"I respect that these people need to react if there is a genuine concern but they need to make sure this concern is genuine. They need to check our backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that. They can't react like that just because we are Muslim.... We are decent people. My kids are obviously upset. They know why it happened and they know what is going on in the world. It could be because of Donald Trump as why otherwise would all of this spring up on us. I just want an explanation. Or else, where is this all going to stop?"Donald Trump is not the President. This is Homeland Security under Obama. I'd like to know more about the facts. Somebody in the comments at the link said, "Two men, nine kids. One 'kid' aged 18. Were the kids all male? Were they acting oddly? There must have been a very good reason why they were removed." Another highly rated comment is: "America doesn't have to give reasons! It's their country, and they can refuse entry to anyone. Get used to it!"
२३ डिसेंबर, २०१५
"Americans think every Muslim is a threat," says Mohammad Tariq Mahmood, 41, whom the U.S. barred from flying into the country from London.
He was flying along with his brother and 9 youngsters aged 9 to 18.
९४ टिप्पण्या:
It's NEVER Obama's fault. ESPECIALLY when it comes to Muslims.
"They need to check our backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that" 1. We don't "need" to. 2. How can we? For all 1B+ Muslims? 3. What exactly would he propose as criterion for exclusion? What could we learn about his business that might give cause for concern?
They know why it happened and they know what is going on in the world.
So they know it happened because Muslims are murdering and terrorizing people all over the world?
It could be because of Donald Trump as why otherwise would all of this spring up on us.
Oh, so you don't realize it is because Muslims are murdering and terrorizing people all over the world.
I just want an explanation.
It's because Muslims are murdering and terrorizing people all over the world.
Or else, where is this all going to stop?"
When Muslims stop murdering and terrorizing people all over the world.
And should refuse entry more not less.
Blame Trump-ism begins before blame Obama-ism can get started and while blame Bush-ism continues.
"They need to check our [Muslim/Islamic] backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that."
It's because we have also checked your holy book, the one containing your ideology, the one that calls for killing us infidels, in many, many passages of that book,* that has us so concerned.
*Mohammad's allah placed these many, many passages to make sure that all Muslims got the message: "If they don't accept Islam, then kill 'em." 1400 years, right up to this very day, proves that the message has gotten through, loud and clear.
Many of the very same people who will pour forth sympathy for this poor Brit will be only too happy to deny their fellow Americans on the "No Fly" list their 2nd Amendment rights. Because, it's not like unaccountable government bureaucrats ever screw things up, right?
The teachings of Islam are very much similar to the principals of the KKK and the Nazi's, so shouldn't we have some concern about these people? I have seen over 60 years of hate and terror engendered by Islam, yet the media thinks these folks are peaceful. They state that only 10% act out, only 1.6 million. In addition, the religion was founded to conquer the world and that has not changed. The Crusades were fashioned to stop the threat of a world theocracy and we have not stopped fighting since then. Perhaps we should demand that Islam change.
The father looks like he's bulked up on steroids--he's fit enough to be an infantry sergeant. And yes, this is not Donald Trump denying two men and nine teenagers a chance to visit Disneyland---this is Jeh Johnson and The Lightworker himself.
I've noticed that lately there seems to be this weird assumption that non American citizens have some sort of Constitutional right to immigrate. And that the onus is always on America to justify exactly why a person is excluded from immigration. This, of course, isn't the case with any other country.
Being American means everything is always your fault.
"They need to check our backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that."
We can't even be bothered to check incoming Muslims' social media posts, so the idea of checking bank accounts and businesses, especially across international jurisdictions, is pretty rich.
"They need to check our backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that."
That presumes there are records to check. In the case of most of the Syrian refugees, there aren't. There is no way to vet.
And even in the cases where there are, you can still become radicalized. Which may not show up in your records.
"I just want an explanation."
Allahu Akbar.
Two men, nine children?
I think US authorities (if it was truly was US authorities instead of the British authorities doing it on their own & then saying it was the Americans) refused entry to them because they thought that they were bringing the children over to illegally "deposit" them with their extended families in the US. The US authorities were probably thinking that nine kids will come over & four will go back.
Who knows what triggered this action on the part of the government. I suspect that one of the men must have had some sort of connection to someone the government has on it's suspect list. That or Trump is already the de facto President, that being the view of The Daily Mail and PM Cameron.
If (and when) Americans really really think that Muslims are a real threat we'll be stacking them like cordwood here and abroad from a great height with fire. Nobody's seen America deeply scared and really angry since August, 1945.
Somebody is gonna have to answer to the Walt Disney company.
Maybe this has something to do with it,
[I]n interviews with The Intercept, two Muslim Americans who took part in the group complained that CBS edited out parts of the discussion where they raised their own concerns — including critiques of U.S. militarism, surveillance, and entrapment.
They also said that Frank Luntz, the right-wing pollster who led the focus group, silenced members of the group when they criticized discriminatory U.S. government policies.
Oh, OK the right wing wants to conceal Muslim hatred of the US ?
Is he kidding ?
“Disneyland remains the central attraction of Southern California, but the graveyard remains our reality.” ― Charles Bukowski
I get the sense that there might be more n his background than he's letting on. What's probably not in his background, however, is his vehement denunciation of the Sultan of Brunei for banning Christian observances. This tolerance thing only applies to Muslims in Christian lands. It's like the First Amendment and liberals.
One of the "kids" is 19, according to the article as it reads now.
Four incidents like this in the last eighteen months. This is not what a blanket religious prohibition would look like.
We don't think every Muslim is a threat. We think Islam, which seeks to impose Sharia law on its people, is generally incompatible with Western culture and values.
Also, we think that most of the terrorist acts and threats these days are caused by Radical Muslims.
Have a nice day!
How easy could it be to convert to Chtistianity, and burn the Korans, ISIS flags, and suicide bomb belts. Then get back in at the back of line.
If you are decent people renounce sharia law and recognize that your prophet was a murderous warlord and pedophile. If you are decent people stop believing in a religion that says it is ok to kill gay people, unbelievers, apostates, adulterous women, or pretty much anyone you want if you are in the mob.
The trouble with Muslims is that they bring in bad jokes.
This guy Mohammed was flying into Southern California on Tuesday the 15th.
President Obama was scheduled to visit San Bernardino, which is less than 50 miles from Disneyland, on the 18th.
Why was Mr. Mohammed's travel authorization suddenly revoked? Because of Trump, obviously. The article said so three times.
"The flight ban comes after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called for all Muslims to be stopped from entering the US."
Wow, that Trump fellow is mighty powerful. To think he can direct even lower levels of the executive branch o the US government when he hasn't even been nominated.
What a pathetic excuse for journalism.
No doubt his name, Mohammed, appears frequently on that wonderful no-fly list. You know, the same one thought to be valid enough to deny a Constitutional right.
"Donald Trump is not the President. This is Homeland Security under Obama."
At first glance I thought the father's mention of Trump was absurd, and awkwardly political. As I think about it more, though, there could be this connection:
The President, who cares about domestic politics and wishes this whole terrorism issue would just go away, is rattled by the possibility, not that lax screening of incoming Muslims could permit a new terrorist incident to take place, but that Trump could make political hay over lax screening of incoming Muslims. So he orders DHS to keep a closer eye, along with some cosmetically evenhanded measures to be able to deny singling out Muslims.
And this family sets off some alarm bell, whether fairly or unfairly I don't know enough to judge.
Given that white American males commit far more acts of terrorism than British Muslims, would it make sense for the UK to retaliate by stopping that category from entering London for tourism?
I've only linked to examples this year. To an unbiased observer, what happened in San Bernardino is actually more indicative of American culture rather than Muslim culture.
"They need to check our backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that."
They'd bitch about the background check.
Wright Americans invented airplanes and skyscrapers, and look how those people appropriated them. Why don't they just fly on their own culturally appropriate magic carpets?
Maybe a screw -up by Homeland Security (imagine that) or maybe not. Time will tell. I will bet on HS screwing up.
I will say that these Muslims may be targeting the wrong "enemy". Perhaps they should think about how radical Islam could be to blame for the US tightening its Visa standards. The Imam certainly is blind to the effect that his fellow Muslims have had. The Imam's willingness to bad mouth the US as doing what it pleases isn't going to endear him to HS. It would certainly make me look very hard at him and his activity.
My first look at the muscle man made me suspicious, but he does run a gym. Leaving the wives at home probably raised a big red flag on him - if you think HS is that competent!
There is no right to visit the United States. None.
We shouldn't owe you an explanation for why you can't come here.
Imagine me showing up on your doorstep and demanding entry into your home and when you refuse, I demand a list of reasons why I can't come in.
How about, because I said so? Scram!
As everyone knows or ought to know, the no-fly list is maintained by name so perhaps Mohammad Tariq Mahmood is the name of a real terrorist and this fellow got unlucky. Hey! It happened to Edward Moore Kennedy, you know.
Or the terrorist's name was MohammEd, but a government bureaucrat made a typo. Not that it makes any difference as far as the US is concerned.
Well if Trump can keep these people out without even being president just think how effective he'll be once elected.
Go Donald!
They should have gone to Disneyland Paris instead. It's a shorter flight. But maybe they'd have trouble getting in there too.
A story based entirely on one side--how unhelpful.
"The party were forced to hand back their duty free items with the children in tears."
I don't see how the Brits can blame Trump or Obama for that.
Yeah, because no Muslims come to visit the United States successfully. There's obviously more to the story.
Ann Althouse said...Donald Trump is not the President. This is Homeland Security under Obama.
Please, as if a Republican actually has to do something or occupy a position of authority to be responsible for something bad happening. Expand your mind, Professor!
Of course it's really George W Bush's fault, but this guy's quote probably just got cut off before he got to that part.
I found it in the story.
"We'd planned skydiving and a desert safari ..."
We can't be having no safaris in our deserts.
To an unbiased observer, what happened in San Bernardino is actually more indicative of American culture rather than Muslim culture.
This is one of the most ignorant and assholish things I have read on the internet in a while.
American culture is where the rest of the world turns to for help whenever anything bad happens anywhere.
Muslim culture is the one that has spent the last 1,400 years killing and terrorizing in the name of God.
I'm shocked we denied entry. And, damn, reading those comments --- the myth that Americans are abnormally dumb is baffling. One dude saying the Constitution applies to anybody on US soil, ignoring that it is false and that they weren't ON US soil.
I've noticed that lately there seems to be this weird assumption that non American citizens have some sort of Constitutional right to immigrate. And that the onus is always on America to justify exactly why a person is excluded from immigration. This, of course, isn't the case with any other country.
No joke. The UK can ban Michael Savage because he's "mean" and that's acceptable. Their country, so whatever. But we have to have international approval to deny entry? F that.
More coming out now.
At first, Mr. Mohammad said he had no idea what the call could concern. But, when questioned, he let slip that his brother, “had a scenario 10 years ago when he went to see the holy mosque in Tel Aviv”, presumably referring to the holy mosque in Jerusalem.
“He did not get in any trouble, ” he said, but was detained because “he is a bearded man,” and was only held overnight because the guards did not work on Saturday. His brother’s wife later revealed that the BBC had reported that he had been detained for eight days.
Just an innocent Muslim. They left the wives at home because women don't like Disneyland. Right ?
"Local muslims worry about backlash following tomorrow's metro bombing" - American Leftists
rhhardin said...
The trouble with Muslims is that they bring in bad jokes.
Q. What do Mecca and Hiroshima have in common?
A. Nothing. Yet.
Q. What do you say to a Pakistani at Christmas?
A. "A quart of milk, a loaf of bread and a pack of Marlboros please."
A gun rights enthusiast at TSA cunningly did this to illustrate how unfair it is that someone on the no-fly list might automatically be denied the right to buy guns.
I've only linked to examples this year. To an unbiased observer, what happened in San Bernardino is actually more indicative of American culture rather than Muslim culture.
Let's look at not this year, but at the most recent documented WEEK, courtesy of thereligionofpeace blog. Weekly Jihad Report Dec 12 - Dec 18:
Jihad Attacks: 42
Allah Akbars*: 5
Dead Bodies: 227
Critically Injured: 306
*Suicide Attacks
Let us rephrase what you wrote: :"To an ignorant or deceitful observer, what happened in San Bernardino is actually more indicative of American culture rather than Muslim culture."
Yes, why would anyone worry about Muslims just driving around ?
Isn't this exactly how the no-fly list works? You show up at the airport and are turned away, with no explanation?
@Unknown-there are less than 3 million muslims in the US, out of a population of approximately 320 million. Approximately as many mass murders have been committed by muslims as by non-muslims (if you choose to start counting after 9/11/2001),so muslims are approximately 100x as likely to be mass murderers. That fact would seem to me to justify some caution about admitting muslims to the US. As to the propensity of americans to mass murder, we do of course have too much of it, but we're only #5 or #6 in mass murders (on a per capita basis)in the industrialized world.
There indeed must be more to the story, but what? The "more" could be simple incompetence or overcaution on the part of US Homeland Security. Or a legitimate concern that is based on fact. See Hegelian's suggestion that having this many children--apparently not all his--could have raised concerns that the kids were going to be left there illegally.
What concerns me is that they authorized his visa and then revoked it at the last minute without explanation. Unless there was some last minute new information, we ought to be able to do better than that. We have an interest in excluding possible threats. But we also have an interest in facilitating interchange with people who have no bad intentions. Doubtless some will be needlessly excluded, and in today's environment Muslims will bear the brunt. But Americans certainly do not believe that every Muslim is a threat, and Mr. Mahmood should consider the role that some of his co-religionists have played in bringing us to this place.
The Crusades were fashioned to stop the threat of a world theocracy and we have not stopped fighting since then.
When discussing religious violence in the company of self-professed progressives the subject of the Crusades will always arise as a weak tu quoque reply to criticism of Islam's pretentious to being the religion of peace. It's typically useless to point out the logical fallacy, since progressives must first abandon logic to remain progressive. It is not, however, useless to point out that the Christian West fought defensive wars against Islam on the territory of Europe almost continuously for more than 400 years before the First Crusade.
""America doesn't have to give reasons! It's their country, and they can refuse entry to anyone. Get used to it!""
Bingo! It may or may not be a good idea but it is certainly something we can do.
Given the absurd comment at 11:13 CST perhaps Unknown should be referred to henceforth as Unknowing?
There is a chance that my daughter might be marrying a fully Americanized Lebanese man in the near future. People like him are the kind of immigrants and new citizens we want. There are a lot of them out there in the world. We can afford, as a country, to be selective in who we invite into our country.
Change your name from Mohammed to Jesus and walk across the southern border of the US. Problem solved.
2 men, 9 kids. I'd be suspicious no matter what their faith.
Was he on the no fly list? If so then he won't be given an explanation since that might reveal confidential investigation information. This happens every day.
Hmm, a British person complaining about the US not allowing entry, makes me think of some articles from a while back about Britain denying vistor visas to people they found politically or socially unacceptable....
Here we go, found some links. Note: I'm not endorsing the views nor vouching for the people the UK denied visas to, just pointing out that UK citizens complaining about the US not letting them in don't have much room to complain.
BBC: US Right-Wing Bloggers Banned from Entering UK
BBC: UK Denies Visa to "pick up artist">
From the article: He claimed the family were barred from flying 'because they are Muslim'.
However, it has since emerged that a Facebook page claiming links to radical Islamist groups was set up by someone who has lived at the family's postal address, according to ITV News.
The account, which includes information suggesting it may have been published as a joke, was in the name of Hamza Hussain - a first name shared by Mr Mahmood's 18-year-old son. It reportedly lists the job titles 'supervisor at Taliban and leader at al-Qaeda'
So, ok, mystery solved. Geez.
The Daily Mail has revised their original report at least twice. It seems Mr. Mahmood has not been entirely candid with the Press on a number of points.
Trump's call for a ban on Muslim immigration (which he qualified as temporary until effective screening procedures can be implemented, something his critics typically ignore) was called stupid, divisive and wrong by the very wet David Cameron. The typical anti-Trump retort runs generally on the lines of "not all Muslims are terrorists," which is undoubtedly true, even if jihadism was ascribed to by 100% of all Muslims. However, there are nevertheless a significant number of would-be Islamic killers itching for martyrdom, and we need to learn a better way to police our borders before we fling wide the gates. It can be done. Every jihadist loathes Israel and dearly cherishes the thought of killing Jews, and yet that tiny state, unprotected by oceans as we are, rarely experiences the kind of jihadist violence that has become endemic in Europe and America.
Admitting foreign Muslims into the United States on the grounds that 95% of Muslims are good and decent people is like playing Russian roulette on the grounds that the revolver is 83.3% unloaded.
"They can't react like that just because we are Muslim.... We are decent people."
Well, no, actually, if you are a willing member of a totalitarian death cult, and you support its plan to kill or enslave everyone who is not a member, you aren't a decent person. You couldn't possibly be. You are a crime, looking for a place to happen.
Interesting headline in the Daily Mail;
"Facebook page linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda was registered to same address as British Muslim father whose Disneyland trip was blocked by Homeland Security"
See how easy it is to wind up on the no-fly list? Could happen to anyone.
I love how it is OK for the Muslim to overgeneralize about what Americans think, but not OK for the Americans to overgeneralize about Muslims.
Quaestor said...
"...the Christian West fought defensive wars against Islam on the territory of Europe almost continuously for more than 400 years before the First Crusade."
A point the left has used to discredit any justification for the Crusades themselves. I kid you not.
According to the Daily Mail, those Muslims live in a Muslim neighborhood which is a hotbed of extremism, and a Facebook page praising Al Qaeda is connected to their home address.
So, not the sweet Simon-pure innocent Muslims they claim to be.
Ok. Let's talk about Israel happily stamping your passport on a separate page because fifty zillion Middle Eastern countries will have a problem with you if they see that stamp - that's been going on for decades.
The Islamic religion is marred through marriage to a left-wing ideology.
Also, Islam has the doctrine of Taqiya, comparable to the liberal doctrine of pro-choice. Islam even surpassed "secular", left-wing ideologies, albeit over a longer period of time, in its strategic denigration of individual dignity and debasement of human life.
Who cares what these idiots think? Bite me, Muslim pigs.
None of the three who have replied to Unknown's 11:13am post have noted that one of the five links he gives to show that "white American males commit far more acts of terrorism than British Muslims" (the fourth one) links to the Umpqua Community College shooter, who was the son of a black American mother and a white British or Irish father. There's even a picture at the linked Wiki page that shows that the killer (whom I will not name) is visibly black by American standards, where a half-black-half-white person (like Obama) is generally counted as just plain black. To put it another way, his American half was not white, and his white half was not American.
Bring better arguments, 'Unknown' - and maybe pick a more distinctive pseudonym.
"America doesn't have to give reasons! It's their country, and they can refuse entry to anyone. Get used to it!"
But that's not who we are!!
Sure, in WWI progressive president Woodrow Wilson put Eugene Debs in prison for urging resistance to the draft, and in WW2 we firebombed cities to maximize civilian casualties, interned tens of thousands of people based on their race, and dropped nukes on two of the cities that had been spared firebombing, but keep a non-citizen from entering the country without explanation?
That's not who we are!!
In all the world, the Daily Mail found one Muslim Brit whose entry to the U.S. was turned down. One look at this very muscular guy and "potential terrorist" jumps into your mind. But it turns out that he is a pussy by playing the victim card for the benefit of the Prime Minister and the ever curious British news chasers.
Just because he is accompanied by children doesn't mean that suicide vests and shoes are not possible. Traveling with a large contingent of relatives around the world is an expensive proposition - so from where does all the money come?
Angelo Codevilla has some interesting thoughts on ISIS that ring true.
Facing a fateful choice, US policymakers refused to make it. Instead, by trying to adjust the results of intra-Sunni strife, they set US interests adrift on that strife’s tides. Consider: If these officials were really seeking a formidable Sunni power to confront Iran, they could have declined to interfere as Saddam became the Gulf’s overlord, rather redoubling their courtship of him. This was Bush 41’s original instinct.
On the other hand, if these officials really believed that Saddam’s ambitions outweighed his usefulness against Iran they could have made war on Saddam to remove him as an obstacle to US policy. But this would have meant breaking his empire over Iraq’s Shia majority, and dealing with the Iraqi empire’s successor states. Either choice made sense from America’s standpoint.
But instead of choosing any version of America’s own interest, US statesmen confused that interest with the self-contradictory demands of the Saudis, etc. — the Sunni world’s weak reeds: Please, make war on Saddam, but not so hard as to break his Iraqi Sunni empire. This way we can all win without dealing with the consequences of victory. We can have our cake while eating it too.
I think this is largely true.
Wait. The Muslim father said that the family trip to Disneyland was spoiled. So that means the guy cannot get into France to visit Paris Disneyland either. I wonder why?
Terry said (because I'm not reading through all this shit so I'm not going back to the beginning), "...in WWI progressive president Woodrow Wilson put Eugene Debs in prison for urging resistance to the draft, and in WW2 we firebombed cities to maximize civilian casualties, interned tens of thousands of people based on their race, and dropped nukes on two of the cities that had been spared firebombing..."
uh... we don't do war no more. The hippies/commies/jihadis/school marms/etc won that culture war. Get over yourself.
(I was gonna put war in quotes, like "war", but I thought it would be too much for the censors.)
Given that white American males commit far more acts of terrorism than British Muslims, would it make sense for the UK to retaliate by stopping that category from entering London for tourism?
Sure, that's valid. Compare raw numbers of one group that's 40% of the population against the raw numbers of another group that's 1% of the population. Seems legit.
Math is hard, eh?
"They need to check our backgrounds, check our accounts and check our businesses before they react like that. ..."
Maybe they did?
Given that white American males commit far more acts of terrorism than British Muslims, would it make sense for the UK to retaliate by stopping that category from entering London for tourism?
Can you provide those numbers?
And why limit it to BRITISH Muslims? MUSLIMS are the problem group. Not the British ones specifically.
And why not ask why OTHER Muslims don't have the issue this attention whore did getting in?
USA? There is no USA. Countries have borders. They are not repositories for spilth.
According to this Daily Mail article they had pro Al Queda stuff on Facebook.
Also, the author points out how strange that two brothers were flying with nine children and no wives.
Blogger BN said...
uh... we don't do war no more. The hippies/commies/jihadis/school marms/etc won that culture war. Get over yourself.
Didn't we kill a thousand North Vietnamese/VC for every American killed by the North Vietnamese/VC? Also I should have mentioned the 'death by drone' splurge endorsed by the Current Occupant. 'This isn't who we are' my ass . . .
"@Unknown-there are less (sic) than 3 million muslims in the US, out of a population of approximately 320 million. Approximately as many mass murders have been committed by muslims as by non-muslims (if you choose to start counting after 9/11/2001),so muslims are approximately 100x as likely to be mass murderers.?
You're claiming that the tiny population of less than 3 million American Muslims have committed as many mass murders as by American non-muslims? Or are you you comparing the deaths caused by NON-American Muslim extremists to mass murders committed by American non-Muslims?
Where are you getting your figures?
In other non-news, the commenters here prove Mr. Tariq Mahmood's statement correct.
"Didn't we kill a thousand North Vietnamese/VC for every American killed by the North Vietnamese/VC? Also I should have mentioned the 'death by drone' splurge endorsed by the Current Occupant. 'This isn't who we are' my ass . . . '"
Yes, indeed we were and are very proficient killers of people. Martin Luther King's statement of nearly 50 years ago--"America is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world"--remains as true now as when he spoke it.
I blame Donald Trump! And he's not even sworn in yet.
America is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world"--remains as true now as when he spoke it.
Complete and utter bullshit. Today, Islam is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.
It wasn't even true fifty years ago, your pals in the USSR were the greatest purveyors of violence in the world.
The United States, when it does fight, fights wars of liberation, not conquest. We fight to free people from oppression.
Whenever anything bad happens anywhere in the world, the first place people turn to for help is the United States, and it has been that way for a hundred years.
Every Muslim is a potential threat. Can anyone who works with a Muslim give any credible assurance that the one they work with will not go all jihaddi, more so than those poor folks in San Bennardino?
Also, the author points out how strange that two brothers were flying with nine children and no wives.
One of those "children" is 19. Just how old do you have to be to not be considered a child any more?
I see you have been successfully and completely brainwashed by America's powerful and effective propaganda methods, (propaganda methods that the Nazis admired and copied). I do not say this ironically or sarcastically or to be insulting, but in complete sincerity. You do not even know what a perpetrator and sponsor of global violence, torture, murder, and political subversion your own government has been throughout the modern era. (This violence is now beginning to be implemented domestically, as we see militarized police forces becoming ever more violent and lawless toward the citizens they are purportedly called to serve and protect, with scarcely any punishment or even criticism of their abuses by the civil authorities supposedly responsible for their management and oversight.)
Jus as we are being inculcated to fear terrorism's threat to us, we are made to fear domestic crime to the extent we surrender our civil liberties and accept egregious abuses--by the military against peoples elsewhere in the world and by the police against ourselves--in the name of "protecting and guaranteeing our safety." In truth, the threat to the lives any one of us from domestic crime and global terrorism is far smaller and statistically unlikely than are such common dangers as car crashes and accidents in the home. The greatest danger to us is from our own unchecked government.
Your government has made you ignorant, which is its objective.
Martin O'Malley has put in his oar with the claim that Jesus was a refugee, which is intended to guilt-trip the unweary and unreflective into a holy blindness regarding Islam and its adherents plans for Western Civilization. To put the implied analogy into its true perspective one must remember that Jesus lived in a more ordered culture than what currently prevails in the Middle East, where causing even the least ruckus could get one nailed to something, consequently the people of the First Century Roman world could afford open borders.
Has anyone actually fact-checked this story?
It could be that he (or one of the children) had visited one of the 4 countries on the off-the-visa-waiver list (Syria, Iraq, Iran and sudan) or it could be maybe somebody informed on him, or it could something completely stupid.
The New York Times didn't say it was him and his brother, rather tahn him and his wife. Maybe this is related to some child custody dispute?
The whle world had open borders, more or less, until 1914, and certainly 1884.
I see you have been successfully and completely brainwashed by America's powerful and effective propaganda methods, (propaganda methods that the Nazis admired and copied). I do not say this ironically or sarcastically or to be insulting, but in complete sincerity.
Squealor is accusing me of being brainwashed?
You do not even know what a perpetrator and sponsor of global violence, torture, murder, and political subversion your own government has been throughout the modern era.
Yeah yeah yeah, "the United States is the most evil nation in the world" coming from someone who has never seen a Commie he didn't like.
The greatest danger to us is from our own unchecked government.
This is perhaps the first intelligent thing you have written in over a month.
Your government has made you ignorant, which is its objective.
But then you end it in absurdity.
I'm not the statist.
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