२५ फेब्रुवारी, २०१६
Melissa "I need some muscle over here" Click has been fired.
"The board believes that Dr. Click’s conduct was not compatible with [University of Missouri] policies and did not meet expectations for a university faculty member.... The circumstances surrounding Dr. Click’s behavior, both at a protest in October when she tried to interfere with police officers who were carrying out their duties, and at a rally in November, when she interfered with members of the media and students who were exercising their rights in a public space and called for intimidation against one of our students, we believe demands serious action."
५२ टिप्पण्या:
"No, no. I said get me some mussels! For my chowder!"
I thought for sure they'd find an excuse not to fire her, but I wouldn't have bet money on it.
One thing I would bet money on is she finds a tenured position somewhere else in short order. At one of the loonier schools like Amhurst, say, or Berkeley.
One of the practical problems of living in an ideological bubble is that you may end up acting childishly. Children act as if there are no boundaries to behavior until such time as their parents show them where they are. If the behavior persists, consequences follow. You would think Dr. (CWJ shudders) Click would have known them by now.
Did someone finally wake the adults up?
@Eric, that or a job burrowed into the federal bureaucracy with a six digit salary.
....there's a vacancy on the Court, and there is no requirement to be a judge or a lawyer to be appointed to the Court....
Too bad for her. I think it is unlikely she will ever find another gig as cushy as the one she threw away so stupidly.
I imagine the notoriety generated by Dr. Click did not make either the donating alumni or the state legislature very happy with Mizzou.
You have free speech to ask questions as a journalist but you don't have free speech to ask for muscle. Did they fire her because she was wrong? No. [Although she was]. They fired her because of political pressure. And they say conservatives have no power in universities. Clearly they do.
I won't be happy until Hillary is frog-marched into prison.
My brother-in-law says it will never happen. She's too powerful. I'm thinking that is EXACTLY why she needs to go to jail.
"When I watch it, I am embarrassed and sorry,” she said. “I see someone dealing with a high-stress situation who gets flustered."
I like how she tries to disassociate herself from the video, as if that were entirely some other person. I don't see what she sees. I see an entitled bully.
You know. . . the people you mostly give money to these schools are (i) their successful alums, many of whom are businessmen/women who tend to lean more conservative than your average person, and (ii) top 1%-ers who (in many cases) actually pay full tuition so there kids can go to a great school where there may be only needs-based scholarships.
Having your school be in the news as a national laughing-stock run by out of control SJW and PC fanatics . . . . may not be a great way to get alum contributions or those rich people to keep sending their kids to your little citadel of intolerance.
I am hoping that some of these schools start feeling the pinch. Maybe MO already is.
I swear I had not read this before posting the prior comment:
That's not going to explain why they were paying her in the first place. Her faculty page tells us that, "guided by audience studies, theories of gender and sexuality, and media literacy," her "[c]urrent research projects involve 50 Shades of Grey readers, the impact of social media in fans’ relationship with Lady Gaga, [and] masculinity and male fans," and she
generally teaches classes in "Television Program Analysis and Criticism" and "Topics in Mass Communication: Cultural Studies, Audiences, & Fans." Mel Click isn't the problem here. The problem is that her position isn't recognized as the joke that it is. The problem is that certain parts of American academia have become so thoroughly corrupted that they take seriously the idea that she's an academic and they hire someone to study and teach these things.
Missouri has one road back from the wilderness, and it's not to fire Click, it's to eliminate her position and this ridiculous, debased rictus of an ersatz academia.
Conservatives? No no no. This was embarrassment on a national stage that Missouri which is an otherwise excellent school can not afford. That she is tangentially associated with its school of journalism (its national claim to fame) made her continued employment impossible. Ideology had nothing to do with her dismissal. A Todd Akinesque professor exhibiting the same behavior and causing the same embarrassment would be just as fired. The only difference would be how quickly fired.
"I won't be happy until Hillary is frog-marched into prison."
If George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, George Tenet, et al. have not been (and will not be) frog-marched into prison for their crimes--or Henry Kissinger or Bill Clinton or Barry Obama for theirs, for that matter--it won't happen to Hillary Clinton, either.
You fools.
Where does "gut that bitch like a pig, dig it" Bernadine Dorn work?
And her terrorist fuck husband, Obama's mentor?
This Click "scalp" encourages all the thousands and thousands of other Leftist terrorist tax-funded ultra-radicals (violent) to stay out of Mizzou and demand conservative livelihoods daily.
Myopia kills people, WAKE UP!
"If George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, George Tenet, et al."
Take your medicine, Cookie.
I expect the president of Missouri U had a word from the Legislature last week. About that budget....
One thing I would bet money on is she finds a tenured position somewhere else in short order. At one of the loonier schools like Amhurst, say, or Berkeley.
Bennington College under the name Jocelyn Ellen.
If George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, Rumsfeld, George Tenet, et al. have not been (and will not be) frog-marched into prison for their crimes--or Henry Kissinger or Bill Clinton or Barry Obama for theirs, for that matter--it won't happen to Hillary Clinton, either.
Hillary broke real US laws. These mythical UN laws that you keep obsessing about? They don't actually exist.
Question for our friends in Madison...
What happened to the doctors who were supplying "sick out" notes to protesting teachers in Capitol Square during the Walker protests?
I'm so sad that she got fired. Terrible day for human kind and human rights in general.
Oh wait, you said Melissa Glick? Sorry, was practicing my condolences for when some I care about gets fired.
Couldn't happen to a more deserving person.
Though, the university did lose the preeminent scholar of Fifty Shades of Gray due to this kerfuffle. That is tragic. No, really.
I don't like her politics or her beligent attitude, but I'm concerned with this trend of firing people and denying them their livelihood. Trying to kill them in their profession as a substitute for killing them in body. Would the decision makers have fired her if they had access to all the same evidence as they now have but none of it had gone viral? If the answer isn't yes, then the outcome was merely a show trial. I don't like that when it happens to one of them any more than one of my own.
After the November clash, she quickly apologized for her conduct toward photographers. And the group organizing the protests, ConcernedStudent1950, released a statement endorsing the right of the news media to enter the site. But prosecutors brought a misdemeanor assault charge against her, which will be dropped as part of a deal, if she completes community service and probation.
The episode diverted attention from the subject of the protests, racism experienced by black students, which they said the university had not taken seriously and had done nothing to combat. A series of racist incidents, including death threats against protesters that resulted in arrests, increased tension on a campus already roiled by unrelated conflicts, including a dispute over graduate teaching assistants’ health care and their attempt to unionize, and the university’s decision, under pressure from conservative lawmakers, to sever ties to Planned Parenthood.
Love the framing. Yeah yeah, activist did something nutty. But it wasn't really her fault and besides we should be focused on X.
Click did not quickly apologize, she apologized only after her conduct went viral and she realized it could have consequences.
Concerned Students only issued the statement after they were informed they had no right to exclude anyone, and they realized their credibility would be lost if people recognized their true beliefs and behavior.
The episode did not divert attention, it focused attention on the outrageous tactics of campus extremists and their sense of impunity.
Sure, let's pretend the laundry list of left wing bugaboos was at fault. What a rag.
Matt said...
You have free speech to ask questions as a journalist but you don't have free speech to ask for muscle. Did they fire her because she was wrong? No. [Although she was]. They fired her because of political pressure. And they say conservatives have no power in universities. Clearly they do.
This was a rare point of agreement between the two campus groups with power: fundraisers and activists. Click made the mistake of threatening finances while also hurting the activist cause by revealing too much about how they think and act. Conservatives didn't do this.
Matt thinks calling for muscle is merely speech. Matt is not very bright.
Michael K. had it about right. I expect that the Trustees/Curators (whatever their title is) of Mizzou heard from some of their friends in the legislature; and the President of Mizzou heard from the governor. As far as future funding for Mizzou goes---"well think about it--do you want it to continue" was the message. And of course I expect those legislators and the governor also heard from the taxpayers and voters in Missouri.
The upshot of all those messages was---if you want Mizzou to keep taxpayer and state government support, you better tell Ms. Click not to let the screen door slap her on the backside on the way out of the door.
Ms. Click is learning that actions have consequences. Let's just say that my heart doesn't bleed for her. Life is hard, and it's harder when you are stupid as that great philosopher Duke Wayne once said.
I don't like her politics or her beligent attitude, but I'm concerned with this trend of firing people and denying them their livelihood.
It goes beyond attitude. She's a thug. She tried to have someone removed by force from a public place he had a right to be. She assaulted a student. This is not a case of someone catching crap for saying something unpopular.
Personally, I'd like to see a few leftists turned out of their cushy university jobs. Right now people only get fired for crossing the PC crowd, and I'd like to see the people on the other side get a reminder of why they used to support free speech.
Beach Brutus said...
I'm concerned with this trend of firing people and denying them their livelihood. ... I don't like that when it happens to one of them any more than one of my own.
If the left doesn't feel the pain they'll never agree to stop.
...guided by audience studies, theories of gender and sexuality, and media literacy...
Take a long look at that face and ask yourself honestly, does it seem even plausible that Melissa Click knows anything important about sexuality?
Will the world miss a professor of "50 Shades of Gray?"
I blame it all on an inflammatory video.
To quote someone referring to someone else over fifty years ago, Melissa Click is the Rosa Luxemburg of Nothingness.
You know and I know and Meade knows and even Bob Dole speaking in the 3rd person knows that garage mahal has a poster of ms click superglued to the "master" bedroom ceiling of his home.
Bob Dole doesn't like autoeroticism. Bob Doles says keep your hands off your pee-pee. Bob Dole needs to exchange long protein stands with Bill Clinton.
Beach Brutus said...
I'm concerned with this trend of firing people and denying them their livelihood. ... I don't like that when it happens to one of them any more than one of my own."
As the saying goes, the only good Communist is a fired Communist.
She threatened the student reporter's safe space.
I looked up Ward Churchill. He has not been able to find further academic employment, and he lost his lawsuit. So there's hope. For a college to hire Dr. Clck would be like a football team recruiting Ray Rice. Just not worth the trouble.........I wonder if she has any marketable skills beyond revealing the layers of meaning in fifty shades. She seems to have thoroughly screwed up her life for no good reason. I don't think she'll learn any useful lesson from this experience, but if she were to be reinstated that would be absolutely the wrong thing to do.
I don't understand how she's being denied her livelihood. OTOH, do we really need (PhD) experts in 50 Shades of Grey?
She should get a job as a team leader moving big boxes around a warehouse. There, an attitude of "I need some muscle over here" would potentially be a positive attribute.
@William, the difference being that Ray Rice is competent at what he does.
As for me, I think the right and proper thing to do is first tar and feathers, then firing.
Beach Brutus has a strange and touching concern for the well-being of thugs.
I hope that smug asshat ends up working at a Hardees.
Professors must never assault students.
Imagine the liability a College/University would acquire if she were to be hired, and then -- again -- assaulted someone. I think she's pretty unemployable in Academia as a result of her past actions. But I've been wrong before. Maybe a Community College will hire her.
Iapetus said...
I blame it all on an inflammatory video.
Heavily edited video, of course.
I think that MM has a good point here as to her employability. At Missouri, this may be the legal reason she was terminated, but it is valid, none the less. She had no legal right to assault that student, and instead, if she had a legal duty, it was to protect the physical well being of students if she ever assaulted another student, or had her muscle do so, her employer would have been on notice as to her willingness to engage in violence against students at her school. Hello to punitive damages and a lot of bad PR.
Simon said...
Missouri has one road back from the wilderness, and it's not to fire Click, it's to eliminate her position and this ridiculous, debased rictus of an ersatz academia.
2/25/16, 6:50 PM
I understand your position but since higher-ed no longer offers course-work in the "true" liberal arts (too many old white guys) nor rigorous thinking, you have to fill the course book with something, anything really, in order to keep the "take-able hours per semester" up. Also, let us be honest, how many incoming freshmen really have the ability to succeed in STEM?
Beach Brutus said... [hush][hide comment]
I don't like her politics or her beligent attitude, but I'm concerned with this trend of firing people and denying them their livelihood. Trying to kill them in their profession as a substitute for killing them in body. Would the decision makers have fired her if they had access to all the same evidence as they now have but none of it had gone viral? If the answer isn't yes, then the outcome was merely a show trial. I don't like that when it happens to one of them any more than one of my own.
2/25/16, 7:37 PM
I feel you but sometimes the only justice you will ever get is a "show trial". You have to take your justice where you find it.
Also, let us be honest, how many incoming freshmen really have the ability to succeed in STEM?
That's what Marketing and Education are for.
I looked up Ward Churchill. He has not been able to find further academic employment, and he lost his lawsuit. So there's hope.
But Churchill broke some of the cardinal rules of the priesthood. For one thing, he plagiarized from other academics. More importantly, he embarrassed them by making a career out of pretending to be an Indian when he wasn't. Click has her supporters, people who think her heart's in the right place even if she's a little zealous.
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