Al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia released a recruitment video on Friday that criticized racism and anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States and contained footage of the Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump announcing his proposal to bar Muslims from entering the country.
२ जानेवारी, २०१६
Shabab turns Hillary's words into truth.
"During a Democratic presidential debate last month, Hillary Clinton said that Mr. Trump had been used in a recruitment video for the Islamic State, a claim that was later debunked." But now:
al Qaeda,
Donald Trump,
Hillary 2016,
५८ टिप्पण्या:
Hillary is right. If Trump would just lay off the Muslims, they'll stop wanting to kill us and impose Sharia law on us. And if he'd just stop saying mean things about Mexicans, they'll stop breaking into our country and stealing jobs from poor black people.
Trump is the whole problem. Without him everything would be cool. Cool man. Cool.
Al Qaeda is our enemy. The enemy of our enemy is Trump. Since Hillary Clinton is also the enemy of Trump, it stands to reason that she's on the same side as Al Qaeda, and a vote for her is a vote for Islamic extremism.
See how easy that is?
More good news for the Trump campaign.
Radical Islam's War on the West will *never* stop. They are too damn stupid.
But the *least* we could do is stop buying their oil. We are the number one producers of oil and gas in the world and the US could easily be energy independent. I consider all the Greens that suppress North American energy independence (e.g. KXL) to be enablers of ISIS, AQ and the War on the West.
Saudi Arabia is not our friend.
Trump lives in the minds of his enemies rent free. I see that he’s now gained global momentum.
Trump The Inevitable?
Act stupidly and you can't come to America.
A subtle suggestion from Hillary to ISIS or a coordinated event?
Take your pick!
There were reports of democrat operatives planting suggestions with FARC during the Democrat primaries of the 08 elections for Obama
Wait until Shabab learns that this Clinton is a WOMAN herself, sort of, and wants women to be equal to their male masters instead of sex slaves for life. The poor Muzzies will have to kill everybody to please their Woman Hating god rock.
And that will be Trump's fault for protecting women.
"Death to the great Satan, death to America, what they won't let us Muslims into America so we can kill Americans. Death to the great Satan, death to America. What a terrible country! "
In case there was any doubt who the Democratic Party was allied with around the world.....
It's nice that Shabab is helping Hillary out like this.
They will tell you who they fear by whom they attack.
From Citizens United to Benghazi to al Shabab.
For Hillary, seemingly it's always about the power of an obscure video to mislead otherwise normal people into doing a wrong or evil thing.
And Hillary's answer always seems to be to be the same: silence a domestic opponent or punish a scapegoat.
So she spoke the truth retroactively or the truth is catching up with her but unfortunately not her lies. Should I have started that last sentence with I mean?
She spoke the truth although preemptively.
Al Qaeda and al - Shabab aren't the Islamic State.
But the *least* we could do is stop buying their oil. We are the number one producers of oil and gas in the world and the US could easily be energy independent. I consider all the Greens that suppress North American energy independence (e.g. KXL) to be enablers of ISIS, AQ and the War on the West.
As someone who is constantly berated as being ignorant of economics, the sheer stupidity and ignorance of basic economics in this statements astounds even me. I wonder why the regular economics police haven't jumped all over this astoundingly ignorant statement.
"Al Qaeda and al - Shabab aren't the Islamic State."
It depends on what the meaning of JV is.
I mean, you realize that the theory that's an authorization of military force for what we're doing now in Iraq and Syria depends on the notion that they are.
Hilarious, "It depends on what the meaning of JV is."
Does the President even need authorization to attack the Islamic State since they are clearly attacking our citizens? Thomas Jefferson didn't have authorization to launch attacks against the Barbary city-states. He just decided he had the authority to do so because the Barbary city-states were already attacking American citizens. I feel like the need for authorization of military force is now mute.
Radical Islam's War on the West will *never* stop. They are too damn stupid.
You are correct that Islam's war on the West will never stop. But it is not because of stupidity. It is because that is what their religion demands. Just as a fundamental principle of Communism was world domination, a fundamental principle of Islam is world domination.
Any reform to Islam that was great enough to alter the fundamental principles that the whole world must submit to Allah and live as Muhammad did would necessarily transform Islam into something different. Even suggesting that is enough to get you killed as a heretic in most Muslim majority countries.
Laws do not apply to Zero. He could kill a child on TV and any criticism would be labeled ... RACIST !
Wait ... he is killing children. OK, never mind.
Why no link to the video? Is it laughably primitive?
Hey! They actually caught some non-muslims defacing a mosque!
But the plea agreement reports that the graffiti, put up in early 2011, contained “the following statements”:
(i) “Allahu Fuckbar;” (ii) “Queer insurrection;” (iii) “It’s okay to be gay!” (iv) “Now is our time!” (v) “Bash Back;” (vi) “You bash us in Pakistan we bash here;” (vii) “Allah was gay;” (viii) “[illegible] unite;” (ix) “Satanic trans” (with circle around Star of David above); (x) “Fuck straights;” and (xi) “Bash Back lives.”
I'd be surprised if ISIS accepted Al'shabab as part of the Islamic State. Al'Shabab is from Somalia. Their adherents are African black. The Islamic State is very old school. And old school Islam is racist towards black people. Believing them to be inferior and animals.
But nuance is too much for our media.
Freder Frederson
Where does the "ignorance of basic economics" reside in the quoted statement? Point it out for us, please. Are you asserting that we are completely, partially or slightly dependent on ME oil? Or are you making a more subtle, invisible, point?
Rush called this on 12/22
Thanks CNN
See, this proves people who say that Hillary! has no accomplishments wrong.
The truth may be that ISIS will use any American politician's deeds and words.
This whole "gotcha game" of catching Trump in a lie or catching Hillary in a lie is a media narrative.
Phil 3:14: "More good news for the Trump campaign."
It's a perfectly defensible political position to oppose Trump for any number of reasons, but you are close to jumping the shark with that comment.
BTW, others who have appeared in ISIS/Al Qaeda et al ads: Hillary Clinton, Obambi, etc.
Gee, it's almost as if the islamist terrorists oppose everything western! You would think that all the rhetorical and policy support from obambi to the radicals would have calmed them a bit, but alas.
Big improvement in France this year:
Despite this new “efficiency,” more than 800 cars were still set on fire overnight in France, in contrast to 940 in 2014.
Another benefit from diversity. Car fires for New Years Eve !!! Maybe they just don't "get" the whole fireworks idea?
From Hillary's lips to ISIS' ears!
So she gave them the idea, and they used it.
Or at least that's how Mr. Trump might spin it.
Radical Islam hates Donald Trump. They also hate Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Jeb Bush, Ralph Nader, all the Justices on the Supreme Court, Harry Reid, Paul Ryan, John Kerry, Planned Parenthood, Kim Davis, the NRA, Michael Bloomberg, Star Wars, and pretty much anything that is not Radical Islam. If they had their way, they would kill or convert 99% of the American population, and then spread out into Canada and Mexico. The only Americans that might get a pass are Barack Obama, if and only if they think he's a closeted Muslim; Bill Clinton, because the way he treats women fits in nicely with their own worldview; and the Kardashians, because women so fine are better used for, ahem, other purposes. On the plus side, they would probably disembowel Kanye West on sight.
But, yeah, when your sworn enemy who desperately wants to kill you takes offense, you should take pride in that. Why Hillary does not want to admit it is most puzzling.
Clyde said...
Al Qaeda is our enemy. The enemy of our enemy is Trump. Since Democrat Hillary Clinton is also the enemy of Trump, it stands to reason that she's and the Democrats are on the same side as Al Qaeda, and a vote for her and them is a vote for Islamic extremism.
See how easy that is?
1/2/16, 7:45 AM
Fixed that for you. And factually true.
So, the jihadists fear a Trump administration, and are clinging to the unparalleled freedom and revenue under the Obama administration's reset of American foreign policy. The removal of competitor people from Caliphate lands through creation of a refugee crisis has been a boon for progress of the Caliphate's ambitions.
Explain where I am wrong.
A $20 tariff or fee on OPEC oil is what I want. We protect the sea lanes for FREE.
If WTI was a stable $50, we would be energy independent in two years or less. Right now we are looking at many BKs and then $100 bbl in 2017.
The Sauds and Iran use our oil money to terrorize the West.
American Citizens First.
I look at this and say, "So?"
We have to be honest about this. The followers of Islam have a hair trigger. They have no self control. A wrong word and they will turn violent. So, no wrong words. Please. They are a stupid and irrational people who have to be very carefully dealt with. If you behave with them like you would with your western equals you will upset them and if they are upset they will go on a killing spree. And it will be your fault.
"As someone who is constantly berated as being ignorant of economics, the sheer stupidity and ignorance of basic economics in this statements astounds even me. I wonder why the regular economics police haven't jumped all over this astoundingly ignorant statement."
Maybe it's because he's not an asshole. Just a thought.
Of course they were going to make a video featuring a high profile Islamaphobe. Clinton was prescient. Actually, anyone could've predicted it. So Trump owes Clinton an apology, not the other way around.
As the last remnants of ISIS left Ramadi, they slaughtered several score of people. They would have done more but these were the only ones they could get access to before they left to save their own asses. A majority of those killed in this commonplace incident were children.
They don't need Trump to hate and kill. Or recruit for that matter.
Trump should bring an FEC complaint against Hillary for illegal coordination with an independent political group.
Hillary hoisted on her Citizens United petard.
Stephen Miller at NRO reports:
"Hi media. Know who else is in that Al Shabaab recruitment video with Trump? Hillary Clinton & Black Lives Matter"
Trump's overly broad condemnation of Muslims seems to raised the ire of ISIS. Whoever sides with Clinton in this matter now sides with ISIS.
This was another brilliant move by Trump.
Suck it, Amanda.
You know, I don't believe Trump is a phobe because a phobe would be someone disinclined to piss off an Islamist in any way. You, by way of example, are the picture perfect islamaphobe. You would not uttter a cross word against a member of the ROP because you want to keep your head about you as it were.
No, Trump is not afraid of these fucks he just doesn't want them swarming into our nice country with their "religion." But they are, as you suggest, easily manipulated violence-wise.
If Former Sec State Clinton doesn't know the difference between Al Qaeda and Daesh (IS, ISIL, ISIS) then we should not be voting for her.
Just saying.
Regards — Cliff
Amanda declares that ISIS is all in for Hillary!! Which we already knew.
Amanda declares that ISIS is all in for Hillary!! Which we already knew.
Who put the baab in the al Shabaab, who put the hood in the Muslim Brotherhood? Who put Allah in the Ayato-Allah, who put the Ram in the Ramadan-a-jihad?
"the sheer stupidity and ignorance of basic economics in this statements astounds even me."
Says the amazing lefty economics whiz who supports the Bernie !
If you didn't sound stupid, we could not hear you at all.
1. Do people really still believe Hillary when she says a video caused the debacle in Bengazi, or do they believe Hillary was just lying to save her own and her boss' butts just before an election? If it's the latter case, why should any thinking person think she is not now lying or merely politicizing her opponent(s) statements to save her butt before the next election? Lying for political gain is her most consistent characteristic.
2. Do not Islamists and those predisposed to Islamism, whether actual Islamists or mere sympathizers, hate our culture, our form of government, our economic system and our freedoms because we do not submit to their bizarre (to the West) beliefs? Why should on-line propaganda, whether culturally complimentary to the West or an anti-Western diatribe have a profound effect on such deeply held attitudes? Very few of those young people who run off to join ISIS have been converted on-line by ISIS, most have been converted locally by the local Islamists in our midst. Does anyone have a more effective strategy to prevent stupid, irresponsible young people from running off to their deaths than to directly confront the Islamists already in the US, close the radical mosques and neutralize the radical Imams and their acolytes? More directly, how can "CVE" work when those responsible for it cannot even incorporate "I" into the acroynm they employ?
3. And finally, why do Americans spend so much time worrying about what other countries or regions profess to think about America and Americans? Do Amercians really think that the rest of the world really cares about what America or Americans think of them or their countries? Moreover, does anyone believe that the Spanish give a crap about what the French think of Spain? Or, what the French think of Germany, or the Indians of China, or the Turks of the Greece? If one is not American, then most of America's self interests do not coincide with his own, hence, he is almost always going to take exception to what America is doing, but that's the same the world over. Consider how Spain neutalized the Islamic threat in 1492 after fighting a several hundreds years war to defeat the Caliphate and banish it from the Iberian Peninsula. To this day they haven't asked what the Saudis, Turks or Persians thought of them or their methods.
Amanda must be incredibly dissapointed that Hillary was in that terrorist recruiting video.
Yet, for some unknown reason, failed to address that fact.
I am sure that she will get to it right after morning meds.
The latest spin is that Hillary wasn't saying that Trump was being used in terrorist recruitment videos, merely that she predicted he'd be used in terrorist recruitment videos. Which is not what she really said at the time, but who are you going to believe? Her? Or your own eyes and ears?
"Shabab turns Hillary's words into truth."
1. During a Democratic presidential debate last month, Hillary Clinton said that Mr. Trump had been used in a recruitment video for the Islamic State, a claim that was later debunked."
But now:
2. Al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia released a recruitment video on Friday....
Notice this was done by Al Qaeda, not ISIS.
1. Do people really still believe Hillary when she says a video caused the debacle in Bengazi, or do they believe Hillary was just lying to save her own and her boss' butts just before an election?
Hillary never said a video caused that, except maybe to a close family member of one of the people killed in Benghazi when she said that the film maker responsible for the attack was going to be arrested. (hoping to satisfy the family that way)
C R Krieger said...
If Former Sec State Clinton doesn't know the difference between Al Qaeda and Daesh (IS, ISIL, ISIS) then we should not be voting for her.
She and her campaign staff know the difference, but she's hoping that people overlook that.
EDH said...
Trump should bring an FEC complaint against Hillary for illegal coordination with an independent political group.
She was telling terrorists to do that.
Maybe such a complaint would work in Wisconsin.
Hillary never said a video caused that, except maybe to a close family member of one of the people killed in Benghazi when she said that the film maker responsible for the attack was going to be arrested. (hoping to satisfy the family that way)
Here is the official statement she released the night of the attack:
"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."
Why would she include this paragraph when she knew the attack was the result of organized terrorism?
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