She is running against Bernie Sanders, a decades-long critic of Wall Street excess who is hardly a hot ticket on the industry speaking circuit.... By stonewalling on these transcripts Mrs. Clinton plays into the hands of those who say she’s not trustworthy and makes her own rules. Most important, she is damaging her credibility among Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House.
२६ फेब्रुवारी, २०१६
The NYT editors tell Hillary Clinton to release the transcripts of her "closed-door, richly paid speeches to big banks."
They hate her sneaky out: She'll release her transcripts "if everybody does it, and that includes the Republicans."
७२ टिप्पण्या:
Doubt if Trump has given speeches for pay. If he has I doubt he used a transcript.
Here' I will paraphrase her content as related by people at Goldman Sachs who were actually present:
"(wink, wink) Don't worry boys, I'm one of you, more so even than the Republicans." - Hillary
"Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House."
Also, Bill promises not to do that thing in your mouth.
I know the NYTs is MiniTru, but even they can't be so stupid as to assert there are living breathing dems out there who trust Hillary to run an accountable and transparent White House.o
After what she did with her email, you'd have to be delusional to think there's any chance she'd run an accountable and transparent White House. But of course, "delusional" describes a major hunk of the electorate these days.
Democrats know she is not trustworthy and don't care. It is independents and the LIVs who they are concerned about.
Most important, she is damaging her credibility among Democrats...
The fact that she has any credibility among Democrats tells you all you need to know about what is wrong with this country.
Wait, do they think she can top the Most Transparent Administration in History (TM)?
Laughable all around.
"Fen said...
I know the NYTs is MiniTru, but even they can't be so stupid as to assert there are living breathing dems out there who trust Hillary to run an accountable and transparent White House"
Oh there are, there are. Here's a sample from my facebook feed TODAY, an old story:
Department of Justice confirms Hillary Clinton email violated no laws or policies
By Bill Palmer | September 10, 2015 |
The United States Department of Justice confirmed today that Hillary Clinton violated no laws or policies by conducting her communications via personal email while serving as Secretary of State, aligning itself with an earlier edict from the State Department confirming the same. The determination from the DOJ may carry more weight in the eyes of the public as the agency is fully separate from the State Department, which Clinton was in charge of during her tenure. The ruling from the Justice Department was emphatic.
And the comment TODAY:
I get it that some of you think the entire thing is rigged and you'll never think otherwise. For the rest of us, this is over now.
The funny thing is that a guy like Jim Webb would walk away with this election. But Democrats have all caved to the personal will to power that the Clinton family takes as their divine right.
You needn't worry about Hilarys transparency, I'm sure it will be every bit as transparent as Obamas. His administration has set a new standard for transparency just like he promised. Don't you feel better now?
I think that Democrats have successfully convinced their voters that the email thing is a big nothing. Valerie Plame? That mattered then, this is now and we are talking about Hillary, not Rove! Same as they convinced everybody that Bill's constant groping, harassing of employees and campaign staff, and even rape was just a big kerfuffle about a blow job.
I am not sure though, that they can convince people to overlook the millions of refugees her policies have created in the middle east, the thousands of rapes in Europe that these refugees have committed. The thousands of refugees that have drowned at sea. These are on her head. She is not only a hawk, but she's bad at it. She has lousy judgement.
Times just wants to get this off the table. "Just one cycle, Hillary, then it's old news. It will be just a little pinprick, won't hurt much at all."
They hate her sneaky out: She'll release her transcripts "if everybody does it, and that includes the Republicans."
She could get away with this if not for that meddling Bernie!
They "tell" her, do they. And if she doesn't they will, do what?
Clearly, to Progs the secrets in her speeches matter more than the secrets on her server.
Agree with John @ 9:04 that Times just wants to get this off the table. They are rehabilitating their girl, drying her out enough to go back on the street and work.
Surely, you jest!
She will do it if Bernie releases the transcript of that time in Swanton, VT when he was talking to the guys on the loading dock of the evaporator factory about the wholesale price of maple syrup.
Is there any human being on God's green Earth who believes that Hillary would run an accountable and transparent White House?
Tell me again why Nixon was evil?
What Would Donald Do?
Hillary needs to be asking herself that question.
"she is damaging her credibility among Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House"
a.k.a., unicorns that poop skittles.
It's been worse for conservatives. In '68 they had to choose between Nixon and Humphrey. In '72 they had to choose between Nixon and McGovern. In '76 the choice was Ford and Carter.
She'll release her transcripts "if everybody does...
Rephrased: When it comes to transparency, I'll go to the end of the line and wait for everyone else first.
"Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House."
I think the most damaging thing in the transcripts, based on news accounts of people who were there at the time, is her remark that even the Republicans are being unreasonable, never mind her own party, in their rhetoric.
"if everybody does it, and that includes the Republicans."
What's transparent is that they cooked up this line "and that includes the Republicans" because Bernie has no speeches to release.
It must take a lot of moral courage to drift populist Left after having backed Hilary for decades.
"Terry said...
Is there any human being on God's green Earth who believes that Hillary would run an accountable and transparent White House?"
Millions and millions and millions. It's a mental illness.
Blogger Gahrie said...
Tell me again why Nixon was evil?
Wage and price controls. The EPA. He proposed a national health plan. Racial quotas.
Damn it, Tim, that's The People's maple syrup.
I guess I still don't see what Democrats see in Hillary. Terrible at giving speeches, negative charisma, shady financial dealings, mediocre senator (anyone that thinks she was hesitant to vote for the Iraq War Resolution should look at the senate speech she gave at the time), mediocre secretary of state, got every thing she has through her husband. . .
She's beyond a bad candidate. Her private server set-up proves she is a felon. A felon who has not been charged yet.
What kind of lazy reporters is the NYTimes employing. Hillary didn't type those transcripts up herself. Get a copy of them. Should be easier than getting the Pentagon Papers.
I hope after Trump wins the primary, at the first Trump/Hillary debate, he says, I'm already setting my my private Email server, because that's OK now, thanks to the standard Hillary set up.
@mccullough - They'd only do that to Repulicans.
The Russian spy agencies must be scratching their heads. "Hillary's not transparent?"
She will release the with blacked out sections for National Security. She is very careful there.
I suspectWall Street investment bankers want her speeches released praising them
They are Narcissists, of course. And Hillary wants to win while she shoots a bird atSanders the Socialist..
I doubt there's anything awful in the bank speeches other than cringeworthy flattery. I find Clinton's highly paid speeches to colleges and universities to be far more disgusting. Until Sanders came along, Clinton never claimed to be all that opposed to big banks (and the Obama administration has been in bed with them since the bailouts). But to simultaneously call for student debt bailouts and affordable college education while sucking hundreds of thousands of dollars out of colleges for every speech goes beyond parody. What level of greed allows a politician to chase the money at that level to that source? It speaks at once to greed, hypocrisy, and a complete divorce of principle from profit.
If the NYT's was actually interested they would do a little more than pen one editorial. For example, they could review and publish the donations from Wall Street and the "Media" (NBC, CBC, ABC, NYT, WaPo) to the Clinton Foundation. I'm guessing that the cozy relationships goes way beyond exorbitant speaking fees for Bill and Hillary and $500,000/year jobs at NBC for their talentless daughter.
The speaking fees are the tip of the iceberg. The could easily paint a mosaic of corruption with the Clinton's. But they would have to be interested.
Trump pays bribes. Hillary takes bribes. No one actually paid that kind of money to hear the revealed wisdom of Hillary Clinton. As for NYT, perhaps they have seen the light: better to go down in a blaze of Quixotic Glory with the Bern rather than suffer a humiliating defeat with the sleazy, slimy Hillary Clinton.
It would be interesting to know what other politicians have written into their paid speech contracts that the speaker owns the transcripts, allows no video and no media at their events. All I've ever heard is that is just the MO of both Clintons.
"both Clintons", I meant to say, "the Grifter and Wild Buck Billdingo"
Or should it be, "Wild Bill Mandingo"?
Blogger Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...
She'll release her transcripts "if everybody does...
Rephrased: When it comes to transparency, I'll go to the end of the line and wait for everyone else first.
The first thing I look for in a leader is the ability to follow everyone else. D'OH!
Hillary's honesty problem is not unknown about the Democrats. It is a major force behind the success of Sanders.
They probably just soldier on & make her the nominee in spite of it.
Wage and price controls. The EPA. He proposed a national health plan. Racial quotas.
Those are good reasons for Republicans to think that Nixon was evil...but why does the Left hate him so much?
Commies. I think Alger Hiss and comrades. Hated Ray-gun for the same reason, they fought the Commies in the 50s.
" . . . but why does the Left hate him so much?"
Because he let the boomer New Left know that he didn't think that they were important. Brother, you want to rile a Lefty born after 1945, tell him that his or her puerile political twitches don't merit your attention.
@Gahrie: Alger Hiss.
"...Democrats who are begging her to show them that she’d run an accountable and transparent White House"
Yeah, all four of them. Seriously, not one Democrat who supports Hillary - NOT ONE - is begging her to run an accountable and transparent White House. The only ones who think that is important are Sanders supporters. Hillary supporters are those who have quite the opposite hope, and they will certainly get what they want.
Well, that offer has an expiration date because at some point there will only be one candidate, Trump, and I'm not sure anyone could create a transcript of his speeches.
Clinton will keep these speeches to herself.
In fact, she will probably hide these speeches as hard as traditionalguy hides the policy specifics he expects a President Trump to enact.
@Gahrie: Alger Hiss.
That's all I can think of...his commie hunting days. He governed as a Liberal Democrat while president, and clearly the Democrats have no problem with presidents lying to Congress and the American people, or keeping secrets from them.
@Birkel - it's going to be great! That's all you need to know.
After 2008, we should expect nothing close to normal or decent from our presidential field. The door is open, BHO was elected!
If we could settle international disputes and solve the big problems with coin flips, Hillary would by my girl!
Something tells me Trump has never been paid to make a speech, it's plausible that he's been paid not to speak.
At any rate I'm sure he'll take Hilary up on her offer when it's just him an her.
While I don't believe I can in good conscience vote for either, I will take emmence pleasure watching him insult her during those precious few months between the conventions and the election.
44% of Americans would vote for Hillary even if she were shackled wearing orange overalls holding press conferences during visiting hours-- if she is the nominee.
As said previously, the only democrats that care what she told Goldman Sachs employees are Bernie supporters.
Gahrie said...
@Gahrie: Alger Hiss.
That's all I can think of...his commie hunting days. He governed as a Liberal Democrat while president, and clearly the Democrats have no problem with presidents lying to Congress and the American people, or keeping secrets from them.
The boomer Dems hated Johnson because he looked backward to the New Deal democrats, instead of forward to them, so they fired him. Humphrey did the same thing, so they didn't vote for him.McGovern did love the Boomer libs, but there weren't enough of them, so Nixon won again.
When you talk to Boomer libs who were around then, the hatred they have for Dick Nixon is white hot.
Men have daddy issues too, especially liberal boomer men.
Son: "You defeated Hitler and freed Europe, huh? Well my generation got Blacks their civil rights!"
Dad: "And you did that while you were smoking dope in your dorm room?"
Son: "Damn straight! My generation is coming up! We are going to elect a Black man president one day, and we won't even care if he's an American! Then we'll vote some screeching old biddy into office! And you can't stop us!"
A script is what you read from.
A transcript is a record of what you actually said.
It is kind of an oddity that Truman and Johnson did more for Black people than the 42 other presidents we have had combined, but the NYT rates Truman at the bottom of our modern presidents and Johnson seems to have vanished altogether.
Terry said...
Is there any human being on God's green Earth who believes that Hillary would run an accountable and transparent White House?
2/26/16, 9:20 AM
No. Given her recent track record, if elected, she would like have all government electronic data moved to private servers to avoid FIFO. After all of the current revelations, when she does not go to jail, why should she not? The precedent has been set and will be justifiable up to and until the next Republican is elected.
Clinton said, "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
I agree. Her entire past existence is irrelevant. Her future up to inauguration day is irrelevant. The only thing, the ONLY thing, that matters now, and up to the evening of the first Tuesday in November, is that the paid apparatchiks at the polls in a few select Ohio and Florida precincts do what is expected of them, to make her President. She cannot lose. CANNOT.
Hillary Clinton is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life, and even now I feel that way - this minute. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something tells me it's not true. It's just not true. It isn't as if Hillary's hard to like. She's impossible to like. In fact, she's probably one of the most repulsive human beings I've ever known in my whole - all of my life.
Levi Starks "While I don't believe I can in good conscience vote for either, I will take emmence pleasure watching him insult her during those precious few months between the conventions and the election"
A virtue pin will be in the mail to you. And one for your high horse.
Have any of the remaining Republican candidates even given a speech to Wall Street banks?
We will both wear them with honor
Don't worry Hillary, the Obama Administration has your back!
Thousands of contributions to Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ campaign in January violated federal campaign finance laws, election regulators said on Thursday. The Federal Election Commission sent a letter to the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign committee on Thursday with a 90-page spreadsheet listing 3,457 “excessive, prohibited, and impermissible contributions.” The campaign’s January financial disclosure filing listed contributions from foreign nationals and unregistered political committees, the FEC said. Other contributions came from donors who exceeded the $2,700 per-election limit. “Although the Commission may take further legal action concerning the acceptance of [excessive or prohibited] contributions, your prompt action to refund the prohibited
This is the same FEC that was sending emails and IMs back and forth to the IRS people who were engaged in using the power of the IRS to harass Republicans. The same FEC that didn't care a whit about untraceable contributions to Obama.
Hillary Clinton is the kindest, warmest, bravest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life, and even now I feel that way - this minute. And yet, somewhere in the back of my mind, something tells me it's not true. It's just not true...
I watched that movie just a few ago, and I marveled that most of Sinatra's scenes were done in one take.
Back in 2008 the Obama campaign accepted a very large number of donations which were illegal under federal law. What did the federal government do about it? Nothing. The Sanders campaign has a few thousand such donations and the feds are all over it. Hmmm, do you think the fix is in for Hillary to beat Bernie?
If I am Trump's speechwriter (does he have one):
You know the stuff in the transcripts is bad, really, really bad -- unbelievably bad -- because the Chinese have all of the copies (yes, yes, we know they do, along with everything else on all of her servers).
But the Chinese will never, ever release them. Why? It's really simple. Because they want Hillary elected! They're terrified of someone like me getting elected. Someone who wants to make good deals for America!
We can chase Hillary Clinton shenanigans all the way back her legal work for Madison Guaranty and the Castle Grande transactions she tried to cover up with fake documents that eventually brought down the thrift. It was years later that the Rose Law firm billing records tying Mrs. Clinton to the scam turned up in her office in the White House. Or we can look to her strong-arming the Travel Office employees in one of her first acts as First Lady or we can look into the mysterious death of White House assistant Vince Foster in Fort Marcy Park that caught her hiding evidence or worse that got painted over.
She wears Teflon - nothing sticks. She testifies to the grand jury and to the special counsel(s), "I don't remember."
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