about Wyoming was Heartland, with the incomparable Rip Torn and Conchata Ferrell. It really captures the bleakness of the state, and of the pioneer experience. It wasn't all Little House on the Prairie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082508/
A 1979 film, which I saw then. When I watched the DVD a few years ago, it included some terrific "special features" and commentary. Highly recommended.
Ritmo, childish name calling aside, it's good to see you've seen the light ie Hillary will be the Dem nominee for president and winner in the general ... maybe. Again, I'm not a registered Dem, but a liberal independent.
And as such realize Sander's pipe dream proposals have no chance of passing muster even w/a 60 seat Dem senate, let alone a majority Dem senate and Rep house.
But I repeat myself.
Somewhat amusing that working class hero Bernie never had a real job until he became mayor of Burlington thus becoming a career politician.
Ritmo seriously, don't you ever get tired of repeating yourself and your childish name calling?
Hillary is going to be defending blue states,not winning red states. Shilo's "The Secret " approach to politics will work about as well as it does elsewhere.
Hillary doesn't need to win any red states. As always, Trump/Cruz notwithstanding, Reps need to run the table, whereas Dems can lose both OH/FL and still win.
Hopefully one has been paying attention to the last (6) election cycles as Reps won the popular vote once, 2004, when Bush was a wartime incumbent.
Which is why Reps have been trying to legislatively suppress the vote, etc.
Indeed, the Cleveland convention is must see tv as who will stand on stage w/the eventual nominee if said nominee is neither Trump or Cruz.
Keep hope alive!
Birkel, I easily took a 3+ year vacation from Althouse. What about you? So yes, you're a lot more dedicated to Althouse than I. Congrats!
Ritmo, childish name calling aside, it's good to see you've seen the light ie Hillary will be the Dem nominee for president and winner in the general ... maybe.
That's not a light. That's an abyss. A dark tunnel with an oncoming train. No light. Thanks for telling me the Stalin of America, our next Richard Nixon, is inevitable! How wonderful!
Again, I'm not a registered Dem, but a liberal independent.
You're a moby. No "liberal" pretends that the pro-DOMA, pro-interventionist invasions of the worst sort, pro-Wall Street graft and no courage to release her transcript speeches to them has anything to do with any liberal principle, at all. She was a Barry Goldwater girl and never changed any colors -- other than those that could gain her power, which is something liberals aren't interested in. Her only issue is figuring out how close to the same Republicans that raised her she has to run in order to sneak her way into their base.
And as such realize Sander's pipe dream proposals have no chance of passing muster even w/a 60 seat Dem senate,
We will vote the poseurs and DINOs like you out the same way we did under FDR.
...let alone a majority Dem senate and Rep house.
Again. Feel free to switch parties if you don't like it. Which shouldn't be hard since DINOs and RINOs aren't all that much different from each other. Neither have any fucking principles anyway.
But I repeat myself.
You can't help it. None of your thoughts are original.
Somewhat amusing that working class hero Bernie never had a real job until he became mayor of Burlington thus becoming a career politician.
This proves your not a Democrat. No Democrat believes that public service is a bad calling to pursue. If you hate the concept of government, as Republicans do, then don't fucking vote. He's done more in his life than you ever will. His record as a mayor was very good, and the amendments he got in (working WITH Republicans - something you'd be incapable of despite how similar you are to them; you really are like a Republican minus the principles) were numerous and very effective to his cause. Maybe that's what you hate: Cause. He has one, you don't.
Ritmo seriously, don't you ever get tired of repeating yourself and your childish name calling?
You're the one who accused yourself of repeating yourself and I'll say something different about you once you say something original and different from the same stupid, unprincipled bullshit you've always said. You don't want to be called names? Say something respectable for a change. Tell us what Hillary believes in that's so great. If you want to insult Sanders at least tell me something different than any pre-2008 Republican could have lamely said. This pro-Wall Street, Bill Kristol/Dick Cheney bullshit doesn't fly any more. Even their side is getting sick of it. Get an original, decent idea for a change or stop smearing your recycled opinion feces all over the board. LAME.
I think he should divert $5 - 10 Million of that to feed the homeless. He could feed a thousand homeless every day for a full year with that kinda dough, and still have millions to run his campaign.
Why do people think that a socialist US would resemble Denmark and not Venezuela? Especially when the socialists are trying to make the US look more like Venezuela? They sure as Hell aren't trying to turn the US into Denmark or Sweden. There is no reason why the Federal government is better at governing than Texas or Delaware. The only things the feds can do that the governments of Texas and Delaware can't do is A) print money and B) keep policy making bodies beyond the reach of democracy.
Saint Croix: Bad Ass Republican, Ronald Reagan??? Go tell that to the Marines. After his administration placed the devil-dogs in a kill-zone and took away their ammo, the Iranians blew them up in the deadliest day in Corps history since Iwo. Shortly thereafter, Mr. BadAss (whom called his cheating wife "mommie") pulled out. Then he sold arms to the bastards who murdered the Marines in Beirut.
Birkel: If you were a Rubio or Bush supporter, then Hillary is your best match of the four remaining. Billy Jeff was the last best republican president the US has had since Teddy Roosevelt.
It's not true or not true. It's not a Scotsman. This "Scotsman" doesn't speak Scots. Or Scottish Gaelic. He doesn't live in Scotland, and has no Scottish ancestry. He has nothing to do with the place.
"Liberal" has a defintion, the most important characteristics of which would be equality, liberty and rule of law. Things which Shiloh seems to have no interest in - primarily because he doesn't define a single one of his interests anyway. And because he's a gung ho supporter of the one candidate of the five still running who is most opposed to those things.
Shiloh's candidate is HIllary Clinton, but that's only because he doesn't pay attention. She's his figurehead, but if he could have an agenda it would be Lloyd Blankfein and Bill Kristol's agenda. Those are the people who best define Hillary's instincts and who pay her to do the things that they want.
If Shiloh has any instinct at all it might be that he dislikes Republicans. But that is not a policy and it's not an ideology. It tells you nothing about what he wants or thinks is right. Maybe he did at one point, one day. But now he apparently only cares to know what the people he dislikes (Republicans) will agree to. (Which is incidentally, nothing). That's not a political agenda, that's a pundit's agenda.
R&B: yeah, the "us or them" folks (99% of commentators) will never pick up what you are putting down. I assume then you feel the same way about Barry Obama, but he has a magical way of making you like it in through the out door.
"the most important characteristics of which would be equality . . ." Equality would be equality before the law. Modern liberals aren't interested in this. We live in age when the "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission", a creation of liberals to further liberal goals, encourages some people, identified by gender or arbitrary ethnic classification, to apply for jobs with the EEOC, but not others.
He campaigned well. He implemented part of what he wanted to do. He didn't capitulate like a complete moron on things like drone strikes (the best compromise between a senseless war and letting terrorists walk free). He didn't make too much of an issue on Reefer Madness, but probably could have left better alone. He should have done more on the economy, and capitulated too much to obstructionists who wanted power instead. He did turn out to be, as Republicans point out, much more arrogant than he needs to be, while simultaneously being less effective. I'm not a fan.
Hillary is much worse, as she's just a straight-up out and out liar, with proven foreign and financial interests that directly threaten America. She is responsible for the administration's worst bunglings in the Mid-East.
What's worse, she has psychological and family issues that put these fatherless Obamas and Bill Clintons to shame. Her grandmother and great-grandparents were apparently neglectful of her mama, and she believes a win for her anatomy in the Oval Office is somehow all that matters. Beyond that, it's all about how much power she gets. She trusts no one and her judgment is as wrong as only someone who believes in no one but herself can be. She will stop at nothing when it comes to whom she will screw over, just to make the most fatuous of points. No one will be allowed to criticize what she does, even though her mistakes and abuses of power will be legion. She is unhinged and unstable and will no doubt continue in her history of inventing false memories to glorify herself (escaping sniper fire in Bosnia, etc).
The White House will become a revolving door of money, influence peddling, foreign CGI graft - all given a "clean" face by the most powerful celebrities and banal gender worshippers.
As I said, I will count down the day until the first full-scale war of choice and economic calamity. We can be sure that she will do little other than whatever enriches herself, and will over-respond to the first challenge or crisis as only a woman fixated on "showing up the boys" can do.
There are many honest, decent women out there who could do the job better. But she is the most ruthless and ethically, er, "flexible", shall we say. Traits that have served the power-hungry very well since the rise of the first state.
I have no confidence that it will go well for America.
But she will get what she wants, and we know what she's wanted so far.
"But corrupt voting delegation systems don't interest me. What will be more interesting is the bets we will take on how quickly his Political Foster Mother, President Hillary, will take to implement the same failed Republican agenda that no one wants."
Almost there R&B. But it isn't the Republican agenda. It is the plutocrat agenda and Democrats are getting most of the plutocrat money. Bill did far more for the banks than W. Obama took record cash from the big 5 banks and let them write dodd/frank to put the small banks out of business. Obama is bought and paid for.
You are a rube if you think Obama has done anything except make the wealthy wealthier.
I mostly think Obama was driven by a fear of failure or reputational controversy. That caused him be far too timid and obsequious with anyone remotely financially or politically powerful.
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৫২টি মন্তব্য:
But can Sanders win New Yawk?
"Anybody but Hillary!"
I prefer Sanders to Hillary. I've read an interview where they actually tried to nail him down on how he would accomplish his goals, like break up the big banks. He really is like Chavez or Castro. He thinks he can just wave a magic wand and things will be done. To be more precise, he assumes that what he wants to do is already legally within the powers of the presidency or can be made to be legally within the powers of the presidency. As far as Sanders is concerned, the things he wants to do are the right things, and if the constitution or precedent says that they aren't, we just need to change our understanding of the constitution and precedent. He really is an antiquated relic of the New Left of the 1960s.
"Overwhelmingly white", heh. I'm waiting for CNN to call Sanders an Enemy of the People.
Go Bernie!!! If it wasn't so traitorous to my conscience, I'd send you a shekel or two
The problem with Sanders is NOT that he mistakenly believes the president can fix things unilaterally.
The problem is his proposed "solutions" are completely ignorant of reality. They read like some bright 4th grader's ideas for solving the world's problem.
You mean, both WY Dems voted for Bernie?
The NY Daily News interview is one of the scarier texts of recent times, not just because of the sheer absurdity of the content, but as evidence that this man who has been in public life so long has learned exactly nothing. Psychologists will want to investigate whether it is the brain rot that causes the socialism or the socialism that causes the brain rot.
Donald Trump will lose in New York. And it won't be close.
Only Republicans can vote in the primary. Not independents, and not Democrats.
October 9, 2015
New York’s October deadline is the earliest change-of-party deadline in America.
Trump just started his New York operation yesterday.
The best thing long term for both the country and the Democratic Party would be a win for Sanders for the nomination. First and most important it would finally help root out the corrupt Clinton Machine out of the party and a massive loss in the general will hopefully snap the party back into a realistic and moderate center-left party that doesn't hate capital,capitalists and economic growth and doesn't insult the values of the majority of the population.
The Republicans are starting to win by default simply due to the extremism of the Democrats and that isn't good long term for the country.
Why would a good democrat even accept the votes of the "extremely white"?
Odd, the Left and Republican Elites (one and same anymore) talk about Trump's "disadvantage" with women, but very seldom does one hear about Hillary's disadvantage with those of pale skin. She wins the minorities and that is OK with everyone, but so what if she does not get white men votes.
yawn..another caucus state.
Thirty years ago, I navigated I-80 through Wyoming. The sign at the Wyoming-Nebraska state border said "Pop. 350,000". I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed much.
Its fun to read about all of the vote suppression by the Democratic machine (kind of puts the lie to libs giving a crap about making each vote count) to defeat Bernie.
Articles from Think Progress, Puffington Host, Mother Jones, etc. all basically assume the Hillary campaign and the fed/state party apparatchik (Debbie!) are deliberately, corruptly and criminally manipulating the system to systematically disenfranchise young voters and others who are more likely to vote for Bernie.
Of course when Hillary wins the nomination, all will be forgiven and forgotten.
When did Hillary! last win?
Please list the policy you believe Hillary! Will foist, Eric, I meantime, the country that we really need.
Thirty years ago, I navigated I-80 through Wyoming. The sign at the Wyoming-Nebraska state border said "Pop. 350,000". I'm pretty sure that hasn't changed much.
Wyoming doesn't get much respect, esp. from those of us just to the south. For example, I used to hear a lot of: "Wyoming, where the men are men, and the sheep are nervous". My partner didn't know though that at one point in Wyoming history, you could get yourself shot by trying to run sheep.
Right now, we spend half the year in the state south of Wyoming, and the other half in the state on the other side, and on our way up there last year, we took I-80 across to I-15 (N of SLC). She claimed that to be the most boring road she had ever driven. But, she had said that the previous fall of US 285 from Santa Fe up through the San Louis valley (by the Sangre De Cristo mountains), which to me is beautiful. For me, that honor falls to esp. large parts of Nevada, but also New Mexico and then Arizona. But, that is where she is from, and so all that desert isn't as ugly for her, as it is for me. Nevertheless, from where we reside in Colorado, I-70 west through to Green River, then US 6 up to Provo is, by far, the more scenic route, than I-80 through the bottom of Wyoming. This years though, the plan is I-25 up the east side of Wyoming, and then I-90 across the bottom of Montana. Since she thinks anything in Montana is beautiful, I expect a lot less complaining. We shall see.
One caution to those driving through the state - obey the speed limits, even if the cars around you are driving faster. Over the last 40 or so years, I have had multiple tickets in the state, and, inevitably, they have felt discriminatory - for example, being picked out of group of vehicles moving faster than I, just because I had CO (or UT) plates, and they all had bucking horse plates.
Just the other day Trump's momentum was blunted, and here one's jolted.
You'd think with all the spin there would be more angular momentum.
There truly aren't a lot of Democrats in Wyoming. But, I am not the least bit surprised that an apparently honest Senator from Vermont is greatly preferred by those unfortunates over the massively corrupt Clinton. She is the type of politician probably most despised in the west, and maybe nowhere more than in places like Wyoming, where much of the west remains.
There's a curious device called a throw chain (equivalent, a juice can _half_ filled with pebbles) in dog training.
When thrown at a dog all the momentum of the thing is transferred to the dog but the energy of it is spread out over a long time, as the individual links (resp. pebbles) come to a stop at different times.
So you get a solid whump but no damage to the dog, beyond surprise that you can get to him when he thought you couldn't.
It teaches that he has to do what he's been taught he has to do, even when not on the leash that used to enforce it.
A difference of momentum and energy.
From the Trump New York article:
"Not wanting to miss her chance, Cannon said she mailed a change-of-party form to the Monroe County Board of Elections in August. But when she checked on the status of her registration last month, she was told her form wasn’t received until late October. She would be ineligible to vote for Sanders in the spring."
Government. Is there anything it cannot do?
Saint Croix said...
"Donald Trump will lose in New York. And it won't be close."
[Linking to Red State's "How New York’s Voter Registration Law Is Going To Screw Donald Trump"
...which in turn links to ThinkProgress' "New York’s October deadline is the earliest change-of-party deadline in America."
http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/04/07/3764946/new-york-voters-closed-presidential-primary/ ]
Both stories are garbage....because they assume if you're a registered independent in New York State, you belong to the "Independent Party". Now, there IS an "Independence Party" here...but no "Independent Party"
Registered as a independent actually means you've registered as having no party affiliation...at all...and can't vote in primary elections.
And that means as a previously registered independent voter you could have registered as a member of a party in the upcoming April primary by March 25, 2016, NOT October 9, 2015
As I did, for the first time in my life.
I wonder if wearing my Trump scare wig with a fake turd nestled on top would be considered unlawful electioneering by the poll workers.
I'd prefer Bernie to Hillary because he's essentially harmless.
Bernie doing a college sit-in for 4 years in the Oval Office will not be harmless.
thanks for the correction, Stephen!
Bernie thanks that psychologically intact, feminist, Bill Clinton, for being his "psychoanalyst." Ha ha.
Bernie won Wyoming, but Hillary got more delegates: 11-7 Ha ha.
Go Bernie go! Fight the power!
chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
"Overwhelmingly white", heh. I'm waiting for CNN to call Sanders an Enemy of the People.
Maybe "overwhelmingly taxpayers" would be appropriate.
Wyoming doesn't get much respect,
I could love me some Wyoming, but it's a harsh place to live. Maybe if the could keep the wind from blowing all the time!!
There goes Shiloh the DINO. You can always count on him to gloat on how corruption will somehow accrue to his benefit.
But corrupt voting delegation systems don't interest me. What will be more interesting is the bets we will take on how quickly his Political Foster Mother, President Hillary, will take to implement the same failed Republican agenda that no one wants.
How soon into her term will she take to launch her first Mid-East "regime change" war?
How soon into her term will she take until her over-leveraged Wall Street friends are allowed to collapse the economy yet again?
How soon into her term will she take until she implements a program of making sure more black youths are jailed than educated and/or trained for a modern work force?
But you see, it's all ok with Shiloh the DINO. That's because Shiloh has no gonads and needs to rent them from the sort of female authority figure that he never had in his own life.
This is not an election campaign. This is a manufactured human resources crisis gone wrong on a national scale.
How wonderful that we have eunuchs like Shiloh the DINO to see it ushered in.
Best movie ever about Wyoming was Heartland, with the incomparable Rip Torn and Conchata Ferrell. It really captures the bleakness of the state, and of the pioneer experience. It wasn't all Little House on the Prairie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082508/
A 1979 film, which I saw then. When I watched the DVD a few years ago, it included some terrific "special features" and commentary. Highly recommended.
It's funny how RINO is still more bad ass than DINO.
Bad Ass Republican
Sensitive RINO
DINO (corporate sell out)
Ritmo, childish name calling aside, it's good to see you've seen the light ie Hillary will be the Dem nominee for president and winner in the general ... maybe. Again, I'm not a registered Dem, but a liberal independent.
And as such realize Sander's pipe dream proposals have no chance of passing muster even w/a 60 seat Dem senate, let alone a majority Dem senate and Rep house.
But I repeat myself.
Somewhat amusing that working class hero Bernie never had a real job until he became mayor of Burlington thus becoming a career politician.
Ritmo seriously, don't you ever get tired of repeating yourself and your childish name calling?
Hillary is going to be defending blue states,not winning red states. Shilo's "The Secret " approach to politics will work about as well as it does elsewhere.
Hillary will implement Republican policies?
And shiloh versus "Rhythm and Balls" in a logic-off...
We might be here a long while, Althousians.
Hillary doesn't need to win any red states. As always, Trump/Cruz notwithstanding, Reps need to run the table, whereas Dems can lose both OH/FL and still win.
Hopefully one has been paying attention to the last (6) election cycles as Reps won the popular vote once, 2004, when Bush was a wartime incumbent.
Which is why Reps have been trying to legislatively suppress the vote, etc.
Indeed, the Cleveland convention is must see tv as who will stand on stage w/the eventual nominee if said nominee is neither Trump or Cruz.
Keep hope alive!
Birkel, I easily took a 3+ year vacation from Althouse. What about you? So yes, you're a lot more dedicated to Althouse than I. Congrats!
Ritmo, childish name calling aside, it's good to see you've seen the light ie Hillary will be the Dem nominee for president and winner in the general ... maybe.
That's not a light. That's an abyss. A dark tunnel with an oncoming train. No light. Thanks for telling me the Stalin of America, our next Richard Nixon, is inevitable! How wonderful!
Again, I'm not a registered Dem, but a liberal independent.
You're a moby. No "liberal" pretends that the pro-DOMA, pro-interventionist invasions of the worst sort, pro-Wall Street graft and no courage to release her transcript speeches to them has anything to do with any liberal principle, at all. She was a Barry Goldwater girl and never changed any colors -- other than those that could gain her power, which is something liberals aren't interested in. Her only issue is figuring out how close to the same Republicans that raised her she has to run in order to sneak her way into their base.
And as such realize Sander's pipe dream proposals have no chance of passing muster even w/a 60 seat Dem senate,
We will vote the poseurs and DINOs like you out the same way we did under FDR.
...let alone a majority Dem senate and Rep house.
Again. Feel free to switch parties if you don't like it. Which shouldn't be hard since DINOs and RINOs aren't all that much different from each other. Neither have any fucking principles anyway.
But I repeat myself.
You can't help it. None of your thoughts are original.
Somewhat amusing that working class hero Bernie never had a real job until he became mayor of Burlington thus becoming a career politician.
This proves your not a Democrat. No Democrat believes that public service is a bad calling to pursue. If you hate the concept of government, as Republicans do, then don't fucking vote. He's done more in his life than you ever will. His record as a mayor was very good, and the amendments he got in (working WITH Republicans - something you'd be incapable of despite how similar you are to them; you really are like a Republican minus the principles) were numerous and very effective to his cause. Maybe that's what you hate: Cause. He has one, you don't.
Ritmo seriously, don't you ever get tired of repeating yourself and your childish name calling?
You're the one who accused yourself of repeating yourself and I'll say something different about you once you say something original and different from the same stupid, unprincipled bullshit you've always said. You don't want to be called names? Say something respectable for a change. Tell us what Hillary believes in that's so great. If you want to insult Sanders at least tell me something different than any pre-2008 Republican could have lamely said. This pro-Wall Street, Bill Kristol/Dick Cheney bullshit doesn't fly any more. Even their side is getting sick of it. Get an original, decent idea for a change or stop smearing your recycled opinion feces all over the board. LAME.
Bernie raised $44 Million in March.
That's a heluva lot of money.
I think he should divert $5 - 10 Million of that to feed the homeless. He could feed a thousand homeless every day for a full year with that kinda dough, and still have millions to run his campaign.
Whaddya say Bernie?
Why do people think that a socialist US would resemble Denmark and not Venezuela? Especially when the socialists are trying to make the US look more like Venezuela? They sure as Hell aren't trying to turn the US into Denmark or Sweden. There is no reason why the Federal government is better at governing than Texas or Delaware. The only things the feds can do that the governments of Texas and Delaware can't do is A) print money and B) keep policy making bodies beyond the reach of democracy.
. . . other than those that could gain her power, which is something liberals aren't interested in.
No true Scotsman . . .
Saint Croix: Bad Ass Republican, Ronald Reagan??? Go tell that to the Marines. After his administration placed the devil-dogs in a kill-zone and took away their ammo, the Iranians blew them up in the deadliest day in Corps history since Iwo. Shortly thereafter, Mr. BadAss (whom called his cheating wife "mommie") pulled out. Then he sold arms to the bastards who murdered the Marines in Beirut.
Fuck You and the Cunt you ride on.
Birkel: If you were a Rubio or Bush supporter, then Hillary is your best match of the four remaining. Billy Jeff was the last best republican president the US has had since Teddy Roosevelt.
No true Scotsman . . .
It's not true or not true. It's not a Scotsman. This "Scotsman" doesn't speak Scots. Or Scottish Gaelic. He doesn't live in Scotland, and has no Scottish ancestry. He has nothing to do with the place.
"Liberal" has a defintion, the most important characteristics of which would be equality, liberty and rule of law. Things which Shiloh seems to have no interest in - primarily because he doesn't define a single one of his interests anyway. And because he's a gung ho supporter of the one candidate of the five still running who is most opposed to those things.
Shiloh's candidate is HIllary Clinton, but that's only because he doesn't pay attention. She's his figurehead, but if he could have an agenda it would be Lloyd Blankfein and Bill Kristol's agenda. Those are the people who best define Hillary's instincts and who pay her to do the things that they want.
If Shiloh has any instinct at all it might be that he dislikes Republicans. But that is not a policy and it's not an ideology. It tells you nothing about what he wants or thinks is right. Maybe he did at one point, one day. But now he apparently only cares to know what the people he dislikes (Republicans) will agree to. (Which is incidentally, nothing). That's not a political agenda, that's a pundit's agenda.
R&B: yeah, the "us or them" folks (99% of commentators) will never pick up what you are putting down. I assume then you feel the same way about Barry Obama, but he has a magical way of making you like it in through the out door.
Last I heard the majority of Americans are white.
PS "Heartland" is a great movie. The scene of the infants death is particularly sobering...
We have it easy
"the most important characteristics of which would be equality . . ."
Equality would be equality before the law. Modern liberals aren't interested in this. We live in age when the "Equal Employment Opportunity Commission", a creation of liberals to further liberal goals, encourages some people, identified by gender or arbitrary ethnic classification, to apply for jobs with the EEOC, but not others.
I don't like Obama.
He campaigned well. He implemented part of what he wanted to do. He didn't capitulate like a complete moron on things like drone strikes (the best compromise between a senseless war and letting terrorists walk free). He didn't make too much of an issue on Reefer Madness, but probably could have left better alone. He should have done more on the economy, and capitulated too much to obstructionists who wanted power instead. He did turn out to be, as Republicans point out, much more arrogant than he needs to be, while simultaneously being less effective. I'm not a fan.
Hillary is much worse, as she's just a straight-up out and out liar, with proven foreign and financial interests that directly threaten America. She is responsible for the administration's worst bunglings in the Mid-East.
What's worse, she has psychological and family issues that put these fatherless Obamas and Bill Clintons to shame. Her grandmother and great-grandparents were apparently neglectful of her mama, and she believes a win for her anatomy in the Oval Office is somehow all that matters. Beyond that, it's all about how much power she gets. She trusts no one and her judgment is as wrong as only someone who believes in no one but herself can be. She will stop at nothing when it comes to whom she will screw over, just to make the most fatuous of points. No one will be allowed to criticize what she does, even though her mistakes and abuses of power will be legion. She is unhinged and unstable and will no doubt continue in her history of inventing false memories to glorify herself (escaping sniper fire in Bosnia, etc).
The White House will become a revolving door of money, influence peddling, foreign CGI graft - all given a "clean" face by the most powerful celebrities and banal gender worshippers.
As I said, I will count down the day until the first full-scale war of choice and economic calamity. We can be sure that she will do little other than whatever enriches herself, and will over-respond to the first challenge or crisis as only a woman fixated on "showing up the boys" can do.
There are many honest, decent women out there who could do the job better. But she is the most ruthless and ethically, er, "flexible", shall we say. Traits that have served the power-hungry very well since the rise of the first state.
I have no confidence that it will go well for America.
But she will get what she wants, and we know what she's wanted so far.
Nothing good for any of us.
Ok whatever you say, Terry.
You keep fighting the good fight and talk the talk about equality while making sure that a system where bribery is the norm prevails.
Rhythm and Balls said...
"But corrupt voting delegation systems don't interest me. What will be more interesting is the bets we will take on how quickly his Political Foster Mother, President Hillary, will take to implement the same failed Republican agenda that no one wants."
Almost there R&B. But it isn't the Republican agenda. It is the plutocrat agenda and Democrats are getting most of the plutocrat money. Bill did far more for the banks than W. Obama took record cash from the big 5 banks and let them write dodd/frank to put the small banks out of business. Obama is bought and paid for.
You are a rube if you think Obama has done anything except make the wealthy wealthier.
I mostly think Obama was driven by a fear of failure or reputational controversy. That caused him be far too timid and obsequious with anyone remotely financially or politically powerful.
Donations compared by party.
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful! vedligeholdelsesfrit havehegn
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