January 27, 2016

"She said she loved his hair and that he speaks his mind."

A 9-year-old Maine girl loves Donald Trump so much.


Anonymous said...

Was her mom the screaming lady holding up the sign that said "Thank God for Donald Trump!"

Rob said...

And Donald's wife Melanoma sees the writing on the wall.

Sharc said...

That's adorable.

Wince said...

The pandemonium is contagious.

I just ordered my tickets from Howie Carr!

mccullough said...

Great to see 9 year-old capitalists to counteract the 9 year-old socialists supporting Bernie Sanders.

n.n said...

She's either looking for a father figure or has found a suitable match.

Schoolgirl crush. It's natural. It's harmless. Girls develop ahead of boys.

Virgil Hilts said...

Rob - Melanoma? That's just mean (OK, I did laugh). Melania Trump is gorgeous and would be by far the most beautiful "first spouse" in the history of the U.S. She would be the first immigrant first lady and the first first lady (I think) to have posed nude. Melania is not going to be a problem for Trump on the campaign trail.

Drago said...

Amanda: "Was her mom the screaming lady holding up the sign that said "Thank God for Donald Trump!"

No. Further it's highly likely that her mom is not one of the tens of thousands of cult-like dems who rallied for obambi that chanted and made their little "O" hand signs in support of their Dear Leader who shortly thereafter made the oceans recede.

She is also not likely one of the many lefty commentators who spoke of obambi as "sort of a God".

Hope that helps.

traditionalguy said...

She seems to be a normal American girl. That is why Donald is running. She deserves a good life. And he will guard that for her from so many enemies.

Gahrie said...

The same shit happened 8 years ago....

Paddy O said...

People tend to like those with the same emotional maturity.

Fernandinande said...

Looks fake.

OT, Sanders is an atheist, but lies about it:

Sanders said he believes in God, though not necessarily in a traditional manner.

“I think everyone believes in God in their own ways, “ he said. “To me, it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected, and that we are all tied together.”

buwaya said...

"The same shit happened 8 years ago...."

It always does. Also 800 years ago and maybe 8000 years ago.

FullMoon said...

O'Rielly is almost begging Trump to change his mind.
Trying to seem smarter than he is, as usual.

Kate said...

This is a very sweet child who has years of therapy ahead of her because her mother chose to violate her daughter's privacy and use an emotional, vulnerable outburst in order to aggrandize herself on youtube.

Quaestor said...

All political use of any human younger than voting age should be punished by crucifixion.

Michael K said...

Not news. The only news is that Fox and Google planned to ambush Trump with three "Muslim activists" at the "debate" and he found out about it. I doubt it has much to do with Kelly although her behavior at the first debate was embarrassing.

Quaestor said...

“I think everyone believes in God in their own ways, “ he said. “To me, it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected, and that we are all tied together.”

Nice to know Bernie is just another run-of-the-mill Democrat demagog. It clarifies the situation immensely.

Drago said...

Michael K: "Not news. The only news is that Fox and Google planned to ambush Trump with three "Muslim activists" at the "debate" and he found out about it."

I believe the reports are that Fox and Google conspired to bring a muslim (female!) activist, an illegal alien activist and an African-American activist to ask questions of Trump.

You know, because that's what the media is there for, to allow leftist partisans into "non-partisan" debates to ask leftist partisan questions of republican candidates for President.

All with the approval of "conservatives" like chuck.

Quaestor said...

It always does. Also 800 years ago and maybe 8000 years ago.

Prehistoric baby-kissers were tasting them.

narciso said...

yes, Mike K, just a detail left out of the narrative:


Paddy O said...

"he found out about it."

General finds out a small number of the enemy is going to attack a base. Retreats from base.

Quarterback finds out the defense is going to blitz. Decides to punt.

Trump finds out people are going to ask him questions. Decides to tweet.

Fabi said...

The Muslim activist has compared Trump to Hitler. Thinking that the Iowa Republican Debate is a proper venue for this operative to ask a question is absurd.

Levi Starks said...

How much you wanna bet young girls loved the way Hittler spoke his mind?

Quaestor said...

Thanks for the link, narciso.

Quaestor said...

How much you wanna bet young girls loved the way Hitler spoke his mind?

And Stalin, and Mao, and Charles de Gaulle, and Jack Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan, and Sean Cassidy, and Bob Dylan, and Captain Kangaroo... so what's your point?

narciso said...

his instincts have been pretty much on, if his tactics leave something to be desired,

Laslo Spatula said...

I don't know about the election, but she is gonna be HOT in six years.

For her political awareness thingy.

I am Laslo.

Jane said...

Ok, I will be sick now.


My children see right through him.

rehajm said...

“To me, it means that all of us are connected, all of life is connected, and that we are all tied together.”

That's The Force Bernie, Not God.

Paul said...

"My children see right through him."

Of course. You make sure of that.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

This is a very sweet child who has years of therapy ahead of her because her mother chose to violate her daughter's privacy and use an emotional, vulnerable outburst in order to aggrandize herself on youtube.

Years of therapy?

Carol said...

There is something strangely cuddly and compelling about his hair..the 9 year old in me totally gets it. I'm trying hard to resist, however, and may go full bore eGOP by the time the primary is held in my state.

Meanwhile I watch in fascination.

David said...

Trump may be the only man in America with his own Bermuda Triangle on the top of his head. Who knows what ideas have been swallowed up by that swirl.

David Begley said...

She can't vote.


Dustin said...

" traditionalguy said...
She seems to be a normal American girl. That is why Donald is running. She deserves a good life. And he will guard that for her from so many enemies."

The first time Trump filed for bankruptcy, he shorted a lot of investors for an enormous sum of money. I wonder how many of those folks had little girls they were hoping that money could help. A lot of futures went away when Trump broke his word on those many deals.

But by the time Trump filed for bankruptcy the fifth time, it was billions of dollars in broken deals. One begins to suspect Trump made the deals in bad faith, screwing others to enrich himself, leaving many families poorer.

Trump once said (in 2012) that if you don't show up to a debate you are disloyal to the American voters. He very recently decided that his standards for other candidates do not apply to him. Some of his fans say this is a good strategy, some of his critics say he is afraid he will look bad like he did in the last debate. Either way, it's another sign of Trump's lack of integrity.

I have seen very little to show that Traditionalguy is right and Trump wants to be president 'for the children'. I think he is doing this for the same reason he freaks out when a woman talks back to him and the same reason he has his name stenciled on or attached in gold letters to everything. The guy is a flighty weirdo, prone to stunts, and incapable of decisive judgment under fire (for example if Megyn Kelly challenges him). So he'll hide on twitter, bashing how 'stupid' Ted Cruz is, and smart voters will realize how dangerous it is to that little girl to give Trump military power.

Guildofcannonballs said...

funny a law prof

walter said...

Blogger Michael K said...
Not news. The only news is that Fox and Google planned to ambush Trump with three "Muslim activists" at the "debate" and he found out about it.
Isn't his whole schtick being Teflon..taking anything? Dunno..smells to me like SOP of hanging on to your lead.
But what is it? About Fox making $$ off him or his commitment to vets?
It's a bit all over the map.
The kid? Puhleeze. Who knows what level of indoctrination she's received..not fair to her to even record this.

walter said...

By the way..does it seem realistic that Megyn is calling the shots vs playing messenger?

FullMoon said...

Blogger Dustin said...

" traditionalguy said...
She seems to be a normal American girl. That is why Donald is running. She deserves a good life. And he will guard that for her from so many enemies."

The first time Trump filed for bankruptcy, he shorted a lot of investors for an enormous sum of money. I wonder how many of those folks had little girls they were hoping that money could help. A lot of futures went away when Trump broke his word on those many deals. etc...
Name one waif whose future was lost

Fabi said...

Trump's business ventures have five bankruptcies now? Was there one today that I missed -- for billions? Last time I checked, the correct number is four.

Guildofcannonballs said...

To blur the line without declaiming, nor declaration, is typical.

These people laugh about not 1 trillion, or 4.

Or 8 trillion on top of that.

But trillions keep tabs, yo.


Guildofcannonballs said...

Now, as Patton understood, we will fight, like Churchill in-the-midst-of-glad-handin-as-well-known-the-greatest-non-military (Churchills as was/is/shall be continuing Christian, and most proudly Catholic with the Western tradition and glory followed,

OOOPs. You gotta finish it

eric said...

Blogger Fabi said...
Trump's business ventures have five bankruptcies now? Was there one today that I missed -- for billions? Last time I checked, the correct number is four.

Remember, it's the Trump voters who are not informed.

Meanwhile, I thought it looked fake until she started crying. Then I thought, wow, that's pretty cute. My daughter tends to get emotional about American Idol or the Voice. Then again, she is 15, not 9 anymore. I wish I could shrink her back to 9 though. So cute at that age.

Blogger Dustin said...
" traditionalguy said...
She seems to be a normal American girl. That is why Donald is running. She deserves a good life. And he will guard that for her from so many enemies."

The first time Trump filed for bankruptcy, he shorted a lot of investors for an enormous sum of money.

Investors? That really sucks. We should have a system in place where everyone who invests their money can't lose. A utopia of investing. Wherein all investments are winners. Otherwise, it's the evil businessmen who lost the investment and "shorted" the virtuous investors of their hard earned money, and now their 9 year old daughters can't go to college!

Such evil!!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Many of you don't understand How The Irish Saved Civilization. You ignorant bastards disgust me. "How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe (The Hinges of History)"

You take advantage of your ignorance in order to thwart feelings of underperformance.

Compared to the Irish, who fought our way into this land and made it into our own, through the Western tradition of Catholic enlightenment expounded then and daily to this day and tomorrow.

Anybody got any complaints you just line up, like a bitch, and we will pay you, like you would expect your masters to, natch. You just line up for us now, rightwise. Nice and tidy you line up now, okay?

Francisco D said...

Michael K,

I respect what you have to say. However RUMORS of an ambush are an insult to thinking minds. Empirical evidence is always much more convincing.You may have jumped the gun, if not the shark. :-)

I can't include Drago in the above formulation. Thinking is somewhat different than inarticulate feelings of the heart. (Apologies to Van Morrison).

Garbage and Inga/Amanda don't think. They dutifully paste the DU talking points. They are just idiots doing their job. Fine and dandy.

I get annoyed when smart people focus on rumor over fact. I might even learn to like Drago if he was able to speak clearly, directly and to the point. I appreciate that you have those skills.

Drago said...

Francisco D: "I can't include Drago in the above formulation."

Oh my goodness. How will I ever get through the day if Senor Non-Sequitur refuses to include me in any positive results from self-inflicted formulations theoretically related to objective assessment of fact?

Michael K refers to rumors. I "correct" Michael K by stating the rumors were of a slightly different nature.

Of course, upon that little tidbit, Senor Non-Sequitur is off and running!

It apparently takes so little to light the fuse.

David Begley said...

Michael K

No need to rely on rumors of an ambush by Fox of Trump with Muslims. If Fox was a real news organization they would interview the Wall Strret analyst who he ruined for correctly predicting the BK of one of his casinos. Or someone who took a crushing financial blow from one of his four bankruptcies. All info in public records. Fox is too busy opinionating and running car wreck footage.

The Trump kill shot is that his company has used - directly or indirectly - the labor of illegal aliens for years! Hotels, landscaping, restaurants and construction all use illegal labor. Either we have a country or we don't. Trump is the ultimate hypocrite.

Stop the drama. Stop Trump.

David Begley said...

Here's a recent Trump scandal. He lies about Bob Vanderplatts and charged a real conference organizer $100k to meet Iowans.


Trump is a whack job.

Do you want that guy with his finger on our nukes? Unstable.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Trump is a whack job

I don't favor anybody right now, though I despise more than a couple, but every Republican is a "whack job" in every election, every time, without fail. That kind of language just says "concern troll" to me. Just giving you some advice.

Brando said...

Wait a minute--it's now an "ambush" to let people ask uncomfortable questions at a political debate? Would it be an "ambush" to have small business owners ask Bernie Sanders tough questions about his support for doubling the minimum wage? Did "Joe the Plumber" ambush poor unprepared Barack Obama?

I would expect that Trump could at least have a prepared response if he somehow found himself in the uncomfortable position of getting a question from a Muslim activist. He is running for president, right? And not insulated celebrity?

Chalk this one under "Trump Supporters Amazingly Cannot Find Fault With Their Guy".

And spare me the "b-b-but Obama!" because he gets no pass on that either.

jaydub said...

"Would it be an "ambush" to have small business owners ask Bernie Sanders tough questions about his support for doubling the minimum wage? Did "Joe the Plumber" ambush poor unprepared Barack Obama?"

I think you're really streching on this argument. Has such questioning of Bernie been scheduled by the debate sponsors? All I've heard as regards the Democrat candidates involves planted questioners so those candidates can hit softballs out of the park. And, which debate did Joe the Plumber participate in during 2008? Wasn't he vilified by the press and Democrat establishment for merely asking a tax policy question of the Light Worker while standing in the street?

I'm not really a Trump supporter, but I do admire him for refusing play gotcha with those who have shown themselves to be his mortal enemies. I suppose I might change my mind about that if the Democrats allow Gen Patraeus to ask Hillary a few questions regarding classified materials handling and storage vis-a'-vis the governing federal penal code.

Brando said...

"I think you're really streching on this argument. Has such questioning of Bernie been scheduled by the debate sponsors? All I've heard as regards the Democrat candidates involves planted questioners so those candidates can hit softballs out of the park."

As I said, the Dems get no free pass on this--Bernie ABSOLUTELY should have to face similar questioning, and Hillary, etc. The softballing of the Dems is shameful as well. I would like to see all candidates face tough but fair questions (i.e., not the "when did you stop beating your wife" variety, but ones that go right at their weaknesses to see how they respond--our leaders need to be tested).

"And, which debate did Joe the Plumber participate in during 2008? Wasn't he vilified by the press and Democrat establishment for merely asking a tax policy question of the Light Worker while standing in the street?"

It wasn't in a debate, and the Dems did their best to delegitimize him (e.g., not a real plumber, not even named Joe) but he served a useful function--he was a citizen who used a chance to ask a pointed question of a Democratic nominee. We should have seen more of that, and it shouldn't have been by accident. Would we be better off with candidates insulated from Joe the Plumber types?

Thorley Winston said...

Not news. The only news is that Fox and Google planned to ambush Trump with three "Muslim activists" at the "debate" and he found out about it.

That doesn’t really make sense to me as a reason for Trump to not attend the debate. If the “Muslim activists” challenge Trump on his comments regarding immigration or foreign policy, it gives him a chance to repeat things that have been very popular among his supporters. If they attack him with the usual “racist, sexist, xenophobic, etc.” it will probably win him new ones among conservatives who are tired of that litany and want to stick a thumb in the eye of the SJW crowd. The worst case scenario is that he gets someone with a cool head asking him pointed questions (like Jeb Bush did at the last debate when he went through a list of our allies who were Muslims) and he falls back on his “I don’t have Muslims, I love Muslims, I love everybody” schtick. Really not a lot of downside for him.

That being said, this is a *Republican* presidential primary debate and the questions and questioners should be chosen from among those likely to be of interest to likely Republican voters and not those who are on the other side.

Matt Sablan said...

"That being said, this is a *Republican* presidential primary debate and the questions and questioners should be chosen from among those likely to be of interest to likely Republican voters and not those who are on the other side."

-- That's the biggest reason I'd object to the list of people who hate Trump asking Trump questions. We went through this in the disastrous 2000/2004 CNN-YouTube debate where the "concerned Republicans" were more frequently avowed Democrats. There's a time and place for hostile questions from the other side; the primary is not it.

Matt Sablan said...

That debate, by the way, is the moment I realized that the media was as biased/lazy as the right claimed. I always assumed that it might be somewhat biased, but not the incompetent levels that more conservative people claimed. That debate proved that, no, conservatives/Republicans have no reason to trust journalists/the networks.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Laslo is off by a few years. I won't say how many, or in which direction.

Jaq said...

And spare me the "b-b-but Obama!" because he gets no pass on that either.

Yes he does, and so does Hillary.

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