Some... some...
These somes are everywhere.
Said the Emory president: "... I cannot dismiss their expression of feelings and concern as motivated only by political preference or over-sensitivity. Instead, the students with whom I spoke heard a message, not about political process or candidate choice, but instead about values regarding diversity and respect that clash with Emory’s own."
An old tune plays in my old head: "'Rip down all hate,' I screamed."
Doing the tags for this post, I noticed I had both conundrums and paradox.
८२ टिप्पण्या:
Shit. We'll have to cross Emory off the recruitment schedule now, too...
The Emory president
Knew what the students meant:
The pro-diversity viewpoint is so big
That if you oppose it, you're a pig
Ask yourself what the reaction of Emory students and adminisration would have been if what was chalked on the sidewalks had been "Feel the Bern".
If you step on a TRUMP 2016, you break your mother's back.
It will never beat unibomber haiku
The postman cometh
"Oh, boy! A package for me!"
Twisted hermit strikes.
Someone should write Cruz 2016 and see if it gets the same reaction.
I think Trump is a clown and a blowhard--who appeals to racists, xenophobes, and troglodytes of all types--but if a chalked statement merely supporting Trump for Prez has them wetting their brand name hipster unmentionables, WTF are these children going to do if Trump actually becomes POTUS? Will they flee home to their parents and hide under their blankets for 4 to 8 years? Will they go into catatonic states? Will they call for his immediate impeachment on the basis his presence in the White House is a Macro micro-aggression?
Heebus Jeebus!!
And we've been upset about those who were maimed, those who lost their lives in the terrorist attack, another perspective.
"Ask yourself what the reaction of Emory students and adminisration would have been if what was chalked on the sidewalks had been "Feel the Bern"."
That might upset some conservative/libertarian students. The official response in such a situation is generally "F**k 'em"
If even Robert Cook gets how absurd this is, we may just be reaching peak SJW.
1% of the students are 99% of the whiners. The Emory President is a 1%er.
Those students need to take off their diapers and get on with their lives
If we as college students pretend that Trump scares us then the terrorists don't win.
Isn't claiming one's own "feelings of being unsafe" as a basis and a ploy to require other parties be stopped from exercising their free speech rights itself a pretty Macro micro-aggression?
Emory is still southern, and South Floridian for its Medical School. But there are many who want it to be the IVY League South choice for rich northeastern kids who could not get into Harvard and Yale. Those students are like an enclave of the unassimilated and they want all the attention they can get.
The college is in Atlanta so they are already unsafe. Ignorant crybabies.
Looking at the pictures, I see their point.
I mean, who uses white chalk? So mundane. So boring. Where is there sense of Feng Shui, of style, of creativity?
Lose your white chalk privilege !
...about values regarding diversity and respect that clash with Emory’s own.
Diversity of thought apparently not welcome at Emory.
If I do decide to vote for Trump next fall, it will be because of stories like this.
Aren't these students self-aware enough to realize and to be embarrassed that their behavior amounts to nothing more than "Mommy, make it stop!"?
Robert Cook said...
I think Trump is a clown and a blowhard--who appeals to racists, xenophobes, and troglodytes of all types--but if a chalked statement merely supporting Trump for Prez has them wetting their brand name hipster unmentionables, WTF are these children going to do if Trump actually becomes POTUS? Will they flee home to their parents and hide under their blankets for 4 to 8 years? Will they go into catatonic states? Will they call for his immediate impeachment on the basis his presence in the White House is a Macro micro-aggression?
Heebus Jeebus!!
3/24/16, 9:19 AM
When RC is spot on its either that one time of the day,an awakening on his part or something so obvious that no one can deny. Still he is absolutely right. Now I have a bit of a conundrum as elder daughter is applying to Emory Law to be financed entirely by the Bank Of Dad.
"... I cannot dismiss their expression of feelings and concern as motivated only by political preference or over-sensitivity. Instead, the students with whom I spoke heard a message, not about political process or candidate choice, but instead about values regarding diversity and respect that clash with Emory’s own."
I could dismiss their expression of "feelings," in a matter of nanoseconds. The guy should try earning his salary.
@cubanbob, send her to Wisconsin instead. She could learn about neutrality, however cruel that may be.
There have always been a small group of student idiots walking about our campuses.
These people are either emotionally immature or know that they can use their cries as a weapon. My bet it is the latter.
The student from the Emory GOP had the proper response, the problem is not statements of idiot students, the problem is university officials empowering their crybullying.
Emory is a rich kids school. It's about as diverse as Hollywood. The vision of progressivism is a bennetton ad of conformists. No match for radical Islam
Don't worry. These kids will be senior bureaucrats in a decade and a half, with the power and desire to meddle in every aspect of your life.
With instances of actual racial hatred and cruelty being exceedingly rare on college campuses, the social justice warriors need new windmills to tilt at. Hello microagressions...and the occasional hateful racial message that once the media coverage dies down turn out to be hoaxes committed by students of color. Here is a brief compendium.
Looking at the pictures, I see their point.
I know. Did you see that font? Holy crap. These are college students?
Don't you want to vote for Trump just to make these losers cry?
Or maybe you don't want Trump, you just want to see them cry.
I wonder if mountain lions lick up chalk. P-22 would make everyone feel safer.
I agree with TosaGuy. There are probably more of these types of students than when I was in college in the early '90s. But it is the administrators and professors who have changed. Let the students engage each other in open discourse without the administration or faculty piping in or interfering or retaliating against the majority of students who think this SJW stuff is total bullshit.
In today's budget climate regarding universities, one would think that college administrators would understand that their actions in this area persuade a large group of people and their elected representatives that academia deserves to be trimmed in budget, power and influence.
The students at Emory, who are generally smart over-achievers, have learned to easier way to get rewarded with attention is to be outraged at something about which outrage is popular.
Being first in your class or getting on the dean's list is difficult, and gets little immediate reward. Crying about a Trump chalk drawing gets you hugs and attention from the dean.
Althouse, speaking of tags, you're overdue for a "Drudge propaganda for Trump" tag.
I actually give you credit for such a post, a week or so ago. You noticed it, as I did, as a lot of people did. I am consciously trying to avoid Drudge more and more now. I used to be one of the site's biggest fans.
As the statement about tags in this post shows, I try to avoid tag proliferation. I don't normally embody an opinion in a tag.
There are some exceptions, but I think they tend to be humorous, like "animals are jerks."
WTF are these children going to do if Trump actually becomes POTUS? Will they flee home to their parents and hide under their blankets for 4 to 8 years? Will they go into catatonic states?
Geez man, are you trying to convince me to vote for Trump? Fortunately for everyone involved, I live in a deeply blue state so my vote is consequence free.
I have a "propaganda" tag. If I think something is propaganda, I might remember to use that tag, especially if it's a point I didn't belabor in the post.
I almost never belabor anything though, not unless readers are failing to see the meaning and it's a situation where that is annoying me.
The student being sought for putting that evil chalk on the sidewalks of Emory should try again. See what happens if she puts down Viva Che! or Viva Fidel! See if students need a safe zone for those words. Or Free Palestine. Or .....
Unless you're state is actually a District, or rhymes with Tinnesota... don't count yourself out just yet!
Don't underestimate the voting irrationality of my native state. It did elect a wrestler and a non-funny comedian. Trump firmly belongs in that group.
“You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!”
I honestly think they ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.
Did you see the aricle about the university professor who intends to call 911 any time she sees ROTC outside her window?
Can 911 be programmed to screen out known crank phone numbers?
Can 911 file charges against nuisance callers?
Big Mike said...
@cubanbob, send her to Wisconsin instead. She could learn about neutrality, however cruel that may be.
3/24/16, 9:26 AM
The division of labor is she chooses and I pay. At least Emory isn't a long flight for me.
The adults should protect these students from making fools of themselves by putting a stop to their immature behavior instead of encouraging it.
"You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!”
Can you imagine anyone with an ounce of self-respect behaving like this?
Aren't these students self-aware enough to realize and to be embarrassed that their behavior amounts to nothing more than "Mommy, make it stop!"?
Mommy asked them to complain so she can appeal to daddy on their behalf.
I put this link to an Emory student paper article in a comment thread yesterday--Reason's Hit & Run blog also had a post the topic (I think Instapundit may have linked to Reason).
One sad part is that the univ. President took pretty good stand (refusing to issue a statement saying Emory reject's Trump's hate, for instance) and seems to be trying to do his best to show compassion and empathy for his students (in a way I imagine Prof. Althouse would applaud)...and yet by giving these ridiculous people credibility through treating their unreasonableness (their responses, their demands, their attitudes, etc) as reasonable he's in a way already caving to their demands. The subsequent statement that talks about all the work Emory will do/needs to do sure sounds like capitulation and I don't think the students learned a good lesson here.
I mean, they learned a lesson, for sure.
Personally, I think these kids showed a lot of courage exposing themselves to well deserved ridicule .
FullMoon wins the thread.
"Will they flee home to their parents and hide under their blankets for 4 to 8 years? "
I suggest Cuba.
I think there are laws under consideration on fake 911 calls. The ROTC calls should qualify. These fill up 911 operators' time and real calls get missed. Fortunately, a 911 call links your telephone and location. That should make enforcement easy.
It's becoming impossible to parody the college franchise of Social Justice Whiners.
Some creative genius needs to form a KKK high-steppin' marching band. With a snappy drumline and a handful of dance moves, they could do more damage than Atlanta has seen since Sherman rolled through.
From the 4th verse of Bob Dylan's My Back Pages :
A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty
Is just equality in school
“Equality,” I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Fun quotes from that Emory Wheel article:
[sophmore]Peraza opened the door to the Administration Building and students moved forward towards the door, shouting “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
But their chains! You might ask "which chains, you incredible idiot?!" but that'd be unfair and would make him (xim?) feel unsafe. Emory's a private school and undergrad tuition's about $45k/year. Other than the chains of purposefully-acquired crippling student debt...
Pausing in the staircase, a few students shared their initial, personal reactions to the chalkings.
“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” one student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she added.
Your feelings are ridiculous. Can we say that? I know "all feelings are valid" and that's what we're supposed to believe--but if the knowledge that people who exist near you support a candidate you dislike makes you actually fearful, then the problem is with you. If I said "the green color of the Emory offices just off Clifton makes me feel unsafe because green is a trigger color for me because I worry about little green men" who would take me seriously? Who wouldn't say, in whatever nice form, "your feelings are ridiculous and we aren't responsible for them, you are--we don't really care." Shouldn't that be the response these children get, too?
“How can you not [disavow Trump] when Trump’s platform and his values undermine Emory’s values that I believe are diversity and inclusivity when they are obviously not [something that Trump supports]” one student said tearfully. “Banning Muslims? How is that something Emory supports?” asked yet another.
Tearfully, of course. You can see here why it's important for these people to shut down other speakers, to ban people from speaking on campus, etc. Just the act of someone making a statement is taken as an implicit endorsement of the viewpoint, no matter that this is a UNIVERSITY environment (where it should be understood that the freedom to speak, hear, and study a wide range of ideas and viewpoints w/o necessisarily endorsing them is allowed and encouraged). Their earnest question is "how can you allow something with which I disagree to even be considered!" That's the opposite of the concept of freedom of speech and these are students at a (well-regarded) LIBERAL ARTS UNIVERSITY. In America.
Hagar said...
Can 911 be programmed to screen out known crank phone numbers?
Why would you want that? The cops need to go there when she calls to arrest her.
cubanbob said...The division of labor is she chooses and I pay. At least Emory isn't a long flight for me.
University of GA School of Law
Tuition's less than half of Emory's.
We are seeing the death of parody.
I went to college 30 years ago. I guess it's a bit different now -- dominated by Snowflakes and Beta Males.
No wonder why these young clueless idjits can't get jobs upon graduation.
"Emory is still southern, and South Floridian for its Medical School. But there are many who want it to be the IVY League South choice for rich northeastern kids who could not get into Harvard and Yale. Those students are like an enclave of the unassimilated and they want all the attention they can get.
This is exactly what I told my daughter (who paid most of her own college tuition) this morning. This makes me proud I went to Georgia State University where most of the students had at least a part time job and many worked full time. I think mommy and daddy are paying something like $60,000 a year now to send their little snowflakes to Emory.
Emory's president has pledged to spare no effort in catching those responsible for this racist outrage. The chalk was white. Case closed.
Promoting Trump on a college campus is clearly hate speech... which is clearly the result of crimethink.
My question: Will the guilty (aka accused) be allowed to read their public confession at the show trial, or will they be sent directly to a reeducation camp?
Don't encourage Trump. Don't reward him. Don't let him think he can make the President of Emory University cancel his plans.
If anything, this shows that Emory needs to admit more Trump supporters, lest the ones on campus now begin to resent feeling excluded and lash out violently.
Emory should also publicly reaffirm that Trump is leading a campaign of peace, and rebuke the vicious anti-American hatemongers who try to libel the entire group of Trump supporters by pointing to a tiny number of incidents perpetrated by lone wolf types who are not real Trump supporters at all.
Said the Emory president: "... I cannot dismiss their expression of feelings and concern as motivated only by political preference or over-sensitivity. Instead, the students with whom I spoke heard a message, not about political process or candidate choice, but instead about values regarding diversity and respect that clash with Emory’s own."
Um, WHY can't you dismiss their expression as being political preferences. It CLEARLY is precisely that. If he played up vandalism, he MIGHT have a weak case. With this, he has no case whatsoever.
If somebody wrote "Hillary 2016" or "Sanders 2016", does anybody think this would have happened?
then students moved into the administration building calling out, “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”
Could they possibly masturbate themselves more furiously?
Emory is a research university. Their research is funded by the federal government. More proof that everything the federal government touches turns to crap.
Its all about the $$$
Universities have marketing concerns.
Each enrolled undergrad, even with tuition discounts, represent about 1/4 FTE for most private universities, between faculty and admin. This may matter even more as a very high proportion of the market is international students (and parents), who are much more likely to pay the full rate and are a great profit center for private and public universities, and who have no perspective of US political and social controversies.
They want to avoid controversies of any kind - and considering the market that exclusive or would-be-exclusive universities desire, being fashionably left is better than unfashionably right.
So the President of Emory is merely being prudent.
Shorter story, US universities are so driven by business concerns (non-profits, hah!) that student political expression is unwelcome, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and the tuition money comes from people with leftish cultural values. That's why university Presidents bow down to them.
Maybee @ 9:39 "The students at Emory, who are generally smart over-achievers, have learned to easier way to get rewarded with attention is to be outraged at something about which outrage is popular.
Being first in your class or getting on the dean's list is difficult, and gets little immediate reward. Crying about a Trump chalk drawing gets you hugs and attention from the dean."
A very strong explanatory hypothesis. This has nothing to do with political philosophy, or even about winning an argument. It's costless acquisition of virtue points, enjoyed immediately (that big rush of self-congratulation: nothing more addictive in the pharmacopeia!) and as an annuity (now the other kids know your name, they nod and wave; and best of all the faculty see you as Somebody Not To Be Fucked With).
The real surprise is that any of the kids *don't* rush to do this.
Traditional Guy is on the case. Emory is a default school for type A northeaster kids, heavily Jewish, who could not make the big leagues they were told to make by their parents.
The shame of Emory is its president's response to this silliness. He passed up what the lefties love to call a "teaching moment". Blew it.
Mao had the right answer for these Maoists with tender sensibilities. Send them out to the fields to dig turnips and shovel pigshit. They're not fit to do much else.
Robert Cook said...
I think Trump is a clown and a blowhard--who appeals to racists, xenophobes, and troglodytes of all types--but if a chalked statement merely supporting Trump for Prez has them wetting their brand name hipster unmentionables, WTF are these children going to do if Trump actually becomes POTUS? Will they flee home to their parents and hide under their blankets for 4 to 8 years? Will they go into catatonic states? Will they call for his immediate impeachment on the basis his presence in the White House is a Macro micro-aggression?
Robert Cook
Cool Sketchbook
Skewers campus verboten thought
What has pc culture wrought?
Special Snowflake
Tears in milkshake
Saw chalked "Trump 2016" at Emory?
Now suffering PTSD.
About [class] diversity and denigration of individual dignity. The racial, sexist, etc. rackets have been exposed, despite their best efforts to sustain it. Apparently, Trump poses a real threat to these entrenched special and peculiar interests.
They're feigning pain and fear in order to justify shutting down political dissent by the "fascists".
Said the Emory president: "... I cannot dismiss their expression of feelings and concern as motivated only by political preference or over-sensitivity. Instead, the students with whom I spoke heard a message, not about political process or candidate choice, but instead about values regarding diversity and respect that clash with Emory’s own."
Whereas if anyone on campus could use a little extra protection, it would be those few who hold political views which are deeply unpopular on campus. Such as, students who support Trump.
"I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she [a student] added. Yet presumably the school's president, and the complaining students, would seem to very much like Trump supporters to feel afraid, wouldn't they? Do they ever, even for a moment, contemplate what it would be like for them if others treated them as they wish to treat others? or is that somehow outside the bounds of their claimed "tolerance" and "diversity" ethic?
It would almost be worth having Trump become president just to see how they'd deal with that.
"Whereas if anyone on campus could use a little extra protection, it would be those few who hold political views which are deeply unpopular on campus. Such as, students who support Trump."
These students don't pay the bills - "the few". Or they don't appear to, to the people who make the decisions.
Follow the money.
Its all about the money.
C2B is correct.
The Lefty playbook: Your free speech is violence. My violence is free speech.
Back in the Day, Emory was an exclusive school about a third for the sons and daughters from the old rich families in towns all over Georgia who wanted their scions to spend their college days in a big city and liberal place before returning to a small town and assuming their place.
Another third were the northern students intrigued by the local culture. Many were Jews that had a special attitude that was a big plus. Rich Atlantans were snobs, and The Law School attracted them for its reputation in Atlanta. That would be me.
They were also complimented by the South Florida Jews and NYC gentile Miami/Coral Gables types that came for the best close to home Medical School.
The Methodist Seminary that was Emory's first purpose still trains the Methodist Ministers for Atlanta and Georgia. A large Methodist Church still is the first thing you see when entering the front gate, and many speakers and Concerts ( early 1965 Bob Dylan for one) were held in the sanctuary.
The Law School was 23 on the rating list recently. We used to be 18, so some thing is slipping.
Alas the athletics were Soccer, tennis, golf and wrestling. They were against other small colleges, except for wrestling which was against SEC schools.We had a good coach.
From the article:
They did not do this merely to support the presidential candidate, but to promote the hate and discrimination that goes along with him.
So is supporting Hillary actually promoting supporting actual (versus men who accidentally touch your arm in class) rapists?
And wouldn't that mean that hating Trump is actually supporting him?
They should return to ?|"Mommy" who might cure them of "Mental Masturbation".
I was born in Emory (back when they were birthin' babies) and have often suggested that if you find me unconscious, take me to Emory and get me a Jewish doctor.
I guess I'll now settle for Doc-in-the-box.
Emory has always had delusions of grandeur. They want the reputation that Stanford has. They have tried to buy the reputation that Stanford has, building lots of gorgeous buildings and hiring away entire departments of highly-regarded faculty from other universities. But in the end they are still a Methodist college dependent on the Coke fortune (NOT the Koch fortune) to finance their pretensions. (It's a subversive act to drink Pepsi there. Only Coke products are available on campus. If you want a Pepsi-Cola, you have to bring your own, which I make a point of doing when I visit.)
Their undergraduate student body is pretty much as Maybee described them--- smart overachievers--- but also very tightly wound overachievers. And clearly they are not a creative bunch. Feel uncomfortable with "Trump 2016" chalked on the sidewalk? Get your own chalk and surround it with "Hillary 2016" and "Bernie 2016" and "O'Malley 2016" and Gloria LaRiva 2016" and "Alyson Kennedy 2016" and "Carson 2016" and "Rubio 2016" and "Jeb! 2016" and "Webb 2016" and "Graham 2016" and "Pataki 2016" and, oh why not, maybe "Opus 2016" and "None of the Above 2016."
Emory students should spend more time worrying about real issues related to campus safety, like the campus carry gun bill passed by the Georgia legislature and awaiting the governor's signature.
Chuck, again we are simpatico. I too have greatly reduced my visits to Drudge Report in the past few months, as it has become such a cheerleader for Trump. And I couldn't help but notice that when I did actually try to vote in the Drudge "who won the debate" polls--- those polls that would show Trump "won" overwhelmingly before the debate was even 2 minutes old---- that there would always been some reason that my vote could not be recorded. I suppose if I had checked the 'correct' box--- the Trump box--- the site would have managed to record that vote. I used to visit the Drudge site multiple times a day, every day, but no more.
DRUDGE “made its bones” (to appropriate a Mafia term) bucking the Establishment. It’s doing it again. One indication of your establishmentarianism is what you think of DRUDGE (as opposed to using it as a resource). Think of it as a Rorschach test for attitude.
Thanks for the props, but you said it better than I!
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