March 8, 2016

"Hey, it's International Women's Day and someone left a used sanitary napkin on our front walk!"

Said Meade, just now.

ME: "Lightly used or heavily used?"

MEADE: "Want me to take a picture of it so you can use it on your blog?"

ME: "Yes."

100% guaranteed dialogue. Meade proceeded to leave the house. I'm not currently in possession of a photograph, but I will say I am nauseated. Lightly nauseated.

UPDATE: Meade does the photography, then comes inside to check the city's website to determine if the item is considered a recyclable.


His photos follow a let's-take-a-closer-look sequence...


... and I comment: "Oh, used side down."


mccullough said...

Sounds like a microaggression against transwomen.

Meade said...

A stay-free mini aggression.

Bay Area Guy said...

Was it left by some IWD stalwart trying to force you to take notice or by a critic of IWD, trying to mock them?

It's very hard to tell in these circumstances, but I would bet on the former.

It'd be real nice if these International Women paid some attention to the forced child marriages in the Middle East, forced human trafficking of young girls in East Africa, and the genital mutilation practices of Muslim and African cultures.

They could actually do some good, if they re-focused their energies on, you know, actual international women and the actual problems they face.

Curious George said...

Do we really need a day for snooty international women?

rhhardin said...

Nobody ever bothers my winter biking hat in the grocery basket owing to the maxipad.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I thought it was National Pancake Day.

Pamela said...

It also sounds like something a dog would do. Dig it out of the garbage .....

Todd said...

There would seem to be one of three possibilities:

a) You were "targeted" by someone with a used sanitary napkin.
b) Meade was "targeted" by someone with a used sanitary napkin.
c) It was a random act by someone needing to discard a used sanitary napkin and you had the misfortune of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Not sure which of these three possibilities is the most disturbing...

David said...

Hate crime for sure.

Meade said...

In all fairness, there was also a crushed empty Miller Lite can next to it.

rhhardin said...

I thought women's month was in April or May.

traditionalguy said...

Has Meghan Kelly been stalking you?

I'd sue Fox News and see if they will settle. You see how much Erin Kelly got just for embarrassment.

Curious George said...

Seems like someone won't be wind surfing or riding horseback today.

Curious George said...

"Meade said...
In all fairness, there was also a crushed empty Miller Lite can next to it."

In all fairness to who?

Meade said...

... and I comment: "Oh, used side down."

And I mutter a reply: "how would I know?

Meade said...

"In all fairness to who?"

to the Brewers.

Ann Althouse said...

"It also sounds like something a dog would do. Dig it out of the garbage ....."

The outdoor garbage bins in Madison are huge heavy things with heavy lids. No dog could get into the outdoor garbage bin. There was also a crushed Miller Lite can on the lawn within a few feet of the pad.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If I was a sociologist, I would do an experiment.
Leave a wallet on the sidewalk where it will be seen.
Measure the average time it takes before someone picks it up.
Repeat the experiment, but this time put an unused sanitary napkin next to the wallet.
Measure the average time it takes before someone picks it up.
Now start moving the sanitary further from the wallet in 10cm increments, measuring the average time it takes before someone picks up the wallet.
This would be real science, because you could actually come up with a function that describes 'fem ookiness vs. capitalist greed.' You could graph it.

Will Cate said...

Note to self: do not browse Althouse while eating lunch.

rhhardin said...

It doesn't look used at all to me. It still has part of the stickum-covering paper on it.

Used it would be a biohazard.

damikesc said...

"Deadpool" handled Intl Women's Day the right way.

Saint Croix said...

Has Meghan Kelly been stalking you?

Oh yeah, because she's the weird one.

Now we know how Little Baby Satan will attack his critics. By leaving sanitary napkins in front of their house!

madAsHell said...

Is someone trying to send you a message?
I mean....what happened to the burning cross in the front yard?...or the noose hanging from the mail box?

Rob said...

A crushed Miller Lite can and a used sanitary napkin. Date night in Madison.

Meade said...

"It doesn't look used at all to me."

Finally — an expert in fem-forensics. Thanks!

Saint Croix said...

If you had a big dog named Marco, this sort of sneaky behavior would not get very far.


Meade said...

"Date night in Madison."


Saint Croix said...

oh sure, blame the dog!

now they're going after man's best friend

when will this evil stop?!

Birches said...

Rhhardin is right, thank goodness. Still, I'd find the thickest gloves I could find before I attempted disposal.


pm317 said...

Celebrate the women, dammit!

mccullough said...

Is this a common thing in Madison like throwing a pair of shoes tied to each other by the laces over a phone line?

Or is this like Madison version of an IED?

pm317 said...

LOL, the used side is upside down and how soiled it is is a mystery..BTW, this is not as nauseating as that white stuff on Cruz's lips (that still makes me want to throw up after I inadvertently saw a pic of it).

Anonymous said...

National Senior Citizens Day will be Aug. 21. You might want to be out of town when the used Depends turns up on your front walk.

Bob Ellison said...

eBay it.

$9,000,000,000 Write Off said...

You two are so lovably weird.

jaydub said...

Melissa Harris-Perry could make a really nice brooch out of that.

Ken B said...

"In all fairness, there was also a crushed empty Miller Lite can next to it."

No pic? Why so prudish?

FullMoon said...

You are an artist, do something interesting with it!

Meade said...

"No pic? Why so prudish?"

You're gonna make me dig it out of the recycling bin, stage, and photograph it? Sheesh — the things I have to do to keep you pesky commenters happy.

Here — a facsimile. Now stop bothering me, I'm busy trying celebrate Internationale Womens Day.

MAJMike said...


The struggle is real!

Bob Boyd said...

Somebody was staggering around Madison in the wee hours of International Women's Day, clutching a sanitary napkin in one hand and a can of beer in the other.
Is Caitlyn Jenner in town?

Meade said...

"Is Caitlyn Jenner in town?"

Ooh... I'm afraid maybe she is:

Bob Boyd said...

If it was Jenner's napkin, there won't be any blood on it, only ball sweat and tears.

Clayton Hennesey said...

This raises the philosophical question of whether, if used sanitary napkins would be recyclable, would not used toilet tissue as well?

Has a whole new vista for saving the planet just revealed itself?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

As long as it was paid for by taxpayers I don't see what the problem could be. Is your male space too good for this type of trash, man? Isn't it your duty to pick up after women? Your complaints are problematic, gendered as they are.
Work on it.

Todd said...

Meade said...
"No pic? Why so prudish?"

You're gonna make me dig it out of the recycling bin, stage, and photograph it? Sheesh — the things I have to do to keep you pesky commenters happy.

Here — a facsimile. Now stop bothering me, I'm busy trying celebrate Internationale Womens Day.

3/8/16, 11:32 AM


- Shaving your legs?
- Getting "something" waxed?
- Changing your mind?
- Couch, bonbons, and soaps?
- Not making someone a sandwich?

I kid, I KID!

Mountain Maven said...

Ann you are as nuts as the woman who left it there.

Meade said...

"Work on it."

And you know I will. But you know what would really help me work on it?
Unpaid Male MicroAggression Ticket Resolution Day. Especially if you provide guys like me with translators who will be on hand for those who don't talk English very well. Thanks for your support!

HoodlumDoodlum said...

It was a truly eye opening experience (pardon the expression) as a freshman in college seeing all the attractive, well dressed, drunk sorority girls lining up to squat to pee in the (open) small bamboo grove next to my dorm's parking lot on game day.
There's nothing that knocks one's on-a-pedestal view of attractive women down quite so quickly as spending time with them.
Women can be pretty darn gross. Ever clean gender segregated bathrooms at a retail store or restaurant?

Meade said...

"I kid, I KID!"

I chuckle, I CHUCKLE!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

It seems like women would be past the need for the patronizing "Day" thing by now.

MathMom said...

jaydub wins the thread.

Humperdink said...

International Women'S Day? Is there another one in 28 days?

Coconuss Network said...

August 21. That's funny, although still in essence, kind of sad. Sad that a person would need 'em, and sad that they would Drumpf them. I mean dump them.

rhhardin said...

- Margaret.

- Yes?

- I'm not gonna marry you.

- Sure you are. Because if you don't marry me, your dreams of touching the lives of millions with the written word are dead. Bob is gonna fire you the second I'm gone. Guaranteed. That means you're out on the street alone looking for a job. That means all the time that we spent together, all the lattes, all the canceled dates, all the midnight Tampax runs, were all for nothing and all your dreams of being an editor are gone. But don't worry, after the required allotment of time, we'll get a quickie divorce and you'll be done with me. But until then, like it or not, your wagon is hitched to mine. OK?

- The Proposal

Charlie Currie said...

In a hospital or doctor's office, anything with bodily fluids on it, especially blood, is considered hazardous material and must be disposed of in the proper receptacle.

Better call the city hazmat team.

David said...

No more complaining about Trump's penis jokes please.

Ken B said...

"No more complaining about Trump's penis jokes please."

They weren't Trump's jokes. They were Rubio's.

Sammy Finkelman said...

Are you sure it wasn't blown there by the wind? (from a household garbage can)

Snark said...

It's 'I' shaped. And it's a pad. If you shot it with an iPhone I've just overdosed on Meta for the day.

Anonymous said...

That's a micro aggression in Madison isn't it?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Perhaps it fell out of a fifteen tree that was passing by?
I wondered what was past "unmentionable."
The dictionary says the first thing past "unmentionable" is "unmercantile", so I guess Ebaying it is out of the question.

holdfast said...

After seeing Deadpool, just hearing about International Women's Day causes me to involuntarily clench my ring-piece.

Damn you Ryan Reynolds!

walter said...

Gratuitous blog padding.

Danno said...

Knowing this is Madison, I would think this is a trail left by some Townies.

Kate said...

I have a piercing memory of walking home from grade school (in the early 70's) and seeing a used kotex on the ground of an empty lot. Other trash was loosely strewn as if a garbage bag had torn. This was before disposable diapers were common; evidence of body waste discarded so openly was unique and frightening.

My gosh, I think I've been triggered! So that's how it feels...

Big Mike said...

First of all, every day should be women's day.

No dog could get into the outdoor garbage bin.

@Althouse, go read Marley and Me by John Grogan. Or in a pinch, check out the Owen Wilson-Jennifer Aniston movie (both available from Amazon via the Althouse portal). When it comes to mischief, dogs can be very ingenious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Someone must have known he was a douchebag.

gg6 said...

hey, this is a really pathetic post and so unlike you......

Titus said...

Disgusting. I saw a women, from a distance, on the beach pull out her dirty rag...and then a dog stopped by and ate the thing.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Likely someone just dropped it accidentally. Have you sent Meade to check with the neighbors?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think it was intentional.

Anonymous said...

It was a truly eye opening experience (pardon the expression) as a freshman in college seeing all the attractive, well dressed, drunk sorority girls lining up to squat to pee in the (open) small bamboo grove next to my dorm's parking lot on game day.

There are hundreds of videos on Tumblr showing that sort of thing, and ... oh wait, I'm not supposed to be watching them. Never mind.


Lewis Wetzel said...

I think women should use money as sanitary napkins. Then instead of people getting grossed out when they found the litter, they would say "This is my lucky day!"

"Look! There's a wad of fifties! This must be a good neighborhood!"

Meade said...

"Likely someone just dropped it accidentally. Have you sent Meade to check with the neighbors? "

I'm sure all the neighbors read the blog. Maybe the owner will email me.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Meade wrote:
But you know what would really help me work on it?
Unpaid Male MicroAggression Ticket Resolution Day.

I had a parking ticket I didn't pay, but it wasn't my fault.
I had a '73 'Cuda, 326, 4 speed, side pipes, positraction, and a pair of Mickey Thompson L-60 15's mounted on aluminum mags in the back. Sweet. But it had hidden wipers, and I parked poorly by the pavilion on Lake Harriet. I got no ticket -- I thought -- and then Hennepin county mailed me a letter saying I was a scofflaw and had to go to court & pay this damn parking ticket I never got!
I knew what happened. The lazy cop couldn't find the wiper to tuck the ticket under so he shredded it. Bastard.
So I went to court and the judge asked me why I didn't pay the ticket, and I opened my mouth to tell him about the '73 'Cuda with the big tires and the hidden wipers and I suddenly realized this would make the judge think I was white trash with no class.
Thinking quickly, I told him that I must have thrown it away because I thought it was receipt for GREY POUPON mustard I buy all the time.
That stuck-up judge looked down at me and said "I think you mean 'French's'" and fined me a hundred and fifty bucks.
That was the day I became a Republican.

Fen said...

All of these Awareness Days and History Months for the approved Victim Class do nothing more than scream the inferiority of these groups. If you have a need to constantly remind people your are their equal, then you are not.

One day, skin color will be no more important than hair color. And one day, when a women does something great, no one will need to remind the world "see? Women ARE equal to men!" to prop women up. Woman will never be regarded as equal to men as long as its no longer noteworthy that a woman did something of consequence.

I don't know though. After 40 years of watching women get the equivalent of a Participation Trophy for BenchWarmers, at some point it becomes evident they are NOT equal to men, because they need these constant affirmations and cheerleading.

I keep going back to History. For as long as our species has existed, men have easily dominated and oppressed women. For thousands and thousands of years. From the first day we learned to walk upright. That doesn't mean women shouldn't be TREATED as equals with regards to Rights and opportunity, but this fiction that women are equal to men is wearing thin.

Anonymous said...

In response to this blatant microaggression in Madison, the president of the University of Wisconsin needs to resign (after reducing required homework to three hours per week).

averagejoe said...

The work of Klumpp and Kastratia?

JAORE said...

Meade ... comes inside to check the city's website to determine if the item is considered a recyclable.

Hahahahahahahaha. Oh my. Thank you for that gem.

Meade said...

"Thank you for that gem."

You're welcome. Thanks to all who got all the (admittedly low-brow) humor.

Meade said...

"One day, skin color will be no more important than hair color."

Fen has a dream that he will one day live in a nation where he will not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the color of his hair. Fen has a dream today!

JAORE said...

"One day, skin color will be no more important than hair color."

Tell it to the Gingers.

Fen said...

LOL. I see you are still buthurt from that last thread.

No worries, Ann is front-paging your "mommy" remark to boost your self-esteem.

Have you thought about seeing a marriage counselor? Or maybe a life coach?

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