ADDED: Trump is the old "Feed It with Fire" TV trope:
IN THE COMMENTS Before I found the TV Tropes bit (above), I'd said: "What are people supposed to do now? He's like a movie monster that gains energy from the attacks. That is some old movie, right? Some monster is strengthened by nuclear bombs and such." And EDH pointed us to: "'Mars Attacks' Nuclear Scene." The clip is very funny and worth watching the commercial, but for the impatient, the Martians capture the energy of the nuclear bomb, smoke it, and giggle. If this analogy holds true, then — spoiler alert — maybe Trump can be defeated with Slim Whitman music.Pyrrhon: Try my pyroweaponry on for size!The Monster of the Week is apparently Immune to Bullets, but not only that, it's getting stronger too! Maybe you shot it with an Energy Weapon, maybe you intervened in a situation and caused a worse problem to appear, or maybe you just hit its Berserk Button, but it didn't die, and now it's stronger than ever. Feed It with Fire is the process by which attempting to kill or destroy something ends up making it grow, become more powerful, or otherwise help it out.....
(boss turns red)
Pyrrhon: That's... odd.
Palutena: Apparently adding heat to heat only makes things hotter.
— Kid Icarus: Uprising
९६ टिप्पण्या:
There is nothing progressives like to hear more than how great America is.
Think of Obama standing next to Raul Castro, saying how he welcomed Castro's criticisms of America's commitment to human rights, considering Gitmo. That's our president! America is great!!
That's a relatively flattering photo of Donald Trump. I wonder what was the thinking behind that choice of photos.
Someone should have told Michelle.....
Trump looks like a strong man that runs great businesses and succeeds at leadership ... just like a man does to hate women.
So we need a woman to STOP TRUMP.
Trump has been riding a wave of inept negative stuff for months and months. He feeds it with his outrageous comments, that are further distorted by the MSM. It has saved him millions and the opposition has funded his campaign.
This is a lesson for somebody but I don't think they are listening.
What are people supposed to do now?
He's like a movie monster that gains energy from the attacks.
That is some old movie, right? Some monster is strengthened by nuclear bombs and such.
When she was running left against Bernie, Hillary had to recognize all the problems.
Now that she's opposing Trump and running on the Obama legacy, America is great!
Will this duplicity cost her the support of Sanders voters?
It's stuff like this that makes me realize that maybe Hillary's campaign isn't so masterful.
We've known since 2008 that Hillary is a weak candidate. But there was an assumption that the Democrat spin machine (the MSM is part of that of course) is so brilliant that they could get even a very weak candidate elected.
To be able to successfully attack a political opponent you have to be able to fully understand that opponent's appeal in the first place. I'm not convinced that the people of the left can really do that. The problem with a lot of people on the Democrat side is the way they think about their opponent's supporters. They're too willing to write them off as purely ignorant, racist, sexist, bigots. They never willing to give their opponent's supporters the benefit of the doubt... they're never willing to look at the other side in any kind of nuanced way.
Dr. Jeremy Stone: When the bomb goes off, there'll be a thousand mutations! Andromeda will spread everywhere! They'll never be rid of it!
Andromeda Strain, 1971
Trump is the Blob.
He's like a movie monster that gains energy from the attacks.
Maybe try: Just don't look?
"Mars Attacks" Nuclear Scene.
@Nonapod: "To be able to successfully attack a political opponent you have to be able to fully understand that opponent's appeal in the first place. I'm not convinced that the people of the left can really do that." They don't want to and don't have to and are right not to care. If they get FL, OH, and/or VA, they're golden.
"They're too willing to write them off" They can afford to. Plus poor whites will die off before long; in fact, it seems they're killing themselves already. Good riddance is the Prog farewell.
"they're never willing to look at the other side in any kind of nuanced way." They don't have to. Twofer: saves time and trouble, enhances feelings of superiority.
I always assumed that the Hydra was a metaphor for something but I never knew what.
The sorcerer's apprentice thing from Fantasia didn't clear things up any.
Making America crazy again. Trump is drawing RINOs out of the woodwork to vote for Cruz.
This is like Radio serial super heroes: Zoro, The Green Hornet, The Lone Ranger. In the next installment all remove their disguises and are endorser for Lyin' Ted, the Masked RINO. The next installment comes when Lyin'Ted comes up short of votes in Cleveland. Then Ryan nominates the Mormon High Priest named Beck who turns over his delegates to Romney Man.
But the convention smokes cigars and nominates KaSich as an act of kindness. He loves us you know.
That is some old movie, right? Some monster is strengthened by nuclear bombs and such.
Iran. Hell, after this week, maybe Cuba.
tg sez:
But the convention smokes cigars and nominates KaSich as an act of kindness. He loves us you know.
Lest we forget but he won't let us, KaySick (his preferred pronunciation) is the son a a United States Postal worker - the most overpaid and under-worked job classification in all 57 states. Let big government roll on and on!
The man's vanity really can't stand mockery.
It's pathetic how easily he was roiled by Rubio's small hands quips.
Slim Whitman was the greatest musical talent this country has ever produced.
"Trump is drawing RINOs out of the woodwork to vote for Cruz."
Ah, "RINO". One of those words that has no meaning anymore.
"It's pathetic how easily he was roiled by Rubio's small hands quips."
Certainly not alpha male behavior--true top dogs generally ignore silly quips. But the extent to which Trump obsessed over his hand size actually makes me feel sorry for him. It's as though he's tortured by the idea that his hands are abnormal, like it eats him up inside. It can't be easy to live like that--no matter what you have in life, to be so vulnerable.
Of course, it's dangerous for someone like that to be in power.
@Althouse, America really is great, if you work on Wall Street or are a banker. In other words, if you are a major donor to Hillary Clinton. Otherwise not so much.
Sorry guys. Trump is immune to Slim Whitman's Scots -Irish Music. He is a Scots-Irish.
I'm looking forward to the King Kong v Godzilla general election. The plot will be a 50s B-movie with state of the art special effects and vulgarity.
"Sorry guys. Trump is immune to Slim Whitman's Scots -Irish Music. He is a Scots-Irish."
And we know that Trump loves the poorly educated too.
Rubio's small hands quip, so damaging that Trump quit the race after Florida, and Rubio is currently on track to win the nomination before it goes to convention.
I only hope Clinton's attacks are just as damaging.
Hillary learned everything she knows about campaigning from John Kerry.
Trump married Marla Maples, who is a 100% north Georgia Mountains Scots Irish gal, and he lived through it. That prooves he has immunity through his mother's side of the family.
But his father's side of the family is all Deutsch.
This has been an eye opening election for me.
In years past, I'd always thought we just couldn't get enough votes for the true conservative due to the pragmatist explanation that we always needed to vote for the most conservative that could win. Which always meant, not really conservative.
Then four years ago, I noticed a trend. Every one who climbed to the tops of the polls was savaged. Not by the left, but by the right. Everyone who wasn't Mitt Romney, anyway. It was almost as though they all coordinated. The Jennifer Rubin's, NRO, Hugh Hewitt types.
But just like the Democrat with bylines media doesn't conspire in dark rooms together, neither does right wing media. Instead, they just all attend the same parties, the same schools, the same social gatherings, and end up becoming a cohesive voice for milk toast.
This year, I've found myself in a unique position. I like both of our top candidates. Wow! I can't believe it happened.
And what is the result?
Well, it seems to me, the right media is doing everything in its power to make sure Hillary wins.
What this says to me is, FU! Not going to listen to our wise counsel? Fine, then take Hillary!
Very eye opening.
A prominent conservative blogger favoring a special playing card has become so distraught over Trump that he's just posted he will vote for Hillary if he votes at all, not unlike being so upset at the thought of Caitlyn Jenner that one slices off penis and testicles in defiant protest.
If only we could carpet bomb ISIS territories with these urges.
Ann @ 10:36
The only movie monster that grew stronger from being attacked (that I remember) was the creature from the Id in Forbidden Planet.
Certainly not Godzilla...
Most people do not know this, but Slim Whitman had huge hands.
From the wikipedia entry on Whitman:
"This resulted in the captain blocking his transfer to another ship—hence saving his life, as the other ship later sank with no surviving hands."
Of course Whitman's hands would have survived.
This one of those bad Wikipedia entries. If Whitman had been transferred, and the ship had sunk, his hands were large enough to act as lifeboats for dozens of sailors.
"Then four years ago, I noticed a trend. Every one who climbed to the tops of the polls was savaged. Not by the left, but by the right. Everyone who wasn't Mitt Romney, anyway. It was almost as though they all coordinated. The Jennifer Rubin's, NRO, Hugh Hewitt types."
First, if you don't think Romney was savaged in 2012, you must have not been paying attention. He was savaged both by his opponents (notably Newt and Rick) and the "conservative" media that thought he wasn't conservative enough.
His rivals though? Yes, they were savaged by the media, including the "less conservative" (I hesitate to say "establishment" as that doesn't really differentiate a Jennifer Rubin from a Rush) pundits, because of course--it's a long GOP tradition to not just oppose but destroy the guy you don't want. It's why Republicans tend to do the Democrats' jobs for them.
But this isn't a trait that's exclusive to one wing of the GOP coalition. None of these people seem to get along and this year it looks uglier than usual.
Fanboy Andy Kaufman introduces Slim Whitman on the "Midnight Special" television program:
My Facebook feed is filled with lefties posting memes about how unfair, how fucked the country continues to be. I'm waiting to see if any of them now think it's just great. The dissonance is never ending.
The "monster that gains strength when attacked" trope isn't a new idea, see the Greek Hydra myth.
Trump is Scottish on his mother's side, not Scots Irish.
I agree with Bob Dylan's answer to What do we need to make America grow again...Gina Lolobrigita, Sophia Loren, Melania Trump, the country will grow.
I think you're wrong about that, Brando.
Allow me to give you one example I was recently reminded of.
Several weeks ago Trump was pushed to denounce the KKK. I believe it was by Jake Tapper. After that happened, Hugh Hewitt began saying the "shine" was off the Trump Campaign and this was going to be his 47% moment. That moment when Mitt Romney lost.
I went back to Highs old blog posts. Every single time a Mitt Romney controversy came up, he dismissed it. The dog on the roof. The 47%. Whatever it happened to be, he talked about how it was a distraction.
But when controversy came up for 999, or for Santorum, or the Speaker, he mused about how serious it was and how these sorts of attacks stick.
Dismissive of attacks against Romney but not so dismissive of attacks against the others.
This hear it's the same. Attacks against Trump are serious and the shine is off. But Kasich? He has a chance! Oh, and all the while Hugh insists he is Switzerland. He is neutral.
Only if you aren't paying attention.
Godzilla gained strength from being electrocuted. In Godzilla vs King Kong, Godzilla bites electrical wires to gain strength.
McCullough...Scots-Irish are Scots that stopped over in Northern Ireland for several years.Just long enough to win the War for a Protestant King with a Catholic King. Then they came to America with a firm hatred for the British Monarchy that abused them. That hatred expressed itself since then opposing the bloody British Empire, starting with the victory of The Continental Army that won the Presbyterian Revolt against England.
Trump's ascension is certainly not unlike a movie monster or a video game boss or a comic book supervillain. His inevitability is all but assured. The machine is in motion and it can't be stopped. Unless something insane happens in the 7 months he will be our next president.
His opponents first disregarded him, then continuously underestimated him, and then tried to assail him too little too late only to empower him even more.
Perhaps Trump has always been inevitable. Perhaps in 50 years with the benefit of hindsight and time people will look back on this period and it will all seem so obvious: the years and years of establishment failures and lies, the complete lack of trust in the leadership of this country, and the utter complete lack of understanding that the elite had of the problems of the average voter all combined to ensure this outcome.
@Alexander -- Hillary will have the media do it.
"I went back to Highs old blog posts. Every single time a Mitt Romney controversy came up, he dismissed it. The dog on the roof. The 47%. Whatever it happened to be, he talked about how it was a distraction."
See, I'm not disagreeing that certain commentators have done this--I dont' really follow Hewitt but take your word on it that he shilled for Romney and skewed against Newt et al. Jennifer Rubin is another example--it was clear she was pro-Romney from the start, and when she wasn't attacking Obama she was attacking Romney's opposition. But this is just what Republicans do, more than the Dems--they seem to believe the real battle is in the primaries and that they'd be better off with a general election loss than to let their "movement" get in the hands of the wrong people. Even though that "movement" means a Congress that fights with each other more than the Dems (I've seen more attacks on the past two GOP Speakers from Republicans than from Democrats) and disappointing presidential election results.
Earlier, I thought the nomination would be decided (without the need of second ballots) by a deal between Cruz and Trump. It's still possible (I think they're both more pragmatic than this current fight suggests) but when it comes down to attacks on wives, I sort of wonder how Cruz would be able to live with himself if he forgave that. Meantime, I can see the Bernie Bros reluctantly but dutifully casting their ballots for Hillary this fall.
I am surprised that none of the Althouse readers have mentioned the demi-god Antaeus, son of Posoiden and Gaia. When Hercules wrestled Antaeus, Antaeus would regain his strength whenever Hercules threw him to the ground.
Antaeus appeared in 1959's Hercules Unchained, starring Steve Reeves with some person named 'Primo Carnero' as Antaeus. This film has the remarkable line (from Hercules) "I don't care if he's Pluto, I'll knock that grin off of his face!"
"Unless something insane happens in the 7 months he will be our next president."
Well, I think he more needs something to change than the other way around--his polls right now have her beating him handily. That could change with:
1) FBI Indictment (and even then, who knows? Hillary fans are very forgiving!)
2) Major terror attack on the U.S. (like 9/11 or worse)
3) Financial meltdown.
A lot of people point out that Reagan was down by a lot at this point in 1980. But that year we had a major recession, climbing inflation, rising interest rates, a disastrous Iran rescue operation, and Reagan carefully reached out to his party's moderates to hold his coalition together (plus a great debate performance that assured the very people who were most unsure about him).
It could happen for Trump, but it'll take something big.
Trump should be close to 1300 on the first ballot. If not over 1237 he should be so close that a deal with Kasich or Rubio (!!!) much less Cruz will put him over. Rubio will make that deal, otherwise he's out of politics after January 2017.
@Terry, Primo Carnera was a former world heavyweight champion, from June 1933 to June 1934.
1) FBI Indictment (and even then, who knows? Hillary fans are very forgiving!)
At this point it looks pretty likely that James Comey will recommend her for indictment. Whether Loretta Lynch actually follows through with that indictment is a huge question mark. Obviously it would be all over if she was indicted. But even the recommendation could be severely damaging to her. However, you're right, the left is far more forgiving than the right when it comes to malfeasance of their politicians. Plus there's enough enmity and fear of Trump that some voters would determine her to be the lessor of two evils I guess.
2) Major terror attack on the U.S. (like 9/11 or worse)
Certainly possible, who knows.
3) Financial meltdown.
Hard to say, but I'd say this is more likely than another 911 sized terror attack. Things have been very shaky in recent months. Truthfully I've been expecting a big crash for a few years now and am surprised it hasn't yet materialized.
I know what the polls have been saying, but I'll never underestimate Trump. Ultimately people who vote for Trump will fall into two categories: 1) The true believers and 2) the lessor of two evils. And the same could be said of Hillary voters.
'm looking forward to the King Kong v Godzilla general election. The plot will be a 50s B-movie with state of the art special effects and vulgarity. - mccullough
As I have been saying, this Halloween is going to be epic!
"Trump should be close to 1300 on the first ballot. If not over 1237 he should be so close that a deal with Kasich or Rubio (!!!) much less Cruz will put him over. Rubio will make that deal, otherwise he's out of politics after January 2017."
Most models show him about 50/50 of having more than 1237 by the end of the primaries (apparently he cannot cross that threshold until the last day of primaries in June). If he doesn't reach it, I'd have earlier guessed a deal with Cruz, unless they just can't stand each other by then. Rubio, I'm not sure--he may not really help Trump and if he thinks Trump is going down in flames he may want to steer clear and maybe run for Governor in two years. But if nothing else, it'll be multiple ballots, and then delegates get released under party pressure for unity, and they nominate Trump. The question then is can Trump win over the Republicans who currently can't stand him.
"I know what the polls have been saying, but I'll never underestimate Trump. Ultimately people who vote for Trump will fall into two categories: 1) The true believers and 2) the lessor of two evils. And the same could be said of Hillary voters."
Yeah, based on that I think it'll be closer than current polls suggest, but I think the anti-Trumps fear Trump more than the anti-Hillarys fear Hillary (being an anti-both, I don't know where the swingers are going to land and I'm guessing they'll decide in the fall).
Terry: thanks, was going to mention Antaeus, but you saved me the trouble.
Charles said...
Ann @ 10:36
The only movie monster that grew stronger from being attacked (that I remember) was the creature from the Id in Forbidden Planet.
Certainly not Godzilla...
One must remember, Charles, that there have been enough Godzilla movies by now that almost any variation you can think of may have occurred in one of 'em.
In the 2014 Godzilla (U.S. movie) they show Godzilla shrugging off repeated nuclear blasts and the scientist played by Ken Watanabe says they made him stronger (he and the MUTOs feed off of nuclear energy). The US military plans to kill Godzilla with a nuclear blast and Ken's character advises against it, but the military guy says it'll kill him since it's a modern device with "megaton, not kiloton" effects.
I can't find the actual clip just now but here is a USN&WR article that mentions it (search for the word "stronger") and here is a Reddit question (on a Godzilla subreddit!) that assumes he can get stronger from a nuke.
In short the Professor's Godzilla guess was correct (as of the 2014 movie US, at least)!
The Martian doesn't smoke the nuke as much as inhale it like Helium to increase the pitch of his Yak, Yak, Yak.
Listen carefully to his pitch. That's why they're laughing.
Abortion rites, clinical cannibalism, selective exclusion, class diversity, devalued capital and labor, faith-based quasi-science, gender dysfunction, progressive wars, impulsive regime changes, excessive and illegal immigration, progressive medical costs, evolutionary unfit population, reduction of female and male purpose and dignity, establishment of a pro-choice cult, etc.
No, America is not great and it is a progressive condition.
"In years past, I'd always thought we just couldn't get enough votes for the true conservative due to the pragmatist explanation that we always needed to vote for the most conservative that could win. Which always meant, not really conservative. . . .
Well, it seems to me, the right media is doing everything in its power to make sure Hillary wins.
What this says to me is, FU! Not going to listen to our wise counsel? Fine, then take Hillary! "
It is possible to draw the conclusions you have due to the limited data available from presidential elections. It is not obviously wrong based upon the experience of the last eight years, but the last eight years is a sample size of two (or three if you include what has happened so far this cycle). Over that time period we went with the "most conservative who could win" choice and got pasted with the flawed candidates of McCain and Romney. This cycle, we're trying something new - call it the "screw what moderates think" approach. I fully expected this to happen as a reaction to the last election, although I never expected Trump. I thought it would be someone more like Cruz (was hoping for Walker, but oh well).
The problem with your theory is that there is a lot more data over that time period in the form of US congressional, state house, and gubernatorial elections. The Republican party mostly followed the "most conservative but electable" strategy, but often times tried the "screw the moderates" approach, too. Guess what? The "most conservative but electable" strategy has a massively superior track record. In the purplish states, true blue conservatives like "I am not a witch" Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle fail where a squishier choice could have had success. The professional "establishment" Republicans who do the hard work of funding and running the majority of these smaller races know this from hard-fought experience.
Because what I have said above is not a secret, the counter-argument that emerged was something like this: "So what? Electing all those guys did not overturn Obamacare, etc." To me, that is a flawed argument that reveals folks don't understand basic Constitutional civics, but that is where we are.
But the larger problem is now Trump. He's not really a conservative at all, so expecting traditional Republican "establishment" types the insurgents have labeled "cowards," "cuckservatives," "snobs," etc., to come around and vote for the guy may prove a little challenging. I suspect that in the end most will reluctantly support Trump, but you still have the problem of all those moderates. Then this grand experiment the insurgents have taken us on will show results.
"None of these people seem to get along and this year it looks uglier than usual."
Yes. The assertion that Trump won't ally with Cruz seems to be wishful thinking. Both know that they compliment each other.
Rubio is damaged goods.
"Ultimately people who vote for Trump will fall into two categories: 1) The true believers and 2) the lessor of two evils. And the same could be said of Hillary voters."
I'm in the category that he is probably inevitable and a result of the failure of the Tea Party to get anything done. This is mostly the fault of the GOPe, which needs to learn to listen.
Listen to somebody besides donors.
The great War of Islam is about ready to kick off and will be a holocaust. Hopefully, Israel can discourage both sides by military strength and, if they are lucky, all the Palestinian suicide types will go fight for Shia or Sunni in Syria, Iran or Saudi.
Fracking which has been accomplished by private means and contrary to all the Obama/left's agenda, will allow us to be spectators.
In 5 years or less, most of the middle east will be refugees and we need to keep them out.
Walled out, if necessary.
"true blue conservatives like "I am not a witch" Christine O'Donnell and Sharron Angle fail where a squishier choice could have had success."
Disagree about Angle. She could have won but the GOPe wanted Reid to win. We just had the latest example when the GOPe went for Vitter 100% and a winnable LA race was lost to a Democrat who is dismantling Jindal's success in charter schools.
How could you guys forget about the greatest monster of all time?
"Disagree about Angle. She could have won but the GOPe wanted Reid to win."
Who in the GOPe wanted Reid to win, and what did they do to help Reid? I suppose some GOP donors didn't throw their money away on her campaign, but not making what you see as a bad bet isn't the same as helping the other side win. Otherwise every right wing donor who didn't give to Romney was helping Obama win.
"The Republican party mostly followed the "most conservative but electable" strategy, but often times tried the "screw the moderates" approach, too. Guess what? The "most conservative but electable" strategy has a massively superior track record."
I think the way to look at it is there's a disagreement over what "electable" means. Only an idiot would say "I want my candidate who I don't think is electable" because then great, you get to lose and talk about how the other party screws you four more years. But moderates argue that ideally you get a candidate who can appeal to them (with the assumption the candidate gets conservative votes too, because conservatives prefer center-right over anything left, even though they'd rather right-right) and conservatives argue that a far-right candidate can win because any moderates they lose will be more than made up for by conservatives who normally don't vote.
But at least over recent decades we've seen the only way any of this works for the GOP is if they (1) have a skilled politician and (2) have someone who can unite the factions, which is related to (1). The closest the GOP had to this was Bush jr., and even he wasn't that good at it but good enough to win two close elections. I hardly think any of McCain or Romney's challengers in '08 or '12 would have beaten Obama--they put up the best of their choices but ultimately Obama was better at uniting his own coalition and a lot of factors on the ground (financial meltdown in '08, recovery in '12) worked against the GOP.
Sometimes people ask me "Slim Whitman was America's greatest musician? What instrument did he play?"
And I reply: "Yer heartstrings, pal. Slim Whitman plays yer heartstrings."
OK, Reno didn't like Angle
I thought she was better than that.
"I think the way to look at it is there's a disagreement over what "electable" means. "
I think Trump, by now, is the only one who is electable. He is really odd but this is an odd year. I can't make myself watch him on TV.
Still, I think this is a revolution, and revolutions are different.
I was for Walker and still think he has a future. Then I was for Carly but she wimped out on immigration (or maybe she was afraid she would get trashed on H1B visas) and she became just a number.
I prefer governors but Christie can't win a national race and Jindal in not a good enough speaker.
Eric -
Got me there. I never watched that movie, the premise made no sense.
Hoodlum -
Again, I stand corrected.
The Donald is the Monster of the Id...that I'm sure of.
Even ISIS is getting in the act:
@Brando, consider the possibility that Trump will make only token gestures in the direction of the Republicans who can't stand him in favor of wooing Democrats who don't like Hillary. Note how well he does in open primary states.
"I think Trump, by now, is the only one who is electable. He is really odd but this is an odd year. I can't make myself watch him on TV."
Well, it's down to him and Cruz, and Cruz polls better against Hillary. Granted, most people don't know Cruz as much. But if Trump is electable against Hillary he hasn't yet demonstrated that. We'll see if the polls move in the other direction over the next six months.
"I prefer governors but Christie can't win a national race and Jindal in not a good enough speaker."
I do too but the governors this year just lacked the political chops (or at least the chops needed in this odd year).
"@Brando, consider the possibility that Trump will make only token gestures in the direction of the Republicans who can't stand him in favor of wooing Democrats who don't like Hillary. Note how well he does in open primary states."
He's still getting mostly GOP-leaners, even in the open primary states (a lot of people simply don't register with parties, particularly where there's no benefit to doing so like in open primary states). I think he's got a better chance with Republicans who currently don't like him (because most I think dislike Hillary more) than with Democrats. The "conservative Democrat" is a tiny fraction these days, and the Dems who don't like Hillary aren't going to like Trump more--they generally don't like her for her perceived centrism, and while Trump isn't that conservative on a lot of issues she'd still be to his left.
Donald Trump,
They call him Drumpf
He might be America's id
At least he's not up for bid
Scott Adams has another good piece on Trump's skills on his blog today.
I know about the Scots-Irish and also the Scottish. Trump's mother was born in Scotland and came to the US as a non-resident alien on vacation in 1930 when she met Trump's Dad. She stayed and became a naturalized citizen in 1942. She was also a big fan of Queen Elizabeth.
Trump has no Scots-Irish roots.
I saw someone post the other day about our world leaders being the Mayor from Jaws. Methinks Trump might just be Quint. Old sea dog that everyone is a bit embarrassed about but sees the threat for what it is. Unfortunately things didn't work out for Quint but you can only stretch a metaphor about a giant shark movie so far.
I have been seeing a spate of these Stand With Hillary ads in my Facebook feed.
The problem with the ads from a persuasion standpoint is that they say "Stand With Hillary" too. There are plenty of things to criticize about Trump but when they come from the most dishonest, cynical and corrupt politician of our generation, the criticism loses all of its power. Further, when the criticism of Trump is coming from someone implicitly endorsing HRC; all it proves is that they are not to be trusted in the judging character department.
Trump is like a giant grease fire that people keeping trying to dowse with water.
1) The true believers and 2) the lessor of two evils. And the same could be said of Hillary voters."
I'm neither. I voted for Trump just to watch the Establishment GOP's heads explode. So far, it has been glorious. Now if we can just bury the GOP next to the Whigs and start over without the Progressives and Wall Street people.
Stand with Hillary? Sorry, I have a few standards and a bit of self respect remaining.
All these people wondering how to stop Trump. It would have been easy last October, may be too late now.
But it was never hard to figure out what to do. In fact, it's simple except that no one wants to do it.
Just speak forthrightly and sincerely about the facts that open borders and free trade are hurting the middle and working classes even as others may benefit, and terrorism is a real threat that is based on Islamic Jihadism, which is one interpretation of Islam that is not weird or demented, but one of several valid interpretations, that apparently has great attraction for some people. And we as a nation need to talk about those issues and what to do about them.
That's all anyone had to do last October, and it would still be the starting point, now.
Those points are all incontrovertibly true. Trump's support is largely based on people who want to be able to talk about these important matters without being called racists, fascists, or knuckle-draggers. Some are personally hurt by the economics of open borders and free trade, some (maybe like me; I am a professional who goes back and forth between Trump and Cruz) are doing OK but take all the talk of "inequality" seriously enough to want to look into what might be done to help people who could use some help, without breaking the bank or the Constitution.
But those are off-limits to the elite or establishment class, and so no one, except Cruz in a limited way, talks about them. Except Trump--way too crudely and way too "shoot first, ask questions later," but at least he says it's OK to talk and he seems to realize some people are in genuine distress.
In the meantime, all the criticism of Trump falls on deaf ears, not because people are stupid or don't care, but because these issues are important to them and no one is offering another avenue to get them on the agenda. I read in many, many places, day in and day out, how terrible Trump is, and I get it, but nowhere do I see anyone offering an alternative voice. Again, Cruz maybe a bit, but only a bit.
This all has been obvious since last summer, so I must conclude that no one talks about them, and steals Trump's thunder, because they don't want to, for whatever reason. Which leaves millions of people disenfranchised.
That's the whole story, the rest is details, mostly irrelevant.
Branso said..."Meantime, I can see the Bernie Bros reluctantly but dutifully casting their ballots for Hillary this fall."
Well, I saw this on a link that went to the Puffington Host the other day. So can Hillary win with only around 67% of the Feel theBern Democrat votes?
Lessor of two evils? what? you don't buy that?
Unknown said...
How could you guys forget about the greatest monster of all time?
I could not agree more. I was 7 years old and we watched that in prime time on our black and white Zenith. I think that was the most scared I have ever been in my entire life, up to and including getting shot at.
Perhaps the appropriate reference is more recent--_The Fifth Element_. OTOH, I don't remember seeing anyone in the debates with blood slowly trickling down their foreheads, so maybe not.
I actually was in NV at the time and voted for Angle (despite practicing law with one of Reid's sons - a really nice guy, who was really dedicated to his father). Normally, the casino owners and companies tend to split, with some (I believe MGM) supporting Democrats and others (I believe Caesars/Harrahs - though I could have the two companies reversed) supporting Republicans. But, somehow Angle pissed them off, and as a result, most of the casino companies supported Reid, and apparently worked closely with the unions (which include most of the casino employees), making sure that they got paid time off and transportation to facilitate voting. It was unprecedented (Republican oriented casinos normally don't facilitate voting by their predominantly Democratic unionized employees), and, so, Harry Reid won. Interesting, his oldest son, Rory, lost his bid for the governorship in the same election by an amount similar to his father's winning margin.
I agree with Michael K about Trump. Not my first choice, but I do believe that he will do the best against Hillary. Cruz is too tied to the evangelical right now, and that turns a lot of people off. And, Kasich doesn't seem to have the killer instinct. Nominating anyone else now is guaranteed to blow up the party.
What is, I think, forgotten is that on the one hand, Trump works spontaneously, instinctively, and immediately, and has good instincts. Hillary is just the opposite - she is one of the least spontaneous and most highly scripted candidate out there. Which means that Trump is probably likely to easily get inside her OODA loop, and then stay there. I see her being a couple steps behind him all through the campaign. We have watched as he twisted his Republican opponents in circles. I think that Hillary is likely to be even worse in this regard than Trump's Republican opponents (except maybe JEB). Bill Clinton at his peak could probably have held his own. But, he was a natural politician. Hillary is not.
Just speak forthrightly and sincerely about the facts that open borders and free trade are hurting the middle and working classes even as others may benefit, and terrorism is a real threat that is based on Islamic Jihadism, which is one interpretation of Islam that is not weird or demented, but one of several valid interpretations, that apparently has great attraction for some people. And we as a nation need to talk about those issues and what to do about them.
Yup, it was that easy. Carly could have done it. She chickened out on immigration or maybe she is just devoted to H1B visas.
Read this Gingrich piece on Trump.
It's pretty good.
So why are you bashing people with Ph.D.s?
Because I have been in the real world, doing real things, and I understand the limitations of academic knowledge. I think it’s greatly overrated.
Look, you read a lot of books about how the world works, you are an educated person, you care about policy. When you hear Trump address subjects like NATO, it doesn’t worry you —
No. I read what he said about NATO, and I think it has been grossly taken out of context. What he said about NATO was the Bush — Rumsfeld position, which is that the Europeans ought to pick up more of the slack.
… I want to get back to what Trump is doing, and we both know he is playing on impulses —
No, no we don’t.
We don’t?
What we know is that Trump has had the nerve to raise questions in a clear language because he represents the millions of Americans who are sick and tired of being told that they have to be guilt-ridden and keep their mouth shut.
Pretty good.
They will all vote for Hillary when the time comes. Principled liberals are scarcer than hen's teeth.
If you think America is doin' great, you should vote for Hillary.
Everyone who thinks America is not doing so great should vote for someone else. Fair enough?
"We love him for the enemies he has made."
This has worked before. It seems to be working again.
Every time an offended group comes out against him, more people support him. It's not that supporters really love him, it's that they really love seeing the offended groups they hate going nuts.
Citing current polls about matchups in the general is a waste of time. Everything will change once it's Trump vs. Hillary. Like Bruce Hayden says Trump will be so far inside Hillary's OODA loop that she will be left stunned and shuddering like a hound trying to pass a peach pit. It will be like Muhammad Ali in the ring with a Weeble Wobble.
@McCullough...I am a big fan of Queen Elizabeth too. That does not convert a Scot to an English person any more than a Scot whose ancestors went to Northern Ireland for two generations of loyal Service to an English King was converted to non Scot. It's an ethnic inbred condition that descends in families. If you tell me she was Anglican and not Presbyterian, you would have a better point.
I agree that the Democrats who always vote will vote for Hillary because they are invested in her. They are government employees and teachers, etc.
But there are millions, both R and D, who have not voted for years. Nobody knows what they will do. Nobody.
65% unfavorable and nearly 100% name recognition for Trump. Who does he motivate to vote 'for' him?
Negative ads will keep those non-voters at home, Michael K.
@Birkel: Do you think that Trump's significant negatives will be an issue versus Hillary? Hers are substantial, as well, and could get higher as the FBI wraps up. Do you think that both sides will have their voters sit out, and possibly a large swath of independents, too?
If Trump were running in the general against Biden (who I assume has relatively low unfavorables) I think his negatives would be insurmountable. I just don't see it as much of a hurdle against HRC.
"Negative ads will keep those non-voters at home, Michael K."
Maybe. I have no idea. I think he will have a land slide but there is no way to know.
I'm sure someone mentioned the mythological Antaeus the giant who wrestled all comers killing them all. His secret was that through his mother, Gaia, his strength increased eery time his body hit the earth. Finally Heracles, heeding the advice of Hera, defeated him by holding him up in the air and crushing him to death.
The egregious example just seen was during the Wapo interview.
Why didn't this narcissist Out-of-control egomaniac just tell exactly what a law prof of three decades wanted to hear, precisely the way she wanted to hear it and most importantly using legal terminology as would a guilded attorney? Everyone knows anybody can know legal priciples without spending a fortune and years of their life dedicated to memorizing the proper indoctrination, SO WHY DOESN'T TRUMP TALK LIKE HE SHOULD DAMNIT? This is a man that doesn't treat style over substance like the proper do.
Why wouldn't Trump's ego demand law profs be jailed for any criticism of any potential Trump policies? He, as perhaps not a but the narcissist, absolutely would need to see this as fair, to protect against any potential ego damages of course.
Is it maybe because Trump turns everyday media attacks on him into free ads for himself? His brand is winning, so he understands the emotions arisen in those trying with all of their rhetorical might to give reason for their failure by comparison: He is evil, but also so stupidly incoherent that it just will work to get him elected.
So no worries y'all, YOUR ego will not be damaged, ever, by some stupid evil nitwit unlawyer named Trump.
The world has problems but you, my friends, should never entertain the notion Trump isn't responsible for each and every single little one, because he is bad compared to you, simply (I must reiterate) without question.
Blogger Duke W said...
Trump is like a giant grease fire that people keeping trying to dowse with water.
3/24/16, 4:11 PM
Quick, get the baking soda!
I think that the Scotts-Irish thing is one of Trump's embellishments. When we use that title here, we are essentially talking about the Scotts who went to Ireland to pacify it, then were allowed to immigrate to, or snuck into, what would ultimately be the U.S. They were a significant part of the demographic that put Andrew Jackson into the White House some two centuries ago, and essentially settled the area starting in western VA, west through WV, KY, TN, MO, AR, OK, and into TX. And, elsewhere in this country, of course. If you want to read about their background, you may want to read the westerns of Louis L'Amour (though at least the Sackett ancestor came from England, instead of Scotland or Ireland. Whenever someone talks about the Scots-Irish here, keep in mind that that there is a big overlap between them in this country and the Jacksonians.
So, no, I don't think that having a mother from Scotland makes Trump Scots-Irish, as we usually understand that term in this country. But, Trump seems to understand that this demographic is key to his electoral hopes, and much of what the rest of the Republican party finds off putting about his presentation is aimed squarely at this demographic - the boasting, the bravado, exaggeration, etc. Very much a manly culture, and the most manly candidate is, of course, Trump.
Are the real Scots-Irish in this country going to be offended that Trump is exaggerating in order to claim membership in that group? I don't think so. He talks the talk, and actually walks the walk some. And, a lot of the people who fit into this demographic these days didn't actually have true Scots-Irish roots - indeed, a lot of them had English roots (including the Sackett who first came to this country, as well as some of my paternal ancestors (my Scottish ancestry is through my mother)) I think that the Scottish mother is more than sufficient to satisfy many of them, given everything else. Which makes him very different from Warren who not only doesn't have any Indian blood, but for the most part, doesn't think or act like Oklahoma Indians.
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