Tweeted Donald Trump, reacting to Rubin's "Is Donald Trump too chicken to debate?"
In the blog post in question, Rubin called Trump's threat to boycott the upcoming GOP presidential debate unless CNN pays him $5 million "political insanity." "The most obvious explanation for putting forth an utterly ridiculous demand is to induce the other side to reject it," she wrote. "In this case, that would give Trump, who has done worse in each successive debate, an excuse to beg off. Why is he scared of debating his competitors?"That summary is in Politico. Here's the Rubin post, making it clear that Trump is asking CNN to give $5 million to charity.
६९ टिप्पण्या:
Yes, I've seen headline after headline saying "Trump demands $5 million for CNN debate"
You need to read the article, and usually in the 2nd paragraph they'll mention he wants $5 million paid to the VETS. And he hasn't made a demand, he says he's "considering it".
The same technique the MSM has been using ever since the 1st Fox debate.
Just more bullshit from Trump. Why does Trump pressure CNN to donate 5M to charity? I think Rubin is on to something. What a joke Trump is showing himself to be the longer he stays in the race. We got popcorn, what a show.
Of course he chooses a charity that everyone would want to donate to. What a master manipulator...of the easily manipulated.
"Why does Trump pressure CNN to donate 5M to charity?"
I think it's because CNN is able to sell ads for the time that the candidates are performing without pay. Doesn't seem fair, in a way, and Trump is responsible for a big part of the ratings, so he's using the leverage for charity. Reminds me of some of the ideas used on "Celebrity Apprentice."
Some people ask for speaking fees. Trump ask for donations to charity.
StreiSAND also does that some times. It's a great way to get others to pay and u get the kudos.
Makes sense Althouse, but why didn't he request this type of donation from Fox and the other networks that hosted the other debates he participated in? I'm suspicious. I think He is trying to find an excuse not to appear as Rubin suggests.
Trump needs to be more original with his insults. They're getting formulaic and boring.
What CNN should do is call Donny's bluff - agree to pay the money to charity on the condition that CNN would match whatever cash contribution Donny makes. Since Donny really doesn't have all that much cash, he won't accept the counteroffer and will be exposed as a cheapskate and a fraud, which he is.
Trump's schtick is to do everything the pundits agree a candidate absolutely should not do, and so far that is working great for him.
And pointing out that the networks are making money of the "race" and insulting a prominent WaPo columnist in the same breath is a twofer.
OK, I read it.
The comments are the best part. For one of the supposedly best and most influential newspapers in the country, the commenters are fairly moronic.
I can see where our GrandMaster gets his influence.
Normally, Rubin is pretty good, but Trump wins this on points.
Rubin is trolling Trump, and doing a poor job of it.
Both Trump and CNN understand that Trump brings high ratings, and more advertising $$. So, he is gently chiding CNN to give some of that extra money to charity. Yes, a little political grandstanding, but so what? It's not hurting anyone.
I'm thinking Trump is looking for his exit strategy.
Do smart people call others "dummy"?
I would like to see Trump skip the CNN debate just to see what the ratings are without him.
:I think it's because CNN is able to sell ads for the time that the candidates are performing without pay. "
I think a LOT of people believe that these are being shown without anything but Government Money, also known as 'Free."
If the Network made a clear disclosure before each Debate on how much money they will gain I think the viewing eye might grow a bit more jaundiced.
Just a little, but still.
Bring back the Guillotine.
I am Laslo.
What a jack-ass. Typical Trump
Vicki from Pasadena
Trump has been making the same point for at least a month. the networks are making millions of ads off the debates (which is why CNBC wanted a 3 hour debate). Trump knows the ratings are high because of him, and he wants the networks to take some of their profits and give it to charity.
Good politics and just plain good unless you have money invested in some big media conglomerate.
Of course, the usual dopes - who can't buy a pair of pants - hate the idea. They'd rather the wounded vets lose $5 million then say a good word about trump.
Trump is a smart guy who can easily out negotiate the average dweeb leftie including the senior people at CNN. He wins either way. If they agree and the charity gets the money he claims victory. If they don't he claims victory in proving that CNN is another corporate whore.
He is right sbout Rubin, by the way. Light weight.
Trump and CNN deserve each other.
Trump, once again, playing the media like a fiddle. The amusing part is they don't know it.
I think it's a great idea. Why let CNN rake it in from the capitalist advertisers?
They're going to blow the money on toys anyway.
Cut off 5 mil and get some of the combat veterans into mental health fascilities instead of letting them kill themselves in "h-u-g-e-" numbers.
Washington Post is anti-veteran, and wants the combat soldiers to just die and leave them alone, so they can post their mumbo-jumbo crap about progressivism.
To be fair to Trump, Rubin really isn't the sharpest tooth on the saw.
I think Trump's move was brilliant. Not only will it garner more military family votes, it pokes the eye of CNN who will balk and thereby look like the veteran-bashing buffoons they are.
Looking through Rubin's list of questions, my first thought is why does she raise these questions for the first time only against Trump? Where has she been for the last 8 years? She looks like another GOP stooge.
Georgie: "Just more bullshit from Trump. Why does Trump pressure CNN to donate 5M to charity?"
Georgie really doesn't want that lefty CNN cash to flow to the vets.
Georgie knows that will come right out of the Candy Crowley Bonus Fund for the "objective" CNN staffers.
So, is there something intrinsically wrong with Trump testing his marketplace value?
Apparently only if it takes money out of the pockets of the Dems with bylines.
Georgie: "Of course he chooses a charity that everyone would want to donate to."
What a monster!
What Michael said at 7:36.
Douglas: "What CNN should do is call Donny's bluff - agree to pay the money to charity on the condition that CNN would match whatever cash contribution Donny makes."
Someone clearly doesn't understand how this works.
"Donny" is "making" money for CNN by simply appearing on CNN.
That's his "contribution" and it's based on what he can command in a market economy via ad revenues.
These types of conversations always befuddle some.
I am beginning to think the media has already won its battle against Trump. His core supporters will dive into the details and find reasons why his latest personal attack against a conservative journalist is evidence of his fearless and strategic genius. Most everyone else will roll their eyes and ask themselves if they want four plus years of a man who cannot handle criticism.
Trump, Trump, Trump. Don't the dishonest media hacks ever slander Scott Walker anymore?
Trump is on the descent glide into the nomination on runway #1. He is relaxed and being himself, and that totally infuriates all those GOP pols he has defeated so easily.
In the current situation the only question is whether or not the GOP Nominee Trump will face a Third Party bid by Bush,Inc and Karl Rove's hand picked sock puppet.
They would much rather see Hillary do their bidding in an America already great for them than see the Donald make America Great Again for the middleclass.
Trump, once again, playing his fans like a fiddle. The amusing part is they don't know it.
non sequitur ":University of Wisconsin professors and administrators lean furthest left.”
That's our Jersey princess
Writ Small said...
Most everyone else will roll their eyes and ask themselves if they want four plus years of a man who cannot handle criticism.
If he blames it on racism it'll be just like the last 8.
This is kinda starting to look like "hey, look at what the white boy said. He's racist!".
The more the media says Trump said something outrageous, and he's done, the more the eyes gloss over.
What's to say Trump won't be a great President?
What's to say he's not more capable than the rest of the current field?
Something to think about..
"Writ Small said...
...Most everyone else will roll their eyes and ask themselves if they want four plus years of a man who cannot handle criticism.
12/1/15, 8:05 PM"
That's my first impression of those quotes.
It smacks of punching down -- which makes him seem insecure and petulant.
It also seems like Trump is more interested in attention than ideas.
I saw a clip of the Colbert talk show where he mocked Trump's discussion of the $1M loan from Trump's father, and Colbert then "called out" Trump by challenging him to donate $1M to a charity (complete with giant check!). The difference between a loan and a donation apparently wasn't important...but anyway, how is what Trump's doing different from that? In fact isn't Trump's case actually stronger, since CNN benefits directly from Trump's appearance there (through higher ratings, "buzz")?
Oh well, Trump bad, Colbert good, I get it.
<a href="'>Colbert Challenges Trump to Donate $1 Millon to Charity</a>
Trump better be specific, otherwise CNN'll just cut that check directly to the Clinton Global Initiative...
I agree that many of Trump's insults are crass and infantile, but that's the point. He doesn't do nuance or irony or calibrated talking points. That's what the pundits do, and they can go get fucked. He doesn't talk down to the American public. He talks their language. He's comprehensible.
Trump, once again, playing his opponents like a fiddle. The amusing part is they don't know it.
Writ Small:"I am beginning to think the media has already won its battle against Trump. His core supporters will dive into the details and find reasons why his latest personal attack against a conservative journalist is evidence of his fearless and strategic genius."
Trump is not my first choice, but I'm beginning to sense that these weekly assertions that Trump has finally been defeated by the media (and the establishment wing of the GOP) are ringing less and less true each time those assertions are repeated.
Of course, if you simply keep asserting the same thing every week in a binary scenario, it's possible at some point you will be correct.
I'm afraid I will need to see more however.
Rubin is a junior version of David Brooks. Sort of what the far left thinks a "proper" conservative ought to be. I read Rubin with regularity, but I'm pretty sure she's not even really right of center. She's in the tank for Jen because she thinks he would govern from a left of center perspective.
Georgie says: Of course he chooses a charity that everyone would want to donate to. What a master manipulator...of the easily manipulated.
Does the Everyone would want to contribute include you?
Somehow I don't see Georgie as the donating type... To any org. let alone the vets.
I am actually starting to like Trump. If he kicks CNN in the balls like this that is a +1.
It is already a +1 watching the leftists like Georgie and Phil and victoria and Writ Small try to defend the media lying about someone and eventually realize how stupid they look.
If he makes Wolf apologize for the constant "GRIM MILESTONES!!!" I had to watch overseas that would be +100.
And Rubin is just like that other idiot "conservative" the NTY employs. I forgot his name but their only job is to make republicans look stupid. Not that it is hard to make the GOPe look stupid as Trump is demonstrating.
It's instructive reading through the comments.
Mostly the lefty trolls, like Georgie and Vicky, are supportive of Rubin.
And yet, writ small calls her a "conservative". She is, at best, the token conservative. She is more Republican and partisan than she is ideological. You can bet she wants Jeb, and if not Jeb, Rubio.
If Carson goes to the top, she will attack Carson. Same for Cruz.
Trump wins this round against the establishment. I love to see him drive them crazy.
Rubin was all in for Romney way back in 2008.
Does she have any credibility?
Charity? Like the Clinton Foundation?
"You would think a paper like the Washington Post would be fair and objective."
That's almost as funny as a certain law professor being disappointed that Rahm chose political expediency of morality.
Trump calls his critics "untalented" "losers" and "real dummies".
When I listen to Obama denigrate his critics, I can almost believe that Obama is "Trump in blackface". Almost.
What kind newspaper runs (on the sidebar to Rubin's post) a story entitled "Donald Trump is a racist and a bigot"?
Isn't that prime facie evidence of what Trump is complaining about?
Like others have said, Trump is playing the media, and out foxing them. they can't stand it, and it is great to watch them get tied up in knots.
trump seems to know exactly what he is doing. And the media and establishment politicos are going nuts. I love it, especially after almost 8 years of adoration and worship at the church of obama/clinton.
CNN will cave to his demands. Using the money for Veterans is good for them, and a slap in the face to CNN, and the rest of the media.
I must say, that between Trump , Cruz, and Fiorina,, this is one of the most enjoyable election cycles I can remember. And the Dem. candidates are just hysterical to watch. Their answers to 'questions', or soft balls, have been really funny, and predictable. More Government, more of our money, will fix everything.
So, I'm not sure how this profit thing works but, is Trump suggesting that he should be able to tell a corporation how it's profits should be handled?
I assume that some of Trump's properties are more profitable than others.
I assume that his properties are sometimes more profitable than other times.
I assume that healthy profits make-up for weak profits or losses at Trump properties.
Why shouldn't CNN profit from Trump mania?
Is Trump proposing extortion capitalism. Is extortion to strong a word? Use your profits as I see fit or .... Kinda the opposite of crony capitalism.
I agree with those who suggest that CNN should just call his bluff.
Democrats love to crow about windfall profits. "We gonna heavily tax those windfall profits!" Another candidate for president, Hillary, recently said something about taking some of the profits away from the oil companies.
Did CNN sign-up to sponsor this debate on the assumption that Trump would STILL be a viable candidate and they could reap huge windfall profits?
Hiilary must be besides herself. If only she could get away with demanding $5mm for a debate appearance and for damn sure if she were able to get the money it wouldn't go to charity or certainly any legitimate charity. Probably to her foundation where she can skim the money for her daughter while working the angle it's a charitable contribution on her part as well.
Phil 3:14 said...
Trump, once again, playing his fans like a fiddle. The amusing part is they don't know it.
12/1/15, 8:15 PM"
His fans are enjoying the show. It's not like they are Obama fans in 2008 expecting free gas and mortgages and other free shit.
Drago-I know that's the excuse Donny would make for not coming up with a cash contribution of his own, but so what? If CNN says they'll match him dollar for dollar, he's on the spot, not CNN. Don't play Donny's game, folks. Make him play yours.
Most everyone else will roll their eyes and ask themselves if they want four plus years of a man who cannot handle criticism.
You write very lucidly for someone who's been in a coma since 2008.
While its' nice that the money is going to the vets, why should the news be paying money to the vets to get him to appear. He's a billionaire. Why not, as an matter of generosity simply say that he will appear at the debate and pay 5 million to vets. And get CNN to pony up another 5 million. Sure, its buying votes, but so is asking CNN to pay the vets to get him to appear.
Why does Trump pressure CNN to donate 5M to charity?
He wants to look presidential, which these days means either pressuring a corporation to offer money to one of his allies or doing that sophomoric "I'm scratching my face with my middle finger while I'm talking about you so we both know I'm flipping you off but if you call me on it I can get indignant and say I was just scratching my face" routine.
And even better, imagine what the results would be if the other candidates were to ask for even more in donations, trying to outdo Trump and cause CNN to prove that they are more viable per their viewers than today's TR? And CNN refusing to meet their demands to vote with their viewer's wallets irrespective of their lack support by the people, Though CNN might). A win-win for T since he can’t lose. For a company that makes $30B a year (Time Warner) this wouldn't even show up, since it would be mostly covered by a tax write-off. Granted, CNN would have to admit hat other parts of government would have spent their original taxes better as the administration continues to cut the VA. Yet another score or the Donald. He should hold classes. Granted, he'd put all the so called campaign consultants out of business. If you can't be authentic and get elected, what does that tell us? Perhaps that your views don't represent the majority? The market is a poll Where the first human and democratic right is the right to vote your pocketbook and have that vote respected (if not your voice is silenced, especially harmful to the least of us.. The second human right is the ability to vote with your fee and associate with people more aligned with your thinking and interests. And then lastly, the plebiscite. Where's my popcorn? This is getting better every day. You can tell who's winning by the amount of fun they are having.
Writers do soap opera narratives. It's not low-IQ but female-oriented. Go with the narrative that women like.
In all fairness to Trump. There really are some very stupid reporters on the staff of WaPo.
t personal attack against a conservative journalist is evidence of his fearless and strategic genius. Most everyone else will roll their eyes and ask themselves if they want four plus years MORE (after the last 8 years) of a man who cannot handle criticism.
extortion...he is simply practicing the gop model of governing.
Douglas, respectfully, your 12:37am post is simply incoherent.
Who are the "folks" you are appealing to as stakeholders in this market leverage faceoff between Trump and CNN?
And poor machine is incapable of looking up the definition of extortion. Per usual.
If you have "Highly Untalented" in the headline, you need a Gail Collins tag.
extortion...he is simply practicing the gop model of governing.
He's the only thing between CNN and the pitchforks.
The New York Times: Obama Threatens Insurers' Anti-Trust Exemption
The Progressive: Obama Threatens Pulitzer Prize Winner
NBC: President Obama Threatens to Take Schools' Lunch Money
CNN's Carol Costello: President Obama’s people can be quite nasty. They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.
How far from substance can we go? Our attention span is a zero sum game. I only have so much time to devote to earning a living, dealing with household issues, family matters, leisure, and following political races. As a practical matter, political races are not a number one priority ... and I'm a politaphobe. If that very limited time is consumed first by sorting through all these superficialities, then issues of substance are left wanting. Maybe someone doesn't want issues of substance to be the point of focus. And Trump is playing into their hands.
Off the top of my head, I can still remember from the late '70s / early '80s the candidates debating the merits of the basing options for the MX missile -- a rail/mobile system versus something called Dense Pac, and the merits or demerits of developing the Neutron Bomb.
In our brave new world of fluff, instead of non-debate, debates, maybe we should just enter our candidates in Dancing with the Stars.
Why does Trump pressure CNN to donate 5M to charity?
...because CNN needs him far more than he needs CNN.
Of course he chooses a charity that everyone would want to donate to. What a master manipulator...of the easily manipulated.
...then why AREN'T they doing so? Perhaps if he told them to give to the Clinton Foundation, they'd be doing so happily. Worked for ABC News...
Makes sense Althouse, but why didn't he request this type of donation from Fox and the other networks that hosted the other debates he participated in?
Fox is the top rated news channel every night even if Trump isn't there. CNN will never be. That's why. CNN NEEDS him.
Remember how we heard how Obama was boosting ratings and magazine sales? He never asked the media to give to charity. Why not?
Hiilary must be besides herself. If only she could get away with demanding $5mm for a debate appearance and for damn sure if she were able to get the money it wouldn't go to charity or certainly any legitimate charity. Probably to her foundation where she can skim the money for her daughter while working the angle it's a charitable contribution on her part as well.
She'd have to be able to draw ratings to make demands.
She cannot. The Dem debates barely register in peoples' consciousness.
Is Trump proposing extortion capitalism. Is extortion to strong a word? Use your profits as I see fit or .... Kinda the opposite of crony capitalism.
Don't see how it's a condemnation of profits. He is the only person who can get people to watch CNN.
He's no different than a union guy. "I made you this money and I want a cut" --- except HE doesn't want the cut. He wants it to go to a charity.
Watch those line breaks, damikesc. I got called out for that.
Fair and objective? The WaPo? It is to laugh, and collapse upon the floor!
According to the Washington Post;
"Jennifer Rubin writes the Right Turn blog for The Post, offering reported opinion from a conservative perspective."
Jennifer Rubin's perspective may appear conservative to Bill Ayers. I'd say she is well to the right of Bill Ayers.
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