Above all, Marla is a proud mom to daughter Tiffany Trump, who is graduating this spring from University of Pennsylvania and they each happily reside in New York City once again.This is helpful to Donald Trump, don't you think?
March 8, 2016
Marla Maples — Donald Trump's second wife — will compete on "Dancing with the Stars"...
... in the new season that begins March 21st.
I think it's a wash for Trump. At this point Trump fans are as diehard as Trump haters, and there's only a small number of fence sitters left. I believe these fence sitters won't be moved one way or another by this. If there's any benefit to Trump it'll be infinitesimally small.
Not very,
Now, if they had invited Paula Jones...
I first learned of Donald Trump through Marla Maples since she is from Cohutta, Georgia (pop.582)
My mother is the only other woman I know that came from there.
I think it helps Trump with Trump supporters. Because the relevance and national benefit from Marla Maples on Dancing With the Stars is every bit as important and as useful and as sensible as anything Trump has actually said.
Why wouldn't it be so?
The same people who liked the story about General Pershing dipping bullets in pig's blood before using them to execute prisoners would surely like to see Marla Maples dancing.
I still am heart-broken that Dancing With the Stars replaced Brooke Burke with Erin Andrews as the show's hostess. Even though the replacement happened two years ago, I still am annoyed every moment I see Andrews doing that job.
Andrews' lawsuit against Marriott Hotel, which employs my wife, makes me dislike Andrews even more.
As for Marla Maples, she always has been a very beautiful women, and I am sure that I will enjoy watching her dance.
Donald spreads the wealth around
Won't matter- Marla goes home early.
Flutie!...or Tootie.
I don't think it should be helpful to Trump. It should remind people that he's gone through almost as many divorces as he has gone through waves of bankruptcy. It should remind people that every promise from Donald Trump has an expiration date. It should remind people that when he says something like, "'Til death do we part," he really means, "Until I see next year's crop of hotter, younger eastern European supermodels."
But among the people who are already his fans -- among those who thought it was a feature, and not a bug, when he gave us a firm guarantee about his presidential timber on-stage during a presidential debate -- yeah, it'll probably make them even more deranged in their adoration.
"every promise from Donald Trump has an expiration date"
That's pretty good...
How on earth is this helpful--or harmful--to Trump? Please explain why any person would think "Trump absolutely sucks...but Marla Maples seems charming, and his kids seem to be doing fine. Hey, maybe I was wrong about Trump!" or "Trump is awesome! But now his ex-wife is doing a reality show? How tawdry, and beneath the dignity of the Trump name!"
I mean, I get that everything is all about Trump, all the time--we're giving him exactly what he wants, the only thing he lives for!--but this is excessive. It's not like he's not going to say something outrageous in the next few days and then have to walk it back. Can't we save our attention for that? We only have so much to go around.
Slight benefit -- more publicity and, hence, more votes for Trump.
Slightly off topic, but Trump's kids are pretty darn impressive, particularly Ivanka.
I'm sure this doesn't sit well with Trump's current wife Melania. He's been married to Melancholia since 2005, and Melanoma is the mother of his two youngest two children. Mylanta became a naturalized citizen in 2006. When Trump takes the oath on January 20, 2017, you can be sure it won't be Marla Maples who's by his side, it will be his wife Evita.
Where's David Begley? I thought we'd get to enjoy the anti-Trump Hysteria Trio. More cowbell!
Have never in my life watched that show, but it's probably neither any great benefit or detriment to the Trump campaign.
Reminds me how the daughter of the second wife of President Comacho won the Thunderdome championship of 2216.
Two women enter. One woman leaves.
It's got electrolytes!
Aimed to hurt him, reminding people of Trump's racy past. But half the people watching are divorced themselves, so what do they care? What matters is that Trump took care of her and their daughter. He's not a bad man.
Fabi said...
Where's David Begley? I thought we'd get to enjoy the anti-Trump Hysteria Trio.
I have never before seen vitriol directed against a candidate of the same party of the intensity that I have seen at The Corner and on RedState in recent weeks. It is truly remarkable. Before this all started I would have said that Trump was the favorite to win the general. The scorched earth policy some of his Republican opponents have taken makes this much more difficult. It is clear that many would prefer that he not win.
The folks at the Corner and RedState are lost (on this issue). They would rather see Hillary elected than Trump, which means they certainly aren't thinking as Conservatives.
Trump has some obvious flaws. But, which candidate doesn't?
The anti-Trump hysteria is mind-boggling to watch. Oh well.
Beldar said... [hush][hide comment]
...... It should remind people that when he says something like, "'Til death do we part," he really means, "Until I see next year's crop of hotter, younger eastern European supermodels."
I like Tom Cruises's style. Gets a new one every five years or so. Good lookin' broads, too.
I have been married over forty years.....not to the same woman..
One thing I've wondered about Trump hate.
If Trump is such a terrible person, while are all of his adult children so awesome? Why aren't they more like Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?
What really matters is that while we are focused on the GOP civil war and its attention-grabbing frontrunner, relatively little ink has been spent on:
1) Discussing how Clinton still won't release transcripts of her Goldman Sachs speeches.
2) Discussing whether Clinton in fact broke the law and whether DOJ will indict her.
3) Discussing how the Obama administration is even this year bombing Libya and missing caches of weapons in that country--underscoring how it is trying to fix the mistakes that Clinton made as Secretary of State and still has the gall to claim Libya was a victory for her.
4) Discussing how Clinton's "charity" scam operated as a bribery scheme.
5) Discussing whether Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick, and why the media is so much less likely to believe her than they were more recent rape accusers.
6) Discussing the vacuousness of the Democratic candidates on matters of race, the economy, and national security.
This could have been a year in which Clinton was taken down under the weight of scrutiny on these and other issues where she's weak, leaving her hobbled for the general election. Instead, we're halfway through primary season and still talking about the world's biggest attention whore.
Bill Clinton couldn't have planned this better. Well done, you slick hillbilly rapist.
Marla was a mountain gal from the Scots Irish settled area of way up North Georgia . She must have had an unusual power over NYC Trump that came from his mother's family. The other two are intelligent trophy wives from his father's side of the family.
Life for Trump is like a cafeteria.
"walter said...
"every promise from Donald Trump has an expiration date"
That's pretty good..."
Yeah, but he didn't come up with it. It's Jim Geraghty of National Review's quip about Obama.
"If Trump is such a terrible person, while are all of his adult children so awesome? Why aren't they more like Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?"
A terrible person isn't necessarily terrible at everything. I figure he must be a pretty good father. But then, by all accounts Obama is a pretty decent father himself. It doesn't mean he'd be a good president.
That it is, ARM. I'm not a proponent or supporter of the guy but he has raised the profile of a few key issues -- as is evident by his voter turnout -- and it was worth it just to see him knock down Hillary when she tried to play the gender card.
The only thing worse than (some of) the attacks on Trump are the ones which go to his supporters. I've said this here a few times before, but you can't call Trump voters every name in the book and then hope to have them come back later to support the attacker's preferred candidate. It's a myopic strategy and, you're right, it may help elect Hillary.
What a great name Marla Maples has. Imagine if you never heard of her or Donald, but saw their names in a fictional book you were reading. The images their names would conjure up would be pretty close to who they are.
Won't hurt. You don't want a crazy ex-wife out there. Trump must have pulled some strings to get her on there. He's a shrewd dude.
Trump's kids all come across well. They don't have the issues that Reagan's kids did and don't come across as fake like Chelsea and Romney' stepford sons.
Trump does an amazing job of trolling people. Their overreaction to him makes them seem like the ones to worry about. He fall brings out the crazy in some people.
"The only thing worse than (some of) the attacks on Trump are the ones which go to his supporters. I've said this here a few times before, but you can't call Trump voters every name in the book and then hope to have them come back later to support the attacker's preferred candidate. It's a myopic strategy and, you're right, it may help elect Hillary."
That goes both ways though. Referring to Trump's critics on the right as though they are patsies of some "establishment" (particularly where we're talking about people whose only connection to the party is being registered and voting--not big donors or media personalities) makes it harder for them to come around later.
I agree with you though about the infighting--I never see the Dems do this to each other. As heated as their primaries get, you have no doubt the Sandernistas and Hillaryites will ultimately band together and bring their energy into a unified front come November. Dems ultimately see the Right as their greater enemy, while the Right tends to consider various factions on their own side as the monster to be vanquished. We'll see if there's any healing by this summer.
I know I always judge anybody based on the dancing of their ex-spouse(s).
Tried and true, nigh infallible, system of judgment.
Would you blame the parents of kids who do less publicly acceptable things?
Causation cannot be a one way street, right?
Seems there are a few variables out there.
Rest assured I would vote for Trump rather than Hillary.
We can't have a real crook in the White House. Con artist? Yes!
I'm not so sure, Brando. I'm on board as a Republican, have held elected office in the party at the local level, have donated tens of thousands of dollars to its candidates, and can't imagine ever voting for a Democrat in the future -- but there are plenty of establishment members who will never vote for Trump, and it's not because they were called GOPe loyalists in blog comboxes.
Don't whine to me about how Trump is being treated. Don't you DARE try to talk that shit, after the way that Trump has talked about John McCain, or a physically handicapped reporter, or after Trump coined "Little Marco."
We Republicans want a good nominee, and not some crazed vaxxer/birther/demagogue. Now is the time to take a stand about one thing; whether or not you want Trump as the Republican nominee. We know what Democrats want; they can hardly wait for Trump.
And I further don't want to hear any excuses about how Trump gets treated going forward. TRUMP is the guy who wanted Obama's academic records; somebody will demand Trump's. Trump will face the continued demands to release his tax returns. The ocean of Trump oppo-research will go on and on without end. No fucking excuses! If Trump is the nominee, he will be slaughtered. The media won't play with him the way they've played with 'Republican candidate' Trump.
That's why it is important for everyday voters who don't want another Clinton to get out now, and shut down the Trump candidacy.
And if you think that I'm being too hard on Trump supporters, it is just that I cannot believe that people are so stupid as to be uncritical of his laughably stupid nonsense.
There are three major coalitions within the national GOP: establishment (donors, organizers, party officials and upper-middle class and upper class whites); evangelicals; and blue collar whites who aren't social issues voters. The tea party people cut across these three groups. The tea party issues are not motivating issues in this election.
The only glue holding the major coalitions together is their dislike of Obama and Hillary
That "free shit" coalition of Wall Street, unions, professors and poor people is aces.
Right, mccullough?
By the way; it is certainly true that Democrats regarded Republicans as their ultimate foe.
Republicans regard things like Communism, Fascism and militant Islam as the real enemies.
The various identity-group factions of the Democrats -- various identity-group factions are ALL that Democrats are -- may have some differing views but their platform is the negotiated conglomeration of all of them. And you NEVER hear them complain about their "donor class." When was the last time that a Democrat spoke ill of David Geffen, Tom Steyer or Barbra Streisand?
But we have this new phenomenon of the low-information "Republican" voter. Who listens to talk radio and is told that there is a "donor class" of the "GOP Establishment" that somehow wants to hurt them. Which is nuts. It's paranoid. And it hurts Republicans up and down the ballot. If you really are so dissatisfied, get your own party and stand for something.
@ Brando: There is no polite way to say "Trump is a con-man" without at least implying that his supporters are being suckered.
They're only suckers, though, once they actually cast a vote for Trump.
It's essential to point out all the ways in which Trump is a con-man. If I did less than that, I'd feel bystanders' complicity as I watched him succeed in his con job.
It's kind to be cruel, in this instance.
Chuck said...
a physically handicapped reporter,
This is hysterical, when did you, or anyone else for that matter, give a shit about about the feelings of reporters? They barely beat lawyers and serial murderers in surveys of public esteem.
Maybe Trump is just a protest vote for a lot of people. The GOP policies of tax cuts on the wealthy, open borders, sending jobs overseas, and engaging in endless war in Muslim countries doesn't work and it doesn't resonate with a majority of voters. The Dems policies don't work or resonate either. They are also for open borders, sending jobs overseas, and slaying dragons in the Middle East. But they favor higher taxes on the rich and creating a middle class of government workers and lifting low income into the lower middle class by raising the minimum wage. These are the differences between the parties on major issues.
They both suck, but the Dms policies are slightly less unpopular. And the GOP policies are less popular with blue collar whites who don't care about social issues.
Watch a Dem debate. Sanders is all over the donor class of Wall Street and its influence on Dems. He's not going to be the nominee but he's attracted a lot of supporters. He's also all over the shitty trade deals that benefit the Dem donor class (and the GOP donor class) but hurt the working class.
You don' t mess with a Maples or a Moncrief. Those are fighting clans, which must have touched The Donald's fighting heart. But he recovered from it. And the barn dance plays on.
Chuck said...
The ocean of Trump oppo-research will go on and on without end. No fucking excuses! If Trump is the nominee, he will be slaughtered.
If he is so vulnerable shouldn't the GOPe be prosecuted for negligence for failing to have brought him down by now?
You fail to understand that there is complex interaction between 'facts' and how the public responds. Clinton gets a blow job from an intern in the White House and his ratings went up. People liked Clinton and the economy was good. Trump is a scoundrel, but the alternatives are loathed and/or mistrusted.
They are all con men. They are all so full of shit. But keep supporting the snake handler who flips on amnesty and trade deals when it suits him.
mccullough said...
They both suck, but the Dms policies are slightly less unpopular. And the GOP policies are less popular with blue collar whites who don't care about social issues.
Speaking of negligence, the Dems should be sued by every left-winger in the country for failing to secure the votes of blue collar whites. If Trump wins, he can thank the incompetence of the Dems every bit as much as the arrogance of the Republicans.
I'd feel really silly, making a "protest vote." I can't ever recall a time in my life where I once threw away a vote on a "protest."
The GOP passed tax cuts FOR EVERYBODY. The GOP is the single greatest IMPEDIMENT to Dems' open-borders plans. ("Undocumented Democrats.") The GOP is trying to GROW the U.S. economy. Protectionism has no part in that. And all that I care about in the middle east is a safe and stable oil market and protection for Israel. But you know something? We used to talk about the Israeli-Palestinian "crisis"; and how it was the root of all evil in the Middle East. But here in 2016, we see that it is just all of the tribal pathologies of the Islamic world. I'm not the least bit sorry for anything we've done in the Middle East. The sooner it gets sorted out the better. But you'll see a lot more thoughtful American Exceptionalism with the Republicans than with Trump (torture them) or Democrats (give them all foreign aid).
Chuck said...
The GOP is the single greatest IMPEDIMENT to Dems' open-borders plans.
Low information voter.
Please do not fall for the bullshit that tax cuts create good paying jobs. They don't. It is not protectionism to slap tariffs on products made in counties whose labor and environmental laws are weak or non-existent. No one is bitching about jobs getting shipped to Canada or Germany. But you can't have American workers compete against workers in Mexico and China and Vietnam. The Dems at least acknowledge this. They think the tradeoff on cleaner air and water is worth it and that they can make up for it by creating more government jobs and redistributing more wealth to offset the job losses. This has shown to be folly as well. But they don't pretend that it's "free" trade.
Only idiot republicans pretend that.
Who in the hell watches that shit?
I have no clue how that program gets any viewers.
I'm thinking every Vietnamese immigrant watches it, as I know Vietnamese are big into ball room dancing here locally.
So I'm extrapolating...
I have to agree, mccullough -- listening to Rubio call Trump a con man shattered my precision ironyometer.
It can easily be argued that there are diminishing marginal returns to both tax increases and tax cuts. Tax revenue stays stubbornly consistent.
What you said about taxes is stupidity on stilts dancing a tango while furiously pleasuring your Dem-brain.
You never bother to learn or become more informed. To give you an easy example, the GOP predicted in 2013 that unemployment would go up and GDP would shrink if the marginal rates on the two highest brackets of ordinary income were raised. Didn't happen. Please explain why.
To be fair, the Dems predicted that when unemployment benefit period was lowered from 99 weeks back to the normal 26 week level, unemployment would go up and GDP would shrink. Didn't happen.
When the sequester went into effect, GOP and Dems both predicted unemployment would go up and GDP would go down. Didn't happen. But they both agreed to gut the sequester anyway.
Quit being a sucker for policies that don't work.
Eric writes:
"One thing I've wondered about Trump hate.
If Trump is such a terrible person, while are all of his adult children so awesome? Why aren't they more like Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?"
Yeah, he's "been wondering" this. Ever since he read Doug Giles' column that came out.... three days ago
You swung and missed badly.
Try reading the first sentences I typed:
"It can easily be argued that there are diminishing marginal returns to both tax increases and tax cuts. Tax revenue stays stubbornly consistent."
Those sentences are true and not banal. And yet you wrongly inferred a political motivation. Please explain why.
The last sentence remains true, of course, but you aren't able to understand the first few. Please explain why.
Blogger eric said...
If Trump is such a terrible person, while are all of his adult children so awesome? Why aren't they more like Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?
Well..the mother's are the contant.
I love Trump supporters when they get sensitive about name-calling. Good grief.
That topic has been discussed in the comments for weeks, harrogate, if not longer.
Marla still looks pretty at her age, even if it is under quite a bit of makeup. Since I presume he mainly married her for her looks, he gets points for picking a trophy wife that aged well.
Chuck: "The GOP is the single greatest IMPEDIMENT to Dems' open-borders plans..."
Chuck continues with his "these are not the droids you are looking for" act re: the republican led House and Senate.
Oh, the irony that it is the chucks of the world who have given us Donald Trump.
We conservative voters are the only impediment, truly. And that includes many conservative blue collar Democrats.
Ballroom dancing is holding an attentive woman's body close and steering her body into yours-if that is not fun to you than you are impotent.
And the women really love it. So go take lessons from a Russian immigrant teacher. The older ladies will eat you up. And it is a total turn on.
"If Trump is such a terrible person, while are all of his adult children so awesome? Why aren't they more like Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?"
I saw that article too. A lot of claiming that they're awesome, not much explanation of how they're awesome. Presumably they're smart and ambitious. Big deal.
It helps him in the general election--this year's celebrity-in-chief.
Birkel: "Drago: We conservative voters are the only impediment, truly. And that includes many conservative blue collar Democrats."
Quite so.
What is your point about immigration, in plain English? Because if we had a Democrat Congress, you had better believe that we'd have "comprehensive immigration reform." Which would include citizenship for millions of currently illegal aliens. We don't, because of Republican opposition.
There have been some moderate Republican compromisers in the Senate; but they are a small group. Their power derives only from the fact that there is lots of Democrat support for what they call "comprehensive" reform. Let's agree that "comprehensive reform" is bullshit doublespeak for amnesty.
I know that Trump-supporters Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham are all fired up about immigration. I don't begrudge them their issue. Where I step off is their support for Trump. Compared to the federal budget, entitlements, foreign policy, urban policy, health care and the federal courts, immigration is a minor issue.
Diamondhead: "I saw that article too. A lot of claiming that they're awesome, not much explanation of how they're awesome. Presumably they're smart and ambitious. Big deal"
Well, we can say that there is clear differentiation between the Trump offspring and the lefts beloved Kennedy's in that the Trumps haven't been running around murdering, manslaughtering and just plain killin' any chicks. #KennedyMenWarOnWomen!!
So, you know, there's that.
Which is nice.
I'm not a Dem. You're the one who is politically motivated. Thanks for your banal observation. At least you, unlike Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and the other supply side morons of the GOP, agree that the tax hikes on the top two brackets are still on the left side of the Laffer Curve. I'm impressed.
Chuck: "Drago:What is your point about immigration, in plain English?"
As if lack of "plain English" is the problem here.
Pull the other one.
Chuck: "Where I step off is their support for Trump. Compared to the federal budget, entitlements, foreign policy, urban policy, health care and the federal courts, immigration is a minor issue."
Immigration, as any sentient 12 year old might be able to deduce, is the pathway by which the dems win everything forever.
Again, I can give it to you in plain english, but I can't comprehend it for you in any language when you've chosen to "build a wall" through which basic logic cannot penetrate.
What is your point about immigration, in plain English? Because if we had a Democrat Congress, you had better believe that we'd have "comprehensive immigration reform."
I don't know why you'd think that. We had a super-majority Democrat Congress in 2009-2010. I didn't see immigration being dealt with then. They want the wedge to scare poorly-educated Hispanics to vote for them or else the evil Republicans will ship them off.
Which, mind you, I'd have no qualms doing.
Which would include citizenship for millions of currently illegal aliens. We don't, because of Republican opposition.
Keep in mind, it took Cruz to basically kill off the Gang og Eight. The GOPe was willing to do it. And given the Dems noted opposition to voter ID, illegals can likely vote and the more that happens, the less likely it will be to avoid eventual mass citizenship.
I know that Trump-supporters Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham are all fired up about immigration. I don't begrudge them their issue. Where I step off is their support for Trump. Compared to the federal budget, entitlements, foreign policy, urban policy, health care and the federal courts, immigration is a minor issue.
As has been said, this gives Dems a permanent majority.
And MORE poor folks isn't going to make those issues any easier to handle.
"Well, we can say that there is clear differentiation between the Trump offspring and the lefts beloved Kennedy's in that the Trumps haven't been running around murdering, manslaughtering and just plain killin' any chicks. #KennedyMenWarOnWomen!!"
Good thing we don't have a newspaper article every time someone's kids are better people than the Kennedys.
chuck: "Let's agree that "comprehensive reform" is bullshit doublespeak for amnesty."
Who are you trying to convince? I suggest you chat up Rubio, McConnell, Ryan and the gang with that astonishing insight.
The entire republican establishment was in GA last week sitting around with the Tim Cook's and Elon Musks of the world trying to figure out a way to give it to us. What does that little confab tell you?
And let's not kid ourselves that McConnell and Ryan were hanging around lefty Tim Cook and his pals simply to get rid of Trump so we could get a "real conservative" as our nominee. The repubs might as well have just had Pelosi and Reid over for tea, crumpets and "strategery-izing" about how to make the dems "Dreams" come true.
" If Trump wins, he can thank the incompetence of the Dems every bit as much as the arrogance of the Republicans."
Agree. I was at work today so did not have to put up with the usual Trump hate from you-know-who.
An interesting article from a usually fairly conservative site.,
Now you are boring me. Did you see how quickly you advanced the Laffer Curve shibboleth? But you are no Democrat! And it is that other guy who is political!
You should think about what I copied. I doubt you will, but you should.
Don't worry, Drago, Chuck's on his ladder at the moment painting "...with sheets" on the side of the farm house.
Michael K, great link. Here's a couple paragraphs that sum up all the "Chuck's" pretty succinctly:
From Michael K's linked article:
snip: "Prior to the Trump temblor, the right-wing establishment maintained power despite consistently avoiding the battles they promise to join, selling out ideals, and betraying voters. The elites developed a narcissistic character structure of self-aggrandizement untroubled by the reality of their consistent failure. They are now spewing personal vilification against Trump, which they have never directed against Obama or Hillary, because Trump exposes what they unconsciously perceive to be their own deficiencies.
When Obama spoke of radical transformation, there was no widespread outburst of rage. The destruction of the USA as a bordered republic is less troublesome to the narcissistic right wing than Trump's barbs and bravado. Trump's persona elicits rage in three principal psychological categories: the abandoned, the irrelevant, and the failed. The abandoned rage against his independence, the irrelevant rage against his prominence, and the failed rage against his fearlessness."
Read it all. It gets better as it is spot on.
I support Cruz because I believe he is the only politician who will attempt to stem the growth of the Bureaucratic State. I believe he will attempt what Governor Walker (my initial preference) accomplished in Wisconsin.
That is the only issue for me because it causes so many of the problems we identify in government.
That article nailed it down perfectly, Michael K!
Ivana appears to be quite accomplished and good at whatever it is she does but the sons have been photographed big game hunting in Africa, one holding up the cut-off tail of an elephant he killed. It was probably a legal kill, but why would anyone want to destroy an elephant?
The "wacko bird" comment could be explained by substituting Cruz for Trump in the paragraphs you quoted.
Or climb Everest, right dustbunny?
What's the shibboleth? You made a bland statement. I'm aware of federal revenue as a percentage of GDP. I'm also aware of the $18 trillion in debt that will never be paid off. Interesting how we managed to pay down the debt after WW2 but have borrowed our way to prosperity since the late 60s. So did federal revenue go up after the tax increases on the top two brackets? Yes. Did the deficit go down? Yes.
"would anyone want to destroy an elephant?"
Read the TED talk or this article about the environmentalist who shot 30,000 elephants.
Some game preserves sell the rights to kill an animal that is going to be "harvested" anyway. One elephant is better than 30,000 for saving the planet.
Cruz has spent almost all his professional life working for federal or state government. He's not going to stem anything. He doesn't have the political skills to sway his colleagues and he has no ideas on how to rein in bureaucracy. Rubio has done more to address this issue than the snake handler.
dustbunny: " It was probably a legal kill, but why would anyone want to destroy an elephant?"
"probably a legal kill"? Why don't you check it out and get back to us.
Then someone can explain to you how the game preserve business model operates and how it actually helps sustain particular animal populations.
Trump is going to slay the elephant.
mccullough: "Rubio has done more to address this issue than the snake handler."
Well, don't leave us in suspense. Give us the rundown of all that Rubio has done to rein in the federal leviathan!
We anxiously await the flood of evidence to support that assertion.
mccullough: "He doesn't have the political skills to sway his colleagues..."
As if any conservative could "sway" the repub establishment in their rush to avoid opposing obama.
Keep going mccullough, you're really slaying it this evening.
Leave that not-at-all-a-Democrat alone. Ha! Funny every time!
Late 60s is the wrong time frame. You should measure from August 15, 1971.
Your inability to know why the federal tax revenue is consistently banded, coupled with your inability to issue more than platitudes about things beyond your knowledge is endearing. You are growing on me.
"Unconsciously, the narcissist is a trembling impostor using irrational rage to restabilize his egoic defenses."
Well hello Chuck.
When Trump feels weakness or is floundering on an issue, that is a dead on description of him.
That AT article is some really creative writing.
"Egoic" is a very odd word.
Guildofcannonballs said...
Fact is by their fruits ye shall know them, and Biden and Bush have criminal, drug-fueled kids running wild in the American streets while Trump raised angels fighting the good fight.
Let's compare criminal records of the candidates and their kids to see who lives the bible and who quotes it only to fool the people.
Trump is too serious and has too much dignity to trot out his kids as an emotional, irrational reason to like him, although in this age of Biden and Obama and Hillary I hope he adjusts strategy and highlights some of his greatest successes, his offspring.
8/27/15, 9:13 AM
damikesc said...
... We had a super-majority Democrat Congress in 2009-2010. I didn't see immigration being dealt with then...
This is a perfectly fair point. Absolutely, the Dems have their own immigration pathologies to deal with. But in 2009-10, the Democrats chose very deliberately to spend all their chips on health care reform, and on Dodd-Frank. It's not that Dems have no party-view on immigration. They just don't think it is as much of a big deal.
I'm no Democrat, and I'm as intolerant of the Dems as anybody. All I want, is to beat them in elections.
Trump appears to have won Michigan reasonably easily. This is a big win for him. If he has a path to the presidency it is through the midwest.
I can think of a couple of politicians that found images of either ballroom dancing or big game hunting to be helpful but the demographic for the latter is likely already in the Trump camp, what he needs are the dancing fans who are also fond of shooting elephants.
Shooting dancing elephants....the circus ones out of work.
There is not one candidate running that will change things more than a nudge on the Government Meter.
There is NO candidate that can change things more than a nudge on the Government Meter.
To paraphrase: You might not be interested in Anarchy but Anarchy is interested in You.
I am Laslo.
Yay! Trump wins MI..
I think it is just Marla taking advantage of a moment in time to make some extra money and publicity.
Didn't realize you were into gold buggery. Can see why the snake handler from Canada is your man. This is my last comment directed toward you. Best of luck
Doug Giles is a good enough guy with nice pretty daughters.
Sen Tom Coburn was a principled conservative who was able to work with his colleagues and persuade them to end earmarks.
Rubio made the most modest of proposals in the wake of the VA debacle to amend the civil service laws to make it easier to fire managers.
The Cannuck snake handler has done nothing. He should host a radio show. But he likes his government paycheck. Always has.
snake handler
Pm, from that article
Senator Sessions had seen Cruz’s work up close during the off again on again immigration reform debate, and was left initially perplexed by Cruz’s ability to say one thing and then do another.
Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/ted-cruz-is-being-used-he-doesnt-seem-to-care/#WwkYZIOs07DsIoH6.99
So..a supposition by that author vs..
Sessions on gang of 8:
"It was that close to being passed... and I think I can say this with integrity. Without the vigorous opposition of Ted Cruz, this bill likely would have passed."
But Sessions endorsed Trump and not the other guy.
"a nudge on the Government Meter."
C'mon sport, we break you down through indifference in order to build you up through greatness most Buckley.
Think of your power: in prison for a day you would create riots for years over who own's your funny ass.
So Government can't likewise send you there, can they? It is you who scares them, hence the legislation.
Awkwardness wielding this power you create can get you killed by morons at any time though. Us prescient only attempt to describe honestly our sense of how others, safe and dead for me mostly but with their spirit as a firm Guild guide, might have felt about something.
People alive and real and that kinda thing scares me, so I stay inside/away and Don't Follow Alice in Chains on facbook only because i AIN'T ON ME NO DAME FACBOOK.
Fucking gold in the ass is a thing? You are a weird dude, mccullough.
I like how dates that are random incur such animosity. I did not argue causation. Just wanted to let you show your ass, again.
As a Democrat, you should love attacking Nixon.
Blogger pm317 said...
But Sessions endorsed Trump and not the other guy.
Yep. Could be a number of reasons for that. I just question the posting of an article that makes unattributed statements like that.
mccullough: "Rubio made the most modest of proposals in the wake of the VA debacle to amend the civil service laws to make it easier to fire managers"
It really has been incredible how hilariously false your assertions happen to be.
It is a free country.
Sessions knows Cruz is a full of shit. They all do. The evangelicals aren't buying him either. He's a fraud like his old man. Selling people what he thinks they want to hear.
Free to put words in people's mouths? Perhaps.
The point of the amendment was to make it easier to fire shitty government workers because it's impossible. The amendment didn't pass. That's why I said it was a proposal. Rubio tried to do something but it didn't get done. Please read more carefully.
The snake handler doesn't even try. He's a talk show host. At least Rubio has the sense to know that the senate is full of shit so he's leaving. The snake handler will keep collecting his government paycheck until Texas votes him out. Then he'll travel the tent revival circuit like his phony old man.
@mccullough, agree. But the establishment will use him if there is a chance to stop Trump and he will do what they want.
" Selling people what he thinks they want to hear."
Trump: I'm changing! Have to be FLEXIBLE!
Perhaps Marla and Tiffany could do some nude pictures to keep up with the other Trump girls. After all, the family must continue to be prime enablers for Donald's narcissistic personality disorder. Look for skimpiness in Marla's dance costume to indicate whether another Nipplegate is in our future.
Earlier mccullough: "Cruz has spent almost all his professional life working for federal or state government. He's not going to stem anything. He doesn't have the political skills to sway his colleagues and he has no ideas on how to rein in bureaucracy. Rubio has done more to address this issue than the snake handler."
Later mccullough: "The point of the amendment was to make it easier to fire shitty government workers because it's impossible. The amendment didn't pass. That's why I said it was a proposal. Rubio tried to do something but it didn't get done"
"Above all, Marla is a proud mom to daughter Tiffany Trump, who is graduating this spring from University of Pennsylvania and they each happily reside in New York City once again.
This is helpful to Donald Trump, don't you think?"
Well she is the EX wife. She might have some dirt on him and she might be nursing some grievances.
jr565: "Well she is the EX wife. She might have some dirt on him and she might be nursing some grievances."
What grievances?
Marla clearly breached her contract with Donald by turning 33 years of age.
@walter: Whispers.com is a Trump-supporter website so what they say is likely not the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I believe that Cruz was trying to defang the Gang of Eight amnesty bill with his attempts to amend and even Jeff Sessions, that Trump supporter, agrees.
Rubio is leaving after one term. The snake handler should as well. One term in the Senate is enough for anyone.
What has Cruz done as a US Senator? Please point to his accomplishments. I can't find any on his website.
Democrats like mccullough and pm317 sure do spend a lot of time trying to "help" Republicans with electing the Republican who polls worst against Hillary.
They even make up lies because they are so helpful.
I, for one, appreciate your efforts.
mccullough: "Drago,What has Cruz done as a US Senator?"
I made no assertions related to Cruz' activity in the Senate.
Are there other non-assertions I've made for which you will demand answers.
As someone mentioned upthread, please read more carefully.
Wow! Nice thread. Let me get liquored up, and I'll join you.
"If Trump is such a terrible person, while are all of his adult children so awesome? Why aren't they more like Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?"
Whether they're awesome or not, Trump seems to have good relationships with his kids and his siblings. Have any of the hysterics who claim he's a crazy racist fascist monster addressed that or the fact that no disgruntled ex-employees or sexually harassed women are coming forward? Given how hard the Republicans are trying to stop him, it would be very surprising if there hasn't been some effort to dig up that kind of dirt on him. Where are the results?
Trump will face the continued demands to release his tax returns.
Maybe he’s waiting for demands that will surely come soon for Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, Clinton and Sanders to release theirs.
TRUMP is the guy who wanted Obama's academic records; somebody will demand Trump's.
I doubt it. Could happen but I do not believe inviting Trump to brag about his grades at a prestigious Ivy League school is anything Cruz or Rubio are wanting to do. Trump does it enough without prompting.
We had a super-majority Democrat Congress in 2009-2010. I didn't see immigration being dealt with then.
As has already been pointed out the Democrats were too busy with Obamacare and Dodd Frank. Two controversial pieces of legislation was considered enough until after the mid-terms and Obama had another term as POTUS to win in 2012. Obama and the Democrats miscalculated badly in these assumptions and largely because of Obamacare the majority in the House changed to the GOP in 2010, hence the Democrats’ chance to pass their version of immigration policy evaporated.
Blogger harrogate said...
Eric writes:
"One thing I've wondered about Trump hate.
If Trump is such a terrible person, while are all of his adult children so awesome? Why aren't they more like Paris Hilton or Charlie Sheen?"
Yeah, he's "been wondering" this. Ever since he read Doug Giles' column that came out.... three days ago
I bet you I said this over a month ago. Maybe over two months ago.
Cruz and Kasich already released their tax filings.
eddie willers said...
I first learned of Donald Trump through Marla Maples since she is from Cohutta, Georgia (pop.582)
A small town tghat has not been losing population. Population 1960: 453.
But now probably, it's got different people there and is a bedroom suburb of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
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