It was classy of Trump not to ask Romney for a blowjob.— Markos Moulitsas (@markos) March 3, 2016
Trump on 2012: “I could have said ‘Mitt, drop to your knees.’” | WATCH LIVE:— The Hill (@thehill) March 3, 2016
१६४ टिप्पण्या:
When Donald Trump starts being classy, it will be yuge.
He'll be the sort of classy that spells winning.
He'll have America winning, but not that PC stuff.
Yuge, classy, winning, polls, America.
Laslo needs this thread.
As if Kos knows anything about being classy.
As if Kos knows anything about the truth.
Trump meant begging. Kos is the cocksucker.
Markos has been banned from Morning Joe. That should tell you something.
Very clever of Trump. Politicians and blowjobs, Hillary is not going to be able to touch that.
"Tea Baggers"
The left, always keeping it classy.
Anyway, cuckservatives like Mitt don't give blowjobs, they prefer to watch.
I can picture President Trump (typing those two words was scary!) saying something along those same lines to Vlad Putin and getting s salvo of nuclear-tipped missiles in return. Vote for acted Cruz!!!
Is this more bad publicity for Trump? How bad can it get? Badder? Oh my!
So "on your knees" and the first thing they think of is blowjobs? My assumption was begging or praying but maybe Kos has had different experiences when he's on his knees. Not that there's anything wrong with that!
Romney was pretty beta male when he went supplicating for the Trump endorsement in 2012.
Let's count the supporters Trump had at various times during the day:
Before Romney spoke: 68 million
After Romney spoke: 72 million
Before Trump spoke: 73.5 million
After Trump spoke 78 million
Thanks again, Mitt!
Some schmuck GOPe congressman on Fox telling me he loves his country more than his party, that's why he's against Trump. Go to hell, buddy.
I am in a place where CNBC is on, with no sound but closed captioning of Trump. To read Trump, without sound, is amazing. No fiction writer could ever write such drivel, as a parody of political nonsense, and expect to get away with it. My personal favorite because it is so incredibly goofy is the part about how we're going to be winning, winning, winning; so much that we're going to get tired of winning and will instead say, "Can't we have some losses?"
Mr. Trump, I am ready for one of your losses.
Why does the left always turn everything sexual?
Trump is an old man. In his day, and mine, being on your knees meant begging.
But now that we have the internet, well, ugh.
One of the interesting things about Trump.
How you interpret what he says tends to say more about you than it says about Trump.
The Trump "winning" speech sounds like that other great American hero of the 21st century. Charlie Sheen.
Why does the left always turn everything sexual?
Oh, come on. Of course Trump was referring to a blowjob. It's a yuuge part of the zeitgeist, and he's its living embodiment.
Anybody else find it interesting that today both McCain and Romney come out with statements that Trump would be bad for the country? Both of the last two failed Republican nominees for President think they know. So Republicans should follow them and lose the Presidential election again?
You couldn't write this kind of hysteria as fiction and expect people to believe it.
I'm listening to the MSM explain the Trump v Romney conflict, and since they hate both of them about the same, it is not breaking any new ground.
Some of us are apparently are not familiar with the phrase "get down on your knees and beg".
Blowjob is being worked against classy for comic effect.
I hate to go all lit. crit.
Words have a range of performance that a writer can use.
As for being sexual, Wonkette was wonderful long ago with desire for drink and anal sex in every essay.
It's writing, not sex.
Chuck, about Drumpf, I think we are on the same page. Yes! Charlie Sheen! But to be fair, Drumpf can self-regulate in a way poor Charlie could not.
Chuck said...
I am in a place where CNBC is on, with no sound but closed captioning of Trump. To read Trump, without sound, is amazing. No fiction writer could ever write such drivel, as a parody of political nonsense, and expect to get away with it. My personal favorite because it is so incredibly goofy is the part about how we're going to be winning, winning, winning; so much that we're going to get tired of winning and will instead say, "Can't we have some losses?"
Mr. Trump, I am ready for one of your losses.
3/3/16, 2:01 PM
This was good.
dreams, Trump said those exact words. He repeated 'Beg'.
This is worth another couple of news cycles for Trump, so it can work both ways.
Romney is a whore. He made that clear.
Has anybody else besides Charlie Sheen ever owned all media like Trump is?
This will be studied at Trump University, over bottles of Trump water for years to come.
I had a T-shirt from Trump Plaza in AC for years. It was actually the best T-shirt I every owned. The quality was impressive. I assumed Trump demanded the same quality control for any product with his name on it.
So to say he was on his knees begging is any better than saying he was in his knees for a blowjob? Whichever one Trump truly meant it is what roughly one half of conservatives want to hear from someone they want to be their President, including evangelicals. I always suspected there was something very wrong with these people, now it's been confirmed. It's a bit hopeful that Trump is still getting some pushback from the other half of the conservative base, but do they have what it takes to stop Trump? I doubt it. The Republican establishment created the monster, then their indecision and poor judgment allowed him to gain momentum, now if may be too late.
Trump said his wife, Melania, encouraged him to be more presidential. Smart first lady.
Strategic ambuguity.
If you haven't noticed Trump is kinda branching away from the GOPe. He will gladly work with them, and accept their support. But it is their loss, not his if they go a separate way.
I'm disappointed that Romney did this. I'm no blind faith Trump supporter, I don't blindly follow or support anyone, but this isn't helpful. He's not going to pull anyone away from Trump.
Isn't Moulitsas a Hillary whore? Good for him. He only has to give her money.
Queen Melania. That would be classy.
Drumpf...omg you're so clever! Did you come up with that all by yourself? I'm so impressed by your trenchant wit. And maturity.
The kids name is Barron Trump!
Nice to see that our current discourse has the intellectual heft of bathroom stall graffiti.
Trump can do trashy, Trump can do classy!
Romney: on his knees. Facing forward.
Rubio: on his knees. Facing the other way.
I am Laslo.
Romney spoke because he's a selfish coward. It's too late to stop Trump. Maybe Romney should have told Jeb and Rubio to drop out last fall and criticize Trump then. Romney is cold and calculating but also dumb in the way smart people are dumb. He's a finger to the wind politician who is all about himself.
In a week Markos will be calling for civility. This is how it works:
Markos: "Trump is a nazi"
Left: "hahaha!"
GOPe: "hahaha!"
Trump: "Markos is fag"
Left: "OMG! did you hear what Trump said?!"
Markos: "What a hateful man. We should all strive to be more civil!"
GOPe: "How utterly crass of Trump. Let us take this opportunity to remind folks that homophobia has no place in our party. As penance, we are going to pass a $90 trillion stimulus bill to study gay sex. And Mitt is going to work some glory holes"
What's the news' cycle score?
Trump 232 Clinton 2
And Clinton's 2 wins are the email scandal, and her barking like a dog
It was classy of Trump not to ask Romney for a blowjob.
Jealousy rears its ugly head.
Awfully nice of Donald Trump to prove Romney's point that Trump does not belong in the Oval Office, even as a visitor.
Romney doesn't belong in the Oval Office either. He's a spineless snob who the people rejected.
Maybe Mitt can join the Baltimore police force and show what a brave patriot he is. Serve the people instead of himself for once. When it was his turn to serve he deferred with help from Daddy.
Maybe Trump could have been a brave patriot and served in Vietnam. After all, he went to a military high school. Experienced.
"As if Kos knows anything about being classy."
Indeed, the majority conservative devout/religious members here would never/ever say anything nasty/profane/vulgar/foul/crude re: a Dem politician, especially BHO or any of the few liberal posters at this blog!
Oh the humanity!
Yea this blog hasn't changed a bit, god love 'ya.
Awfully nice of Donald Trump to prove Romney's point that Trump does not belong in the Oval Office, even as a visitor.
See, this is why you just aren't getting it. In your playbook, Harry Reid attacks you and you take the high ground and roll over. You would sell out your mom to Virtue Signal how enlightened and sophisticated you are.
Oooooh Trump said something that could be interpreted as a sexual jab. Oh nooooes!
This is why the GOPe has been losing to Obama for 7 years. Tyranny is bad, but being uncouth is so much worse... "We can't take a stand against Obama, they might call us racist and then our liberal friends at Martha's Vineyard won't let us sit at their table."
To read up on Trump’s healthcare plan, which he just released, go to the URL below.
Shiloh: "Oh the humanity!"
Oh the irony. Haven't seen you in ages and still remember you as a bombthrower.
You're the guy who slimes people as nazis on Monday and call for civility on Tues.
People attack Trump and when he pushes back aggressively, people call him a bully. He is so nasty to say bad things about people who are saying bad things about him. He's a big bully, yeah.
So the image put forth for all of us is Romney blowing Trump in 2012, and blowing multiple members of the GOP elite donor class now.
I'm trying to catch on the Scott Adams 3d thing.
You know the only guy that had the foresight on how to stop Trump was Scott Walker.
No, have never used the old and tired Godwin's Law babble.
Fen, ole buddy are you the fool who pretended to be a Marine? Indeed, it was hard for me to stop posting here because of con intellectuals like yourself. But I muddled thru somehow. My one political blog post the past 3+ years was at a sport site. And yes, the "current affairs" forum at that site was dominated by conservatives also. Shocking!
Hey, you guys dominate everywhere ... Too bad Republicans haven't figured out a process to gerrymander the Presidential election. But keep hope alive!
I don't see how the tweet hurts Trump, even if it was Kos' intention.
Romney's the punch line.
So I guess that to a creep like Kos, the phrase "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees" is about blowjobs. Funny how progressives like Kos and Marc Maron have minds that immediately make connections of a perverted debased nature. Typical? Yes, democrat party progressives are sick, vulgar scum.
Gusty Winds said...
You know the only guy that had the foresight on how to stop Trump was Scott Walker.
Progressive morality is informed by emanations from a penumbra. Its meaning can be discovered in the pages of the Urban Dictionary, reactive parenthood manuals, planned parenthood menus, and liberal works.
Is there some special virtue or elevated standing that comes from losing a presidential election?
Romney seems to think he has such a thing.
Yup, the only reason Markos can think of one might get on one's knees is to give a BJ, that checks out.
Liberals are little minded people and they continue to reveal themselves.
...other news, the Bernie Baby has died in his sleep.
Very sad.
Ron Jeremy Interviews Mitt Romney…
"Mitt, you don't strike me as a man who has had a lot of exotic adventures with his cock, is that safe to say…?"
I can suck my own cock, and -- no -- I'm not going to ask you the same, relax. But your recent comments kinda seem like you're sucking your own cock, in a metaphorical sense: is that the effect you were going after…?"
"I've been in a lot of threesomes, and I bet, in a way, it is very much like business dealings. You want the hot chick's business, but you need to keep the fact chick happy. You know what I am saying, right? So who are the 'fat chicks' in Politics that you have had to keep happy? And did you ever wish you could just piss in their mouths, just a little…?"
"I saw this Thai Porn Film where a man tried to insert his head into a woman's vagina -- great stuff, if you like that sort of thing; I'm thinking you probably don't, am I right? But -- still -- do you think it is possible for a man to stick his head up someone's ASS? And -- if so -- was it pretty dark in there…?"
"What business deal have you made that felt the closest to fisting an Asian Girl? C,mon, we know there was one…?"
"What political deal have you made that felt the closest to fisting an Asian Guy? Wait: that question was for Marco…"
I am Laslo.
"You know the only guy that had the foresight on how to stop Trump was Scott Walker."
An opening ...
My original "plan" was to stay away from this blog 2 years and 2 months, but at that time Althouse was on her Scott Walker has a good chance to be president phase er nonsense so decided to wait for the Republican deep bench fallacy to play itself out.
Yea, Trump has been really, really impressed w/the Rep's deep bench.
And speaking of fallacy and Althouse "obsession" with definitions of words and phrases, how did "deep bench" ever come to be associated w/politics. If you are on the bench, you're a utility player in baseball ie not good enough to start. So Trump, in essence, is proving the Rep deep bench theory in that "they" aren't that good as it turns out and falling like flies!
To quote The Donald, He's even leading w/low educated voters. Indeed!
Why is Trump such a baby and why do some conservatives still support him when he cries?
Here's Trump on MSNBC:
"I am watching television and I am seeing ad after ad after ad put in by the establishment knocking the hell out of me, and it’s really unfair,” Trump said on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe." "But if I leave, if I go, regardless of independent, which I may do — I mean, may or may not. But if I go, I will tell you, these millions of people that joined, they’re all coming with me."
Cry baby Trump gets his feelings hurt too easily. Clinton will certainly make him cry a lot more than the GOP establishment. Why would anyone want him as president? Regardless of your political opinions.
Amanda's very real, very sincere concern for the well being of conservatives and the Republican party has been noted. She cares deeply about the Republican party and just wants what's best for conservatives. The possibility that Trump's candidacy might harm conservative interests truly upsets her.
There seems to be this thing or group or class or whatever called "The Republican Establishment". I don't know who they are, or where they are, or who selected them. I've been a registered Republican since 1964 in Conn., NY, DC, MD, FL, and NC, and I've never been given a chance to vote for the membership of "The Republican Establishment". I'm wondering whether in fact there is no such group, that it's a fiction created by the anti-Republicans, the way the anti-Semites created the Elders Of Zion. Certainly, if "The Republican Establishment" exists, they must be the most incompetent bunch of stumblebums since the Three Stooges retired. If there is anyone who would have less influence on potential Tromp supporters than Mitt Romney, I don't know who it could be.
So I say: Impeach "The Republican Establishment"! But first you have to find them. I suggest looking down the River of Doubt (explored by Theodore Roosevelt in 1914) (and Candice Millard's excellent book of the same name is undoubtedly available from Amazon via the Althouse portal).
"I don't see how the tweet hurts Trump, even if it was Kos' intention.
Romney's the punch line. "
Well no. Because most people don't force people to give them blow jobs to get a deal passed. And even Moreno, most don't ask other men to give them blowjobs, unless they are homo's (not that there's anything g wrong with that)
There is a second meaning to Moulitsas's message. It is a covert swipe at Clinton that expresses regrets for Lewinsky and other women exploited by progressive morality. I suppose this means that he is voting for Sanders or a lesser evil.
No, actually I don't care. I do however care what a President Trump will do to the rest of the country.
I skimmed the first few comments and so I know this has been addressed already but I want to add my two cents. I take "on his knees" as begging, not a sex-act position. It's more along the lines of "hat in hand," which is a phrase that you don't hear much anymore. Furthermore, Trump has just talked of Mitt as having "begged" for his endorsement.
So far, what I am seeing is that those who are taking it to be related to oral sex seem to be either intentionally misrepresenting or projecting their own mindset.
Matt, wouldn't it be amazing to see Trump and his followers leave the Republican Party and split the Republican vote?
Homosexual projection by Kos.
Right. I'm sure that's what Trump meant. Not "fall on your knees and beg me for my support".
Probably says more about Markos the Moron than it does about Trump that it was the first thing HE thought of.
By the way, if you disagree, than you must think the hymn "O Holy Night" is about angels asking shepherds for a blow job then too, right...?
O Holy Night
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error-pining
Till he appeared and the soul felt it's worth
The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
For yonder brinks a new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees
O hear the angel voices
O night divine
O night when Christ was born
O night divine
O night, O night divine
Read more: Christmas Song - O Holy Night Lyrics | MetroLyrics
It would be amazing. If Trump somehow didn't win the GOP nomination he would ran as an independent and then all those conservatives crying about Romney not supporting the 'team' would be flushed along with their chances for the WH. But I think Trump has the GOP nomination at this point. This will not be a pleasant election season for anyone who dislikes Trump [the man or the brand].
Rick said... How?
Walker was the first guy wise enough to jump ship and get out of the race. He saw what was coming like Joe and Mika. He didn't want to go into debt for an extended losing campaign, and he avoided being labeled by Trump, or being the butt end of a blow job joke.
When Walker left the race early, he encouraged other candidates in his exit speech to get out like he did, and narrow the field in order to beat Trump. Nobody listened and now they regret it.
Maybe after all this craziness the country will be ready for and Eagle Scout in 2016, and Walker will be better positioned for the GOP nomination. That is if the party still exists in its current form.
Shiloh: Fen, ole buddy are you the fool who pretended to be a Marine?
Pretended? I was Infantry 0313, out of 29 Palms. Operation Restore Hope. If you are man enough to stand behind your false accusations, we can go over to ThisAintHell and have them vet my record for you. But you're a coward, so you'll refuse.
Indeed, it was hard for me to stop posting here because of con intellectuals like yourself. But I muddled thru somehow. My one political blog post the past 3+ years was at a sport site.
Ah I see what happened. You got your ass kicked here and have been nursing your wounds for 3 years. Welcome back, but buy some tampons please. Its embarrassing to watch you bleed in public like this.
[truth is more likely you are just a sock puppet who recently disgraced one of his other accounts here, hence the "return" of Shiloh]
Has Romney disavowed the massacre of 120 men,women and children by the Mormons? I mean come on, he should have to disavow ACTUAL murder shouldn't he?
I never thought I would see a Republican tell me that capitalism is a sham.
Scott Walker September 21, 2015:
"Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive, conservative message can rise to the top of the field. With this in mind, I will suspend my campaign immediately," Walker said at a news conference in Madison, Wisconsin.
I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so that the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current front-runner," said Walker, referencing businessman Donald Trump. "This is fundamentally important to the future of our party, and, more important, the future of the country."
I'm surprised this isn't being talked about more. Smart guy.
I'm wondering whether in fact there is no such group, that it's a fiction created by the anti-Republicans,
You'd have to be either a regular big donor or active in your local party to know them. They are the ones who have been in the party machinery so long that whatever passion first got them there has long since faded. Now they get proximity to power, influence, or at least some juicy gossip for their efforts.
And lordy do they ever hate Trump.
"Cry baby Trump gets his feelings hurt too easily. Clinton will certainly make him cry a lot more than the GOP establishment. Why would anyone want him as president? Regardless of your political opinions."
Yeah, anyone who counter-attacks is a cry baby. Real men just ignore political attacks, cause they're manly and stupid. Or something.
Hit Trump, and he hits back, sometimes twice as hard.
I have to agree, Matt @3:34
Trump has threatened to go third party a few times now. From the very beginning, too. My theory is that he's a stalking horse for Hillary, has been renewed.
Donald Trump is the Lena Dunham of politics. Self absorbed and vulgar, but like a train wreck, draws a crowd.
Ann, never thought you could stoop lower than Trump. Of course u are more progressive which explains the posting of the Communist Kos gutter tweet
Blogger AprilApple said...
I have to agree, Matt @3:34
Trump has threatened to go third party a few times now. From the very beginning, too. My theory is that he's a stalking horse for Hillary, has been renewed.
3/3/16, 4:20 PM
All signs point to him winning a plurality of delegates. Why would he run third party if he wins more delegates?
AprilApple said... Trump has threatened to go third party a few times now. From the very beginning, too.
First the GOP wanted him to sign a loyalty pledge when they thought he would fade so they could keep his voters. Now that he is beating them they have shown, especially with Romney, how they view and really value the term 'loyalty' and 'pledge'.
Seems they are exactly as Trump has defined them.
Gusty Winds said...
I'm surprised this isn't being talked about more. Smart guy.
I didn't remember him referencing Trump, I thought his dropping out was about tanking poll numbers and losing donors. Thanks for the reminder.
I think the GOP will steal Trump's chances to be the nominee somehow, don't know how, but I suspect there are some frantic machinations underfoot. I don't see them letting him represent the Republican Party. Then he will run third party and he'll whine that they weren't nice to him.
The same donors & GOP clutch-my-pearl elite
who knock Trump for vulgarism are investors
in Grindr, Tindr & Comcast/HBO/VICE, Viagra Pharma
& other platforms for crazy-hyper-sexualization of
every sphere of US society.
And everyone knows it.
Google Obama jokes, plenty of sexualized talk there.
We the proles do have access to Google now, you know.
Harder to hide the grift.
Yawn and foam-party-next.
"Seems they are exactly as Trump has defined them."
Yes indeed. And he should take his ball, his followers and play on his own team, that will serve the GOP right!
Paul Singer- Marco Rubio's Finance Chair- has a foundation.
This foundation pays for instructors to go into middle schools and teach
middle school students the pleasurable and right ways 'to fist'
I'm not anti LGBTQ & I'm not making this up.
Mitt Romney himself while Governor of Mass also funded
'how to rim' classes for also middle schoolers.
Again not hyperbole! Google it. And not from far-right sites, from Commonwealth of Mass sites.
So please spare me the horror of 'drop to his knees' vulgarisms.
It works both ways,
AprilApple said...
My theory is that he's a stalking horse for Hillary.
That is because you are a whack job.
The GOP establishment is doing everything to prove "What's the Matter w/ Kansas?" Literally Right.
"Let's get votes from the proles who don't think gay marriage is a constitutional right by campaigning on traditional mores"
While we ourselves fund and support 'how to fist' for middle schools & take contracts with Big Business to fight state legislatures who don't think small bakers should be forced by government to bake for gay weddings.
At some point this Big Lie, this Big Grift was going to be exposed.
Win, lose or draw.
Amanda, I predict the GOP will not be able to steal it from Drumpf. Not that they won't try, but experience tells me they are not that deft at this kind of thing. It would be very transparent or something.
HT said...
Amanda, I predict the GOP will not be able to steal it from Drumpf. Not that they won't try, but experience tells me they are not that deft at this kind of thing.
They seem to be trying to get the worst of all possible worlds by sleazily trying to undermine him without actually succeeding, although for some it is clear that Hillary for four years is the best option. More war Lindsay Graham is the perfect exemplar of this particular line of thinking.
ooo I hit a nerve.
I know it's crazy, but, Hillary and Trump used to be pals.
Good video!
AprilApple said...
ooo I hit a nerve.
You couldn't hit the side of a barn. I have some gold to sell. You want to buy some before the financial collapse. I'm selling cheap. Or are you going to rely on the financial industry to pay for your retirement?
It was classy of Trump not to ask Romney for a blowjob.
Yeah, Donnie is not actually Bill Clinton.
He's more like Conan the Barbarian.
You idiots who think you want to serve under Conan the Barbarian need to quit watching so much damn TV.
My celebrity culture is retarded.
And Donnie, by the way, is not actually a tough man. When I was nine I understood the difference between professional wrestling and professional football. Do you understand it, Donnie? Because you a professional wrestler. Marco plays football.
If he decides to rip your wig off, boy, it's coming off.
ARM - again-- most American invest, in some manner, in the stock market. Are you that removed from reality?
The Clintons - you know -the people you will blindly support, ARM. They really invest in financial markets- (moo) and financial markets invest in them!... then the clintons scream - bad financial markets... bad!
Donnie's training for the White House?
Played an authority figure on reality TV.
Saw seasons 1-3 of House of Cards.
I know I called him one of the Satans, but that's way too complimentary.
Little Baby Satan. Going to need a hug from Putin. "Help me, Putin!"
Nobody's afraid of you, Donnie!
Unless you get the nuclear launch codes.
In which case, we're all terrified.
I can't wait for Donnie's tweet war with the mullahs.
"I'm going to nuke your house!"
Awesome. Can't wait. Very excited.
It has not occurred to the moron that threatening people brings about retaliation.
Cannot wait for the heavy hand of Donnie to rule us all.
In Donnie We Trust on the money?
I'm against it.
AprilApple said...
The Clintons - you know -the people you will blindly support.
So now you are a lying and stupid.
How are you going to demean yourself even further?
Red Team, Red Team, I love you.
Fuck me in the ass and I'll give my vote to you
I have some gold to sell. Cheap. And, I am going to get the financial industry to pay for your retirement, I promise.
"Maybe after all this craziness the country will be ready for and Eagle Scout in 2016 (2020?), and Walker will be better positioned for the GOP nomination. That is if the party still exists in its current form"
It won't. Not if they insist on more hi-jinks like this Romney thing. Suck it up and unite. If it goes badly, rise and fight again. What a bunch of contemptible, entitled punks the GOPe are. My contempt for the Democrats is vast but these GOP clowns are definitely trying to claim a piece of it.
Commenters seem to be somewhat shocked that drop to your knees could be a sexual reference. Hard to believe they have been paying attention to politics for the last twenty years. Now it it all about metaphorical blowjobs. What isn't metaphorical about Trump supporters however, are the pitchforks. These people are overwhelmingly rural and they have the real thing out in the barn.
Amanda said...
So to say he was on his knees begging is any better than saying he was in his knees for a blowjob?
Umm, Seems like you are cheapening blowjobs somehow. Imagine, if you will, Mitt in a suit, a very decent family man, on his knees begging for a favor. Now, imagine the same, with Trump and his red tie, zipper down, pride on display....
Not really the same is it?
I'm not seeing the "misreading" tag -- it's pretty clear Trump meant us to make that connection, isn't it?
Re: Romney...
Weird misstep -- the kind that typified his candidacy.
This helps Trump -- by making another news cycle about him. And placing him firmly in the enviable "anti-Establishment candidate" position.
ARM - I thought you were a Hillary supporter. No?
I suggest you calm yourself, but I don't like to tell people what to do., You seem stressed.
ARM - If I were a red-team blue-team person, (I admit I am, a bit, but so are you) why would I root for Bernie? Why would I ever say anything negative about Trump?
Half the country is invested in the stock market, either directly or through defined benefit pension plans or defined contribution pension plans. The other half is not.
Most seniors primary income is social security.
A large group of people have been left behind the last 25 years through the bipartisan policies of open borders, globalization, fiscal recklessness and perpetual war. They aren't voting for typical Dem or GOP candidates anymore. Trump and Sanders have used the party system to mount what are independent runs. These people aren't going away.
I bet he meant "Drop to your knees and I will schlong you."
Full Moon,
About your comment 5:37, strange. "Zipper down, pride on display"... are you saying the Donald is a flasher? Ew.
"I think the GOP will steal Trump's chances to be the nominee somehow, don't know how, but I suspect there are some frantic machinations underfoot."
Hopefully. If the "establishment" is anywhere near as conniving as these loons make out, you'd bank on them stealing it from him. Of course they're also ineffectual and for being a monolithic "establishment" surprisingly unorganized.
dustbunny: Commenters seem to be somewhat shocked that drop to your knees could be a sexual reference. Hard to believe they have been paying attention to politics for the last twenty years. Now it it all about metaphorical blowjobs.
Funny, I've been mentally muttering "cocksucker" to just about everybody on the political stage during, as you say, the last twenty years. This is one time my brain didn't immediately interpret things that way.
What isn't metaphorical about Trump supporters however, are the pitchforks. These people are overwhelmingly rural and they have the real thing out in the barn.
Don't know if the "overwhelmingly rural" is true, but yeah, the pitchforks are real.
Is anyone talking about Trump's carpet being ruined? I'm hoping for a Big Lewbowski reference, please.
What's to steal. The national GOP is done either way at the presidential level. There aren't enough social conservatives and country club whites to keep them afloat at the presidential level. The can do well in state and local races in places. But that's it. Maybe they push through amnesty and convince enough Latinos that tax cuts for the wealthy, cuts to social spending programs, and a robust national defense where their kids can get killed for GLOBALISM and cheap gas is the way to national prosperity and greatness.
@Saint Croix.. how is little Marco doing today? Ready for the debate?
I think tonight may be the most important presidential debate in the past 50 years.
Saint Croix.. how is little Marco doing today? Ready for the debate?
how would I know?
I hope so
are you voting for the socialist or the felon?
and somebody ask Kasich why he is so gullible
these guys who run for veep are embarrassing
who is funding Kasich and why?
maybe he saved his pennies for his veep run
I'm not tall. About 5'7". Rubio is probably about 5'9" or so. That's supposed to count against him? Hillary is about 5'7". Is she a shawtie?
Bernie is pretty tall.
BTW, Mark Kelly came down to earth two inches taller! I plan to go up in weightless orbit to grow taller.
are you asking me?
I'm 6'2"
My brother is 6'5"
Don't vote for either of us!
are you asking me?
it's rhetorical
but feel free to answer if you know!
oh, the other question was for you, yes!
Saint Croix, I'm probably going to do a write-in in November. Your name may come up. That's tall enough for me.
I can wear a big hat like Lincoln
get to 6'6" and beat my brother
Lincoln won his debates with the big hat
well known factoid
I wish we wouldn't vote like we're in the BC era
me big
you small
vote big
ok we have to come up with a name for each: Socialist, Felon, little Marco, Orange, Scary, Inconsequential, ...
Tall people get away with a lot of things in life. It is not fair.
Yeah, but we shorties can drive roadsters comfortably. There are advantages.
Marco Rubio does play football
so that helps
hit a kid with the football
ups and downs, baby
play the long game
If Trump simply attacked his opponents that would be fine. But he goes on Twitter rages against people who are 'unfair' to him. Therefore he is a cry baby. Yeah, I do find that troubling for someone who wants to be POTUS.
Also, to everyone else, let's be honest, Trump very well was referring to the idea of a blowjob when attacking Romney. He attacked Megyn Kelly about blood coming out of her 'whatever' and he talked of Clinton being 'schlonged' in 2008. Trump is as vulgar as he is narcissistic. According to those who love him it is part of his appeal. Strange world.
I prefer "the shiv" or "the Cuban" for Marco.
Give Marco credit. Those kids are wily. They run around like hummingbirds! I should know; I throw stuffed animals at my kids all the time and almost never hit 'em.
don't forget Cannonball
I don't think Romney should have done what he did. He undermined himself, almost suicidal. He should have let the chips fall where they may then resurrected himself at the convention if it came to that.
I cannot get in a mini Cooper
the damn world is shrinking
He undermined himself
he's not running for anything
already said so
just wanted to smack Donnie a little
we all do
he's a pompous ass, it's annoying
Trump's fans are, amazing to say, more sensitive to criticism than the Donald himself. On other sites that allow posters to report abuse, sentences as mild as "I don't support Donald Trump" or "Trump doesn't know what he's talking about" have been reported for abusive language.
I drive a Lexus CT200h.. I think it is a bit better than Cooper. But my 6' nephew can't sit in it (well he can but his head rubs against the top).
That's an interesting observation, ddh.
Trump is not what most people perceive. He's pretty tough. He hits back, but only when it helps him.
He's also pretty aware of his venue. Rubio tried to get under his skin last time around, and Rubio didn't really get the job done. Trump doesn't care enough what other people say about him.
If I were advising Rubio or Cruz, I'd say don't try to attack his tiny little penis or his multiple business failures. Attack his stupidity and ignorance. Those are his weak points.
Check this out, businessmen like Trump
"Though the media have focused on CEOs who vigorously oppose Trump—such as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Hewlett Packard’s Meg Whitman—a survey by Chief Executive earlier this year found Trump leading all Republican candidates with 21 percent of support from top executives, followed closely by Marco Rubio. A recent analysis of campaign-contribution data by the Center for Public Integrity found that, other than retirees, the heaviest concentration of Trump donors were individuals identified as owners, presidents, and CEOs of businesses. Trump has garnered endorsements from some high-profile CEOs, including tech investor Mark Cuban and Marvel Entertainment’s Isaac Perlmutter, but many of the executives donating to Trump own or run small firms out of the national limelight. Some of what they say about Trump—and about politics in general—could hold a lesson for the rest of the GOP.
Trump is a businessman, but he isn’t a Chamber of Commerce type."
Trump is a businessman, but he isn’t a Chamber of Commerce type
Gingrich is saying the same thing now on O'Reilly..
Trump is not what most people perceive. He's pretty tough.
It's like that scene in Rocky 3 where Rocky thought they would fake it for charity, and by the end of it they were hitting him with a chair.
the problem Donnie is going to run into is that he is not actually Hulk Hogan
if it gets to fisticuffs, his run will be over quick
I wish Jeb would have smacked him in the face on the way out
that would have been a nice lesson
take a misdemeanor for the team, Jeb!
worried about getting sued, I guess
it's just money! think about the republic
Attack his stupidity and ignorance.
Or, better, reveal his stupidity and ignorance by getting him to answer actual questions about actual issues.
Trump has succeeded by defining himself in terms of what he is not. This works off the frustration and resentment of voters who have seem establishment politicians ignore them (Romney following suit). When Trump denounces opponents he wins. When he announces positions he loses. Even when his positions please his base, he loses moderates and makes himself a bigger target for his opponents.
Yeah, I'm not too terribly interested in judgments about what's classy from the guy whose reaction to a picture of the hanging bodies of four murdered Americans in Iraq was: "I feel nothing. ... Screw them."
(Them being the American casualties, not the murderers, for those who don't remember and might not be able to believe it.)
A recent analysis of campaign-contribution data by the Center for Public Integrity found that, other than retirees, the heaviest concentration of Trump donors were individuals identified as owners, presidents, and CEOs of businesses.
To hear Trump and his supporters tell it, he's not accepting donations from anybody.
Trump has garnered endorsements from some high-profile CEOs, including tech investor Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban has most certainly not endorsed Trump.
Still no Big Lebowski references. How could Trump talk about his carpet being ruined by a Romney fundraiser and no one realize he was referencing how the rug pulled the room together. The Coens rule. On your knees=whores=rugs.
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