The Washington Times gets the right headline for the Sessions endorsement story, in my view.
Sen. Jeff Sessions, who led the fight against the 2013 Senate immigration bill.... The endorsement is a major blow to Sen. Ted Cruz, who has been arguing on the campaign trail that he stood with Mr. Sessions in fighting the 2013 bill. But on Sunday, Mr. Sessions said he’s putting his faith in Mr. Trump to be the candidate to finally get the immigration system fixed and to nix bad trade agreements.
ADDED: The Washington Post has a similar headline:
"In major blow to Ted Cruz, Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama endorses Donald Trump for GOP nomination."
The endorsement represents a major blow to Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), one of Trump's two chief rivals for the Republican nomination. Cruz has touted his strict positions on border security and deportation, leaning on his strident commitment to conservative ideology as a key rationale for his candidacy. In the run-up to the March 1 Super Tuesday primary elections, Cruz has tried to undermine Trump's conservative bona fides on immigration reform, characterizing his plan as “amnesty.”
१४५ टिप्पण्या:
frankly, I'd rather have Sessions for prez.
So, time for Cruz to get out.
There will never be another southern repulican president-Texas doesn't count.
That's one heck of an endorsement. Sessions is highly regarded.
Sessions is a fighter. Fighters like fighters, and they can tell who is a real fighter from who is a Faux perfect fighter and pure pretend Pure Conservative, but who is actually working as a deep sleeper owned by Bush Inc.
Come on, Titus.
Your bigotry barely shows.
"Bust up the Oligarchy"
Nice swing at Hillary.
Cruz is a fighter
OK, now what? It looks like the Pubs have finally and officially thrown in the towel on reducing the size of government. I started out support Paul. Then I switched to Cruz but never warmed to him. This endorsement cuts his legs out from under him.
I'm guessing I'm going to support Sanders. For real! This country needs a conversation about how big is too big government.
If we're going to have big government then let's get something out of it. Free college education for all who qualify. Free medical for all. Stop being the chumps who pay for the whole worlds security. Stop paying the entire costs of new drugs.
Americans don't understand there are huge differences between Scandinavian socialists (40 years ago and today). What did they change and why? Difference between Scandi countries and Switzerland. Too many Americans think there is some "European Socialist" program out there. They have some misty concept and think there is cradle to grave security.
Let's have the conversation. Soviet vs China vs Venazuela vs Greece and Italy vs France vs Germany vs Switerzland (my preferred approach).
If it is Clinton vs Trump then I'm voting for Trump. Illegal immigration is a huge issue for me.
(Deleted and reposted to change a few embarrassing typos and incomplete thought )
Be surprised if it were otherwise. Sessions knows the Senate. Sessions is righteous.
Meanwhile the banty rooster Rubio strutting around assuring his crowd of supporters that Trump isn't a tough guy. I see Rubio taking a wall street job making big bucks and occasionally appearing on CNBC to opine on political events.
Bill, Republic of Texas: (Deleted and reposted to change a few embarrassing typos and incomplete thought )
Don't know if anyone else appreciates the the righteous depth of your "embarrassingly" typo'd and incomplete thoughts, but I do.
At least, I think I do. Let the conversation begin!
Trump will select good people if he is elected, I pretty sure about that and hopefully he can become a little more polished.
Stabbed Ted Cruz in the back, poor Ted.
Looks like the preference cascade is rolling over Ted Cruz. I'm still planning to vote for him on Tuesday.
"Sessions is righteous".... stabbed poor Teddy in the back.
Its too bad Trump wasn't endorsing Sessions for President. But it should help Trump a lot.
Friday it was Chis Christie. Today it's Jeff Sessions.
On Tuesday Trump's endorsements will rounded out by the Dalia Lama.
Apparently Trump was right, everyone hates Cruz.
"I'm guessing I'm going to support Sanders."
Hilarious. Welcome to the economic collapse, Bill.
We are in a preference cascade. I just hope it doesn't go as far as Nikolae Causescue's went.
In his book Private Truth, Public Lies, social scientist Timur Kuran argued that people, under pressure to conform by culture leaders, often told public lies to get the pollsters and thought police off their backs, even as they nurtured largely undetected private resentments inside them. Over time, two divergent perceptions would emerge: the public lie would determine how the regime thought about itself while the private truth contained the real, but hidden data.
These two contradictory perceptions can coexist for as long as they don't meet, living in a kind of superposition much like Schrodinger's Cat. But eventually some event occurs which makes the public aware of the private truth which is really what everybody is thinking.
I don't know if Trump can ride this tiger. The donor class is clueless. Sessions is as smart a guy as Tom Coburn who gave up.
I hope some of these guys can keep the train on the tracks.
People are very, very angry. I just hope some idiot doesn't take a shot at Trump with all the hatred talk.
I prefer Hillary the kleptocrat to Trump the fascist. Better that the Republic be preserved.
"I prefer Hillary the kleptocrat to Trump the fascist. Better that the Republic be preserved."
Like Iraq?
@Bill, we already have a single payer healthcare system in this country -- it's run for the benefit (to stretch a word) of the veterans. Is that what you want for everybody? People dying while waiting for an appointment to see their doctor?
@Bill, you first.
"What's wrong with Rubio?" she wailed plaintively...
A blast from the past.
"WASHINGTON, March 13— The nomination of a United States Attorney in Mobile, Ala., to be a Federal district judge became entangled today in a fierce debate over the nominee's attitudes toward black people.
In hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the nominee, Jefferson B. Sessions 3d, was questioned about his prosecution last year of three blacks in Perry County, Alabama, who were acquitted of voting fraud, and about a number of statements attributed to him by witnesses.
Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, the ranking Democrat on the committee, asked Mr. Sessions whether he had ever referred to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union, as ''un-American'' organizations and ''Communists.''
''I don't recall saying that,'' Mr. Sessions said. ''I'm often loose with my tongue. I may have said something about the N.A.A.C.P. being un-American or Communist, but I meant no harm by it.''
In his statement, referred to by Senators Biden and Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, Mr. Hebert said that Mr. Sessions once referred to a white lawyer from Alabama who has litigated many civil rights cases, James Blacksher, as ''a disgrace to his race.'' Mr. Hebert also said that Mr. Sessions had made the negative references to the N.A.A.C.P. and the A.C.L.U."
Trump gets endorsed by two racists in one day.
In an upside down world of political slander narratives the globalists that want a US President who uses the US Military to fight an unending Tribal War on the Arab and other lands supposedly to protect the Saudi's Precious Oil from Russia are called the good people. But a realist who says quit that stupidity and rebuild the USA first is being called a Fascist.
How dumb do they think we are??? The Oil they touted for years as Peak Oil running out, is actually 10,000 times as much as we will ever need.
Big Mike:
The VA was always a bad choice. The GI Bill works fine with existing universities. A GI Health Care Account to be used at existing hospitals and doctors' offices (excepting, perhaps, mental health needs specific to soldiers) would have sufficed.
More government bureaucracy is unlikely to be the correct answer, ever.
Amanda calls Jeff Sessions a racist! Film at 11:00.
Bill, Republic of Texas, wrote:
"Soviet vs China vs Venazuela vs Greece and Italy vs France vs Germany vs Switerzland (my preferred approach)."
Our constitution would suit a Swiss style federation. Unfortunately, the cultural left will not accept that. They want to control what Texans do, right down to the types of lightbulbs they use and how much water their toilets use with every flush. The left loves the federal government because it is the most powerful level of government and the least able to be influenced by actual voters.
"Another damaging witness--a black former assistant U.S. Attorney in Alabama named Thomas Figures--testified that, during a 1981 murder investigation involving the Ku Klux Klan, Sessions was heard by several colleagues commenting that he "used to think they [the Klan] were OK" until he found out some of them were "pot smokers." Sessions claimed the comment was clearly said in jest. Figures didn't see it that way. Sessions, he said, had called him "boy" and, after overhearing him chastise a secretary, warned him to "be careful what you say to white folks." Figures echoed Hebert's claims, saying he too had heard Sessions call various civil rights organizations, including the National Council of Churches and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, "un-American." Sessions denied the accusations but again admitted to frequently joking in an off-color sort of way. In his defense, he said he was not a racist, pointing out that his children went to integrated schools and that he had shared a hotel room with a black attorney several times."
An endorsement by a racist Senator is no better than an endorsement by KKK Grand Dragon.
Big Mike
That's is exactly the conversation we should have. Do we want to go the way of England and her colonies with government run health care or a two tier system like Germany or maybe a French system? Ever system rations healthcare. We should be talking about that.
"Amanda calls Jeff Sessions a racist! Film at 11:00."
Yeah. Why would anyone ever think that of Civil Rights Icon Jeff Sessions?
Jeff Sessions is a racist-why is this shocking?
"The VA was always a bad choice. The GI Bill works fine with existing universities. A GI Health Care Account to be used at existing hospitals and doctors' offices (excepting, perhaps, mental health needs specific to soldiers) would have sufficed."
Not enough graft.
"a two tier system like Germany or maybe a French system?"
The French system is the best in Europe and would be a good model for us if we ever got real reform. We may get something like it when Obamacare collapses. The reason the French system will not be adopted by Democrats is that it includes a market mechanism. If you want to pay to go to the best doctor in town, you can do so. The Social Security system pays everyone the same but, unlike Medicare, does NOT ban paying extra.
If you want to know more.
According to harrogate's calculus, anyone who isn't a civil rights icon is a racist.
Amanda is a troll and best ignored.
I would love to see an Autonomous Republic of Texas! But that's not realistic. I would happily take a Swiss style of government. No one is seriously talking about limiting the size of government. All the Pub's want to protect are the Fortune 500 companies and the Dems protect Goldman Sach, Wall Street and Hollywood.
We need to get the elites and Establishment out of control. I'm open to ideas.
Michael K is a curmudgeon and should stop telling other commenters what to do. Did Althouse appoint you thread monitor Michael K?
This thread needs more Titus bigotry.
And cowbell.
But mainly bigotry from Titus.
And Michael K, why don't you be the first to take your own advice? Thank you in advance.
Blogger Fabi said...
"According to harrogate's calculus, anyone who isn't a civil rights icon is a racist. "
I think the way it works on the left these days these days is that whatever anyone has ever said at any time may be used as proof that they are a racist, and the only people who get to make this determination is the left.
Bill Clinton was raised in lower-class Arkansas in the 1950s. Does anyone honestly believe he never used the word "nigger"?
Until Leftists disclaim the Al Sharptons, the Jesse Jacksons, the Kwame Kilpatricks, the Margaret Sangers, the Woodrow Wilsons, the FDRs, the LBJs and etc...
There is no use discussing racism with racists.
BDNYC said...
I prefer Hillary the kleptocrat to Trump the fascist. Better that the Republic be preserved.
2/28/16, 6:34 PM"
What makes you think Hillary among her other vices isn't a fascist? She certainly appears to be one, the control freak aspect of her behavior is a tell.
I believe Clint Eastwood has also endorsed Trump and is campaigning for him.
Albert Gore, Sr must also be disclaimed.
And Robert Byrd.
And all the Kennedys.
And Mayor Ray Nagin.
Clint Eastwood endorsed Romney too. Romney won't be endorsing Trump any time soon.
Blogger Michael K said...
Amanda is a troll and best ignored.
The thing is, they've wasted their ammo and they don't even know it. For decades now they've been calling us racists. They should it from the rooftops. We're all racists. Because they've used the term so liberally (Ha!) it now has no effect. It's a meaningless term which says, "I don't like that person."
Jeff Sessions is a bigger get than was Chris Christie.
Let's not forget Clinton's hero and mentor J. William Fulbright (D). He probably dropped the n-word a few hundred times per week.
The best narrative to describe the current political shenanigans of the GOP Authority is in the opening 30 minutes of Apocalypse Now. The Army's Col. Kurtz problem and its reaction to a Special Forces Officer operating without restraint as a god over the Montagnards tribe of the Central Highlands of Viet Nam is Col. Trump, redux.
You and I are seen as Montagnards. Trump is the out of control Truth Teller in need of Termination.
Watch it and report back.
The Keebler elf endorsed Trump! Republican establishment just went boom in bama. Standing by, doing nothing - uh gain.
Trump must be like, where's Wallace? Dead? Oh, what about bull, the colonel,anyone, anyone will do, are there no old time racist populists left who can endorse me any more?? The real troll is whippin up the hate right now, and feelin the love.
GOP in one state down, 49 more to go. Well, this is what you get when you hate to govern.
Just remember to come back as the Trump failure manifests itself, traditionalguy.
Bloomberg endorsed Trump?
Amanda has been here before under several names and got banned for her ad hominem style.
Why are you engaging her now?
Session has muuuuch more elfin magic than Bloomberg, but - close!
Titus - If I were you, I would wait for Trump to say "I love homosexuals, I love them! I have a lot of gay friends and they all are behind me. Nobody is more homosexual than me!"
Mitch Albom?
Mike Lupica?
Break the suspense, man.
I heard Sessions announce that..sounded like he could barely get the words out.
Terry - that is a fing great description, in a nutshell, , of why libs love the fed govt and want it to control everything:
"The left loves the federal government because it is the most powerful level of government and the least able to be influenced by actual voters."
Birkel, what? I don't understand. What suspense did I create? Jeff Sessions is
w-i-t-h-o-u-t a doubt the Original, the bestest, the mostest, the (well sorta) cutest
"Trump gets endorsed by two racists in one day."
Amanda, if you need a job "Red State" will hire you in a second.
AJ Lynch:
The federal control also makes the U.S. system more brittle. A single disruption causes systemic problems.
Distributed control, resulting in redundancies, leads to a more robust system.
Mitch Albom and Mike Lupica are much better representatives of the broader elven-American community than is Jeff Sessions.
Let me get this straight. The WAPO improperly editorializes in a headline that the endorsement is a major blow to Ted Cruz and everyone simply nods and proceeds to discuss just how this major blow will affect the race? In 1964 the MSM and the Democrats combined to convince America that the Republican candidate for President was an insane maniac who would blow up the world. We were stupid in those days and we went for it. We should know better by now. Does it strike anyone that so many comments here about Republican candidates by those ostensibly on the right read exactly like the comments being made in Liberal circles? Doesn't that raise any issues in your thinking? Is it 1964 all over again?
Did the "majorness" of this blow go directly from the WAPO headline into your brain? What other Liberal framing is taking this well-worn path to your consciousness?
Another very good point Birkel. Thanks
Hagar, how odd that you bother commenting about who you think I may be instead of the subject matter of this blog post. Too difficult to make a cogent comment regarding Senator Sessions endorsing Trump?
HT wrote:
"GOP in one state down, 49 more to go. Well, this is what you get when you hate to govern."
You mean "rule" not "govern". The left has no interesting in governing a free people.
Nyet - Sessions is ibso facto the chief elf here. And and...
we interrupt for a google image session.
Well, I'll be. There I was thinking You are so original, HT to come up with that highly apt comparison, but apparently I did not. Just google image Jeff Sessions and keebler elf. Darnit, someone's beaten me to the punch. Purt funny!
rcocean said...
Amanda, if you need a job "Red State" will hire you in a second.
Not sure that is a long term gig. Those guys are going to be the first up against the wall once Presidente Trump is installed.
Govern, rule. The GOP's own words were GOVERN. Take it up with them, you. Not me.
I knew Sessions reminded me of someone, I just couldn't put my finger on it until you mentioned it. Maybe he can send Paula Deen some cookie business.
If Trump wins the Presidency, I'll have to either join the resistance or tunnel under the fence Canada is building along the border to keep out all the American refugees.
Is fraud a felony? Trump will be testifying in the Trump University fraud case in the near future.
Hey Amanda,
Did you know about the SouthPark episode about Canada's wall? Genius! The ending will kill you.
Somebody should learn the difference between tort and criminal law.
Even Jeff Sessions can be conned.
Robert Fulton @ 7:40pm
Well said.
Mark Twain on "Running for Governor".
The truth is far from our purview.
I prefer Hillary the kleptocrat Felon to Trump the fascist. Better that the Republic sold down the river for the family dynasty.
Well David, he just is doing what he sees is needed to survive, I suppose. He's a country club republican for sure, but a little on the extreme side. It all looks a hot mess to me. I'm looking at Shelby now. There are still lots in the establishment GOP there who do not understand the appeal of Trump one bit. The cow will be tipped if Shelby endorses. What a world.
Only hope I have, personally, is that things can turn on a dime.
Titus: "There will never be another southern repulican president-Texas doesn't count"
Alternate: There will never be another southern republican president-except for any president elected from a southern state that I choose to say is not really southern.
Coming next from Titus: Hillary Clinton never took any money in exchange for political considerations since I'm excluding every instance in which Hillary took money in exchange for political considerations.
Plus, unicorns.
Surely some Republican PAC right now is making an ad featuring both Trump's interview with Jake Tapper today and David Duke's endorsement.
The KKK has monumental villain status. A step too far for a good number of Trump supporters?
Fingers crossed.
I'll give you the rundown as to why this is happening....
....Ted Cruz originally ran on enforcing the borders and even went so far as to say he wanted to build a wall. ....that was when he was running for his Senate Bid...
so after Ted Cruz wins (thanks to the tea party) what does Cruz do?
....nothing. *lol* much for Ted Cruz's staunch stance of conservatism
A true conservative would of done something about the border/illegals before
it became a major catastrophe.
so now you see why people flock to Trump.... because his track record is mostly delivering on what he says he'll do.
If Cruz had done something... he wouldn't be losing now.
Birkel -- most crimes are torts and many torts are crimes. Your ignorance is showing.
Your master - Trump says many many things that are true. This is the appeal of populism and he has done a lot of things as well. No doubt. Flocking is the word.
But, he has ZERO governing experience.
steve uhr:
Donald Trump is accused of a tort, dumb ass. You are dismissed, piker.
I am wondering which racists in Hollyweird will endorse a Democrat. I have it on good authority -- Chris Rock -- that Hollyweird is filled with racists. I can only assume Bernie and Clinton will give all that racist Hollyweird money back.
Your \Master:
So you are saying a first term senator opposed by his own party was supposed to accomplish the impossible legislatively?
The crazy called and said "Dude, chill the fuck out with that lunacy, bro!"
"Govern, rule. The GOP's own words were GOVERN. Take it up with them, you. Not me."
You're blathering, HT. The GOP can't talk. It is not a person.
"Those guys are going to be the first up against the wall once Presidente Trump is installed."
No, that's the left that does that. Ask Trotsky and the Cubans who supported Fidel. Except, of course, for Che who used his baseball bat to educate those counterrevolutionaries.
Wow- severely disappointed in Sessions and other supposed conservative republicans endorsing this fool. I guess this is why these clowns have been letting democrats eat their lunch for over twenty years. Embarrassing, shameful, disgraceful... Trump is to Reagan as Jerry Lewis is to Jack Benny.
traditionalguy said...
Trump is the out of control Truth Teller in need of Termination.
2/28/16, 7:23 PM
Truth-teller? So which truth was he telling when he said on one day that he would deport all illegals, then the next day said, "Don't worry, we'll let them right back in"? Which truth was he telling when he said Hillary should be indicted and convicted, then when pressed, hedged by saying, She should be...and I'll try but...
Trump is full of shit, doesn't know issues or governance, talks in silly vague terms without meaning or clarity, contradicts himself constantly and lies about his past positions. I think you like him because he is really a democrat.
The only lunch the Democrats are eating in the state of Alabama is pretty much whatever they bring to their own many varied and culinary potlucks. Would that they could eat the R's lunch, but it doesn't happen. They are hearty eaters and love to eat and cook.
Have any of Cruz colleagues in the Senate endorsed him? He must be an asshole behind the scenes as well.
That's what I hear as well, but honestly I do not like the new-fangled Republicans so I stopped paying very much attention.
Trump is gonna clean-up on Super Tuesday. At that point, the race will be pretty much over. And folks are gonna have to learn to love The Donald.
There will be no "anti-Trump" position. You will either be "For Trump" or "For Hillary." A lot of otherwise astute Republicans and Conservatives are having trouble with this simple formulation.
@ averagejoe...I like Trump because I understand him. He has major communications talents and he is willing to give his life away leading in a battle literally surrounded by enemies that want to destroy us, not him, us.
If he will take the leadership role that he is uniquely positioned to take at this provident moment in time, then we can defeat our enemies and our many familiar pretend friends that we have been too lazy to inspect.
But then he is actually a secret White Racissist Klansman and a Mafia soldier with 30 years of fake success and a fake family and a fake Reform Faith, and a fake reputation as a good man to thousands of employees and friends in Media, fake Real Estate developments all over the world, and fake every thing he has said the last 8 months...because The Amazing Mr Cruz and the desperate rate Mr Rubio tell us so. And you believe them.
What I hear is he actually -- get this -- believes in limited government and would reduce the power politicians enjoy. So they fucking hate him. Because he has principles.
Well, principles beyond getting rich and powerful.
HT and mccullough will never understand.
As you are betrayed, I will mock you incessantly.
You will either be "For Hitler" or "For Stalin."
Jeff Sessions disappointed me. I thought he was a man of principle. But he's a coward, or worse.
I always thought of Sessions as being one of the few GOP senators squarely on the side of the little guy. I hope he did this as an exercise, to show the pro-open-borders Republicans that their position is not unassailable.
Ok, Mr Beldar the advocate. What is "the worse than a coward" that you now accuse Senator Sessions of being for dumping Cruz?
Is Sessions also a suspected member of the Mafia and being mean to a really, really, natural born Canadian citizens who owns the Mendacity Life Time Achievement Award.
Unless you get the opinions of The Crack Emcee, Shouting Thomas and Cedarford, I cannot take you seriously.
I think Sen. Sessions lacks the courage to oppose a con-man. That makes him a coward.
I don't think he's stupid. I don't think he's crazy.
If he's getting anything in return from Trump -- anything at all -- then he's worse than a coward, he's a co-conspirator with Trump. That's much worse than being a coward.
Just like I would expect to respect your decision on politics, session deserves the same as well.
IMO he told it like it is. Cruz, even if elected, I do not think he would be able to persuade many folks. He certainly does not have the ability to use the bully pulpit to his advantage. At least from the few times I have seen him speak.
Sessions' endorsement sounded like a hostage's. Was he blinking code?
Trump is winning, and at this point it seems his path is clear. What is wrong with making deals with him in the interest of the people?
I don't see a better alternative, that isn't merely a quixotic gesture.
Let's make a deal!
But if it;s a deal, buwaya, what does Sessions get?
May make a difference in Alabama, though if I understand correctly Alabama is already in the bag for the sleazeball. Most Americans had never heard of Scalia and Jeff Sessions is supposed to be a game-changer? Give me a break.
"fake Reform Faith"
Trump wouldn't know what reform faith if the prize for knowing was a brand new wife.
Didn't Cruz have a brilliant plan of radically ramping up H-1B visas for the highly skilled? But then he dropped it out of expediency. That's probably what killed his Sessions endorsement.
There is no need for anyone to belittle Sessions over this. If you do, you belittle your own candidate.
Who is this extinct volcano bashing Trump?
Diamondhead said
Most Americans had never heard of Scalia and Jeff Sessions is supposed to be a game-changer?
Good point.
Blogger chickelit said
There is no need for anyone to belittle Sessions over this. If you do, you belittle your own candidate.
Are we not in the primary?
McCullough: "Have any of Cruz colleagues in the Senate endorsed him? He must be an asshole behind the scenes as well."
Natan Sharansky was unable to get a single Politburo member to agree with him. What an a**hole Sharansky must have been.
There's a weird branch of bashing the establishment while demonizing Cruz for not making friends/gettin' along.
Yep, Trump gets along with Pelosi, can work with Schumer, likes Harry Reid. Nope, not a member of the (GOP) establishment.
I believe Trump was pro-H1B not long ago. Not sure where he is on that this month.
"Trump gets along with Pelosi, can work with Schumer, likes Harry Reid. Nope, not a member of the (GOP) establishment."
Great DEALS! Yuuugge!
Only silver lining is the prospect of the I told ya so. Not too exciting but that's where we are.
Laslo should apply his Cruz used car salesman meme to Trump.
Driving out of a used car lot in a clattering Yugo thinking.."This was supposed to GREAT!"
First, Christie, then Sessions. You're aware that over the next few months, many elected GOP officials are gonna endorse Trump, right? What'd ya gonna say after Trump wins in Texas on Tues?
Some very smart people here aren't thinking straight. The time to rail against Trump was 2-3 months ago, by consolidating around 1 viable, hopefully Conservative, candidate. That didn't happen.
Railing against Trump now is like intentionally fouling your opponent in basketball, when you're already down by 15 points, with less than a minute to go. The die has already been cast, as Caesar once said.
It's up to Trump to make himself an acceptable candidate to voters like me. From what I've seen so far, I can't hold my nose tightly enough to vote for him.
(I mean after all the principle based "deals" with the establishment Repubs and Dems.)
walter wrote: I believe Trump was pro-H1B not long ago. Not sure where he is on that this month.
They may both be recent Sessions converts. But Rubio is still a Disney tool.
@Bay Area Guy: I've seen no hard data, but there appears to be significant Trump crossover appeal: Dem voting is down and Republican voting is up. After the Republican herd thins, maybe there will be significant crossover for Hillary from the anti-Trumps.
So Sessions endorsed Trump because..
@walter: As I wrote elsewhere: Rubio authored legislation to legalize tens of millions of migrants. Cruz proposed importing millions of highly skilled H-1B immigrants. Trump employed hundred/thousands? of legal/illegal? workers. There's a huge difference in scale.
Blogger Diamondhead said...
Only silver lining is the prospect of the I told ya so. Not too exciting but that's where we are.
Other overlooked silver linings are that a President Trump would obviously face a hostile majority in both Houses and more importantly would face a revived press corpse used to covering for a POTUS in the worst way. This may actually help separation of powers. The best part would the possible expulsion of a corrupt consultant class.
Trumps (stated) position, as I have noted, as has been..variable..regarding H1B.'s like a lot of his positions over the years.
"Titus: "There will never be another southern repulican president-Texas doesn't count""
Who was the first? I'm not aware of any Republican presidents from the south if you don't count Texas.
Why would a President Trump face headwinds? He will be a RINO and get support from many Republicans based on nominal party affiliation. And Democrats will be getting their preferred policies.
Who will oppose him?
Here's the situation as it stands this morning. Trump is going to be our next president unless the left can gin up some overwhelming support for those two comic opera actors that are their current stable.
Trump is coming. Get used to the idea.
There will be massive electoral cheating on the democrat side. Nothing new, but this time even the media will notice it.
Trump will stroll to victory.
maybe there will be significant crossover for Hillary from the anti-Trumps.
My own thought, which is mine, is that anti-Hillary >>>>>> anti-Trump.
Prepare to hold your nose while you vote.
I think it's a split between Sanders and Trump. Anti Hillary is driving Dems into both camps.
Just from my personal survey of the millennial I know it's an even split between Trump and Sanders.
I would hate to be Bill Clinton if Hillary doesn't win.
chickelit: Didn't Cruz have a brilliant plan of radically ramping up H-1B visas for the highly skilled?
Small point of correction on phrasing, if I may. Cruz wanted to radically ramp up H-1B visas, which is not the same thing as "ramping up H-1B visas for the highly-skilled". Lobbyists and other shills work overtime to convince legislators and voters that the program is all about bringing in the "best and brightest" with "specialized skills". While there certainly are H-1B holders who fit that description, most don't, and the program has long since been corrupted into a subsidy to business, to use Milton Friedman's words.
Curious George said...
I would hate to be Bill Clinton if Hillary doesn't win.
I'd pay money to be there.
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