“It’s just a pig’s head — that’s not a big deal; but it does send a message,” said mosque spokesman and Arab American Development Corp. Director Marwan Kreidie. “I think people are worried that if they do a pig’s head, they could do something more violent in the future.”...
A manager at Philadelphia’s Al-Aqsa Islamic Society said the mosque received a voicemail on Nov. 14 that alluded to the Paris attacks, according to police. “Are you happy about what happened in France?” the male voice stated. The persona also said, “God is a pig!” and “God is Pork!”
८ डिसेंबर, २०१५
"Severed pig’s head thrown at Philadelphia mosque door."
WaPo reports.
७३ टिप्पण्या:
Not much daylight between Trump supporters and ISIS supporters.
A horse's head is a more effective threat
I'm guessing this is another faux hate crime.
In the battle for the hearts and "minds" of the low information voter, a hoax is better than the real thing (because you control the timing: what if some foraging wildlife makes off with the tasty pig's head before the media show up?)
The tell here is, of course, the beheading. Who beheads infidels and unclean animals?
Sounds like the black college hoaxes.
Why the pleonastic severed -- If you throw a pig's head, how is it not severed?
Smells like a false flag....and bacon.
Not from the pigs point of view, eh garage!
In it's own odd way, this is a nice story. Somebody did something stupid and jerkish but ultimately harmless, and the target kept it in perspective, recognizing that it's not really a big deal. Too bad our kumbaya moment was undermined by the typical dirtbag offerings of our resident leftist troll garage mahal.
Αλεξαμενος ϲεβετε θεον ϲεβετε
I'm willing to bet the victims of San Bernardino and their families, as well as every other victim of jihad, wishes that a pig head was thrown at them instead of the bullets or bombs or airplanes or beheadings, garage.
Do you honestly believe a pig head tossed at a building is the same as killing an infidel?
garage mahal said...
Not much daylight between Trump supporters and ISIS supporters.
12/8/15, 10:55 AM"
And even less daylight between Hillary and her pet Huma and their supporters.
The abomination that causes desolation?
Leave garage alone. He is suffering withdrawal from his delusions of Obama's brilliance.
Anyone want to wager on this one?
I'm going with fake but accurate.
"God is a pig" doesn't sound like a particularly religious sentiment.
Would this make the WaPo?
Any pretensions garage may have ever had to being in any way worthwhile as a commenter or a human being is fully demolished here. I'd advise you to walk that back forcefully, but it's just vile and hateful and wrong, for about 40 obvious reasons ... so obvious, that you're clearly beyond hope or redemption or reason.
You're as harmful as anyone who has ever plagued this site, the nuts and the cranks and belligerent stalkers on both sides of the aisle. You contribute nothing but malice and misery. It's awful. And your glee makes it doubly so.
You're the same as Linda Stasi, who wrote that there were 13 innocent victims of the San Bernardino attacks, plus the conservative who deserved to die. You deserve ostracism by decent people.
I don't say that lightly.
Good way to build trust within the Muslim community. This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it. Playing right into the hands of ISIS, so intelligent.
We don't need this. No violence and not terrorizing. Plainly protest and debate.
Okay, how the hell does someone come by a pig's head in Philadelphia?
I live in the DC suburbs, and if I wanted a pig's head, say, for example, to make my own special head-cheese, I'd have to look far & wide for it. No grocery would carry it. I'd have to get it from a specialty butcher, and probably on special order.
Some butcher in Philly knows who's the weirdo who ordered a pig's head, and I imagine that soon the police will have a lead.
And here come the deniers, unwilling to accept what their fellows have done. Always claiming it's a fake.
Meanwhile they ask Muslims to root out their troublemakers, because they are into confronting the negative actors on their side.
NPR did a story last night that completely bought into CAIR's complaint that "attacks against Muslims had reached the same level as after 9/11." Well, never mind that I can't think of any attacks that occurred after 9/11. I remember a Sikh convenience store worker getting shot in what was clearly an armed robbery, that's about it.
So what did NPR cite as an "attack" against Muslims? Some guy picketing a mosque in Irving, Texas. His real crime was that he was carrying a loaded shotgun, a prudent move considering what he was up to. NPR thinks it's the moral equivalent of gunning down fourteen of your coworkers.
“I think people are worried that if they do a pig’s head, they could do something more violent in the future.”..."
Yeah, like cut someone's head off. Oh wait, that is another group...
garage mahal said...
"Not much daylight between Trump supporters and ISIS supporters."
Garage demonstrates in his vast stupidity what Hillary enunciated in the debate when she said the enemies she is the most proud of are republicans. No matter how barbaric our enemies our progressives view obstacles to their own power as the true enemy, and that means political opponents.
Garage and Hillary are going to be really sad if we turn out to be as evil as they claim because we are far more numerous, have more guns, and are far better trained than they are.
Was it an assault pig?
Amanda said...
"Good way to build trust within the Muslim community. This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it. Playing right into the hands of ISIS, so intelligent."
Muslims would take all of your property and give it to whomever they forced you to marry and stick you in a burka. Then they would throw rocks at your gay friends until they were dead. If you disobeyed your husband he would have to follow their rules for how to beat you.
I have female friends who I don't want this to happen to. Strangely enough I don't want it to happen to you either.
Sounds to me like those Hangman's Nooses inevitably turning up on the black activists who made them's door to be photographed in time to make the evening news.
Not much daylight between Trump supporters and ISIS supporters.
Given that Democrats provided ISIS their homebase and refuse to do a thing to deal with them, sounds like they're members of your constituency, garage.
Anyone want to wager on this one?
I'd be amazed if one of the worshippers didn't do it...but I can always be surprised.
Good way to build trust within the Muslim community.
1) Evidence it was done by a non-Muslim?
2) Given that Muslims don't want to deal with their radicals, not having their trust is harmful...how?
This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it.
Yes. They kill people. A mosque gets a pig head thrown at it.
Why, it's the same thing!
And here come the deniers, unwilling to accept what their fellows have done.
Just asking for proof. Hoaxes aren't unheard of. And why should WE be expected to answer for people? Muslims don't feel any need to answer for THEIR radicals, after all.
Meanwhile they ask Muslims to root out their troublemakers, because they are into confronting the negative actors on their side.
And Muslims said "no".
YoungHegelian makes an excellent point.
Police types and journalists would tend to wonder, "Where can we get a pig's head in Philadelphia?"
That could lead to a very quick investigation.
Blogger Amanda said...
Good way to build trust within the Muslim community. This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it. Playing right into the hands of ISIS, so intelligent.
You and garage are on to something here. We are playing right into the hands of ISIS and other groups around the world. They want to kill us because of the way we behave.
Can we agree on this and say we ought, as a society, to stop provoking ISIS and other extremists?
How many pigs heads are within 500 miles of Philadelphia? Vanishingly few. Unless it is stated this was someone's pet miniature pig that got decapitated you are saying that someone drove to the nearest slaughter house where every collectable ounce of the pig is ground up to make money and stole a pig head then drove it back to throw it at this particular mosque.
IF it's not fake, then it's probably an a-hole atheist. How many Christians or Jews would say or write “God is a pig!” and “God is Pork!”.
Per the FBI:
Religious bias
Of the 1,140 victims of anti-religious hate crimes in 2014:
56.8 percent were victims of crimes motivated by their offenders’ anti-Jewish bias.
16.1 percent were victims of anti-Islamic (Muslim) bias.
6.2 percent were victims of bias against groups of individuals of varying religions (anti-multiple religions, group).
6.1 percent were victims of anti-Catholic bias.
2.5 percent were victims of anti-Protestant bias.
1.2 percent were victims of anti-Atheist/Agnostic bias.
11.0 percent were victims of bias against other religions (anti-other religion).
Too bad there's no breakdown by religion of the perpetrator.
Amanda said...
Good way to build trust within the Muslim community. This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it. Playing right into the hands of ISIS, so intelligent.
12/8/15, 11:42 AM"
Respect is earned. They haven't earned it. In the meantime where is the respect from the Muslim world to the rest of the world? Have you seen it? Since not a single Islamic country never mind an Arab has made any meaningful contribution to science and technology in the last thousand years maybe it is them that ought to be respectful that but for the West and it's civilization accomplishments most of them wouldn't be alive today.
Of course, it's the Obama Admin and the NY Times who want to strip away fundamental natural, civil and Constitutional rights from tens (hundreds?) of thousands of citizens via a due process-free "match list" which will clearly have a massively disparate impact.
"[Photo] Courtesy of Al Aqsa Islamic Society"
I wonder where they got the pig's head.
Now for some good news:
11-foot gator eats burglary suspect hiding in Fla. pond
Ah, the old false flag theory. How predictable was that. Odd the false flaggers NEVER get caught!
holdfast said...
IF it's not fake, then it's probably an a-hole atheist. How many Christians or Jews would say or write “God is a pig!” and “God is Pork!”.
porco dio
"The most powerful italian imprecation, to call God as a Pig. It's an expression increasingly used in Italy."
Probably a blacklivesmatter person.
Where to get pig heads? Simple. Go to any Mexican carniceria and take one from butchers counter (used to make pozole). I think the head has been skinned so that would be a tell.
@garbage - right, never fake.
A former cop who claimed that someone left a racist memo on department letterhead in his mailbox at a Connecticut police department earlier this year has admitted to penning the letter himself, authorities say.
Pig's heads may not be so uncommon in Pennsylvania. There's a strong tradition of head-cheese-making there.
"How many pigs heads are within 500 miles of Philadelphia? Vanishingly few."
There aren't farms outside Philadelphia? Medical schools use a lot of pigs for animal research. We bought our's from farmers.
This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it. Playing right into the hands of ISIS, so intelligent.
So throwing a pig's head at a door is as bad as (if not worse) than beheading, raping and burning to death, Christians?
Why aren't Muslims afraid of being disrespectful to Christians and playing into the hands of the West?
Because Amanda, Obama and the rest hate us too.
Anyone remember this picture and accompanying caption from Agents France Presse?
Did they get a guy in a green helmet to hold the pig's head up for the cameras?
garage mahal
Ah, the old false flag theory. How predictable was that. Odd the false flaggers NEVER get caught.
I am reminded of the Gilbert & Sullivan classic, I Am the Captain of the Pinafore.
Bad language or abuse,
I never, never use,
Whatever the emergency;
Though "bother it" I may
Occasionally say,
I never use a big, big D —
Chorus:What, never?
Captain:No, never!
Chorus:What, never?
Captain:Hardly ever!
Chorus:Hardly ever swears a big, big D —
Then give three cheers, and one cheer more,
For the hardy Captain of the Pinafore!
The hardy Captain also hardly ever swears the big big D. Ah, times have changed.
While it is true that there are documented hate crimes against Muslims,there have been enough documented hoaxes to make skepticism not as unrealistic as our friend garage claims.
Fake Hate Crimes: An Islamist Weapon.
I remember reading in the month after 9/11 of a young Muslim in the US- IIRC he was a university student from Saudi Arabia- who had been caught in a hate crime hoax.
Muslim hate crime hoax: not never? Well, hardly ever. And probably much more often than "hardly ever."
Garage making a claim that upon examination is a factual, documented claim? Well, hardly ever.
garage mahal
Ah, the old false flag theory. How predictable was that. Odd the false flaggers NEVER get caught!
Which is why when you put "fake hate crime" muslim into the Bing search engine, you get 4,670,000 results. Right?
"This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it.
You don't think the fact that there are people who agree with the last part is the problem?
Which is why when you put "fake hate crime" muslim into the Bing search engine, you get 4,670,000 results. Right?
Now, look.
Garage is wrong, as demonstrated by actual documented instances.
But "look at the result count for this web search!" never proves any God-damn thing. It's a disgraceful tactic no matter who uses it.
(Also, I get 7,280 results.
I get 207,000,000 for "fake hate crime" your mom.
Does that mean your mom is responsible for six orders of magnitude more fake hate crimes?
Obviously it does.)
RichardJohnson said...
Which is why when you put "fake hate crime" muslim into the Bing search engine, you get 4,670,000 results. Right?
Actually 285 results from Bing, but that's pretty close to 4 million.
Poor google only returns 167 results.
“God is a pig!” and “God is Pork!”
Omnipotent: Bacon, is there anything it can't do?
Sigivald said...
I get 207,000,000 for "fake hate crime" your mom.
Nope, only 21 results from Bing . (Actually 20, at most, because the last one doesn't have any of the words "fake", "hate" or "crime" in it)
I wish You People would learn how to use search engines.
First lesson: they initially lie, a lot, about the number of results. If you claim you got 10 million results, try going to, say, the 900,000th result. It won't be there. The 1,000th result probably won't be there either.
Original Mike said...
"This is exactly what ISIS has been telling Muslims around the world, that the west is disrespectful to Islam and deserves to die for it.
You don't think the fact that there are people who agree with the last part is the problem?
It's amusing she's so much more worried about the pig - but it's hardly surprising.
Actually 285 results from Bing, but that's pretty close to 4 million.
I stand corrected. But my original point stands: are there documented fake hate crimes concocted by Muslims? Yes, indeed.
Big fucking deal.
Probablya couple of teen age boys who think it's funny. I know, 'cause I used to be one. Appreciate the comments lumping every conservativ, Trump supporter, Republican,
non progressive in with some person who tossed a pigs head.
Stupidity abounds!
And another thing,
Fakers -
The best argument against Muslims doing it themselves is that they would have to touch the pig head. That said, I have doubts about the story.
WHAT A WASTE! It could be boiled and the extracted meat used to make "Head Cheese".
Michael K: "The best argument against Muslims doing it themselves is that they would have to touch the pig head. That said, I have doubts about the story."
There plenty of non-muslim leftists (like garage) who doesn't mind trashing his own evil white fathers military service and praising Hamas who could easily be convinced to pull this little prank if it would advance the cause.
Though garage does not possess the actual brainpower to pull it off on his own, he could be coached.
It would take a lot.
But still.
RichardJohnson said...
But my original point stands: are there documented fake hate crimes concocted by Muslims? Yes, indeed.
I think nowadays most "hate crimes" are fake, especially on college campuses and especially when nobody is seriously hurt and nothing is burned down (although homosexuals faking hate crimes seem prone to burning their own houses).
But my favorite was the black woman who lightly carved "KKK" on her chest but got it reversed because she did it in a mirror.
FullMoon said...
Big fucking deal.
When trivia becomes national news, expect more trivia.
Pig huh?
Well, in that case, we can at least assume it was on the no fly list.
Given the number of hoaxes of this type that minority groups have authored in recent years, I take this story with a great deal of skepticism.
Speaking of fake hate crimes - does anyone remember a procession in Jenin, carrying a corpse of a Palestinian martyr? Well, the crowd drops the stretcher, and the "corpse" stands up and climbs back....
There has to be a presumption of hoax with these incidents right now. Prove it is real and then we'll discuss recourse. Otherwise, fuck off, fakers.
The persona also said, “God is a pig!” and “God is Pork!”
The persona? Is there no one decently educated working at the Post these days?
Actually, I think this incident is probably to the good after all is said and done. If Muslims are going to live here and be good citizens they must FUCKING GET OVER THEMSELVES!
Ferandinande wrote: I think nowadays most "hate crimes" are fake...
And let us not forget the most consequential fake hate ever, the Tawana Brawley case, which destroyed careers, provoked retaliatory attacks on Jews, and launched a minor neighborhood demagogue into a national political figure.
I'm going to wait until we have some verification about who did this. We've seen a lot of hoax "hate crimes" lately, and others that were never verified but made little sense (the feces "swastika" in U of Missouri). After all, nothing gins up your own crowd better than a relatively harmless but foul deed done by your opponents.
A severed pig's head goes a lot further than what I imagine the everyday anti-Muslim bigot would have done. If it's the real deal, shame on the thugs who'd do this. If it's a hoax, doubly shame on the hoaxers trying to sow fear and division where there's already enough of that.
"And let us not forget the most consequential fake hate ever, the Tawana Brawley case, which destroyed careers, provoked retaliatory attacks on Jews, and launched a minor neighborhood demagogue into a national political figure."
Were there attacks on Jews after that? I thought Steve Pagones was Greek.
It was a nasty hoax, and that should have reduced Sharpton to a forgotten joke of a human being. Unfortunately the left gives him a pass, even though to my mind he's far worse than David Duke because Duke never caused anyone's death.
did they explode or something?
The mosque attendees need not worry until the heads of believers in Islam are tossed at the mosque, in parallel with the beheadings of infidels in ISIS-controlled lands.
Really? No?
If there are more terrorist attacks, expect more of these pigs heads. And if more 9/11s, it will be a rough night in Jericho.
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