The assault, which went largely unreported for days, set off a national outcry after the Cologne police described the attackers as young men “who appeared to have a North African or Arabic” background, based on testimony from victims and witnesses.... Germany took in more than one million migrants last year.... Heiko Maas, Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant.Sexual frankness! As if sexual assault is part of sexual frankness. Even if Carnival were a sexual frankness festival, it wouldn't justify sexual intrusions on anybody. Reker seems to be pushing the notion that immigrants are just a little behind in understanding the culture, but 1000 young men, in one city, in organized groups preyed on women, terrorized women.
Henriette Reker, Cologne’s mayor, called a crisis meeting on Tuesday to address the issue.... The city holds a large festival every year before Easter, when thousands of costumed revelers throng the streets to celebrate with parades and parties, and Ms. Reker echoed the concerns of many about safety during the Carnival season.... “We will explain our Carnival much better to people who come from other cultures,” she said, “so there won’t be any confusion about what constitutes celebratory behavior in Cologne, which has nothing to do with a sexual frankness.”...
From the BBC report:
One man described how his partner and 15-year-old daughter were surrounded by an enormous crowd outside the station and he was unable to help. "The attackers grabbed her and my partner's breasts and groped them between their legs."That's not just "confusion about what constitutes celebratory behavior." It's more of a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion.
A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English. "They were trying to hug us, kiss us. One man stole my friend's bag," she told the BBC. "Another tried to get us into his 'private taxi'. I've been in scary and even life-threatening situations and I've never experienced anything like that."
१३८ टिप्पण्या:
The gun control laws in Germany are very strict.
So "Heiko" the German justice minister says that the attackers ethnicity was irrelevant. I suppose as a philosophical proposition, if you simply admit that criminal attacks on women--by whoever or whatever--are a bad thing, then the attackers' ethnicit(ies) are irrelevant.
But if this sort or organized assault is a first time thing, and has not happened before, then Heiko's head has to be deep in a very dark dark place to say that. You have to ask yourself Heiko (as your silly twit self looks in the mirror) what has changed since last year? Do you think that ethnic changes in the population might have had something to do with this first time assault? Do ya think?
Well asking such as Heiko to think is a fool's errand so I won't bother.
"saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant"
Their culture is relevant.
"It's more of a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion." OK, but I think the "young men" are perfectly happy for white women to stay in public, so that they can be more easily assaulted. After Rotherham, or the Egypt protests for that matter, who is surprised?
But don't worry. Concerned as they are about "equality for women," AA's fellow feminists are on this. Day after day, they keep reminding us of the dangers posed by these "Arabic" young men. And of course, they are among the strongest opponents of importing more of these young men. Because they care about women's rights. Hence all the demonstrations, all the outpouring of concern, first for the Rotherham girls, and now for the Cologne girls.
Sounds like Rotherham.
Good news for Trump's campaign.
Yes. Yes it is. I cannot fathom why the Germans are tolerating this.
Perhaps the folks of Cologne should wear bacon cologne and pipe some James Taylor throughout the city.
"Unexpectedly," as they say.
Islam can be defined
a Religion of male bands of
Raiders exercising dominance over every weakling they see.
Don't be a weakling. that stops them.
That weakling angle is the real reason Obama Hates seeing armed infidels with his deepest hatred.
Heiko Maas, Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant. [emphasis mine]
That's not just "confusion about what constitutes celebratory behavior." It's more of a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion.
The type of Muslim who believes in jihad also believes that women are inferior and belong in domestic seclusion. I don't know whether the reverse is necessarily true, but if I was a German of either gender I'd be worried.
Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant.
That's not how the Germans will see this. As for Carnival not being about sex, of course it has sexual overtones. And its called Fasching, not Carnival auf Deutch.
Germany will end up electing their own Donald Trump if this keeps up. Even if we fail to do so.
Who would have thought do goober, permissive immigration could lead to such a thing?
The assault, which went largely unreported for days, set off a national outcry after the Cologne police described the attackers as young men “who appeared to have a North African or Arabic” background, based on testimony from victims and witnesses.
Note the complicity of the German MSM in "going largely unreported". That's not unreported to police. that's unreported by the press.
I'm thinking Trump's immigration message might also resonate with the Germans.
These, apparently, are not your typical immigrants.
First, it was South Africa. Followed by Sweden. And now Germany.
The consequences of anti-native policies perpetrated by governments and international groups are unmistakable and can no longer be denied.
Heiko Maas, Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant.
Actually, it has everything to do with it. You've imported millions of people who come from an actual, bonafide Islamic "rape culture" that permits the rape and sexual assault of immodest females as a means of social control. What did you idiots think was going to happen?
Irrelevant, yeah. There would have been hordes of Nordics out there raping and robbing if the Youths hadn't got there first.
Actual Islamic Rape Culture manifests in a western city and is excused and downplayed by Euro-lefty,Progressive multi-culturalists.
I bet these people even think of themselves as "feminists".
Note to American feminists - this is what a War on Women looks like.
Note to those who say we should bring over thousands of "refugees" from the Middle East - the same thing can and likely will happen here, too.
Yeah, importing more men who don't think much of women is a great idea.
I never thought Europe would just commit suicide instead of going out fighting.
Heiko Maas, Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant.
Lessons clearly learned. Anybody who champions more refugees should have them housed in the area where they live. It's really easy to "welcome in refugees" if they are never a bother to you.
“We will explain our Carnival much better to people who come from other cultures,” she said, “so there won’t be any confusion about what constitutes celebratory behavior in Cologne, which has nothing to do with a sexual frankness.”...
That they don't treat the refugees as competent humans is notable, but they are working so hard to basically, well, blame the victim.
Congrats European women. You've been supplanted by Muslim dudes as the ones most in need of protection. Amazing that Progressives would do that...scratch that. They're doing it here as well with their incessant demand to allow men in the women's rest rooms.
Good job, leftie women. Well played.
Reker seems to be pushing the notion that immigrants are just a little behind in understanding the culture, but 1000 young men, in one city, in organized groups preyed on women, terrorized women.
But those chicks had it coming, right?
The mythical "Look at how she was dressed" defense will actually be used in Europe soon. And it will be successful. The secular utopia worked great for them...for one generation.
Then the Dark Ages hit Europe again...
It's more of a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion.
Note that the government is COVERING FOR THE GUYS.
Government is never going to be on your side, white folks.
Heiko Mass warned against drawing the proper, logical conclusion based on the facts at hand.
Its not organized, so I don't think there is a purpose behind it.
Its simply that these guys were not culturally compatible, grossly so. This is the behavior of Tahrir Square. Take a section of that crowd and put them down in a European city and this is what you will get. The experiment is perfect.
The Mayor of Cologne is correct, as far as it goes, but her solution of course is no solution at all. You do not teach this sort of socialization explicitly. And those men are too old to reach this way anyway. The Germans are stuck with them as they are. They simply should never have been let in, if it was a matter of an informed and rational decision. This is just the start of an extended period of troubles as a result of this foolishness.
Interestingly this is a cultural trait independent of third-world status. I think that if you replaced those men with the same numbers of Hindus, Filipinos, Vietnamese or Nicaraguans, from similarly (materially) poor societies, you would not get this behavior. If Germany was in need of people, they could have had their pick of well behaved, culturally compatible and easily integrated immigrants.
What would happen if this twits wife or daughter or sister had been the subject of these attacks? Would have a "Dukakis moment"?
The minister is engaging in a format of denial, for which the Germans have a verb: merkel. She is merkeling.
The unintended consequences of Althouse's fag hag feminism in action in Western Europe. Of course, she will not recognize cause and effect here.
The denigration of white Christian culture, and the attack on masculinity... well, you connect the dots. Fag hag feminism makes you stupid.
Next up, the unintended consequences of promoting and celebrating homosexuality, courtesy also of Althouse's fag hag feminism.
The traditional Christian view of homosexuality and women is what prevents this type of barbarism. Or it did, until Althouse and her fag hag feminist sisters set out to undo it all.
Odd how liberalism plus fag hag feminism ultimately equals alliance with the Islamists, huh? It isn't logical, but it is happening. Sweden, the capital of fag hag feminism, is becoming one of the rape capitals of the world. And, the Swedish men are so nice and "enlightened."
Trumps craaaaaaazy!
We are little better here in America. Read carefully the next time there is a "flash mob" of American "youths" who terrorize a mall or store. There will be no dmention of race, but the pictures will all show Black teenagers.
After the WW2 beat down bu Russia and the USA, the Germans turned into pussies. The German women will be raped in greater numbers. Just like the Swedes. Until the German men grow a pair.
Merkel's boners.
Polizei hat noch keine Erkenntnisse zu Tätern
It seems they want to lower expectations.
By all means let's bring lots of Muslims here so the SJWs can get a close look at a "War on Women." After all, they've had to settle for a bullshit "campus rape epidemic." Now they can have the real thing !
They can thank Time's Person of the Year for the new normal.
"saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant"
Irrelevant in that it suspects will be treated as criminals regardless of their cultural background? I think the German people will make their decision on relevancy.
Hmmm. Maybe Bill Clinton can use the term "sexual frankness" to describe his interaction with Jones, Willey, Broaddrick, et. al.
What are the chances that hundreds of skinheads could go on a crime spree and the attacks would go largely unreported? This kind of story inspires as much mistrust of the press as it does of the immigrants.
The great thing is we still live in a country where women are allowed to carry handguns so they could shoot monsters like this in the face. Wolves are happy to attack sheep, not so happy to attack lions. Its pretty simple, really.
I lived in an immigrant neighborhood in Bonn, Germany (just a 30 minute train ride south from Cologne). There were never any women hanging out on the street during the day or at night. Women, young and old alike, simply transited through. Men, young and old alike, hung out outside all the time though.
Geller reported on this a couple of days ago, including this:
"According to a post on a big local group on Facebook in Cologne, most of the perpetrators were speaking Arabic. That post got deleted pretty fast. Mark Zuckerberg is Merkel’s mop up boy now."
And from the comments:
"Where are the German men? Hiding and afraid i guess"
Heinz Rund:"Some are."
"I wonder the same about the British dads of the girls used by the muslim gangs there. Where are the men? When they saw there was to be no justice and the government child welfare authorities were complicit. Where were the dads and why were the perpetrators still alive? ..."
"Any dad or brother or male defender would have been, and was, arrested very quickly for Islamophobia or any other charge the police could make stick ... Much easier than trying to prosecute muslims who are just behaving in accordance with the Quran."
The only lasting solution is deportations. I know- its an ugly word.
"Shhhh... Not helpful." - a message from the people in charge of Europe these days
That could never happen here. (eyes roll)
Angela Merkel is responsible for the most rapes against German women since Georgy Zhukov.
An absolutely unprecedented amount of blood is about to be spilled, and every drop of it can be traced back to the hands of the multiculturalists.
Read the comments in the NY Times and you can see the chasm between what even fairly liberal people think and the political elite's embrace of mass immigration of people from incompatible cultures.
The assault, which went largely unreported for days,
At some point shouldn't the press decide the loss of credibility is too great to continue its propaganda campaign?
A volunteer policewoman was among those sexually molested.
Society's customs are maintained only because the overwhelming majority of people agree and support them even those who violate the customs. People inside the framework tend to forget this because they have so internalized customs they mistake them for universal human beliefs.
It's dangerous to have people ignorant of such basic understanding in charge of our government.
Their ethnicity is irrelevant. Somalis in Oslo; East Indians in Rotherham; Arabs in Cologne; they're all different ethnicities, as distinct as the Irish, Brazilians, and Filipinos are from each other. The genes are different and the languages are different and the foods they eat are different. They're not the same ethnicity, no, not at all.
But, the Somalis and the Pakistanis and the Arabs? They do have a religion in common. Which is to say, a common belief system that tells them what behavior is right and what behavior is wrong. A religion that is different from, and incompatible with, the one that shaped the morals and mores of Norway, England, and Germany.
Pro-choice is a quasi-religious doctrine with progressive consequences, including in its class diversity or anti-native applications.
Immigration and migration cannot, for self-evident reasons, exceed the rate of assimilation and integration.
That said, make life, not abortion. The Germans were once a fit people.
Perhaps the Russian coalition will save Europeans from suffering the fate of good intentions.
Of course everyone - and I do mean EVERYONE - knows that the ethnicity/culture/origin of the horde is completely relevant. Everyone knows this, including those who deny it. It is incredibly harmful to a free society to see those in authority stand before the people and lie, openly and without guile, without caring in the least how ruinous those lies are. They destroy the confidence in authority that is a necessity in a self-governing society.
We see it in all free countries. It is shameful, and sickening.
1. Fake rape culture at US colleges - Duke Lacross lies, VA Rolling Stone lies, Mattress Girl lies. The Left: "Campus Rape Culture must End!
2. Real rape culture by Muslims in Rotherham and now Germany. The Left: "(crickets)"
Heiko Maas, Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant.
It's just a bunch of German natives, filled with Western ideals, who all went wild at the same time. Pay no attention to [those government policies] behind the curtain.
Readers, remember only a few days ago when Trump’s proposal to temporarily ban Moslem entry into America was declared controversial and unconstitutional by Democrats, pundits and the GOP elite – even some GOP presidential hopefuls? The news of this latest Moslem minority outrage is one example of why that proposal has become, well, not so mind-blowing except perhaps to dedicated Lefties.
My experience with German police (35 years ago, be reinforced with regular interaction over the years since) and another group of foreign men 18-35 (e.g. US GI's) is that the natural state of affairs for the police is to ask nicely once for obedience and wade in with batons if ignored. My German police would have gone bonkers when faced with crying German girls with torn dresses unless they were under strict orders not to take action. My wife, a reservist Colonel was in Stuttgart during the world cup run-up a few years ago, when she came around a corner and ended up between a crowd of third world men and a line of German riot police (looking like Cossacks on riot duty in Dr Zhivago). You don't want to be in front of German cops when they pull batons...
Merkel ist Todt
"It's more of a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion."
Yes, but the true conspirators are their own leaders. Raping and pillaging comes naturally to barbarians. The German and EU politicians inflicting this disaster on their own countrymen are much worse - they have actually chosen to be barbaric.
TIME needs to run them another issue naming The Rapists Of The Year, and offer for an extra $50.00 to have have it autographed in Arabic script by a real Imam.
Who knew? Well..Lara Logan
Many years ago when I was young and stationed in Germany I dated a young woman from Koln and spent much time in the city. It was generally understood back then that "if you go home from Carneval with your own wife or girlfriend you have failed". Of course, that was the Sixties.
But this does remind me just a bit of that Puerto Rican Day Parade
Sometimes you have to endure a few rapes to make a proper multi-culti omelette -- isn't that right, liberals?
Whoops, "karenval", not "carneval". I grow old....
Expect massive gun buys by women here in the next six months. I know of five young women planning to buy guns and take gun classes. The shooting ranges can't keep up.
> which went largely unreported for days
One might hope that in the not too distant future a number European elites will end up decorating lamp posts. They will have brought about the very revolt that they fear.
Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees
Why do people not trust politicians? Inexplicable.
The assault, which went largely unreported for days
Why do people not trust the Media? Inexplicable!
It's really hard not to just snark and laugh at these Leftist idiots who sneer at the Gods of the Copybook Headings, after all their nation is now much more diverse so it must be quite a bit stronger. The reality, though, is that this shit actually hurts people--real women were assaulted, real girls were (and are now being) terrorized. It's tragic but not funny.
My question, as it usually is on this issue, is: who voted for this? Did the German people vote to import all these people (these particular people)? I honestly don't know in this case; it's at least possible that some large % of Germans supported the policy. I ask the same question regarding illegal immigration into the US, though, and I know the answer to that one. NO ONE voted to let 10M+ people come here illegally.
This sounds like a foreign campaign contribution to Donald Trump.
Fucking NPR was wall to wall yesterday afternoon and this morning with coverage of some "undocumented immigrants" who were finally deported. Turns out they'd been under orders to leave (from admin. immigration courts, no less) since 2011. Turns out the total number of people deported in this action is something like 120! Turns out something like 10k unaccompanied minors have come over the southern border over the last 2.5 months.
So yeah, deporting 120 people is awful, how terrible of us (NPR only interviewed immigrant advocates, immigrant NGOs, and lawyers, naturally, and a few of those straight up said "we shouldn't be doing this to women and children" which I thought was super sexist), and by the way we just let in another 10,000 who'll never ever leave.
This issue above almost all others seems to necessitate willful lying and the bald exercise of power in a bullying way (shutting down debate, not allowing debate, calling opponents racists, hiding the facts, etc) by the Left in furtherance of a goal I'm not sure they can even admit to themselves.
Why is a cartoonish blowhard like Donald Trump so popular now? Gee, who can possibly figure it out??!
The REAL tragedy would be if this reporting led to anti-Muslim rhetoric or actions, of course.
It's time to get FEMEN to set these folks right..rawwwrrrr!
I can't wait to see the rally Trump us going to have in Germany. It's going to be yugge!
Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Seriously, anybody with a lick of sense knew this kind of thing was coming... And will continue to occur, probably with growing frequency as the perps learn that they can get away with it. It goes to show that importing a million people who don't share your language, culture or values is a very, very, VERY bad idea.
Rick said...Society's customs are maintained only because the overwhelming majority of people agree and support them even those who violate the customs. People inside the framework tend to forget this because they have so internalized customs they mistake them for universal human beliefs.
Just so, Rick. In Development Econ they talk about the difference between High Trust and Low Trust societies and how much more difficult and costly it can be to get things done in Low Trust societies (where you constantly have to worry about someone just taking your stuff, killing you, kidnapping your family, etc). We in the West have lived in relatively stable high trust societies for long enough now that people simply take for granted that that's how the world is by default--that that's how everyone is. Certain parts of the Left (Robert Wright, Francis Fukuyama, etc) sincerely believe that humankind's increasing Progressivism (for lack of a better term) is inevitable and it's just a matter of time before all nations and societies look like their ideal liberal/socialist/Leftist happy communitarian hippies. That the events of the last decade and a half haven't seemed to cause those "thinkers" to revise or revisit their predictions/beliefs is as good an indication as any that they were engaged in faith-based reasoning and their faith was misplaced.
Luckily such people don't run our elite educational institutions, control most of our Media, nor people our governmental institutions...oh, wait.
"Be it so. This drunken sluttery of women is your custom. Prepare the beer halls and music. But my nation has also a custom. When women appear in public dressed as prostitutes we treat them accordingly, and often stone them to death. Our lads shall form packs to go about and assault those who have already degraded themselves Let us all act according to national customs." - al'napier
@Michael K ...and Obama is doing his best to up demand by making noises like he is restricting sales of guns. He must own stock in S&W, Colt, Sig and a few others. As I have mentioned before I now carry wherever I legally may.
The mayor of Cologne seems to think that the best response is rules of behavior for women.
...if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...just sayin'...
Well, in circumstances like this you have to ask: What would Bill Clinton do? Have fun electing Hillary this year with her rapist Husband being mentioned in every Bill Cosby piece.
Notice how everything progressives do on cultural issues ends up getting women raped? Progressives need women to be victims and angry and they count on their emotional tendencies to make them stupid.
Even women can get the jist of this article.
TO: The Drill Sgt. RE: German Police
I can personally attest to that. When I was stationed in Hanau 1972 - 75 (HHB 3rd Armored Div Arty) I saw the polizei wield their batons quite brutally. I was buying a car ('66 NSU 1600) at a German junk yard with my wheeler-dealer platoon sergeant. When we got there we saw the German cops drag a guy out of the garage wailing on him with their nylon truncheons. Three of them. Must have hit that guy 40-50 times. Sarg told me, "Do not get out of the car!" Then they threw him bodily into the wagon and drove off.
We learned from the owner that the guy, a Roma, had tried to rob the place with a knife. The owner and his son beat him down with a tire iron, then called the cops.
Bad day all around for that guy.
On the bright side, I bought a nice red NSU 1600 for $200, a bottle of Jack Daniels and two cartons of Marlboros. Had that car for 2 years.
Religion of Peaceful Rape, Robbery and Murder.
warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees
How cute!
@Larry J, yes, but American feminists seem to think that it'll never happen to them. The type of woman who equates an unwanted pass at them with rape has no concept of what it's like to be set upon by gangs of thugs.
The Mayor of Co-logny doesn't want to upset the rapists:
The Mayor of Cologne has spoken out about the attacks, but her carefully chosen words are unlikely to delight many. Rather than addressing the root causes of the violence — unlimited mass migration and a totally failed system of integration — the newly elected pro-migrant mayor instead blamed the victims of the sexual abuse for having failed to defend themselves against the immigrant attackers.
She remarked: “The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again.
“This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared, especially with the Cologne carnival coming up. For this, we will publish online guidelines that these young women can read through to prepare themselves”.
Despite her words of warning towards women in the city they could prepare for more violence against them, she refuted the suggestion there was any link between the attacks and migrants, contradicting her own chief of police.
Doubleplus cute!
[Same article]
"German police have admitted to losing several urban areas to migrant gangs as so-called no-go zones, but this is possibly the first time a public square in the centre of a European city has been acknowledged by officials as having been lost to criminality, and out of the control of police at night."
What lies behind this is that authorities have been suppressing news of the growing problem of such behavior in some areas, as well as widespread shoplifting and petty theft.
Also, the police did not report this until social media exploded with the claims, and at least one woman claimed that when she tried to report the sexual behavior to police, she did not get a friendly or understanding reception.
This problem has been growing, and the authorities have not even been arresting refugees for petty crimes.
Blogger Michael K said.
I know of five young women planning to buy guns and take gun classes.
I was noticing those being available in Groupon...a sign of mainstream appeal, I think.
Is this all just a cleverly disguised stimulus package? Stimulus packing?
But look, "gun safety" measures CAN save just one life... No mention of the race here so I'm sure there was nothing along those lines involved..I'm almost positive.
" Birkel said...
Heiko Mass warned against drawing the proper, logical conclusion based on the facts at hand.
A perfect analysis; succinct and spot on, but did you see the hapless Heiko deliver his homily on television? He starts off confidently enough, in Minister for Justice mode, proclaiming that such behaviour is unacceptable, but once he reaches the part where he warns against drawing the obvious conclusion, he looks like a schoolboy who will never make it onto the debating team; he squirms and swallows as he delivers the message with a total lack of conviction.
Like an earlier generation of the German administrative class, he was obviously only following orders, and as with the actions of his forefathers, this will not end well.
Stop calling them immigrants!!!! Immigrants, like the tens of millions who helped make America great, come to their selected country not only with the hope that they will better achieve their dreams there, but also to take part in the larger enterprise that is their adopted country. It helps when the adopted country has the confidence to at least expect if not demand assimilation to the native culture. That that culture may slowly evolve over time is no excuse for not expecting/demanding assimilation to its current state. That it evolves rather than disintegrates is a function of defending what "works" while "appropriating" what new elements are compatible with that viable core. And that takes work. Work that Europe's and our own elites are no longer willing to do.
Europe's and our own elites have lost confidence in even arguing in favor of what is valuable in our own civilization. They are lazy, lazy, and it's much easier to just call it all a salad rather than a melting pot. As long as they are personally protected and minimally inconvenienced, if at all, it's far more comfortable to signal the "right" compassion than to align their actions with the facts on the ground.
Stop calling them immigrants!!! They are at best transplants, and at worst colonists.
Remember when we were told, on this very blog, that we hd nothing to worry about these people while they were only destroying their own countrywomen?
I know. Good times. Good times.
"Heiko Maas, Germany’s justice minister, warned on Tuesday against linking the assaults to the influx of refugees, saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant."
We musn't link things that people are doing to those that are doing them. That would somehow give the wrong impression.
Unless they are conservatives, and then if a guy in a shack in the woods does something we must link him to all conservatives.
This is a mirror of the Charlie Hebdo incident linked to only yesterday on Althouse. They can't just call a spade a spade. They have to beat around the bush and make general statements about RELIGION, as opposed to specific religions.
Why is it that lefties on campus can talk about a rape culture and indict all men, and that's ok, but its somehow wrong to indict the people who actually commit the rapes and say "these people appear to be commiting the lion share of the rapes".
"A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English. "They were trying to hug us, kiss us. One man stole my friend's bag," she told the BBC. "Another tried to get us into his 'private taxi'. I've been in scary and even life-threatening situations and I've never experienced anything like that." That's not just "confusion about what constitutes celebratory behavior." It's more of a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion."
Funny. ANd yet college campuses where mass epidemics of rape WERE NOT ACTUALLY occurring, were treated as if they were rape factories. Now we have a place where such rapes ARE occurring. Compare and contrast feminists.
To echo Trunp, these ME countries don't seem to be sending their best and brightest. Germany has become a dumpting ground for everybody else's problems.
It's true, and these are not the best and the finest. When ME countries s sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with them to us. They’re bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Oh, racism! Waahhhhh!
yet, its true for Mexico as its true for those countries sending over refugees. The one thing I might change is "They are sending us their riff raff". Many are coming on their own volition.
But that doesn't matter. German now has to deal with mass influx of people who don't speak the language AND will rape women.
SWEDEN, not mentioned in this article has become the rape capital of the world. FOR precisely the same reason. Maybe we can adjust those figures and make Germany the rape capital of the world.
But, the point has to be made.If groups of people who don't assimilate end up causing all these endemic problems, maybe we should address it rather than going the other way and suggesting that no one can really say anything bad about groups of people who might want to immigrate into a country because we are a caring people.
I'm a caring person too. I care about people nto getting raped, for one.
Germany is in desperate need of a speech by Obama. It's the only thing that will save them. Imagine the crowd he can rouse by the giant phallic symbol now!
I wonder if they'll give up groping for Ramadan.
Mary Beth - Julia Kloeckner. She is a CDU politician who has been very, very outspoken about this problem. I predict a star is born.
Kloeckner has been very, very consistent about the problem and the necessity to deal with it.
A storm is brewing in Deutschland, and Merkel can feel the gusts. Merkel was forced to make an outraged statement today:
All of the politicians seem to be including the line that the police must act regardless of the offender backgrounds. Up until now, the police have not been enforcing the laws against refugees. So that's the underlying issue.
Mace sales, which is legal in Germany, have been running very strongly.
Feminism is, yet again, beclowning itself. So obsessed over a drunk college dude getting a blowjob from a drunk college girl who withdraws her consent in the midst of blowing him they ignore these massive issues.
It shouldn't be conservatives alone opposed to a massive influx of this invading army. The feminists, both here and abroad, should be raising hell.
But they won't. Because you can't expect dark-skinned folks to act civilized.
"Where are the German men? Hiding and afraid i guess"
They're old. Fighting in the streets is a young man's game, and there just aren't that many young ethnic Germans.
In a quest to import cheap labor the German political and business classes have doomed their nation. There will still be a place called "Germany" on the map, but culturally and politically it's going to look and function a lot more like Lebanon than the Germany of even ten years ago.
Merkel will not be remembered fondly.
I'm so upset about this.
Thousands of years of progress to achieve a cultural standard in which women can walk the streets safely and freely, and they undo it all in a year or two of unchecked migration from the most festering, backwards shitholes on the planet. Way to fucking, go, Europe.
Must be Arab Springtime for Islam and Germany
We in the West have lived in relatively stable high trust societies for long enough now that people simply take for granted that that's how the world is by default--that that's how everyone is.
That is about to change as the black lives people drives cops off the streets in many cities. They are already creating havoc on Chicago's "Miracle Mile"of shopping. Malls are about to become "no go zones."
I am frankly surprised that we got through the Holidays without a major terror attack.
Cultures that become "low trust" also become tribal as no one is trusted except family and close friends. Black students are segregating themselves on campuses. My friends in England live in a small city in the southeast and we were there in September. No brown faces on the streets. The Midlands are a hellhole. That's where Rotherham is. This drunken mayhem is getting common on weekends.
London is no better.
Thousands of revellers in London braved the threat of rain to enjoy what was billed as "the world's first multi-sensory fireworks display", when peach snow and orange-scented bubbles descended on a section of the crowd.
London mayor Boris Johnson said there was "no better way to celebrate the highs of 2013 and the start of an exciting new year" than enjoying "one of the world's most dazzling fireworks displays".
The mess was monumental.
But the festivities created an estimated 85 tonnes of waste, including up to 15,000 champagne bottles, in central London.But the festivities created an estimated 85 tonnes of waste, including up to 15,000 champagne bottles, in central London."
I'll bet my friends' small city was quiet. The high steppers were very unhappy with the quiet scene.
We spent New Years Eve in Broadway in the Cotswalds about five years ago. The Broadway Hotel had a lovely party with all the staff participating. My daughter and her husband came over from Spain to spend the week with us.
No drunks. The Cotswolds are also all white faces.
Rope. Lampposts.
The old ways are best.
I wonder what would happen if Cologne adopted the University of Georgia statement of what constitutes sexual consent?
Consent is a voluntary, sober, imaginative, enthusiastic, creative, wanted, informed, mutual, honest, and verbal agreement
It doesn't take all that much imagination.
- Krumhorn
Eric: "In a quest to import cheap labor the German political and business classes have doomed their nation. There will still be a place called "Germany" on the map, but culturally and politically it's going to look and function a lot more like Lebanon than the Germany of even ten years ago."
Great point, and I do not disagree, what I'm trying to understand is why import cheap labor from a culture so radically different than your country's culture (which exists in a relatively small geographic area) which was bound to cause all manner of social chaos--is she the most ignorant person ever, or a closet Muslim? It just doesn't make sense to me. Why not "import" persecuted persons from Central America, or more specifically, millions of those wanting to flee Mexico? it can't be that much more expensive, and Germany has a plethora of state provided social services. Mexican people are a proud, hard working lot that do not seek to overturn an entire culture, nor do they see women as chattel and sex slaves.
Yes, you are correct it is cultural suicide if it continues. I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around the "why?" Was it pure altruism that now has unintended consequences? Ugh, this is above my pay grade, but I thought I'd try and 'garner' some insight, thx!
Ban high capacity assault mobs.
Alfred Hitchcock warned us about the Flüchtlings over 50 years ago but we just didn't listen: Birds gathering at the playground
"is she the most ignorant person ever?"
I'm going with this. And she's in really good company.
Theranter asked:
why import cheap labor from a culture so radically different than your country's culture?
That's a great question. In the 90s its estimated there were 3-4 million Eastern Europeans immigrants to Germany. Mainly from Poland, Czech Republic and Former Soviet Union countries. Don't forget about the millions of East German citizens who had to be incorporated into Germany.
There has been a huge influx of cheap labor into Germany.
What these people? It's not like England and Pakistan, India or the French and Algeria.
"you are correct it is cultural suicide if it continues."
Britain is ten years farther along with Pakistanis. Whole Pakistani villages have reconstituted themselves by emigration of men, then marriage of women from the village and immigration of the rest of the families.
Rotherham was the result plus, of course, the welfare state in UK which has created much of the same pathology among whites as we see in black cities here.
pdug said: "Our lads shall form packs to go about and assault those who have already degraded themselves Let us all act according to national customs." - al'napier "
This would only apply if "al'napier" had been the conquering power rather than the subservient one. But when (and if...) the European men recover their testicles and their pride, I predict that they will celebrate their own rites with their version of the "Grave of the Hundred Heads".
I think I understand some of why Germans are reluctant to embrace what's happened this past century, some of their own national identity and the more sane immigration policies that might go with it...
I hope they are able to craft a better way of handling their own governance, and what it means to be German with the wider world via immigration and their political economy.
This kind of willful cramming of all the world into such clearly inadequate ideals and policies is bit insane.
Don't hang regular citizens out to dry. Try and call things what they are and have a strategy that deals with the problems the people you represent are facing.
saying that the ethnicity of the perpetrators was irrelevant.
I know that your average doctrinaire government drudge is so steeped in the elemental PC sauce that stuff like this just sort oozes out of them no more self awareness than might precede letting a fart in the woods. At some point, though, I would think that the imperative to self preservation would kick in to make him consider holding it in until he looks around to see what he might be risking.
The incandescent fury of a populace being told it's raining when they know perfectly well that someone is pissing on their shoe may well become lethally dangerous to such types. Standing between a furious crowd of the home folk and the foreigners provoking them is not the place I would want to be. I'm temped at first to say the fellow is just stupid but I think really he's just drunk deeply of the koolaid and his mouth is on autopilot.
This is the kind of arrogant blindness that makes me ask how much people will take until they just strangle a fucker like this one. The answer is surely more than they should. I don't know whether there is any longer any limit. I think we'll find out starting in Europe, and starting soon.
sydney said...1/5/16, 12:35 PM
These, apparently, are not your typical immigrants.
the local police took pains to clarify that many of the men had been known to them for some time (and were not recent arrivals) -
This has nothing to do with the migrants. That seems to be Russian propaganda, and also fits into some people's prejudices. Something seems to have happened on New Year's Eve around around Cologne's Central train Station, between the train station and the Gothic cathedral.
There was a crowd of up to 1,000 men, between approximately ages 15 and 35, many drunk, that went wild, shooting fireworks, with some robbing and some sexual harassment and at least one full fledged rape.
Who lives in Cologne?
Unfortunately, this doesn't give you any countries except Italy, Poland, Greece, Morocco and Iran.
This is almost certainly second generation, and has nothing to so with the recent arrivals, who are scattered or collected together in government run locations, and cannot organize conspiracies, and probably not present in large numbers in Cologne, if at all. If you read the articles closely, while some people who forward this internationally, are implying these people are migrants admitted in the past year, they never say anything that would back that up.
Was there a train? The news articles don't seem to say they arrived by train.
Where did they get their liquor? I don't think anybody supplied it for free. And that's non-Islamic, by the way. So is raoe and sexual harassment, of course.
Did they speak German? Do they live in Cologne, and for how long?
I would guess the answer to those questions is yes, they speak German, and yes they are longtime residents of Cologne, and they arrived before the age of 10 or were born there (of foreign parents) and that this does not go on in the country where they came from.
The fault is with German law enforcement. They should not let things like that grow.
And, over time, they have to expect things like that to start.
They almost certainly are not. I think we can safely say they are all longtime local residents.
It may be a gang, or just a way of behavior that has gradually grown. The idea of "celebrating" way has probably been spreading for some time, and it probably is not all that sudden, but has been growing, say, at a 20% annual rate.
We have a story here that some men involved spoke neither German not English but that doesn't mean they didn't know German, just that they were speaking Arabic among themselves. What language did someone use to trying to get some women into his private taxi? Was he part of the gang, or not?
" I cannot fathom why the Germans are tolerating this."
Because Chicken Stool.
They almost certainly are not. I think we can safely say they are all longtime local residents.
Whether or not your speculation on the topic is true, the fact of the matter is that they are not ethnic Germans and their behavior was not at all in line with accepted German norms. Someone decided their, or their parents', entrance into Germany was a good idea, and that someone was tragically shortsighted. These animals don't belong in a civilized country.
Looks like the lefties are finally making good on their threats: "Hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go".
The pro-refugee Cologne mayor had recently been attacked and stabbed by an anti-immigrant citizen.
It just gets better: Mayor of Cologne says women should have code of conduct to prevent future assault. This is blame the victim for real. Wow.
It seems to me that this what the Germans voted for (not to mention what most American professors would vote for), and they deserve to get it good and hard. I'll save my tears for deserving victims, like Vietnamese boat people or something, not for people bearing the consequence of their own stupid choices.
Blogger Sammy Finkelman said...
The fault is with German law enforcement. They should not let things like that grow.
And, over time, they have to expect things like that to start.
Sammy..have you learned of the Mayor's suggested "code of conduct" to the women?
CWJ, 4:51:
I'm going to have to e-mail your comment to my father, who immigrated here (from the Middle East) some 50 years ago. He'll love it, and appreciate your putting it so well.
Whatever happened there, a very famous cathedral bore witness.
The behavior of these animals has little to do with a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion. It is because they see uncovered women as pieces of meat, as sluts, and believe they are there for the groping. This is very common Arab male behavior.
The cool thing is that a woman can beat the shit out of an Arab man in the street if she wants. These women should start carrying baseball bats and use them, split open some heads.
From a commenter here (possibly sarcastically meant);
"Germany will need to do what Norway is doing: mandate classes to teach Muslim immigrants why rape is wrong."
Teaching muslims why rape is wrong would mean teaching them why islam is wrong. That wont happen so what Norway is doing is just shadow-theater.
The only relevant question remaining is: were any of these hundreds and hundreds of muslims conducting these coordinated sexual assaults across multiple cities members of a university fraternity?
"It's more of a conspiracy to subordinate women, to drive women out of public spaces and into domestic seclusion."
Althouse, it's not about "driving women out of public spaces". It's about driving Germans out of Germany. Or just taking the place over while the Germans watch. When a Muslim rapes a German woman, the resulting child is Muslim. And when a German man lets Muslims rape his wife and his daughter without killing them, he's not a man any more.
Remind me to buy more guns.
So "Sammy Finkleman" wants us to believe that Muslim men attacking women is no big deal because they are second generation Muslim rapists, they may or may not be able to speak German and the perpetrators aren't to blame because the police are to blame.
Here's hoping some day soon "Sammy Finkleman" has a better, more personal, up-close understanding of violence so he quits making excuses for damned rapists.
Another commenter;
"Thousands of years of progress to achieve a cultural standard in which women can walk the streets safely and freely, and they undo it all in a year or two of unchecked migration from the most festering, backwards shitholes on the planet. Way to fucking, go, Europe."
Not in a year or two. More like it took +50 years. What is happening today is the consummation of the sixties.
I found Maas quoted in German as saying that everyone was equal before the law and that the attackers' ethnicity was irrelevant. He may simply have been saying that criminals would not receive special treatment due to their cultural background.
I'd bet that "sexual frankness" is simply a mistranslation. I found a somewhat similar statement in German where the mayor said that going out to celebrate didn't represent "sexual invitation."
In my experience, U.S. newspapers don't do well with foreign languages.
Gee who could have known it! Allow Muslim savages who have no respect for women into your country en mass and...
"I'd bet that "sexual frankness" is simply a mistranslation."
I assumed it was really something more like "sexual freedom."
Blogger HoodlumDoodlum said...
Fucking NPR was wall to wall yesterday afternoon and this morning with coverage of some "undocumented immigrants" who were finally deported. Turns out they'd been under orders to leave (from admin. immigration courts, no less) since 2011. Turns out the total number of people deported in this action is something like 120!
i heard this news and number on the radio today, reported breathlessly with quivering lip... I could not help but laugh- 12+ million in this country illegally, and the deportation of just over one hundred people is cause for alarm? Progressives are fucking insane. It is a mental disorder!
Blogger Sammy Finkelman said...
The fault is with German law enforcement. They should not let things like that grow.
And, over time, they have to expect things like that to start.
Did you know that there are some areas of Chicago that not even the cops go into. Law and order are provided by The Nation of Islam if there is any at all.
0bama once said something like, America needs to be more like Europe.
Don't ever forget that.
It just gets better: Mayor of Cologne says women should have code of conduct to prevent future assault. This is blame the victim for real. Wow.
And Europe has serious feminists there and they seem...unperturbed by this.
I'm telling you, Progressives view dark-skinned folks as being inferior forms of life. You don't send a dog to jail for shitting in your house. You don't expect them to know better so it's your fault they did it.
Same with these immigrants. And it is not unknown that immigrants get MORE radicalized the longer they stay in a country. So, of course, that idiot Merkel is just going to import MORE.
Althouse, it's not about "driving women out of public spaces". It's about driving Germans out of Germany. Or just taking the place over while the Germans watch. When a Muslim rapes a German woman, the resulting child is Muslim. And when a German man lets Muslims rape his wife and his daughter without killing them, he's not a man any more.
Basically. If a man's wife or daughter gets raped and he does nothing, he's worthless. A pathetic little nothing. He'd do the world and his family a favor killing himself.
So "Sammy Finkleman" wants us to believe that Muslim men attacking women is no big deal because they are second generation Muslim rapists, they may or may not be able to speak German and the perpetrators aren't to blame because the police are to blame.
I'm going to give him benefit of the doubt. The way I read it was that the police's inaction on these issues is going to encourage more. The mob sees what it can get away with and keeps pushing the line more and more. And the attackers likely were second generation Germans. Which makes allowing mass immigration an even DUMBER policy than one normally thinks.
I mean, does anybody think Muslim immigrants in the UK are not continuing to engage in mass molestation of young girls given how little was done in Rotherham?
@8:20, Sammy Finkelman shows the creativity of a lefty fabulist at work, but to what end?
Perhaps for lefties, by now, it is the allure of magic realism itself.
Note to the Mayor of Cologne and Sammy Finkelman: There is already an applicable "code of conduct" for women. It's called Sharia Law.
You're probably no longer checking this thread, but your father is probably exactly the sort of true immigrant, like my grandparents, I had in mind. Thank you for your kind words.
Sammy Finkleman -
It's perfectly possible they were entirely second-generation Muslims; the trick is, the way you avoid having a problem with second-generation Muslims is to not have first-generation Muslims.
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