This is from the Chicago Tribune. I love the ability to swivel around an see different people and get a sense of where they were. (The function worked in my Firefox browser but not in Safari.)
Particularly interesting, at 1:14: A black man yells "Go back to Europe" repeatedly at a young white man who's wearing a Trump T-shirt.
६१ टिप्पण्या:
Wow, that's pretty impressive. Really puts you in the action. Which action is totalitarianism, of course.
Ugh. Terrible. Why weren't those disrupters removed? Were they too numerous?
It's time to wake up and stop taking civilization for granted, people.
Trump has been vilified simply because he is ahead of the curve and sees the writing on the wall.
The smart set crowd better get their heads out of their asses. This is IT.
Does he mean Nazi Europe? Europe is not the source of Nazi power anymore. The Eight Airforce and the Third Army destroyed it from the west as the Russians destroyed from the east. The few Nazi powers who escaped came to USA as rocket scientists and CIA trainers, or went to South American hideouts.
The closest we have to the old Nazis Orders is seen in Soros and some other Chicago area Progressives who see Trump as an unfair competitor beating them to grabbing power that they have righteously paid for in supporting the Bush family.
Americans have been tolerant and even gracious to a fault.
Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Barney derides Lisa for serving gazpacho at a picnic:
"Go back to Russia!!"
"Go back to Europe!" That sounds like a cute little conversation starter. Hope the fine young lad enjoys the reply.
Not sure anymore if America can be great again.
These threads reminds a lot of the ones you posted earlier about Trump encouraging supporters to punch protestors in the face , and the threads about the gentleman who sucker punched a protestor and later said next time he would kill him.
Oh wait .
Based on these threads alonr, you'd never have any idea why Rubio said the things he said today . You'd think it was just Trump and his supporters being victimized .
Have you gotten Scott Adams' reaction, Professor Althouse? You know, for more commentary on the Master Class in Emotional Management.
Or was it Shameless Emotional Exploitation?
How many times have blacks been told to go back to Africa, or Hispanics to Mexico? It must be true, what goes around comes around.
How did all those people, get their tickets if it was not coordinated, planned and organized ahead of time? Those chanters were ready with their lines and looked professional. I hope Trump investigates (because we know our media won't) and brings the culprits out.
Shocking that people protest when demonized during election season . Why can't they just be "loving" about it !
one of my facebook friends posted a link a black woman who "stood up to racist Trump supporters". So I went to look at the link to see what those evil Trump supporters were doing to her.
And she was basically screaming "black power! black power! black power!" in their faces. One Trump supporter said "White power!" back to her. But that clearly was meeting her racist charge with one back saying if you are going to say black power and scream it in face I'll say white power back to you. and another Trump supporter eventually said "Shut up"
If you are screaming black power into people's faces I dont see how thats conducive to debate, or not an example of racism. Trump supporters were just there to listen to a speech but had to have some lady screaming racial identity politics in their ear. But they are the bigots when they respond.
There really does appear to be a blind spot for lefties where they dont understand that what they do actually is actually a manifestation of how they think their enemies act.
Even in this video a bunch of people start screaming "facist! facist!"
Who is here to disrupt the event? Isnt' that what facists do? try to drown out other peoples ability to speak? So, why are they screaming facist at other people?
THEY are the facists.
The function worked in my Firefox browser but not in Safari.
I'm seeing "Scout talks to some guy".
The video is here - I think, link from the code of the non-working (firefox and chrome) Chicago Tribune - 10 seconds?
Here's the camera:
"Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and John Kasich suggested Saturday (March 12) they may not support Donald Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee, as violence at the front-runner's rallies deepened the party's chaotic chasm.
Rubio said it was "getting harder every day" to keep his word. Kasich said the "toxic environment" Trump is creating "makes it very, extremely difficult" to support him.
"To see Americans slugging themselves at a political rally deeply disturbed me," Kasich said while campaigning in Cincinnati. "We're better than that."
So demonizing Trump supporters as KKK is acceptable but calling for a stop to illegal immigration is bad.
"Have you gotten Scott Adams' reaction, Professor Althouse? You know, for more commentary on the Master Class in Emotional Management."
I don't think Adams blogs on Saturday. But actually, I did check. I should understand him well enough by now that I could invent a Scott Adams response. I assume it would be something to the effect of how the protesters have given the master valuable raw material and we will see what he does with it. I mean we don't need the mind of Scott Adams — do we? — to predict that the out-of-control protests will be leveraged in support of Donald Trump. Those outside of the arena (or, here in Wisconsin, the rotunda) don't like to see disorderly mobs. Donald Trump is running as a strong man who will protect us, and the mob makes us feel that we need protection.
harrogate wrote:
These threads reminds a lot of the ones you posted earlier about Trump encouraging supporters to punch protestors in the face , and the threads about the gentleman who sucker punched a protestor and later said next time he would kill him.
if these are the protesters I WANT TO PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE too. No wonder he said that. THat's not an excuse to sucker punch a protester.
But the argument from those engaging in the protest is that Trump and his supporters are just violent and like to manhandle black people.
Its not as if the protesters are just sitting there minding their own business with a sign. No, they are getting in peoples faces and yelling 'facist! facist! facist!" at the top of their lungs (look at the expression of the white guy who is trying to talk and realizing he is being completely drowned out by the mob). Or RACIST! racist! racist!
the guy that Trump said strong things about earlier was supposedly throwing punches before he had to be carried out. And Trump was saying that his supporters should have punched back.
if you look at these protesters, is anyone surprised if one of them would haul off and punch people? Generally, if you goad people by screaming in their face that they are facists, they will start saying negative things about you back. YOU were the one that picked the fight. You were intending to start the fight by pushing their buttons.
Yet, after doing this, the protesters feign innocence and call Trump supporters violent.
2:10 and works:
Disrupting this rally only amplifies Trump's message. It didn't suppress it. People are now curious as to what Trump could have been saying that engendered so much hate. When they hear Trump's common sense approach to fixing things, and not any of the negative things he's been accused of, he wins them over. Thanks again, lefties!
Of course, these paid protesters are paid to bait the other side and get a reaction out of them preferably on camera.
Kasich and Rubio's reaction is priceless. Their supporters make up such a small slice of the electorate, that their take on the goings on is meaningless. Trump has awoken a giant. A big, diverse, deep giant. Of course its going to be disruptive. Big political movements are disruptive. Not Kasich's nor Rubio's tiny following. Step aside, boys.
If you believe Trump resembles Hitler, with the scapegoating and the tapping into hatred in order to gain votes (as Rubio accused him of doing this morning ), and you DONT protest , then what does that say? If you believe Trump's campaign is about dehumanizing you and putting you in danger for your life , should you nonetheless follow Hillary Clinton's brave call to follow the lead of "Charleston"?
Interesting times we are in .
Get in your neighbors face.
Punch back twice as hard.
Punish your enemies.
Bring a gun to a knife fight.
I don't want to lessen the anger.
Those Trump quotes are very shocking. He is obviously unfit to be President.
Seems like the fascists don't like pushback. I'm not surprised.
Perhaps if Germans took to the streets to protest Hitler and his Brownshirts en masse, we could've avoided what came after. But the Germans of 1933 were similar to the Americans of today who thought such a buffoonish character would never be voted in to a seat of power. They thought it would "never happen here".
Funny I think Hillary is a corrupt fascist and would oppose intentionally causing riots to oppose her.
Do people not realize that there were PLENTY of violent reactions to Hitler during his rise?
Trump is just exposing the virus that has been affecting the United States for awhile. He didn't cause the virus. He just wants to stay healthy and win. The virus is insidious. It has a very unhealthy force to it. If you watch The Walking Dead you may be infected already.
They do realize it , I think . And how does history remember these people. What do YOU think of them? Thugs depriving his right to express a "point of view"?
Protesting a Trump speech - or Obama or Clinton or Sanders - is fine. Go for it.
Using force or violence or threats or the "heckler's veto" to try and suppress that speech is unacceptable. It's illegal, immoral and flat out wrong.
What? it's okay to use fascist tactics in order to defeat what you believe is fascism? So how are you any different than the fascist threat you perceive?
If I thought someone was threatening my existence it would be awfully hard to just consider that a "point of view", and in this I'm not alone .
I guess the question is , do the people of color in the U.S. who think that's what Trump is doing , have a point ? If you think they have no point then sure , their protests last night look over the top and frightening. If you think they have a point ?
Again, how does history remember the protestors of Hitler and Mussolini? How do each of us remember them ?
We either have a rule of law or we don't. We either use peaceful means of protest or we don't.
If you want to throw away the rule of law then where do you go to when YOU need it to protect your rights?
You want to use fascist like tactics in order to defeat what you consider fascism. You don't see the problem with that?
If the Trump opponents (and I'm certainly one of them for what it's worth) think it's okay then it must be okay for Trump supporters? Is that where you want to take us?
If I thought someone was threatening my existence it would be awfully hard to just consider that a "point of view"
How far do you want to take this?
So a perceived threat to one's existence gives one the right to use violence against that perceived threat? And that perception can be just someone advocating a view you think threatens you? Mere advocacy gives you a right to suppress that speech?
Well, this leads us to a place where nobody wins.
No it's not where I want to take us . I think it's really dangerous , where we are. But part of that danger is you have large swaths of the electorate who genuinely fear for their lives , at the rhetoric and rise of the person currently frontrunning the GOP. Do you not see that these people fear for their own safety in the face of this campaign ? Does this trouble you ? It troubles me .
I know Rubio is a loser but he spoke to this in a direct way this morning , I thought .
Well, I don't understand the fear from black Americans about a Trump presidency. What has he said or done or advocated that engenders fear among them?
Muslim Americans? Okay. But black Americans? I don't see it.
Who genuinely fears for their lives? Isn't that a bit over the top? Look, I loathe the man and many of his sycophantic supporters, especially this alt-right white sick people. His view of the powers of the presidency are disturbing. He apparently thinks the president can do anything.
But he can't. We have a system that will prevent him from doing great harm. I am fully confident in that system.
Although it would have been great if the same progressives who worry about a Trump presidency haven't been supporting a chiseling away of the limits on the presidency over these years.
Trump IS a danger but let's keep it in perspective.
"If you believe Trump's campaign is about ... putting you in danger for your life"
...then you are a deluded hysteric.
The way the left is talking about Trump today is the way the left talks about things they think should be rights (like healthcare).
Assume the position (in this case, Trump is Hilter), then any disagreement with that position is just outrageous. Any pushback against the bad thing is righteous.
So you can't be against gay marriage, because that is homophobic.
You can't be against affirmative action, because that is racist.
You can't be pro-TeaParty, because that is tea bagging and racist.
And you can't let Trump talk, because he is the next Hitler.
Shut up shut up shut up, the left says.
And now, the people tired of being told to shut up are being told they are facist and must accept shutting up.
Why can't you just listen, lefties? Why can't you just disagree?
At the midpoint of the video, was that Trump supporters yelling, "We gonna be all white, hey we gonna be all white"?
Will Bernie be asked about this? Add my voice to those who wonder.
I work with a lot of young people, and they all thought the disruption and the shutting down of the even was the coolest thing ever. They are really proud of Chicago for it.
You and your fellow travelers are the fascists.
"Perhaps if Germans took to the streets to protest Hitler and his Brownshirts en masse, we could've avoided what came after. But the Germans of 1933 were similar to the Americans of today who thought such a buffoonish character would never be voted in to a seat of power. They thought it would "never happen here"."
A stunning display of stupidity. Jaw dropping.
If I thought someone was threatening my existence
Oh geez, drop the hyperbole. No one's existence has been threatened.
People broke the law to enter this country, and now they claim that enforcing immigration law is a "threat" to their existence and justifies violence.
You're running with Brownshirts.
Michael, you stun me daily with your intelligence. I'm so impressed.
"Registering" people who belong to a certain religion sounds threatening. Of course he was referring to Muslims, so that OK, right?
But part of that danger is you have large swaths of the electorate who genuinely fear for their lives , at the rhetoric and rise of the person currently front-running the GOP.
I don't know why large swaths of the electorate would be fearing for their lives due to the rhetoric of Donald Trump.
I can see why some people might be fearing for their way of life. Is that what you mean?'s people who are afraid who are also supporting Trump. They are afraid at the rhetoric and rise of the current President and current Dem candidates. So don't they, too, have a genuine right to be heard and to vote? Even a right to be angry?
One of Amanda's comrades rushed the stage at a Trump event. Fascists gotta be fascists.
Amanda - I don't think that there was ever an intent to register Muslim citizens, and likely not Muslims who were resident aliens. And, that is the key. Most here think that illegals should have few rights, and those that they do have shouldn't include not being registered. We are at war with Islamic jihadists, and it is just plain silly ignore this. At a minimum, the Muslims here who are neither citizens or legal resident aliens need to be vetted. And, thanks to Obama and his henchmen, they aren't being - hence the shootings in San Bernardino.
And, this is far from what the Nazis did (who were leftists anyway - just look at what "Nazi" stood for during WW II and before). They didn't like Jews, Gypsies, Poles, etc., and ultimately rounded many/most of them up, many to be sent to concentration camp.
Trump-Nazis, BLM-Nazis, Sanders-Nazis. Who's worse?
Has Bernie condemned the actions of his supporters? If so, I can't find a record anywhere. Perhaps another commenter can enlighten me.
Limited blogger said...
Disrupting this rally only amplifies Trump's message. It didn't suppress it. People are now curious as to what Trump could have been saying that engendered so much hate. When they hear Trump's common sense approach to fixing things, and not any of the negative things he's been accused of, he wins them over. Thanks again, lefties!
I am not a lefty, LB, but I am a lot further right than you ever dreamed of being. Trump is not conservative, he is a lefty with no message or anchor. He goes where his narcissistic stream of consciousness takes him. When you listen to him, count the number of times he refers to himself. If you can think at all, you must realize this is not healthy adult behavior and it cannot be good for America.
Trump is a demagogue running on national populist sentiments. If the two major parties hadn't done such a shit job the last 25-30 years, his campaign wouldn't have happened. Neither would Sanders
Amanda said...
Seems like the fascists don't like pushback. I'm not surprised.
You're a veritable Wikipedia of Ignorance.
Fascists want MORE government, and MORE control over the populace.
Conservatives want LESS government, and LESS government control over their lives.
I suspect you are a foot soldier in Bernie's "Free Shit Army."
Are you?
"Trump is a demagogue running on national populist sentiments. "
I tend to agree. I'm already starting to see comparisons to William Jennings Bryan. The pacifism of Bryan is the biggest difference.
I think this could be the revolution I have been expecting but the left is not going to go down without a fight. A big fight. I expect to see Cleveland in flames for the the GOP convention is over.
"I am not a lefty, LB, but I am a lot further right than you ever dreamed of being."
Just want this gem repeated.
Who the hell are you?
harrogate wrote: No it's not where I want to take us . I think it's really dangerous , where we are. But part of that danger is you have large swaths of the electorate who genuinely fear for their lives , at the rhetoric and rise of the person currently frontrunning the GOP. Do you not see that these people fear for their own safety in the face of this campaign ? Does this trouble you ? It troubles me .
Who exactly are those who "fear for their lives?" Are you not conflating lives with livelihoods?
Amanda said...How many times have blacks been told to go back to Africa, or Hispanics to Mexico? It must be true, what goes around comes around.
You really should go back to Austria. It's beautiful there.
Since the anti-rights bigots who shut down the rally have no desire to listen, to discuss, or even to allow any other political statement than their own, and are violently infringing the first amendment rights of others, is there any other recourse than arrest, conviction & sentencing under federal law to stop their depredations, (other than immediate violent self defense, of course)?
I ask as one who sees violent self defense as legitimate, but politically damaging in the current society we have. I would also prefer to see people convinced rather than convicted.
I guess the question is , do the people of color in the U.S. who think that's what Trump is doing , have a point ?
That depends if they're here legally or illegally.
Amanda said...
"How many times have blacks been told to go back to Africa, or Hispanics to Mexico?"
I give up, how many?
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