January 11, 2016

"Two Mothers Turn in Their Sons After Brooklyn Gang Rape."

"The arrests came after police released a surveillance video on Saturday, two days after the attack...."
The details of the incident itself are especially horrible. A group of young men accosted the [18-year-old] girl and her father around 9:10 p.m. on Thursday, and held the father at gunpoint while they took turns raping his daughter. The victim's father rushed off to find help....
Mothers and fathers....


Holding My Nose said...

Looks like a return to the bad old days of the 70's in the Big Apple. Thanks to DeBlasio.

Jason said...

Another triumph of "commonsense gun regulation."

cubanbob said...

What are the odds the bums will be charged as adults?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Kudos to the mothers for doing the right thing.

n.n said...

Everyone is entitled to define the meaning of life, the universe, and human dignity under the State-established religious/moral philosophy pulled out of a penumbra.

Oso Negro said...

Say! The suspects look a shade dark in that video! What a surprise.

PB said...

One of the punishments for rape like this, in addition to incarceration, should be to be forcibly raped in public with a broom handle. In preparation for being release into the prison general population.

Brando said...

Good for the mothers, but egads what vile animals! Good thing we have strict gun laws in Brooklyn so the father couldn't defend his daughter. Too bad the thugs somehow armed themselves anyway, even though this is illegal in NYC.

Brando said...

"One of the punishments for rape like this, in addition to incarceration, should be to be forcibly raped in public with a broom handle. In preparation for being release into the prison general population."

Nah, that's inhumane. Geld them. If we can do it to dogs who cause far less damage than monsters like this....

jr565 said...

More mothers and fathers need to be this way towards their kids. If their kids are monsters don't make excuses for them. They need to face up to their actions.

MisterBuddwing said...

I wouldn't be the least surprised if things happened exactly the way the police said they did. In which case, let the perps rot. But perhaps we should remember the case of the Central Park jogger. Five youths - four black, one Hispanic - were arrested in that rape-assault, and leading the charge, screaming for their blood, was a real estate mogul named Donald Trump.

Years later, their convictions were vacated...

bagoh20 said...

If you make gelding the punishment for rape, rapists will opt for hairy palms in numbers so great that Gillette will develop a line of specialized palm razors and make a fortune.

mccullough said...

And the boys' fathers were not around and the story doesn't even mention this because it is so common. Just mom, auntie, and grandma.

Owen said...

Paging Bernard Goetz. Bernard Goetz, please pick up the courtesy phone.

MeatPopscicle1234 said...

We need some serious application of capital punishment for these monsters, as well as any other "yutes" who commit these horrible acts...

[Deu 17:6-7 NKJV] 6 "Whoever is deserving of death shall be put to death on the testimony of two or three witnesses; he shall not be put to death on the testimony of one witness. 7 "The hands of the witnesses shall be the first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hands of all the people. So you shall put away the evil from among you.

The Godfather said...

The perpetrators were all under 25, so under "common sense gun safety laws" they wouldn't have had guns, but the father was certainly over 25, so he would have had a gun and could have defended his daughter. Obama ought to be talking up this incident as an argument for the laws he supports, don't you think?

Martha said...

If Obama had a son......

Obama's son would not have had a fun.

Martha said...

a GUN!

If Obama had a son, he would never have had a gun to use in the commission of a rape.

Bob Loblaw said...

I don't understand. They held the father at gunpoint? In Brooklyn? Don't they realize you can't have guns in Brooklyn?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I wonder if it will come to light that the choice of victim was not random. To hold the father at gunpoint and make him watch is pretty off the hook and risky; if they just wanted to rape some random girl it would have been much easier and to seize one not accompanied by an adult man. The presence of the father radically complicates matters and you'd think they'd want to keep things simple.

Sidebar--Bago--it's nice to see you 'round these parts again.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

A pleasant surprise that those mothers turned their boys in, even if it was just a calculated attempt to get them in and singing before the other perps. Where I live it's always a woman in a dirty t-shirt screaming at the cops to leave hijo alone; he didn't do nothin!

Bill said...

There's a special precinct of Hell reserved for people who harm children in front of their parents, or parents in front of their children.

glenn said...

Names? Mug Shots? No? Why on earth not?

Seeing Red said...

The voters of NYC voted for this. They're in their bubble, they didn't listen.

Michael said...

Youths. Just youths being youths.

JAFC said...

Dad was too drunk to report the rape.


CWJ said...

bagoh20! I've missed your comments. Don't be a stranger.

Freeman Hunt said...

Be more cosmopolitan. Be more continental. Send the offenders to classes where they can be informed that rape is wrong.

bagoh20 said...

Thanks guys. I was just driving by. I keep an eye on you all.

Jupiter said...

MisterBuddwing said...
"I wouldn't be the least surprised if things happened exactly the way the police said they did. In which case, let the perps rot. But perhaps we should remember the case of the Central Park jogger. Five youths - four black, one Hispanic - were arrested in that rape-assault, and leading the charge, screaming for their blood, was a real estate mogul named Donald Trump.

Years later, their convictions were vacated..."

Yes, they were. And that had nothing to do with the fact that they were all guilty as hell.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Why weren't the suspects shot to death? I thought cops never arrested blacks. They only murder them, right?

PianoLessons said...

We had a shooting at East Town Mall a few days before Christmas and police say all those associated with the shooter will not cooperate or identify him/her. These two mothers who turned in their sons - God Bless Them. Civil society needs those who know of crime to report it and help police arrest the wrong doers.

Birkel said...


Fuck that NY Post article. The dad may have been drunk. He may have been beaten, like the daughter definitely was. Consent at the point of a gun in front of the father is a novel legal defense.

Fuck de Blasio too.

CatherineM said...

MIsterBuddwing - how is this anything like the Central Park Jogger Case? Strangely at other sites I have seen posts like yours equating this to the Central Park Case and mentioning Trump. Is this some strange way for people in comments/twitter to blame Trump for the Central Park Jogger case?

Other than the alleged rape, there are no similarities to my knowledge. Please explain the similarities to the Central Park Jogger case that I may be forgetting.

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

Obamas America....Is there any wonder that these things are happening when they are ignored by the national media usually because of the race/religion of the perpetrators?? Look up POLAR BEAR HUNTING....

Triangle Man said...

There are odd details surrounding this story:

The father and his 18 year old daughter were drinking beer together at night on a playground that had developed a reputation for being a dangerous place to be at night?

damikesc said...

Weren't a lot of New Yorkers whining that they missed the NYC of the 1970s, which was a glorified toilet? Congrats guys.

damikesc said...

Maybe If we had better gun control laws those 15,16,17 year olds wouldn't have had guns in the first place?

The criminals got the guns with the stringent gun control laws. I don't see why you'd expect that to be different with MORE laws.

I'm against minors being charged as adults, minors can get lengthy prison sentences can't they? what good does putting them in with adult offenders do? it's inhumane despite their horrific crimes their still human beings two wrongs don't make a right.

From what I understand, youth sentences tend to end at a specific age.

out of the states where guns are prevalent how many actually deterred or defended as opposed to being the victim of gun violence?

Given how few shootings occur at places with open carry laws as opposed to "gun free zones", you might have an answer there alone.

@Freeman hunt what is that sarcasm in reference to?

You can read up on Europe's issue of migrants raping women if you're so inclined. Or their issue of members of one specific faith having a problem understanding that raping women is bad.

I wouldn't be the least surprised if things happened exactly the way the police said they did. In which case, let the perps rot. But perhaps we should remember the case of the Central Park jogger. Five youths - four black, one Hispanic - were arrested in that rape-assault, and leading the charge, screaming for their blood, was a real estate mogul named Donald Trump.

Years later, their convictions were vacated...

Except nobody ever claimed that all of the attackers were arrested (the prosecutor specifically said some got away). The Central Park 5 did the crime. Progressive caterwauling doesn't change reality that confessions were made.

MisterBuddwing said...

Other than the alleged rape, there are no similarities to my knowledge. Please explain the similarities to the Central Park Jogger case that I may be forgetting.

My point was, simply, you can be 1000% certain of something and may be 100% wrong in the end. And when race is involved ... oh, boy. (And please don't tell me race doesn't matter - several posters on this thread have made it abundantly clear that it does.)

Virgil Hilts said...

Good for the NY Post for naming the alleged perps. I have never really understood the argument for not publishing the names of juveniles accused of crimes; we are not protecting teenagers as a class by reducing the publicity and infamy that comes with committing crimes. The more shame and deterrence the better. Also, if a teenager living three doors down or in the next building from you has been accused of participating in an armed robbery or gang rape, I think you have the right to know that.

MisterBuddwing said...

Progressive caterwauling doesn't change reality that confessions were made.

Interesting use of the passive voice - someone could easily swap out "were made" with "were coerced."

Why not say "they confessed"?

Jason said...

Amanda: Maybe If we had better gun control laws those 15,16,17 year olds wouldn't have had guns in the first place?

Maybe if we had fewer stupid libtards in charge, they would have had to assume that the dad and his daughter could be armed themselves, as could any number of passersby, and therefore left them alone.

Which is easier, as a matter of policy? To grant liberty to free citizens and leave them alone? Or to attempt to confiscate unregistered firearms from people who don't tell you they have them and are violent criminals to begin with? How does that come about?

You going to knock on people's doors to search their houses and confiscate their firearms yourself, Amanda? Or are you going to insist other people's kids do that? What would be the failure rate of intrusive searches, anyway? What would it cost? How did it work out for the British at Concorde?

mtrobertslaw said...

"Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Oh poor Amanda...": the refrain from an old West Virginia folk song.

Anonymous said...

Four of the five perps could have been Obama's sons.

damikesc said...

Interesting use of the passive voice - someone could easily swap out "were made" with "were coerced."

Provided one provides evidence of coercion.

Which nobody has done to date.

Why not say "they confessed"?

Is grammatical nitpicking over a factual statement that was made in a very plain manner the best you have here?

MisterBuddwing said...

Don't know how much stock you put into Wikipedia, but the article on the Central Park jogger wreaks havoc with the cut-and-dried scenario.

And if that doesn't work, try Jonah Goldberg:

"There’s a long, tragic history of African-American men being wrongly accused and convicted of rape. The most notorious recent example is the 1989 case of the Central Park Five, in which four African-American teens and one Latino were wrongly accused and convicted of brutally raping a white woman in New York."

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/394305/feminist-power-grab-jonah-goldberg

Birkel said...

The mothers brought their sons to the police. The boys admit sex with the girl and they had a gun. The girl was injured, consistent with a violent attack.

But some the people on this thread have taken the side of the alleged perpetrators?

As always, I caution that the facts could be more complicated than immediately reported. But this may not be the case -- given the admissions of the boys to sex while carrying a gun and roughing up the father and daughter -- on which to mount a defense.

CatherineM said...

MisterBuddwing - In other words there are no similarities other than a rape. The accused are on video, have a victim (who is not white, not privileged ) who can identify them, presumably DNA has been recovered that may implicate or exonerate them (not available in 80s) and some of their moms turned them in. The victim was treated and released from the hospital. Those holding press conferences demanding the police get the accused off the streets and are angry police were slow and did not alert the community quickly enough that criminals were on the loose after the alleged crime are not white either. The accused are saying she wanted it and was drunk.

I think you posted here to be a white knight after being inspired by an article or comment by another white knight in Salon /Redditt/NYMag, especially since someone mentioned Trump and the Central Park Jogger in the same sentence. I really doubt it is just over a concern about a rush to judgment or you would not have mentioned Trump.

Freeman Hunt said...

@Freeman hunt what is that sarcasm in reference to?

Gangs of men in Europe recently attacked women, and their governments say the perpetrators need classes to let them know rape and assault are wrong. Maybe that's our problem here!

(Or maybe the absurdity of the talk of classes is exposed by reflecting on how people would react to suggesting the same for criminal citizens.)

Beach Brutus said...

Additional info on the Central Park rape: http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2014-04-23.html

jr565 said...

Amanda wrote:
Amanda: Maybe If we had better gun control laws those 15,16,17 year olds wouldn't have had guns in the first place?

So lets look at the gun laws in NY. "A license may be granted to an applicant who is of good moral character, over the age of 21 years, has not been convicted of a "serious offense,"

considering these kids were all under 21 and considering there is already a law that says they can't have guns until they are 21 what makes you think gun control would work? There WAS gun control. They still have guns. Maybe we can pass a law that says people under 21 years of age cant buy guns.
Wait a second.....

Rusty said...

Maybe If we had better gun control laws those 15,16,17 year olds wouldn't have had guns in the first place?

We do and they did anyway. They're criminals. go figure.

Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amanda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jason said...


How about mandatory background checks.

How about you pull your head out of your ass so you can discover how bone-ignorant you are?

how about getting illegal firearms off the streets

Well, that would be a trick, wouldn't it?

There are a gazillion handguns on the streets already

And crime has been declining for years. How about that?

changing the gun culture in this country

Feel free to change your own culture if you like. Leave us alone, fascist.

Jason said...

and yes national firearm laws.

We have one already. It's called the 2nd Amendment.

All else follows.

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