December 21, 2015

Hillary's communications director Jen Palmieri sounded utterly terrified facing questions from George Stephanopoulos.

Palmieri should have been perfectly prepared. She's the communications director so she should be an ace at communications. She knew the precise issue she would be asked to address: Hillary's statement, in the previous night's debate, that Donald Trump is "ISIS's best recruiter" and that ISIS is "going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists." Palmieri knew everyone was demanding to know whether there were actual videos. All she needed was a packaged answer, the best answer under the circumstances, and to deliver that answer with confidence. Here's the video. Here's the transcript.

Why did she fumble, look scared, and speak in a trembling voice?! 

Palmieri's segment followed a phone interview with Donald Trump, Donald Trump had just totally overwhelmed Stephanopoulos, and Stephanopoulos's first question to Palmieri incorporated the formidible Trump: "Your response to Donald Trump?" Maybe she was prepared, but Donald Trump unnerved her. She began:
PALMIERI: The -- you know, Donald Trump I think was talking -- you know, what Secretary Clinton was saying last night is that one of the many dangerous things about Donald Trump is that his (inaudible) rhetoric say we shouldn't allow Muslim refugees into the country is being used -- and this is something that the (inaudible) international group who monitors social media and -- on ISIS has said...
So she starts out inaudible and incoherent! Stephanopoulos interrupts:
STEPHANOPOULOS: But there have been no videos.

PALMIERI: Well, what they have said is that they are using him. They -- he's being used in social media by ISIS as propaganda. She didn't have a particular video in mind, but he is being used in social media. And, you know, what they haven't found is -- the group hasn't found a video that, you know, Mr. Trump keeps talking about, this alleged mystery video of thousands of people in Jersey cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center. But it is true that they -- he is being used in social media by ISIS to help recruit...
What "group"? This is the communications director! She tries to switch to the subject of something video-related that Trump has gotten wrong, but there's no elegant pivot. She's awkwardly, grudgingly admitted that there is no video, then seems to hope she can get out of a jam by likening Hillary to Trump. He too makes big, politically motivated assertions based on videos that he's only guessing might exist.

Stephanopoulos does the same interruption again:
STEPHANOPOULOS: To be fair, you don't have a video, as she said...

PALMIERI: But I'm referring to a specific video.
I went back to the video — the video of the show — and the transcript is wrong there. Palmieri said "She's not referring to a specific video." Palmieri was not as incoherent as the transcript makes her sound.
PALMIERI: But he is being used in social media by ISIS as propaganda -- cites International Group, which monitors -- this is what they do, they monitor ISIS on social media, they monitor other terrorist groups on social media, to see what they are using. And they have said that they are using him in social media as propaganda to help recruit supporters.
Okay, now I know what "the group" is! So there's something called International Group that would have the video that HC talked about. So there sort of is video, there must be video, the International Group should have video, but there's no specific video.

Watching Palmieri, I thought: Susan Rice. Now, Susan Rice was sent out to the Sunday morning shows to cover for Hillary with a message about video and terrorism, and Rice delivered the prepared message with a calm, untroubled face and voice: On "This Week"— "a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo," where "a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated";  on "Face the Nation" — "what began spontaneously in Benghazi as a reaction to what had transpired some hours earlier in Cairo where, of course, as you know, there was a violent protest outside of our embassy– sparked by this hateful video";  on "Fox News Sunday," "a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video"; and on "Meet the Press" — "a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in Cairo, almost a copycat of– of the demonstrations against our facility in Cairo, which were prompted, of course, by the video." Of course!

Watching Palmieri, I was thinking, maybe she's freaked out — not at all like Susan Rice — because she remembers Susan Rice and she can think I'm the Susan Rice. Susan Rice, herself, was free of that frightening thought.

And by the way — and by the way, that's what Trump kept saying as he freaked out George Stephanopoulous: "And by the way..." — why doesn't Hillary Clinton go on any of these shows herself? Why does she rely on these wan emissaries? She can't face the nation — to name one of the shows — she can't face the nation on a Sunday morning? She was up late doing the debate. Does she need to sleep in? Bernie Sanders — he's 72 — was up and letting us see his face on one of yesterday's shows. And Donald Trump was just talking about how Hillary does one big event and "then she goes away for five or six days and you don’t see her. She goes to sleep."

How can she get away with not sitting down to face tough questions? Why is she able to rely on proxies at all? And with her power to find and designate mouthpieces, how is it she got such a mealy-mouthed mouthpiece as Jen Palmieri?!


Sydney said...

I saw a story somewhere else today that it's actually Obama and Bill Clinton that ISIS uses in their recruiting videos.

Brando said...

Get used to this, as this is how the Hillary presidency would go. Incompetence and lying from the top down, and relying on die-hard loyalists who lack any abilities whatsoever.

The obvious way to defuse this would have been for Team Hillary to simply say she misspoke, that she wasn't aware of a specific video but believed ISIS would be using Trump's language to recruit. (Which is a weak attack on Trump, but at least gets past Hillary's overplaying her own statement). The way Team Hillary handled this shows that they cannot bear the idea of her ever apologizing or taking a hit on anything, so they dig deep into denials and let things get far worse than they need to be. It is no wonder Americans don't like these people. They make things far worse than necessary because they have no self-awareness, no humility and no sense of right or wrong. Now imagine them handling real problems and how that will all turn out.

Ken B said...

Re #1

Martha said...

Palmieri is just not a congenital liar like Hillary or a cool sociopathic liar like Susan Rice.
Liars as accomplished as Hillary and Rice are born—not made.

David said...

"Ms. Palmieri has strong relations with the press corps, a potential asset to a Clinton team whose dealings with the media in the 2008 campaign were frosty."

--From Wall Street Journal article February 2 when it was first announced that Palmieri would leave the WH and go to work for Clinton. Apparently her strength is schmoozing the press not public communication.

Gusty Winds said...

Plus she was being interviewed by Stephanopoulos, who is a current Clinton operative. Let's not pretend he is anything but. I LOVE the way Trump handles these douchebags. Paul Ryan should take note.

Maybe as a Jen Palmieri is not good at lying. Maybe she doesn't truly believe in what she is asked to lie about.

Hillary! should hire Jon Lovitz.

Henry said...

Maybe it's that video of Donald Trump aborting babies that Hillary is thinking of.

rhhardin said...

She's grounded on terror firma.

AllenS said...

Link for Ken B

No Trump, but Bill Clinton, G Bush and BH 0bama. Saw it this morning, and can remember now if they called Clinton a sodomite or a fornicator. Too funny.

Meade said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Watching Palmieri, I was thinking, maybe she's freaked out — not at all like Susan Rice — because she remembers Susan Rice and she can think I'm the Susan Rice.

Pop once told me that if you look around the poker table and can't tell who the night's big loser will be, then it's you.

Palmieri discovered too late...

Mark said...

Well, the problem with the idea that she was frightened she would be "the Susan Rice" is that Susan Rice hasn't paid at all for prostituting her honor. This also wasn't her first rodeo. Something else is going on.

Gahrie said...

How can she get away with not sitting down to face tough questions? Why is she able to rely on proxies at all?

Uhh...because the MSM has become an arm of the Democratic Party, which has clearly decided that Hillary is their only chance to win.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Obama and Clinton have both been very poor candidates to be President. Hard for staff to try to defend them as candidates. If the media weren't so much in the tank for the Democrats, we would have seen a lot of this.

Hunter said...

Interesting test:

Mention to someone "the time a certain female presidential candidate made an absurd, baseless claim about a video that doesn't exist" and see who they think you're talking about.

Big Mike said...

Hillary Clinton only uses people she knows and trusts, and that's a very small number of people. If elected she'll try to run the entire country using her small team of trusted people, the same one with whom she couldn't run the State Department successfully.

Meade said...

Hillary's communications director Jen Palmieri sounded nervous and agitated. Like she had to pee.

RAH said...

I was walking by and saw Stephanopoulos being destroyed by Trump who was on the phone. I was amazed and just stopped to watch. Stephanopoulos face was marvelous to watch Just totally dumbfounded and speechless

William said...

She wasn't very articulate and she lacked poise. You'd think that these would be key assets in a communications director. Well, wait to you see who Hillary appoints as CIA director.

Ann Althouse said...

"Re #1"

Okay, I watched that video.

Obama and Bill Clinton are in it, and so is George W. Bush. All Presidents. ISIS obviously doesn't seem to care about the distinction between American conservatives and liberals.

Ambrose said...

This was no ordinary interview. She was being grilled by someone who is senior to her in the Clinton organization.

Darconville said...

Palmieri has always been a terrible communicator. Just watch this:

MadisonMan said...

What a dreadful communicator. Is she earning her six-figure salary? I doubt it.


pm317 said...

She has been the most ineffective spokesperson and there are other videos to prove it. I don't know why she is still there representing Hillary's campaign and why Hillary has not fired her.

Bob Boyd said...

The Democratic Party is using Trump to recruit.
Hillary herself is using Trump to recruit.
Black Lives Matter is using Trump to recruit.
Green Peace is using Trump to recruit.
Westboro Baptist is using Trump to recruit.
Jeb is using Trump to recruit.
The guy down the street who wants more bike lanes is using Trump to recruit.
Who isn't?

Unknown said...

Obama and Bill Clinton are in it, and so is George W. Bush. All Presidents. ISIS obviously doesn't seem to care about the distinction between American conservatives and liberals.

That's because this is a game of "heads I win, tails you lose."

If we tailor our policies according to "what the terrorists want us to do", one way or another, we are allowing them to control us. This true whether we do what the liberals say they are trying to bait us to do (like go to war against them or reacting to domestic terror threats) or if we do the opposite. Either way, they are calling the shots. The only way to win this game us not to play- and instead, state our interests and enact policy that pursues those interests, without regard to what Islamists want.

David Begley said...

Her campaign manager is Robbie Mook.

How can she win with a mook?

Anonymous said...

The world's paradigm has changed. Clueless morons like Hillary and Obama think that history is this inevitable progression towards something better, and any opinion that disagrees with that must be wrong. They're completely dogmatic fools.

The world is progressing from a Westphalian Nation-State ideal to a conflict of cultures. This was brought about precisely because progressive-thinking fools destroyed the internal fabric of the modern Western Nation-States.

Inter-sectional fighting is the inevitable result.

Incompatible cultures are incompatible. Diversity plus proximity equals war.

Trump is just quicker than most to understand this. Fourth Generation War is here. Bright military minds have been warning of this for more than a decade.

Big Mike said...

ISIS obviously doesn't seem to care about the distinction between American conservatives and liberals.

Robert Cook doesn't either. Say! You don't suppose ...

John henry said...

Ann Althouse said...

"Re #1"

Okay, I watched that video.

Obama and Bill Clinton are in it, and so is George W. Bush. All Presidents. ISIS obviously doesn't seem to care about the distinction between American conservatives and liberals.

At about 40 seconds in.

Kerry and McCain are also in it as well as someone else I don't recognize. Kerry and Bush appear behind Obama, framing his head. Kerry seems slightly more prominent but that may be just because he has an enormous head to start with.

Everyone should watch the video. Well done, all audio and text in English. There are a couple of shots of black Islamic State In Syria (ISIS) men in combat gear. Is it me or do they look like they might be American?

If I were Islamic State I'd want my audience thinking that we are among you.

John Henry

Meade said...


walter said...

She needs lessons from Josh Earnest..(The Onion couldn't create a better name).
She should have borrowed heavily from Chris Farly's air quotes bit.

John henry said...

Perhaps it is all part of a plan. Perhaps the Demmie are trying to throw the election.

There is a paranoid school of thought that says that on 2017-18 the wheels are going to completely come off the world. Wars hot and cold and economic disaster.

Whoever is running the govt won't be able to do much about it but they will get the blame. Perhaps preparing for a 2020 comeback: "Look how badly the repos screwed things up!"

Palmieri is just another brick in the wall.

John Henry

Owen said...

Brando says: "...Now imagine them handling real problems and how that will all turn out." But we don't need to imagine. Think Benghazi. Think Libya generally. Think Syria, Iran, Yemen, Ukraine, San Bernardino, Paris, Charlie Hebdo. Their response is always the same: start a fire/pour gasoline on a fire/panic/run away/deny ever having even thought of a fire/point to the nasty Republican critics/did you see what Kim Kardashian is wearing?

We've had 7 years of this, we know the game.

Still, as to Palmieri, a remarkable collapse. Was she on drugs? Was she never asked to review a transcript of her own utterances and be at least a little sensitive to the need for specific antecedents? "They" did this to "them" and then "they" said that "they" would be doing this other thing to "them." You know, like, uh, "THEM!"

I don't know whether to be encouraged that such a mediocrity is so far up the food chain at Team Hillary.

John henry said...

Yesterday one of the commenters here said that Hilary's yurt dress concealed Depends pantilines.

In the Red State post with Obama and Islamic State an article in the sidebar was titled:

Does Hillary’s Potty Break Matter? DEPENDS.

Nothing about Hilary using Depends in the article but does have a nice graphic of a new product called "Depends Mediashield"

Not really related but I have noticed in the past couple weeks that on pretty much every other page I open I am getting either Tampax or Depends targeted ads.

What's up with that?

John Henry

Jim Gust said...

"ISIS obviously doesn't seem to care about the distinction between American conservatives and liberals."

So, does Hillary owe the public an apology for misleading them? Does she owe The Donald an apology for telling obvious lies about him? Or does being Hillary mean you never have to say you're sorry?

damikesc said...

This was a disqualifying thing with Fiorina, mind you.

The obvious way to defuse this would have been for Team Hillary to simply say she misspoke, that she wasn't aware of a specific video but believed ISIS would be using Trump's language to recruit. (Which is a weak attack on Trump, but at least gets past Hillary's overplaying her own statement). The way Team Hillary handled this shows that they cannot bear the idea of her ever apologizing or taking a hit on anything, so they dig deep into denials and let things get far worse than they need to be. It is no wonder Americans don't like these people. They make things far worse than necessary because they have no self-awareness, no humility and no sense of right or wrong. Now imagine them handling real problems and how that will all turn out.

Clinton's don't apologize.

And Trump has been chummy with them and, note, he doesn't apologize either.

People hate to admit it, but Americans HATE insincere apologies.

And Palmieri was terrible at State, also.

Ann Althouse said...

A reminder: Putting extra paragraph breaks, creating extra blank space in your comment, is a reason for deletion. Please be respectful of the scrolling needs of others.

Michael K said...

"ISIS obviously doesn't seem to care about the distinction between American conservatives and liberals."

I doubt ISIS is too concerned about American political parties. They hate us all and the reasons, aside from the open and obvious immorality of the political left/gay/entertainment industry, is the Quran which tells every Muslim what to think.

It's easy. Like the guy in the Frank Luntz focus group said, just insult Muslims by saying they are violent and they will kill us.

Okay, he didn't say it that openly but we know what he meant.

chickelit said...

Or does being Hillary mean you never have to say you're sorry?

You guys just don't understand: Hillary took so many betrayals and personal insults from Bill over the years that she's going to make all of you pay.

Michael K said...

I noticed, although only briefly, "LGTB" in the video, as well.

Pretty clear what is driving them. They are the Sunni army run by former Saddam generals and we are fools if we think the Arab Sunni states will fight them for us.

They comment about how expensive the missiles are but the A 10s use cheaper 30 mm rounds and lots of them.

cliff claven said...

I've seen this Palmieri previously. She is painful to watch. This was not just a "bad day." She must munch good carpet.

cliff claven said...

Good find, Allen S!

Sammy Finkelman said...

I think she stumbled because it was a lie they hadn't thought through.

Of course Team Hillary can't bear apologiziing for anything. That is almost the number one Clinton rule of politics:

Never apologize, and always get your opponent to use the word "apologize." And no matter how limited the apology, always misrepresent it as conceding more than it did. Bernie Sanders should have avoided that word.

cubanbob said...

If this represents what can be expected from Clinton then God help us. She would be even more incompetent than Obama.

TreeJoe said...

I've checked a few MSM websites today and not a single mention of a fact check or "6 critical moments in the Democratic debate" here. It's been, what, 36 hours since Hillary claimed the leading contender of the Republican presidential primary was being used in video in recruiting tools by the Islamic State due specifically to his policy statements.....and it's not being discussed as a front page item on these websites?

There comes a point when reading the U.S.-focused news when I have to believe that the outlet is no longer partisan, but simply un-American. They want to set a narrative other than what is best for America.

The Godfather said...

Althouse: Will this be where, in months to come, you announce that "Hillary lost me"?

Sammy Finkelman said...

Mention to someone "the time a certain female presidential candidate made an absurd, baseless claim about a video that doesn't exist" and see who they think you're talking about.

@Hunter That would be Carly Fiorina, of course. (the Planned Parenthood video showing an abortion tearing a baby apart that she said Hillary wouldn't dare to see, like she, Carly Fiorina, had)

Hillary is not talking about a video that doesn't exist, because people may have seen such videos themselves, or think they have, namely:

"videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims"

Now maybe you could say that Donald Trump never did anything like that, but Hillary could at least claim that certain bits of video fit the description, although she's probably relying on a combination of people giving her a little leeway, and having a weak or uncertain memory.

The lie is that ISIS is showing anything with Donald Trump to people in an effort to recruit them.

Not very likely.

Hillary, as a presidential candidate, seems to be, not necessarily inventing a video, because you could find video snippets of Donald Trump that, arguably, are like what she described, although apparently Team Hillary has not supplied them, because they probably wouldn't really fit the description, but inventing an imaginary use for them!

jacksonjay said...

Palmieri's lady parts are as articulate as she needs to be. C'mon Man! You would never criticize a man for being being tongue-tied.

Who did all this recruiting before W, Gitmo and Trump? Did Bill recruit Non-Muslim thieving thugs for the first WTC, African Embassy, and USS Cole bombings? I must not think like a Non-Muslim thieving thug, but seems to me that weakness on our part would jump start recruitment, not being badass! "OK Abdulla, we are so sorry that you are offended. We will never wear the short skirt ever again." I hear that they (Non-Muslim thieving thugs) respect strength and abhor weakness. C'mon Man! I bet they already heard about that lady judge and lady prosecutor locking up that Black guy for going to bed. Dat dere is a more likely recruiting tool!

Meade, have you noticed how Tom Hanks has to pee in most of his movies. It's kind of a thing with him. Reminds me of Lil Lena.

Sammy Finkelman said...

BTW, there's another possibly imaginary video mentioned by a presidential candidate:

Martin O'Malley said that ISIS - excuse me, ISIL * - makes training videos that say the easiest way to get a gun in America is at a gun show, and I'm not sure about that. I mean you only heard it from him.

* Both Hillary Clinton and Bernard Sanders said ISIS on Saturday night, and even President Obama used ISIS one time in his press conference on Friday. (echoing a reporter - unless that's a mistake in the transcript) He used Daesh once and ISIL nine times.

In the debate, O'Malley was the only one to use ISIL. Lindsey Graham does that, too, by the way.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Whenever Hillary says anything -- anything -- remember that the Clintons' lie. It's what they do. It is who they are. A person can vote for whoever they want, but no one should vote for a Clinton without accepting that they are voting for a person who will lie to them, for reasons tawdry, cheap, and venal, again and again.

madAsHell said...

Why does Hillary always latch on to the idea of a video.....somewhere in the ether.....that is causing a problem, or confirming her suspicion?

How many times can you use the video-ate-my-homework excuse?

Sammy Finkelman said...

ISIS obviously doesn't seem to care about the distinction between American conservatives and liberals.

But they do care about the distinction between American presidents and other people.

Meade said...

Althouse: Will this be where, in months to come, you announce that "Hillary lost me"?

You don't really read this blog, do you?

Sammy Finkelman said...

In this collection of fact checks, the New York Times missed a few whoppers by Donald Trump, including this one: (New York Times columnist Gail Collins noticed it, and Trump had said already before)

...When you had the World Trade Center go, people were put into planes that were friends, family, girlfriends, and they were put into planes and they were sent back, for the most part, to Saudi Arabia.

They knew what was going on. They went home and they wanted to watch their boyfriends on television. I would be very, very firm with families...

The planes he is talking about happened AFTER the attacks. It is not so much that the planes were given priority, as that nobody was held for questioning.

Politifact has it, though.

Eric said...

Slightly OT, I heard Trump overwhelm Chuck Todd yesterday too. If it was a fight, they would have stopped it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger madAsHell said...
Why does Hillary always latch on to the idea of a video.....somewhere in the ether.....that is causing a problem, or confirming her suspicion?

madAsHell is on to something. Hillary is reflecting today's liberal zeitgeist. You can have war with Islam, or you can lose your civil liberties (gun ownership, free speech). In the old days liberals said that war was bad in part because it meant the loss of civil liberties. These days liberals believe the loss of civil liberties is the price you pay for peace.

Gahrie said...

Althouse: Will this be where, in months to come, you announce that "Hillary lost me"?


Besides the title of that blog post is going to be: "This is where the Republicans lost me", as she justifies voting for Hillary.

PB said...

It may be that she's not physically capable of the demands of a presidential campaign, and thus not physically capable of the demands of the office.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

And what price did Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton pay for those egregious lies? None I can see--the Left is happy with "at this point what does it matter" and the Media fell all over itself to declare her the "winner" of the Benghazi hearings--so the whole thing is somehow to her credit.

It's worth asking what kind of a lie an important non-Republican would have to tell for the Media to actually care. The only ones I can think of are those that might hurt other non-Republicans.

damikesc said...

If this represents what can be expected from Clinton then God help us. She would be even more incompetent than Obama.

Sid Blumenthal would have the ear of the President. Let THAT sink in.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Sid Blumenthal would have the ear of the President. Let THAT sink in.
If it ends up being Hillary vs. Trump, no matter who wins Jonah Goldberg will have to leave the country. Ironically, whether Hillary or Trump wins, Rush will thrive.

rcocean said...

Interesting how Trump goes on these shows to DEBATE the so-called objective news peeps but Hillary doesn't even have to show up.

I love how Trump always zeroes in on the opponents weakness. Yeah, do we really need a 72 year old Grandma, who needs lots of nap time, as POTUS?

DavidD said...

Hillary! shoulda just gotten Nakoula Nakoula to make one, dammit, as a condition for dropping all charges stemming from the Benghazi video incident, and then held it up as proof, proof I say, of Trump's perfidy.

Kansas City said...

Palmieri was awful. I was surprised that someone with her inability to communicate on a simple issue could become communications director for a major political campaign. It is another demonstration of the incompetence in government. You see it all the time. The press and the political operatives feed on one another - each largely incompetent -- and build each other up. In politics, one side has to win so whoever is with the winner is declared to be genius. Like Axelrod and his guys. Or even Stephanapolous and Carvel.

The most maddening aspect is the repeated liberal argument that people who disagree with them are recruiting for ISIS. Absurd every time they say it. ISIS recruits based on the perception they are winning and the west is losing and, especially, the west is weak (cue, Obama). You want to slow ISIS recruiting? Find a way to kill every possible current ISIS guy.

Kansas City said...

I saw comments referencing Bluementhal. Same deal. He is incompetent but one of Hillary's favorites. Stephanie ___ was another incompetent in a high position with Obama. Look at the two Valley girls over at the State Department.

Politics is just filled with over rated and incompetent people.

Ernest is a quasi exception, in that he speaks well. The problem with him is that he has no morals and no intent to do anything other than carry out the lies and spinning of his boss. Pure hack, and unable to really hide it.

FullMoon said...

Hillary disgusts me. But, I watched some of the debate and thought she handled herself pretty darn good. I am one of the people who intends to cast a vote against Hillary, no matter who Republican cantidate is.

When Trump blames Hillary for deaths of hundreds of thousands and claims her policies were a disaster, I get a tingle up my leg. I would love to see and hear more of this during a campaign. More of "she lies" and less of "I respect my opponent, who may have mis spoken..bblah blah.. blah

FullMoon said...

And another thing regarding Clinton returning late to the debate and Depends, etc.
Why did they just not wait for her? Maybe make the break period longer? Could have filled in a few minutes with commentary or commercials. How late was she?

Sydney said...

It's refreshing to see a candidate just up and tell his opponents that they're lying. Because they so often are, yet so few call them on it.

The Godfather said...

@Meade (11:02 am): Yes I read the blog faithfully.

averagejoe said...

Eric said...
Slightly OT, I heard Trump overwhelm Chuck Todd yesterday too. If it was a fight, they would have stopped it.

12/21/15, 11:07 AM

This Trump stuff kind of resembles what's happening in the UFC of Mixed Martial Arts. A brash braggart has appeared on the scene, and his trash-talking, coupled with his victories, has everyone else talking about him. Most everyone denigrates him and bristles at his provocative words, and then they engage him on stage or on camera and they get chewed up and spit out. And still, every chance they get, they call him out because he's the star.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for a video of all those Muslims on the rooftops in New Jersey who were celebrating on 9/11 to surface.

FullMoon said...

Amanda said... [hush]​[hide comment]

I'm still waiting for a video of all those Muslims on the rooftops in New Jersey who were celebrating on 9/11 to surface.

No vid, never happened.haha!

H said...

regarding Kansas City's comment: "I was surprised that someone with her inability to communicate on a simple issue could become communications director for a major political campaign." In my opinion this is an example of the so-called "echo chamber". When talking to like minded people she sounds ridiculously smart. But she goes into an interview with an "objective but leaning friendly" journalist (one who really wants to ask easy questions, but also knows he will be called out for cream puffery if he overdoes it) she's just not ready for a response other than "You go girl."

Brando said...

"I'm still waiting for a video of all those Muslims on the rooftops in New Jersey who were celebrating on 9/11 to surface."

So Hillary is about as honest as Trump. Wonderful.

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