Writes Mike Lupica in The New York Daily News, ending with the send-off "City to him: Get lost."
१५ जानेवारी, २०१६
"If you are dumb enough to think that New York values are some sort of handicap in this presidential season, then you are as dumb and tone deaf as Jesse Jackson was calling the city 'Hymietown'..."
"... as dumb as Gerald Ford was when he gave this paper the most famous front page in its history, the day he effectively told New York to drop dead. The next time Cruz shows up here he should tear himself away from his friends at Goldman Sachs and make a side trip to the Bronx and explain himself there on New York values; or to the Lower East Side, or Williamsburg, Brooklyn, or Jamaica, Queens, or 125th St. in Harlem. He should go talk to people in the Rockaways or Staten Island, the hardened survivors who bound together after Hurricane Sandy, about New York values. Or finally he should go all the way downtown, and back to September 2001. Here is what New York values are: New York values are a young guy, a paralegal, literally giving somebody he doesn’t know the shirt off his back on a subway because winter has finally come to the city and brought freezing temperatures with it. New York values are the New York taxi driver who traveled three boroughs across four days to find the guy who had left $1,400 in his cab, so he could return the money to him. You know what that really was? It was the real life of a city that Ted Cruz knows nothing about. He is simply another tourist here, one constantly on the make."
Writes Mike Lupica in The New York Daily News, ending with the send-off "City to him: Get lost."

Writes Mike Lupica in The New York Daily News, ending with the send-off "City to him: Get lost."
Donald Trump,
Mike Lupica,
Ted Cruz
१३२ टिप्पण्या:
The rest of the country to New York city: "get lost".
Anybody with a brain would know Ted was speaking of the communist mayor and his awful policies....
Sounds like a Knicks fan.
Mike Lupica. Midget liberal douchebag.
I'm totally shocked by this reaction to Ted's comment. Regardless of the media megaphone, NY has a small number of electoral votes and in a Trump v Hillary contest Hillary still wins those electoral votes.
NY needs to realize that there is life beyond the Hudson.
Mike Lupica is a gun grabbing, Pinko and wouldn't know common sense or honest work if they came up and bit him on the ass. New York City is just another failed, leftist hell hole, filled with effete, estrogen-infused latte drinking cretins just like him and Chelsea Clinton. Go to Hell.
Curious George said...
Mike Lupica. Midget liberal douchebag.
LOL, you beat me there.
Yes Luppy, he was talking about you and your leftist buddies.
There are plenty of good and decent people in NY and NYC, but overwhelmingly, in the city, they are leftists/Democrats.
Now that Daily News cover IS the essence of New York values. I.e., publicly confronting jerks trying to stiff you. It is also called Reality Therapy. The Religious Pompous Fools need to research why The Lord in their Trinity is the Holy Spirit a/k/a the Spirit of Truth.
I hate New York City. I don't much care for San Francisco, Chicago, or Dallas, and Los Angeles is a city I can take it or leave it. But New York is bad because of its people and their attitude towards out of towners.
Lot of good New Yorkers. Lot of jagoffs, too. Lupica and de Blasio are jagoffs, along with the assholes who run Wall Street. Cruz problem is his wife gets good money working for the assholes. So does Lupica.
Ted Cruz should run on a New York specific platform of bringing all NYC apartments, stores and restaurants into ADA compliance. (If you've been to NYC, you'll understand.)
I have never had any trouble in NYC, except remember not to walk the sidewalk while looking down at a tourist map or a small oncoming lady will knock you over. It is her right of way, Jerk.
And she is right. Do better and fit into NYC values.
The Daily News is in no position to lecture anyone on values. Ever. And if Ted doesn't like New York values, he is unlikely to like Canada much either (a funny insult for a New Yorker, who typically loves the idea of Canada).
New York, New York. The city so vile they warned you twice.
I'm from NY. Mike Lupica does not speak for me.
Ted Cruz is a fine man. He is willing to learn. I think he has learned something.
I am a born and breed southern or and do not have much time for Yankees, ;).
But it is surprising to me that the billionaire(?) trump comes across as more blue collar than anyone on that panel. It was one of the most endearing qualities of dubya that I liked. Scott walker as well.
The flaming liberal sportswriter who is the personification of New York values. Sportswriters are the most liberal people in our society.
Cruz clearly stated he was talking about the left wing political values of New York City. Trump got a nice soundbite but it wasn't a direct response to what Cruz actually said.
NYC is a rude, unfriendly shithole filled with dangerous, selfish, arrogant east coast assholes like Don Trump.
Mike Lupica, a silly little man.
Cruz is making all the right enemies with this squabble.
Trump needs to be careful here. It'll be nice if he gets the nomination and can at the very least make Hillary spend time and money in new York.
But he won't even win the nomination if this New York thing sticks to him and Cruz runs the south and Trump stops looking inevitable.
Some people are worth cultivating as enemies. Lupica? I wish I could have him as an enemy. He hits the trifecta. Stupid, arrogant, and obnoxious.
Isn't Wall Street in NYC?
Just trying to sort out the "good" and the "bad".
I hate that old headline about Gerald Ford telling the city to drop dead. I live in NYC and I would have vetoed any bailout if I had been president. That doesn't mean I don't love the city or its values.
In Missouri Valley, Iowa I saw Ted bash the NYT five feet from the NYT reporter. Great fun.
Those are two very different things as BDNYC has explained.
I think the Cruz play won't hurt him. He isn't going to win the state in the primary or general election. If it does work for him, then he can make the same play against Hillary, although she doesn't even have NY values.
The real insult is that you said NY values rather than NYC values. Those are two very different things.
"NY needs to realize that there is life beyond the Hudson."
It seems the liberals in New York are far more provincial than cosmopolitan and they're supposedly citizens of the world.
"trump comes across as more blue collar than anyone on that panel."
He's a salesman. He's the product. Craaaaaaazy Trump is slashing prices!
Trump demonstrated his New York values when he directly insulted Jeb Bush by calling him "weak". Ugliest moment of the debate and the audience gasped. Trump is a great candidate for the media, and Democrats. Not for decent people or conservatives.
When was the last time NY voted for a Republican presidential candidate? 32 years ago. The chances of Trump or any Republican candidate carrying NY in 2016 are near zero. So, what's the big deal?
Is that really the cover of the Daily News? I'm 60 now, which usually doesn't feel all that old but I guess it is. If a major newspaper--even a major tabloid like the NYDN--had a cover like that in my youth, it would have been widely condemned and someone would have gotten fired.
The NY values stuff and the 9/11 stuff are all political correctness. Trump is supposed to be the one who disables PC as a factor in public debates, not one who also uses it.
This is a serious breach of trust.
I remember when Jerry Ford told NYC to drop dead and the rest of the country either didn't care or cheered him on.
Cruz calling Trump NY values because of pro-choice is beneath him. How crappy the women's vote makes everybody.
My position is pro choice and anti Roe vs Wade. Presumably Cruz knows enough to know that's a possibility.
Get the federal courts working again and leave it up to the state laws.
Too good to be true. Went to the NY daily News website to read Lupica's article. This was a side bar. BTW Lupica has resided in the lilly white town of New Canaan, CT for many years. Now there's a real New Yorker for you.
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NYC bailed itself out by cancelling the bondholders' rights. Full faith and credit was changed to you have to swap your old bonds for nice new low interest bonds, instead of first in line in bankrupcy.
NYC was ahead of Obama and GM/Chrysler by decades.
New York will always vote Democrat. Write those votes off and peel votes from people that hate New York (most of America).
Let's ask Kitty Genovese about New York Values.
I love NY and the inhabitants of Manhattan island. I find them nice and accommodating in every way. Brusque, perhaps, but they have stuff they have to do. Now. Great city even when run by idiots who manage to up the bum count overnight. I survived the 70s 80s 90s and oughts going up there frequently and hope to continue to do so. Especially liking the fact that there is a whole new Manhattan island being created in former no-go zones of Hells Kitchen and points west. Amazing reincarnation.
Lupica is, of course, a fool. I thought the NY Daily News, one of Mort Zuckerman's few mishaps, was being sold or was going out of business. No one reads it.
Uh oh, now Cruz has lost New York.
I expect that if Drudge hadn't put that on the front page Ted Cruz's people would have been faxing it and e-mailing it everywhere. That's an inverse endorsement that will be big in flyover country.
LOL Cruz's chances in NY were infinitesimal. NYC and NYS record on voting is as liberal as it gets. Rockefeller was liberal republican as was Jacob Javitts and a host of others. Conservatives split off from Republicans and formed their own party in the 60's.
The Conservative voting parts of the state are like Appalachia, no jobs, no money, no prospects and the government is among the dumbest in the nation.
The north eastern blue elite do not know how to govern and are among the most selfish in the nation.
"Hardened survivors of Hurricane Sandy."
You Know Who
(No, really, NY: pull yourselves together. The crybaby thing is making us uncomfortable.)
New York was a great city. I remember partying on the roof of my apartment, just north of Houston. All night long, you could see the Twin Towers, rising above the trees of the park. Then the birds would start singing, and you knew you'd stayed up way too late.
I gave up on the place when they didn't rebuild the towers. They should have built them again, only higher. Instead, they put up the Was It Something We Said Memorial Reflecting On Our American Privilege Pool. Just a matter of time, before the Iranians sail a dinghy with an A-bomb on board up the East River and level the whole island. Allahu akbar, as Obama would say.
Well can anyone with a straight face claim that Andrew Cuomo and Bill de Blasio represent real American values? It's also telling that Hillary was elected Senator from New York.
"The Conservative voting parts of the state are like Appalachia, no jobs, no money, no prospects and the government is among the dumbest in the nation."
True. The state gov has been driving the manufacturing base out of NY state for decades. I used to do work for one of these in Buffalo, decades ago. Its not like property values or high pay has driven them to low cost states. Upstate NY is, these days, as low cost as it gets in the US. Its regulation.
York, york york.
"Hardened survivors of Hurricane Sandy."
"LOL. That's cute." - Floridians.
As soon as I saw the weasel phrase "effectively told" I knew I was dealing with a lefty bullshit merchant. That's when I looked at the byline and saw Mike Lupika and knew I didn't have to read any further.
Court orders requiring Christians to attend state-mandated "re-education" classes because of their views on the sacrament of marriage.
1. Ford, of course, never said, "Drop dead." Just like Mitt Romney never said, "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." Both headlines were creations of New York newspaper headline writers.
2. After first spurning a NYC bailout, Ford subsequently relented. He gave New York its money, lost the state to Jimmy Carter, and lost the White House.
3. I do like the invocation of Really Bad Storm Sandy. Arguably, Chris Chistie is the best embodiment of New York values in the field. A self-proclaimed conservative who whined incessantly for more and more billions from Washington and kissed the President's, uh, ring to make it happen. I'd be a happy guy if I had a buck for each one of the billions spent on Sandy, on 9/11 first responder epidemiology, on New York security, et cetera.
Before she died, Mother Theresa begged Mike Lupica for the secret to his moral grandeur. He told her that prayer and fasting will only get you so far. Living in NYC is the thing that puts you over the top and guarantees sainthood. Sadly, she never had the courage to move to NYC and ths never achieved the stature of Lupica.
Donald Trump, mentioned William F. Buckley. I thought of that too before I heard him say that.
But I also thought that William F. Buckley was actually from Connecticut. That's true, even though the offices of Natiopnal Review were (and are) in New York, by around Madison Avenue and 35 St., and that he once ran for Mayor of New York (in 1965) and even wrote a semi-famous book about it called “The Unmaking of a Mayor” and that he was instrumental in founding the New York State Conservative Party in 1962, and even though his brother was elected Senator from New York in 1970 (in a 3-way race. (he got the Republican nomination in 1976, but lost to Daniel Patrick Moynihan)
That Donald Trump latched on to William F. Buckley Jr, is probably because he’s not that familiar with people and no other names quickly came to mind.
Now a point Donald Trump could have mentioned, if he had had the wit to do so, was the addresses of Ted Cruz’s contributors included in his campaign financial disclosure forms.
There are probably a lot of them from New York, and from Manhattan, and even the Upper West Side!
And you could look them up.
Fox kept showing the NYFD pictures saying "was this the NY values you're talking about Ted?". As though NYC is the only city In the world that would have responded nobly to the attack. I think Houston would have done OK. Without the 7-year delay to rebuild. Without the worst school system in America. Without the bare-breasted women posing for pictures in Times Square. Without the crime, corruption, filth, lack of good roads. Without 300 sqft apts for $2200/mo. Shove it big city jerks. We don't need your attitude.
President Ford's denial of a bailout was helpful to New York, as helped force New York to get control of its spending. New Yorkers should be grateful to President Ford.
Michael 1/15/16, 10:54 AM
Lupica is, of course, a fool. I thought the NY Daily News, one of Mort Zuckerman's few mishaps, was being sold or was going out of business. No one reads it.
Well, a good number of people were fired, and it's for sale, and they just reduced the newstand price on weekdays from $1.25 to $1.00 - and they've been on a crusade against the NAtional Rifle Association since about San Bernadino.
I live in NYC and was a 1.5 responder at ground zero. New Yorkers behaved very well during that crisis. I like to think other Americans would also behave well........The citizens of Nazi Berlin had some bad days and rebuilt their city. Some qualities transcend bad politics and saturation bombing.
Sammy Finkelman
Interesting. Did not know that the NY Daily News had identified the NRA as the shooters in San Bernadino. The local cops thought they had caught and killed the killers. Maybe there should be an APB for the NRA.
According to the Daily News, my membership in the nation's oldest civil rights organization makes me a terrorist, so they can just f*ck off.
When was the last time NY voted for a Republican presidential candidate? 32 years ago. The chances of Trump or any Republican candidate carrying NY in 2016 are near zero. So, what's the big deal?
What's the difference between a slot machine and the State of New York? Well, besides the obvious, a slot machine is a mechanism unaware of its past and unable to effect its future. Therefore anyone who shoves quarters into a slot machine on the theory that it's overdue for a payoff is playing the casino's game. Voters, however, have memories and can effect their futures. Many NYC voters remember Mayor Giuliani, particularly when they see uncollected garbage piled on the sidewalks, rising crime statistics in the papers and airwaves, graffiti and vandalism on the rise, and the thousand and one other insanities that have issued from Gracie Mansion lately. Upstate voters remember what it's like to live in a state with an expanding economy rather than one in apparently permanent recession. The chances of Trump or any Republican candidate carrying NY in 2016 are far more than zero. Cruz should have realized this, and his gratuitous swipe was so ill-considered that I'm beginning to doubt his political acumen.
The rest of the country doesn't think quite so highly of New York Values, though.
(And yeah, the Daily News is not a source I'd look to for anything - I respect the Times more, and that's saying something.)
I live near there, so I suppose I should chime in.
Mike Lupica is a sportswriter who, for some reason, thinks he is a political pundit. Being angry is his schtick. Frankly, I value his opinion about as much as any random person because there is really nothing to recommend him as wise. (I do find it amusing that he wrote a book called Summer of '98 about McGwire and Sosa chasing Maris's single-season home run record, not realizing that both of them were using some questionable methods to get there. He got duped, and if anyone should not have gotten duped it should have been a sportswriter.)
What "New York City" values are is a very good question. Keep in mind that the city takes in a large number of immigrants, many living fairly isolated in their own areas (I suppose the old term for that would be "ghetto"). In addition, lots of people from elsewhere in the United States move to NYC to make it big on Broadway, fashion design, and whatever else. A large percentage of New York City is not from New York City. (This comes up sometimes when trying to explain de Blasio's election despite his policies having been tried before and failed so hard that the city elected Republicans. Too much of the population has no memory of the bad old days.) The city also has a million Jews and nearly a million Muslims, plus enough of some other religious minorities large enough that politicians see advantage in trying to pander to them with school holidays for their religions. I'm not sure how you can have a consolidated New York City values with areas like Chinatown, the African-American dominated Harlem, the nearly a suburb Staten Island, young hipsters living where young hipsters live, Greenwich Village, and the dozens of other distinct areas. The only real common thing is they vote for Democrats, but the Democrat coalition is factions of peoples who tend not to agree on lots of things.
As to Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey got hit a lot harder than the city itself and the worst part of the hurricane hit the southern part of the state ("The Shore"). NYC had its problems - its never good to see a transportation tunnel filled to the top with salt water - but compared to elsewhere they had it fairly easy.
If a Republican has New York state in play, the election is effectively over.
Michael said...1/15/16, 12:35 PM
Sammy Finkelman
Interesting. Did not know that the NY Daily News had identified the NRA as the shooters in San Bernadino. The local cops thought they had caught and killed the killers. Maybe there should be an APB for the NRA.
They had about two weeks straight worth of headlines about Wyane LaPierre (whom they called Jihadi Wayne) after San Bernardino attacks.
Even today, Friday, January 15, 2016, pages 8 and 9 (the Mike Lupica column is on page 10) they have a headline:
On the top of page 8: JIHADI WAYNE
Those are not too tall, but they are yellow capital letters on a black background.
There's a column - the first column of 4 on page 8 - by John Rosenthal about Wane LaPierre being a gasbag.
There's a big picture of Wayne LaPierre on page 8 and of President Obama on page 9. Varying size headlines (white on black) and words in boxes, and a matchup box - and an article running along the bottoms of page 8 and 9.
It seems to have brought about by a video the NRA released calling for a debate with President Obama.
They say Wayne Lapierre ducked a chance to talk last week. I guess the headline would be:
NRA boss challenges Bam to debate Ducked chance to talk on gun issue last week
The story says he finally came out of hiding.
Wayne LaPierre has been repeatedly called a nut by the Daily News. It is probably better for him than being called evil or satanic.
There's also a box linking you to an editorial on page 26. Tyhe editorial is entitled:
Deranged man with guns
They even accuse him of meaning black and brown people when he talks about people who shouldn't have guns: felons, criminals, gangbangers, drug dealers repeat offenders and illegal aliens.
Now what is behind that is that people who attempt to buy guns and fail the background check are not prosecuted. Wayne LaPierre is claiming they should be. But they shouldn't be, by and large. And he knows that. If that started to happen, the NRA would be the first to start protesting. But the Daily News is basically talking gibberish really. It's gibberish on both sides, really.
I could think of some possible gun laws that could be passed that would tend to reduce shootings. Nothing what the Daily News is endorsing if you can figure out what they're endorsing. Well, the guns that can't be fired except by the owner, maybe, but they are probably badly designed. The NRA has stopped anything like that from being manufactured for fear astate (like New Jersey)) would mandate it. I have acouple of original ideas that would really b =e better. And I like the lawsuits, except I woluld also allow and even mandate the purchase of insurance by gun stores and manufacturers, and maybe legislate the amount of damages, and waive civil rights laws when it comes to selling guns, as far as disparate impact is concerned anyway.
And I would try to do something so nobody could become a gun owner without some other people knowing and saying that person knows how to use it, or will learn, and will prevent it from being stolen, and will not use it to commit a crime. No special people - just any people, but of both sexes. I think the only people who can predict such things are people who people. I've got to work out what's going to motivate people to be honest.
Oh - and get rid of almost all gund that can fire more than 6 rounds without reloading Nobody needs them not even the police. A defender needs different tools than a killer of random people.
Sports writers are basically at the bottom of the food chain when it comes to the news business, they're just barely above entertainment reporters when it comes to respectability. This in turn leads to them having serious inferiority complexes.
So desperate are they to be respected that they will regularly attempt to comment on other issues despite having no actual experience with them. Mike Lupica tends to be amongst the worst offenders.
Anyway, anybody who thinks that this will hurt Cruz politically needs to get out of the city sometime.
Birkel said...1/15/16, 1:07 PM
If a Republican has New York state in play, the election is effectively over.
When they were counting the votes in 1976, the Ford peoplle thought they could be winning New York. But New York wouldn't be won by a Republican, if Pennsylvania and New Jersey also weren't. Things could be different in a 3-way race.
I don't know how thinbgs would go if it were Trump vs Hillary Clinton vs Michael Bloomberg - all 3 heavily connected to New York, by the way. In such a case, Hillary might carry some red states.
Reagan did carry New York in 1980 and 1984, but these were landslides. Bush I carried California in 1988, but Dukakis won New York.
You know, it wss Goldwater who wanted to saw off the Northeast.
Sammy Finkelman
I find it charming that our betters believe that criminals are guided by the laws of the land. Touching on many levels. Baffling too but that is another thing altogether.
And before anybody says "but what about the primary" Cruz wasn't going to win any significant votes in NYC anyway. That crowd wants Rubio, Bush, or Christie (if they're desperate).
Plus, I'm pretty sure the rural and upstate regions are generally in agreement with him.
Sammy Finkelman,
Thank you for adding precisely nothing with those two comments.
That ranks those two comments above your normal offerings.
"Donald Trump and the Mainstream Media are foaming at the mouth over the comment Senator Ted Cruz made about New York values.
Now, all of us folks who are not New York City liberals know exactly what Senator Cruz was talking about -- and it had nothing to do with the aftermath of 9-11.
Senator Cruz was talking about cultural and political values.
Duck Dynasty values versus Bill de Blasio values."
Does the NY Daily News have to consider this a campaign contribution to Cruz?
Asking for a friend.
Cruz was obviously, and not necessarily inappropriately, riffing off of Jeanne Kirkpatrick's "San Francisco Democrats" speech from 1984.
I'm NYC born and raised (born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens, spent young-adult life in Manhattan); then stupidly marooned myself in a Sunbelt "Edge City" where people look at you funny if you own and read a lot of books. (With the rise of the Dumbest Generation even in Manhattan, that may unfortunately be true of NYC now, depressingly enough.) As much as I love the city I'm from and despise the city I'm in, and as much as I miss the widespread cultural literacy of Manhattan and recoil from the widespread Philistinism of this place, I, too, don't like the "NYC values" Cruz seems to have been referring to. It was depressing how, for all the intelligence of the Manhattanites I encountered, what lockstep, State-humping Eloi they were, politically.
Bill Buckley was from South Carolina.
And about "Hymietown"; I will bet that there are very few people who even know the story. A few New Yorkers; a few members of the Jewish community with good memories; and conservative critics of Jesse Jackson Incorporated who will never forget it as long as Jackson's are playing politics.
The mainstream media never touched the story.
Speaking of Buckley, Chuck, that reminds me of Buckley's opponent John Lindsay--who was sort of a forerunner of Obama, with his air of elitist prissiness--and his "fat Jews" comment. The NYC press, which was solidly against Buckley, spiked the remark, lest it make Lindsay look bad.
The headline was so bright, I missed the French lady giving him the middle finger...
"The New York governor, who two years ago intoned that New Yorkers with pro-life and conservative values weren't "welcome" in the state, is suddenly acting as if he's their most ardent advocate.
At Thursday night's Fox Business debate, GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz (R-TX) defined New York values as "socially liberal, pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, and focus around money and the media." Cuomo insisted Cruz should "apologize" for his comments."
When Cruz said that there aren't many conservatives that come from Manhattan, he was riffing on Trump's comment that there aren't too many Evangelicals from Cuba........Cruz is married to a Goldman Sachs banker. There are some NY values that he's willing to embrace.
@Sammy Finkelman - yeh, limit modern firearms to criminals and government employees (whom many on the right consider to be in the former category). Why should I be limited to 5 or 6 rounds, and detachable magazines, when the criminals who might want to take my property or endanger me or my family, are not so limited? And, why are police lives more important than my life, justifying them having access to maybe 17 round magazines for their Glocks, while I am limited to maybe 1/3 that? Also, how do you guarantee to me that any such licensing scheme is not a pretense to keep most of the population disarmed? After all, the push for generous CCW legislation was driven, to a great part, on the reality that the only people given CCW permits were friends and/or political contributors to the person giving out the CCWs (or to their boss). It was the misused discretion that was driving this, and I see something similar being possible when you have to take classes to get licensed. Plus, of course, many of us do not believe that it really is the government's business who has a gun and who does not (Which is why so many guns and so much ammo is being buried right now).
I could think of some possible gun laws that could be passed that would tend to reduce shootings. Nothing what the Daily News is endorsing if you can figure out what they're endorsing. Well, the guns that can't be fired except by the owner, maybe, but they are probably badly designed. The NRA has stopped anything like that from being manufactured for fear astate (like New Jersey)) would mandate it. I have acouple of original ideas that would really b =e better. And I like the lawsuits, except I woluld also allow and even mandate the purchase of insurance by gun stores and manufacturers, and maybe legislate the amount of damages, and waive civil rights laws when it comes to selling guns, as far as disparate impact is concerned anyway.
"Smart" guns are not going anywhere right now. The civilian sector isn't going to accept them until law enforcement does, esp. since it appears that a lot more guns are taken off LEOs than off of armed civilians every year. We had the shooting of a police officer last week using a previously stolen police gun. Realistically, it is a solution looking for a problem (ignoring LEOs losing their guns to criminals) - we are probably talking a handful, maybe double digits, contrasted to more guns then people now in this country. We may be talking more than a million to one here. And, yes, they don't work well enough yet, and likely won't do so for some time to come. Modern firearms can be very reliable, if well maintained. and introducing the possibility that the "smart" technology might not work when the gun is most needed is just not acceptable. And, right now, it isn't a question of smart guns not being quite as reliable, but rather, they are far, far, less reliable.
Gun stores and manufacturers most often already have plenty of insurance. But, you seen to be aiming at allowing lawsuits for people being injured or dying as a result of properly operating firearms, long after the manufacturers or gun stores have any control over the firearms they manufacture and sell. This is like making GM or Ford liable for any car crashes that might occur with their vehicles, years, if not decades, after they sold them. Etc. This isn't how product liability laws work, and that was why firearm commerce was specifically exempted from liability by federal law for operating properly, unless traditional negligence can be shown. This federal law is not going to be removed in the foreseeable future, esp. since the primary purpose of such litigation would be to make gun ownership much more expensive and therefore much less common.
Finally, as to disparate impact, almost all of it is a result of different rates of violent behavior. Young black males tend to kill and be killed at a much higher rate by guns, knives, etc. than any other demographic. Much of it is likely a direct result of fatherless child rearing, where unwed mothers have boys that they cannot control, and end up running in juvenile packs until they either end up in prison or are killed. Notably though, they are arrested at a lower rate than other demographics, based on crimes committed, and similarly, tend to kill more than be killed in comparison to other demographics. I don't think gun lawsuits, or really gun laws, are the better approach here, but rather, I think that we should be attacking the root causes, which really means moving the young inner city minority women off of welfare, so as not to give them financial incentives to perpetuate this dysfunctional cycle.
William Chadwick
I'm NYC born and raised (born in Brooklyn, raised in Queens, spent young-adult life in Manhattan); then stupidly marooned myself in a Sunbelt "Edge City" where people look at you funny if you own and read a lot of books.
My cousin from NYC- 40 years in SoHo- visited me recently in the Sun Belt city where I live. We drove by a Half Price Books store. I asked her if she wanted to go in. "Yes, because most of the bookstores in New York have closed." She bought 3-4 books.
BTW, when I was growing up in a rural town in NE, my peers looked at me funny for reading a lot of books. Dere are yahoos everwhere, doncha' know?
IN the end, I just don't see this harming Cruz all that much. Sure, we empathized with New Yorkers after the attacks on 9/11/01. And, yes, we gloried in the heroism. But, beyond that, many, if not most, of us have a real disconnect with those who live in NYC. It is somewhere I would never live, and have no interest in visiting (but my partner keeps pushing to go there). One of the few (I might even be talked into LA with enough money, but not NYC). Dirty, crowded, mean, dangerous, rude, etc. If someone tried to sell me on NYC values, I would think that they were talking about great huge inequities of standards of living, and a huge amount of pay-to-play, with a level of corruption that I have never had to live under. Whenever the question of separating the country into Red and Blue America comes up, NYC is the first part of Blue America that many of us would happily give up.
I have lived in TX. I wasn't happy there, but much of that involved horrible weather and fire ants. I empathize with Texans far more than I do people from NYC. And, despite what a lot of people in NYC think, I think that there are far more people like me, than like them,in this country.
1. I’m a native New Yorker – I was born in Women’s Hospital on W 110th street. Both my parents were native New Yorkers (my father in rural Brooklyn, my mother on Staten Island), and with them I visited THE CITY many times after we moved to Connecticut. A couple of decades later, I went to law school in NYC (Columbia LS, Class of 1968).
2. To any native New Yorker, “New York” means the Borough of Manhattan (a/k/a New York County). It doesn’t mean the State (which is referred to either as “New York State” or “upstate”, or “Hicksville”) or the “outer boroughs” Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, or The Bronx.
3. Many of the “first responders” on 9/11 – police and firefighters – lived on Long Island, or perhaps the outer boroughs. Those who lived in Manhattan must have been living in rent-controlled apartments originally rented by their grandparents when regular people could afford to live in Manhattan.
4. I love New York, and I love New Yorkers. It is a LIE that they are rude. It is true that they are brusque. Get used to it! When I first visited Paris, unable to speak a word of French, I found I was able to get along fine by treating the people I was dealing with the way I had gotten used to treating New Yorkers.
5. Cruz reminded us that Tromp is doing well in an environment that most normal Americans consider to be weird and foreign. Probably that’s worth pissing off some New York sports writer.
Anyone who lives or works in the NYC area knows that nobody can dispute that Cruz was on target: Trump is Bloomberg is DeBlasio is Clinton.
Lupica? A most reliable weather vane. The man is 180 degrees off with incredible consistency.
A tiny man spewing anger via media that allows him to insult others without the possibility of actually having to face the subjects of his vileness.
Hey, Lupie, SHUT up and SPORTS report.
"After first spurning a NYC bailout, Ford subsequently relented. He gave New York its money, lost the state to Jimmy Carter, and lost the White House"
That was typical Jerry Ford. He upset New Yorkers and then upset conservatives by bailing out NYC. In the debates he said Eastern Europe wasn't dominated by the USSR. Then refused to retract the statement for 2 weeks. Then did retract.
He was a loser and a blockhead. And the Republicans liked him more then Reagan.
Lupica is one of the biggest liberal blowhards I have ever had the misfortune of paying attention to for the first few years of his career, thirty years ago, when I was 25 and stupid enough to pay attention to pussies like him. His derision will make Cruz's numbers go up but not much because hardly anyone pays attention to his dumb ass, anymore.
William remember Buckley's comment when they asked him ( in the midst of his Quixotic run for mayor) what he'd do if he won. "Demand a recount!" was Buckley's cheerful response.
The city with the Statue of Liberty standing in its harbor.
And Cruz says its twenty million inhabitants are not worthy of his political attention as a presidential contender.
This is disqualifying on its face.
Let's see how well that twisted insect can run a country as big as America that doesn't include NYC.
Of course, he doesn't even realize how stupid that would make him sound. Or - how stupid it would make him sound if he had any capacity for integrity whatsoever, and cared about actually building an honest case for himself - assuming he even has one.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the GOP has officially imploded.
The Party of Emotional Manipulation has taken leave of its prefrontal cortex.
Cruz just exemplifies the GOP's shortcomings writ large.
The rest of the country keeps telling the GOP that its people are our best asset, invest in them.
The GOP thinks the American people and their own well-being aren't worthy of any investment whatsoever.
One of their rising stars then goes and tells the most important city in the nation - its economic and cultural powerhouses - that it's not even worthy of meriting his political consideration. He pretends it can only merit his contempt.
This has gone beyond just saying that you can't run a federal government and can instead only make an enemy out of it and (metonymically) the city in which it's located (D.C.) This goes a lot further.
Cruz can't be president of ALL the people, and just admitted it. He basically said out loud what everyone already knows: He's a base, partisan hack, who has absolutely no core values or beliefs of his own. He only believes in three things: His mouth, his political power, and how he can use the former to manipulate people into granting him a never-ending supply of the latter.
Enjoy your candidate, Republicans. His character is not of this world. May he one day excise you and your concerns from his political playlist just as dismissively as he did to the Big Apple.
It's great the voice of the people, FOX News, is headquartered in a broadcasts from nowhere near New York.
NY primary in April and in the general election goes reliably Democratic.
Yup, gonna hurt Cruz.
NY primary in April and in the general election goes reliably Democratic.
Yup, gonna hurt Cruz.
Shorter Phil 3:14 - "Insult people if you can get away with it and make a meaningless, partisan cheap-shot."
If Cruz doesn't want NY's "values" he can try governing a country without NY's economic output.
But I assume too much in that. As in the idea that Cruz has any integrity.
Take pride in your party of say-anything, do-nothing. Loud mouths and empty heads.
May it take you as far as the next Twitter thread.
What "hurts" Cruz is the fact that he has no integrity.
@R&B: Every real New Yorker believes that New York can get along just fine without the rest of the country. Do you think that any real New Yorker gives a shit about some insult from Ted Cruz? Fuggedaboutit!
That was cute, "Rhythm and Balls".
Please pull the other one.
New York values..ban guns...ban salt...ban big sodas... Rent control the middle class into the next state...tax cigarettes so high that poor guys make money selling em one at a time. Not american values.
Apparently it hasn't occurred to R&B that "Insult people if you can get away with it and make a meaningless, partisan cheap-shot" is exactly what he did in his latest comment, and what he does every day, to Cruz, Trump, all Republicans and conservatives, and most of the other commentators here. Such blatant and obvious projection would be astonishing in anyone less unintelligent.
The fact is that if Trump or anyone else were to run on a platform of wanting to make the rest of the country like New York City, they would lose by 100 million votes.
@R&B: Every real New Yorker believes that New York can get along just fine without the rest of the country.
Economically and culturally, they sure can.
Do you think that any real New Yorker gives a shit about some insult from Ted Cruz? Fuggedaboutit!
As an American I think anyone running for president who doesn't want to represent everyone or who dismisses Americans based on where they live has no standing to claim the mantle of that office.
But then, this assumes that Teddie Cruz actually believes the things he says.
He's either a phony or someone who only wants to be the president of "part" of America.
The smart money (and everyone knows how desperately he needs all that money - hopefully none of it will have been created in New York or the city's "values") is on him being a phony. But then, Ted and his supporters probably think being smart is a snobby thing to do.
Apparently it hasn't occurred to R&B that "Insult people if you can get away with it and make a meaningless, partisan cheap-shot" is exactly what he did in his latest comment, and what he does every day, to Cruz, Trump, all Republicans and conservatives, and most of the other commentators here. Such blatant and obvious projection would be astonishing in anyone less unintelligent.
I don't make cheap shots. I make well-deserved shots.
And I wasn't aware that the commenters of the Althouse blog constituted a political district I was running to represent. Ditto Cruz, or Trump, or "all Republicans".
But then, I probably assumed you had the smarts to avoid saying something that unintelligent.
But it's nice to see you imply that Cruz and Trump and the GOP aren't big boys who can handle themselves when they play just as rough. I guess if Cruz ends up with some cuts on his effeminate face he can go have you patch him up like a regular Nurse Nightingale, Florence Weevil.
Of course I said nothing that implied in any way that Althouse commentators constitute a political district - that would indeed have been "unintelligent", which is why I didn't say it. Again, R&B has chosen to "Insult people if [he] can get away with and make a meaningless partisan cheap-shot" - precisely what he accuses others of doing. Nor have I implied what he says in his last paragraph I implied. As usual, he's just another partisan shill projectile-commenting all over this site, willing to lie for his cause, and very likely paid to do so.
Cruz has made a "Non_Apology Apology"
Very witty. Libs & people from NYC whose raison d’être is hate non NYC people & shun them (apologies to Horace) see the famous New Yorker Cartoon.
Why should Cruz give a shit about offending New York? He has no shot of carrying it anyway, And he was spot on. I should know. I've lived here 56 of my 59 years.
To All Those NYC Journalists Horrified By Cruz’s Jab: Get Over Yourselves.
The notion that it’s somehow outrageous to say New York has different values than the rest of the country is, to put it bluntly, stupid. No less than the public editor of The New York Times recognized this fact a decade ago, when Daniel Okrent said in a column that “of course” the paper had a liberal bias. He argued that the bias didn’t derive from any vast left wing conspiracy or intentional malice. Instead, he noted that the paper’s editors, reporters, and columnists were all New Yorkers, and they simply have a different “value system” than the rest of the country. . . .
Countless polls have proven the truth of his and Cruz’s words. Generally speaking, New Yorkers’ political and cultural views– read: their “values”– do not resemble those of America at large. That’s not a good or bad thing (the same could be said of Liberty University), it’s just a fact.
But New York Governor Andrew Cuomo disagreed, saying to a receptive audience on MSNBC and CNN this morning that Cruz’s statement was “anti-American” and offensive to gays and women(?). . . .
But where did Cruz get the idea that “New York values” are incompatible with the more conservative values that prevail in the heartland? How about from Cuomo himself:
Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.
So even after being told by the freaking Governor of New York himself that conservatives aren’t welcome, it’s somehow below the belt to say they have different values.
What Okrent described a decade ago goes beyond just The New York Times. Every single person living in what New Yorkers sneeringly call “flyover country” has to deal with nonstop jokes, jabs, and attacks from the East Coast-based media that their way of life, their hobbies, their faith, their politics, and everything about them is backwards, oppressive, anti-woman, anti-gay, contrary to real American values, and just plain uncultured. From Family Guy to the nightly news to Girls to NPR to Glee to Jon Stewart, every Middle American has been told a thousand times how they are nothing but a dumb hick or a pathetic repressed suburbanite.
It’s funny what sniveling wimps New York journalists are when the tables are, however mildly, turned.
When I was growing up, residents of Manhattan below W 120 St or E 96th St would not accept the fact that Inwood is located on Manhattan Island.
And the Outta Boroughs...."
Once upon a time long, long ago when I was summering in a land far away, Ft Drum in Upstate NY, a place many (most?) NYC National Guardsmen though full of rubes, a fellow National Guardsman was arrested in the town (Watertown) for being drunk & disorderly. When we took a jeep ride to visit him in jail the next morning I asked the Sgt at the desk when they were going to release him. He, noting my Inwood accent, said to me "you from NYC?" When I replied that I was, he said "we don't like people from NYC here".
OOPS, make that "thought full of rubes".
As for Lupica, he works in the Toy Department of the Newspaper. Here's an unshakable argument
Journalists are liberal
Dumb journalists become sportswriters
Therefore, Sportswriters are Dumb liberals.
Certainly applies to Lupica. He makes Kieth Olbermann look like a genius.
Of course I said nothing that implied in any way that Althouse commentators constitute a political district - that would indeed have been "unintelligent", which is why I didn't say it.
Then the comparison's meaningless.
Again, R&B has chosen to "Insult people if [he] can get away with and make a meaningless partisan cheap-shot" - precisely what he accuses others of doing.
I'm not running for president, shit-for-brains.
You really do have a problem following elementary logic.
This comment is almost entirely "wink 'n' nod," right?
Donald Trump, mentioned William F. Buckley. I thought of that too before I heard him say that.
But I also thought that William F. Buckley was actually from Connecticut. That's true, even though the offices of Natiopnal Review were (and are) in New York, by around Madison Avenue and 35 St., and that he once ran for Mayor of New York (in 1965) and even wrote a semi-famous book about it called “The Unmaking of a Mayor” and that he was instrumental in founding the New York State Conservative Party in 1962, and even though his brother was elected Senator from New York in 1970 (in a 3-way race. (he got the Republican nomination in 1976, but lost to Daniel Patrick Moynihan)
That Donald Trump latched on to William F. Buckley Jr, is probably because he’s not that familiar with people and no other names quickly came to mind.
Now a point Donald Trump could have mentioned, if he had had the wit to do so, was the addresses of Ted Cruz’s contributors included in his campaign financial disclosure forms.
There are probably a lot of them from New York, and from Manhattan, and even the Upper West Side!
And you could look them up.
That, or the commenter is devoid of history (at least with regard to the origins of WFB, Jr., and that of his family, at least a generation or two preceding his).
I'm pretty much sure that I'm on very safe ground in saying that William F. Buckley Jr.'s ^ family was hangin' out in Texas many decades before Ted Cruz's parents (and, therefore, Ted Cruz himself) landed in Texas;--and this is true no matter how circuitous or not was Ted Cruz's dad's path to being an American or even Ted Cruz's mother's choices, for whatever reasons she made them.
Ted Cruz has one helluva lot of nerve (it's what I've always thought of him, by the way, to be clear: full disclosure);--not to mention those other things that he has, bless his heart, about which I've always known with regard to him, not limited to but including his degrees from Princeton and Harvard.
Dang. Not sure whether to wish I'd been more or less surprised.
^ family = generation[s] preceding
Cruz can't be president of ALL the people, and just admitted it.
But Hillary can, even though republicans are her enemies?
"Cruz can't be president of ALL the people, and just admitted it."
But Cuomo can be governor of all of NY despite saying that republicans who hold certain values are not welcome there?
Ryhtm and Blues wrote:
As an American I think anyone running for president who doesn't want to represent everyone or who dismisses Americans based on where they live has no standing to claim the mantle of that office.
Who said "They bitterly cling to their guns and religion" about a huge segment of the population? Woudnt' that be the equivalent of saying the values of that portion of the country is "bitterly clinging to guns and religion"?
Why was Obama fit to run the country?
And Ritmo, I'm a native NYer. I've lived here my entire life. NY has an attitude about itself that is decidedly different than say the South, or the mid west. We have a culture here. I'm not a fan of it but its big govt, socialism lite, expensive for everyone but rich people, very liberal. Much of that is due to leadership.
But you coudnt get someone who was pro 2nd amendment, pro life and pro traditional marriage elected here.
That speaks to a different culture.
The Daily News for example has on its front page been wage a war against people who support the NRA. they are going all in on gun control and suggesting that those who are reluctant to not push bans on guns are for killing of kids in mass shootings.
People like Andrea Peyser has gone off the deep end, and the editorial board of the Daily News has gone all in. That is the NY liberal culture.
The only paper that is more conservative is the NY Post. We are all aware of the cultural fight going on in NY, being New Yorkers.
I don't necessarily think what ted said would endear NYers to him. But I think, realistically he wouldn't win NY anyway, in a million years. So whats wrong with him addressing the liberal culture that runs NYC? Its there, and its very specific.
Think of Diblasio. That is liberal NY values for you. Who WOULDNT" be opposed to him or his values?
and Mike Lupica is a left wing douchey sports writer who has infected his sports column with left wing SCREEDS since he's been writing for the Daily News.
As soon as Althouse posteed "Mike Lupica" I knew exactly what was coming. Lupica has been dishing out assaults on republicans for the longest, while at the same time demanding civility and non partisanship for Obama.
Lupica certainly represents the left of NY. Now he wants an apology because Cruz was mean to NY?
He wasn't actually. He was simply calling out the Lupica's who dominate the media in NY, and also make up the lions share of the politicans of NY. That's the face, so that is the culture.
"Here is what New York values are: New York values are a young guy, a paralegal, literally giving somebody he doesn’t know the shirt off his back on a subway because winter has finally come to the city and brought freezing temperatures with it. New York values are the New York taxi driver who traveled three boroughs across four days to find the guy who had left $1,400 in his cab"
LOL. Sure, that's how it always happens in NY. They always give the bum the shirt of their backs. I've ridden plenty of NYC subways, and that almost never happens. ALso, the cabbies have also been accused of not picking up black people. So they are so great with the 1400 dollars ,but they have issues with blacks, apparently. It depends on who you ask, apparently.
Way to cherry pick NYers Lupica? Why isn't NY represented by the rat brining the slice of pizza down the subway steps? Hmmm?
Here is NYC, as depicted by the daily News. The very paper Lupica works for:
So, some random NYer, will give NY homeless the shirt of their backs. BUt that's it. Otherwise they are going to be shoved into houses that are basically condemned. There's your NY values Lupica. And we can thank the Daily News for the great reporting. So, the choice is take an anecdotal story about the individual goodness of one new Yorker who gave a homeless guy his clothes (how do we know he wasn't visting from a red state, hmmmm?)and say that's representational of NY, OR look at actual reporting of an issue effecting thousands of homeless people and say THAT is representational of how the homeless are treated.
I'll go with the reporting Lupica.
"Rhythm and Balls", speaking of twisted insects......
Back in December you made a claim: ""I can also quote the NRA mission statements prior to 1972 and nearly every founding father on the topic. " You proclaimed that 2nd amendment did not protect an individual right to keep and bear arms, and founding fathers supported you view. I told you to quote the founding fathers, and after short debate, you disappeared.
Are you going to finally quote the founding father on 2nd amendment, or will you disappear again?
The problem with liberals like you is that you lie without any limit, and when called on it, you refuse to concede and pretend that the lie never happened. Well, this time you either concede that you lied or you disappear.
"I don't make cheap shots. I make well-deserved shots. "
Okay. Let's see...
"As an American I think anyone running for president who doesn't want to represent everyone or who dismisses Americans based on where they live has no standing to claim the mantle of that office. "
Quote Cruz, when he says that he "doesn't want to represent everyone" or that he "dismisses Americans based on where they live"
If you cannot, you need to apologize for being a liar. Agreed?
Look, there are red states and there are blue states. Ok?
Who doesnt' think each respective state has its own values? If you are a conservative those enclaves of liberalism, like NY, San Francisco are going to have one set of values. And if you are from those states you are going to think the south for example has another set of values.
Flyover country, or the south has been denigrated by the left for like ever. That is an attack on the values of those states, which are viewed as backwards, or racist. or what have you.
The attacks have been so common maybe liberals dont even realize they are making them. But I doubt liberals are THAT stupid.
Maybe liberals want to apologize for insulting red states. if not, then accept some criticism of your states as well. Get over your thin skin.
...I'm a native NYer. I've lived here my entire life. NY has an attitude about itself that is decidedly different than say the South, or the mid west...
Wait, jr565, wait: for just one damned second, won't you? And, then, take just one minute to read that ^ which you wrote and consider it.
Blogger jr565 said...
Look, there are red states and there are blue states. Ok?
Who doesnt' think each respective state has its own values? If you are a conservative those enclaves of liberalism, like NY, San Francisco are going to have one set of values. And if you are from those states you are going to think the south for example has another set of values.
Flyover country, or the south has been denigrated by the left for like ever. That is an attack on the values of those states, which are viewed as backwards, or racist. or what have you.
The attacks have been so common maybe liberals dont even realize they are making them. But I doubt liberals are THAT stupid.
Maybe liberals want to apologize for insulting red states. if not, then accept some criticism of your states as well. Get over your thin skin.
1/16/16, 5:00 PM
^ Reproduced in full, in the interest of fairness.
There's not one single sentence therein that doesn't deserve a good, sound, solid smack-down (formerly known as a "fisking").
That said, once a troll is unmasked on account of its very own words, why bother flexing muscles on a useless exercise?
The problem with liberals like you is that you lie without any limit...
The problem with the perpetually confused like you is that everything you misinterpret you call a lie. And you misinterpret everything.
"The problem with the perpetually confused like you is that everything you misinterpret you call a lie. And you misinterpret everything."
Okay.... Let's see...
You claimed: ""I can also quote the NRA mission statements prior to 1972 and nearly every founding father on the topic. "
I asked you to quote the founding father concerning the 2nd amendment, and how these quotes supported your claim that it did not defend individual rights to keep and bear arms. You never had, and instead you disappeared.
If I am wrong, please quote the founding fathers on the 2nd amendment. Go ahead.
NYC is a state of mind that in it's own view is a value while the rest of America see it is rude and snobbish. With millions living? so close they make space buy insulting strangers while embracing locals as best buds. Wake up! NYC is not the center of the universe.
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