1. Polls about to close in 3 states.
2. "Projection: Sanders wins home state of Vt.; Clinton, Ga. and Va." CNN. GOP: Trump ahead (in the exit poll) with 40% in Georgia, and a small margin in Virginia.
3. They've called Oklahoma for Cruz now, in addition to Texas. This is terrible news for Rubio, who has won nothing. Terrible news for the Establishment.
4. Impressive that Trump is doing a press conference, accepting challenging questions and engaging intensely. The norm is to come out, bask in the victory, and give a stump speech. This is nervy and it makes him look presidential.
5. Written the next morning: I see Marco Rubio finally won one. Minnesota. Isn't that the last (or second-to-last) state a Republican would pick up in a 50-state landslide?
३८९ टिप्पण्या:
389 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Somebody tell the Nominee to get some rest. No more all nighters followed by an early morning Tapper gauntlet.
Maybe that's what Trump is going to say at his press conference: "I'm going to bed".
what's so super about it? I'm grouchy.
Wife and I voted. Turnout in our Democrat-leaning precinct was light.
I think a lot of the third party/brokered convention is going to die down after tonight. Republicans are going to have to get real if they expect to gain or keep anything in 2016. I'm guessing we're going to start seeing a lot of establishment Republican Senators and Congressman eager for photo opportunities with Trump.
"I'm going to bed".
Camera shifts to his gorgeous wife, and the nation rises as one.
Third party/brokered convention talk, that is. But you knew what I meant.
"what's so super about it? I'm grouchy."
My hematologist told me "Come back next year."
It is a super Tuesday.
Well that's weird. Over on RealClearPolitics.com they have projected Clinton as winning Virginia despite 0% of the precincts reporting (the polls closed only five minutes ago). At least they're holding off on projecting a winner on the Republican side, with the same 0% reporting.
I have a hematologist too Mike, so you're right. I should count my blessings.
Trump in Florida at his Mar a lago estate. That's where he'll vacation as president. Like Bush went to Crawford. Will be easier on the Secret Service and the rest of the entourage. I think Trump will be thoughtful of what his movements will entail.
Rove has his White Board out! Still can't figure out what he's telling me.
"I should count my blessings."
Tits on the ground here in Cambridge.
A guy holding up a Trump sign was standing on a corner in Central Square where the Planned Parenthood chicks are always asking for money.
When I got out the gym the Trump guy was gone supplanted by Bern signs.
Think of a white person in Mississippi holding an Obama sign-that what it felt like here-tension.
Titus you look pretty ripped, what is your routine/diet? No homo.
Also how can you possibly be into "tits"?
Trump has gotten a majority 50.1% in Georgia - with 0% of precincts reporting! Imagine what we'll see when some voters get counted.
As goes Vermont, so goes Maine.
Remember Maine!!!
Georgia understands Trump. And they love him. Especially the Evangelicals. And surprise, surprise, they trust him to be what he says he will be. That is NOT a cult of personality. It is a loyalty relationship with a great leader of men. He won every age group and gender group by 10% or more.
You can't touch that. Well, South Carolina did much the same. And Alabama will probably do it too, one time zone over.
That is a revolution ...Trump is a loud mouthed New York Dutchman. But he is a hell of a leader.
Why are Trump, Sanders and Kasich all doing well in Vermont? What do they gave in common? One thing is that workers - their interests or their attitudes or both - are front and center for all three.
Can Rubio win Virginia? That will keep him in the race. Cruz showing expected strength in Okla.
It looks like the Massachusetts voters confirmed their love for the Trump leadership style too.
Kasich is the normal one. Trump and Sanders both appeal to working class here. Sanders appeals to the Trustafarians, but before they came, VT was a reliably Republican state. Of the old style abolitionist, let's not waste the country's money, fair govt kind.
Rubio in VA.. all the lobbyists and parasites who feed off of the government are scared of Trump.
Let's talk about it? Do we have to?
I'd rather sit on the deck and watch the lemon blossom.
In Virginia there is an enormous belt of DC suburbs 40 miles to west and south of DC and as far north as the line of the Potomac (1 to 25 miles). All these people earn a living administering and regulating America, doing what Trump is attacking and what his original true supporters hate. It will be interesting to see how they voted and whether they supplied the margin of Rubio's victory - if that happens. If so then I think that defeat will be a plus for Trump - DC hates TRUMP; Lackeys support Rubio; Minions for Marco, etc.
Looks like Trump gets to sleep in his own bed tonight. He is speaking from Palm Beach in a minute
They just dribbled out some early results from TX. It's 8:18 ET, polls close at 9. They show Cruz leading Trump 42 to 30.
CNN's coverage of the incoming votes is very dynamic and compelling. That guy John really works the interactive maps very well.
But with CNN reporting over 80% of the vote in for VA, Trump is holding a 7 point lead. This is getting to the point at which they have to call it.
Kasich doing well in VT.
In Virginia Rubio is winning the DC suburbs Trump is winning the military base suburbs and downstate. DC vs the rest.
Limited Blogger - yeah, Cruz will get TX. It's his home. Otherwise, he is not having a good night.
Anyone - what is the point of the "rally round Rubio" campaign, anyhow? Isn't it just throwing money away like was done on Bush?
Can someone explain why the establishment doesn't like Kasich? Or is it just that he isn't a front-runner?
Hello President Hillary.
Ryan - if the establishment wants to rally around someone, I would think Kasich has a lot more to offer than Rubio!!!!
CNN's coverage of the incoming votes is very dynamic and compelling. That guy John really works the interactive maps very well.
Yes, he's been top notch for as long as I can remember. CNN has the best, unbiased election coverage.
Bill Hemmer on Fox is pretty sharp too, but he takes away from Megyn's air time, so you don't see him much.
Begley I can't wait for Trump to start against Hilary. Will be epic.
MaxedOut - That's what I would think too. Why didn't they pick Kasich I wonder.
Kasich is a solid guy. His accomplishments are bread and butter work in his state to make things better. The establishment is used to cake, frothy Senators.
Blogger Ryan said...
Can someone explain why the establishment doesn't like Kasich? Or is it just that he isn't a front-runner?
It's inexplicable. He's the Governor of a swing State, and is just as much of a Democrat as the republican establishment is.
It should be a natural fit.
My guess is they put all of their eggs in Jeb's basket, and now it's too late.
Trump is winning everywhere; by a few percentage points. With a mere plurality. At this rate, Trump won't have the delegates, before the convention.
There will be some big winner-take-all states; after March 15.
Here in Michigan, we are seeing the big push of very good Marco Rubio advertising starting to roll out.
One more thing that must need a some rest tonight is TrumpForce One's Boeing 787 and its crew.They've been everywhere man.
I understand the same guys have been flying for Trump for over 12 years. They do great fly-bys.
So Cruz wins TX. I don't suppose he is really celebrating that one tho.
Trump wins VA. I bet he has more support in DC than you would think. After all he is not a small-Govt guy.
It will be interesting to see how they voted and whether they supplied the margin of Rubio's victory - if that happens. If so then I think that defeat will be a plus for Trump - DC hates TRUMP;
Yup. He will love losing those suburbs to Rubio. The ad almost writes itself.
I wonder if Tom Coburn will come aboard after Oklahoma.
as said above, VA has over 80 per cent votes in, but not called ????
Here in Michigan, we are seeing the big push of very good Marco Rubio advertising starting to roll out.
I haven't seen much, if any (Macomb Co.)
Ryan, VA is still out. The northern suburbs come in late and vote very differently. It's closing up now.
This talk about Trump "winning" Virginia is overblown, right? Trump will get about 14 delegates, and Rubio will get about 13 delegates.
I wonder if Tom Coburn will come aboard after Oklahoma.
Tom Coburn--one of the good guys that D.C. chewed up and spit out-
...because he was one of the good guys.
The Dem primary is splitting along racial lines. Whites heavily support. Blacks and Latinos are for Hillary.
Chuck - yes, that's true, but when you back off and look at the broader picture ....
If Rubio can't win another state tonight, how plausible is his status as "Republican Rescue Man"?
Anyway, I would expect Hillary to smash him into little bits in the debates. He's very light on experience. Kasich has a much better resume and is a more centrist candidate.
CNN finally conceded VA to Trump.
Rubio is doing well in Arkansas, and Cruz is doing well in Oklahoma.
I don't know - I am having trouble seeing Rubio's star in ascendance after tonight.
If Sanders doesn't win Virginia that's a bad sign. Not as bad as losing CO, but still not as good.
Regardless, the Demos are apparently hell-bent on nominating the candidate who wins the region that Demos never win in a national election: The South. Yes, it make all the sense in the world.
Aww screw it. Sanders already projected to lose MA and no projection in MN. He's done.
Original Mike said... "My hematologist told me "Come back next year." It is a super Tuesday."
Fabulous, congrats!
(I recently received my "five year clear!")
"One more thing that must need a some rest tonight is TrumpForce One's Boeing 787 and its crew.They've been everywhere man."
I did like Rubio's "Hair Force One" joke.
Cruz wins Texas, he will press on. The delegate allocation there is complicated, so he can be a big, big winner or just a big winner. Anyway, congrats, Ted.
Marco sticking with the con artist attack. Smart.
"(I recently received my "five year clear!")
Good stuff!
According to exit polls, the area of my state that I live in went for Cruz. Unfortunately, it looks like most of the other areas of the state went for Trump.
So the top two GOP candidates are Trump followed by Cruz.
Cruz gets Iowa, TX, and probably Oklahoma tonight.
Rubio ... we expect him to eventually win Florida. That's not enough. If Rubio can't win Arkansas tonight, what's the point of trying to make him the annointed candidate? That they don't like Cruz?
Freeman Hunt - what state?
Marco's jibes at Trump sound so desperate. And the constant "...when I'm president..." is so hollow. I mean the guy is talented, and fairly conservative, he's very young, it's not his time. Please back away gracefully.
Also according to the exit polling, it's the moderates voting majority Trump, not the conservatives.
There's nothing like Little Marco at the comedy club try outs. He does hair jokes for big donors putting on Roasts.
Don't miss his act. It is closing in Florida next week, and being replaced by The Amazing Mittster who is a renowned Mormon Magician that can make leads dissappear by waddling out on stage.
I'm hearing them say its a tough night for Rubio but maybe a good night for Cruz.
Blogger Freeman Hunt said...
Also according to the exit polling, it's the moderates voting majority Trump, not the conservatives.
Not in Virginia. Trump carries conservatives, Rubio carries the moderates.
Holy sh*t! Bernie wins another state! Oklahoma! The beat (Bern) goes on!
Freeman - Trump should take Kasich as his running mate. Because in the end, the general is about the moderate voters, and Kasich has far and away the best political experience.
Browndog, I should have been clearer. I was writing about my own state.
CNN goofing on Rubio now. SE Cupp saying "Marco is the most electable... but he hasn't won anything, and won't be able to prove it"
Who is Bern? Is he that Vermont Communist telling the young folks they should all vote themselves money, or else.
Good but not great night for Trump. Let the bloodletting continue.
Browndog, I should have been clearer. I was writing about my own state.
I should have scrolled up; I thought it was a generalization.
You have to give Trump credit. He's running consistently in each of the states so far.
Marco explains that he isn't concerned about first-place finishes, because he never really was a 'top'.
I am Laslo.
Who is Bern? Is he that Vermont Communist telling the young folks they should all vote themselves money, or else.
I think he's the guy that didn't need to inherit $500 million from his daddy and grow it at a lower rate than the rise in the DJIA to give Hillary a run for her money.
He also knows the difference between Scandinavia and the USSR, let alone the PRC that the Republicans have wanted us to become.
Congrats to Teddie boy on Oklahoma win! Didn't see that coming.
It's Cruz vs. Trump going forward. The heat of battle will only harden the nominee. So the GOPe will try to pump some life back into Mitt Romney and roll him out as a 3rd party candidate? We are officially in bizarro world.
You have to give Trump credit. He is consistently able to con large percentages of conservatives.
Marco explains that he is the type of guy who is not afraid to start at the bottom and work up.
I am Laslo.
Yes the other candidates all look like regional candidates with Trump as the only national candidate. Part of the explanation is here.
Let's get ready for the Trump-Clinton race. Two lying narcissist who differ only by irrelevant means: One guy lies by always saying the most bombastic thing and one lady who lies by always figuring out exactly what the most conventional thing is to say.
This will be just as boring as any presidential election race.
Marco explains that he is the type of guy who can really come from behind.
I am Laslo.
Heh, who knows ARM, maybe evangelicals don't mind philandering and sin anymore. It's the new wave of evangelicals.
This is terrible news for Rubio, who has won nothing. Terrible news for the Establishment.
The Establishment got terrible news when Eric Cantor -- the House Majority Leader! -- lost in his primary just two years ago. Apparently the siren call of the large donors was enough to make them ignore the writing on the wall.
So now Jeb Bush has spent tens of millions of dollars to win precisely four (!) delegates. Marco Rubio's people here in Fairfax County were downright obnoxious with their push-polling and robo-calls. If I had planned on voting for him -- and I wasn't! -- I'd have voted for Cruz just for spite. In the end he's lost Virginia anyway and word is that not only is Rubio going to lose Florida, but he might well have lost his senatorial seat if he'd not tried for the presidency.
Is there a point where the GOP Establishment stops trying to tell Republican voters to just trust them and actually sits down to listen? Listening is done with the ears, not the mouth. The GOP Establishment needs to grasp that principle.
Chris Christie is the Donald's press secretary or his MC?! This is spectacular, and obviously YUGE!! I can't wait to hear the press conference!
Chris Christie sure knew which Dong to suck and when to get on it.
That guy will hang on to Dong's schlong like a 300-pound pimple.
Good god, the "crowd" for Trump sounds like local-access cable. And Trump sounds like a fill-in substitute host for Bill Maher.
What an embarrassment.
Trump talks about running America like he runs his businesses. Americans like this. The guy there for 8 years said he would organize America like he organized his communities. America didn't like that.
Prime time television, and I am listening to Donald Trump talk about his friend who bought a Komatsu tractor.
There's something wrong with Chris Christie, he just doesn't look like himself. Looks like he just ate a shit sandwich.
Trump is doing pretty well for a sleep deprived Nazi?
Tomorrow we'll learn that he eats only crust picked off of chicken nuggets washed down with gallons of instant coffee and that such a diet has been shown by science to impair judgement, cause angry outbursts, arm waving and puffiness.
Hillary and Don.
This is seriously the best this country can do?
Trump sends Cruz some love. Basically says goodbye to Marco. Is confused by the nonsense Hillary was saying at her get together.
Amanda said...
Heh, who knows ARM, maybe evangelicals don't mind philandering and sin anymore.
Early in the race I heard a funny interview with a southern evangelical woman. The interviewer was certain that she was going to be shocked by Trump's three marriages. To the interviewers surprise it turned out she was on her second marriage and her husband on his third. We're all sinners here.
There's something wrong with Chris Christie, he just doesn't look like himself. Looks like he just ate a shit sandwich.
He's standing behind a savvier asshole than even he is.
The expression on Christie's face... it looks like he should be wearing a brownshirt.
Dear Lord. And Republicans thought Obama was a narcissist.
Trump will break the presidential record for use of the word "I" when speaking.
I'm very relieved. It should be clear to everyone that there is a single possibility for stopping Trump -- and it's Ted Cruz.
I’m becoming more and more inclined to contemplate a Cruz/Rubio “stop Trump” ticket. It absolutely defies traditional “ticket-balancing” notions, but surely in this crazy cycle those are out the window anyway. Rubio — using his new-found pointed humor — is the hatchet man, Cruz the prosecutor. It’s at least as sensible as Reagan/Bush 1980 was.
Florida is frequently and heavily polled. The campaigns will be doing snap-polls there tomorrow. It seems impossible to me that Rubio’s numbers there are going to go up, based on tonight’s results. That’s why I think we might see a deal in the next couple of days; they’d need the two weeks to do voter education.
If Cruz and Rubio made that deal, the true conservatives and the GOP establishment — the ones who haven’t sold out to Trump yet, like craven cowards (I’m looking at your lying yap, Chris Christie) — would unite around them with gusto and gratitude.
When was the last time Hillary answered a question from the press? Right, I don't remember either.
Tonight is devastating for Rubio.
If you really don't like Trump, now is the time to back Cruz. A vote for Rubio is a vote for Trump.
ARM yep, look at that Kim Davis, three marriages and children from ex husband while married to current husband, or some such sin and wanton behavior. A brave new evangelical, because Jesus will forgive.
Shouldn't Rubio consider dropping out and endorsing Cruz? Then, it would be a good one-on-one fight to the convention.
Geez Beldar. Read the paper much?
Donald Trump is shifting into president mode. Anyone looking at this announcement is could only think he is a moderate.
His podium looks like a presidents platform, very little over-the-top stuff.
I imagine that trump saying that "planned parenthood has done good work" must gall the pants off of the movement conservatives. But it is just true, the abortion side just has to be made non-government funded.
And taking questions, much like a president.
What is going on here? Questions and answers? It's been 8 years since I've seen anything like this. Very unique. Let's make this a thing.
I can just imagine Trump telling Christie, "If you want to be a part of my administration you will be my bitch from here on in..."
Chris Christie has to work on his 'hanging out in the background' face.
Hobby Lobby (Green Family) put the crown on Rubio in Oklahoma. Too bad the Okies didn't get the memo.
Alright, Rubio, drop out and endorse Cruz.
The only thing more embarrassing than this "victory" speech is the blank look on Christie's fat face as he eats it all up.
What is embarrassing about the victory speech?
That woman reporter's voice sounds like the Romney "what about your gaffes" voice!
Alright, Rubio, drop out and endorse Cruz.
You guys will have a plan till the last man votes.
Accept reality. This is what the party of selfishness IS.
Trump is what you are left with when you strip away half of the political spectrum from any concern for doing right by others whatsoever.
I wonder when Trump is going to decide the cost/benefit of running isn't worth it and he'll drop out to save his money? Probably a few weeks after the convention.
"I think he's the guy that didn't need to inherit $500 million from his daddy"
Actually, he should have as it would have kept him out of the homeless shelter before he finally got to be mayor of the peoples' republic of Burlington.
What is embarrassing about the victory speech?
No substance, no intelligence, no regard for any of the obvious limitations on what this self-annointed ubermensch thinks he can do. But that's just the first three that come to mind.
"Good god, the "crowd" for Trump sounds like local-access cable. "
It's not a rally, Chuck. It's his house and press conference.,
Keep making fun of the only guy with any integrity in the race, Michael K.
Enjoy your Trump-Clinton debacle. Either way, it's the worst race ever. All outcomes are equally disastrous from here on out.
Hopefully you'll enjoy your "hands-on" lesson in doing nothing in office but self-promotion.
Donald Trump needs an emblem for his podium "President Elect-Elect Donald Trump"
" the true conservatives and the GOP establishment"
Hilarious. No True Scotsman fallacy again.
We're going to build a gulag to keep them safe because I have a bigger heart than anybody.
I'm going to make anyone who doesn't treat me well in Congress pay a big price.
The 'victory speech' was the part where he congratulated Cruz, and dismissed Clinton, took about 3 minutes. Then he moved on to this press conference. Which is very presidential, by the way.
"Keep making fun of the only guy with any integrity in the race, Michael K. "
Sanders ? No-job Sanders ?
He has better experience sucking at the government tit than the others.
I guess that's a recommendation for you,
Maybe Trump will do for America what he did for his creditors during his four bankruptcies.
Remember, he thinks those moves were a mark of his virtue.
Time for Rubio to call it quits.
Amanda: "A brave new evangelical, because Jesus will forgive."
I don't think Jesus will forgive Bill's sexual assaults and Hillary's destruction of the victims. And don't even get us started on Bills many trips to pedophile island.
Sanders represents his constituents well and would have kicked Trump's ass in a general.
Trump represents himself.
"sucking tit"? That's what you fools are doing to Trump's 70-year old orange chest. You have no idea how much of a bunch of cocksucking bootlickers you tools are. And I bet you're not even a natural Trump supporter. Just a follower. Like Christie.
Hillary and Don.
This is seriously the best this country can do?
Probably not the first time, & probably not the last time, but definitely one of the rare times, you & I agree.
Amanda, please remember to keep your gaze averted from Hillary's saintly visage.
She doesn't like it very much when the "little people" look at her. And if Hillary is boarding a plane, you'll probably be required to face away from her. Assuming she didn't rope you off a few miles away.
"I'm amazing!"
Megyn giving the Donald props: "sounded presidential.."
And taking questions, much like a president.
I'm listening over the radio (via tunin).
Extraordinarily good.
Amanda and R&B ought to be afraid....very afraid.
Presidential? Hahahahahahahahahahaha
I'm just glad Hillary didn't have to revert to her youthful athleticism to avoid any sniper fire.
BTW, where is the video of Hillary "serpentining" her way off the tarmac?
"Geez Beldar, read the paper much"
Exactly what I was thinking from the other side of the political spectrum. Look, I'm comfortably to the right of Genghis Khan, but Republicans are truly delusional if they think some jiggery-pokery is going to knock out Trump, and then have any expectation of winning the general. Not going to happen at this stage. Trotting out Mitt Romney. Seriously? I know Trump isn't a conservative, but if he keeps that slimy crook Hillary out of the White House and curtails illegal immigration he will have done a greater service to America than any president sin everyday Reagan.
Drago sweetie, you're wasting your typing fingers on me, lol.
Cruz speech coming up. Hope he doesn't bash Trump. Take your 2 states and be gracious.
What is this "fear" bullshit, "eddie willers"? The country's screwed. Don't you have any patriotism? Or do you just channel it all into your life-sized man-doll Trump?
Taking questions?!
Hillary doesn't engage in such pedestrian behavior.
'cuz "courage".
Not as much courage as an islamist cutting the head of a 4 year old girl, but still.
Would Rubio endorse Cruz? What happens to his career if he does that and Trump still wins?
Laslo is dominating. Short-listed for VP.
R&B, tighten it up. You're sloppy. "brownshirt"? Unfunny and too much of it.
Hey, let's not forget Bernie - VT, OK & possibly Col.
Bernie is in it to win it!
Limited blogger said... "Chris Christie has to work on his 'hanging out in the background' face."
Amen! He looks completely out of place, dorkish and nervous. Not good optics at all.
Cruz reminding us that who the next former president is. Nice.
Probably not the first time, & probably not the last time, but definitely one of the rare times, you & I agree.
There are decent and thinking people all over the country and all across the spectrum, YH. You're a decent guy for shooting straight on what you realize as well as I do are both two very problematic courses for the country.
There is more to life than just cheerleading.
Amanda: "Drago sweetie, you're wasting your typing fingers on me, lol"
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you above the shrieks of european woman being sexually assaulted by your islamist heroes.
Unfunny and too much of it.
Then enjoy your comedy show when Sir Orange of New Amsterdam is sworn in. I admit his insults are hilarious. What a pity that he's got nothing else in his toolkit, though.
Nobody's even talking about your candidates, R&B. There is no enthusiasm whatsoever.
Hillary's only shot was Jeb....and he's gone.
I expect next you'll be typing in all caps and yelling "Hitler"".
They've called Oklahoma for Cruz now, in addition to Texas. This is terrible news for Rubio, who has won nothing.
Oh? I assume he's prepping his victory speech, then.
Cruz going right to meat of the matter. Asking everybody else to drop out. Smart.
Rubio will get Minnesota. So that's something.
Rhythm and Balls: "Then enjoy your comedy show when Sir Orange of New Amsterdam is sworn in."
Careful. The last "dude of Orange" happened to acquit himself adequately.
eddie willers: "Nobody's even talking about your candidates, R&B"
To be fair, I don't recall R&B's expressing much support for Hillary. But he can speak for himself on the matter.
Eddie Willers,
I'll be joining the underground if Trump wins. I was going to tunnel under the fence that Canada is building to keep out American refugees, but I decided I love my country and will gladly do my part to fight fascism in our own beloved USA and join the underground. Or I'll be one of the first to be up against the wall and shot. Im not afraid.
uh oh, getting close to insults... profane... vulgar.... expanding Obamacare.. Stay cool, Theodore!
No enthusiasm, eddie? Really?
Did you amputate your left eyeball and left arm, also? Or is it only right-wing politics that you pretend is the only game in town.
Trump's take on strong leadership has been spoken to by Ivana's revelations on his night-time reading material and his "What, me?" response to David Duke's support.
This must be JFK night. The Press Conference questions and answers were exactly like watching Kennedy's wit and word mastery at his press conferences.
Trump came across smooth and powerful. He wants a good relationship with The Speaker of the House Ryan and expects he will have one, but if not Ryan will pay a high price.
The network commentary all jumped on how Trump sounded so much like a leader. That was wrong. They were watching what a real leader does with words. Those when used correctly and timely are his tools.
"You have no idea how much of a bunch of cocksucking bootlickers you tools are."
Oh, Such anger. Bernie would not like it.
Some day, when you finish the McDonalds' job, you might try to take a math course and think about Bernie.
Amanda: "I'll be joining the underground if Trump wins. I was going to tunnel under the fence that Canada is building to keep out American refugees, but I decided I love my country and will gladly do my part to fight fascism in our own beloved USA and join the underground. Or I'll be one of the first to be up against the wall and shot. Im not afraid."
BTW, is tunneling underground a "shovel ready" job? I only ask 'cuz obama thought it was until he brilliantly discovered those types of jobs don't exist.....after all the money had been "spent".
To be fair, I don't recall R&B's expressing much support for Hillary. But he can speak for himself on the matter.
Thanks. But in honesty, WTF? I berate her all the time, and not just in this thread. She's the worst liar I can remember running for president in my lifetime, if not ever. In fact, she almost makes me want to vote for Trump. Almost, but after the last week and this speech, not quite. I'm now convinced they're both just about as bad. Trump is doing ONE important thing: Eschewing PC in exchange for having the courage to say whatever he wants. But it's a one-act show. Hillary is just a transparent robe-psychopath. I guess if you want an evaluation on who's worse, she wins by a hair. But I'm seeing now that that's not saying much. They're both horrible. And I'm not the only one who thinks so. You guys know this. He's exciting his base at the expense of a lot of other important things. And she's a nobody who's only tool is a political weathervane and more "ambition" than the aliens who take over Earth. It sucks every which way and then some.
Re: M Jordan:
Rubio will get Minnesota. So that's something.
Eh, really? He's actually going to win somewhere? Incroyable!
The usual suspects are getting hysterical.
Either Hillary or Bernie girls. Or stay home.
Cruz is the best extemporaneous speaker I've ever heard. It is really an art form that he has perfected. I hope he stays in public service for many, many more years. Maybe in 2024 he can make another run for the presidency.
And Trump has spent far less money than any of the other "serious" candidates.
That should also tell certain people something.
I always know how substantive Michael K is when he can't stop obsessively throwing phony ad hominem bs at me.
Michael K: I realize how pissed and despondent you are about now being the Party of Trump. It's ok. But if you had any integrity you'd talk about how unhappy you are about that as well, instead of projecting all your nonsense at me. You're unhappy too, if in your characteristically passive-aggressive away.
Now grow up and be honest for a change.
Cruz is doing ok in his post-election statement. It's clear that his strategy is to take on Trump directly in a much stronger way.
This makes sense. If the results from this evening provide a template, Cruz (with "gasp" Rubio as a potential VP), Cruz might actually be able to position himself as the most conservative, least objectionable (to the GOPe) alternative to Trump.
It would be an interesting tactic if that is what he is actually doing.
Although I have no illusions that Rubio (or just about any other politician) would abandon the race simply for some ethereal sense of what's "good for the party".
"I'll be joining the underground if Trump wins. I was going to tunnel under the fence that Canada is building to keep out American refugees, but I decided I love my country and will gladly do my part to fight fascism in our own beloved USA and join the underground. Or I'll be one of the first to be up against the wall and shot. Im not afraid."
Just to let you know Drago, it's meant to be hilarious. I don't for a second think Trump has a chance to win the Presidency. I have faith in the intelligence of the majority of the American voting population.
R&B's: " I'm now convinced they're both just about as bad. Trump is doing ONE important thing: Eschewing PC in exchange for having the courage to say whatever he wants. But it's a one-act show."
Still, given what we see happening in our culture today, let's not downplay the importance of that "one-act".
It's a pretty big f'n deal, someone once said.
Cruz talks too long. It's that preacher gene.
Here's how cautious Democrats are: They're afraid of repeating a McGovern, etc. campaign with Sanders while forgetting who FDR was.
Here's how reckless Republicans (and their hangers-on like Michael K.) are: They're pretending to be all too happy to repeat the 1964 Barry Goldwater campaign.
Remember, that's before Buckley "threw the kooks out".
Make sure, Michael K., when you get a chance, to tell me how happy you are to have the kooks back in charge and driving the Trump bus.
Don't get distracted and change the subject. Presidents win by their positive vision, not the negativity they throw at others.
So tell us how positively Trump makes you feel and why.
I can wait 'til November to hear it.
It's a pretty big f'n deal, someone once said.
It's great. I'm glad for it.
But running the country as president requires so much more. Does it not?
Amanda: "Just to let you know Drago, it's meant to be hilarious."
I don't think that european women being sexually assaulted by islamists is hilarious at all.
You are doing a terrible job of ignoring my "wasted key strokes". I assume your performance in that area is par for the course across the board for you.
Marco trying to explain that he didn't actually lose. If you're explaining, you ain't winning.
Actually, today's Evangelicals are often focused on forgiving sin more than on condemning anyone who has ever sinned. It has something to do with the red print guy who liked to say that every one first has to be a sinner before he can be saved by faith in Jesus' sacrifice.
That guy sure was a trouble maker for all of the self righteous never sinned crowd.
Of the three Republican victory speeches tonight, Trump's was best. Cruz better than in the past but too long. Rubio (yes, he gave another "victory" speech) was a pep rally before heading to the gallows. Forced enthusiasm. Not attractive. Trump having a press conference was quite effective. He tried to act presidential and mostly did, but he couldn't resist a few Little Marko jabs. He treated Cruz respectfully.
Actually, on second thought, Cruz didn't go on too long. I am watching on delay and it just finished. Not bad.
Clinton's speech? I just can't see why anyone would vote for her.
R&B's: "But running the country as president requires so much more. Does it not?"
Hmmmmm, does it anymore? It would not be a stretch to argue that bar has been lowered sufficiently that "running the country" does not require so much more.
I'm open to hearing the evidence of the contrary position but I would warn you that it would be a much tougher sell for me now than it might have been a couple of presidents ago.
If I said anything nice about Rubio above, or before, I take it back.
Drago, don't hurt yourself typing. The Althouse blog would be at a loss without your contributions.
The Crazy Miami street thug is back doing his vulgar insults. But is there any new material/
If Trump was FDR, then little Marco's act would be all cripple jokes. There are some really funny ones, like. "Can little Franklin come out and play baseball, because we need a second base."
R&B: "Here's how reckless Republicans (and their hangers-on like Michael K.) are: They're pretending to be all too happy to repeat the 1964 Barry Goldwater campaign. "
Goldwater? A great man who fought a hopeless battle. No one could've beaten LBJ after Kennedy was assassinated.
Super Tuesday is not the Super Bowl, like they try to make it out to be.
So far we have assigned 357 of the 1237 winning delegates. What's that? 29%
NY Times:
Mr. Rubio could lose every state on Super Tuesday and still win a majority of delegates. Here’s how:
Mr. Rubio’s path starts with quick exits by Mr. Cruz and Mr. Kasich, giving Mr. Rubio an opportunity to consolidate their support. His challenge would be to do this before March 15, when a slew of big states cast ballots. Florida and Ohio, two winner-take-all states worth a combined 165 delegates, would be especially important.
Limited blogger: "If I said anything nice about Rubio above, or before, I take it back."
It's not very compelling hearing the Gang of Eight guy decry the lack of conservatism in others. It's simply not believable. At all. And I say that as someone who thought well enough of him some time back.
Marco has totally lost it. An intervention is needed. Shut the guy's microphone off.
Hey R&B
I know it's probably too soon but I'll meet you in November and we'll both vote for Trump.
I'm rooting for Sanders too nut if it's The Don and Hill in November I'll vote Trump.
Amanda: "....."
I suppose there's something to be said for not bothering to put too much thought into ones post.
Let's just say that Amanda is typing with an "extreme economy of thought" and leave it at that.
It's probably not too late for a Buchanan/Nader ticket. Those guys could blow up any election!
Drago is very excited tonight.
Amanda: "Sanders -- who enjoys the most positive favorable rating of any presidential candidate in the field..."
Just imagine what levels of support Sanders could have generated in the Soviet Union! And that's not even bothering with the potential votes of those being marched to their deaths in the Gulags!
Re: Limited Blogger:
Marco trying to explain that he didn't actually lose. If you're explaining, you ain't winning.
Hey, he looks like he's actually going to win the Minnesota caucus!! Let him have this moment -- it's his first time winning a primary. Caucus. Whatever.
Looks like he's dropped back to third place in most of the other states tonight, though.
Amanda: "Drago is very excited tonight"
Amanda is very.....
Not really much of anything tonight. Other than reflexively defensive of the rights of islamists to sexually enslave and murder tens of thousands of women.
But in a good way, one supposes.
Rove is certainly putting up a valiant effort to give partial credit to Rubio for the enlarged republican primary turnout numbers. Not convincing mind you. But certainly valiant. Like Pythons "Black Knight" sort of valiant.
"We'll call it a draw!"
Drago, you seem to be fixating on Islamists tonight. Explain how Islamists pertain to this blog post and discussion. Or is it a mental tic of yours? Strange.
Sanders s wins Colorado Oklahoma Vermont prob Minn almost MA. Not bad
Well, I'm halfway there at least, Bill.
Prior to last week, I was with you all the way on that. But I just need to know that Trump can do more than throw rhetorical bombs.
Hell, even I can throw rhetorical bombs.
It's great seeing him do what needs to be pointed out in debates. His opponents are truly empty suits and it's time someone called them to account on that.
But if Trump doesn't eventually show that he can do more than call out empty suits, however far he gets would be an empty victory.
Many people were worried that this was the case all along. They just didn't bother coping with the fact that he'd at least get this far.
Me? I never had a doubt.
But I at least figured that after he got as far as he got tonight that he could bother to put together a speech that would sound the least bit, what's the word...? Oh, that's right! Presidential.
I guess that was asking too much, though. A bomb thrower is what a bomb thrower is.
As before, I am keeping tabs on the claims of Trump supporters (they do NOT like to talk specifics) and will be here a long time to remind everybody how they were wrong.
Althouse was wrong in 2008. But she gets to avoid the consequences because she is older and has a great gig. I hope the lot of you are so well heeled to avoid either a Hillary or Trump presidency.
"Rhythm and Balls" thinks speechifying is what makes a good president. Have the last 8 years taught you nothing?
Limited blogger: "Marco has totally lost it. An intervention is needed. Shut the guy's microphone off"
Everyone expects spin and there's certainly no problem with blowing your own horn. But listening to Rubio transition all-too-none-seamlessly from talking up his overall 3rd place finish while trashing Trump and Cruz and denigrating their wins did not come across as very effective at all.
We all realize he is being directed to pursue this more aggressive strategy, but his scorched earth strategy is not going to work.
But then again, how do we know what Rubio's real goals are at this point? He and his advisors and his financiers might already have calculated that the jig is up and it's time for Mutual Assured Destruction.
Limited blogger said...Marco has totally lost it. An intervention is needed. Shut the guy's microphone off.
It's the money behind him talking.
What's up with Minnesota? My theory is that they're overcompensating for having elected Jesse Ventura. Remember, the Power Line guys are experts on why Donald Trump is just like Jesse Ventura. Did anyone other states' pundits behave so idiosyncratically?
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