This is nice, with applause as he arrives:
The video was sent to me by someone who doesn't want to be named. I put it up on YouTube, with permission.
Here's the menu at L'Etoile. The entrance, where the clapping takes place, is for 2 restaurants. L'Etoile is the fancy side. The other restaurant is Graze, which is cheaper and more casual and doesn't take reservation. I think the clapping is coming from people waiting to get into Graze on this Saturday night.
Congratulations to Bernie Sanders for his big wins today in Washington and Alaska, and I hope he enjoyed his time in our city. (And let's see some others show up in Madison.)
१४९ टिप्पण्या:
All caucus states. Why can't he win a regular primary if he is so popular?
Madison feeling the Bern!
Where are the permission slips for every single diner you used as a prop in this film?
Bernie enjoys living like a one-percenter.
It's good to see Bernie going out of his way to shake off that Northeastern Liberal "Above All You Peons in Flyover Country" stereotype by going to eat at a normal person's establishment like any of dozens of Supper Clubs
Essen Haus
I, as a resider of three WA addresses, can report that on Friday there were at least a dozen Berners with signs on a major road through the tiny town of Port Townsend WA, where I often reside.
Presumably other parts of WA, like WI, were also pro-bern.
Does it make me Un-American to occasionally think it'd be ok to have a Trump-Bern face off in November? I blame the mainstream pols for sucking so much that nuts seem less nutty.
I am reading between the lines here, but there was a Sanders rally and no Trump supporters tried to shut it down or intimidate anyone ? How strange. When the reverse happens Sanders refuses to condemn the violence.
Good people of Madison, please visit E'toile while you can, after Bernie is elected only the political elite will be able to afford it.
Back in the 80s, the now-wife and I (pre-marriage) in one month went to L'Etoile -- in its original home -- Luther's (I think it was down near Stoughton) and the other fancy-shmancy restaurant in Madison, on the near West Side where the Uno's now sits just west of West Towne -- downstairs from the Cajun Cafe (I think it was called). I am obviously blanking on its name. (I really liked the Cajun Cafe -- they had a blackened steak that I still remember with mouth-watering fondness, and you could get the desserts from the fancy place downstairs too).
L'Etoile definitely thought more of itself even back then. I was not sure it was justified, but it certainly has staying power.
Why would the Bern go to L'Etoile? He'd be more appropriate at Grandpa's Pizza on Willy Street.
It's certainly out of the reach of most already. But Madison can get away with charging $8 for a hot dog.
"Please note, that we are not a certified-allergy free kitchen as we have a bakery on site and process various types of nuts in house. "
Yeah, what harm could one more nut do?
"Democrats may soon wish they'd picked the frumpy senator from Vermont who probably checks his restaurant bills to make sure he hasn't been undercharged." -- Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone
"It's good to see Bernie going out of his way to shake off that Northeastern Liberal "Above All You Peons in Flyover Country" stereotype by going to eat at a normal person's establishment like any of dozens of Supper Clubs
Essen Haus
Cut the 74 y.o. some slack as he didn't have a real job until age 39 when he was elected mayor of Burlington becoming a career politician thus living off the govt. his entire life.
Indeed, he's been talking revolution 45 years and eating at L'Etoile is just the culmination of said revolution.
And White House personal chef awaits his arrival. America, what a country!
I love the way NPR patronizes Bernie supporters when reporting results, and explaining that regardless of vote totals Hilary will still be the nominee
I just looked at the menu online.
This place is not at all expensive. From all the hyperventilating in the thread I expected at least somewhat 1%ish pricing.
Don't 1%ers make an average greater than one million a year? How, based on math, is this restaurants pricing limited to 1%ers?
As best as I can tell, living the high life in Madison is dirt cheap.
Do many folks in Madison make more than a million a year?
If not, I don't think Madison is ground zero for 1%ers. So don't get so worked up.
Socialists like to eat good food too.
Who wants to bet that Bernie is not paying the tab out of his own pocket.
Also, someone please find out what the tip was. And the wines and their prices.
Perhaps compared to where you live, PBJ
"the other fancy-shmancy restaurant in Madison, on the near West Side where the Uno's now sits just west of West Towne -- downstairs from the Cajun Cafe (I think it was called)."
I loved the Cajun Cafe!
I think the downstairs place was called Michael's.
"As best as I can tell, living the high life in Madison is dirt cheap."
Yeah, you are right. I'm going to go there more often!
"Perhaps compared to where you live, PBJ"
Regardless of the places I live, being a 1%er, and paying for 1%er exclusivity is an issue of mathematics. That restaurant in Madision is nowhere near a restaurant with actually high pricing, for folks that make on average more than a million dollars a year.
It's math.
Fine dining for once... Oh no! Surely a faux-scandal can be manufactured so as to trash the guy who will do more for the country than any of their own lazy-ass grifting graft-mongering Republicans have done or ever intended to do.
Anything to distract from that.
Ah..well..if you think many Wisconsinites of average means have splurged at a place like L'etoile, you are mistaken.
It's a bit tone deaf for a guy like Berno.
I can see him playing up the common man bit at Nick's.
I'd clap for the guy. He's a crazy old socialist and his ideas would kill us off - but he is authentic and not a crook. That's worthy of some claps.
Regardless of the places I live, being a 1%er, and paying for 1%er exclusivity is an issue of mathematics. That restaurant in Madision is nowhere near a restaurant with actually high pricing, for folks that make on average more than a million dollars a year.
It's math.
Yeah, no doubt. These commenters remind me of AJ Soprano on the episode when he took his buddies out to a Manhattan club and was surprised when confronted by the thousand-plus dollar tabs for a bottle or two of some certain champagnes.
This is how Republicans have bankrupted the country. Not knowing the prices of things. Obsessing over the appearance of what it simply means to have good taste.
Trump fans might want to take notice: Simply having good taste doesn't mean you have to be a quadruple bankrupt.
"This is how Republicans have bankrupted the country. Not knowing the prices of things"
Good grief..R&B's off the meds
I'd clap for the guy. He's a crazy old socialist and his ideas would kill us off - but he is authentic and not a crook. That's worthy of some claps.
And it shows how seriously you take your own ideas of life and death, let alone how seriously we should take them.
Sure he goes a bit too far in his proposals. But it's absolutely necessary to finally push back from the death spiral that the general post-1988 agenda has taken us in and Bernie suffers from no illusions about the futility of half-measures when it comes to demanding that dysfunctional ways change.
"As best as I can tell, living the high life in Madison is dirt cheap."
Prices in Madison are very fair. It's the 900% local sales tax (waived if you're not a Republican) that can get you.
"Try 343,000 to make the top 1%, not that I blame you innumerate fuckers for your miseducation."
So the most poor 1%er makes about 350. What does the average 1%er make in 2015?
"This is how Republicans have bankrupted the country. Not knowing the prices of things"
Good grief..R&B's off the meds
Ha ha. So says a foot soldier from the Party of Trump. Or is it Cruz? Paul Ryan? Lol.
Ok. Maybe the party of classists with questionable taste and demonstrably bad spending habits did know the price of everything they spent so much on. And it was instead the inability to confront their donors that did them in.
Regardless. That's still the metric they'll be judged by.
$225,000 for a speech @ 2 speeches a year = 1% and Democrat candidate
You idiots are bad at this.
btw, no wonder the young, especially college kids, love him as they want to be just like him and live off the govt. their entire lives ie who's gonna argue against against free health care and free college. ok, maybe tax payers ...
As one member of the congressional Black Caucus said when they endorsed Hillary, "Why not throw in a free car and free house as well.
Bon Appétit!
Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid managed to manipulate the 1974 Budget Reconciliation Act and Republicans are to blame for that and the ACA?
God damn, you are stupid, "Rhythm and Balls".
Does anyone get a bigger laugh than when shiloh comes on and pretends not to be a Republican?
He's the best kind of Republican. A Hillary Republican.
FDR wasn't a Democrat, to a guy like shiloh. Dick Morris was.
As for black congressmen and the CLIntons, wonder what they made of the family that brought us this sort of talk:
"A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee." -- Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy
That caucus sounds about as fatuous as BLM.
Republicans are beholden to spending the way that their donor-lobbyists want them to spend.
But they're not the only ones. There is a whole class of DINOs, Democrats in Republican clothing, and they're just as bad. Pols like Hillary Clinton. Guys like "shiloh". The people who don't really have any priorities, virtues, morals, pride or direction and just think it's important that their tribe (and its machine) retain power.
So they go along to get along, which means being as easily bribed as the Republicans are by their own donors.
You think people like that will cut anything? Hahahahahahahahahhahhahaa.
They'll only cut what their biggest donors, the Kochsters, tell them to cut. NO more, no less. Never. Ever. Ever. That's it.
It has gone insane.
Lol. Defend your position, Burpel.
You can do it! (Not). LOL.
Bernie has a chance to pull this off, best of luck to him, maybe the bird was a sign. The old guy looks like he's in far better shape than paunchy ruddy faced Trump. If it comes down to a contest between the socialist and the billionaire, we're all in for a real treat. Bernie will make Trump look like an even bigger idiot than he looked in the Republican debates. I dare Trump to bash Mrs Sanders.
I enjoyed watching the clueless UW students cheering for all their future tax increases every time Bernie opened his mouth.
I dare Trump to bash Mrs Sanders.
Lol. We're talking about a guy who tried to make surviving as a POW into a character defect.
"I heard many of Sanders' relatives died in the Holocaust. Well, I gotta tell you, I like people who didn't have relatives die in one of the most notorious genocides ever perpetuated, ok? I'm sorry but I gotta tell you that. Go Drumpf/Make America wunderbar again.
Btw, to report on the scene in WA, I did hear a handful of Bernie ads on Seattle radio, but I didn't hear any HRC ads. Beyond the airwaves I listen to Rush, but I pay for that online, so there are no commercials, not that Crazy-Bernie or HRC would have ads on his show anyway.
I don't watch local tube, so maybe HRC was advertising there.
Further reporting, the guy in the tree is down. And, arrested.
72% of women polled already loathe Trump, he could be stupid enough to keep digging by attacking Mrs.Sanders. If he goes after Sanders like he's done to the rest of his opponents it will only increase his already very low unfavorably ratings.
pm317 said...All caucus states. Why can't he win a regular primary if he is so popular?
My crystal ball predicts that Sanders will win the WI Dem primary. They actually love socialists in Milwaukee.
Go ask Inga.
Tomorrow I shall wrestle the pig if it promises to pay, shower and NOT enjoy it, "Rhythm and Balls". You would have to sign, and wait until they clear, considerable checks before I deign to cast pearls.
Amanda said...I dare Trump to bash Mrs Sanders.
LOL. Just what are you smoking tonight?
Daily Election Polls.
The best thing that Sanders can do is bring a modicum of humility to the Clinton campaign. He's a patriot for even trying.
Yep. Keep resorting to Jesus-talk with every argument you lose, Burpel. Yes, we know Jesus is on your side when you're wrong. He loves the losers. Along with the meek (which you are surely not), they will definitely inherit the earth.
"Does anyone get a bigger laugh than when shiloh comes on and pretends not to be a Republican?"
Your memory must be fuzzy from 3 yrs. 3 mos. ago when I last posted here. One of the "few" who voted for McGovern in '72. The only candidate who received $$$ from me ever was Obama. Yes, wasn't crazy about Hillary in 2008, but elections come down to choices and the only reason Sanders is doing so well in the polls is no one has vetted him ie no one knows his illustrious life story of underachievement.
Whereas Hillary is an open book warts and all. Sanders would be destroyed by Rep operatives if he's the Dem's nominee. Personally like Sanders and glad that he's having his one moment in the sun, but he's an empty book and never talks about his personal life. Shocking!
Sanders is a larger version of Dennis Kucinich who I would never vote for ever, whereas if Sanders is the nominee he has my vote, even though w/a 60 seat Dem controlled senate none of his pipe dreams will ever materialize.
Also, no one made more fun of mittens at Althouse than I did (4) years ago. btw, whatever happened to I ♥ Willard ? I digress.
And speaking of pretending, why does Ritmo always personally attack someone who disagrees w/him? Rhetorical.
Looking back at some of the threads from 2012, Althouse and her con echo chamber were all-in re: Willard. Fun times!
So Ritmo doesn't like me. I'll try to muddle through some how ...
Obama Job Approval ~ Gallup ~ Approve 53, Disapprove 44 ~ Approve +9
Again, not to worry as McConnell is determined to make Obama a one er two term president.
"Rhythm and Balls" thinks it won an argument?
Do you understand what an argument is? I am mocking you mercilessly. And as an atheist, this God talk is especially satisfying nonsense, moron!
It's not that I don't like you. It's that I think you're useless. The problem with you, whatever generation you're from, is that you're always thinking it's 1972 for Democrats. It's not. It's 1932. Or probably 1936 or 1940 is a better comparison. Which year did Republican businessman bigwig Alf Landon run? Hmmm... no parallels to today with him.
So stop making this about your own solipsistic chapter in the political generational divide. Sanders doesn't need your vote anyway, he gets enough crossover-votes and independents who are patriotic nationalists at core and don't have time to listen to your always trying to guess what you should do to make so-called Republicans (whose party is imploding) happy. That's the road to disaster. Let the party be run by the people who know what you want and you can be left doing Monday-morning quarterbacking with your favorite Republicans in November, helping them to instead figure out what they did wrong. Other than fail to oppose a Democrat who was as nice and subservient to their agenda as you and your Goldwater Gal Hillary are.
People with no values or morals can't help but to obsess on what their competition will do. Because they've got no priorities of their own. The Democratic party doesn't need them any longer. They will fit in fine with the incinerated aftermath of the New Republicans.
Birkel, such bravado! "I'm mocking you mercilessly." Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? One would have to care about your opinion to even begin to be concerned about your "mocking". Traditional guy seems to take your threats to mock him pretty nonchalantly, lol.
So Burpel's an atheist who resorts to Jesus-y aphorisms when he's exhausted his ammo. Ok, whatever.
He and shiloh should found their own political party. The Party of People Who Don't Know What They Want to Say, Much Less What to Believe.
They are waiting for others to define themselves for them.
Keep on waiting, then. Bye bye.
Ritmo, if Sanders doesn't need my vote why should you care what I think. But I appreciate the time you take w/your blathering minutiae re: pedestrian psychoanalysis.
Your turn ...
1932? The year when an interventionist know-it-all was turned out for a liar who promised American exceptionalism and delivered a World War?
Do, go on with the analogy.
I think liberals and Democrats shouldn't emulate nutty infighting conservatives. Time to get on the same page and get behind someone that can destroy any hopes that Herr Drumpf has to be POTUS.
I've been out of the loop here, who was Althouse trying to ban from the comments with her moderation rules? There still seems to be plenty of "personal attacks on other commenters", so what was the real supposed problem.
Obviously Maxine was always an issue. And, Trooper fussed away on his own. But, it seems that there's no more Palladian around. Hard to imagine he was forcibly exiled.
Well shiloh I admit I responded a bit too quickly to your comment because I didn't realize what you were saying re: primaries versus general elections. So I apologize if I went too harshly on that. But come on. You have to admit that Hillary has no idea what she stands for... other than attaining THAT office. So, what to make of it? Do her supporters have more specific, articulate goals? What are they? I"m not hearing them, other than for beating those same Republicans (whose agenda she seems to always mimic) and being an iconic figurehead based on a different-gendered president. Which is just so wonderful. Tell me again why that's supposed to overrule a record of flip-flopping on whichever issue was going to get her either more money or more votes. Please, pretty please.
The problem is this. If you want an America run by Goldman Sachs, why not just run Lloyd Blankfein? It's not like billionaires haven't flirted with running before. Oh wait, now the Republicans have one (or almost one) of their own and he seems to be like the doucheyist fascist joke of a candidate we've ever had. But just tell me why we need to have a candidate as wishy-washy on all things non-Goldman Sachs instead of just her puppeteer himself? Is she really all that much more charismatic than a bald, stubbly billionaire with questionable vocal and rhetorical skills and a concern for nothing other than what does it for his own company?
I'm not the one here who's hiding my opinions. But I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what yours even are, to tell you the truth.
Amanda said...I think liberals and Democrats shouldn't emulate nutty infighting conservatives. Time to get on the same page and get behind someone that can destroy any hopes that Herr Drumpf has to be POTUS.
Agree with "Rhythm and Balls" that President Goldman Obama Sachs has been terrible.
Now what?
Is Burpel now trying to convince me that America is hated by everyone (including its own population) for winning a war against globalized, imperialist racist fascism, determining course of the ensuing global order, while attaining more economic and military power than any country in history?
I guess it's true what they say. Scratch a Bircher and you'll find something weirder than you ever imagined underneath.
Which Neville Chamberlain would BIrkel (I mean, Jesus) support?
Vote for Bernie.
Agree with "Rhythm and Balls" that President Goldman Obama Sachs has been terrible.
Now what?
Obviously that's not for your side to say any more. But you won't listen to anyone else.
As useless as a show pony with a broken leg.
Make Wall Street pay for it's crimes. Do something for the betterment of society with that money... for once.
Here it is in a nutshell:
Reps hate Hillary Clinton w/a passion that may be greater than their hatred for Obama, if possible. So she must have some redeeming personal virtue/values.
Whereas Reps just find Bernie somewhat amusing ...
Make healthcare a right, like every other modern civilized country.
Are you trying to say something about what you're actually for, shiloh? Because I keep hearing something about "Republicans". Are you a Republican or not?
Candidates don't win presidencies unless they say what they're for. Which is why Trump polls so terribly and Bernie polls so well. And Hillary Blankfein polls somewhere in the middle, depending on whether she had a political moment that day or was just parroting the usual Goldman Sachs mission statement.
Wall Street won't find Bernie all that amusing. Bring back Glass Steagall.
I'm a liberal independent, having voted for a few Reps, very few. Voinovich was one of the few.
If Goldman Sachs wants to waste their $$$ on Hillary why should I care.
Again, Bernie's pipe dream proposals have no chance even w/a 60 seat Dem senate, let alone Reps will still control the House. Utopia is a nice concept on paper, but I live in the real world.
If Bernie can get Elizabeth Warren to agree to be his VP, you'll see truly amazing voter turnout. Sanders understands he has to get the liberal base and independents motivated to come out to vote in vast numbers.
Shiloh, don't be so sure that the House is out of reach.
Liberals are controlling this Althouse thread ~ alert the media!
Make Mississippi as poor as Great Britain.
Nice planning, Amanda.
Hillary will be the Democrat nominee.
If Goldman Sachs wants to waste their $$$ on Hillary why should I care.
Oh. My.
This says it all. If you can't tell how bribery works or how money controls an agenda then I seriously question why you would bother to even vote.
Utopia's nice on paper? Utopia sounds like a place where people don't believe that money talks. Your naivety frankly astounds me.
Forget 1972. I keep telling you to look at the 1930s. You are viewing American politics in 2016 through the wrong lens. Apparently a foggy monocle that was glued in place.
Make Mississippi as poor as Great Britain.
More instructive examples of how Republicans think that skewing your average income with enough billionaires makes your median income so much better.
He might as well say, make Great Britain's billionaires as rich and as numerous as Mississippi's. It would make about as much sense.
Republicans are stupid. No offense, but it's true. This is how the country got into the sorry state it's in and it's why Trump can be the only RINO who gets mileage talking about how stupid they really are.
"Rhythm and Balls" is confused by median averages.
"Rhythm and Balls" thinks Mississippi is filled with billionaires skewing median.
Let's go back to 1920 er Harding:
H.L. Mencken 1920 quote ...
"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."
Not naive, but realistically cynical.
As for offense, you could not give any. You have proven yourself unworthy of my contempt, much less anything else.
"Hillary will be the Democrat nominee"
Could be, but even she will win against Trump in a landslide.
You have proven yourself unworthy of my contempt, much less anything else.
Kindly demonstrate this and stop talking to me, then.
Means are skewed by billionaires.
Second look at dumbass?
Ok shiloh you're now avoiding the issue about as unskillfully as Burpel is.
No, you're a dumbass. I said that as a joke. It's America's billionaires that skew it. It's the rich places, the rich states (probably not one you live in) and the country as a whole that gets those skewed income to make it seem like we're doing so much better than any other country. To an extent, we are. But it's mostly because of those at the top. Not the bullshitters at the bottom and middle like Burpel whose neck is always being stomped upon by their legislative fiat. Some people hate the way that neck feels and Burpel loves it and says, "Yes Mr Blankfein! May I have another! It's thanks to your riches that America's median income is so high! Stomp it, again! Oooooh, that feels good!"
That's the Burpelian agenda. It's what's split the GOP by class into the useless plutocrats and the useless racists. C'est la vie and au revoir.
"Rhythm and Balls":
You have proven yourself worthy of mockery.
And I doubt I have said a single word to you.
English words: Do you speak them?
"No, you're a dumbass."
R & B seriously, you don't have to be so rude. This is just your average er median 95/5 con echo chamber that I felt compelled to return to, for entertainment value, now that the 2016 election is underway.
The age old rhetorical question: What social/political/economic etc. problem(s) in America are solved by political blogging?
English words: Do you speak them?
What's a "median average," Burpel?
Bye-bye. Dumbass.
Jokes about innumeracy are fun.
"Rhythm and Balls" maintains a fun relationship with numbers.
There are multiple averages.
Median is modifier of average.
You are innumerate.
It is cute that you believe Leftists are capable of less than rude online.
Birkel, stop trying so hard to be a tough guy. No one is intimidated or impressed by your continuous "threats" of "mockery". I doubt any liberals here care enough about you to be concerned about your attempts at "mockery", LOL.
R & B seriously, you don't have to be so rude.
Burpel needs no defense. Seriously, you're talking about a guy who can't stop talking to me despite saying that all I deserve is his contempt. Your approach is what costs elections and turns free countries into cowardly tyrannies. I don't owe a total jerk-off politeness. He doesn't listen to what I say? I ask him to stop reading it. So he insults and insults and insults and insults as is his only trick. You're worried about how I talk back to him? You need to work in a domestic violence shelter or something with that bullshit attitude.
This is just your average er median 95/5 con echo chamber that I felt compelled to return to, for entertainment value, now that the 2016 election is underway.
Yeah, that's really funny. The mess these bubble-heads have made of the country and have now doubled-down on is no laughing matter.
If you want to comment, have a goddamn opinion. Or seriously put a sock in it. No one wants to hear someone who has no point of view of his own (other than EVERY YEAR IS A 1972 YEAR!) and schoolmarms everyone else into providing so much more respect to a punk Republican twerp than is actually warranted. Just lead, follow or get the hell out of the way. Right now the third of those options would work best for you.
Birkel, only said that R&B was rude. Did not mention liberals, but it's cute you know what I believe.
I believe reading comprehension is not your strong point!
"It's cute that you believe Leftists are capable of less than rude online."
Coming from you Birkel, that's pretty funny.
Quit being a "tough girl" about politics. Nobody is intimidated.
(Yes. It sounds stupid to me as well.)
I remember you. Try again?
Shiloh and R&B,
I think we can all agree that Birkel is annoying, rude, and sort of obsessed with certain commenters, which is a bit creepy.
Birkel, only said that R&B was rude. Did not mention liberals, but it's cute you know what I believe.
How do you not understand that all he can do is take advantage of anything polite that you'll say to him? Oh yeah, you also believe that political bribes are over-rated....
You and him are an interesting match. A guy who knows nothing but how to take advantage and a DINO Democrat who can't help to keep finding it within himself to keep giving advantages away!
That's the dysfunctional politics that are about to end.
Come back next election year... 2020. I've already summed up your lesson for the year better than any lesson you believe you'll teach to the uneducable "Burpel".
I recognize you are untroubled by "facts" or " truth" or "experience" or "numbers" or "science" or "mockery" of those things.
Shiloh and R&B,
I think we can all agree that Birkel is annoying, rude, and sort of obsessed with certain commenters, which is a bit creepy.
Yeah, but shiloh finds it endearing and enables it as readily as any co-dependent would.
"Quit being a "tough girl" about politics"
Birkel seems to never have run across strong women who aren't impressed or intimidated by his tactics. and unlike you I don't intend to intimidate anyone here.
My obsession with truth is annoying. I admire the way you can be so untroubled.
Eh, I think Shiloh thinks Birkel is a jerk too, amiright Shiloh?
"My obsession with truth is annoying. I admire the way you can be so untroubled"
Oh please, lol.
Facts are intimidating.
"If you want to comment, have a goddamn opinion."
That's why it was easy for me to leave for 3 yrs/3 mos as repetition is the norm at political blogs ie folks, including me, say the same crap ad nauseam.
There's only so many descriptive ways cons can say Obama sucks or cons/R & B/Amanda et al can say Hillary sucks. Or R & B/Amanda can say Bernie is the best thing since sliced bread and ice cream.
I returned 'cause of Trump/Bernie = entertainment value. In depth opinion, not so much.
Like media political pundits on a very, very good day they have a keen grasp of the obvious!
Socialism will work this time, if we ignore the fact that Europe is relatively poor.
I remember you. Try again?"
So you remember me as what does that have to do w/R & B being rude?
Well, good night all, it's been fun to have three liberals commenting at the same time, but we need to stop bickering amongst ourselves lest we end up like the fractured conservative base.
And I love reading Sunsong too!
"Rhythm and Balls" is rude for its own reasons. I cannot control that.
I remember you as an ignorant, standard issue Leftist who believes beyond reason. Honest but ignorant.
Oh brother.
Then take your melodramatic sappy concluding finale music and get on with it, already.
We can watch the jokes that Trump makes of himself at home. If you don't care about the country, though, then move on.
Bernie is entertaining to you because you apparently prefer your political agenda bought and paid for and homogenized to be as meaningless as mush. You look at it like oatmeal and feel oddly disturbed by someone pointing out something so simple as how people usually do what gets them the most money, despite the need to look at how right or wrong the cause is.
You are boring, shiloh. Thanks for telling us that boring people like to share the entertainment they find in obvious things.
Say hello to the lunar excursion module for all of us supposedly lazy discontents of the bankster agenda.
Just fuck off, shiloh. Even Birkel knows that you're useless.
I seriously think shiloh might have a TBI.
"I remember you as an ignorant, standard issue Leftist who believes beyond reason. Honest but ignorant."
Well, it's nice to be remembered.
Having voted for McGovern in '72 got used to disappointment at an early age. What I find entertaining/fascinating about die hard cons is they feel they should win every presidential election regardless.
Speaking of ignorant there were many what I considered quite intelligent cons at RCP in 2008 who were firmly convinced Obama had zero chance against McCain. It was like the 8 years of Cheney/Bush never happened and America couldn't possibly vote for a Barack Hussein Obama. I digress.
I digress.
I think you need to digress some more.
Digress to the button at the top of the browser tab that closes the window.
Thank you.
The world can do without your uphill to school both ways speech. People dealt with and overcame worse than whatever happened (or didn't) in 1972.
Stop being an ingrate and demanding a respect for your one-trick political experience in cynicism.
Mercury must be in retrograde....
Hi there, Politeness Monitor TBI-shiloh.
I think this is what conviction looks like. Just because it seems that you might have been able to use a refresher course on it.
The linked article on the election said this:
Foreign policy was what motivated Warren Jones, 65, a retired software engineer, to caucus for Mr. Sanders on Saturday in Seattle. “She was wrong on Iraq, and proved she didn’t learn from that experience, but was wrong on Libya, too,” Mr. Jones said. “I think in large part she is responsible for ISIS, though there’s plenty of blame to go around.”
Keep being entertained. Stop wasting time with people who also want to be informed. There are other lessons to learn from than your 1972 lesson. Some people, maybe even as old as yourself, are learning them.
Amanda, tell your buddy R & B to chill ~ ciao.
Shilho shills seashells by the c-hore.
I'm not going to chill until problems like this are fixed.
Until you change your complacent, lackadaisical, pro-status quo attitude, shiloh, I consider you part of the systemic political malfeasance furthering those problems.
Go elsewhere if all you want to do is laugh. Go to Flint and have a nice, big hearty laugh. Drive to the governor's mansion in Lansing and tell him how funny you think everything is.
You are useless.
"(And let's see some others show up in Madison.)"
Why? Wisconsin hasn't gone for a Republican president since Reagan - and I'd be surprised if Madison was part of 'Reagan Country' even then.
Or are you just looking to add more celebrity sighting videos to your collection?
Cruz was in Dane in rural Dane County.
None of the Republicans will visit Madison, as none of them are even going to try to be our President or give a shit about our desires.
"the other fancy-shmancy restaurant in Madison, on the near West Side where the Uno's now sits just west of West Towne -- downstairs from the Cajun Cafe (I think it was called)."
I loved the Cajun Cafe!
I think the downstairs place was called Michael's"
Upstairs was The Cajun Way. Downstairs was Chez Michel. I know "Michael", who owned then both.
None of the Republicans will visit Madison, as none of them are even going to try to be our President or give a shit about our desires.
What? You mean like Obama with all the people who are now all in for Trump?
Why? Wisconsin hasn't gone for a Republican president since Reagan - and I'd be surprised if Madison was part of 'Reagan Country' even then.
In an election without fraud, Wisc would have gone for Bush in 2000.
"I'm not going to chill until problems like this are fixed."
Unless you've personally gone to Flint to hand out water bought w/your own $$$, you're pretty much fucking useless as well.
All blather, no actions Ritmo!
Keyboard commando who thinks Sanders is gonna change the word. Talk about naive.
How much $$$ have you donated to Sanders. Fell free to lie just to make you feel better.
world not word.
And it's usually faux blustery/rude/outraged bloggers like yourself who talk the most and do the least.
Shilo,R&B's contribution is to mindlessly insult Republicans to boost their turout.
The specific problem in Flint, MI is local; whoever is in charge of the Flint water system is not a water systems engineer, or he would have known about the necessity for adding alkali to the water in the mains to prevent stripping lead from the old services.
Politicians should not be expected to know about these things, though they should know to hire someone who does to run the system. But that is on the mayor, not the governor.
However, there is a general problem in that every city in the country have at least some lead fittings in their building piping systems, and there is no Federal program for pushing the local systems into finding and replacing them. Not to mention all the older cities, who have actual lead piping services and house plumbing still in service.
There needs to be a long term Federal program for this similar to the program for eliminating combined sanitary and storm sewer systems.
Does Mark think it is incumbent on Republicans to come to Democrat strongholds so their events can be disrupted?
Am I the only one who thinks Mark might actually believe this?
Actually, I hope that by 2020 we will see both parties poaching in previous "no-go" territories.
@Original Mike please tell Michael his Cajun Way is missed!
I admire R&Bs commitment to getting someone else to fix the problem.
We actually had a discussion on Flint michigan last night.
A lot of municipalities have lave water pipes. One of the first things that is done to make a potable water system compliant is to inject chemicals in the water supply to neutralize contamination caused by lead pipes. This is done routinely and automatically. The chemicals coat the pipe so that lead can't be leached out of it. From time to time ,in each of the areas that have lead pipes, the pipe is dug up and a piece is cut out and tested.
Apparently Flint skipped this part.
As my potable water engineer BIL said,"Somebody's going to jail over this." The process is quite basic and it is one of the very pirst processes to be installed and monitored to make a potable water system EPA compliant.
Horseshit, elitist restaurants. Madison is a pitiful restaurant town.
The specific problem in Flint, MI is local; whoever is in charge of the Flint water system is not a water systems engineer, or he would have known about the necessity for adding alkali to the water in the mains to prevent stripping lead from the old services.
Politicians should not be expected to know about these things, though they should know to hire someone who does to run the system. But that is on the mayor, not the governor.
Not true. The governor's "emergency manager" law gave him Putin-like powers to recall local leaders and install/appoint his own loyal dickweed minions to focus on nothing but the least and worst government for the cheapest price. A point that was underscored when he had to answer to Congress for why he thought it was nice to cheapen the accountable, safe-water drinking process review while taking a cool $1 million from the state coffers for his own legal defense after giving lead poisoning and brain damage to his state's most vulnerable.
No state funds are too paltry for him to take away from the citizens' health and safety needs, and no state funds are too great for him to take for his own, selfish legal slush fund.
Just typical, Republican behavior. The type of stuff that shiloh's cool with because, hey, it's wrong to expect more, to vote for leaders who welcome the accountability through which it makes sense to expect more, instead of the negligent followers that fulfill the soft political bigotry of his very, very low expectations. It's not like he can expect more of anyone than he expects of himself.
shiloh is a force for disruptive laziness who seeks to bring the worst Republican habits into other parties. He's a political infection spreader.
"...please tell Michael his Cajun Way is missed!"
I will do that, MM. He'll appreciate it.
L'Etoile may not be quite as fancy as some eateries in the Twin Cities or Milwaukee, or nearly as schmancy, but it's really not very democratic of Bernie to eat there, and not at all socialistic. He could have walked a block and a half to The Old Fashioned, or even less distance to Quiznos, if it was still open.
Let the record show Ritmo did not disagree with:
"Unless you've personally gone to Flint to hand out water bought w/your own $$$, you're pretty much fucking useless as well."
Ritmo, couldn't your time be better spent helping the people of Flint on the front line rather than ranting endlessly at political blogs? Or are you better at behind the scene drivel.
Is this the thread where I plug our book?
Learn the history of L'Etoile, Cajun Cafe and many more.
Moderation is for little people.
No state funds are too paltry for him to take away from the citizens' health and safety needs, and no state funds are too great for him to take for his own, selfish legal slush fund.
The Flint water problem is Flints not the states. The EPA mandates that a municipality upgrade it's water and sewer systems to come into compliance with federal EPA regulations. The city must come up with a plan. Should they refuse or delay to come up with a plan then the EPA will do one for them. The plan will be based on the city's ability to pay to have the work done, The EPA has guidelines for an areas economic ability to foot the bill. It doesn't make any difference who the governor of Michigan is. The municipality must do the work. The city deals directly with the Federal EPA which ultimately has to sign off on the work. Flints water problem was caused by Flint and no other entity.
Even a simpleton like you should understand this
shiloh said...
Let the record show Ritmo did not disagree with:
"Unless you've personally gone to Flint to hand out water bought w/your own $$$, you're pretty much fucking useless as well."
Ritmo, couldn't your time be better spent helping the people of Flint on the front line rather than ranting endlessly at political blogs? Or are you better at behind the scene drivel.
There are a lot of things he can do locally to help with water quality. However it would require him to get off his dead ass and do something.
If he doesn't want to get off his dead ass and just phone it in he can; Join the Sierra Club They mainly do lobbying and not hands on work.
Buy a fishing license with the appropriate stamps. All the money goes for environmental stuff, by law. You can do it on line' You don't even have to turn down the TV.
Join Trout Unlimited and get involved with your local chapter. These people do hands on water reclamation work. You are going to get wet and dirty. The same Goes for the Federation of Fly Fishermen. Hands on.
Or just pick up the trash you come across as you go for a walk.
People are really getting upset about Bernie dining in an establishment that has been part of the Madison dining scene for 40 years? Can you blame him? But before everyone ASSUMES he had a super expensive meal, let me clear the air: I am close friends with someone who works at L'Etoile. Bernie had no intention of even dining there, he wanted to dine at Graze, the more casual sister restaurant of the famous 40 year old Madison restaurant. Graze did not have the space for his large party, so L'Etoile set a table for him and his dining companions, they all ordered burgers off of the Graze menu, and did not order wine. Diet coke, light ice for the Bern Man.
These are just the facts, whether you are a supporter of his or not, this should not be a reason for argument. Get a life people.
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