I can see an ad with a clip in which she says that the families of the slain Americans lied about being told the deaths were caused by a video. Cut to representatives of all four families. "First she told us they were killed because of a video, and then lied about doing so. Now, she can't even remember they died. Hillary Clinton is unworthy and unqualified to be president."
"We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted” - Hillary Clinton.
I am not sure if she was talking about Citizen's United, who funded a film critical of her, or the guy she blamed for Benghazi. Probably him, he did go to prison on a flimsy pretext, but she could have been talking about the other filmmaker? But these are not the words of a fascist, noooo.
"We came, we saw, he died" - Hillary Clinton. The farce who launched a thousand refugee ships.
The Libya mess and her seeming inability to recognize any mistakes she made demonstrates her lack of fitness for office. She learned nothing from Iraq, and still has the "must do something" interventionist instinct which is as damaging in domestic policy as it is in foreign policy.
The Trump distraction has taken a lot of focus off of just how incredibly terrible a president Hillary would be. But one of those two is likely our next Commander in Chief.
BTW...Charlie Sykes...in the link, is the leading #nevertrump conservative on Milwaukee talk radio.
I found him when I was still living in Illinois and the Walker protests started. I'm sure there are a lot of listeners like me who think he's become a broken record.
I don't know how Charlie Sykes thinks Ted Cruz can beat Hillary in the general election.
Between Hillary's statement on the state courts, shutting down the coal mines, & now this, you really wonder if she's got as big a case of foot in mouth as The Donald, except that she's got a press that covers for her.
Did I hear about any of the above on NPR? Take a wild, woolly guess....
Yes, she's a horrible candidate and person, and she might win. If there are enough voters who are willing to vote for her, that says more about the voters of this country, than anything about Hillary. If it happens, then it happens. We've been on a downward slide for quite a while. I see no end to it.
Robert Cook: "What about all the Libyans who've been killed, injured, made into homeless refugees?"
This is an incremental step in the right direction. But first, we need you to internalize the murders of over 100Million humans by leftism in the 20th century and then extrapolate that reality with current dem policies.
Give her a break. Maybe she just forgot. Her life is focused on million dollar an hour speech fees and multi-million dollar donors to The Clinton Foundation that her private Server was set up to hide, and hide, and hide. And the old brain injured harridan is not a multi Tasker. Every bribe is matched to an outcome...like selling off Lybia's oil pumping franchise.
What does it matter, at this point in time, what Hillary says or does or thinks or feels? She could campaign solely from her front porch in Chapaqua, speaking only once per week, insulting the nation each time, and she'd still win the presidency.
She has the nomination sewn up via superdelegates pre-assigned to her before the primary contests started. She has the election sewn up via precinct officers in key OH, FL, VA, PA precincts who will insure by vote fraud that she has an unbeatable number of votes in the general election.
She cannot lose, unless she dies or is sent to prison, and even then I'd keep my $100 bet on her stinking corpse until it was interred under a lot of cement or the cell door closed shut after sentencing.
Hillary exists solely to wreak vengeance on the US for the humiliations she suffered as Bill's enabler wife. God have mercy on us all, for Hillary is unstoppable.
tim maguire said... [hush][hide comment] There's already been some solid speculation on what she might have meant--only married people died. They weren't lost, we know where they are.
3/15/16, 8:33 AM
Or she meant "single" as in "one", i.e. "we didn't lose one person" left unsaid is "but we did lose a few". She is a "lieyer" you know..
That clip of Hillary makes me sick April. Look at her exhilaration as she gloats over the death of the guy who was at least keeping order in Libya, who gave up his nuclear ambitions, and often helped the west, not always, but often, especially after Reagan bombed his tent and brought him to Jesus, so to speak.
Hillary! reads cue cards an aide gives her. How else could she praise Nancy Reagan's AIDS accomplishments when interviewed at Reagan's funeral when the Reagans have been lambasted by the LGBT community for their indifference to the AIDS epidemic for years.
Reality is a construct created by Hillary's campaign aides who are apparently unaware of history or current events and they apprise her! of what's what and what she! should say at any given moment.
What I find interesting about the Bernie supporters in my FB feed is that ALL of them are against Hillary only for ideological reasons -- e.g. she's a tool of Wall Street, she voted for the Iraq War.
Not a one of them has a problem with her dubious moral character, except insofar as it shows up in her ideological failings. This is not necessarily true for all Democratic voters, it seems. In a recent primary (New Hampshire?), Democratic voters were asked to pick one word to describe the Democratic candidates. The word most chosen for Sanders was "socialist". The word chosen for Clinton was "dishonest".
@tim in vermont, yes, one would think that the Democrats could do a bit better. It's almost as though the DNC had planned all along to concede the 2016 election to the GOP -- and bless their little hearts, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Reince Priebus seem bent on conceding it right back.
@Althouse, looking at how terrible, how mendacious, how venal, how inept, and how utterly unsuited for office Hillary Clinton is, if she's the very best that American womanhood can do perhaps we should amend the 19th amendment to forbid people with XX chromosomes from holding office at the federal level. However looking at Mia Love and my own Barbara Comstock, perhaps we should amend my amendment to forbid Democrat females from holding office but permit Republican women to hold office.
"Not a one of them has a problem with her dubious moral character, except insofar as it shows up in her ideological failings. This is not necessarily true for all Democratic voters, it seems. In a recent primary (New Hampshire?), Democratic voters were asked to pick one word to describe the Democratic candidates. The word most chosen for Sanders was "socialist". The word chosen for Clinton was "dishonest"."
I don't know about that--considering how few people consider Clinton honest (I last saw that number below 30%) at least some significant number of Sanders supporters (about half the Dem electorate by recent national polling) must also consider her dishonest. Her politics may be more prominently abhorrent to them, but remember a lot of her dishonesty is wrapped up in her corruption with Wall Street.
"That clip of Hillary makes me sick April. Look at her exhilaration as she gloats over the death of the guy who was at least keeping order in Libya, who gave up his nuclear ambitions, and often helped the west, not always, but often, especially after Reagan bombed his tent and brought him to Jesus, so to speak."
Gadaffi (and Saddam Hussein) were tyrants, but far less dangerous than some of the alternatives that could and did replace them. Hillary's gloating over this is not just in poor taste (you can be proud to take someone from power, but it's bad form to cheer on someone's death if they aren't at the "Stalin Monster" level of evil) but shortsighted. Remember, people like Gadaffi had far more to fear from Islamic terrorists than we do--those people may be able to launch terror attacks against us, but they had the ability to actually overthrow people like Gadaffi.
@damikesc (7:49), Obama's War on Coal already turned Appalachia from deep blue to incandescent red. She loses no votes with her statement that weren't already lost.
"Which is why that clip should be blasted over the airways.
Exactly. Kadafi was a bad man, but he was neutralized and cooperating with us. His death was criminal."
I don't know how effective that will be--I agree we should not have enabled his overthrow or gloated at his death (as we ended up with a far worse alternative) but a lot of Americans will associate him with the Lockerbie bombings and Hillary will play on that to establish her "strength".
How else could she praise Nancy Reagan's AIDS accomplishments when interviewed at Reagan's funeral when the Reagans have been lambasted by the LGBT community for their indifference to the AIDS epidemic for years
Only problem with the LGBT community's belief is that it is not based oh reality.
Spending on the behavior-controlled disease increased massively under Reagan (far above what could remotely be justified), in spite of it impacting a small number of people and, again, being easily controlled by behavior (remember, closing the bath houses that were home to considerable amounts of random, gay sex was HIGHLY fought against by the LGBT community)
They didn't even fully discover HIV until 1986. Reagan first mentioned AIDS in 1987...you know, after they got enough information to allow it to be discussed.
Obama's War on Coal already turned Appalachia from deep blue to incandescent red. She loses no votes with her statement that weren't already lost.
Thing is, this mentality is what drives Trump.
There are communities, entire walks of life that Dems now feel do not need to exist. Overwhelmingly, they are focused in poor communities. The Dems stopped paying lip service to giving a shit about the poor.
The LGBT community doesn't know what hell it is talking about.
And Hillary is LARGELY responsible for ISIS. She gave them a home base (She talked Obama into the disastrous Libya policy).
As noted by so many others above thread the fact that the likes of a Hillary Clinton can even be a presidential candidate never mind the presumptive front runner of one of the two major party's is indicative of how damaged this country is. I'm a Pollyanna, I refuse to believe that whomever the Republicans nominate and the includes the boorish buffoon could possibly lose to that grifter and felonious traitor.
Inside word is she's suffered 3 strokes, Huma rooms with her on the campaign trail (stop it guys!) in case she has another.
That's all starting to ring true now. How someone so seasoned could make such a stupid remark with the Bengazi scandal still plaguing her is incredible to me.
In other news, the author of Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining Judith Sheindlin, who makes $47 million a year, is being sued by Richard Lawrence, for a contract dispute.
She replied (with lots of disdain for Pee):
“I met Mr. Lawrence for 2 hours some 21 years ago. Neither I nor anyone involved in the day-to-day production of my program has heard from him in 20 years. Not a card, not a gift, not a flower, not a congratulations. Yet he has somehow received over $17,000,000 from my program. My rudimentary math translates that into $8,500,000 an hour for Mr. Lawrence. Not a bad payday. Now complaining about not getting enough money, that’s real chutzpah!”
Judy created the program Hot Bench and Mr. Lawrence wants a cut of that deal as well.
“Since I have not spoken with Mr. Lawrence in over 20 years to suggest that he had any involvement in my creating Hot Bench is equally laughable.”
47 million. Did you know that that is $23k an hour (40 hour week).
I sure wish I was born Jewish and living in Hollywood... Well, maybe I'm just jealous, because I've really had a good life as a mere pious Catholic...
I think the ads write themselves. I would maybe start with Hillary saying this, then show pictures of the consulate burning and then cut to the caskets. Maybe throw in some parents of her victims saying that to them, their sons weren't no one.
As the campaign wears on, we will see less and less of Hillary. She is too old and frail. These things take a lot out of people. And Hillary doesn't have the get up and go
Whoever is on the Republican side, it'll be an election about them. As Hillary won't be in the public eye too much. Maybe once a month on the Sunday shows, and then an appearance every so often at rallies.
J.Farmer: "No, US and Arab Gulf state foreign policy in Syria and Libya are OVERWHELMINGLY responsible for ISIS."
"ISIS", conceptually, has been around for 1400 years. But it's just sexier to blame it on the US.
Can you believe that prior to 1789 there were no conflicts or problems anywhere around the globe? And that's all because there was no US around to create those problems.
YoungHegelian said...What I find interesting about the Bernie supporters in my FB feed is that ALL of them are against Hillary only for ideological reasons -- e.g. she's a tool of Wall Street, she voted for the Iraq War. Not a one of them has a problem with her dubious moral character, except insofar as it shows up in her ideological failings.
Exactly correct, YH, and it's important to keep in mind. This is why I think the Sanders supporters will ultimately pull for Hillary, while on the other side I think there are actually a substantial number of #NeverTrump-ers who mean it. I'm equally puzzled as to why people don't have a lower opinion of Hillary Clinton--she's definitely earned it. People on the Left, though, seem genuinely to not believe she's an immoral, corrupt incompetent. It's frustrating, but true.
"Exactly correct, YH, and it's important to keep in mind. This is why I think the Sanders supporters will ultimately pull for Hillary, while on the other side I think there are actually a substantial number of #NeverTrump-ers who mean it. I'm equally puzzled as to why people don't have a lower opinion of Hillary Clinton--she's definitely earned it. People on the Left, though, seem genuinely to not believe she's an immoral, corrupt incompetent. It's frustrating, but true."
I think a lot of them will rally around her not because they think she's trustworthy--almost no one can trust a Clinton after their track record--but because they see the GOP as the greater evil. Dems are good at banding together like that. Republicans prefer to burn the house down if they can't paint it the color they prefer.
Libya is a large place, and there was a full scale war there. I suspect quite a few more Americans died there that we never heard about.
And I have always wondered why the government and the media seemed to be so content to keep the fuss going about "that night in Benghazi" and so quick to prevent anyone from straying farther afield asking questions.
""ISIS", conceptually, has been around for 1400 years."
Oh, conceptually. I'm sorry; I thought we were talking about the real world.
"Can you believe that prior to 1789 there were no conflicts or problems anywhere around the globe? And that's all because there was no US around to create those problems."
"And I have always wondered why the government and the media seemed to be so content to keep the fuss going about "that night in Benghazi" and so quick to prevent anyone from straying farther afield asking questions."
In a lot of the Benghazi talk we lost focus of the fact that the entire Libya adventure was a failure--replacing a malleable tyrant who was becoming a lot more cooperative with us (because he had the same enemies, and more to fear from them than we did) with chaos and Islamic extremism. This was the opposite of smart diplomacy, and a lot of innocent people died as a result--never mind the opportunity cost of not having a more stable regime there that we could have worked with. Now the thugs have oil--wonderful!
J. Farmer: "Oh, conceptually. I'm sorry; I thought we were talking about the real world."
We are dummy.
ISIS exists as a throwback to the very beginning of the Sunni-Shia conflict and the methods used then.
Sorry if that was too much reality for you. Feel free to crawl back into your little "it's Americas fault!!" cave.
J. Farmer: "Great job countering an argument nobody has made"
You asserted that ISIS exists as a result of US policy. Which is wrong. Since everything ISIS represents and the methods it employs precedes the existence of the US by about 1200 years.
BTW, the very governing model template that ISIS/ISIL (but really "al-Dawlat al-Islamiyah") is attempting to re-establish is that which governed the first caliphate in 632AD to 661AD.
But what fun is it talking about that when there is no US policy to blame?
But good to see that the death of her friend impacted her.
That Ambassador Chris Stevens wa sa friend of hers, was, I strongly suspect, a BIG LIE, repeated over and over again by soem Demoocarts and others. I don't believe the slightest evidence was adduced to support that.
The Republicans on the Benghazi committee did not have the guts to challenge that point, although one brought out that he didn't have her secret e-mail address and none of his concerns about security in Libya ever got to her.
Hillary failed her own 3 AM call. Says Libya was a success, I guess, cause no American got killed ('cept her own Ambassador and other American folks and a million or so Libyans.)
A success where ISIS runs the show and Tripoli looks like Beirut Lebanon.
You know, a few more 'successes' like this and we will be invaded (and not by just Mexicans.)
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८५ टिप्पण्या:
She so plans.to drive coal out of business.
She's an amazingly awful candidate.
But good to see that the death of her friend impacted her.
Well, they got the bodies back. So I guess technically she's right.
As important as those four lives were, the damage that Zero, The Vagina and Merkel's Boner have done to Europe will take centuries to undo.
I can see an ad with a clip in which she says that the families of the slain Americans lied about being told the deaths were caused by a video. Cut to representatives of all four families. "First she told us they were killed because of a video, and then lied about doing so. Now, she can't even remember they died. Hillary Clinton is unworthy and unqualified to be president."
So she lies about that too. Color me surprised.
Curious George: That made me laugh, just a bit.
Between this, the coal, and the pandering to Sandra Bland's family, Hillary is lucky Bernie Sanders supporters keep Donald Trump rallies in the news.
Depends on the meaning of "single".
Gsorge beat me to it
Parse carefully. We didn't "lose" anyone. We knew where they were at all time. Both alive and dead.
What adespicable person that cunt is.
John henry
"We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted” - Hillary Clinton.
I am not sure if she was talking about Citizen's United, who funded a film critical of her, or the guy she blamed for Benghazi. Probably him, he did go to prison on a flimsy pretext, but she could have been talking about the other filmmaker? But these are not the words of a fascist, noooo.
"We came, we saw, he died" - Hillary Clinton. The farce who launched a thousand refugee ships.
I would vote for Trump in a hearbeat if he would promise to ask her how she felt about Obama calling her stategery in Libya a "shit show."
The Libya mess and her seeming inability to recognize any mistakes she made demonstrates her lack of fitness for office. She learned nothing from Iraq, and still has the "must do something" interventionist instinct which is as damaging in domestic policy as it is in foreign policy.
The Trump distraction has taken a lot of focus off of just how incredibly terrible a president Hillary would be. But one of those two is likely our next Commander in Chief.
It's like she's filming Trump's commercials for the general election.
"We're going to put a lot of coal miners out of work..." Tell that to their daughters.
Blogger CStanley said...Depends on the meaning of "single".
Or, knowing Clinton-speak it might depend on the meaning of "lose" or "person", or for that matter, "we".
What about all the Libyans who've been killed, injured, made into homeless refugees?
BTW...Charlie Sykes...in the link, is the leading #nevertrump conservative on Milwaukee talk radio.
I found him when I was still living in Illinois and the Walker protests started. I'm sure there are a lot of listeners like me who think he's become a broken record.
I don't know how Charlie Sykes thinks Ted Cruz can beat Hillary in the general election.
What a horrible, horrible candidate and person.
And she might win.
Between Hillary's statement on the state courts, shutting down the coal mines, & now this, you really wonder if she's got as big a case of foot in mouth as The Donald, except that she's got a press that covers for her.
Did I hear about any of the above on NPR? Take a wild, woolly guess....
Yes, she's a horrible candidate and person, and she might win. If there are enough voters who are willing to vote for her, that says more about the voters of this country, than anything about Hillary. If it happens, then it happens. We've been on a downward slide for quite a while. I see no end to it.
When Hillary says "We didn't lose a single person in Libya" she means Democrat voters.
Bob Boyd: "When Hillary says "We didn't lose a single person in Libya" she means Democrat voters"
Since when has death been an impediment for dem voting?
Robert Cook: "What about all the Libyans who've been killed, injured, made into homeless refugees?"
This is an incremental step in the right direction. But first, we need you to internalize the murders of over 100Million humans by leftism in the 20th century and then extrapolate that reality with current dem policies.
Start there and get back with us.
There's already been some solid speculation on what she might have meant--only married people died. They weren't lost, we know where they are.
what a despicable human being.
Give her a break. Maybe she just forgot. Her life is focused on million dollar an hour speech fees and multi-million dollar donors to The Clinton Foundation that her private Server was set up to hide, and hide, and hide. And the old brain injured harridan is not a multi Tasker. Every bribe is matched to an outcome...like selling off Lybia's oil pumping franchise.
What does it matter, at this point in time, what Hillary says or does or thinks or feels? She could campaign solely from her front porch in Chapaqua, speaking only once per week, insulting the nation each time, and she'd still win the presidency.
She has the nomination sewn up via superdelegates pre-assigned to her before the primary contests started. She has the election sewn up via precinct officers in key OH, FL, VA, PA precincts who will insure by vote fraud that she has an unbeatable number of votes in the general election.
She cannot lose, unless she dies or is sent to prison, and even then I'd keep my $100 bet on her stinking corpse until it was interred under a lot of cement or the cell door closed shut after sentencing.
Hillary exists solely to wreak vengeance on the US for the humiliations she suffered as Bill's enabler wife. God have mercy on us all, for Hillary is unstoppable.
@Robert Cook
"What about all the Libyans who've been killed, injured, made into homeless refugees?"
Yes, and Ambassador Stevens and Tyrone Woods and his team and all the folks mudered by the rise of ISIS ( mostly Syria and Iraq, but some Lbya).
Hillary is a dangerous liar.
Europe wants Hillary in charge of the US military so they can have more and bigger refugee crises in the future.
tim maguire said... [hush][hide comment]
There's already been some solid speculation on what she might have meant--only married people died. They weren't lost, we know where they are.
3/15/16, 8:33 AM
Or she meant "single" as in "one", i.e. "we didn't lose one person" left unsaid is "but we did lose a few". She is a "lieyer" you know..
Tim -
Like this?
That clip of Hillary makes me sick April. Look at her exhilaration as she gloats over the death of the guy who was at least keeping order in Libya, who gave up his nuclear ambitions, and often helped the west, not always, but often, especially after Reagan bombed his tent and brought him to Jesus, so to speak.
I can't believe that she is the best that the oldest political party in the oldest democracy can do.
Hillary! reads cue cards an aide gives her. How else could she praise Nancy Reagan's AIDS accomplishments when interviewed at Reagan's funeral when the Reagans have been lambasted by the LGBT community for their indifference to the AIDS epidemic for years.
Reality is a construct created by Hillary's campaign aides who are apparently unaware of history or current events and they apprise her! of what's what and what she! should say at any given moment.
She's Martha Coakley II. Nobody thought Scott Brown could beat her...then he did and.everybody noticed that she was a horrendous candidate.
This is Hillary's future.
when the Reagans have been lambasted by the LGBT community for their indifference to the AIDS epidemic for years.
In her defense, she probably assigns those groups the same level of credibility that I do.
What I find interesting about the Bernie supporters in my FB feed is that ALL of them are against Hillary only for ideological reasons -- e.g. she's a tool of Wall Street, she voted for the Iraq War.
Not a one of them has a problem with her dubious moral character, except insofar as it shows up in her ideological failings. This is not necessarily true for all Democratic voters, it seems. In a recent primary (New Hampshire?), Democratic voters were asked to pick one word to describe the Democratic candidates. The word most chosen for Sanders was "socialist". The word chosen for Clinton was "dishonest".
@tim in vermont, yes, one would think that the Democrats could do a bit better. It's almost as though the DNC had planned all along to concede the 2016 election to the GOP -- and bless their little hearts, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Reince Priebus seem bent on conceding it right back.
@Althouse, looking at how terrible, how mendacious, how venal, how inept, and how utterly unsuited for office Hillary Clinton is, if she's the very best that American womanhood can do perhaps we should amend the 19th amendment to forbid people with XX chromosomes from holding office at the federal level. However looking at Mia Love and my own Barbara Comstock, perhaps we should amend my amendment to forbid Democrat females from holding office but permit Republican women to hold office.
Tim 9:02 - Makes me sick too. Which is why that clip should be blasted over the airways.
Exactly. Kadafi was a bad man, but he was neutralized and cooperating with us. His death was criminal.
"Not a one of them has a problem with her dubious moral character, except insofar as it shows up in her ideological failings. This is not necessarily true for all Democratic voters, it seems. In a recent primary (New Hampshire?), Democratic voters were asked to pick one word to describe the Democratic candidates. The word most chosen for Sanders was "socialist". The word chosen for Clinton was "dishonest"."
I don't know about that--considering how few people consider Clinton honest (I last saw that number below 30%) at least some significant number of Sanders supporters (about half the Dem electorate by recent national polling) must also consider her dishonest. Her politics may be more prominently abhorrent to them, but remember a lot of her dishonesty is wrapped up in her corruption with Wall Street.
"That clip of Hillary makes me sick April. Look at her exhilaration as she gloats over the death of the guy who was at least keeping order in Libya, who gave up his nuclear ambitions, and often helped the west, not always, but often, especially after Reagan bombed his tent and brought him to Jesus, so to speak."
Gadaffi (and Saddam Hussein) were tyrants, but far less dangerous than some of the alternatives that could and did replace them. Hillary's gloating over this is not just in poor taste (you can be proud to take someone from power, but it's bad form to cheer on someone's death if they aren't at the "Stalin Monster" level of evil) but shortsighted. Remember, people like Gadaffi had far more to fear from Islamic terrorists than we do--those people may be able to launch terror attacks against us, but they had the ability to actually overthrow people like Gadaffi.
@damikesc (7:49), Obama's War on Coal already turned Appalachia from deep blue to incandescent red. She loses no votes with her statement that weren't already lost.
If Hillary was willing to lie right to the faces of the families and mothers of the Benghazi victims, perhaps she doesn't see them as human.
Maybe her statement is true in a Freudian slip sort of way.
You now, it shows so much respect for women when you lie to mothers about the deaths of their sons.
Wow! And don't forget they've been "voting" in Iraq too - has's that going?
"Which is why that clip should be blasted over the airways.
Exactly. Kadafi was a bad man, but he was neutralized and cooperating with us. His death was criminal."
I don't know how effective that will be--I agree we should not have enabled his overthrow or gloated at his death (as we ended up with a far worse alternative) but a lot of Americans will associate him with the Lockerbie bombings and Hillary will play on that to establish her "strength".
... to topple Gadhafi. Afterwards, sure, but at this point, what difference does it make?
There's a reason Clinton is the preferred neocon candidate. They love her tendency to shoot first and ask questions later.
How else could she praise Nancy Reagan's AIDS accomplishments when interviewed at Reagan's funeral when the Reagans have been lambasted by the LGBT community for their indifference to the AIDS epidemic for years
Only problem with the LGBT community's belief is that it is not based oh reality.
Spending on the behavior-controlled disease increased massively under Reagan (far above what could remotely be justified), in spite of it impacting a small number of people and, again, being easily controlled by behavior (remember, closing the bath houses that were home to considerable amounts of random, gay sex was HIGHLY fought against by the LGBT community)
They didn't even fully discover HIV until 1986. Reagan first mentioned AIDS in 1987...you know, after they got enough information to allow it to be discussed.
Obama's War on Coal already turned Appalachia from deep blue to incandescent red. She loses no votes with her statement that weren't already lost.
Thing is, this mentality is what drives Trump.
There are communities, entire walks of life that Dems now feel do not need to exist. Overwhelmingly, they are focused in poor communities. The Dems stopped paying lip service to giving a shit about the poor.
The LGBT community doesn't know what hell it is talking about.
And Hillary is LARGELY responsible for ISIS. She gave them a home base (She talked Obama into the disastrous Libya policy).
"And Hillary is LARGELY responsible for ISIS."
No, US and Arab Gulf state foreign policy in Syria and Libya are OVERWHELMINGLY responsible for ISIS.
She meant to say, we didn't lose a single woman. Give her a break, she's very old now.
"Give her a break, she's very old now."
She's a year younger than Trump.
She's a year younger than Trump
She hides it well.
As noted by so many others above thread the fact that the likes of a Hillary Clinton can even be a presidential candidate never mind the presumptive front runner of one of the two major party's is indicative of how damaged this country is. I'm a Pollyanna, I refuse to believe that whomever the Republicans nominate and the includes the boorish buffoon could possibly lose to that grifter and felonious traitor.
It depends on what the meaning of "person" is.
@tim in vermont:
"She hides it well."
Inside word is she's suffered 3 strokes, Huma rooms with her on the campaign trail (stop it guys!) in case she has another.
That's all starting to ring true now. How someone so seasoned could make such a stupid remark with the Bengazi scandal still plaguing her is incredible to me.
the Reagans have been lambasted by the LGBT community for their indifference to the AIDS epidemic for years
Contrasted with all the love the LGBTs showed Bush for the millions of lives he saved fighting AIDS in Africa....
"The Left doesn't really believe in the things they lecture the rest of us about."
My mother never got really deep philosophically, but she did advise me to: never trust, or have sex, with any woman who wears a moo-moo.
We didnt lose a single person. No one important at any rate.
In other news, the author of Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining Judith Sheindlin, who makes $47 million a year, is being sued by Richard Lawrence, for a contract dispute.
She replied (with lots of disdain for Pee):
“I met Mr. Lawrence for 2 hours some 21 years ago. Neither I nor anyone involved in the day-to-day production of my program has heard from him in 20 years. Not a card, not a gift, not a flower, not a congratulations. Yet he has somehow received over $17,000,000 from my program. My rudimentary math translates that into $8,500,000 an hour for Mr. Lawrence. Not a bad payday. Now complaining about not getting enough money, that’s real chutzpah!”
Judy created the program Hot Bench and Mr. Lawrence wants a cut of that deal as well.
“Since I have not spoken with Mr. Lawrence in over 20 years to suggest that he had any involvement in my creating Hot Bench is equally laughable.”
47 million. Did you know that that is $23k an hour (40 hour week).
I sure wish I was born Jewish and living in Hollywood... Well, maybe I'm just jealous, because I've really had a good life as a mere pious Catholic...
Forgetfulness is a sign of early dementia. But then the Hildebeest has been a crazy old sow for years now. And that is on her good days.
"Did you know that that is $23k an hour (40 hour week)"
Sheindlin actually makes a lot more than that, since her show only tapes about 50 days out of the year.
Hillary Lied, people died. Honest they did Hillary, they died.
"My mother never got really deep philosophically, but she did advise me to: never trust, or have sex, with any woman who wears a moo-moo."
That's what Bill says too:)
I think the ads write themselves. I would maybe start with Hillary saying this, then show pictures of the consulate burning and then cut to the caskets. Maybe throw in some parents of her victims saying that to them, their sons weren't no one.
This is idiotic on her side.
No, US and Arab Gulf state foreign policy in Syria and Libya are OVERWHELMINGLY responsible for ISIS.
She WAS the policy for Libya (again, her own emails have her bragging of talking Obama into her policy). And largely responsible for Syria.
This is on her. Time to hold her accountable.
Give a bunch of terrorists a stronghold to grow from and you get ISIS.
Contrasted with all the love the LGBTs showed Bush for the millions of lives he saved fighting AIDS in Africa....
Excellent point.
Yeah, Hillery's personal motto must be: "Out of Sight, Out of Mind." Non-persons indeed...after all, "At this point..."
As the campaign wears on, we will see less and less of Hillary. She is too old and frail. These things take a lot out of people. And Hillary doesn't have the get up and go
Whoever is on the Republican side, it'll be an election about them. As Hillary won't be in the public eye too much. Maybe once a month on the Sunday shows, and then an appearance every so often at rallies.
J.Farmer: "No, US and Arab Gulf state foreign policy in Syria and Libya are OVERWHELMINGLY responsible for ISIS."
"ISIS", conceptually, has been around for 1400 years. But it's just sexier to blame it on the US.
Can you believe that prior to 1789 there were no conflicts or problems anywhere around the globe? And that's all because there was no US around to create those problems.
Contrasted with all the love the LGBTs showed Bush for the millions of lives he saved fighting AIDS in Africa....
Um, most of those suffering from AIDS in Africa are straight or pre-sexual children. You know, nobody important.
Pretty stupid statement, seeing as how there are pictures of Hillary standing by the 4 coffins of the guys we lost in Libya due to her policies.
YoungHegelian said...What I find interesting about the Bernie supporters in my FB feed is that ALL of them are against Hillary only for ideological reasons -- e.g. she's a tool of Wall Street, she voted for the Iraq War.
Not a one of them has a problem with her dubious moral character, except insofar as it shows up in her ideological failings.
Exactly correct, YH, and it's important to keep in mind. This is why I think the Sanders supporters will ultimately pull for Hillary, while on the other side I think there are actually a substantial number of #NeverTrump-ers who mean it.
I'm equally puzzled as to why people don't have a lower opinion of Hillary Clinton--she's definitely earned it. People on the Left, though, seem genuinely to not believe she's an immoral, corrupt incompetent. It's frustrating, but true.
"Exactly correct, YH, and it's important to keep in mind. This is why I think the Sanders supporters will ultimately pull for Hillary, while on the other side I think there are actually a substantial number of #NeverTrump-ers who mean it.
I'm equally puzzled as to why people don't have a lower opinion of Hillary Clinton--she's definitely earned it. People on the Left, though, seem genuinely to not believe she's an immoral, corrupt incompetent. It's frustrating, but true."
I think a lot of them will rally around her not because they think she's trustworthy--almost no one can trust a Clinton after their track record--but because they see the GOP as the greater evil. Dems are good at banding together like that. Republicans prefer to burn the house down if they can't paint it the color they prefer.
Libya is a large place, and there was a full scale war there. I suspect quite a few more Americans died there that we never heard about.
And I have always wondered why the government and the media seemed to be so content to keep the fuss going about "that night in Benghazi" and so quick to prevent anyone from straying farther afield asking questions.
""ISIS", conceptually, has been around for 1400 years."
Oh, conceptually. I'm sorry; I thought we were talking about the real world.
"Can you believe that prior to 1789 there were no conflicts or problems anywhere around the globe? And that's all because there was no US around to create those problems."
Great job countering an argument nobody has made.
"And I have always wondered why the government and the media seemed to be so content to keep the fuss going about "that night in Benghazi" and so quick to prevent anyone from straying farther afield asking questions."
In a lot of the Benghazi talk we lost focus of the fact that the entire Libya adventure was a failure--replacing a malleable tyrant who was becoming a lot more cooperative with us (because he had the same enemies, and more to fear from them than we did) with chaos and Islamic extremism. This was the opposite of smart diplomacy, and a lot of innocent people died as a result--never mind the opportunity cost of not having a more stable regime there that we could have worked with. Now the thugs have oil--wonderful!
Nate Silver says there's a 90% chance that nobody in the mainstream media will ask her about this.
J. Farmer: "Oh, conceptually. I'm sorry; I thought we were talking about the real world."
We are dummy.
ISIS exists as a throwback to the very beginning of the Sunni-Shia conflict and the methods used then.
Sorry if that was too much reality for you. Feel free to crawl back into your little "it's Americas fault!!" cave.
J. Farmer: "Great job countering an argument nobody has made"
You asserted that ISIS exists as a result of US policy. Which is wrong. Since everything ISIS represents and the methods it employs precedes the existence of the US by about 1200 years.
Thanks for playing.
BTW, the very governing model template that ISIS/ISIL (but really "al-Dawlat al-Islamiyah") is attempting to re-establish is that which governed the first caliphate in 632AD to 661AD.
But what fun is it talking about that when there is no US policy to blame?
we didn't lose a single person" in Libya.
Well, not in combat, and not in 2011.
The people in benghazi were killed in an act of terrorism, not in an act of war.
damikesc said...3/15/16, 7:49 AM
But good to see that the death of her friend impacted her.
That Ambassador Chris Stevens wa sa friend of hers, was, I strongly suspect, a BIG LIE, repeated over and over again by soem Demoocarts and others. I don't believe the slightest evidence was adduced to support that.
The Republicans on the Benghazi committee did not have the guts to challenge that point, although one brought out that he didn't have her secret e-mail address and none of his concerns about security in Libya ever got to her.
tim in vermont said...3/15/16, 10:09 AM
"She's a year younger than Trump
She hides it well."
She didn't use to, but she got better make-up people. Now she looks 55 or so. If it suited her to look 40, she could probably do that, too.
Beg to differ, Sammy.
This "terrorism" tag was a big mistake by George W. This is war and we are under siege.
By the same token, Hillary doesn't remember shitting herself this morning, either.
Hillary failed her own 3 AM call. Says Libya was a success, I guess, cause no American got killed ('cept her own Ambassador and other American folks and a million or so Libyans.)
A success where ISIS runs the show and Tripoli looks like Beirut Lebanon.
You know, a few more 'successes' like this and we will be invaded (and not by just Mexicans.)
It all depends on the definition of "we" doesn't it? Precedent.
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