Rubio got destroyed tonight. My faith in American's is restored.
Does anyone else notice that Kasich and Rubio can't compete in every state? Kasich does well in some (Few) and Rubio does well in a few more. But Trump does well in every state, and so does Cruz.
Kasich and Rubio aren't dropping out though, because they're hoping for some stupid brokered convention, which really pisses me off. I'd love for this race to come down to two people, Cruz and Trump.
But if the powers that be keep mucking around with this election, spending millions upon millions of dollars to try and get a brokered convention, I hope Trump wins. Just because it'll be the punch in the nose they deserve for their mucking around.
The end result is that the conservatives lose the Republican nomination again. I think when the GOPe has time for reflection they will be happy that conservatives are not as strong as they think. And essentially the tea party has petered out on the national level.
I hope Trump wins. Just because it'll be the punch in the nose they deserve for their mucking around.
I'm with you. I have bounced back and forth time and again but have gotten so angry at the Old Guard Republicans and, as always, the media that I have now become solidly Trump as a FU movement. Shake up DC so hard that the movers & shakers are shaked up and moved out of town.
I was at the start of the Tea Party movement back on April 15, 2009. Covered a rally in Westerly, R.I. and a second in Manhattan. I've been to twelve Trump rallies and volunteer for him in Mass. Believe me when I say that the Tea Party people I saw are the same people who show up at Trump rallies. You can all delude yourself into thinking differently but that is what it is. Go Trump! Clear out the stables.
Is Hillary gonna blow it? I guess the county with Detroit hasn't been counted yet. They will provide her the needed votes, even if they have to be added 'manually'.
I have to agree that Trump is now the standard bearer for a decent number of the Tea Party types.
After campaigning and electing, what did the Republican party give them for their efforts? A big glove across the face. It was made clear that the party wanted nothing to do with them.
Naturally, now they want to throw the bums out.
Trump and Sanders both are throw the bums out candidates.
The establishment says, "You can't vote for Trump! He is so crude!" "Yeah, we noticed that already. Now, just what the heck have you done to make us want to vote for you?"
FOX 'experts' still trying to run President-in-waiting Trump down. They never understood the guy, they never will. Krauthammer especially nasty. I understand, Trump called him a dummy. It's politics, Chuck, you'll get over it.
Trump does not know what he is, D or R or nothing. He will switch so much that he will have no positions, to get votes, that's all you need to know. Tea Party confounded estblishment, I remember the befuddlement on Sessions' face way back and now look at him.
David Begley said...Trump will be the nominee and Hillary or Biden will be Obama's third term.
JEB! suggested a while ago and whatshisname (R) suggested voting Hillary just today. These are temper tantrum. I have yet to hear one word of introspection from these people as to what is going on.
Michael K, you are alleging that because people who belong to the Tea Party are voting for Trump that means he is Tea Party. If you are correct that the reason they are doing this is because they are anti-DC then I think you validate my point. The Tea party began as an anti-debt, anti big government movement. In voting for Trump I don't think either of these propositions is a given which is why I think the Tea Party is washing away at the national level. If all the Tea Party becomes is to be anti-DC then what differentiates them from any party in history which always runs against the people in DC?
Contrast the victory speeches given by Trump and by Clinton. Trump, me, me, me. Clinton makes him look so bad and this is only going to continue and become even more evident as they go head to head. Clinton knows the issues, Trump continues to speak about himself and vague grandiose plans that he cannot explain, except to say that only he can do it. I'd prefer Bernie, but Hillary will do. Anyone but Trump.
Jack Wayne: "If all the Tea Party becomes is to be anti-DC then what differentiates them from any party in history which always runs against the people in DC?"
Which parties "in history" have "always run against the people in DC?"
I was a tea party guy, and Trump is definitely tea party. No bible thumping or obsession with abortion. Just straight talk and (hopefully) common sense. Not thrilled with Trump per se, but loving the way he is crushing the establishment. It's amazing the way he takes the attacks, laughs at them, and comes out stronger. Remember the way Obama used to play the "birther" card? He kept it alive so he would have a straw man to mock…until Trump made an issue of it and it started to stick. That birth certificate got produced quick. The guy can play this game.
JEB! suggested a while ago and whatshisname (R) suggested voting Hillary just today. These are temper tantrum. I have yet to hear one word of introspection from these people as to what is going on.
Right. When you think everyone else is an asshole, they're not. You are.
The only counties that still matter in MI are Wayne (Detroit), Washtenaw (Ann Arbor) and Kent (Grand Rapids). Wayne will probably keep breaking for HRC and gain her 20 thousand more votes, but those gains will probably be erased by continuing gains for Bernie as Kent and Washtenaw keep breaking for him. He's already up 25,000 votes.
Rhythm and Balls: "If Bernie wipes her out in MI then that's a huge win to build on."
It's impossible to deny that it would be a huge win for "Teh Bern", but really, what are the chances he could build on this win elsewhere in any way that would make a difference at the end?
I have to agree that Trump is now the standard bearer for a decent number of the Tea Party types.
But has he denied being a witch?
This is what the types are doing. They're supporting a Christine O'Donnell at the national level. And Trump has a fraction of O'Donnell's conservative bona-fides. Actually, he has none.
Hillary really does know the issues. In fact, she no longer writes down which foreign government bought which public act in her ledger. She know the issues that well.
It's not all about her like Trump. With her, it's all about criminal indictments, grand juries and dolla dolla Bills, yo!
Trump did not do a 'victory speech'. He held a President-in-waiting news conference.
Trump is building a broad and durable coalition. He will work with the Tea Party and other conservative and right leaning groups to advance their ideas.
Trump will win the general by winning states that were not really in play last time - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida. He will win states that a 'pub hasn't won since Reagan - New York, New Jersey.
Once in office he will have a broad mandate to get things done.
Henry: "This is what the types are doing. They're supporting a Christine O'Donnell at the national level. And Trump has a fraction of O'Donnell's conservative bona-fides. Actually, he has none"
So, now Trump is Christine O'Donnell. No, wait, less than O'Donnell.
That's the kind of observation that delivers instant blog-post credibility.
It's impossible to deny that it would be a huge win for "Teh Bern", but really, what are the chances he could build on this win elsewhere in any way that would make a difference at the end?
All the chances in the world once you get out of the deep South. A bunch of the deep south has already voted and they're basically tied in elected delegates. (Not that you'd see that in the official GOOGLE result because google adds on the Tammany Hall "super delegates" - but at least it does it in a different color). After that, the momentum is with him.
What states next Tuesday will Bernie win?
I don't know. I can't remember which states it will be. But she has no core constituency outside of the states that don't vote for Democrats anyway. Bernie's been coming out stronger in almost every state north of the Mason Dixon line. The Democratic candidate can't be a credible nominee if their only geographic strength is in the rump, Republican-voting Old Confederacy. That's HRC's problem.
I don't want Clinton and I will vote Trump, but I am being realistic. Trump's sky high negatives and bad numbers with women will only get worse as the general election approaches.
R&B's: "Republican-voting Old Confederacy. That's HRC's problem."
There is no "old Confederacy"
Those states took 40 years after the Civil Rights Act to kick over to Republicans primarily due to economic and business migration. How many of those "old Confederacy" types from the 1960's are still alive?
Not surprisingly, that old Confederacy/Democrat attachments to unions went away in direct correlation to republican party ascendency.
I should know. I was a young political aide in the early 1980's there and you couldn't move those old yellow-dog dems off their dem perch. I had one tell me something along the lines of "I've voted democrat all my life and I ain't gonna change now".
The funniest line I heard was a texican calling me a "yankee carpet bagger from Michigan or some other god-awful place like that". When I informed him that I was actually from California he said "oh Gawd, that's even worse! A "western" yankee!"
Again, it was amusing. Of course my time in politics had to give way to my later vocations.
David Begley: "I don't want Clinton and I will vote Trump, but I am being realistic. Trump's sky high negatives and bad numbers with women will only get worse as the general election approaches"
Well, see if you could muster one or two of complaints about Hillary. You know, act like you are in opposition to the Dems.
Sanders now up by close to 4% with about 83% of the vote in.
Too close to call still. I guess there are just alot of Soviet-lovin' dems out there. You can almost hear Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii in the background!
Dude, I'm talking geography and voting metrics. If you want to devote four paragraphs to the history of the south and the Republican "welfare queen" southern strategy go ahead and be my guest but I answered the question about which states will play into taking him through this to the end and if you're too distracted to understand the answer for what it is, knock yourself out.
You know who's a carpetbagger? An Arkansas first lady who moves to Chappaqua, NY and then pretends she deserves to represent the state for how ever many years it takes for her to break back into the White House.
In the meantime, keep trying to convince me of how southern blacks are going to decide who wins the 2016 Democratic primary or the general election. You have so much credibility with them and speak so articulately for them already so go ahead and tell me how they're going to be the ones to decide any of this.
Bay Area Guy: "Begley - just vote for Trump and stop spreading defeatism!"
But you don't understand Bay Area Guy: Defeatism as a strategy is the only proven tactic for the Dole/McCain/Romney wing of the republican party. You know, "acceptable" republican candidates.
Sanders was supposed to lose by 18 points at last count and won by 4. 22 point swing. This guy is going to burn your fucking ass to the ground, Drago. Keep going on about the USSR. Your head is deeper in the ground than the MSM.
Bernie just did his primary night "concession" speech. Very low key. Lasted a few minutes. He's not waiting for Mich. result. Hillary's creeping up on him in Detroit. Don't know if Bernie can hang on.
Sanders was supposed to lose by 18 points at last count and won by 4. 22 point swing. This guy is going to burn your fucking ass to the ground, Drago. Keep going on about the USSR. Your head is deeper in the ground than the MSM.
Hah. Dude, you really are delusional.
Hillary is going to win Michigan. The inner city Detroit vote is the last to be counted every single election. They'll overwhelmingly vote for Clinton, by at least a 2-1 spread. That'll be more than enough.
Poker1 is right on the money with his Tea Party observation. Look, the Tea Party was not so much about the amount of taxes as it was about the way that money was being spent. Flood the country with illegal immigrants and then give them Welfare? WTF? That right there tells you everything you need to know about Trump's success. GOPe'ers and Old Guard conservative politicians can foam at the mouth all they like but the fact is they were too chickenshit to denounce this lunacy when they could have. Bed. Made.
Rhythm and Balls: "In the meantime, keep trying to convince me of how southern blacks are going to decide who wins the 2016 Democratic primary or the general election. You have so much credibility with them and speak so articulately for them already so go ahead and tell me how they're going to be the ones to decide any of this"
Where did this come from?
Hilarious. I can't wait to see what comes out of the bag of tricks next. Just who are you debating in your head?
Detroit is still being held to a less than 30,000 vote HRC lead and this is with 64% of their precincts counted. Bernie makes up those losses in Ann Arbor (Washtenaw) and Grand Rapids.
Arabs are breaking for him 70% to 30%. They love him like they loved Bush. It's not just blacks who vote in Detroit.
THere's something to be said for refusing to blow up every bit of the Middle East that annoys you. If you want that, vote for Hillary. Even Trump doesn't see any point in doing that.
The Democrat primaries are dull as dishwater. Its all proportional and we know that Bernie is losing the black vote by 80-20. He's just the Washington Generals.
It came from your meandering, idiotic 9:51 post. I have no idea what you're saying, but it seems to be a defense of the Republican strategy in the South as if that's any meaningful response to why HRC's advantage there doesn't mean shit.
Rhythm and Balls: "It came from your meandering, idiotic 9:51 post."
No, it didn't.
R&B's: "I have no idea what you're saying, but it seems to be a defense of the Republican strategy in the South as if that's any meaningful response to why HRC's advantage there doesn't mean shit"
No, it wasn't.
I defy anyone to draw a connection between what I posted at 9:51 and your boiling cauldron of disconnected and addled assertion-stew.
I have no response. I don't care what you meant or claim that you didn't mean. I'm done caring about what goes on much less what you admit goes on in your messed-up head. You have as strong a hold on clarity as Flint's drinking water.
Bernie's 3% lead has been holding steady for quite awhile.
The only remaining question? How many ballots need to be found in car trunks to pull it out for Hillary? Something tells me the DNC and DWS would have no difficulty ruling any auto-encased "late" votes valid.
Rhythm and Balls: "Drago: How about this? I have no response. I don't care what you meant or claim that you didn't mean. I'm done caring about what goes on much less what you admit goes on in your messed-up head. You have as strong a hold on clarity as Flint's drinking water. Now shut up and crawl back under your rock"
It would be easier to simply admit that you have been partaking quite liberally of some sort of medication and/or alcohol this evening and that has diminished your comprehension skills significantly, thus your incoherent and rambling "responses" to statements never made.
About his winning club championships. It's basically all a lie. I don't think he's ever won a legitimate, true club championship. He is listed as club champion at one of the courses he owns, Trump International Palm Beach, for two years in which basically nobody was playing while the course was re-grassed and growing in. He's also listed as a "Senior" club champion at Trump National Bedminster, after having turned in scorecards to the club pro (his employee) with instructions that he (Trump) be declared the champion.
About Trump operating the "biggest winery on the east coast." Not true. It is indeed one of the largest vineyards in Virginia; and Trump got it in one of the weirdest deals the Wall Street Journal ever reported on:
From an Aaron Goldstein blog post at The American Spectator; he recalls a British ITV report on Trump from a few years back:
This ability to blag people into believing he was a commercial genius was most vividly illustrated in a helicopter ride we took over New York. Pointing to the Empire State Building, he told me he owned it.
‘What all of it?’ I asked.
‘Yes, 100 per cent,’ he replied.
Later, forgetting he had told me he wholly owned the building, he said he only owned 50 per cent of it which he then considerably reduced. It was the same story with the Trump Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City.
‘It’s wholly owned by me,’ he said. ‘Are you sure?’ I asked. ‘Well maybe 80 per cent,’ he demurred. ‘Are you quite sure?’ I pressed. He replied: ‘Well it’s actually 50 per cent…’
It would be easier to simply admit that you have been partaking quite liberally of some sort of medication and/or alcohol this evening and that has diminished your comprehension skills significantly, thus your incoherent and rambling "responses" to statements never made.
My analyses are solid. I called a Bernie win before Detroit got more than 50% of its vote in. I explained why HRC's hold on the Democratic stronghold of Mississippi is meaningless. Bernie's win is a major upset. He's been doing this consistently, but in less populous states. Michigan is a bellweather and he outperformed the polling by more than 20 points. Obviously the MSM is way out too lunch, as are you. But you can go on about Cold War fever dreams, so you have that going for you.
So other than that, you're basically a retard with nothing useful to contribute to any discussion of the 2016 race in the United States of America - which makes you boring and tedious. But you will keep soliciting me for information on those rare occasions when the small, non-reptilian portion of your brain reminds you that reality beckons. I'm just done responding because you're a waste of eardrums.
Anyone else who wants a meaningful perspective in good faith can feel free to engage. You, I'm done with.
"Rhythm and Balls" admitted to trying to read Drago's mind confessed he could not and was forced to "admit (not knowing what) goes on in your messed-up head"...
Hillary is going to win Michigan. The inner city Detroit vote is the last to be counted every single election. They'll overwhelmingly vote for Clinton, by at least a 2-1 spread. That'll be more than enough.
This reminds me of what happened in WI recall elections. Milwaukee withheld their votes for as long as possible in order to know what kind of margin was going to be needed to defeat Walker. But Waukesha County (pro-Walker), anticipating Malwaukee's historical antics, withheld their results even longer than Milwaukee did. I likened the whole thing to an acid base titration and the use of a "titration thief" as explained here.
For you guys interested in Detroit vote-counting...
I have been a Republican Party Poll Watcher in Detroit. I've been in about 60 different precincts, I've been in the main absentee counting center in the Cobo Hall basement, and I've been at the main magnetic-tape counting center at Cody High School.
You have no idea, what Detroit voting is like. Detroit went more than 97% for Obama in 2012. You can't find election results like that in Havana, or Tehran. The Detroit black-church voter turnout is completely monolithic. The numbers there are unlike any normal demographic you can think of.
Birkel: "Rhythm and Balls" admitted to trying to read Drago's mind confessed he could not and was forced to "admit (not knowing what) goes on in your messed-up head"..
R&B's goes to great lengths to create the conversations he needs in order to position himself for the rhetorical "win".
It's always a fascinating exercise to read the imaginary beliefs that R&B's feels the need to assign to others which he then proceeds to smash! It reveals a great deal.
R&B is right about Bernie: he made an amazing showing tonight -- even if he closely loses he far exceeded expectations.
An interesting metric would be overall absolute numbers: votes for Trump vs. votes for Hillary in MI. Trump by far has the greater crossover appeal in a general.
So Birkle Dee and Drago Dum have nothing left to do but needle and fixate and obsess over and harass me for the rest of the night. Got it.
Chick - thanks for being open-minded and listening to reason, which is obviously something those dipshits have no capacity for. As for the topic at hand, this bodes well for Bernie throughout the rest of the Midwest and as it connects on through to the West and down to Colorado, etc. Watch how this impacts WI.
Someone mentioned Trump's female problem upthread. This is an interesting topic and I surprised that Althouse hasn't picked up on it in a more obvious way. But there's a corrolary: Hillary's abysmal standing among men in general across all walks of life.
The Dem race is so interesting to me. Look at the dominance of Hillary in the black vote. 80%. Sanders is doing well with the Trump like voters. Young, workers and urban whites. What are the Hispanics doing?
Why don't Birkel Dee and Drago Dum tell us how enthusiastic they are about Trump as their nominee.
Or whomever it is that the convention will nominate.
It must really suck to have no candidates about whom you can say anything positive. How tough things must be for partisan children on the Republican side like Birkel Dee and Drago Dum.
I have been very disappointed in Cruz this entire primary season. How does he keep losing the evangelical vote to a charlatan like Trump? It's incredible, really.
Looks like Cruz will end up in second in Michigan, which is bad news for Kasich, and Sanders will end up winning in Michigan (Although I saw several places calling it for Hillary earlier tonight.)
BDNYC: "I have been very disappointed in Cruz this entire primary season. How does he keep losing the evangelical vote to a charlatan like Trump? It's incredible, really."
Actually, it's not.
Are "evangelicals" really a monolithic voting bloc? Are evangelicals really constrained by only the social issues?
Answer those questions correctly and it becomes much clearer why evangelicals are breaking in %'s similar to other voting blocs for Trump.
Birkel: "That debate would have ruined Trump. He would have agreed with Sanders on too many things that would have compromised his positions."
I'm not talking about the political efficacy of a Trump/Sanders debate (from the perspective of the candidates). I'm merely contemplating the "event-ness" potential of it.
I have no biblical anything. I have read the Bible. I also read Keynes, Rawls, Foucault, Derrida and Nietzsche. (My office smells of rich mahogany and has many leather bound books.)
One of those books had some pretty good ideas about living.
David I'm aware of some neighborhoods in Philadelphia that are pretty crazy. But Philadelphia (85.2% for Obama in 2012) is positively metropolitan compared to Detroit (97.9% for Obama in 2012).
There are places in Broward County, Florida with numbers like that. There were individual precincts in Cleveland where they reported 100% for Obama! There are small pockets in lots of big cities with overwhelming Obama numbers. And large cities where Obama was a huge winner. You rightly pointed to Philly.
But there's pretty much no place like Detroit. The numbers show it. I'm a little surprised, that Detroit Dems couldn't pull a win out for Hillary. She was on the air heavily over the past week and a half on Detroit tv.
It's interesting listening to Dana Perino on "The Five" pretend that, gee whiz, she just can't understand what anyone means by "establishment". Her example, naturally off target, was someone at the precinct level who has maybe volunteered over 1000 hours of his/her time to the local party?
Yeah, sure Dana. That's what the base voters mean by "establishment".
One of those books had some pretty good ideas about living.
How about stop casting stones at me? All I've been trying to do is explain why Bernie Sanders' upset is important and why his momentum will probably continue to build through the race.
Yes, I'm returning fire as well. But if you or the other guy don't want to read or listen to what I have to say about the race then don't listen or just skip it.
But Philadelphia (85.2% for Obama in 2012) is positively metropolitan compared to Detroit (97.9% for Obama in 2012).
I grew up in Detroit. The reason for the above is that Detroit has a larger percentage of black people than Philly does. The only white areas within the city of Detroit are the hipster areas in Downtown and Corktown.
The two guys who pounded away at our shitty trade policies a la Ross Perot in 1992 won their primaries in a state whose workers suffered for these policies. The bipartisan establishment has their head up their ass
Don't remember what I made up. Just gave my honest input on why Bernie was in the process of pulling off a major upset... about a half hour before he did just that.
I Callahan: "I grew up in Detroit. The reason for the above is that Detroit has a larger percentage of black people than Philly does. The only white areas within the city of Detroit are the hipster areas in Downtown and Corktown"
Well, Mayor Colemen Young told certain groups of people to leave and then enacted policies which "encouraged" those people to leave. So those people left. Then things went to hell. Unexpectedly.
The Southern Strategy is an ahistorical lie that Democrats tell to paint Republicans as racists despite the long history of racism adopted by the Democrat Party.
Bernie will probably do well in Wisconsin. He will resonate in Madison and especially Milwaukee. Milwaukee actually had 60 years of positive experience with Sewer Socialism. Bernie needs to bone up on that.
It is a lie to pretend that dog whistle politics don't exist.
Tell me what your interpretation is of the phrase, "welfare queens"?
Or better yet, don't tell me - because I think I know. We can throw a bunch of examples out there. I believe that people can get their points across in subtle, muted ways. Even insidious points. I believe that even if a politician doesn't feel a need to personally indulge demeaning or racist attitudes, they may choose to do so for the purpose of winning votes. Even the Clintons have done this.
Agree or disagree - it's a fact as far as I'm concerned. Unless you want to pretend that politicians are all saints. Or maybe it's just Republican politicians whom you believe to be complete saints.
Which would make you something a hell of a lot lower than a "pearl caster" who avoids swines. It would make you a gullible dupe.
I'm just calling 'em as I see 'em. I see that pols go negative, and they do against voters as well - if it will get them votes of the people who agree with that negativity.
But maybe your party is a party of unicorns jumping over rainbows who are only capable of saying nice, humane and completely complimentary things about every voting group.
And evolution didn't happen. And stem cells are people. And scientists are ignorant. Etc., etc., etc.
Why can't you leave me alone? How badly do you want to lose this point that I've already moved on from? It must be a very personal thing for you, I guess.
Half of Donnie's supporters think Scalia was murdered. You know, Donnie, if you make them too paranoid, they're not going to leave the house to vote for you!
Remember, everybody, no matter how muddy this gets, we really want to avoid Satan's wedding.
Dog whistles are on the right and the left tells blacks that Republicans are racists and hate them because the left's well intentioned policies have created a permanent underclass of half of blacks.
I know mccullough. Which is why in Republican led states like the deep South blacks have been doing so very well also. They must have also intended it to be that way, I guess.
The GOP neglects blacks because they don't vote for them, just as the Dems neglect the bitter clingers because they don't vote for them. Blacks shouldn't vote for the GOP but they should definitely not vote for the Dems either. Anyway, the Great Society programs were pushed by the Dems (with some GOP support) but they haven't helped the majority of blacks become self sufficient. Instead, they contributed to the evisceration of the black family, as Moynahan had warned.
So Hillary and Bernie will pander to BLM but won't push to get rid of collective bargaining and civil service protections for police. Police, like other government workers, don't have to be responsive or acvountable to the people they serve because they are impossible to fire. They basically stopped doing their job in Baltimore and Chicago, leading to major spikes in violent crime while arrest rates go down.
But to Dems, government services are primarily a jobs program and secondarily to help the public. So we get police brutality and dereliction, lead in the water, and veterans dying because they can't get in to see a doctor (to give three recent examples).
Since government is primarily a jobs program, nothing changes. But the Dems keep blaming the GOP to distract the ignorant from the obvious. And it is a national disgrace.
Besides dog whistles, and Drago typing, what else do you hear beyond human abilities?
I think of Wall Street crony capitalists when I think of what flare queens, btw. The ones who financed Obama's campaign. And joined his administration.
It's a moot point, mccullough. You can tell blacks how they should vote and I can tell poor whites how they should vote. People will vote how they'll vote. Even using the word "should" in reference to any of this is condescending. Or if it's not, it's meaningless because it won't do any good. The people decide what they want regardless of whose "interests" it appears that they're performing. The point was about the existence of dog whistles and the disingenuousness of denying them and if people don't want to take that up, fine - I made my point.
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२२५ टिप्पण्या:
225 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Baseball season can't start soon enough.
Let Trump be Trump. He is the real deal of deal makers. Blasphemey is no extra cost.
With a pit in my stomach.
The better news is that Sanders is beating Hillary in Michigan (so far). I got the feeling that he would watching the Detroit debate.
Four months of Trump as president before impeachment hearings begin.
Trump's audience post election night sounds small and less than excited. (I'm watching Fox News.)
The Republican race is over. Trump wins Mississippi and it's time for the fat lady to sing.
Who's predicted to win Idaho and Hawaii?
The remaining primaries are a formality. They have been since the escalator ride.
So everybody better start sorting out how they'll go forward from here.
Your choices: Trump, Clinton, No vote
Choose wisely.
BDNYC said...
Who's predicted to win Idaho and Hawaii?
3/8/16, 8:28 PM
Demoralized....who cares. I can't believe the cluster f in Michigan. Rubio takes votes from Cruz in the South, Kasich in the North. Way to go, guys.
Idaho is expected to go for Cruz, Hawaii for Rubio.
Rubio got destroyed tonight. My faith in American's is restored.
Does anyone else notice that Kasich and Rubio can't compete in every state? Kasich does well in some (Few) and Rubio does well in a few more. But Trump does well in every state, and so does Cruz.
Kasich and Rubio aren't dropping out though, because they're hoping for some stupid brokered convention, which really pisses me off. I'd love for this race to come down to two people, Cruz and Trump.
But if the powers that be keep mucking around with this election, spending millions upon millions of dollars to try and get a brokered convention, I hope Trump wins. Just because it'll be the punch in the nose they deserve for their mucking around.
I am watching shows on the DVR.
Pretty sure I will read the Hawai'i results tomorrow.
chickelit: The better news is that Sanders is beating Hillary in Michigan (so far). I got the feeling that he would watching the Detroit debate.
Yeah, I noticed that. Sanders up by 4.6 right now, 33% of the vote in. Heh.
Fox News speculating scenarios for Michigan while Politico has it called for Trump.
The end result is that the conservatives lose the Republican nomination again. I think when the GOPe has time for reflection they will be happy that conservatives are not as strong as they think. And essentially the tea party has petered out on the national level.
I hope Trump wins. Just because it'll be the punch in the nose they deserve for their mucking around.
I'm with you. I have bounced back and forth time and again but have gotten so angry at the Old Guard Republicans and, as always, the media that I have now become solidly Trump as a FU movement. Shake up DC so hard that the movers & shakers are shaked up and moved out of town.
Does the e in GOPe mean establishment?
Trump calling for unity within the Republican party. Sounds like a good idea.
I was at the start of the Tea Party movement back on April 15, 2009. Covered a rally in Westerly, R.I. and a second in Manhattan. I've been to twelve Trump rallies and volunteer for him in Mass. Believe me when I say that the Tea Party people I saw are the same people who show up at Trump rallies. You can all delude yourself into thinking differently but that is what it is. Go Trump! Clear out the stables.
"I will be more presidential than anyone, except Abe Lincoln"
One of Eric Sevareid's old rules of broadcast journalism was "to elucidate, when one can, more then to advocate."
If only FOX news could do that.
The lines are now open, be sure to order your Trump wine, Trump water, and of course Trump steaks.
Go Bernie! Need him to hold on in Michigan!
No, I'm not watching. See my comment above.
Is Hillary gonna blow it? I guess the county with Detroit hasn't been counted yet. They will provide her the needed votes, even if they have to be added 'manually'.
That was a tour de force of a Press Conference. He is better than JFK was at communicating a clear message. Amazing.
"The end result is that the conservatives lose the Republican nomination again."
No, " Believe me when I say that the Tea Party people I saw are the same people who show up at Trump rallies. "
I agree with this. I have not committed to him but have been watching.
The Tea Party was against the DC Party. So is Trump. The Augean Stables may need somebody who can shovel bullshit to clean them out.
Oh, please, please lose MI Hilly. Then she has to make Bernie her VP. Oh the humanity!
FTR: the meme that Trump is not a Conservative has always been a totally false Lying Ted Big Lie.
I have to agree that Trump is now the standard bearer for a decent number of the Tea Party types.
After campaigning and electing, what did the Republican party give them for their efforts? A big glove across the face. It was made clear that the party wanted nothing to do with them.
Naturally, now they want to throw the bums out.
Trump and Sanders both are throw the bums out candidates.
Trump will be the nominee and Hillary or Biden will be Obama's third term.
The establishment says, "You can't vote for Trump! He is so crude!"
"Yeah, we noticed that already. Now, just what the heck have you done to make us want to vote for you?"
FOX 'experts' still trying to run President-in-waiting Trump down. They never understood the guy, they never will. Krauthammer especially nasty. I understand, Trump called him a dummy. It's politics, Chuck, you'll get over it.
I believe Trump spells it "L-Y-E-N" so you must too, traditionalguy.
I think Trump said that when he was in "Kanasas" at a rally in "Witchita".
Trump does not know what he is, D or R or nothing. He will switch so much that he will have no positions, to get votes, that's all you need to know. Tea Party confounded estblishment, I remember the befuddlement on Sessions' face way back and now look at him.
David Begley: "Trump will be the nominee and Hillary or Biden will be Obama's third term"
Pre-emptive surrender is always the most successful of strategies.
Plus, Tim Cook and Elon Musk and Karl Rove and all the attendees at the "how do we give the dems all their wishes" GA hug-a-thon thank you.
DWS on Fox asked to explain Hillary's collapse. Says she's neutral. HAHAHAHA
Limited blogger: "DWS on Fox asked to explain Hillary's collapse. Says she's neutral. HAHAHAHA"
You must be about 3 or 4 minutes ahead of me in terms of cable tv content delivery.
David Begley said...Trump will be the nominee and Hillary or Biden will be Obama's third term.
JEB! suggested a while ago and whatshisname (R) suggested voting Hillary just today. These are temper tantrum. I have yet to hear one word of introspection from these people as to what is going on.
Michael K, you are alleging that because people who belong to the Tea Party are voting for Trump that means he is Tea Party. If you are correct that the reason they are doing this is because they are anti-DC then I think you validate my point. The Tea party began as an anti-debt, anti big government movement. In voting for Trump I don't think either of these propositions is a given which is why I think the Tea Party is washing away at the national level. If all the Tea Party becomes is to be anti-DC then what differentiates them from any party in history which always runs against the people in DC?
Drago, that was happening to me in reverse during one of the debates last week. I was seeing comments on stuff minutes before I saw it on TV.
Contrast the victory speeches given by Trump and by Clinton. Trump, me, me, me. Clinton makes him look so bad and this is only going to continue and become even more evident as they go head to head. Clinton knows the issues, Trump continues to speak about himself and vague grandiose plans that he cannot explain, except to say that only he can do it. I'd prefer Bernie, but Hillary will do. Anyone but Trump.
Limited blogger said...Oh, please, please lose MI Hilly. Then she has to make Bernie her VP. Oh the humanity!
Not a good idea. That would politically castrate Bernie -- the equivalent of Trump agreeing to be Mitt's VP.
Cmon people! At this point a vote for Cruz, Rubio or Kasich is a vote for Trump.
I don't see an exit.
Jack Wayne: "If all the Tea Party becomes is to be anti-DC then what differentiates them from any party in history which always runs against the people in DC?"
Which parties "in history" have "always run against the people in DC?"
I was a tea party guy, and Trump is definitely tea party. No bible thumping or obsession with abortion. Just straight talk and (hopefully) common sense. Not thrilled with Trump per se, but loving the way he is crushing the establishment. It's amazing the way he takes the attacks, laughs at them, and comes out stronger. Remember the way Obama used to play the "birther" card? He kept it alive so he would have a straw man to mock…until Trump made an issue of it and it started to stick. That birth certificate got produced quick. The guy can play this game.
If Bernie wipes her out in MI then that's a huge win to build on.
At the end of the day, one thing stands out above all others: Megyn Kelly looks great with her newish hairdo.
It remains unclear what, precisely, the policy impact of that will be.
Blogger chickelit said...
JEB! suggested a while ago and whatshisname (R) suggested voting Hillary just today. These are temper tantrum. I have yet to hear one word of introspection from these people as to what is going on.
Right. When you think everyone else is an asshole, they're not. You are.
They may never figure that out.
The only counties that still matter in MI are Wayne (Detroit), Washtenaw (Ann Arbor) and Kent (Grand Rapids). Wayne will probably keep breaking for HRC and gain her 20 thousand more votes, but those gains will probably be erased by continuing gains for Bernie as Kent and Washtenaw keep breaking for him. He's already up 25,000 votes.
This will be very exciting to watch.
Rhythm and Balls: "If Bernie wipes her out in MI then that's a huge win to build on."
It's impossible to deny that it would be a huge win for "Teh Bern", but really, what are the chances he could build on this win elsewhere in any way that would make a difference at the end?
What states next Tuesday will Bernie win?
I have to agree that Trump is now the standard bearer for a decent number of the Tea Party types.
But has he denied being a witch?
This is what the types are doing. They're supporting a Christine O'Donnell at the national level. And Trump has a fraction of O'Donnell's conservative bona-fides. Actually, he has none.
Laura Ingraham on Fox asserting that Michigans economic difficulty has led to a weird venn diagram overlap to the benefit of both Trump and Sanders.
National Unity Ticket!
At some point you just give yourself over to the "burn the whole thing down" mentality.
Clinton knows the issues. Her problem is that what she knows is wrong.
Hillary really does know the issues. In fact, she no longer writes down which foreign government bought which public act in her ledger. She know the issues that well.
It's not all about her like Trump. With her, it's all about criminal indictments, grand juries and dolla dolla Bills, yo!
Trump did not do a 'victory speech'. He held a President-in-waiting news conference.
Trump is building a broad and durable coalition. He will work with the Tea Party and other conservative and right leaning groups to advance their ideas.
Trump will win the general by winning states that were not really in play last time - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida. He will win states that a 'pub hasn't won since Reagan - New York, New Jersey.
Once in office he will have a broad mandate to get things done.
Easier to just glance at Drudge every 30 min. or so to keep up with it.
Henry: "This is what the types are doing. They're supporting a Christine O'Donnell at the national level. And Trump has a fraction of O'Donnell's conservative bona-fides. Actually, he has none"
So, now Trump is Christine O'Donnell. No, wait, less than O'Donnell.
That's the kind of observation that delivers instant blog-post credibility.
Is it another Megyn Kelly / DWS cat fight on FOX?
It's impossible to deny that it would be a huge win for "Teh Bern", but really, what are the chances he could build on this win elsewhere in any way that would make a difference at the end?
All the chances in the world once you get out of the deep South. A bunch of the deep south has already voted and they're basically tied in elected delegates. (Not that you'd see that in the official GOOGLE result because google adds on the Tammany Hall "super delegates" - but at least it does it in a different color). After that, the momentum is with him.
What states next Tuesday will Bernie win?
I don't know. I can't remember which states it will be. But she has no core constituency outside of the states that don't vote for Democrats anyway. Bernie's been coming out stronger in almost every state north of the Mason Dixon line. The Democratic candidate can't be a credible nominee if their only geographic strength is in the rump, Republican-voting Old Confederacy. That's HRC's problem.
Birkel: "It's not all about her like Trump. With her, it's all about criminal indictments, grand juries and dolla dolla Bills, yo"
Dude! What are you doing?
Don't you know that all "real conservatives" are supposed to leave Hillary untouched while blasting Trump and Cruz?
It's unfortunate that Trump won both MI and MS. I still think we need a president who thinks before he speaks.
Who was that lady who lost to Harry Reid again?
Drudge has a very insulting but amusing photo of Rubio.
I attack stupid whenever I see it. The Peak Hillary Stupid is coming.
I don't want Clinton and I will vote Trump, but I am being realistic. Trump's sky high negatives and bad numbers with women will only get worse as the general election approaches.
R&B's: "Republican-voting Old Confederacy. That's HRC's problem."
There is no "old Confederacy"
Those states took 40 years after the Civil Rights Act to kick over to Republicans primarily due to economic and business migration. How many of those "old Confederacy" types from the 1960's are still alive?
Not surprisingly, that old Confederacy/Democrat attachments to unions went away in direct correlation to republican party ascendency.
I should know. I was a young political aide in the early 1980's there and you couldn't move those old yellow-dog dems off their dem perch. I had one tell me something along the lines of "I've voted democrat all my life and I ain't gonna change now".
The funniest line I heard was a texican calling me a "yankee carpet bagger from Michigan or some other god-awful place like that". When I informed him that I was actually from California he said "oh Gawd, that's even worse! A "western" yankee!"
Again, it was amusing. Of course my time in politics had to give way to my later vocations.
David Begley: "I don't want Clinton and I will vote Trump, but I am being realistic. Trump's sky high negatives and bad numbers with women will only get worse as the general election approaches"
Well, see if you could muster one or two of complaints about Hillary. You know, act like you are in opposition to the Dems.
If it's not too much trouble.
Sanders now up by close to 4% with about 83% of the vote in.
Too close to call still. I guess there are just alot of Soviet-lovin' dems out there. You can almost hear Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii in the background!
Begley - just vote for Trump and stop spreading defeatism!
Dude, I'm talking geography and voting metrics. If you want to devote four paragraphs to the history of the south and the Republican "welfare queen" southern strategy go ahead and be my guest but I answered the question about which states will play into taking him through this to the end and if you're too distracted to understand the answer for what it is, knock yourself out.
You know who's a carpetbagger? An Arkansas first lady who moves to Chappaqua, NY and then pretends she deserves to represent the state for how ever many years it takes for her to break back into the White House.
In the meantime, keep trying to convince me of how southern blacks are going to decide who wins the 2016 Democratic primary or the general election. You have so much credibility with them and speak so articulately for them already so go ahead and tell me how they're going to be the ones to decide any of this.
There are a lot of car trunk votes to count.
A vote lead with 100% reporting might not be enough for Sanders.
Bernie's up by 4 in Mich with 73% of vote in. Bernie's gonna do it!
Bay Area Guy: "Begley - just vote for Trump and stop spreading defeatism!"
But you don't understand Bay Area Guy: Defeatism as a strategy is the only proven tactic for the Dole/McCain/Romney wing of the republican party. You know, "acceptable" republican candidates.
Sanders was supposed to lose by 18 points at last count and won by 4. 22 point swing. This guy is going to burn your fucking ass to the ground, Drago. Keep going on about the USSR. Your head is deeper in the ground than the MSM.
Bernie just did his primary night "concession" speech. Very low key. Lasted a few minutes. He's not waiting for Mich. result. Hillary's creeping up on him in Detroit. Don't know if Bernie can hang on.
Hillary will win on superdelegates. However, in the general election, there are no superdelegates.
Trump did not do a 'victory speech'. He held a President-in-waiting news conference.
Plus advertised a lot of Trump products, talked about all his great real estate, and gave Mitt, Lindseed Graham, and Marco a few shots along the way.
Sanders was supposed to lose by 18 points at last count and won by 4. 22 point swing. This guy is going to burn your fucking ass to the ground, Drago. Keep going on about the USSR. Your head is deeper in the ground than the MSM.
Hah. Dude, you really are delusional.
Hillary is going to win Michigan. The inner city Detroit vote is the last to be counted every single election. They'll overwhelmingly vote for Clinton, by at least a 2-1 spread. That'll be more than enough.
You heard it here first.
Bernie's won. He's still holding Clinton's lead to what it was in Detroit while additional votes keep trickling in.
Obviously underestimating him is something that a lot of people are addicted to.
They'll get over it eventually.
Public schools have not educated younger voters about the evils of communism. Sanders might win young people.
Otherwise, Sanders would be a dumpster fire in a national election. Go, Bernie. go!
Poker1 is right on the money with his Tea Party observation. Look, the Tea Party was not so much about the amount of taxes as it was about the way that money was being spent. Flood the country with illegal immigrants and then give them Welfare? WTF? That right there tells you everything you need to know about Trump's success. GOPe'ers and Old Guard conservative politicians can foam at the mouth all they like but the fact is they were too chickenshit to denounce this lunacy when they could have. Bed. Made.
Rhythm and Balls: "In the meantime, keep trying to convince me of how southern blacks are going to decide who wins the 2016 Democratic primary or the general election. You have so much credibility with them and speak so articulately for them already so go ahead and tell me how they're going to be the ones to decide any of this"
Where did this come from?
Hilarious. I can't wait to see what comes out of the bag of tricks next. Just who are you debating in your head?
We need Bernie to hang tough against that shrill Harpy, Hillary. And we need Conservative GOP types to face facts and jump on the Trump Bandwagon.
rcocean is here to tell us that Rubio was close in Mississippi.
Detroit is still being held to a less than 30,000 vote HRC lead and this is with 64% of their precincts counted. Bernie makes up those losses in Ann Arbor (Washtenaw) and Grand Rapids.
Arabs are breaking for him 70% to 30%. They love him like they loved Bush. It's not just blacks who vote in Detroit.
THere's something to be said for refusing to blow up every bit of the Middle East that annoys you. If you want that, vote for Hillary. Even Trump doesn't see any point in doing that.
GO Bernie!
The Democrat primaries are dull as dishwater. Its all proportional and we know that Bernie is losing the black vote by 80-20. He's just the Washington Generals.
It came from your meandering, idiotic 9:51 post. I have no idea what you're saying, but it seems to be a defense of the Republican strategy in the South as if that's any meaningful response to why HRC's advantage there doesn't mean shit.
Bay Area Guy:
I think volunteering and donating is a bridge to far if Trump wins. Voting is a possibility.
Drago is calling it. Mississippi will decide the 2016 election.
He should know. He knows all.
"Rhythm and Balls"
The 'Southern Strategy' is bull shit revisionist history.
Rhythm and Balls: "It came from your meandering, idiotic 9:51 post."
No, it didn't.
R&B's: "I have no idea what you're saying, but it seems to be a defense of the Republican strategy in the South as if that's any meaningful response to why HRC's advantage there doesn't mean shit"
No, it wasn't.
I defy anyone to draw a connection between what I posted at 9:51 and your boiling cauldron of disconnected and addled assertion-stew.
On the other hand, fun to watch.
@I Callahan & RB,
Wayne County is 75% counted! Bernie still has a shot.
@Birkel - so there's a chance!
Rhythm and Balls: "Drago is calling it. Mississippi will decide the 2016 election"
Right on cue!
Goodness Gracious. Trump and Drudge are killing Little Rubio. Just killing Jerry.
Headline "The incredible shrinking campaign" And a photo of Rubio that makes him look like a little person. A definite kill shot.
Oof. That Drudge lead is brutal. I actually felt a moment of pity for Rubio. It passed.
Decision desk calls it for Hillary. Their numbers really don't support that claim at the moment -- must be a combination of precincts and exit polls.
Go Bern Go!
92℅ in and 25,000 vote lead. Will the lead hold? This is exciting.
Drago: How about this?
I have no response. I don't care what you meant or claim that you didn't mean. I'm done caring about what goes on much less what you admit goes on in your messed-up head. You have as strong a hold on clarity as Flint's drinking water.
Now shut up and crawl back under your rock.
On to Winner take all Tuesday!
Bernie's 3% lead has been holding steady for quite awhile.
The only remaining question? How many ballots need to be found in car trunks to pull it out for Hillary? Something tells me the DNC and DWS would have no difficulty ruling any auto-encased "late" votes valid.
Rhythm and Balls: "Drago: How about this? I have no response. I don't care what you meant or claim that you didn't mean. I'm done caring about what goes on much less what you admit goes on in your messed-up head. You have as strong a hold on clarity as Flint's drinking water.
Now shut up and crawl back under your rock"
It would be easier to simply admit that you have been partaking quite liberally of some sort of medication and/or alcohol this evening and that has diminished your comprehension skills significantly, thus your incoherent and rambling "responses" to statements never made.
Fact-checking Trump's stream-of-consciousness ramble...
About his winning club championships. It's basically all a lie. I don't think he's ever won a legitimate, true club championship. He is listed as club champion at one of the courses he owns, Trump International Palm Beach, for two years in which basically nobody was playing while the course was re-grassed and growing in. He's also listed as a "Senior" club champion at Trump National Bedminster, after having turned in scorecards to the club pro (his employee) with instructions that he (Trump) be declared the champion.
About Trump operating the "biggest winery on the east coast." Not true. It is indeed one of the largest vineyards in Virginia; and Trump got it in one of the weirdest deals the Wall Street Journal ever reported on:
From an Aaron Goldstein blog post at The American Spectator; he recalls a British ITV report on Trump from a few years back:
This ability to blag people into believing he was a commercial genius was most vividly illustrated in a helicopter ride we took over New York. Pointing to the Empire State Building, he told me he owned it.
‘What all of it?’ I asked.
‘Yes, 100 per cent,’ he replied.
Later, forgetting he had told me he wholly owned the building, he said he only owned 50 per cent of it which he then considerably reduced. It was the same story with the Trump Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City.
‘It’s wholly owned by me,’ he said. ‘Are you sure?’ I asked. ‘Well maybe 80 per cent,’ he demurred. ‘Are you quite sure?’ I pressed. He replied: ‘Well it’s actually 50 per cent…’
Something tells me...
Are you watching static tv channels again after missing doses of Zyprexa, Abilify and Clozapine?
Chuck: "...........blah blah blah...........(ignore Hillary)....blah blah blah (ignore Hillary)....blah blah....."
DNC Representative: "...........blah blah blah...........(ignore Hillary)....blah blah blah (ignore Hillary)....blah blah....."
Draw your own conclusions.
Wayne County is furiously stuffing the ballot box. 83% counted, but Bernie's lead shrinking to only 17,000 votes. Darn.
Bay Area Guy: "Wayne County is furiously stuffing the ballot box. 83% counted, but Bernie's lead shrinking to only 17,000 votes."
Magical 200% turnout precincts in solid African-American areas will pull this out for Hillary!
It would be easier to simply admit that you have been partaking quite liberally of some sort of medication and/or alcohol this evening and that has diminished your comprehension skills significantly, thus your incoherent and rambling "responses" to statements never made.
My analyses are solid. I called a Bernie win before Detroit got more than 50% of its vote in. I explained why HRC's hold on the Democratic stronghold of Mississippi is meaningless. Bernie's win is a major upset. He's been doing this consistently, but in less populous states. Michigan is a bellweather and he outperformed the polling by more than 20 points. Obviously the MSM is way out too lunch, as are you. But you can go on about Cold War fever dreams, so you have that going for you.
So other than that, you're basically a retard with nothing useful to contribute to any discussion of the 2016 race in the United States of America - which makes you boring and tedious. But you will keep soliciting me for information on those rare occasions when the small, non-reptilian portion of your brain reminds you that reality beckons. I'm just done responding because you're a waste of eardrums.
Anyone else who wants a meaningful perspective in good faith can feel free to engage. You, I'm done with.
"Rhythm and Balls" admitted to trying to read Drago's mind confessed he could not and was forced to "admit (not knowing what) goes on in your messed-up head"...
That is comment section comedy gold.
Hillary is going to win Michigan. The inner city Detroit vote is the last to be counted every single election. They'll overwhelmingly vote for Clinton, by at least a 2-1 spread. That'll be more than enough.
This reminds me of what happened in WI recall elections. Milwaukee withheld their votes for as long as possible in order to know what kind of margin was going to be needed to defeat Walker. But Waukesha County (pro-Walker), anticipating Malwaukee's historical antics, withheld their results even longer than Milwaukee did. I likened the whole thing to an acid base titration and the use of a "titration thief" as explained here.
"Rhythm and Balls" thinks "you're a waste of eardrums" because he can hear the keys as you type your comments. Spooky!!
For you guys interested in Detroit vote-counting...
I have been a Republican Party Poll Watcher in Detroit. I've been in about 60 different precincts, I've been in the main absentee counting center in the Cobo Hall basement, and I've been at the main magnetic-tape counting center at Cody High School.
You have no idea, what Detroit voting is like. Detroit went more than 97% for Obama in 2012. You can't find election results like that in Havana, or Tehran. The Detroit black-church voter turnout is completely monolithic. The numbers there are unlike any normal demographic you can think of.
That is comment section comedy gold.
I guarantee that laughing is not the only thing that you do alone, by yourself.
"The numbers there are unlike any normal demographic you can think of."
Now Sanders plus 35,000 with 94% in!
How can they steal this from him? Hillary needs some coin flips bad.
You are so cute when I quote you.
Does the anger make you want to punch your cats?
Birkel: "Rhythm and Balls" admitted to trying to read Drago's mind confessed he could not and was forced to "admit (not knowing what) goes on in your messed-up head"..
R&B's goes to great lengths to create the conversations he needs in order to position himself for the rhetorical "win".
It's always a fascinating exercise to read the imaginary beliefs that R&B's feels the need to assign to others which he then proceeds to smash! It reveals a great deal.
David > Chuck
It's been called.
Sanders was up by 22,000 votes and Detroit only had about 30,000 votes or so to go. As I said.
Republicans can't do math.
R&B is right about Bernie: he made an amazing showing tonight -- even if he closely loses he far exceeded expectations.
An interesting metric would be overall absolute numbers: votes for Trump vs. votes for Hillary in MI. Trump by far has the greater crossover appeal in a general.
R&B's: "I guarantee that laughing is not the only thing that you do alone, by yourself."
True. There are times when Birkel watches TV alone. Or reads a book. He might even enjoy a sandwich alone.
And don't get me started on Birkel working on a puzzle by himself!
Seriously, Drago, he can hear you typing.
The call is coming from inside the house.
Drago -
Karl Rove is looking for your help in FOX News' voting results booth.
Get in there, Big Gunner.
R&B's: "Sanders was up by 22,000 votes and Detroit only had about 30,000 votes or so to go. As I said.
Republicans can't do math."
Welcome to non sequitor-ville, the gateway to Strawman-town.
I often ask my wife for help on puzzles. She is very smart.
Birkel: "I often ask my wife for help on puzzles. She is very smart."
Is it "smart"-ness or IQ that determines enhanced puzzle capabilities, or is it more about pattern recognition and or color-discernment?
So Birkle Dee and Drago Dum have nothing left to do but needle and fixate and obsess over and harass me for the rest of the night. Got it.
Chick - thanks for being open-minded and listening to reason, which is obviously something those dipshits have no capacity for. As for the topic at hand, this bodes well for Bernie throughout the rest of the Midwest and as it connects on through to the West and down to Colorado, etc. Watch how this impacts WI.
Have a good one.
Add Bernie Sanders (2016) to the Michigan Democrat Primary Winners Hall of Fame. That includes Jesse Jackson (1988) and George Wallace (1972).
It's been called?
I'm watching CNN numbers. They have placed the check mark yet.
This will be huge news until the media decides to ignore it and talk about Trump and inevitable Hillary.
Someone mentioned Trump's female problem upthread. This is an interesting topic and I surprised that Althouse hasn't picked up on it in a more obvious way. But there's a corrolary: Hillary's abysmal standing among men in general across all walks of life.
Nevermind CNN has it marked now.
In other words, Trump vs. Clinton rhymes with Mars vs. Venus.
Drago Dum and Birkel Dee:
Does this mean you will take your frustrations out on me on every subsequent night that Sanders kicks Hillary's ass and Trump's ass?
Ok then. It's important for you to have outlets for venting your frustrations. You both seem like very frustrated guys.
Chuck: "Add Bernie Sanders (2016) to the Michigan Democrat Primary Winners Hall of Fame. That includes Jesse Jackson (1988) and George Wallace (1972)"
George Wallace?! Democrat? 1972? Winner of the Michigan Democrat primary?
Purveyors of republican southern strategy tales hardest hit!
Anyone up for a Trump/Sanders fusion ticket?
I am hoping for a Sanders victory and more mind reading efforts.
Surely FDR never won Michigan.
It all came down to Mississippi. It always comes down to Mississippi.
Bill, Republic of Texas: "Anyone up for a Trump/Sanders fusion ticket?"
I suggested a National Unity Ticket for those cats upthread.
You know, it's an idea so crazy it might just "work".
The Dem race is so interesting to me. Look at the dominance of Hillary in the black vote. 80%. Sanders is doing well with the Trump like voters. Young, workers and urban whites. What are the Hispanics doing?
Why don't Birkel Dee and Drago Dum tell us how enthusiastic they are about Trump as their nominee.
Or whomever it is that the convention will nominate.
It must really suck to have no candidates about whom you can say anything positive. How tough things must be for partisan children on the Republican side like Birkel Dee and Drago Dum.
I have been very disappointed in Cruz this entire primary season. How does he keep losing the evangelical vote to a charlatan like Trump? It's incredible, really.
Later R&B's: "Rhythm and Balls said...
Why don't Birkel Dee and Drago Dum tell us how enthusiastic they are about Trump as their nominee"
Earlier R&B's: "You, I'm done with."
Shhhhhhh. There, there. Don't you remember the promise you made to yourself?
Looks like Cruz will end up in second in Michigan, which is bad news for Kasich, and Sanders will end up winning in Michigan (Although I saw several places calling it for Hillary earlier tonight.)
Sorry Drago. Props. I must have read it subliminally. Trump and Sanders seem to overlap on their appeal venns.
When Trump dodged that Fix debate I suggested he and Sanders debate that night. I still think that was a great idea.
Ah, I see, we are children. Children - as revealed by our penchant for applying logic and avoiding name calling.
It was a rhetorical question. Posed for the benefit of a commentariat that probably finds you just as useless.
Let me know when you have something quotable to say about the race.
Other than that, I expect nothing memorable to come out of your peanut gallery.
Good night.
Ah, I see, we are children. Children - as revealed by our penchant for applying logic and avoiding name calling.
Don't forget relevance, either. You avoid relevance like the plague.
Southern black women apparently love Hillary Clinton. Love.
I do not know why.
I save pearls for the times when there are no swine.
BDNYC: "I have been very disappointed in Cruz this entire primary season. How does he keep losing the evangelical vote to a charlatan like Trump? It's incredible, really."
Actually, it's not.
Are "evangelicals" really a monolithic voting bloc? Are evangelicals really constrained by only the social issues?
Answer those questions correctly and it becomes much clearer why evangelicals are breaking in %'s similar to other voting blocs for Trump.
Bill, Republic of Texas: "When Trump dodged that Fix debate I suggested he and Sanders debate that night. I still think that was a great idea"
This would be TV magic. How much do you want to bet it would be a love fest?
The "Outsider Debate"! We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it any longer!
Right. It's your biblical priorities that prevent you from availing all the assembled blog commenters here of your profound political wisdom, Birkel.
HoodlumDoodlum: "Southern black women apparently love Hillary Clinton. Love.
I do not know why"
There are some obvious parallels, but even to think those thoughts can land you in the SJW hoosegow.
TV execs everywhere are salivating at the potential ratings of a Trump/Sanders debate.
That debate would have ruined Trump. He would have agreed with Sanders on too many things that would have compromised his positions.
Sanders is a communist. Trump thinks Republicans want to leave people to die in the gutter.
Birkel: "That debate would have ruined Trump. He would have agreed with Sanders on too many things that would have compromised his positions."
I'm not talking about the political efficacy of a Trump/Sanders debate (from the perspective of the candidates). I'm merely contemplating the "event-ness" potential of it.
Drago, you may be right. Those two might just form a mutual admiration society!
Does the e in GOPe mean establishment?
Yeah, I think it does! Who orchestrated that shit? Man, ya'll just say ditto to everything.
"Rhythm and Balls"
I have no biblical anything. I have read the Bible. I also read Keynes, Rawls, Foucault, Derrida and Nietzsche. (My office smells of rich mahogany and has many leather bound books.)
One of those books had some pretty good ideas about living.
David I'm aware of some neighborhoods in Philadelphia that are pretty crazy. But Philadelphia (85.2% for Obama in 2012) is positively metropolitan compared to Detroit (97.9% for Obama in 2012).
There are places in Broward County, Florida with numbers like that. There were individual precincts in Cleveland where they reported 100% for Obama! There are small pockets in lots of big cities with overwhelming Obama numbers. And large cities where Obama was a huge winner. You rightly pointed to Philly.
But there's pretty much no place like Detroit. The numbers show it. I'm a little surprised, that Detroit Dems couldn't pull a win out for Hillary. She was on the air heavily over the past week and a half on Detroit tv.
Did someone just pretend to invent a new word? "Event-ness"?
We've got some real Einsteins in the thread tonight.
Way to go Bernie!
Because nothing says romantic revolutionary more than a 74-year old Vermont Socialist!
Still, old Bernie is preferable to Hillary.
It's interesting listening to Dana Perino on "The Five" pretend that, gee whiz, she just can't understand what anyone means by "establishment". Her example, naturally off target, was someone at the precinct level who has maybe volunteered over 1000 hours of his/her time to the local party?
Yeah, sure Dana. That's what the base voters mean by "establishment".
And mind you, I like Dana Perino in general.
One of those books had some pretty good ideas about living.
How about stop casting stones at me? All I've been trying to do is explain why Bernie Sanders' upset is important and why his momentum will probably continue to build through the race.
Yes, I'm returning fire as well. But if you or the other guy don't want to read or listen to what I have to say about the race then don't listen or just skip it.
Einstein invented "event-ness" and The Special Theory of Relativity?
But Philadelphia (85.2% for Obama in 2012) is positively metropolitan compared to Detroit (97.9% for Obama in 2012).
I grew up in Detroit. The reason for the above is that Detroit has a larger percentage of black people than Philly does. The only white areas within the city of Detroit are the hipster areas in Downtown and Corktown.
R&B's: "Did someone just pretend to invent a new word? "Event-ness"? We've got some real Einsteins in the thread tonight."
Consider "event-ness" my cosmological constant!
Of course, as Einstein regretted creating the cosmological constant, so I might regret my "event-ness" term.
The jury, at this time, must remain out.
Sun-Tzu had some good rules on living too.
Quit being a pompous blow hard and don't make shit up and I will leave you alone. So... I will never leave you alone.
The two guys who pounded away at our shitty trade policies a la Ross Perot in 1992 won their primaries in a state whose workers suffered for these policies. The bipartisan establishment has their head up their ass
It is true that Einsteins works helped advance our understanding of general relativity and the "Event-ness" Horizon.
Don't remember what I made up. Just gave my honest input on why Bernie was in the process of pulling off a major upset... about a half hour before he did just that.
So... I will never leave you alone..
Did Clinton add to her delegate total?
I Callahan: "I grew up in Detroit. The reason for the above is that Detroit has a larger percentage of black people than Philly does. The only white areas within the city of Detroit are the hipster areas in Downtown and Corktown"
Well, Mayor Colemen Young told certain groups of people to leave and then enacted policies which "encouraged" those people to leave. So those people left. Then things went to hell. Unexpectedly.
The Southern Strategy is an ahistorical lie that Democrats tell to paint Republicans as racists despite the long history of racism adopted by the Democrat Party.
It is a lie.
Kwame Kilpatrick was a real winner too.
Birkel: "Kwame Kilpatrick was a real winner too"
Yes, but by that late date the reality of democrat/marxist one-party rule ensured the inevitable results.
It would appear Cruz would be winning if Kasich and Rubio had quit already.
Bernie will probably do well in Wisconsin. He will resonate in Madison and especially Milwaukee. Milwaukee actually had 60 years of positive experience with Sewer Socialism. Bernie needs to bone up on that.
Acehad a comment about Kilpatrick years ago.
Said he was indicted for "felonious haberdashery".
Ace had....
It is a lie to pretend that dog whistle politics don't exist.
Tell me what your interpretation is of the phrase, "welfare queens"?
Or better yet, don't tell me - because I think I know. We can throw a bunch of examples out there. I believe that people can get their points across in subtle, muted ways. Even insidious points. I believe that even if a politician doesn't feel a need to personally indulge demeaning or racist attitudes, they may choose to do so for the purpose of winning votes. Even the Clintons have done this.
Agree or disagree - it's a fact as far as I'm concerned. Unless you want to pretend that politicians are all saints. Or maybe it's just Republican politicians whom you believe to be complete saints.
Which would make you something a hell of a lot lower than a "pearl caster" who avoids swines. It would make you a gullible dupe.
I'm just calling 'em as I see 'em. I see that pols go negative, and they do against voters as well - if it will get them votes of the people who agree with that negativity.
But maybe your party is a party of unicorns jumping over rainbows who are only capable of saying nice, humane and completely complimentary things about every voting group.
And evolution didn't happen. And stem cells are people. And scientists are ignorant. Etc., etc., etc.
Why can't you leave me alone? How badly do you want to lose this point that I've already moved on from? It must be a very personal thing for you, I guess.
Bernie will probably do well in Wisconsin.
I think you're right. That would make MN, WI, MI, probably Ohio.
I can see HRC taking Illinois, and certainly IN, but I think even her chances of the former shrink as Bernie's momentum grows.
It's an interesting race to watch, at least.
Cruz is using dirty tricks in Hawaii. And he wonders why nobody likes him! Sometimes I feel like it's hard to TrustTed.
Strange how you still have zero endorsements in the Senate. I could have sworn you had some friends in the Senate who were going to endorse you this week. It's almost like you have to force them to endorse you or something!
Half of Donnie's supporters think Scalia was murdered. You know, Donnie, if you make them too paranoid, they're not going to leave the house to vote for you!
Remember, everybody, no matter how muddy this gets, we really want to avoid Satan's wedding.
Dog whistles are on the right and the left tells blacks that Republicans are racists and hate them because the left's well intentioned policies have created a permanent underclass of half of blacks.
Cruz isn't behind any dirty tricks in Hawaii, Saint Croix. That's an ahistorical lie to cover up Trump's long history of dirty tricks.
It's an ahistorical lie.
Republicans never do anything sneaky or wrong. Ever. Birkel told me that.
I know mccullough. Which is why in Republican led states like the deep South blacks have been doing so very well also. They must have also intended it to be that way, I guess.
No, I watched The Mayor of Hell. There was an election in it as well as a voter turnout program.
Mary, watch the blasphemy, you crook.
"Working Hands
Working Hands
Toughen Up Your Skin!"
Vaseline Intensive Care
Let's the Healing Begin...
Maybe it's just me, but when I read that, I think of Hillary, and then look not for Vaseline, but for Bag Balm.
I hate the GOPe and - simultaneously - demand that Cruz be endorsed by a GOPe senator.
Because logic.
The GOP neglects blacks because they don't vote for them, just as the Dems neglect the bitter clingers because they don't vote for them. Blacks shouldn't vote for the GOP but they should definitely not vote for the Dems either. Anyway, the Great Society programs were pushed by the Dems (with some GOP support) but they haven't helped the majority of blacks become self sufficient. Instead, they contributed to the evisceration of the black family, as Moynahan had warned.
So Hillary and Bernie will pander to BLM but won't push to get rid of collective bargaining and civil service protections for police. Police, like other government workers, don't have to be responsive or acvountable to the people they serve because they are impossible to fire. They basically stopped doing their job in Baltimore and Chicago, leading to major spikes in violent crime while arrest rates go down.
But to Dems, government services are primarily a jobs program and secondarily to help the public. So we get police brutality and dereliction, lead in the water, and veterans dying because they can't get in to see a doctor (to give three recent examples).
Since government is primarily a jobs program, nothing changes. But the Dems keep blaming the GOP to distract the ignorant from the obvious. And it is a national disgrace.
Besides dog whistles, and Drago typing, what else do you hear beyond human abilities?
I think of Wall Street crony capitalists when I think of what flare queens, btw. The ones who financed Obama's campaign. And joined his administration.
...Of welfare queens...
Trump and Drudge are killing Little Rubio. Just killing Jerry.
I wonder how much Trump is paying Drudge to do that?
It's a moot point, mccullough. You can tell blacks how they should vote and I can tell poor whites how they should vote. People will vote how they'll vote. Even using the word "should" in reference to any of this is condescending. Or if it's not, it's meaningless because it won't do any good. The people decide what they want regardless of whose "interests" it appears that they're performing. The point was about the existence of dog whistles and the disingenuousness of denying them and if people don't want to take that up, fine - I made my point.
Matt Drudge, you prostitute!
I think there are journalists in the Soviet Union with more integrity.
"Don't vote for Rubio! He's a midget!"
Little Baby Satan, how much did it cost to buy Drudge? Just curious.
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