But I'm putting up this post in case you're looking for a place to talk about it. Carry on.
ADDED: Watch live here.
“America has been through big changes before — wars and depression, the influx of immigrants, workers fighting for a fair deal, and movements to expand civil rights,” Mr. Obama plans to say in the prime-time address, according to excerpts released by the White House. “Each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future, who claimed we could slam the brakes on change, promising to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that was threatening America under control.”I guess that's stepping on Trump's "make America great again."
AND: I am contemplating the possibility that through some fancy footwork, the 2 men sitting behind Obama will be the 2 major party candidates for President next fall.
१७५ टिप्पण्या:
Is the TV show where the MSM spends all their time noting who sits down and who applauds?
Will the transcript note any sleeping SCOTUS judges?
Free stuff 30 seconds in. Nice.
Watching this strange professional actor grin and spin lies is as boring as it gets. Mean while his best friends in Iran have their way with the US Navy. He cares only about victory, Iran's victory that is. Well, maybe he will also lie awhile about Climate CO2 Pollution and his next job as UN Secretary General in charge of Big Lies.
I guess that's stepping on Trump's "make America great again."
I hope Trump sees it that way. Whatever his response is will be a lot more interesting than the SOTU. Probably more inspiring too, I don't know, I'm not inspired enough to want to watch.
If you want to know what the do-nothing GOPestablishment has been doing in Congress, tonight will explain it very, very well.
They are stopping all of the stuff this guy is talking about. And that is a very big deal.
I love the State of the Union. It is one of my favorite nights of political theater. It is a great night for students of political speeches, as I am. It does not matter, who the Current Occupant is. It is always interesting. The few painful ones were the Bill Clinton stemwinders that lasted twice as long as they should have.
I don't have to believe in what the president is saying, to enjoy the political theater of it. By the way, some of the very best speeches contained ideas that I had no interest in, and yet they were fascinating to me. I think in particular of the early Obama speeches prepared by Jon Favreau. I didn't accept any of them substantively but I loved them as works of speechwriting art and the collaboration between the speechwriter and the speaker.
I am so fucking tired of the claim that he has "cut the deficit".
The not-so-veiled swipes at Republicans makes this maybe the most blatantly partisan SOTU I've heard since Clinton.
Well Ann like you, I can't be bother to watch this exercise in ego mastabutory gratification. There are some things that are so obnoxious that even a retired lawyer won't do. OTHO my wife will watch--if only to laugh. She came in at the 15 minute point and told me that Obama had already put a couple of people in the audience to sleep.
--bSorry folks. That was "bothered" and mastaburtory--but Obama was giving himself a handjob and you can forgive my misspelling.
“Each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future, who claimed we could slam the brakes on change, promising to restore past glory if we just got some group or idea that was threatening America under control.”
And every time, Obama put the pedal to the metal. And now we are utterly fucked.
So Obama's running against Trump now. Cool, Trump ain't McLame or Mittens.
If I didn't want Trump enough, the fact it will stick in O's craw makes it even better. Can't wait to hear The Donald's rebuttal.
I don't see the point of watching this dull exercise. Give me the text and spare me the theatrics. I cannot sit through all the applause.
Give me the text and spare me the theatrics.
What?? He no longer pisses rainbows, and farts unicorns?
He wasn't a very good boyfriend. Was he?
I am so fucking tired of the claim that he has "cut the deficit".
I bet.
Joe Biden is in charge of curing cancer. I am well and truly fucked.
Planet at stake due to CAGW.
Lying about cost of Green energy.
No such thing as "carbon pollution."
Classic Obama. If you don't want to go my direction you "fear the future".
I'm fine with the future and fine with change.
I just don't want the future that will result from HIS policies.
There are a LOT of places that Obama stops, expecting applause and he's not getting them.
He takes credit for $2 gasoline.
Chuck: "They are stopping all of the stuff this guy is talking about."
Except all the stuff (all of it) they funded in the last budget. Without any fight at all.
Which led to much rejoicing and laughter on the left. Which, one supposes, we're to ignore.
No nation attacks us directly, he says as Iran holds Navy sailors.
Original Mike: "He takes credit for $2 gasoline."
Obama takes credit for cheaper natural resources EXTRACTED FROM THE EARTH!!!
garage hardest hit.
Creighton beating Providence.
Michigan leading Maryland....
"No nation attacks us directly," Obama says on the night Iran seized two of our boats and ten of our sailors.
Steven Green
Matthew Sablan: "No nation attacks us directly, he says as Iran holds Navy sailors."
I guarantee that obambi is going to be very upset about all that just as soon as he reads about it in tomorrows papers.
Then, he will become very very upset with whomevers policies are to blame for such an event.
And he will get to the bottom of it I assure you, right after the next golf outing.
JV team!
Wait -- we HAVE authority to use force against ISIL.
Does Obama believe this stuff?
walter: "JV team!"
In obambi's defense, at least he didn't say "Middle School Team".
Again, garage hardest hit.
The perpetrator in Benghazi is in a prison cell? I thought he was out on bail after the whole video thing.
Hey, when Bush said these conflicts would last a long time, he was called a crazed war monger. Poor Obama.
Ok, had to look in... Paul Ryan looks good in the background; glad he ditched the beard.
No ONE has made a call to bomb civilians.
Benghazi! Uh..
Matthew Sablan: "Wait -- we HAVE authority to use force against ISIL."
That's only for tonights political purposes.
Tomorrow there will be a garage-level RESET where obambi does NOT have authority since by tomorrow he will not want to have authority so his inaction will be 'cuz Republicans!
Matthew Sablan: "No ONE has made a call to bomb civilians."
obambi strawman assertion: DRINK!
What about a big beautiful wall with a big beautiful door Mr President???
Mexico will even pay for it!
Matthew Sablan: "No ONE has made a call to bomb civilians."
obambi strawman assertion: DRINK!
yeah, thats what everyone is calling for. Lets bomb civilians! If it wasn't for straw men and lies, he'd have literally nothing to say.
I was talking about this post to my daughter and she pointed out that making something great again doesn't necessarily mean returning it to the way it used to be. It can be great again in new ways.
She said to make sure no one thinks she supports Trump just because she said this.
garage mahal: "What about a big beautiful wall with a big beautiful door Mr President???
Mexico will even pay for it!"
Just think, obambi building something that is tangible! Well, a garage can dream can't he?
I'll bet a wall is as "shovel ready" as it gets. Or not. Since "shovel ready" jobs don't exist, even though obambi said they did. Until he said they didn't.
And garage believed him each time. Vehemently.
No ONE has made a call to bomb civilians.
Targeted, precise, make-sand-glow-in-the-dark carpet-bombing.
Mary Beth, that was great! Tell your daughter she doesn't have to be conservative immediately, just eventually.
Althouse said, "I am contemplating the possibility that through some fancy footwork, the 2 men sitting behind Obama will be the 2 major party candidates for President next fall." You're half right. I predicted Biden's nomination last week. But there's no way Ryan can stop Tromp, if Cruz, Rubio, or Christie can't.
I wonder when obambi will call for additional adult studies programs for those adults who, for obvious reasons, failed to achieve much academically when they were younger and, as a result, don't have much to show for themselves.
There could even be "special" programs for those who are astonishingly dim-witted.
This would be of particular interest to certain posters here.
So, I'm all for burning down mosques and insulting individual kids. Who isn't?
False choices and equivalencies out the wazoo.
"Civility BS!"
The irony is thick
jr565: "False choices and equivalencies out the wazoo."
Drink and drink!
Was that humility?? Not Lincoln nor Roosevelt?
"Reduce the influence of money" says man who broke pledge for public financing of his campaign.
I didn't see him turn the sarc flag on... Now no one knows what he's talking about.
garage mahal wrote:
Targeted, precise, make-sand-glow-in-the-dark carpet-bombing.
So, what do you not understand about TARGETED PRECiSE bombing? I won't deny that sometimes civilians are caught in the blast, but that doesn't mean we are targeting civilians.
"...democracy requires basic bonds of trust..." How can we trust him? He made it worse.
I just looked in on the sermon.
Even Pelosi looks like she has a hard time avoiding nodding off.
"Reduce the influence of money" says man who broke pledge for public financing of his campaign.
He thinks money should be taken out of politics. Um, who has been president for the past 7 years?
"Targeted, precise, make-sand-glow-in-the-dark carpet-bombing."
As opposed to targeted assassinations with drones. Those things are no worse than a mosquito bite.
Your discourse is both inane and tedious, Mr. Garage Mahal.
This is some of the most cynical stuff I've heard.
What's with the rising pitch in the President's voice? He sometimes goes so high that he sounds like Tiny Tim.
Pelosi looked at her Apple Watch. Fiddled with it.
The baritone speaking voice becomes a falsetto.
Those with money and power will gain greater control if we give up now. and we can't go back to our tribes. This is classic projection. This is how he has governed. HIs tribes have gotten the power. he has demagogued those who are not part of his tribe. And has no intention to change how he does business. He simply wants to silence the opposition.
ddh: "The baritone speaking voice becomes a falsetto."
Just watch obambi "throw" out a first pitch and you'll understand even more.
Now he's talking MLK. I need aspirin.
Following this speech on blogs - as if listening to Obama would turn me to stone like looking at the Gorgon or destroy as many brain cells as an LSD trip - just as delusional and my mind struggling, slogging through a swamp, no! no ! its not that way! My god in heaven, this is the president of the United States doing a grin and spin while the world burns, women are raped, Hillary sells access.
Joe Biden is mentioned - indicating that Obama will revenge himself on Hillary for whatever by indicting her?
We're partnering with local forces (like tree-hugging? wearing magnets?) to beat malaria and Syria.
After 21 minutes one of those actually listening to the speech is whining that the speech is too long. Though he is drinking Scotch and doing small amounts of codeine cough medicine.
You didn't build that!
I really hate this increasing tendency on the part of Obama to talk about things like it is a laughably obvious conclusion to agree with him.
It is like watching Rachel Maddow, who is the mistress of that sort of speechifying. It's nauseating. And disrespectful to her opponents. But she'd never know it, because she's just preaching to the (ever-dwindling) choir every weeknight.
I thought they promised us this was going to be a short one?
Paul Ryan has a great practiced smugness for a lazy, career politician who has accomplished absolutely nothing his entire career aside from getting reelected.
I'm only listening..did he have the tear when said he regretted not healing the "rancor"?
Hagar: "I thought they promised us this was going to be a short one?"
It had to be shorter so as to "fit" on the next compendium of "Obambi's Greatest Oratorical Happenings" album.
Which would then be supplied to all Heads of State.
You're welcome.
Trying to set the Hope and Change machine to 'perpetual'. No bro', its grinding to a halt very soon, thankfully.
wasn't this supposed to be non traditional and not overly long? This is like endless pablum. Now he's just citing every cliche he can possibly come up with . I see it in his banal rhetoric. I see it in his trite words.
How was this rhetoric ever viewed as lofty and not treacle?
I believe in change because I believe in you. Hope and change. Second verse same as the first.
The only positive is that this is his last one.
Kevin Williamson at NRO:: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/429629/state-of-the-union-address-obama-ted-cruz-republicanism
Thank God, I thought he'd never end.
"Our public life withers when only the most extreme voices get attention."
garage mahal: "Paul Ryan has a great practiced smugness for a lazy, career politician who has accomplished absolutely nothing his entire career aside from getting reelected."
Think of him as "commissioned sales" politician who has won several "deals".
I hope that helps.
BTW, what sorts of adult continuing education classes do they have in your area garage? It's never to late to finish up, or in your case, to actually start.
Beer Summit!
I don't see the point of watching this dull exercise. Give me the text and spare me the theatrics. I cannot sit through all the applause.
Well said.
Sorry garage, I couldn't hear your latest missive over the screams from the mass rapes/sexual assaults committed by all those muslim "women and orphans" in Europe.
Do speak up next time.
"I'm only listening..did he have the tear when said he regretted not healing the "rancor"?
He's like the (fake) indian in those old commercials when he has a tear in his eyes when he sees all the trash on the ground.
So authentic! I'm really buying it.
Thanks for the forum, Ms. Althouse!
Has Iran released the sailors yet or are they waiting for his apology?
jr565: "He's like the (fake) indian in those old commercials ..."
Elizabeth Warren made commercials?
Learn something new everyday.
(I do appreciate Drago's avatar so I can quickly scroll by)
Cause deliberate confusion; buy 3 Lambo's for your misstress' cousin, et al etc.
And you cunts still have questions.
It is unbelievable the richest get away with Corzine Law.
And yet everyone knows it happens all the time everyday ubiquitous.
We know.
Michael K: "Has Iran released the sailors yet or are they waiting for his apology?"
Iran has stated that the sailors will be released when Hillarys friends in the state department finally get around to releasing all the emails.
So, you know, no time soon.
Even worse, it appears clear that this is a setup for another "October Surprise" fantasy hoax that will utterly sucker Robert Cook.
Fool him once, shame on you. Fool him twice...well, you know.
garage mahal: "(I do appreciate Drago's avatar so I can quickly scroll by)"
I apologize for all the "big words".
Stephen Green is funny! The level of BS or disconnect coming out of Obamas mouth is unbelievable.
"Unarmed truth and unconditional love!" Did he really say that?
Seeing Red: "The level of BS or disconnect coming out of Obamas mouth is unbelievable."
On the contrary, the level of BS and disconnect from reality must, by necessity, rise as we reach the full flowering of obambi's policies.
I'm watching the post party on CNN. I watch more CNN now as they seem to be more fair and balanced than you know who.
Hagar: "Unarmed truth and unconditional love!" Did he really say that?"
Yes, and apparently those are precisely the "weapons" available to our sailors earlier today.
The good news is of course that Iran is still on course to receive their $100B!!
The sailors and American citizens? Oh, those guys are on their own.
So, nothing.
Thanks to all of you who actually listened. "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din."
Ryan just used the giant Nancy Pelosi hammer to gavel the session closed!
Limited blogger: "I'm watching the post party on CNN. I watch more CNN now as they seem to be more fair and balanced than you know who."
Al Jazeera?
Bwaaaa GM is also in Lalaland. If you want more voices in public discourse you don't start out with "I won." As Glenn would say, this final SOTU reflects how the American people have disappointed or fallen short again. And Obama bangs away on his highchair.
Althouse wrote: AND: I am contemplating the possibility that through some fancy footwork, the 2 men sitting behind Obama will be the 2 major party candidates for President next fall.
I think that Paul Ryan would be deeply unpopular at this point as a Republican candidate. I'd like to know why that even crossed your mind. Is it just a Wisconsin thing?
This breaking news just in, Osama bin Laden is still dead.
Drago, good one. No, when I watch Fox now, I pick up on anti-Trump bias all the time now. Maybe I'm paranoid.
Original Mike: "This breaking news just in, Osama bin Laden is still dead."
Actually, Detroit is still dead and ISIS has graduated up from the JV.
Nikki Haley coming up! Hope she doesn't pull a Rubio or Jindal. Go Nikki!
"Reduce the influence of money" says man who broke pledge for public financing of his campaign.
This is particularly galling coming from President Goldman Sachs. He's been a puppet to his paymasters for seven years and now he wants to reduce the influence of money?
Limited blogger: "Drago, good one. No, when I watch Fox now, I pick up on anti-Trump bias all the time now. Maybe I'm paranoid"
Hmmm, I detect a bit of anti-Trump there but it's well within "normal" parameters. Of course, I say that as someone who does not have Trump at the top of his dance card but find myself defending him more often from the more ridiculous and hilariously inept attacks.
Limited blogger: "Nikki Haley coming up! Hope she doesn't pull a Rubio or Jindal. Go Nikki!"
God forbid she drinks some water or ever transported a dog anywhere. I mean, that kind of thing is beyond the pale!
I believe in change because I believe in you? Bwaaaaaaaaaaa
jr565: "He's like the (fake) indian in those old commercials ..."
Iron Eyes Cody (born Espera Oscar de Corti)! I remember that commercial.
Drago shoots
And scores!
Eric: " He's been a puppet to his paymasters for seven years and now he wants to reduce the influence of money?"
He wants to reduce the influence of republican/conservative/libertarian non-lefty money.
After all, that's why the IRS/EPA/(enter Federal Agency Initials here) were created.
Nikki's killing it. Very calm but coming across very strong.
Drago's also killing it!
Drago said...
Chuck: "They are stopping all of the stuff this guy is talking about."
Except all the stuff (all of it) they funded in the last budget. Without any fight at all.
Which led to much rejoicing and laughter on the left. Which, one supposes, we're to ignore.
Of course had that budget not gotten into place, we'd be looking at a shutdown of the government. I know, I know; the government doesn't really shut down. We don't really default on the debt. And it absolutely wouldn't be a shutdown at all, if the president would sign the budget that is presented to him. U.S. presidents increasingly have too much power in opposition to Congressional budgeting power. I know all of that. I agree with all of that. And I also know, to a moral certitude and based on experience that Republicans would alone be blamed for a "government shutdown."
I again submit; it is a lie and a misconception to try to argue that Congressional Republicans have done nothing in Congress. They blocked a "climate change" treaty. They held generally to the sequester. They forced the President to go alone on his dumb Iran policy. They kept us moving with a growing natural gas industry and stopped the anti-fracking activists. They kept a gun bill from going anywhere. They stopped the President from moving Gitmo terrorists to Kansas. Et cetera, et cetera.
Chuck: "I again submit; it is a lie and a misconception to try to argue that Congressional Republicans have done nothing in Congress."
Strawman! Drink!
They held generally to the sequester.
And that's one of the things they gave up this year.
Eric: "And that's one of the things they gave up this year."
With zero to show for that concession.
No mention of the capture U.S. Navy personnel.
I already lived thru 1979 and have no wish to revisit it.
Kind of a letdown for all the BLM peeps.
walter: "Kind of a letdown for all the BLM peeps."
That can be easily rectified by a round of billy-clubs to the Black Panthers and another round of actual assault rifles to the Mexican drug cartels.
Nikki Haley's teeth could blind the sun. (Can't remember a thing she said.)
Ted Cruz is accusing Trump of echoing far ultra-left talking points about his eligibility to be president.
Bernie is talking about income inequality.
garage mahal: "Paul Ryan has a great practiced smugness for a lazy, career politician who has accomplished absolutely nothing his entire career aside from getting reelected."
How quickly they forget! I seem to remember the new Speaker delivering a BIPARTISAN funding deal just a few short weeks ago. Planned Parenthood funding protected! No War on Women this cycle. Obamacare - funded! Hurrah! It was in all the papers. Even Obama read about it. Democrats praised it to the heavens. I think I read that President Projection even promised to invite the young, handsome Mr. Ryan for dinner at the White House. Surely Garage would list this as a great "accomplishment" and celebrate Ryan's contribution to Obama's legacy.
Now that I think about it, maybe Obama didn't know about it. Wasn't his dick signature added to the bill by Robo-Pen?
garage: "Bernie is talking about income inequality."
Ouch. That one had to hit close to home for garage.
garage mahal: "Nikki Haley's teeth could blind the sun."
Note to self: mahal not impressed by good dental hygiene.
I must say, between obambi's, mahal's and chuck's strawmen, this Sauvignon Blanc is just about history!
I thank you all.
Garage Mahal wrote:
"Nikki Haley's teeth could blind the sun."
Don't them dark skinned folks has big, shiny, teeth, Garage Mahal?
“Each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future, who claimed we could slam the brakes on change . . ."
Ah, the old conceit of the progressive.
Of course, actual experience shows that the greatest regressives are the progressives. Like the Islamists who want to take us back to the seventh century, the progressives want to take us back to before the Industrial Age, and back further still, back to the days of pagan Rome, and many want to go back even more, all the way to the Garden, where they can perpetually eat the fruit of the Tree.
as speeches go that was a stinker...but then nikki haley didn't exactly send a thrill up my leg either. watching the hall full of the dull-eyed dolts who make our laws was scary enough for one night.
Bernie is talking about income inequality.
So is Hillary. And you know how we all enjoy seeing plutocrats talk about income inequality.
jacksonjay: "Surely Garage would list this as a great "accomplishment" and celebrate Ryan's contribution to Obama's legacy."
Alas, garage can do no such thing.
There are simply too many syllables in "accomplishment".
Garage could list this as a great "thing what got done real good like", but that's about it. Still, points for effort.
There really is even less to Obama than I ever imagined. High school student senate material. Columbia and Harvard must be proud.
If Nikki Haley is "the proud daughter of Indian immigrants" why is she ashamed of her real name, Nimrata Randhawa?
Oh well. I'm sure there is a PERFECTLY GOOD EXPLANATION.
"I am contemplating the possibility that through some fancy footwork, the 2 men sitting behind Obama will be the 2 major party candidates for President next fall."
While I didn't think of Biden or Ryan, the thought crossed my mind earlier this evening that it simply feels plausible to me that, in a few weeks, neither Clinton or Trump will be the front-runners in their parties. Despite the fact that both Trump and Clinton have held onto their status for months, there is a restiveness in both parties, a dissatisfaction with the idea of being saddled with the two as their nominees or presidents.
Because none of the other candidates in the race seem plausible general election winners--except possibly, Kasich, a Biden v. Ryan race doesn't seem that outlandish a possibility.
Drago, after tonight, I can't even hazard a guess as to who and what you are for. You do realize that we are going to have an inauguration next year about this time? You understand that a new president will be sworn in, and somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of the Congress will be re-elected by the people they represent? I confess to including Senate Class I (2012 - 91%) and Class II (2014 - 92%) in the estimated percentages. Because you are a stickler, I know. You can't just be against everything in politics. You have to be for something, since all the offices get filled by somebody.
BTW Ann,
There were a number of moments where it seemed like a natural spot for the reflexive applause, but it was silent. In another spot, I thought I heard some sort of sole groan..but no "you lie" kind of thing. But yeah..otherwise typical delivery.
I've never watched a single SOTU address in my life, and I honestly do not understand why people do.
Original Mike wrote: I am so fucking tired of the claim that he has "cut the deficit".
Given his druthers Obama would have spent 40,000 Gigabucks on smokes and greens fees, so he did cut the deficit.
I guess that's stepping on Trump's "make America great again."
Yes, it is. He attacked Trump several times, or rather things you could recognize as as something from Donald Trump. I also thought one attack was on Ted Cruz. Some of what Obama said was, I think, sincere. A lot was divorced from reality and it was also very abstract.
And do you believe he said we were on the verge of wiping out AIDS from the world? Yes, he said it. I could get the transcript and prove it. And he added they were also going to try to do malaria. Joe Biden was going to be put in charge of curing cancer. Obama has no conception of what the obstacles are, and it's not money. It is the way research is done, and they very step by step process.
Obama said he wanted to wipe out cancer once and for all just like the space program landed men on the moon (or so you could interpret it) Richard Nixon had the same idea in 1971.
I didn't watch. Did anyone count the first person pronouns?
I will sorely regret not hearing any more speeches from the Master Orator of Our Age.
Oh? What's that? He'll be giving millions more lectures... er... speeches,,, for millions more $ for the rest of his fuckin' life? Ala the Clintons?
Oh boy! Can't wait!!!
Seriously, he thinks words are all. That matters.
He does love his self some mighty much, right? His voice! The mere sound of his voice! It's incredible!
Maybe he's right. Seems to work.
Who cares anyway? Right? Let's check the polls! The polls giveth and the polls fucketh, after all. I gotcher poll right here!
[Insert the obligatory "buy bullets" here]
Obama was much looser here than in many oter speeches, which was good, and he seemed to be wanting to deliver a a sort of farewell address, and some general philosophy. But he couldn't resist segueing into several familiar talking points. There he was sounding a little bit like a broken record. But he didn't stay long on those things.
There was some good in the speech, too. But it was all mixed up with other stuff. He might say something good, like for instance how ISIL - always ISIL - was only a threat to civilians, how the U.S. was strong etc, and how it was wrong to say they represented a religion held by many people (which remained nameless throughout the speech) and stuff about where the greatness of America came from and how spme people were peddling fiction about American weakness. There was a lot about the wrong kind of approach.
And five minutes later, he'd be saying serious nonsense. People get jobs because of job training? Job Training is one of the most useless things there is.Or about Obamacare was reducing the cost of health insurance. And he repeatedly kept on saying a line or two about the triumph of gay rights - using other words, of course.
It was almost a dog whistle. If people had heard the same words fifty years ago, they would have had to guess real hard what he was talking about.
Literally everything was hinted at. If there was a way to describe something (that Republicans might oppose) elliptically, he used it, except maybe when it came time to talk about national defense, and maybe when he spoke of some things he'd like to see happen.
The only thing controversial on which he was both a little bit clear about, and also went on for more than a sentence or two, was climate change. There he at least acknowledged division of opinion, but claimed anyone who claimed it was not a problem would be very alone. And he kept on praising the deal he had struck. He also said some of the ideas for substitute energy sources were good anyway.
Another thing, which was a little bit startling, is he came out flatly against gerrymandering - or at least politicians picking their voters rather than the coters the politicians. But I suspect the reason is because he figures that would weaken the Tea Party. I say the Tea Party - not specifically Republicans. There's a theory that guaranteed Republican districts make the primary more important and push members of Congress to the right. He said that he had been told by politicians that they were afraid of their base - not his exact words.
One place where he didn't follow the logic is when he mentioned how much time members of Congress - and he himself also - spent raising money. He wanted to make it easier....to raise money? No. To vote. To "participate" But what we need is more candidates. And it has to be easier to start a campaign.
I would propose not only dollar for dollar tax rebates, but also reward points - like getting back 5% extra up to say $25.
The most interesting thing was that he said his biggest regret as president was the tone in Washington - and in this very speech, as Norah O'Donnell of CBS pointed out, he was taking shots at Republicans. Some of them I didn't understand. I don't know what that statement that almost 60 years ago we didn't deny that Sputnik was launched was supposed to allude to. I hope it wasn't climate change.
Obama said maybe if he (or another president at the same time) had had the rhetorical skills of Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt, he could have done better.
FDR was very partisan. Maybe the only more partisan president was Truman - at least in 1948.
In one sentence he said he had solved - or maybe the world had solved - the problem of Iran's nuclear program. Iran had shipped nuclear fuel out of the country (to Russia, he didn't say. They probably think they can get it back when they want it.)
The problem had been taken care of without war.
Birkel said...1/12/16, 9:33 PM
No mention of the capture U.S. Navy personnel.
Presidents don't always mention what's going on that day. Obviously, it didn't reinforce one of his points.
Obama claimed, without any real basis in fact, that the Guantanamo Bay prison harmed the reputation of the United states and was a recruottment tool for terrorists. He als said it was expensive, which it is. He said nothing about closing it.
Drago said...
and ISIS has graduated up from the JV.
Yes, but it is still only a danger to civilians.
And they're going to put an end to it. It would encourage our soldiers (they'd know we were committed - and also foreign countries) if Congress passed an authorization for the use of force, but things will work out just as well without it.
The objection has been partially, that what Obama wants to pass actually seems to be trying to tie the hands of the next president - it's a limited authorization. and others are afraid it could be used to justify too much, later.
"...democracy requires basic bonds of trust..."
I didn't like much of what followed that sentence.
Sometimes the other side really is up to no good. It was also so abstract I think you need a cheat sheet to know what he was referring to.
The Godfather said...1/12/16, 8:55 PM
Althouse said, "I am contemplating the possibility that through some fancy footwork, the 2 men sitting behind Obama will be the 2 major party candidates for President next fall." You're half right. I predicted Biden's nomination last week. But there's no way Ryan can stop Tromp, if Cruz, Rubio, or Christie can't.
If the convention goes to more than one ballot, and Trump is stopped, but nobody wins, Ryan is a possible compromise choice, just like he was in the House of Representatives.
No ONE has made a call to bomb civilians.
I think that was a reference to Ted Cruz.
the 2 men sitting behind Obama will be the 2 major party candidates for President next fall
Uh . . . no. One of them perhaps, but if it is the other, if it is anyone except one of the top two or three in delegates if no one has a majority the first ballot, then that will be the end of the party as a major party. Besides, he was a fraud and lightweight when he ran on the ticket last time, and he's only gone downhill since then.
Research Paper: The Natural Born Citizen Clause as Originally Understood
Professor Mary Brigid McManamon on the meaning of being Natural Born.
If cancer can be cured by groping and "uncomfortable touch", Joe Biden is your man.
First thing I heard when I turned in the news this morning was that Obama listed his accomplishments, among them a stronger economy. Ha. Lies and more lies.
Paul Ryan sold us out on the ACA in the budget deal. I have no idea how we are going to dislodge him though, but I do know that he won't get the nomination unless it is by chicanery intended to give us the first vagino-American president, and more importantly, to give us a president who clearly can be bought.
The STFU address.
Income inequality: the guys who have the seed corn have so much corn that they don't eat it. Thus there is corn next year.
Tax it away for food and everybody has a little more this year and everybody has none next year.
The benefit of the rich, aside from motivation for work to everybody, is that they consume very little of their income. It goes into investment, either directly or indirectly (give it to a bank).
Like seed corn.
"Free stuff 30 seconds in. Nice."
I don't know what you're referring to, not having watched this annual propaganda hour, but nothing the government provides for us is "free stuff." We pay for it, and we're not getting all we're paying for, so we're owed more.
why are we listening again? he stomped the gop...twice!
Obama said he wanted to wipe out cancer once and for all just like the space program landed men on the moon (or so you could interpret it) Richard Nixon had the same idea in 1971.
Well, Obama has wiped out the space program, so there's that...
why are we listening again? he stomped the gop...twice!
Because Obama's combination of political skill and incompetent governance has all sorts of implications for, you know, everyone.
I didn't watch, but while I love Nikki Haley, her speeches have tended to be dull as hell here for years. I assume she did OK, but I doubt she blew anybody away. She's a damned good governor, though. Up there with Mark Sanford who, in spite of his personal "issues", worked wonders.
Hell, our DMV can get whatever you need done quickly. Renewing a license takes less than 15 minutes in the facility.
Drago: Garage could list this as a great "thing what got done real good like", but that's about it. Still, points for effort.
Drago, Drago, Drago. Garage can't ever list anything a Republican does as positive. He doesn't have either the intelligence or integrity to even think such a thing.
I couldn't watch.
I had CNN on for a minute, but they had a dual screen going with a caption saying: "Coming Up: First Glimpse of the First Lady" and I just thought, "what have we become?"
My Dem husband didn't care to watch, either. His whole Dem family thinks Obama's foreign policy is a mess. Is there anyone who does"t. I'm really curious. Garage?
I can't remember ever seeing any SOTU speech and thinking "wow, that was terrific" or any SOTU moving the needle on public perception or having any influence whatsoever. So without seeing Obama's, let me make a bold prediction--he trolls the GOP, talks about how great things are thanks to him, calls on the country to give him a wish list of leftist policies that are not going to happen, and everyone promptly forgets it a day later.
Frankly, the SOTU should be sent in as a written document for Congress like in the old days. Televising it is useless and takes precious TV time away from other shows.
Pookie Number 2 said...
Drago: Garage could list this as a great "thing what got done real good like", but that's about it. Still, points for effort.
Drago, Drago, Drago. Garage can't ever list anything a Republican does as positive. He doesn't have either the intelligence or integrity to even think such a thing.
easy, now. Let's not invoke the ghost of moderation.
I do however have a picture of the lad in my mind. Perched on the edge of the couch in front of the television. An open three ring binder on his knees, a crayola in his fist. Earnestly hanging on Obamas every word. Scribbling down talking points
"Bernie Sanders has a great practiced smugness for a lazy, career politician who has accomplished absolutely nothing his entire career aside from getting reelected."
There, fixed it for you.
I didn't watch it. Took my son to math tutoring instead.
From the Facebook agitprop this morning, Mr. Obama delivered the Snark of the Union.
That is probably not fair to what must have been a pedestrian laundry list. I make an educated guess. The enthusiasm of Mr. Obama's supporters for presidential pettiness does him no favors.
"garage mahal said...
If Nikki Haley is "the proud daughter of Indian immigrants" why is she ashamed of her real name, Nimrata Randhawa?
Oh well. I'm sure there is a PERFECTLY GOOD EXPLANATION."
The explanation is that she is not ashaamed. She has never hidden the fact that she is an Indian. Nikki is a nickname. Like Corky is your nickname.
She doesn't use Randhawa because she took her husband's name when she got married, Corky.
Now back on the shortbus.
Who in the hell would name their child "garage"?
If Nikki Haley is "the proud daughter of Indian immigrants" why is she ashamed of her real name, Nimrata Randhawa?
Perhaps because the name Nimrata isn't the easiest one out there to pronounce? And, as pointed out, she took Haley when she got married. Perhaps she wished to assimilate into American society?
Hey, while you're here, can YOU explain, garage, why income inequality is so bad in cities run by Progressives? Usually far worse than in cities run by conservatives.
If Jon Stewart is a proud Jewish American...oh, nevermind, I remember, it's his middle finger to his father or something. Oh well, garage sure got 'er.
You can't just be against everything in politics. You have to be for something, since all the offices get filled by somebody.
Here’s where me and the commentor seem to agree. The only thing nagging in the back of my mind is just which candidate does the commentor favor? Don’t keep us in the dark; bring it out for the light of day.
Chuck: "Drago, after tonight, I can't even hazard a guess as to who and what you are for. You do realize that we are going to have an inauguration next year about this time? You understand that a new president will be sworn in, and somewhere between 80 and 90 percent of the Congress will be re-elected by the people they represent? I confess to including Senate Class I (2012 - 91%) and Class II (2014 - 92%) in the estimated percentages. Because you are a stickler, I know. You can't just be against everything in politics. You have to be for something, since all the offices get filled by somebody"
That's a lot of words to simply avoid admitting you were lobbing about strawmen.
I've said any number of times that my top 2 choices are Cruz and Fiorina.
I don't know how many more times I have to say it to register. Let's hope this is the last.
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