Another tore up his residence permit before the eyes of police, and told them: “You can’t do anything to me, I can get a new one tomorrow.”
A local newspaper reported that fifteen asylum-seekers from Syria and Afghanistan were briefly held by police on New Year's Eve in connection with the sex attacks but were released.
The Express newspaper quoted an unnamed police officer who said his squad had detained several people who had "only been in Germany for a few weeks. Of these people, 14 were from Syria and one was from Afghanistan. That's the truth. Although it hurts," he said.
७ जानेवारी, २०१६
"Suspects in Cologne sex attacks 'claimed to be Syrian refugees.'"
"Leaked police report claims senior police officers feared fatalities and that one of those involved in attacks told officers: 'I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.'..."
६७ टिप्पण्या:
This is my shocked face.
My God! Who could have predicted anything like this!?!?!
Yep, historically, it's not the best time to be part of the intelligentsia.
"You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.'..." True. Media and police appear to be following PC orders from Mutti. But reality is a bitch.
"That's the truth. Although it hurts." As the phrasing makes clear, it mainly hurts Prog German self-esteem, the PC notion that they'd demonstrate their superior goodness by taking in the Muzzie Other. That the truth hurts women or law & order or German national interest or even the viability of the national culture matters not a bit.
Colonists, not refugees or immigrants.
They feel no need to assimilate. They are the vanguard of the conquest and want to be first to reap the spoils, treasure and women of the vanquished...
This will not end well.
und auch:
Merkel ist Todt!
How many of the perpetrators were Syrian Christian refugees and how many were Muslim? Just askin'
And just think!! Obama wants to bring them here!!! Put them where Democrats live. They don't seem to mind that the Islamic Extremists will lie, and pretend to be good...yet will turn on us in the end. It's called Taquiya.
When I lived in German with a bunch of other single male foreigners, aged 18-35 (US GI's), there was a saying:
"The Germans may not have law, but they will have order..."
I just can't imagine the Politzei of my day seeing a crying German girl run up and say she was sexually assaulted without immediately pulling his baton out and wading in to crack some skulls.
They must have had orders to avoid confrontations with refugees...
I wonder if any of those virtue-signalling women holding "Welcome Refugees" signs were on the receiving end?
And you thought Western millennials felt entitled.
Fucking bastards are only helping Trump! Don't they know that!?!
These are the kind of people the more peaceful of the refugees are fleeing. Unfortunately the thugs get to come along too. In a society that dealt very harshly with such offenders, they might be deterred or surpassed. But Western liberal democracies are not those kinds of societies. Yet.
Drill Sgt, "todt" is the archaic form of the word "Tod". I have no issue of you using it, of course; just wanted you to be aware that you are using the German equivalent of Elizabethan English. I've seen you use it a couple times now.
German is pretty much phonetic (fo-net-eek) but differentiating between the 'T' and 'D' sounds can be challenging even for native speakers. My Hessian bride always wants to spell 'Brot' (bread) as 'Brod'. To you, that would be 'Brodt' which is also archaic.
She is, btw, very conflicted about this news coming out of Dem Vaterland. She thinks that this is a simple law enforcement issue and still believes that all the Muslims need to do is conform to German society and things will be 'in Ordnung'.
Her naïve optimism is a counter to my brutal view of reality.
Ex- 95Bravo. If you DI'd at Forts Ord or Gordon I may've done push-ups for you. Many, many push-ups.
Criticizing these noble refugees plays into the hands of ISIS!
"Of these people, 14 were from Syria and one was from Afghanistan. That's the truth."
Or is it just what they, and the documents they bought, told you? Does anyone really know who all these people are and where they came from (let alone what their intentions are)?
I'm sorry to be "positively hateful" as the old ladies would say when I was growing up in the South, but this shit stops when some Germans get together & string one of these bastards up from a light pole.
Good liberals, hell, good people in general, just don't like to think about how much public comity is maintained by the threat, real or implied, of extra-legal violence. The police simply cannot be everywhere, so societies must enforce their laws & mores on a more day to day basis themselves. One of the most important of those "laws & mores" is that men in one group must let the men in all other out-groups know that "if you touch our women, we will kill you". Sorry, this is just one of the basics of every culture in the history of the planet, and modern Europe ignores this iron law at its own peril. This will end very, very badly.
War on the women in power.
Can't wait for Sammy's insights.
I just keep wondering - where were the white German ethnics with penises while this party was in full swing?
False Grackle
You'd think after a CBS reporter was sexually assaulted on live TV (Egypt) and ISIS declares open season on raping captured slaves (Syria) that the media might have been less circumspect when German authorities declared there was "no evidence" refugees were involved in the well planned mass assaults on New Years Eve. Like the French press using the nonspecific term "youths" when the word Muslims would be more accurate, and our own MSN's willful ignorance of the unifying tie that binds "Minnesota Men" and "honor killings" and terrorist activity, so the German press refused to see the cultural attachment of the "North African and Arab" swarms in their streets.
Yet another data point to illustrate why Americans (like Germans) distrust the Media and our "leaders." What was once a profession organized around the concept of reporting now consists of minions who happily obscure facts in every case and sundry ways. The "Five Ws" I learned in journo classes have all been amended:
WHAT should I leave out to spin this in favor of Democrats?
WHERE should I bury the inconvenient facts?
@tim in vermont -
Fucking bastards are only helping Trump! Don't they know that!?!
Heh. "Don't you see, this is just what Trump wants!!!!11!"
The Drill SGT said...
Colonists, not refugees or immigrants.
They feel no need to assimilate. They are the vanguard of the conquest and want to be first to reap the spoils, treasure and women of the vanquished...
It's been a while since an immigrant (or colonist) has been expected to assimilate. No, we've been told to adapt to their culture. Multi-lingual ballots and schools. Multi-culturalism (all cultures are equal, but they're better than ours!).
If their culture was so great, why did they leave? If ours is so bad, why did they come here? If they want sharia law, why didn't they immigrate to a country that already has it?
This will not end well.
That's putting it mildly.
Life was so much easier when the Rape of Europa was just a painting on the wall.
I can't believe the Germans are so scared of widows and orphans. Geez.
Too bad there wasn't anyone warning about this kind of stuff happening.
Ex- 95Bravo. If you DI'd at Forts Ord or Gordon I may've done push-ups for you. Many, many push-ups.
I did BCT at Lewis in 1969
AIT at Gordon in 1970
Nam in 70-71
When I arrived back from Nam, I had orders to teach at Gordon. (I had maxed the course in 1970). They were recruiting at Oakland for DS's. Take a tour, pick your post. My Girlfriend was in Seattle.
I went back to the same BCT company that I left in 69, but as a SGT. Came in as the top grad in the DS Academy, and was offered SSG. Took the early out and went back to College. Joined ROTC and got an RA Commission in Armor...
Groups of aggressive men failed to obey police orders and hindered officers from trying to rescue women who were being assaulted by fencing them off in large groups, the police official added in the report.
“Our forces encountered a lack of respect which I have not seen in 29 years of services,” the author wrote.
While it remained unclear if the attackers were recently arrived migrants, fears of a potential backlash against refugees and foreigners rose as right-wing groups blamed Ms. Merkel’s welcoming migration politics on the incidents. - Wall Street Journal
Trump proven righter and righter every day.
Maybe I need to vote for Trump.
Drill Sgt. Ord, Gordon, Germany about 3 years after you.
AIT at Gordon was usually either Signal Corps or MPs.
I learned most of my colorful language from DIs. Had a DI at Ord who was a pro Roller Derby star and had a mole on the tip of his nose with a single, thick hair growing out of it. Made those up-close-and-personal engagements with him that much more frightening. I still shudder at the thought.
Not as much as I shudder at the idea of going back to 'Disgusta'. The Whippy Dip had good burgers and shakes, though.
@ David,
The most peaceful of refugees are not fleeing groping and fingering, but killing and mutilating War. They are refugees from Assad first and Islamists second and third (even if most are Islamist themselves).
Unassimilated. Unintegrated. The consequences of anti-native policies for people in Germany and the "refugees" left behind are predictable and progressive.
"America needs more of these rape culture enthusiasts here" said the Democrats.
Or is it just what they, and the documents they bought, told you? Does anyone really know who all these people are and where they came from (let alone what their intentions are)?
Clearly they're only in Europe for their world class healthcare and education.
The reason the offenders were not detained that night was that they didn't have the capacity.
Here's a google-translate of the Spiegel article:
Also it proves that the police did lie in their official report, which was not corrected until numerous accounts on the internet caused reporters to go digging.
And they simply do not detain refugees except in the most serious crimes - murder and severe bodily injury. The system does not have the prison capacity to deal with them, evidently. This has been going on for some time over most of Germany, not just in Cologne.
If you want some entertainment, show one of your Obama loving friends some of these news stories. Watch them go from calling it "Trump lies" to "How do you know they were refugees?"
What will it take for the West to wake up?
Paris wasn't enough.
And don't forget the migration is due to the failure of HRC and BHO.
“Our forces encountered a lack of respect which I have not seen in 29 years of services,” the author wrote.
That has to be very very frightening for a German cop. And in my experience, the response would be batons
The other more general observation is that Germany is going to be fundamentally transformed by these colonists. Germany today, works so well because other than the Turks and Roma (who both have had Ordnung beaten into them) every German expects every other German to obey the rules. Germans drive very fast down priority roads without the slightest concern that every other German on side roads will yield to them. Imagine for a second how that would work in Italy, or the Arab world. These colonists are not going to obey those fussy German rules and the friction this causes will be like pouring sand into a fine German watch.
Interesting times...
What ad to be made by someone. "See for yourself what unchecked immigration leads too. Do you want that here?"
“The feeling women had in this case of being at people’s mercy, without any protection, is intolerable for me personally as well,” she said. “And so it is important for everything that happened there to be put on the table.”
German daily Bild on Thursday published extracts from an unidentified senior federal police officer’s report on the attacks.
It recounts how federal units, who are also in charge of policing the railway system, were met by “anxious citizens with crying and shocked children” when they arrived at Cologne’s main railway station on New Year’s Eve.
The officer, said to have been in the job for 29 years, describes how “several thousand male persons with a migrant background” hurled fireworks and bottles into the crowds of revelers who had gathered in front of the city’s cathedral to celebrate the new year.
The situation became tenser at 11:45 p.m. when more people arrived at the train station.
“Unaccompanied and accompanied women had to literally ‘run the gauntlet’ of very drunk men,” the report said.
Imagine what would have happened to these women in a rape culture like they have in red states like Texas... I shudder to think of it.
The dark night of rape culture is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.
We need to respect Islamic rape culture.
Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf all reported similar incidents occurring in their cities around New Year’s Eve.
Alles ist richtig.Ordnung ist correkt
Sounds like time for summary death penalty in oh so progressive Deutschland
Assuming that the Germans need immigrants (maybe they do, I don't know), they have gone about it in about the worst possible way, with the minimum of control and filters. If they had filtered for those who would be skilled, educable and culturally compatible there would be no friction and consequently little opposition, and no prospect of future costs or political conflict.
This is what happens when you invite vampires into your home
Blogger tim in vermont said...
If you want some entertainment, show one of your Obama loving friends some of these news stories. Watch them go from calling it "Trump lies" to "How do you know they were refugees?"
We are past that already. We have reached the statistics stage now showing this is but a minority of Muslims immigrants.
They should be allowed student visas to go to college here, since there is already a rape culture on all our campuses. They will feel right at home. At least, that's what I read somewhere.
I told you so. And guess what? It's going to keep happening, and get worse, as they invite more Muslims who don't share their customs and values into their country.
There was a reason our ancestors fought for hundreds of years to drive the Muslim invaders out of Europe. Today, our leaders are completely ignorant of history, and this (and things like 9/11, Fort Hood and San Bernardino in the U.S.) is the result.
"How many of the perpetrators were Syrian Christian refugees"
The Christian refugees got thrown over board by the Muslims and are the 84 bodies found on a beach
They're not even <a href="'> allowed in the refugee camps. </a.
Muslim pigs.
I've always wondered what Mittel-European mass delusion looked like. So sad to see. The girls don't report. The cops don't arrest. The state and regime media do not own up and indeed try to hide this ugly reality. More invaders are freely admitted and paid by the state (with funds taken by the state through threats of violence against the people and their companies already there, obviously). The Mayor of Cologne basically said the girls had it coming and she and some hokey committee have drafted a code of conduct. No, not for the abusers; for the girls.
This Cologne incident (like Vienna and other places about which we are not informed by "mainstream" press) is reminiscent of the Rotheram "grooming" (what a term that is for ritual sexual abuse of young girls enabled by "child protection" authorities and police) and the rape epidemics in Stockholm and Malmo and who knows where else. Morat Rais would be proud. Where are the surveillance films of the Cologne site where this melee occurred? And remember, there are no "no go" zones in Europe.
"Leaked police report claims senior police officers feared fatalities and that one of those involved in attacks told officers: 'I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me.'..."
And he said this in perfect German?
And this is a leak anyway. Both the New York Times and teh wall Street Journal have run stories on this both yesterday and today and they are apparently not able to verify that asingle one of the assailants was a recent migrant. It just remains unclear who they are because the police, although they know a few of them - most are not identifiable because there was a crowd - are not saying who they are.
There are no facts - just probably maliciously spread rumors, and I suspect a cover-up, but what's being covered up is not that they are refugees.
Police descriptions of the perpetrators as of "Arab or North African origin" were seized on by those calling for an end to Chancellor Angela Merkel's open-door policy toward people fleeing violence and persecution — even as authorities warned they don't know if any of the culprits are refugees.
But they should know if a lot of refugees were there and nobody is saying that many of them were there!
This is the dog that is not barking in the night.
Arab could maybe sound like they could be Syrian, but North African origin means Morocco, and the recent arrivals are overwhelmingly not from Morocco.
Among the angles police are investigating is whether there are any links to similar crimes committed over the past two years by men suspected to be of North African origin in the nearby city of Duesseldorf, some 25 miles (40 kilometers) away.
They should also investigate if somebody has been paying off the police, or high police officials.
This seems to be a controversy in Germany so it gets covered, but the idea that these are Syrian refugees is almost certainly a slander. It would very unlikely, even though there are some people traveling with the refugeees who are rapists - and the people they were raping were migrants. But not in Germany, because it would get reported to the police there.
It seems like in various places in Germany the New Year's Eve celebrations became lawless. Whatever is going on, migrants are red herring.
Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf all reported similar incidents occurring in their cities around New Year’s Eve.
are tehse locations wheer ther are alot of migrants? obody is saying so, so I presume the answer is no. But they are places maybe where an underworld has been allowed to grow. And the members of the underworld are predominently Moslem maybe. But Moslems born in Germany about twenty years ago.
This is what years of lax "liberal" law enforcement leads to.
how exciting that Pres. Urkel wants to let in hundreds of thousands of these goat humpers!! I say send all of these ragheads to Madison, Cambridge, Ann Arbor, Berzerkley, Portland, Austin, etc. local commies need to get some real diversity.
The anti-native contingent still don't get it. This is about public servants and private institutions that not only defend selective-child policy, and its progression to clinical cannibalism by Planned Parenthood et al, but also the abandonment, creation, and exploitation of a humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, North Africa, etc. Presumably to marginalize and displace native people for purposes of manufacturing democratic leverage and compensate for liberal fiscal policies that have devalued capital and labor. Not only is excessive immigration a failure to recognize native rights, failure to assimilate (e.g. class diversity), increased violent crimes, etc.; but it is denying and leaving behind people to terrorism, sectarian violence, and environmental instability.
David Begley said...
"What will it take for the West to wake up?"
What will it take to get the people of the west to recognize the elites/progressives are not political opponents, but more accurately described as enemies who hate them and want to destroy modern liberal culture and turn their countries into Mexico?
“Our forces encountered a lack of respect which I have not seen in 29 years of services,” the author wrote
Why weren't any shots fired? Its pretty fricken simple - you order them to get on their face, and if they refuse, you shoot them center mass till they get on their face.
Then repeat as necessary.
Muslim are cowards at heart. Make one and object lesson and the rest will submit.
It's even worse if they are not recent migrants. It means assimilation is a hopeless project.
Three sexual assaults allegedly took place at Helsinki's central railway station on New Year's Eve, where around 1,000 mostly Iraqi asylum seekers had converged.
"Police have... received information about three cases of sexual assault, of which two have been filed as complaints," Helsinki police said in a statement.
"The suspects were asylum seekers. The three were caught and taken into custody on the spot," Ilkka Koskimaki told reporters.
It looks like arresting them on the spot was the better course to keep it from getting even worse and completely beyond control, as happened in Cologne. But they have actual suspects in custody Sammy, and they are asylum seekers, "painful as that may be" to you.
I am sure this has nothing to do with Islam.
So what you're saying , Sammy is that this new year, 2016, the German media and police decided they would blame the usual German new years hijinx on a bunch of muslim refugees. That right?
Sammy Finkelman said...
And the members of the underworld are predominently Moslem maybe. But Moslems born in Germany about twenty years ago.
Your theory is that this evidence showing subsequent generations do not assimilate, in fact if true this shows the problems become worse, supports your position that mass immigration is good and those against it are ignorant bigots instead forward looking people trying to avoid large scale dysfunction in the future.
It seems your excitement over the opportunity to criticize someone has led you to lose track of the big picture.
Sammy's conspiracy theory seems to be incorrect as Syrian "refugees" are being arrested.
Thousands are pledging their support to a German vigilante group which has vowed to protect women from migrants in the wake of the horrendous attacks in Cologne.
A week after thousands of 'drunk and stoned' migrants sexually assaulted and robbed 100 women on the streets of Cologne on New Year's Eve, a group known as 'Dusseldorf is Watching' has gained more than 8,000 Facebook members.
The group says it wants to make the streets safer through 'presence' alone but police have warned that 'searching for offenders is not a job for citizens'.
As reports of sexual assaults flood in from around the country, it has emerged that four Syrians were arrested for gang raping two teenage girls in southern Germany on the night of the attacks.
This could get ugly.
Wow, its been a while since I’ve seen Sammy so off the rails.
Blogger tim in vermont said...
It's even worse if they are not recent migrants. It means assimilation is a hopeless project.
Yes. This reminds me of the joke about making up for lack of profit through volume.
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