This is very rich. Very very rich.
UPDATE: "I’m proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for president."
“I am greatly honored to receive Sarah’s endorsement,” Mr. Trump said in a statement trumpeting Mrs. Palin’s decision. “She is a friend, and a high-quality person whom I have great respect for. I am proud to have her support.”
१२५ टिप्पण्या:
My opinion is that Democrats seem to assign more importance to Palin than do Republicans.
Theory: When you've got so very little, attack everything about the 'other' party, including a failed Vice Presidential Candidate from almost a decade past. I don't see how that works with young voters, but then the Democratic Party is the party of the old, wishing to recapture the zing of 20+ years ago.
Deep calls to deep. Palin's spent the last 7 years turning into what Trump was all along.
She has been positive toward him for some time. She brings a certain wing of the GOP with her and will be useful to him. The Democrats who hate her are unlikely to vote for him anyway.
Gonna have to put my "Sarah Palin Babies, Guns, Jesus" t shirt back in the rotation.
I love Sarah and am a huge fan. Only reason I was sort of for McCain in 08 was her. Especially after she talked about being an activist Senate President.
Might she be Senate Prez/VP candidate again? We can hope. Having an explicitly liberal (libertarian) running wold help Trump a lot with a large segment of the voting population.
Trump's big attraction is that he is not beholden to the GOP establishment. After the way they treated her in 08 and since, I doubt Palin feels beholden either.
John Henry
You go girl!
What is it with the giggling about Trump saying "Two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians"? Either one sounds fine to me.
John Henry
I wonder where the Trump-is-angry thing comes from. He isn't angry. He's got a sense of humor.
What he does ("I;ve got a great relationship with God") is self-deprecating humor, as Rush used to do before he became almost totally moralizing, though a larger-than-life act.
Also both throw sand in the gears of political correctness, Trump better than Rush because Trumpp can do it against a live opponent. Rush does it against print and tape.
I don't follow the Palin interest so much.
I like Sarah Palin and I love how she drives the media crazy. She is like catnip.
Sadly, I was hoping she would endorse Cruz. But, I like Trump as well, so at least it isn't Bush or Rubio.
My twitter has blown up with people on the right going crazy over this. Calling her names without being explicit. I mean, no one has said she is a money grubbing whore, but that's the impression I'm getting.
Patterico has even said he will block anyone on his twitter whonis for Trump.
It's getting pretty heated on the right. People who are starting to realize Trump might be our nominee are losing their minds.
Very rich = blogable?
Blogger John Henry said...
What is it with the giggling about Trump saying "Two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians"? Either one sounds fine to me.
John Henry
It's tribal signaling. Everyone in church says 2nd Corinthians. More evidence Trump doesn't actually go to church or believe in God.
The Trump Tent is a big Tent. It stretches to all the way Alaska, where it overlooks Trump's friend from Russia on one side and Cruz's home Nation on the other.
Sarah cannot help herself. She is a realist who believs a real God; not an ideologically on call cult smoke screen god.
Two Corinthians three is sort of nice, like the ham call letters starting with numbers used to be, the ones I remember being 4X4 (Isreal) and 9S4 (Saarland). A normal call sign starts with a country code letter and then an area of the country, like W8 for US Ohio Mich WV.
Nowadays all caution has been thrown to the wind and country codes starting with a number are a dime a dozen, so I don't know that two Corinthians still have that appeal.
Sarah Palin has a jet? I don't think so.
John Henry said...
What is it with the giggling about Trump saying "Two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians"? Either one sounds fine to me.
John Henry
I've only barely heard about the "Two Corinthians" thing, but I'm willing to bet you won't find anyone who actually cares about the bible joining in the jeering.
This story is the genesis of Sarah Palin's jet. Note that the actual story is the opposite of what Palin-bashers would have you believe. "Palin" and "jet" go together, and she made a bunch of money after her bid for VP, so who cares what really happened?
Palin has a jet?
Wow. No wonder there's so many people running for President.
"Deep calls to deep." This made me picture Trump and Palin as whales sounding to each other.
As for "two Corinthians," as least he didn't say, "three colon seventeen." That's something.
It makes sense. If Trump wins Iowa Cruz would be greatly weakened and Trump could cruise to the nomination. Palin is a fading star but Iowa is tight and she could make the difference for him there. In any event, such an announcement would dominate the news for couple of days and that's an end in itself for these two.
You can rent or charter a jet. Not that big of a deal.
It's tribal signaling. Everyone in church says 2nd Corinthians. More evidence Trump doesn't actually go to church or believe in God.
I am pretty deep in church, study my Bible every day and have never paid it any attention. I suspect that I am as likely to say "Two Corinthians" as "Second Corinthians". I certainly would not find it strange to hear it spoken either way.
A quick search for "two Corinthians" turned up hundreds of stories abotu Trump but also these two:
One Corinthians 15:52. It is written, I will be raised from the dead imperishable.
One Corinthians 15:53. It is written, I will put on immortality.
Two Corinthians 1:4. It is written, I am comforted by God.
Two Corinthians 1:10. It is written, I am delivered from the peril of death.
Two Corinthians 1:22a. It is written, I am sealed in Christ.
Matthew, Mark
Luke and John
Acts and Romans, two Corinthians
Two Corinthians sounds like a Roman Legion name. Legio II Corinthians. I like it.
My opinion is that Democrats seem to assign more importance to Palin than do Republicans.
The irony here is, if Palin is supporting Trump via an Iowa endorsment, he is seriously playing to win.
In past elections, different candidates have made different states their go to state. Huckabee or Santorum in Iowa, for example. That's the Evangelical state. But then Romney or McCain in New Hamphsire because they are more liberal.
If the establishment guys were advising Trump, they would be telling him, focus on Neh Hamphsire. Cruz is going to win Iowa. Or maybe Carson. Let them have it.
But it seems, despite the many protestations saying the opposite, Trump is in it to win it.
If they are going nukular on Trump's use of Two Corinthians, someone should ask them what it stands for. I bet none of them know it's short hand for the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and fewer know who wrote it.
emotionalist nationalistic populism will have officially -- perhaps temporarily -- supplanted principled, policy-driven, limited-government conservatism as the dominant strain within the American right-wing
He says that like its a bad thing. Just what has principled, policy-driven, limited-government conservatism done for the working and middle-classes lately?
Here is a free clue, people without jobs and no hope of ever getting another job who have given up on looking for a job after two or three years don't really give a shit about how principled and policy-driven your conservatism is.
People who know that the company they work for is looking for ways to import cheap immigrant labor so that they can fire their ass and reduce costs, they don't care if your conservatism is limited government orientated.
People who have been fleeced out of 10 - 20 thousand dollars for college tuition, and didn't even graduate, and can't get a job other than working in the service industry or retail, have no hope of ever getting a decent job or owning a home, and spend what little money they have on video gaming and booze, they especially don't care about your principled status on the EX/IM bank.
People aren't buying what the GOPe is selling because the perception is that the GOP has sold out to the big banks and the National Chamber of Commerce and the reason they think that is because it has.
The only reason the Republican candidate is going to beat the Democrat candidate is because the general populace sees what a mess the Democrats have made. But run a GOPe and your going to end up with President Bernie Freakin Sanders, cause the populace is in the mood to punish the people who they see as the ones who sold them and their interests out.
Considering that she's in her fifties, Sarah Palin is a very attractive woman, with a resume of achievements that she accomplished on her own, not by hanging tightly to her husband's coattails well after a more self-respecting woman would have had the man into counseling or divorce court.
I find it interesting that Sarah Palin negotiated more international agreements during her term as Governor of Alaska (one) than Hillary Clinton negotiated in four years as Secretary of State (zero).
I'm not quite sure what offends the left wing women the most -- that she did everything on her own (Carly Fiorina suffers from this issue as well), or that she declined to abort a Down's Syndrome child (implicitly rebuking women who did or know someone who did), or that she's married to strong, handsome, supportive husband (the sort who wouldn't like twice at Lena Dunham without losing his lunch).
I often think of Trump as Palin, but with more media savvy and no reason to care about the Republican establishment. She always got in trouble for saying the kinds of things Trump says, and the people who admonished her were the media and her GOP handlers. Trump figured out he could tell them all to just *&#$ off. And he tapped into that anger you could see in Palin's followers.
"If they are going nukular on Trump's use of Two Corinthians, someone should ask them what it stands for. I bet none of them know it's short hand for the Second Epistle to the Corinthians and fewer know who wrote it."
The media or evangelicals?
This is very rich. Very very rich.
Are you sure you don't mean "This is yuge. Totally yuge." ?
and another "conservative" abandons her "principles" to be popular again...
She could recycle her speech bashing the 'old boys network' and be more true this time since the GoP establishment is against Trump. I did get excited about her saying that last time.
@Big Mike
'm not quite sure what offends the left wing women the most
While left wing women are offended by everything you listed (and more), I think they are most offended by Palin's refusal to display the proper class signifiers.
She just isn't the right sort, don't you know.
She didn't attend the right colleges and she married a working class man. She hunts and fishes and worked with her husband in a business that required actual physical labor. She has had far too many children, none of whom appear to be going to an Ivy League School. And she has a rural sounding accent.
Yet she, through dent of her own hard work, was able to get elected to Governor of Alaska. And she is slim and attractive and an athlete.
It is just too much to bear.
eric said... I mean, no one has said she is a money grubbing whore, but that's the impression I'm getting.
Seeing her speaking fees for "grass roots" Tea party rallies...and numerous bits after that. She makes seems to make good coin on the saving the nation circuit.
She has been positive toward him for some time. She brings a certain wing of the GOP with her and will be useful to him. The Democrats who hate her are unlikely to vote for him anyway.
She is, and always will be, what Hillary wishes she could be. A woman who made it on her own without needing the coattails of her husband to get her there. Feminists loathed her because so many of them rely on the "kindness" of Progressive men to give them power.
Just what has principled, policy-driven, limited-government conservatism done for the working and middle-classes lately?
Just where has principled, policy-driven, limited government conservatism been tried lately?
If she rented a jet, they wouldn't know it was "hers". The tail number is the identifier and it would point to the charter company, which I doubt is in the habit of disclosing customers names and flights.
Bogus story.
She's gone rogue....again!
Sarah Palin never was that far out on the right. She was a dealmaker,
Her 80% or so favorability rating as governor came about because a large part of the hippie refugee population in Alaska never realized she actually was - horrors! - a Republican until she was ballyhooed as John McCain's pick for V-P.
Just where has principled, policy-driven, limited government conservatism been tried lately?
Good point, perhaps if the GOP didn't just give lip service to conservatism while self-dealing for the benefit of the donor class, perhaps they wouldn't be in this predicament.
Palin's not only about to endorse Trump, but she's also picking up on his characterization of Cruz:
@SarahPalinUSA -- Is THIS Why People Don’t like Cruz?
6:41 AM - 20 Jan 2016
That "THIS" is a post by her daughter Bristol:
"After hearing what Cruz is now saying about my mom, in a negative knee-jerk reaction, makes me hope my mom does endorse Trump. Cruz’s flip-flop, turning against my mom who’s done nothing but support and help him when others sure didn’t, shows he’s a typical politician. How rude to that he’s setting up a false narrative about her!
America doesn’t need that. We need someone who has a vision for economic prosperity, who won’t let us get kicked around in the world, and who will fight for our future…
The audacity to suggest that because she chooses one over the other will somehow “damage” her just shows arrogance.
You’ve also said, “She can pick winners!” I hope you’re right, and that she endorses Donald Trump today for President."
I hope this is not true. If it is, I'm still voting for Cruz.
If Trump is elected, I would like to see Palin in his cabinet, doing what she said she'd do as Sec of Energy - get rid of the department! Then, she could move to EPA and dismantle it, then to Education. All of these departments have all far outstepped their bounds, and have taken far more from America than they have given.
Interesting that I just watched Stephen K. Bannon's movie about Palin, The Undefeated, and was overwhelmed again with what possibilities were lost when McCain suspended his campaign and threw the election. Especially after 7 years of Obama, it's clear to me that the wrong choice got into office.
The best part about this is how crazy the Trump haters will go on the news and late night TV shows.
As much as I admire her, she is the one of the few people he should consider being careful about flouting if he gets the nomination. He's going to need crossover's from every segment to win, including young Dems, and I am continually shocked at the seething hatred they have for her and her family--they had to be in their early teens when she ran, but somehow this deep hatred has been kept alive. As recent as a week ago, I was blown away by the depth and vileness of some (D) college students remarks about her.
Should he win, I do hope with all my heart he then brings her back in--as his Press Secretary! Not only would she be fantastic, it would be the most entertaining thing since the invention of TV to watch the press corp having to deal with her.
Forget Palin. John Wayne's daughter just endorsed The Donald!
"Her 80% or so favorability rating as governor came about because a large part of the hippie refugee population in Alaska never realized she actually was - horrors! - a Republican until she was ballyhooed as John McCain's pick for V-P."
I always thought it had something to do with that check they received from state oil tax collections...
payback is a bitch...
Palin has no reason to love the Republican establishment.
What so frightens the conservative movement about Trump's success is that he reveals just how thin the support for their ideas really is. His campaign is a rebuke to their institutions. It says the Republican Party doesn't need all these think tanks, all this supposed policy expertise. It says look at these people calling themselves libertarians and conservatives, the ones in tassel-loafers and bow ties. Have they made you more free? Have their endless policy papers and studies and books conserved anything for you? These people are worthless. They are defunct. You don't need them, and you're better off without them.
Thanks Sarah.
All you other guys? (Bush, Carson, Cruz etc)You can go home now. Game's over.
John Henry
". . . and I can see New York from my house!"
What so frightens the conservative movement about Trump's success is that he reveals just how thin the support for their ideas really is.
Gotta disagree.
He shows how little faith the base has that the party itself actually gives a shit about conservatism. And if the party isn't going to fight hard for anybody but donors, they want somebody who will fight hard for them, in their eyes.
Precisely, Mr. Farmer, precisely.
And they thanked her like progressives do.
Pure schadenfreude when thinking that Palin is still on the national stage while Katie Couric is with Yahoo! News. What newspapers do you read Katie?
Lord, it is going to be an exciting eight years.
"That "THIS" is a post by her daughter Bristol:
"After hearing what Cruz is now saying about my mom, in a negative knee-jerk reaction, makes me hope my mom does endorse Trump. Cruz’s flip-flop, turning against my mom who’s done nothing but support and help him when others sure didn’t, shows he’s a typical politician. How rude to that he’s setting up a false narrative about her!
Right, she's supporting Trump because CRuz turned on her. No, he said what he said because he thought she was going to endorse Trump. therefore she didn't do nothing but support and help him. She went the other way and chose his rival. THis is Bristol justifying her change of alignment by saying Cruz started it.
Note, Sarah is free to choose whoever she wants.
damikesc wrote:
He shows how little faith the base has that the party itself actually gives a shit about conservatism. And if the party isn't going to fight hard for anybody but donors, they want somebody who will fight hard for them, in their eyes.
And what a way to support those ideals by choosing a big govt non conservative. Why then are they faulting tried and true repubs who don't honor conservatives, when they themselves don't either?
Fritz wrote:
Palin has no reason to love the Republican establishment.
ANd by choosing Trump is there a reason to still think Palin is not for the establishment? Trump was paying money to support Rahm Emmanuel and democrats when they were passing Obamacare!
His talk of conservative values is not even skin deep. Next time Palin talks about tea partiers I'm going to have to wonder where she's comgin from. Since she is abandoning principles to get Trump elected.
Sarah Palin is showing herself to be completely unprincipled. She just wants to root for the guy she thinks will win.
He identified himself as very pro choice. He attacked cruz when he talked about the values of NY politicians.
He supported a ban on assault weapons. He supported universal health care. He donated thousands to dems when they were passing Obamacare.
He said we should get into Libya and depose Qadaffi.
The guy she ran with was called a non hero loser by the guy who never served a day in his life.
Stick a fork in Sarah, she's done.
She just wants to root for the guy she thinks will win.
Don't we all!
...another principled "conservative"
Too funny, but so fitting. Now the circus has another clown. Listening to her now, Oy! that voice, like nails on a chalkboard. Her speech so far is in her typical stupid disjointed rambling nonsensical style. I'm sure she's looking for a VP offer. Hahahahahahaaah, this is comedy gold.
I read on Insty an observation that rings true: more people support Trump because they hate the left than because they are conservative. Palin is giving the FU to the establishment Republicans. She smells a winner and wants payback. Can't blame her.
I'm for Cruz, just sent in another donation today but I hate the left and would vote for Trump if he is the nominee. In the meantime, more email revelations about Hillary. Apparently she had the highest security level classification information on her server.
There is no spinning that away. What is the deadline for Joe Biden or some other plausible electable Democrat to be on the ballot in the 50 states because Hillary is starting to look like she is about to decide she needs to spend time with Chelsea and the grand kids. I'm sure Obama has the pardon already typed up. All that is needed is a date and his signature.
Hahahahahahaaah, Sarah Palin is a genius! Her intelligence just squirts out of her mouth! This is amazingly wonderful for Democrats, couldn't be better, thank Trump! Trump looks like he's getting a little bit nervous the longer she talks.....
OMG, that was hilarious! The Trump and Palin show!
" Palin is a fading star but Iowa is tight"
Yes, she will be a help in Iowa and maybe a few other places. Not New York City, of course where Peggy Noonan was creeped out by this "backwoods barbie."
That translates as she is 50 and still hot as a supermodel.
"This is amazingly wonderful for Democrats, couldn't be better, thank Trump!"
Keep thinking that, Amanda. You are just a font of wisdom about how to get elected to something.
j565, you are approaching Amanda territory.
Be careful of the speed bumps.
"Just in: Politician turned reality show star endorses reality show star turned politician."
I suspect Palin's endorsement will help Trump by signaling to the evangelicals that he's an okay person to vote for.
Don't worry about what I think, I'm sure Palin's endorsement will get Trump elected, for sure!!!
"I suspect Palin's endorsement will help Trump by signaling to the evangelicals that he's an okay person to vote for."
Because Palin is the epitome of an devout evangelical.
Of "a" devout evangelical, I added the word "devout". Truly, the Palin's exemplify a devout evangelical family, something evangelicals will want to emulate, no doubt about it. Ya can't make this stuff up folks.....
I woke up thinking about this (I live in another time zone). The thought I had was of an special episode of the old Batman TV series, where the Joker and Catwoman join together. You know that Batman will prevail in the end, but it's not going to be easy.
I'm watching Palin's endorsement now on YouTube. She's coming across more as a batty woman than Catwoman.
...and don't forget the Palin motto:
when the job gets tough, quit!
Peggy Noonan was creeped out by this "backwoods barbie."
That translates as she is 50 and still hot as a supermodel.
Speed bumps, indeed.
But hey..maybe SarahPAC will get a needed infusion...
Hagar wrote:
She just wants to root for the guy she thinks will win.
Don't we all!
But she's latching on to him because she thinks he'll win, not because she thinks he is a principled candidate.
Michael K wrote:
j565, you are approaching Amanda territory.
Be careful of the speed bumps.
that does give me pause....
However, I liked the old sarah palin better. I can't help but feel disappointed.
My first reaction to the Palin move was: No way! She is far too principled."
Now we have private jet transportation for the diminutive Sarah (now beginning to show her age) - and that can only mean Trump money (or money he put away since he avoided paying business debts through four bankruptcies). Principles are now in the can - so how much did the endorsement cost The Donald?
Cruz said he was disappointed because she has always spoken well of him. Me too, Ted.
It seems like only yesterday that Amanda was admonishing many of us for criticizing 'her side', but here she is today in full-throated derision toward 'our side'. Anyone surprised by her mendacity?
So Michael K. This was an interview from september 28th:
'Donald Trump: Obamacare’s going to be repealed and replaced. Obamacare is a disaster if you look at what’s going on with premiums where they’re up 40, 50, 55 percent.
Scott Pelley: How do you fix it?
Donald Trump: There’s many different ways, by the way. Everybody’s got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, “No, no, the lower 25 percent that can’t afford private. But–”
Scott Pelley: Universal health care.
Donald Trump: I am going to take care of everybody. I don’t care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.
Scott Pelley: The uninsured person is going to be taken care of. How? How?
Donald Trump: They’re going to be taken care of. I would make a deal with existing hospitals to take care of people. And, you know what, if this is probably–
Scott Pelley: Make a deal? Who pays for it?
Donald Trump: —the government’s gonna pay for it. But we’re going to save so much money on the other side. But for the most it’s going to be a private plan and people are going to be able to go out and negotiate great plans with lots of different competition with lots of competitors with great companies and they can have their doctors, they can have plans, they can have everything."
Seriously. what was palins beef with Obamacare and growth of govt then? And what was the tea parties? Ill state that AT LEAST OBAMA DIDN"T GIVE US UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. If Trump gets his way, he will.
And you would vote it in.
I also love how he says "THE GOVT IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT". That sounds like something Bernie Sanders might say. Isn't the govt, the tax payer?
This is either compassionate conservatism worse than anything Bush dreamed up, or its socialism.
All the tea partiers went after Paul Ryan for caving in to Obama's demands. And he's a scumbag for not holding the line. But now Trump is the man even though he wants to give us universal health care?
Thank you Sarah Palin. Thank you Trump.
"I DONT CARE IF IT COSTS ME VOTES OR NOT". But for those who will vote for Trump, it won't.
I'll look back fondly on Obama then. At least we only had Obamacare.
And for all the talk of the feckless John Boehner's and Republicans who are actually democrats, they aren't the ones saying Trump is the second coming. So if he gets elected, we'll have a new punching bag that makes even the feckless republicans look positively awesome.
John Boehner will be asking for apologies. At least he didn't push for universal health care as a social positive.
Amanda: "Truly, the Palin's exemplify a devout evangelical family, something evangelicals will want to emulate, no doubt about it."
Could you speak up a bit? I couldn't hear you over the screams of the thousands of women sexually assaulted and raped by your islamist pals.
Sweet Sarah made me tear up. She has shown total courage through 8 difficult years of being slimed every which way but loose by professional slander machines of both parties.
IMO she is a sincere, strong woman that has a close relationship with the Holy Spirit, a/k/a God.
Talk about perseverance. She is the very best of the Christians in perserverance,
You might want to put a little ice on that, Senor Ted.
I have said before a couple of times that what we really need is a dyed in the wool sonofabitch like the reincarnation of Old Joe Kennedy, a guy who could read an account statement, believed in profitability - in government as well as private business - and really enjoyed firing people.
That we are not going to get.
I don't know what we are going to get if the Democrats win. I can't believe that Obama intends for either Hillary! or Bernie Sanders to become President after him, but what is he up to?
I think - at this point anyway - that Trump is the best bet for a Republican to win at all and he may at least bring some semblance of order into the government. I also think that a Trump win will bring upheavals in both parties that I think are long overdue.
traditionaguy wrote:
xSweet Sarah made me tear up. She has shown total courage through 8 difficult years of being slimed every which way but loose by professional slander machines of both parties.
IMO she is a sincere, strong woman that has a close relationship with the Holy Spirit, a/k/a God.
Talk about perseverance. She is the very best of the Christians in perserverance,
You might want to put a little ice on that, Senor Ted.
But who was slimming her? Not Ted Cruz.
This is Sarah Palin on health care in 2008:
"Young people are ObamaCare suckers: they must pay the bill
It's pretty cool to see some of the College Republicans sitting down here. There are always so many young people, or, as you're known by the folks [in Washington DC], 'ObamaCare suckers.' Yep, you are the ones who pay the bills in our brave new world. They forgot that when they said that you were the change that you were waiting for. Turns out, you have the change that they're waiting for. You have the change, you have the fives, you have the tens, and twenties."
And Trump all but said that the govt will pay the bill. Meaning, the Trump suckers. Note, he's saying EVERYONE will be covered. He's just going to pass a deal with the hospitals see. All so easy. And I thought Hope and Change was bankrupt twaddle.
"Ode to Dr. Seuss: I do not like his health care scam
Senator Ted Cruz' filibuster, it worked in waking people up to the folly of a government take-over of 1/6 of our economy. Ted Cruz had a clever way of doing it, too. Dr. Seuss, who'd a thunk? I have five kids so reading Green Eggs and Ham over all those years, you know, you totally have it memorized.
IF Obamacare is going to take over 1/6 of the economy, how much will UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. what Dr Seuss book should we bring out to describe Trump and Palins monstrosity? The 500 (trillion) hats of Bartholemew Cubbins?
"Greater competition, more choices, and less litigation
In this chamber, we share a commitment to serious health-care reform. We've learned from experience that all the answers do not come from Washington. When Congress turns to health-care reform this year, we look to our delegation to make the case for greater competition, more private sector choices, and less litigation in the health-care market. But we're not going to wait. Here, reform can move forward without delay."
Ah, but f choices and competition. It will all come from govt after all. But Trump's bureaucracy is much better. Way to stand by principle Palin.
and what about Hillary's plan? She also wanted universal health care. But that was bad. Trumps though is good. Seriously, if I vote for clinton I may get universal health care but at least the republican party won't be the one bringing it to me, so that I can curse them till my dying day.
jr565. Sarah is not Cruz's problem. She is a natural born type of US Citizen but Senor Cruz is only an American Citizen and therefore is no more eligible for the Executive Branch Presidency than a 25 year old American Citizen is eligible for it. Simply read the Constitution.
How about on Taxes?
Lets take Palin of the past:
Palin position on Taxes
• "Everybody does benefit when government takes less from the people, no matter what their income bracket is, because our businesses and our families are able to keep more of what they're earning, reinvest in what they have as priorities. That's how jobs are created. And that's how we're going to grow our economy." Palin in a Fox News interview on September 17th 2008.
• Sarah Palin is against raising taxes as she says it will harm people with small businesses and hurt jobs. She wonders how people who start new ventures will be any better off if the taxes are increased.
• Palin was elected as the mayor on the basis of her promise to encourage economic improvement in the valley town of Wasilla, Alaska and she kept her promises. As the Mayor she cut down property taxes and sales taxes in order to help build an indoor skating rink and sports complex. She also deposited more funds towards safety of the public and managed to get a grant to set up a police dispatch center in the town.
• Palin said that she intends reduce or get rid of taxes on business license fees and tire taxes stating that after the citizens, it was the state that the natural resources were the wealth of the nation.
• To help Alaska's families and small businesses, the backbone of our local economies, I propose to repeal nuisance taxes, including the tire tax. We shouldn't make Alaskans pay a premium to keep families safe driving Alaska's roads. And we'?ll significantly reduce business license fees." Palin said in her address to the 24th Alaskan legislature in 2008 January.
and what is Trumps position?
Scott Pelley: Revolution is easy, governing is hard and what I’d like to get to is how you intend to govern the country if you are elected president. What’s your tax plan?
Donald Trump: It’s a substantial reduction for the middle-income people. Because our middle class, Scott, is being absolutely decimated. It will be a corporate also reduction, I think it’ll be a great incentive for corporations.
Scott Pelley: Who are you going to raise taxes on?
Donald Trump: If you look at actually raise, some very wealthy are going to be raised. Some people that are getting unfair deductions are going to be raised. But overall it’s going to be a tremendous incentive to grow the economy and we’re going to take in the same or more money. And I think we’re going to have something that’s going to be spectacular.
Scott Pelley: But Republicans don’t raise taxes.
Donald Trump: Well, we’re not raising taxes.
Scott Pelley: What kind of Republican are you?
Donald Trump: I mean the only, well, I’m a pretty good Republican. But, I will tell you this, I do have some differences. I don’t want to have certain people on Wall Street getting away with paying no tax."
oh, now he's going after Wall street not paying their fair share? Is he occupy wall street all of a sudden? He's bernie sanders?
Why is palin support this? Because Cruz was mean to her? even though he said nothing negative about her?
Why are those voting for Trump who are republicans and/or conservatives on board with higher taxes and universal health care? WTF?
traditionalguy wrote:
jr565. Sarah is not Cruz's problem. She is a natural born type of US Citizen but Senor Cruz is only an American Citizen and therefore is no more eligible for the Executive Branch Presidency than a 25 year old American Citizen is eligible for it. Simply read the Constitution.
Birthers are retarded.
Palin's endorsement is disappointing, but not entirely surprising.
However, her dissing of Cruz through her non-entity daughter was pretty shabby treatment, and unexpected. If part of her endorsement duties is going to be smacking Cruz, she will lose any conservative credibility she has left.
Cruz's other big problem is that he has invited crazy Glen Beck to join his slander team.
Beck's sole appeal is to the Paranoid conspiracy nuts, and those were all going for Cruz anyway.
They have secret insider information that Trump is a card carrying Communist who personally caused the Bombs detonated that made the World Trade Center collapse. Trump whose family were immigrants from Russian areas was aiming to blow up Wall Street, but he missed by a block.
traditionalguy wrote:
hey have secret insider information that Trump is a card carrying Communist who personally caused the Bombs detonated that made the World Trade Center collapse. Trump whose family were immigrants from Russian areas was aiming to blow up Wall Street, but he missed by a block.
I wouldn't say he is a communist. But he certainly seems like a big govt democrat. based on his own proposals.
Are you now for universal health care? Simple question.
Who here had a problem with Obamacare but is now voting for Trump who says he is for universal health care? What was your issue with Romney care or Obama care for that matter?
" She is a natural born type of US Citizen but Senor Cruz is only an American Citizen and therefore is no more eligible for the Executive Branch Presidency than a 25 year old American Citizen is eligible for it. Simply read the Constitution."
there is a natural born citizen or a foreign born citizen. There is no natural born citizen and just citizen. He is eligible. And so was Obama.
This birtherism has been a waste of time for 8 years. And trump pushed it last time too.
jr565 ...I am for Medicare. The rest of you young guys can fend for yourselves.
In 2012 election Trump criticized Mitt Romney’s “crazy policy of self-deportation, which was maniacal. It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote … He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”
For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family — it’s very, very tough to just say, ”By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out.” … I have to tell you on a human basis, how do you throw somebody out that’s lived in this country for 20 years.
So Mitt Romney was wrong to call for self deportation. But suddenly Trump is for mass deportations?
"We have to start a process where we take back our country. Our country is going to hell. We have to start a process, Bill, where we take back our country.”
The Trump campaign released a full policy paper on immigration online Sunday. Among other things, it reiterates the idea that Mexico should pay for a border wall, and "until they do" the United States will:
"Impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards - of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options]. We will not be taken advantage of anymore."
So why the sudden change of heart? ON a human basis how do you throw someone out thats lived in this country for 20 years?
Why would you be opposed to a policy of self decoration on human grounds but then be all for forced deportation. In only 4 years? Was he not aware that we had an immigration problem in 2012 when he attacked Romney.
Romney is always to have been proven right and ahead of his time when it comes to Obama. But now Romney is going to prove to be ahead of his time when it comes to Trump too.
If this were any other candidate, this waffling on issues would not be abided. he is flim flamming you. Its really depressing to watch half the country fall for yet another cult of personality. When he's already telegraphed that he will say anything to get elected.
traditionalguy wrote:
jr565 ...I am for Medicare. The rest of you young guys can fend for yourselves.
so why not vote for the democrats? They'll give you medicare, medicaid? Obamacare, free health care, free day care .what have you. If you want to govt programs might as well vote for the party that will give you the most.
Then again, maybe thats why you are voting for Trump.
I'm ok with her endorsement of Trump. She will bring the Tea Party with her.
While I'm not a Trump supporter... if this sh*t keeps up I will be one.
Medicare takes from doctors, discounting fees drastically. The over 65 crowd (becoming more crowded every day) benefits enormously from this socialist tactic. The push to put everyone on Medicare, however, will bring about the greatest medical catastrophe in human history.
One day, posted at every doctor's office door, will be the question: Who is John Galt?"
Amexpat said...
I woke up thinking about this (I live in another time zone). The thought I had was of an special episode of the old Batman TV series, where the Joker and Catwoman join together. You know that Batman will prevail in the end, but it's not going to be easy.
I'm watching Palin's endorsement now on YouTube. She's coming across more as a batty woman than Catwoman.
1/19/16, 7:15 PM
OMG, this comment just made my day! Thank you Amexpat for that image, that idea of DJT as the Joker and Sarah Palin as Catwoman, a batty Catwoman- LOL! Can you picture them cavorting on The Donald's private jumbo jet, conspiring inside a mountaintop mansion, cackling over their evil plans while lounging upon mounds of money...and a big fistfight when BatTed shows up at RNC headquarters and finds them counting the cash with The Donald and CatPalin- Biff! Sock! Pow!
Actually, I see Ted as the Penguin in this scenario. Problem is, Batman hasn't shown up yet.
"If this were any other candidate, this waffling on issues would not be abided. he is flim flamming you. Its really depressing to watch half the country fall for yet another cult of personality. When he's already telegraphed that he will say anything to get elected."
jr565, I wouldn't bother. Anyone who buys into Trumpism, particularly anyone who doesn't recognize Palin as the scam artist she is, certainly is going to reject every part of your logic. They have their own reality, where the rules of logic and reason no longer apply. We just have to agree to disagree with them, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Look on the bright side, at least Hillary! will lose.
Why then are they faulting tried and true repubs who don't honor conservatives, when they themselves don't either?
Because those Republicans LIED to them.
Look at what was promised in 2014 and what was delivered. The Republican voters were betrayed, nearly completely, by the Republicans.
I'd rather have a guy who was upfront than a guy who lies to my face.
Apparently she had the highest security level classification information on her server.
There is no spinning that away.
Yeah, it'll be a challenge to parse "I never sent anything classified on my server" with "Why did the IG have to have their security clearance raised to above top secret to view stuff on your server?"
We should also bring in State Dept employees to ask why they allowed her lawyer to keep the classified documents at their office against any known regulation on protecting state secrets.
oh, now he's going after Wall street not paying their fair share? Is he occupy wall street all of a sudden? He's bernie sanders?
Simple political question:
Why should Republicans go to bat to prevent taxes on groups who support Democrats. Wall St has LOVED voting and funding Dems for years.
Let them suffer for their choices. Stop being the backstop to protect themselves from their decisions.
Soak Goldman-Sachs. Bleed 'em dry.
Why would you be opposed to a policy of self decoration on human grounds but then be all for forced deportation. In only 4 years? Was he not aware that we had an immigration problem in 2012 when he attacked Romney.
You realize that the identical mindset is required to support Rubio, right?
Cruz is my guy. But he's a guy who can, arguably, do more good for the country as a SCOTUS justice.
I don't think Trump is conservative. Thing is, I don't think any of the other Republicans really are, either.
Sarah Palin passed her "sell by" date a long time ago.
damikesc wrote:
Because those Republicans LIED to them.
Look at what was promised in 2014 and what was delivered. The Republican voters were betrayed, nearly completely, by the Republicans.
So what was promised? That repubs wouldn't spend too much. That they'd reign in govt. That they wouldn't expand govt further. Republicans voters felt betrayed because they went big govt. So, the remedy is to vote for a guy that wants universal health care? That'll teach them! Those wanting to punish the repubs who didn't fight Obama are going to end up being worse. If Trump is honest about his views on health care, they are far worse than anything dreamed up by Romney or Obama, and you'd have voted it in.
And then those self same betrayers of Republicanism would have to be the ones that have to hold the commander in chief from their own party in check. And you'll then be mad at them again because they aren't adhering to republican values.
But they'd have to fight against universal health care because YOUR GUY brought it to the table.
"I'd rather have a guy who was upfront than a guy who lies to my face."
Except he's not. On things like Libya he is a bald face liar. ON immigration he's changed his policy. He criticized Romney for telling illegals to self deport. He actually suggested it wasn't humane and cost Romney hispanic votes.
Now he's saying he's for universal health care which he will pay for by taxing the rich fat cats.
And Sarah Palin is saying we will now kick Isis's ass. Why does she think that's where Trump is going? He has said we should keep the dictators in charge. He wouldn't throw away the Iran deal.
And when he is upfront, if we can believe his policy proposals (like, do you believe he actually wants universal health care?)he offers the vaguest answers as to how his policy will be implemented, to the effect of "It will happen because I'm awesome".
Palin's speech was a bit over the top and did not sound quite like her. I think Trump's writers wrote it, at least the draft version, and they did not quite get her.
damikesc, I'll ask you plainly. are you for universal health care?
If Trump comes into power and says we'll end obamacare and instead implement universal health care, should republicans fight him on it or should they go along and get it passed?
If Sanders comes along and says we'll end obamacare and instead implement universal health care should republicans fight him or should they go along and get it passed?
If you are the guy who voted for Trump are you going to be mad at him if he does what he says? Its like when Obama says his policies would bankrupt coal companies. If you are living in a coal state, does it make sense for you to vote for him? Would you be mad at him if the coal companies in your state suddenly went bankrupt? Thats what he said he would do.
Trump said he was for universal care THIS year. That is his remedy for Obamacare. And Trumpetes would get mad at Romney for pushing Obamacare. Why? Its not as bad as universal health care is it? it doesn't expand govt as much as universal health care would it?
You'd basically have to cede your big govt arguments once you elect Trump. Just give them up. And certainly stop attacking republicans who aren't sufficiently Republican enough and won't toe the line. Because you would have gotten what you wanted. That is what Trump will bring, and you elected him with eyes wide open.
Which is why its especially galling when many of the people wanting to elect Trump are self professed Tea Partiers.
Ann Coulter.
Sarah Palin.
maybe the next to swoon...
Ann Althouse?!
(Need a "Trump the Boyfriend" tag!)
(cont) Note, Romney didn't in fact push Obamacare. But that was the charge against him by people who thought he wasn't conservative enough.
What's palins argument going to be if/when Trump says we should have universal health care? Is she going to smack her head and say "D'oh!"
Or is she going to have to now defend her choice. Will we then have Palin hawking universal health care?
Palin on Trumps health care: It has death panels! But death panels are great!
jr565: "If this were any other candidate, this waffling on issues would not be abided. he is flim flamming you. Its really depressing to watch half the country fall for yet another cult of personality. When he's already telegraphed that he will say anything to get elected."
I think your energies would be better spent in an effort to stop projecting your own political naïvété and unexamined true-believin' tendencies onto other people, rather than in twisting your panties into knots about the devil-possessed "Trumpetes" haunting your waking and sleeping hours.
Just tryin' to help here.
Trump is a dealmaker, not a prophet, so calm down jr565.
Concentrate your efforts at making "Republican ideals" seem like the way to go, and that will be the way he will tend to go.
Also, Trump is essentially attacking Tea Partiers when He goes after Cruz"
Donald Trump bashed Ted Cruz’s “temperament” and defended his presidential campaign’s ground game during an appearance Tuesday at the John Wayne Birthplace Museum.
“Ted has got a rough temperament, you can’t call people liars on the Senate floor when they are your leaders. Not a good thing to do if you want to curry favor and get the positive votes later on own,” Trump said.
“Ted is worried about his temperament, people are talking about his temperament. I haven’t talked about his temperament but he’s got to be careful because his temperament has been questioned a lot.”
Who has been calling the establishment republicans names? The Tea Party. Suddenly now though you can't be mean to your leaders?
Its also funny that Trump after throwing so many bombs is accusing others of being uncivil.
Hagar wrote:
Trump is a dealmaker, not a prophet, so calm down jr565.
Concentrate your efforts at making "Republican ideals" seem like the way to go, and that will be the way he will tend to go.
Why isn't he going that way already, considering he is running as a republican? Why do I have to persuade him to not run on universal health care? Or to change his mind after being elected.
he is s deal maker who will try to get deals that benefit his cause. if he is for universal health care then his wining on the deal means that his enemies capitulate, not him. So, my guess is he turns to people who actually want universal health care (the dems) and align with them to make Republicans change, as opposed to changing his own ideals. That would suggest he lost.
anglelyne wrote:
think your energies would be better spent in an effort to stop projecting your own political naïvété and unexamined true-believin' tendencies onto other people, rather than in twisting your panties into knots about the devil-possessed "Trumpetes" haunting your waking and sleeping hours.
Political naivete? Coming from a Trumpette? That is rich. And unexamined? how have Trumpettes examined his positions? Has Palin really examined his positions?
Ron Winkleheimer linking this.
Nice article - short and (imo) accurate explanation of what should be obvious to anybody who's been paying attention.
Brilliant article at the URL that commentor Winkleheimer listed. Here’s the dominant Trump message condensed:
But the message of his campaign is that America's interests have been betrayed by fools.
Precisely. Thanks, Winkleheimer and Anglelyne. As they say at Instapundit – read the whole thing.
jr565: Political naivete? Coming from a Trumpette? That is rich. And unexamined? how have Trumpettes examined his positions? Has Palin really examined his positions?
Yes, you are a true-believer. Not only a true-believer, a true-believer in the meanest of gods, a moribund party-machine. I think you have more urgent personal belief-system matters to worry about than poor dumb Trumpies being flim-flammed.
Trust me, toots, if I were to decide to vote for Trump it would be from a rather more Machiavellian, long-term perspective, not from poring over lobbyist- and donor-supplied "policy positions" on things like, say, health-care. I doubt Trump would make much of a start on fixing the mess, but neither will anybody else. Our health-care system is such a vast monstrous tangle of entrenched interests it may not even be fixable (absent some Gordian-knot solution and people with the balls to implement it), and will just degenerate to third-rate, third-world standards while everybody squabbles about tweaks while ignoring elephants. So forgive me if I decline to join you in fits of hysterics over cuckservative trigger-words like "universal health care". (We already have a worst-of-both-worlds universal health care system, and I see no reason to believe that sensible reforms - like those often discussed by Michael K here - would be any less likely to be moved along under a Trump than under any of the other Republican candidates.)
And I couldn't care less about Sarah Palin.
Which is why its especially galling when many of the people wanting to elect Trump are self professed Tea Partiers.
True but also this:
Anglelyne said...
Ron Winkleheimer linking this.
Nice article - short and (imo) accurate explanation of what should be obvious to anybody who's been paying attention.
1/20/16, 9:15 AM
I think the issue is that a lot (LOT) of the middle / conservatives are just flat out tired of playing Charlie Brown to the RNC's Lucy. Tired of being told "no honest, this time we will do what we said (we won't pull the football)". They (we) are "mad as hell" and are about at the point of burning the entire thing down to try and save it. F*ck the RNC establishment! They have squandered every opportunity to show us they are for real. All they produce are token efforts that are always too little / too late when they don't out right capitulate.
I am not a "Trump" man but I can understand the frustrations that leads someone there. You kick a dog enough and he may get around to biting you. This is the middle biting back at the RNC.
Palin correctly understands two things:
The Democrats must be beaten.
Only Trump can beat them.
Right now the Ds and Rs are in a stalemate, trench warfare, and the Ds have been digging better trenches. As said before, their coalition strategy gives them institutional advantages, e.g., NY and CA in their pockets; 85-99% of the black vote; similar commitment from other minority blocs, some with numbers (Latinos), some with resources disproportionate to their numbers (Jews, gays), some that are just hard to understand (Muslims). All these cats have somehow been herded, which is a great feat. But a herd of cats is unstable. However the GOP has no idea how to stampede that herd. Therefore, the GOP cannot solve the problem.
Hence the outsider. Trump. The closest thing that exists to a Great Communicator. He can burn through the chaff and get his message out, and it will appeal to many when heard as for the first time. It's really stupid for many of those groups to monolithically support the Dems, and he's just the man to put that across and make them take a long hard look at it.
The power of the Dems' strategy must be broken. The chessboard must be overturned. No one else can do this. Even if a Cruz won by base turnout, maybe some HRC scandal or something that takes some air out of her, it just prolongs the agony. The Dems will come back with more GOTV, more hostile press, more Cruz-or-whoever-pushed-an-old-lady, and win the n xt time. Aided by the Rep making many of the same mistakes as always.
The pool is stagnant. If Trump is not the river refreshing the pool, at least he will be the rock that makes the waves and shows the murky bottom.
Neither party deserves to live. The Dems are hopeless of reform. The Whigs may have been the best alternative to the Democrats, but they couldn't get it done. Hence, Republicans.
If somebody thinks there is remaining ammunition against Trump that hasn't been fired already, please name it.
If you don't like 100% of all his policy thoughts and acts over all time, well, the soup is never eaten as hot as it is cooked. Trump is not stupid and is not impervious to influence. The skill there will be understanding how to influence him. He's not the man he is because he refuses to take counsel.
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