"Why did the anti-Palin protesters think it was right and good to shout her down?" — I wrote in April 2011. It was a Tea Party rally featuring Sarah Palin at the Wisconsin Capitol, coming at a time when the Capitol had been dominated by anti-GOP protesters for 2 months. In video shot by Meade and me, we are surrounded by protesters chanting, booing, and blowing vuvuzelas. We were near a loudspeaker but could barely hear Palin:
About a minute into that, I turn around to the man who's been yelling "shame, shame, shame" right behind me. He doesn't like being on camera. He vigorously asserted his right not to be photographed depriving me of my right to hear Palin. He switched to a threat of violence: "I will knock those cameras out of your hands." And Meade says, "No, you won't. That would be assault." He says: "You're here to see the damned rally. Turn around and watch it." "Watch" was the right word, because I couldn't hear, since he went back to shouting "shame."
I have another video montage of that day. In this you hear a 14-year-old girl, speaking from the podium and getting heckled. A woman actually bellows "Corporate thief!" and "Koch suckers!" at this child. Hang on until the end and you will hear a voice you may remember — beginning at 3:35 — telling the protesters to "go to Hell."
That's Andrew Breitbart. The protesters laugh at him.
Here's one more video from that day featuring a little boy banging on a plastic bucket "drum" and lots of cowbell ringing. The 14-year-old speaker is heard over chants of "Go home! Go home! Go home!" and when the girl ends with "God bless America" the protesters boo:
So for those of you who think Donald Trump has given rise to a new phenomenon of protesters aiming to destroy a rally, I can tell you with personal experience and my own video evidence that this was done 5 years ago in Wisconsin. And a lot of the protesters came here from Chicago. Keep an eye out for the CPD hat — CPD = Chicago Police Department — and the White Sox jacket. We were very familiar with the Chicago presence at the Wisconsin protests. I'll never forget the band of union protesters who marched onto the scene with the chant: "Chicago is up in the house! Chicago is up in the house!"
ADDED: If the anti-Trump protests continue, Trump has a fine opportunity to do an endorsement press conference, if, in fact, Scott Walker supports Trump. Walker could bring some great perspective on these issues of protest and free speech.
AND: Scott Walker mostly stayed off the scene during the Wisconsin protests, but one time he came out on the Capitol steps to honor some Special Olympians, and protesters — dressed as zombies — got between the Governor and the honorees.
२४१ टिप्पण्या:
241 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Hate speech isn't free speech.
Oh yes. This is an old tactic. I remember reading an account of the Democrats' convention in 1932.
It was in Chicago.
After three ballots, Roosevelt had not secured the 770 votes necessary for the nomination, and his campaign feared that his support had peaked. As New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Connecticut did not support Roosevelt, he needed McAdoo, who had the California delegation, and Garner, who had Texas'. Roosevelt's campaign was able to persuade Garner to release his delegates to vote for Roosevelt, possibly with the help of Hearst, who disliked Roosevelt but hated Smith and Newton D. Baker, a possible compromise candidate.
I remember reading about how the galleries were packed with Chicago pols who shouted down the other candidates but can't find it right now.
It always seems like it's the pathetic thugs from the left acting this way. Must be a coincidence or something.
So the lefty loons have had a lot of practice.
The funny thing is, though, that none of this makes even thoughtful liberals like Prof Althouse reconsider their support for the Left.
Most liberals stay liberals even after being "mugged by reality."
I heard they were chanting 'This is what democracy looks like' in Chicago Saturday night. Should be familiar to Madison residents.
Blogger campy said...
Hate speech isn't free speech.
3/13/16, 11:55 AM
Latest bulletin from The Ministry of Truth.
...stay tuned for daily Three Minutes of Hate.
Do these goons have enough gas money saved up to make it to Cleveland, or does Cleveland have it's own goons?
Where is the civility is bullshit tag.
The left is a totalitarian entity and no objection to the left can be endured.
Bernie's revolution is one of mob rule.
Hillary's making us whole again requires the dispatching, or at minimum censoring, of half the country, despite dissent being patriotic.
Trump is a horror show, and the GOP is a clown show.
Hillary will win, because like Stalin she knows it is the person counting the votes that creates the winner, and she has spent eight years locking up the OH, FL, VA, PA precincts required to insure victory in November. God help us all.
One of the most insidious "free speech" inventions is the so-called "heckler's veto," as in, you get to say what you want, and I get to drown you out and make it impossible for others to hear you.
How did the Media cover those events, Professor? Did they mention the protestor's rudeness, their exercise if a heckler's veto, etc?
Or was that bad behavior either not mentioned or praised in some way?
I am willing to bet it was framed as the speakers' faults, somehow.
It's gonna get worse.
Trump is right. Have the bastards arrested and bring charges against them. Let the have a criminal record which would be fitting as they are criminals. They have a right to protest; outside the rally. They don't have the right to prevent others from being able to hear and see the speaker.
On the other hand under the premise that payback is a bitch maybe the Trumpkins ought to do the same to Sanders and Clinton; have organized 'protesters' disrupt those rally's. The wails from the Left will be most entertaining.
So how did Madison, Wisconsin become a bombastic clown show of rioting facists?
TrumpForce One must have flown over it and radiated its Hitler Rays.
"So the lefty loons have had a lot of practice." Umm, yeah. But once upon a time, "people" fought back--even in Chicago.
"Where is the civility is bullshit tag."
There is material in the Breitbart speech that would get the tag if it were quoted in the post. The way it is now, I don't think people would see what it referred to. It might seem as though I were the one making a civility argument. I'm not saying people should be polite. Impolite speech and protest is important to political discourse. But going where there is a crowd drawn by a particular speaker and trying to deprive those people of the opportunity to hear the person they came to hear is a distinctive activity. The speakers are chanting repetitiously and using noisemakers. They have a free speech right, but they are causing there to be less speech. We can't hear the speaker, and there message is only something that is implied by the inarticulate noise and the repetition of chants: We want to destroy your opportunity to hear the speaker.
How do people who behave like that still participate in polite society?
I would not associate with a person who displayed such despicable behavior.
Don't those people have friends, siblings, spouses, coworkers? How can those relationships survive these kinds of activities, or more to the point the ugly, UGLY thoughts and attitudes that underlie them?
And this is why Cruz should be ashamed. He certainly has embarrassed me as a Texan who voted for him.
Leftties see no more need for free speech when they know that their beliefs are settled science.
@ Mickee it will be interesting to see Hillary governing from basement cell in the White House as she serves out her prison sentence.
Is there any comparable organized tactic of shutting down people's right to speak from the right?
The first amendment guarantees the right of the citizens peaceably assemble. Not to create havoc.
Lawsuits against the organizations who sponsored the protestors and criminal charges against the protestors themselves seem appropriate.
"Hate speech isn't free speech."
Keep it up, pal. Keep it up.
I recall Eldridge Cleaver being shouted down by leftists in Madsion back in 1982 when I was a student there. I found an "account" of here (scroll down).
"How do people who behave like that still participate in polite society?
I would not associate with a person who displayed such despicable behavior."
That is why the protester threatened violence when a camera was turned on him. He literally is embarrassed to have it recorded.
@Original Mike, no.. if they did, they would be eaten alive by the media. Maybe that acts as a restraint? Not sure, but there does not seem to be an organization/mechanism to crowd source outrage on the right.
Trump said it correctly, they aren't protesters they're disrupters. They're trying to stop speech, which is the opposite of "Free Speech"
BTW, i always get a laugh out of the guy who doesn't want his picture taken. "I don't give you permission to take my picture" You show up at a public rally and expect privacy.
BTW, i always get a laugh out of the guy who doesn't want his picture taken. "I don't give you permission to take my picture" You show up at a public rally and expect privacy.
The reason the protester didn't want his photo taken was his own shame. Ironic, isn't it? The left wants to be like the hooded ISIS guys, or more domestically, the hooded klansmen.
The reason the protester didn't want his photo taken was his own shame.
It is as if Jesus exposed his sin..run away, run away..
The good old days of Gov. Walker The Nazi voting against Mandatory dues paid to Public Teacher Unions. Some article said Wisconsin saved a five Billion Dollar surplus fro that simple reform.
Thanks a lot Professor. Bernies Brownshirts are now all buying used vuvuzellas.
"[If the right did this] they would be eaten alive by the media. Maybe that acts as a restraint?"
Or perhaps the left are bigger assholes.
It is beyond hypocritical to complain about obnoxious, but non-violent, protesters and at the same time offer the solution of beating the crap out of them.
As for criminal charges, what exactly are you going to charge them with? Being an asshole is not a crime. You really can't charge them with trespassing if they are at an event that is open to the general public. Arresting someone for shouting (provided it is not "fire" in a crowded theater) is almost certainly a First Amendment violation.
Campy said: "Hate speech isn't free speech."
Let me take a wild guess as to who determines "hate speech". Why Kim Jong Campy and his commie-pinko friends of course.
Or perhaps the left are bigger assholes.
Yeah, that goes without saying and the positive spin on that which I deleted in my previous comment before posting where I had said that by and large the right appears to be more decent. They have their issues but not cut throat like the left.
Freder, you offer no alternatives.
This makes the only possible response that of tit for tat.
Which leads to what?
There is no way out of the dilemma other than a breakdown of civil order.
Protesting is making your own voice heard.Silencing people who don't agree with you is tyranny.
It was so easy to defend yourself, Professor, and the Walker government, for they had done nothing wrong except legislate. Walker's own speeches were carefully crafted, his behavior exemplary. His language was measured, civil and appropriate.
I became a fan of your blog at that time, and indeed I spent far more time in your Regent Street neighborhood than you know.
You were so, so, right to blog as you did. It was an extraordinary public service.
In most of the ways I've just mentioned, Trump is a poor recipient of that sort of defense from you.
It's true; I saw the MoveOn.org - logoed banners in Chicago this week. And I see the AFSCME t-shirt in your post. You won't hear a word of defense for THEM from me.
We'd have a much easier time challenging them the way they deserve, if we weren't fighting -- as I described earlier this morning -- the rear-guard action of Donald Trump's verbal depredations.
Wow, people.. go to Cruz's facebook page and read the comments.
Don't those people have friends, siblings, spouses, coworkers? How can those relationships survive these kinds of activities, or more to the point the ugly, UGLY thoughts and attitudes that underlie them?
From personal experience, I can tell you that people who do this sort of stuff are "true believers", and they have effectively iced out of their lives anyone who isn't a fellow traveler. I mean, they have family & co-workers & other folks tangential to their lives who they have minimal, often grudging relations with, but it's not like they value their opinions. It's very cultic, much as Robert Stacy McCain mentioned in his posting the other day.
Campy: For you and the other poorly educated who keep proclaiming that "hate speech" is not protected free speech -- you are wrong. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that prohibits "hate" speech. The courts have decided that direct incitement to violence is not protected, but that's all.
So stop broadcasting your ignorance.
"[If the right did this] they would be eaten alive by the media. Maybe that acts as a restraint?"
Yeah, the media ate Bundy alive. Sheesh, the right stages an armed take over Federal lands, and is treated with kid gloves by both the media and the government.
You all live in a state of delusion.
"We'd have a much easier time challenging them the way they deserve, if we weren't fighting -- as I described earlier this morning -- the rear-guard action of Donald Trump's verbal depredations."
You people don't challenge them at all, because you simply don't get it.
The only thing these radicals and their enablers understand is fear. The same is true for you, oh so worried about changes to libel laws, as if the rule of law still exists.
The rest of us, who are living in reality, have watched the rule of law trampled on and laughed at for over 8 years. What you are upset about is that the little game you play, worrying your head over little details as the house burns down around you, isn't fooling anyone anymore.
Earlier, you said I was mistaken in thinking you cared how 'fed up' the people are. Oh, you care very much. The funny part is that it's actually the opposite.
We no longer care how fed up YOU are. That's what drives you crazy.
"On the other hand under the premise that payback is a bitch maybe the Trumpkins ought to do the same to Sanders and Clinton; have organized 'protesters' disrupt those rally's. The wails from the Left will be most entertaining."
What other recourse is there if this keeps up?
Trump supporters are just following Obama's instructions to: get in their face, punch back twice as hard, if they bring a knife to a fight, we'll bring a gun.
Reap what you sow.
Sheesh, the right stages an armed take over Federal lands, and is treated with kid gloves by both the media and the government.
You mean, getting charged, or in the case of the Oregon takeover one man shot dead & the others facing years & years of prison for a takeover in the middle of nowhere that did no damage to property or persons --- that getting off easy?
Is it okay if we treat the MoveOn folks that "easily"?
@pm317 -- Those comments are vicious -- and accurate. There's a column up at American Thinker by Feldman about the same topic. The comments about Ted are equally as brutal. I voted for him on Super Tuesday, but I'm not sure that I wouldn't change my vote today. His choice of expediency over principles is very telling.
middle of nowhere that did no damage to property or persons
They stole freaking trucks and the guy shot rammed through a roadblock and had a loaded gun which he was reaching for.
Freder Frederson said...
Stick with the topic on hand. Media is still eating them alive trying to hang all that happened on Friday over Trump. All they had to do was show a collage of Bernie with his little revolutionaries calling for revolution and then all the signs inside and outside the arena on Friday. And they didn't. They would have done exactly that if roles were reversed and Bernie was Trump.
"Sheesh, the right stages an armed take over Federal lands, and is treated with kid gloves by both the media and the government.
You all live in a state of delusion."
It's telling that your response to this issue is inapt.
but I'm not sure that I wouldn't change my vote today. His choice of expediency over principles is very telling.
See this is what I have come to appreciate since Friday. Intellectual honesty from people who once might have supported Cruz. To me he always seemed like a fraud.
To disturb an organized political event, hack someones internet stream, delete an offending kindle book or interrupt a religious ceremony are rights guaranteed by the constitution for someone on the left.
What we need is a minimum jail sentence of 1-10 years for such offenses, and 10 times that for anyone who fails to arrest/prosecute these offenses.
"Vuvuzelas," but, whatever.
This has become an art form, esp in academia, where the heckler's veto is routinely used to silence anyone whose views make those on the left the least bit uncomfortable. It is so bad that campus cry bullies were recently taking breaks in campus supplied safe areas between shouting down and silencing people with opposing views. And who can forget that U Missouri red headed prof calling for muscle? But, it has long been a well honed tactic on the left - I didn't know about the 1932 convention, but am old enough to remember the 1968 Dem convention, where the protesters went up against the first Mayor Daly's storm troopers -,the CPD ancestors of those protesters Ann saw in Madison.
But, this election may be different, because a lot of the blue collar political soldiers that formed the Dem mobs in the past are now on the Republicans' side, or at least sympathetic with Trump. The Republicans have long been saved from this by being the party of the upper middle class, who were too sophisticated to engage in this sort of thing. Maybe not this time - there are enough guys now on the right who solve problems with fists now. Hopefully, Trump sees this and will shut it down, but being the one directing mob rule is intoxicating and hard to resist (I think that a lot of people would have loved to punch out that Missouri prof - but hopefully she stays fired).
"The courts have decided that direct incitement to violence is not protected, but that's all."
And the new courts will revisit those bigoted decisions.
@abi Well I voted for Cruz for senator and Trump for Potus. It is getting pretty tough to stay a republican, I am telling you.
- My congressman sessions votes for the omnibus bill.
- My senator Cornyn votes for the ominbus bill.
- Cruz sides with a mob against the republican front runner so he can pander for votes.
I have already voted against Sessions and told Cornyn to quit calling me as I will never vote for him again. I expected Cruz to stay off the list, but...not with this recent very,very telling of how his ambition will always over-ride the country.
The hatred of Trump is being stoked by numerous political pyromaniacs. They don't much care what else is destroyed as long as Trump is part of the conflagration. I expect provocation after provocation until something really disastrous happens. Probably the only person in the country who could calm this down is Obama, and he won't.
People who disrupt others events and rallies are hooligans, not protestors. That why they get escorted out. No different than raucous drinks at a ball game or people who talk on their cell phone at a movie.
Let's start using the correct terms and the problem will start disappearing.
Disrupting others meetings, events and rallies is an SA and RFB tactic.
MoveOn, OWS, BLM are more RFB given their ideology. If Trump's followers were like the SA they would be doing at Sanders, Hillary, and Cruz events and rallies. But they aren't.
America is vibrant and alive with the dynamism of assholes. It would be foolish not to describe some of Trump's supporters as assholes, but they catch a lot of flack for it and even in a pro Trump crowd there are checks on their behavior. That old man who sucker punched the demonstrator got arrested, and I have heard very little defense of this man's behavior by the pro Trump people... .......The anti Trump crowd, on the other hand, luxuriate in their self righteousness. They act in such a way as to incite anger, and their incitement has a physical edge to it. They're definitely looking to inspire a physical response.......If the Trump supporters take any sort of action against the demonstrators, they are denounced as fascists. If they let the demonstrators shut down their event, they look weak and ineffectual. But it's not as much of a conundrum as it appears.........If the point of the demonstration is to shut down the rally, then the protesters have succeeded. If the point is to help Sanders win his election, they have lost big time. In terms of votes gained it is my belief that Trump was the winner here.
@pm317: My support for him was based solely upon his constitutional chops. I was willing to overlook the fact that I'd run like hell if he ever asked me to have a beer with him. The choices we make. Lulz
pm317 said "Wow, people.. go to Cruz's facebook page and read the comments"
Wow. He really let the mask slip and blew it. Some replies:
"Pappy Beagles I'm a Texan, I voted for you for the senate, and was supporting you for president, up until you blamed Trump for the savage behavior of Hillary and Bernie supporters in Chicago. I just sent a $100.00 contribution to a billionaire, and i'm retired on a fixed income, so guess this is goodbye to you, and I am now firmly on the Trump wagon." 1,576 "likes"
"...I am extremely disappointed in you. You pride yourself daily on upholding the constitution in your speeches. All you did was put the blame on Donald Trump even though Mr. Trump never made an appearance. It is obvious to everyone that this was a carefully planned protest. And I would not be surprised if you were behind it, as part of your plan to sabotage Donald Trump. You are one of the dirtiest politicians I have ever known!" 1,782 "likes"
chickelit said...
"The reason the protester didn't want his photo taken was his own shame."
He should be ashamed, but I doubt he's capable of that. The probable reason he didn't want his picture taken was to prove he could bully people to get his own way.
Isn't it odd that Cruz made the biggest blunder of his campaign immediately after bringing Neil Bush on board? Maybe "odd" isn't the most precise term!
Which speech was Trump prevented from speaking?
Wait a minute, who is this Trump fellow I've been hearing about lately?
Isn't it odd that Cruz made the biggest blunder of his campaign immediately after bringing Neil Bush on board?
Very interesting point!
Also, why would a self-professed "DC outsider, good Christian boy" like Cruz want to hang with a sleazebag like Neil Bush? Makes ya wonder, don't it?
mccullough: MoveOn, OWS, BLM are more RFB given their ideology. If Trump's followers were like the SA they would be doing at Sanders, Hillary, and Cruz events and rallies. But they aren't.
And I don't see any upside to their starting to do so. What they have copied from the cadres, apparently with a fair measure of success (despite the exploding hysteria of the media and the full court-press from the Republi-cucks) is "don't waste your time apologizing".
"Wait a minute, who is this Trump fellow I've been hearing about lately?"
I'm aware if no speech where he was shouted down or prevented from speaking. His cowardice is his own problem.
Freder, you offer no alternatives.
Sometimes there is no solution to a problem. You just have to live with it.
I agree, It is wrong and assholish to try and shout down your opponents. It displays a shocking lack of civility (which Althouse thinks is bullshit any way). But is not illegal and almost certainly protected speech. But the solutions you (maybe not you specifically, but a good number of commenters here) are suggesting are worse than being an asshole, and they are also criminal. If your response to speech you don't like is to beat up the person who is making it, then you are indeed a fascist.
Think of protestors as the feminine mind of politics.
There's a reason they take over the MSM news.
"...don't waste your time apologizing."
Yes, an old pilot adage is that "the two most useless things in the world are the sky above you and the runway behind you.."
Every Republican (listen up Rove) is making a big mistake if they dump what happened on Friday on Trump. It would have worked if these were nameless protesters and few and far between and Trump had exercised too much force on them. That is not the situation here. It is BLM like protesters shouting and doing other things in the face of Trump supporters trying to get a rise out of them who have already been maligned as racists, hillbillies, low information voters, and god forbid kkk sympathizers. Then on Friday there are unmanageable numbers of these protesters inside and outside the arena clearly indicating it was an organized effort by the left. If anything, Trump should start to show the real people behind these protesters but his supporters already see it.
Sometimes there is no solution to a problem. You just have to live with it.
Do you understand that you are asking people to be passive in what they see as a moral evil? What would you say when a rightie tells you "Well, how many trillions do we spend on the damn darkies to bring them up to speed? I mean, what's enough? Sometimes, oh ye righteous lefty, there is no solution to a problem." Your reaction right now is what we are feeling.
If your response to speech you don't like is to beat up the person who is making it, then you are indeed a fascist.
So, were we all Fascists when we stood up as a nation & killed millions & millions of people in Europe & Asia to stop Fascism in WWII? I'm sorry, I'm not a pacifist, my faith doesn't require me to be a pacifist, & I believe that the right to self-defense & free speech is inalienable. A violent response must always be measured & proportional to be moral, but even Gandhi said that violence was preferable to moral cowardice.
garage mahal is so sexy when he's pretending to be an Internet bully! I bet your imaginary girlfriend gets all moist when you talk like that!
I just listened to Karl Rove on FNS say something completely different from what you suppose.
I have not heard anyone on national television specifically and call out forcefully -- BY NAME -- MoveOn, BLM and the Sanders campaign, and demand that all of those leaders disown any disruption of Trump rallies. But that is what Karl Rove did today.
I love Karl Rove for things like that. The smart line; the careful attack. Forceful, not backing down, calling out the offender, and not going too far. Disciplined politics.
In most of the ways I've just mentioned, Trump is a poor recipient of that sort of defense from you.
The left shouts down whomever they disagree with; it doesn't matter who is speaking, or how they're speaking. Like you said - Walker didn't act like Trump in any way.
So exactly what point are you trying to make? Because it seems you've shot it down.
It was thuggish assholes like the guy not wanting filmed, and there were thousands and thousands of them, that put Walker back in the state house, and then back in the state house again.
Thanks thuggish assholes. Never stop being you.
Just heard Trump use the phrase "when my people punch back;" someone else said to punch back and got praised for it.
Freder Frederson said...
Freder, you offer no alternatives.
Sometimes there is no solution to a problem. You just have to live with it.
I agree, It is wrong and assholish to try and shout down your opponents. It displays a shocking lack of civility (which Althouse thinks is bullshit any way). But is not illegal and almost certainly protected speech. But the solutions you (maybe not you specifically, but a good number of commenters here) are suggesting are worse than being an asshole, and they are also criminal. If your response to speech you don't like is to beat up the person who is making it, then you are indeed a fascist OR A COMMUNIST. Fixed that for you.
3/13/16, 1:42 PM
Your right to speech doesn't extend to the right to drown out the speech I am listening to. The disruptors have no right to disrupt. They can stand outside and carry on without disrupting the rally. The disruptors are the criminals and should be treated as such.
We listened to the same program but heard different Roves.
Trump sign vandalized three times....
"Television crews visited the site on Wednesday after vandals used red paint to put a swastika and "KKK" on one side of the sign, which is about 6 feet wide.
Following that incident, the sign's owner, Curtis Boucher, simply painted over the graffiti and flipped the two-sided sign around so its untouched side faced Pawtucket Boulevard.
Boucher, who volunteers with the Trump campaign, said Saturday's incident was actually the third time the sign has been vandalized. The first incident occurred about three weeks ago, but vandals used water-soluble paint so Boucher just washed it off.
"It's ridiculous," Boucher said. "It's my freedom of speech and this is private property."
Boucher said he should be able to get another sign from the campaign, but in the meantime he planned to put the sign that was torn from its base and thrown to the ground back up again."
Read more: http://www.lowellsun.com/breakingnews/ci_29631941/large-trump-sign-lowell-vandalized-again#ixzz42oKhwdNX
"Why?" Because Progressives at the end of the day are thugs, from Woodrow Wilson on. Ultimately they care about power and the narrative, and not a whit about the liberal order.
I believe it's "Trump", or "Drumpf". It might be a silent "f", I'm not sure, but apparently he just runs, for an extended period of time. He's supposed to be wild.
If Trump doesn't have the sack needed to speak in front of unarmed college students, how is going to be able to handle ISIS? Wouldn't even take the stage? Sad!
The courts have decided that direct incitement to violence is not protected, but that's all.
So explain to me why planning to rush the stage by the protest organizers is not direct incitement to violence. Especially when the candidate has secret service protection. Do you think they were just going to get up on the stage to do the macarena?
Freder, no, it is not sensible to just forget it.
Sometimes this stuff backfires on the doer, if it is a matter of public perception, but that sort of thing, the letting it go, is the cause of much that's not working today, because in the long run aggression works.
L'audace, encore laudace, toujours l'audace
You have no option or response, I think, because I suspect that yo personally dont want one, that you prefer that the doers succeed. That's understandable, but is not a reasonable strategic choice for the other side.
Until garage mahal releases his photos, we'll can't know that he's not slinging DD manboobs.
If Trump doesn't have the sack needed to speak in front of unarmed college students, how is going to be able to handle ISIS? Wouldn't even take the stage? Sad!
If Reagan didn't have the sack needed to stand in front of Hinckley and stop James Brady from being shot, how would he be able to handle communist Russia? Jumped out of the way of certain death? Sad!
Dear God, you've turned into a blithering idiot.
Fascinating display of empty threats -> whining -> retreat from someone who just wanted to feel like a strong, important man, by being part of an overwhelming mob. He sure didn't appreciate being singled out at all. garage mahal mentality.
Garage: If he showed up, it was entirely possible that the people there were planning to harm Trump supporters. Trump chose not to go to try and defuse the situation.
That's what I don't get. He did EXACTLY what everyone wanted him to do. He stepped back and tried to let it cool off.
All it did was make the people doing the protests think: "Hey! If we threaten people enough, they shut up!"
That's NOT a lesson we should be giving violent folks who prefer people they disagree with shut up on threat of violence.
"Dear God, you've turned into a blithering idiot."
You remember a garage who wasn't?
What this means: Attempting to placate the left's violent protest groups is wrong. Appeasing them does not work. There is no chance of debate or trying to reach a compromise. Trump gave them a mile; he backed down.
Now, they are dancing and threatening to be even MORE violent against him.
Sorry; Trump TRIED to do the right thing -- what everyone wanted -- and all the left has done is point at him and laugh. How does the quote go? "You fucked up, you trusted us."
Garage gets a little irritable when he has to go a few days without shouting down 14 year old girls or letting kids with Down Syndrome know whose boss.
Well the rest of the Sunday morning shows was all like, get us the smelling salts, why don't the Republicans DENOUNCE Trump because violence!!1 etc.
Why exactly did Trump cancel his Chicago speech? He has Secret Service protection. All attendees went through a metal detector. Police didn't tell him he should cancel. Did he hear there were large numbers of black people inside?
I do not like Trump, but if anyone threatens his rallies again, I would think it is perfectly fine for him to say: "Do it, I'm going," and anything that happens is purely at the feet of the protesters. Trump TRIED to reach a compromise with them. They refused to deal; let them go out and hurt people, but security will need to bring them down and throw them in jail. There should be no tolerance for political violence used to silence politicians.
ESPECIALLY politicians we don't like. You cannot use violence to justify shutting up politicians you don't like, because some people? They don't like politicians YOU like. The worm, it turns! The shoe, it goes on the other foot! Your ox can be gored!
I Callahan said...
In most of the ways I've just mentioned, Trump is a poor recipient of that sort of defense from you.
The left shouts down whomever they disagree with; it doesn't matter who is speaking, or how they're speaking. Like you said - Walker didn't act like Trump in any way.
So exactly what point are you trying to make? Because it seems you've shot it down.
I feel so fortunate, to be able to refer to the Godfather in a Trump conversation. Because Trump frequently sounds so much like one of the capos of the Corleone family. Remember the Don (Corleone, not Trump) taking the meeting with Solazzo, and telling Solazzo that he would get the family involved in Solazzo's business? The Don said that yes, he had friends in politics but that they wouldn't be his friends for long if the family had turned to that sort of business.
We can't take the high road of civil debate and the rightness of our cause if we attach the good name of the Party to someone like Trump. Trump, the birther? Trump, the 9/11 truther? Trump, the vaxxer? You have got to be joking!
In garages defense, who else could he push around and over which establish some degree of "dominance"?
Garage: Two police officers were injured during the protests. Get your facts, come back ater.
Nobody is calling out Sanders and his supporters for being Thugs and fascists. They are all talking about how this is Trumps problem.
It is bullshit.
The left acts like it has a right to be fascists and intimidate, threaten, and silence those that oppose them. If you say anything even slightly critical of global warming you get no grants forever and you can forget about tenure. If you have a pro-life booth on a college campus thugs will come and trash your props and the police will escort you out as if you caused a problem. Black live matter. If you say all lives matter be ready because they are going to straighten you out.
Fuck you. The left is not acting in good faith. They use the laws when it benefits them and they break the laws when it benefits them. They are not good people. They should get punched in the face.
Hey Chuck, if we want the DNC version we can simply visit their website.
http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/11/politics/donald-trump-chicago-protests/ <-- Reading that, I'm more convinced Trump did A) The Right Thing; B) Won't Get Any Credit For It; C) Must never again back down in front of people threatening political violence.
Funny how the lefties are talking such violent trash. This always ends well when socialists get whipped up into a lather. Next thing they will be ordering union made matching shirts.
And yes: It physically pains me to say Trump did the right thing.
This is surely the first time I've ever had anything that was non-confrontational to say to you.
I think you are absolutely correct, to assert that the Chicago Police have refuted any notion (and the notion was promoted by Trump alone) that they met with Trump and advised or participated in a decision to shut down the rally.
You should stick with the facts that are so helpful to you, and lose the trashtalk about Trump not wanting to be there because blacks were there.
While the matter remains under investigation, a black man was murdered, wearing a Trump t-shirt in the same part of town as the aborted UIC rally.
Friendly advice.
"shame, shame, shame"
A painful emotion caused by the awareness of having done something wrong or foolish, a painful emotion caused by the awareness of having done something wrong or foolish, a painful emotion caused by the awareness of having done something wrong or foolish.
Noisy little dorks.
chickelit said...
The reason the protester didn't want his photo taken was his own shame.
I figgered he didn't want to be on record wearing clothes made by a corporation.
garage mahal said...
"Why exactly did Trump cancel his Chicago speech? He has Secret Service protection. All attendees went through a metal detector. Police didn't tell him he should cancel. Did he hear there were large numbers of black people inside?"
I agree. He should keep speaking and his supporters should be allowed to deal with the scum that try to shout down and intimidate those they disagree with.
These supporters of Sanders are breaking the Rule of Assholes. If everyone around you is an asshole, you are the asshole.
If you want to cheer on Sanders go to his rally. If you want to oppose Trump go stand on a corner with a sign or tell your friends how much you don't like him. If you go into someone else's rally to yell, cause havoc, and intimidate the opposition you deserve to be thrown out roughly.
Stop being assholes.
I can't figure out what Chuck thinks he's accomplishing. I am still laughing at his line about how he would be "astonished if Palin were forced to for her defense from that avalanche of frivolous ethics complaints from her own limited money. I guess Chuck, like all Democrats, just assumes that politicians get rich in office from graft.
They think they found a unicorn in Bernie, a Democrat politician who didn't get rich in office. Well, he wants power not money, that is scarier.
Drago -
Really, just go fuck yourself. It would be a pretty funny DNC if Jonah Goldberg, Kevin Williamson, Steve Hayes, Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry were all members.
I have plenty of tolerance for spirited debate. I have zero tolerance for assholes like you who equate careful criticism of Trump, with sympathies for the Left.
Matthew Sablan said...
"http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/11/politics/donald-trump-chicago-protests/ <-- Reading that, I'm more convinced Trump did A) The Right Thing; B) Won't Get Any Credit For It; C) Must never again back down in front of people threatening political violence."
I disagree with A. B is only with the republicrat political class. Decent people outside of DC appreciate what Trump is doing. C. is exactly right and why I support Trump now and not the smarmy lawyers who have never had a real job.
The left wants to start a fight. We want to end a fight. It is time to get that part over with so they can get back to their free stuff and we can get on with fixing this country.
Blogger garage mahal said...
"If Trump doesn't have the sack needed to speak in front of unarmed college students, how is going to be able to handle ISIS? Wouldn't even take the stage? Sad!"
Trump garnered more favorable publicity, despite the Sunday morning spin from left and right, than he could have by giving his speech. The vast majority of the voting public doesn't like people like you who shout down the opposition. Trump is smart enough to let the lefties win the election for him, just as they did for Nixon in '68.
The common thread: Democrats wish to use power to silence their political opponents.
tim you stupid piece of shit. I've litigated sovreign immunity and FOIA cases.
Whatever your shtick is Chuck, it's pretty inauthentic. I remember the old G-File, and if Jonah were here trolling us, I am pretty sure he would do a far better job.
Another NC Republican senator dumping on Trump on Bartiromo show.
Little do they know what they are doing (not about Trump per se but letting the lefty loons off the hook) is exactly what is making the voters angry.
So that's how you knew so much about the Palin situation that you were mouthing off about it when your facts were completely wrong?
Is that your method, my cousin Chuckie?
"Your honor, I would like to submit that the plaintiff is a lousy piece of shit!"
"You should stick with the facts that are so helpful to you, and lose the trashtalk about Trump not wanting to be there because blacks were there."
Trying to understand why he called off the rally.
This tactic of shouting down speakers at opposing rallies was a favorite of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists. Fascinating that he was married to one of the infamous Mitford sisters, Diana. Another, Jessica while famous in her own right as an author, was married to Robert Truehaft, a communist and civil rights lawyer who Hillary Clinton worked for briefly after law school. And another sister was so in love with Hitler, she shot herself at the end of the war.
Chuck said...
Drago -
"Really, just go fuck yourself. It would be a pretty funny DNC if Jonah Goldberg, Kevin Williamson, Steve Hayes, Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry were all members.
I have plenty of tolerance for spirited debate. I have zero tolerance for assholes like you who equate careful criticism of Trump, with sympathies for the Left."
You don't have careful criticism of Trump. He has handled the violent leftist thugs that have been organizing against him almost perfectly. You just don't want the apple cart to be upset and you have more in common with democrats/GOPe than with the GOP base. Same can be said for the NRO crowd.
That the leftist thugs are going after Trump is a good thing. They need to be stood up to unlike you cowering losers. If Romney had half the gumption to go after Obama that he unleashed in his unhinged rant against Trump he would be president. But he also slagged Newt with much more verve than he did Obama too and he was the one that passed Obamacare first. The NRO crowd is hopelessly out of touch and is completely dishonest.
"Get your facts, come back ater."
Cops said they didn't advise anyone that the rally should be called off.
This might be a bit complicated but the idea of a speech is to deliver something that can be heard. If you and your asshole buddies are standing next to me shouting Bernie slogans I cannot hear.
The rally was called off so that the Trump supporters would not beat the living shit out of you and your asshole buddies. See?
I bet the National Review crew did watch the Colbert Show, Like Chuck, thinking that Colbert was a genuine conservative.
Can you point out the part of the First Amendment or subsequent SCOTUS rulings that define hate speech?
Obviously you are making it up (or satirizing) as you go along.
The answer to "hate" speech that you do not like is ... wait for it ... MORE FREE SPEECH!
Goldwater's supporters in 1964 weren't exactly paragons of civil behavior. Nelson Rockefeller, for example, was booed throughout his concession speech when he lost the nomination to Goldwater, and so loudly he could hardly be heard.
They didn't advise him to. But after a protester hit a cop with a bottle and there were 30 arrests, Trump made a choice to call it off before it got more out of hand.
It was the right call; he gave the protesters one chance to see if they'd be willing to work with him. They're not. They're even more angry/willing to push his people around.
So, from here on in, Trump can't compromise with them, because they've shown they don't want compromise, they want their boot on Trump and his suppoters' throats.
Cops said they didn't advise anyone that the rally should be called off.
Strange how the Left is in such a hurry to take the odious Chicago Police department at their word. When it's a Trump rally, they're hunk-dory; when Laquan McDonald they're racist pigs.
Can you not see any reason why a police dept. of a town headed by a former Obama official, now in the middle of a racially based blue-on-blue political conflict, might just see blowing off the Trump campaign as the path of least resistance? I mean, I don't think even Trump would care if they call him a liar this time, if, as part of the deal, next time the cops are better prepared to handle the riff-raff.
Michael said...
The rally was called off so that the Trump supporters would not beat the living shit out of you and your asshole buddies. See?"
That was the only thing he did wrong was remove that opportunity.
Didn't realize someone had rushed the stage or threw something at Trump while he was giving a speech.
Sorry. Speech is one thing; assault is another. The protesters need to check themselves. Hard.
I thought very little of Colbert and his show.
Why all of these personal attacks on me? What is the point? If you want to defend Trump on his lies (Gen. Pershing, the 9/11 "celebrations in NJ, the vaxxer claim, the birther claim, the Trump products, the Michelle Fields incident, the defamation laws, etc., etc., etc.) go right ahead and let's get it on.
But I really get offended by being called a liberal Democrat. Particularly when I have a history of years on this blog without ever once endorsing a liberal cause.
This is some peculiar pathology with the Trump crowd; about that there can be no argument.
Achilles: That paragon of the GOP establishment, Karl Rove, is one of the first, and perhaps the most forceful, voice on national tv to call to MoveOn and Black Lives Matter, by name.
Karl Rove made a better case against those groups, than Trump did.
"...call to..." should have been "...call out..."
@Lydia, Rockefeller's concession speech was over half a century ago, and as I recollect the story, he used his speech to attack the people in the hall who rightly responded by booing at him. Any chance you have a more recent example?
Didn't think so.
So, Trump is a vaccination denier?
That is less than encouraging.
"Can you point out the part of the First Amendment or subsequent SCOTUS rulings that define hate speech?"
Just wait a few years, when SCOTUS will have 6 or 7 democratic appointees. Then you'll see the rulings.
Well Chuck, pointing out that you had your facts completely wrong while piling on Palin like the lowest drooling libtard caused me to notice that you are not the conservative you pretend to be. It's OK to think that Palin was not the best choice for Veep, that's fine. But trashing her like Hillary trashing a bimbo? Sorry, I don't like it.
Plus you are very repetitious. As Andrew Carnegie said, you can't be persuasive unless you appear persuadable. Your mind is clearly closed, so your arguments are discounted accordingly. Why would anybody engage with you when you won't listen to any point?
Karl Rove made a better case against those groups, than Trump did.
I bet I know what that very public warning from Karl Rove (& the choice of messenger here is very important) means: it means that the Republican machine has the money & communications trails that can link both Democratic campaigns back to at least one from the assemblage of groups that shut down Trump in Chicago. It's either call off the goons or we publicly tie your campaigns to these miscreants.
Personally however, I do not like Trump. I wish we could disqualify everybody from both parties and start over.
Alas I have to vote on Tuesday. Though for the first time in my life, I am seriously considering skipping an election. Cruz just frosted me with his comments. Rubio was no better, nor was the other guy.
I agree, It is wrong and assholish to try and shout down your opponents...But is not illegal and almost certainly protected speech.
FIRE disagrees:
"...a solitary shout from a heckler may momentarily interrupt a speaker, but if the heckler causes no further disruption and does not attempt to silence the speaker, then the heckler may still enjoy First Amendment protection. As the NLG points out, it’s when the heckler’s speech suppresses the rights of the speaker that the heckler forfeits his claim to be engaging in free speech."
Some Heckling is Free Speech
Fire And Others Debate the Heckler's Veto in Inside Higher Ed
Blogger Michael said...
This might be a bit complicated but the idea of a speech is to deliver something that can be heard. If you and your asshole buddies are standing next to me shouting Bernie slogans I cannot hear.
The rally was called off so that the Trump supporters would not beat the living shit out of you and your asshole buddies. See?
3/13/16, 2:34 PM
You have to understand that level of comprehension is above his pay grade. I wish Trump would try to get his minions organized and disrupt Sander's and Clinton's rally's the same way the Communist groups like MoveOn and BLM and Sander's supporters are doing to Trump's rally's. Garage's mental contortions on why one disruption (Trump's) is good and the other's being bad would be most entertaining.
I could be wrong, but I recall that when I was 14 I wouldn't have gotten onto a podium and made a speech unless I had something to say that the audience actually wanted to hear.
Conservatives are reduced to being the "anti-embarrassment" party. I guess those mystic chords of memory binding us together, including what we'd avoid for fear of being thought indecent, no longer provide enough incentive or disincentive to shape us into virtuous people. We all apparently deserve to say or do whatever we want, judgement-free.
"The rally was called off so that the Trump supporters would not beat the living shit out of you and your asshole buddies. See?"
Haha. Okay chief. You must have watched different footage than what I saw.
Blogger Michael said...
This might be a bit complicated but the idea of a speech is to deliver something that can be heard. If you and your asshole buddies are standing next to me shouting Bernie slogans I cannot hear.
The rally was called off so that the Trump supporters would not beat the living shit out of you and your asshole buddies. See?
3/13/16, 2:34 PM
You have to understand that level of comprehension is above his pay grade. I wish Trump would try to get his minions organized and disrupt Sander's and Clinton's rally's the same way the Communist groups like MoveOn and BLM and Sander's supporters are doing to Trump's rally's. Garage's mental contortions on why one disruption (Trump's) is good and the other's being bad would be most entertaining.
You didn't see the footage of the mayhem that occurred when the speech that was called off wasn't called off? You are one stoned-on-Sunday-dude. I realize we put the clocks forward but even in the wayback machine you couldn't see what didn't happen in a speech that was called off.
Real Republican Man says:
The Real Republican knows that it is harder to be a True Republican than it is to be an Observant Jew.
Real Republicans are Often Tempted by the Political Equivalents of Meat and Dairy, ganging together with Destructive Intent.
They know of the Threat of the Impure Republican's metaphorical Pork and Shellfish.
They realize the Importance of an Elite Class that explains the Many Writings of the Powerful Chosen Likes of Jonah Goldberg, Kevin Williamson, Steve Hayes, Bill Kristol and Rich Lowry, who have laid Down Law for which the Real Republican can be Thankful and True.
Stay Strong, and Pure in your Belief. And NEVER Shit in the Caviar.
I am Keeping a List.
I am Laslo.
"Trying to understand why he called off the rally."
Birkel "The common thread: Democrats wish to use power to silence their political opponents."
True for the people in power and pulling the strings.
However, in reading the signatory responses on the moveon petition authored by UIC grad student Jorge Mena* at UIC (whom is also an activist at some sort of youth organizing group)it seems those in power (and their minions like Mena)really have convinced many of these students they are in dire danger. I'll post some of the petition and a few comments momentarily.
Also, it appears (maybe?)the event was canceled by UIC due to the faculty and staff's letter to the Chancellor--wherein they also cite Jorge Mena and the moveon 50k+ petition.
*"As an undocumented UIC graduate student, I feel unsafe knowing that Trump along with his followers will be at my university," organizer Jorge Mena wrote in an open letter to the school's administration. "We already face systemic violence but we’re increasingly becoming targets of attack by his followers on and off Trump’s campaign trail." http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-trump-protesters-20160312-story.html
"So, Trump is a vaccination denier?"
Yes indeed he is an anti-vaxxer, has been one for years.
"Donald Trump used the latest Republican debate as an opportunity to express wildly inaccurate anti-vaccine claims, embracing the thoroughly discredited position that vaccines cause autism. This claim has been exhaustively debunked, by countless scientific studies and by reports from the Institute of Medicine and the CDC. It started with a now-retracted 1998 study by one of the great villains in medicine, Andrew Wakefield, who continues to push his fraudulent views despite having lost his medical license.
Trump’s comments were nutty and dangerous, but Ben Carson’s response was, in some ways, worse. "Carson had the chance to set the record straight, and because of his medical credentials, he could have been effective. He failed.
Trump has been an anti-vaxxer for years, so his comments were not surprising. Science blogger Orac posted a 2007 Trump quote that almost exactly mirrors what he said in the debate.
Trump just Tweeted the filthy socialist hippie and told him to call off his rent-a-thug act or he'd start sending his supporters to the Berntard events. Looks like garage mahal may get his wish. Try not to pee in your pants.
Excerpts of the moveon petition and some of the comments:
“Cancel Trump's Rally at UIC Pavilion Petition by Jorge Mena Robles, Graduate Student …Donald Trump is running on a platform of hate and dangerous intolerance. …
In many instances Trump rallies have led to students, youth, and people of color being violently attacked by attendees. UIC should not be host to hate. Please cancel the event. …
… The platform Donald Trump would announce at the UIC Pavilion is a direct attack on much of the UIC student body - from mass deportation to a ban on muslims to a refusal to denounce the KKK, not to mention regular insults to women.
If UIC is a "minority serving institution" that comes with specific responsibility. And that doesn't include serving white supremacists or hosting events that put the student body at risk of altercations with attendees who have a history of violent attacks on people of color at his rallies.
Trump is a danger and so are his events. …”
The comments below are from those signing the above student’s moveon petition (emphasis mine, o/w within the quotation marks, as excerpted from online):
50777. Raul Sandoval/ Chicago, IL “If Trump wants to deport Illegal minorities then his old ass better do it himself because anyone else trying to deport me, my family, or my friends will be warmly greeted with a bullet in the head.
Meghan/ IL “Screw trump and his racist ways. We are a melting pot not a communism. All his other indevors were failers why would he make a good president? He doesnt deserve another minute to say something stupid.”
Gloria Lewis/ Fort Lauderdale, FL “Im 72 and I will Protest anywhere within 3 hours of my home” [I wonder if she went to Cal?]
50891. Kristina Aranibar/Miami, FL “Don't let that basterd close to the school.”
50873. Mildred Askew Ellerson/Chicago, IL ”Wrong city for his rederic . People are going to be hurt.”
Nalyd/NJ, “I would like to find out when or if there is plans to stop trump in New Jersey in protest and to rally l, it's already hard being a socialist liberal, next he will probably resort to political arrest like in the 60's and its scare you what he says, and we fear this, truth and lies. Control, for this is the racists gem and the mind of a fascist mind is one most dangerous, please stop him. I'm scared.”
Birkel said...
So, Trump is a vaccination denier?
That is less than encouraging.
And it is interesting in several respects. First, this wasn't some stray comment from a decade ago. It was in one of the early debates, in this very campaign.
Second, as is Trump's custom, he didn't offer some modulated statement of opinion, or any other basis or support. He blustered his way into it, by saying that he had "researched it" himself, in connection with his own kids.
Third, as is further the Trump custom, he tossed out the provocation and then phrased it the way he does so often with Trumpish wiggle words.
I'll say this as well; Dr. Ben Carson caused his own professional reputation irreparable damage, by failing to pounce on Trump and take him apart over the comment. Carson's own statement was careful, but non-committal to the point of weirdness. He was trying to be relevant and palatable, he should have destroyed Trump.
You want video? We got video:
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Personally however, I do not like Trump. I wish we could disqualify everybody from both parties and start over.
3/13/16, 2:57 PM
Nice sentiment but completely un-tethered to reality. The scary thing is this the best both parties can do.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Alas I have to vote on Tuesday. Though for the first time in my life, I am seriously considering skipping an election. Cruz just frosted me with his comments. Rubio was no better, nor was the other guy.
3/13/16, 2:58 PM
I voted yesterday for Cruz in my early primary vote for Tuesday's election. Cruz also cheesed me off with his comments. Frankly watching the leftist organized mobs just makes me want to vote for Trump in the general. Trump is already pushing back and he won't need Rove and the RNC to tie this to the Democrat-Communist groups like MoveOn.Org and BLM and the SEIU along with the Sander's campaign. It's a target rich environment. I wouldn't put it past Trump to reschedule a bigger rally in Chicago and tons of extra security to kick to the curb the disruptors. America likes seeing commie heads busted. Those clowns are going to make Trump president just like they made Nixon president in 68 and in 72.
"Didn't realize someone had rushed the stage or threw something at Trump while he was giving a speech."
That happened at an Ohio rally on Saturday. Saturday night the Trump rally in Kansas City was stopped by non-stop hecklers (at least the part I saw; I don't know if he eventually got to speak).
I don't see this stopping and I don't know where it ends up.
Quite the menagerie of violent and illiterate thugs at UIC, isn't it Theranter?
No surprises here. The Left is antidemocratic and always has been.
"Didn't realize someone had rushed the stage or threw something at Trump while he was giving a speech.""
"That happened at an Ohio rally on Saturday. Saturday night the Trump rally in Kansas City was stopped by non-stop hecklers (at least the part I saw; I don't know if he eventually got to speak)."
Yes and Trump said in his speech in Kansas City, that the guy who rushed the stage Tommy Dimassio, was "ISIS related", LOL.
I think most of them are just young people (except for the feisty 72 y.o.!) from across the country--not necessarily UIC students.
"Yes and Trump said in his speech in Kansas City, that the guy who rushed the stage Tommy Dimassio, was "ISIS related", LOL."
You cool with rushing the stage, Amanda?
I followed a moveon.com link earlier, Theranter, and the ones who claimed to be students were no better than your examples. No wonder they want college to be free -- they're not using it properly!
The fun part is: I agree. Trump says stupid stuff.
If everyone who said stupid stuff was violently protested and silenced by angry people, I don't think we'd get anything done in this country.
Didn't he play center for the Mets?
No Mike, why would you even ask? I think that Trump as a Presidential candidate should make sure of his facts before saying someone is "ISIS related".
"No Mike, why would you even ask?"
Because it sure sounds like it.
How so Mike? How did my comment sound like I was OK with someone rushing the stage? I think perhaps you were hoping that was what I meant with my comment. My comment was meant to point out Trump's idocy in jumping to conclusions based on a hoax video.
"I think perhaps you were hoping that was what I meant with my comment."
Hell, I know you're good with it, Amanda.
Democrat voters all! An apt reflection of their party and their candidates.
My son is a prominent Democrat in Oregon (partly a result of my own unwise choice when he was growing up). He, his wife and his know-nothing in-laws can rationalize almost anything that they think forwards the Democrats' agendas, including this kind of bullshit. Their comments sound something like Cruz's embarrassing accusations.
"Responsible" Democrats remind me of "peaceful" Muslims. You know, inappropriately tolerant or just plain silent.
and if you had film of any protest on college campuses you'd see more of the same. This is what the left does. They constantly drown out people's ability to hear speech. the people in The Trump rallies were worse.
Here the guy is saying "shame, shame, shame" to Sarah Palin. if you are in earshot you can't help BUT hear him and not sarah Palin. But in the case of the Trump rally they were going right up to people in the crowds face and screaming "FACIST!" at them. At the people in the audience.
Stop reading if you heard this one before. (Amanda, Garage and their Fellow Travelers won't get it).
Many years ago, I was speaking to a Soviet Russian friend about the freedoms we enjoy in the U.S., such as freedom of speech. I told him that I could stand on a street corner and hurl all kinds of insults at President Reagan and nothing would happen to me. That is Free Speech.
He scoffed, "That is nothing. I can stand on any street corner in Moscow and denounce Reagan as well. I will get a medal for it."
Yes and Trump said in his speech in Kansas City, that the guy who rushed the stage Tommy Dimassio, was "ISIS related", LOL."
Oh, I sure the Left wishes that he was some foreigner from ISIS. But, no, he's your quintessential lefty asshole right out of central casting.
"So, Senator Sanders, do you think it's okay for your supporters to desecrate the American flag? Do you categorically reject these people?
Amanda, face it: the Left is just full of assholes, it really is a problem for them in retail American politics. You just can't close the sale if you're that kind of obnoxious asshole. And, as I say this as someone who lives surrounded by them, they almost always are.
Trump is so anti-vaccination his entire family was vaccinated.
Very, very extremely extreme, to poke babies with needles on a Doctor's say so, don't you think?
Babies cry when vaccinated, so why would Donald make that choice, to make his children cry?
the idea that he is ISIS may be far fetched. The reason i say MAY is because you tube videos under his account were removed.
He does appear to make direct threats against Trump:
Why are libs pushing such eliminationist rhetoric? I havent seen any right wing people threaten to kill Sanders and then go to a Sanders rally. Have you?
Fabi--ha ha! Maybe they are not using it properly--but look at their faculty (and spot the errors):
"“CHICAGO–(ENEWSPF)–… 180 faculty and staff sent a letter to the chancellor … regarding the endangerment of students caused by the Trump event at the UIC Pavilion:
We value free speech and the right to assemble and we appreciate the university’s commitment to those constitutionally protected rights, as well as its commitment to exercising no political bias and neither endorsing, sponsoring nor supporting (nor condemning, excluding, or censoring) any political candidate who requests to lease a space on our campus. ...now 40,000+ signatures...on the petition requesting that the university cancel the event...7,000+ ...have RSVP’d via social media to attend a protest against Trump’s positions on a number of issues and the over 13,000 who have expressed interest in protesting, it is clear that our community is poised to engage publicly in vocal opposition to speech we find unacceptable and violent.
…We write to turn your attention to the extremely important issue of safety, …We are deeply distressed that this event threatens to create a hostile and physically dangerous environment to the students, staff, faculty and alumni who come out to express their opposition.…
In addition to the deeply troubling events other educational venues that have rented space to the Trump Campaign, we are also expressly concerned by consistent reports that Trump supporters across the country have used racial slurs and attacked individuals who are members of groups that are represented, valued, and guaranteed respect and safety on our campus, invoking Trump and his candidacy for President as they did so. …We believe these examples also constitute sufficient evidence to justify canceling the event to protect the physical safety of the UIC community.
If you affirm your decision to allow the event to move forward, we seek answers to a set of questions about how our institution plans to protect us and keep us safe. Will there be extra UIC police on hand to patrol the crowd? Whose command will they be under? … How have UIC police been trained to identify and stop illegal mistreatment and endangerment of minorities and dissenters inside the Pavilion as well as public and state property surrounding the Pavilion? What are the plans to enforce the gun ban on campus, given the very real potential that conceal to carry laws mean that people not connected to UIC may have weapons with them? … What will the guiding principals of justice, safety and security be for the various security personnel working the event?
…Please assure us in no uncertain terms that the constitutional rights and physical safety of our students, staff, alumni, faculty and community supporters will be protected. …Jorge Mena, a graduate student in Latino and Latin American Studies, has quite clearly explained how Trump’s rally will effect him: “The UIC Pavilion is where I walked across the stage to receive my Bachelor’s degree as an undocumented first-generation college graduate. It is the same stage where I will receive my Masters this upcoming May.I do not want this to be the same stage where Trump threatens my family, my friends, and my community. In any other instance if known white supremacists and hate groups with a pattern of violence were found out to be planning to rally on campus, the University would likely (or hopefully) be implementing support and safety plans for students. But in this instance, it’s signing rental agreements.”
… We also request that all logotypes and UIC brand representations be covered inside the arena so that it is clear that UIC has no connection to the event. UIC should have the right to cancel the contract if the Trump organization refuses to comply with any of these actions. We also request that the University publicly distance itself from the event and make a statement that the Trump Rally is an anathema to the mission of UIC, as the university for Chicago.”
Why would the left be happy if the guy were to really have been ISIS related? It would add credence to Trump's already over the top paranoia about "Muslims" here in the states who are to be viewed as potential ISIS. You folks on the right so often misread those on the left. Funny, the left feels the same way about the those on the right and their assholery
Amanda said...
No Mike, why would you even ask? I think that Trump as a Presidential candidate should make sure of his facts before saying someone is "ISIS related".
3/13/16, 3:46 PM
First how do you know for a fact he isn't? Second what makes you think he isn't the kind of left wing trash that doesn't support ISIS as part of their the enemy of my enemy is my ally mentality? So far you and facts are very well acquainted, but then again why would that be surprising for anyone who supports that old Communist Sanders?
I was reading where less than 10% of the people vote in the primaries.
Which is amazing, because if you can win the party nomination with only 10% of the electorate, the protesters are just noise.
How to appeal to that 10% who vote? Audacity! that's how. Works in war, works in peace.
@Theranter: Grammer be hard. Lulz. Their understanding of free speech is more limited than their approach to rhetoric. The higher education bubble can't pop soon enough.
@ Theranter of course they are right to be scared. Trump might burst their reality distortion field. They also should be scarred because if Trump is elected President on deal he can make with a Republican Congress is funding universities, specifically what will be funded and what won't and what will be permissible for non-profits and foundations and what won't.
someone like Trump
Some people are worthy of having their civil rights defended and others, evidently, are not.
You only get the benefits of a tolerant, civil, liberal society if you don't embarrass Chuck, I guess.
Holy shit, dude! That's some scary stuff from the DiMassimo guy! Be sure to read the archived Twitter feed.
Do you wonder how stupid you have to be to publicly announce your assassination plans via Twitter? Do you also wonder who among his followers were good with it versus who called the cops?
I must admit, I'm surprised that the far-nutjob left is so enthralled with Bernie. The urban & suburban Left, yes, that I understand. But, he just seems too milquetoast for me to appeal to the nutjobbers. But, yet he does.
This primary is all a waste of time in my opinion. Capitalism is pretty much dead.
I'm going for the communist candidate, as even Congress and the Courts are in full transfer of wealth legislation now.
Electing a fiscal conservative now, is like putting a band-aid on a broken arm.
Whatever we can do to get the communists in power, we should do it. After all, Obama has done very well shifting the economy to Washington.
Why do people persist with equating what Kasich and Rubio said with what Cruz actually said? I watched video of Cruz carefully distinguish between violence, the heckler's veto and the language that Trump has used.
Cruz does not like Trump's language but Cruz did not say Trump had brought these violent thugs upon himself. Quite the opposite.
My very low expectations are in danger this election cycle.
I look forward to Washington D.C. bureaucrats taking over the farms when all those farmers with all those guns give up. Won't that be a blast?
@ Birkel you should know by now if your expectations are in danger then they aren't low enough.
@ Coupe not as amusing as you think. If the Communist do win what possible reason do you have to believe you will be one of The Vanguards Of The Proletariat instead of one of dispossessed peasants?
I think I might cry if Gov. Walker endorses Trump. Sen. Sessions and Dr. Carson were quite disappointment enough, thanks.
Birkel said...I look forward to Washington D.C. bureaucrats taking over the farms when all those farmers with all those guns give up. Won't that be a blast?
Now you know why we got rid of passports. There is millions of Central Americans moving north as we speak.
There are more Spanish speakers in the USA than in Spain.
¿Usted entiende?
"Rifles are no match for a tank" - Branch Davidians
cubanbob said...If the Communist do win what possible reason do you have to believe you will be one of The Vanguards Of The Proletariat instead of one of dispossessed peasants?
I'll be dead in a couple of years.
cubanbob said...
@ Mickee it will be interesting to see Hillary governing from basement cell in the White House as she serves out her prison sentence.
I'm sure her ankle monitor will allow her the full range of the White House, maybe out to the Rose Garden even.
Why do people persist with equating what Kasich and Rubio said with what Cruz actually said?
Because, if, like Cruz, you're trying to tell us what an incredibly brilliant guy you are, you have to look like you understand that the media will turn your nuanced message into the pile-on that Trump had it coming. If Cruz doesn't know what happens to nuanced messages in the heat of events like this, when is he going to learn? He should have said "I haven't always agreed with The Trumpster, for sure. But this, this was the Democrats calling out the Red Guards on a fellow Republican. I condemn this not only in defense of the 1st amendment, for all Americans, even for those with whom I vehemently disagree, but out of my own self-interest as I know they'll do this to me if I'm the nominee."
But he didn't.
There aren't more Spanish speakers in the US than Spain.
That sort of number comes from attempts to define "Hispanic" people. Actual immersion in the reality of "Hispanics" in the US will cure that. Second and third generation rather rarely speak enough Spanish to matter. Recent immigrants speak Spanish, but often very badly, as they are in fact often Indians whose native tongues aren't Spanish. My son and I once met a very interesting pair, also father and son, of Yaquis at LAX who spoke not a bit of Spanish.
Freder wrote "Being an asshole is not a crime."
For which he is very, VERY grateful.
cubanbob said...
On the other hand under the premise that payback is a bitch maybe the Trumpkins ought to do the same to Sanders and Clinton; have organized 'protesters' disrupt those rally's. The wails from the Left will be most entertaining.
Another commenter suggested Republicans start attending Clinton and Sanders rallies and shout out things like "Clinton lied! Stevens died!" Would almost be worth a price of admission.
"He should have said "I haven't always agreed with The Trumpster, for sure. But this, this was the Democrats calling out the Red Guards on a fellow Republican."
Maybe Cruz doesn't consider Trump a "fellow Republican". I don't think any of the Republican candidates think Trump is a fellow Republican, well except for Chris Christie maybe. Jeff Sessions too, but then there is that white supremacy connection....
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