২৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৬

Donald Trump hits "a new high," nationally — 41%.

That's more than twice as much as his nearest competitor Ted Cruz, who gets 19%, in CNN's new poll. What's most impressive is how stable the numbers are. In CNN's last poll, in late December, Trump had 39% and Cruz 18%. A more negative stability is seen in Rubio's numbers. He had 10% then but only 8% now.

Trump leads "among both men and women, younger and older voters, white evangelicals, conservatives and both self-identified Republicans and independents who lean toward the party." He even leads among college graduates — with 26% (20% for Cruz) — and  tea partiers — with 37% (34% for Cruz). And Trump's supporters are, by far, least likely to change their minds: "70% of Trump's supporters say they are locked in compared with 40% who back other candidates."

Isn't it obvious that Trump will get the nomination? Nothing works on him. You especially can't hope that maybe he'll say something horrible. He's shown time and again that he can say things media people think are fatal gaffes and nothing happens. Nothing bad for him, that is. Many people love the supposedly horrible things.
Trump's case for the presidency rests at least in part on his standing as a political outsider. The poll finds that a broad swath of GOP voters (55%) say they feel completely unrepresented by the government in Washington, and among those voters, Trump holds a 47% to 19% lead over Cruz.
ADDED: The very next thing I looked at —  the front page of the NYT — had: "As Trump and Cruz Soar, G.O.P. Leaders’ Vexation Grows." I laughed out loud. "Vexation" is a funny word. I'm vexed — vexed! — I tell you! Seems like something a movie villain would say. I picture George Will. Look at him here, squirming — squirmishing — as he claims the "New York values" attack is hurting Trump:

The NYT article, if you click in from the front page, is: "As Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Soar, G.O.P. Leaders’ Exasperation Grows." I have no idea why "vexation" seemed like the right word for the front page and delighters in vexation like me got bait-and-switched into mere "exasperation." First paragraph:
Republican leaders are growing alarmed by the ferocious ways the party’s mainstream candidates for president are attacking one another, and they fear that time is running out for any of them to emerge as a credible alternative to Donald J. Trump or Senator Ted Cruz of Texas.

Leaders of the Republican establishment, made up of elected officials, lobbyists and donors, are also sending a message to the mainstream candidates, such as former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, that they should withdraw from the race if they do not show strength soon.
Soon?! It was apparent last October that Bush should withdraw and back Rubio. I wrote on October 29th:
And now, it's really too late for Jeb Bush.

On October 22, I said "It's time for Jeb Bush to withdraw and endorse Marco Rubio"... and now, after last night, it's too late even for that.... And so ends the sad tale of Jeb Bush, the man with cooler things to do than to help the man with the best hope of returning the Presidency to his party.
It's 3 months after I wrote that, and the Republican establishment is "growing alarmed" that it might be getting too late for a mainstreamer to emerge?! They're still waiting to see if Jeb might show some strength? His weakness has been one of Donald Trump's main jokes since last summer. What fool would hold out hope for something different to happen "soon"? But why not pretend there's hope? Why be realistic when there's nothing to be done?

AND: Just about the next thing I look at is David Brooks proving my point. Last lines of his new column "Stay Sane America, Please!":
In every recent presidential election American voters have selected the candidate with the most secure pair of hands. They’ve elected the person who would be a stable presence and companion for the next four years. I believe they’re going to do that again. And if they’re not, please allow me a few more months of denial. 
Sleep well.

২০৪টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   204 এর 201 – থেকে 204
John Henry বলেছেন...


Did you ever serve on the USS Seattle?

John Henry

Rusty বলেছেন...

Amanda said...

And finally John Henry, I know it's a common misperception among brain washed rightists that Fascism was a left leaning ideology, but you are sadly and stupidly mistaken. Fascism is a far right ideology. National "Socialism" was a misnomer and it was chosen precisely to cloud what it truly was. It was not anywhere near true socialism.

You need to read some history.

Mick বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
"Mick and Darrell:

I think it's cute that you are calling all bastards less than natural born citizens".

One born to an unmarried US citizen mother in the US is a natural born Citizen. There would be no legal claim by a foreign country on the child's allegiance at the time of birth. The child would have singular allegiance to the US, which is the point of the requirement, at the time of birth..

As usual, the disinformation agents focus on the exception. It is a tactic, meant to confuse the issue.

Birkel বলেছেন...

No, Mick. It is a tactic to amuse myself at your ridiculous position. I don't waste time with you. I mock you. You are mock-worthy and nothing more.

I am just not that into you, Mick.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   204 এর 201 – থেকে 204   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»