'My mother, over there, is complaining that she does not get much more money than my father... My mother is an engineer, I meant, teacher. My father is the engineer. And I think that my mother is working more harder than my ... I think my mother is working much harder, is working more harder than my father and she deserves to have more money, like, get more money, than my father. Because she's taking care of children and I just don't think it's fair.'First thing I'd like to know is: Who named him Relic?!
Second, it's interesting that the child thinks his parents are getting paid for the work they do around the house, like taking care of children. He doesn't know how hard the 2 parents work when they're on the job. I hope Hillary straightened him out about that.
Anyway, good for the little kid standing up and asking a question... if he truly was self-motivated. I hate when adults use children in politics.
[The mother's] Twitter account contains only one tweet, a note from 2012 announcing that she was preparing to take Relic and his twin brother, then just 6 years old, to a protest against Mitt Romney, who was the Republican presidential nominee. 'Getting Ready to go to Boston with my sons and their signs "Romney, Release Your Return" and "Romney, What Are You Hiding?"' the tweet read....Oh, no. A kid holding a sign he can't possibly understand. How awful! A 6-year-old with a sign about taxes. Sigh.
Side issue: Relic has a twin brother. Can you infer the name of the other boy? [Selleck? Cedric? Cleric? Eric?]
१०८ टिप्पण्या:
Antique or ritual
Lick and relick.
Lilly Ledbetter?
if she taught engineering she would get paid quite well.
'Taking care of children' might relate to her being a teacher. She might be an elementary school teacher.
"'My mother, over there, is complaining that she does not get much more money than my father... My mother is an engineer, I meant, teacher. My father is the engineer."
Well there you go. One is in a high paying field, the other in a lower paying field.
If your mom was an engineer and your dad was a teacher, your dad would make less than your mom. NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.
If the child was a girl and had a sibling with a child you could call her Auntie Diluvian.
Because she's taking care of children and I just don't think it's fair.
I assumed he meant the children she teaches, as a teacher.
It does seem appropriate for so juvenile an idea (people should be paid what some interested party feels is "fair" based on what they see as "how hard" those people work) to be put forward by a child, but I think Mrs. Clinton will have a hard time putting together a more-childish economic policy than her rival Bernie Sanders. Oh well, there's always pandering to be done.
Relic is a fine name. I for one, make no judgments. Some day, Relic might choose to live as a woman, an African American, an Hispanic or a Republican. I will NOT condemn the choices he makes as he grow into humanhood.
Democrats always want us to listen to the wisdom of the children.
Children sell. If puppies could talk, they'd want us to listen to the wisdom of the puppies.
I can assure you the kid was picked in advance. Every aspect of her appearances are imperially staged. I've seen four and questions were NOT allowed.
Relic? Common. Parents think it is cute. And different. It started with the celebs. Moon Unit. Apple. North.
In my opinion this is one of the worst aspects of modern life.
"Second, it's interesting that the child thinks his parents are getting paid for the work they do around the house, like taking care of children. He doesn't know how hard the 2 parents work when they're on the job. I hope Hillary straightened him out about that."
His understanding of the issues is not that far off from his moms, who is an adult. ANd from lefties in general who think equal opportunity means opportunity of outcome.
And they keep citing "women make 77cents on the dollar in comparison to men for the same work". Its not the same work. This woman's situation perfectly addresses why she makes less than her husband and why there's a discrepancy. And yet she'd buy, hook line and sinker the argument.
Ciler (pronounced like Kyler or perhaps Syler).
Also, I believe he's referring to the mother's students when he refers to taking care of the children.
Progressive child abuse.
"I hope Hillary straightened him out about that." Yeah. right. Keep hope alive.
"Anyway, good for the little kid standing up and asking a question... if he truly was self-motivated." Funny stuff. By the way, is it "good" to stand up even if the question is actually stupid? As in, why does my mom get paid less even if she works harder?
"I hate when adults use children in politics." You mean, like Progs portraying a candidate's kids as monkeys? Like that?
"Oh, no. A kid holding a sign he can't possibly understand. How awful! A 6-year-old with a sign about taxes. Sigh." Oh, stop the sighing shtick, please. Assume every Prog move is sigh-worthy, and save yourself the trouble and us the there-she-goes-again shrug.
"Side issue: Relic has a twin brother. Can you infer the name of the other boy?" Fossil.
Scepter? Pyramid?
I couldn't infer the other twin's name, so I looked it up. It's "River." River Rasa Reilly.
"He doesn't know how hard the 2 parents work when they're on the job"
The mother comes home from work and talks about it. Probably complains a lot. The father doesn't talk about his work. Therefore, a child can conclude that mom works a lot harder than dad.
BTW, school teachers are incredibly self-important. Those emotions should make up for their lower pay.
"I hope Hillary straightened him out about that."
Some are asking if his mother put him up to it? My money's on the Hillary campaign.
Both sides come out ahead on voluntary transactions.
If you change the price, one doesn't.
So that voluntary transaction doesn't happen any longer.
The market-clearing price has a purpose.
I thought he meant that, as a preschool teacher, she takes care of children.
Sure, these are the kinds of people who make protest politics a central pillar of their lives, but has anyone checked for acute Massholicism?
Lic and Relic.
Relic and River.
The brother's name is "River".
I think "Vestige", "Rarity" and "Artifact" might be more of a girls name, and "Ruin" and "Monument" would be more for a boy.
For example: "My daughter, Vestige, just defended her thesis on the sexual rituals of transgender people who lived amongst the pre-Colombian-meso-American-paleo-Indian cultures."
You won't be laughing when that kid votes for Hillary.
Twice, once for the twin.
There goes that "feels" versus "reality" thing again! He (or his mother) feels like she "deserves" more money but poor, poor, her does a job that just is not "worth" as much as what daddy does. Damn that American capitalism! If only things were more fair and people received compensation at a level they needed and people work at jobs they were good at. I know I did not say that very well. Let me try again:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
That "slogan" would suit them better...
So the Mother thinks she should be getting paid for caring for her own children? Or as a teacher, she thinks she should get paid more because she is educating (or at least caring) for children not hers?
Either way, she is an economic ignoramus because she believes in the labor theory of value.
Here's a hint. Nobody outside your immediate family cares how hard you work, and probably most of them are completely indifferent.
The hard, cold facts are that people only care about what you produce and if they can get that production done by someone else for less.
A lot of people can be teachers, people capable of being engineers are much rarer and are in demand. Thus the wage differential.
Also, python programmer is not the first thing I think of when I hear "engineer".
Track? Trig?
When an engineer designs a bridge and it fails, there is liability and its not good for the high paying job status. So its different Relic, it really is.
"TosaGuy said...
if she taught engineering she would get paid quite well."
And you don't even have to teach.
The kid makes a number of grammatical mistakes and yet the mother is a teacher. They should do some investigative work with an eye toward taking custody away from the parents. That's what would happen if the kid and family spouted pro-Trump banalities. Remember Joe the Plumber.........I'm sure there's a back story to the name Relic. I'm curious, but my suspicion is that the explanation will be vaguely annoying, verging on a microaggression.
Like others upthread, I assume the father doesn't complain, just says "Yes Dear" a lot when wife starts going on and on.
E: You want to complain! Look at these shoes. I've only had them three weeks and the heels are worn right through.
M: No, I want to complain about...
E: If you complain nothing happens, you might as well not bother.
M: Oh... *(leaves)*
E: Oh my back hurts, it's not a very fine day and I'm sick and tired of this office.
Everything progressives do is for the children.
At some point the children are going to notice that all of the things done in their name seem to end up as wealth transfers from them to baby boomers. Look at the age demographics on Trumps support for one thing.
I can't wait for the day when Relic and River turn on their parent for using them as tools. But that most Hillary supporters are disgusting people is a known fact.
Sal at 10:25 said -- "The mother comes home from work and talks about it. Probably complains a lot. The father doesn't talk about his work. Therefore, a child can conclude that mom works a lot harder than dad."
Sounds like mine and a lot of my colleagues homes. My children are now teenagers. We used to do things together as a family, even if it was just watching a movie together on TV, or going out for supper. Now they stay in their respective rooms. I have to ask them to watch a movie with their mother and they will not go out to eat if she is with us unless I make them. Why? All she does is complain about her job. Always. I guess she needs to vent - that Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, thing. In addition to her job, she now complains that no one wants to spend time with her.
Relic will be a teenager one day. We should check back in when he's 17 and see how things are going.
Did the kid just explain why a glass of potable water is worth more than the largest, finest diamond?
The water is worth more because it's more important (essential to life, etc.). What could be more obvious?
"The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face." -- Handy
Note that the teacher mother already makes more than the engineer father, just not enough more. The boy wants Hillary to explain why the mother gets paid only a little better than the father considering she works so much harder. I don't know who to feel worse for, the child who is being raised with such a twisted view of how the world works, or the father who has to (and is willing to) stand by and watch it happen.
How many hours a year does the engineer father work? I bet he works 8 hours a day, 240 days a year.
The teacher mom probably works less than 8 hours a day and about 200 days a year.
The engineer father went to engineering school and worked his ass off for 4 (maybe 5) years.
The mother probably went to an ed school or perhaps the Ed dept of a real school. She probably has the kind of education that makes community college look rigorous.
Explain to the kid that one pays more than the other and it has nothing to do with gender. It has everything to do with working hard both in preparing and working.
John Henry
Because she's taking care of children and I just don't think it's fair.
I agree with several other commenters. I took this to mean that she is taking care of kids in school. I hope she is doing more than taking care of them, I hope she is educating them. I would not guarantee that to be the case.
Taking care of kids is a great thing and a noble profession and so on. Hats off to teachers they do something valuable.
What about the engineer? Depending on his discipline he is:
Keeping electrical systems working
Designing buildings that work and don't fall down
Designing and running manufacturing plants that make useful products including food and medicine
And the million and one other things engineers do.
Which is more valuable to society?
Would we even have a society without engineers?
John Henry
And how does this kid know who makes more in her household?
It would not surprise me if even the parents know how much they make. They probably know how much each receives in the paycheck but how much is their retirement plan worth? Medical plan? time off? and other non-paycheck compensation.
John Henry
I heard this Grifter rally woman's husband was working late with an intern while she and her son's reveled in oozing Grifter stank.
Second, it's interesting that the child thinks his parents are getting paid for the work they do around the house, like taking care of children. He doesn't know how hard the 2 parents work when they're on the job. I hope Hillary straightened him out about that.
Why assume there is something to straighten out? Many people argue pay structures should change for gender equity reasons of which this is a part.
Frankly when I hear this "My mother [the teacher], over there, is complaining that she does not get much more money than my father [the engineer]," it confirms the wisdom of pay inequality. If we all made the same why wouldn't everyone become a teacher, bookstore clerk, or sports announcer? Who would ever pick up the garbage, clean public toilets, or put in a near-decade of grueling effort to become a doctor?
There is a tiny handful of people motivated intrinsically by work ethic or competitive drive. For all others there are carrots and sticks. When your governing philosophy claims using carrots is inhumane you'll eventually get around to sticks. You've eliminated the alternatives.
Wow, the Left really has seized on the "Income Inequality" issue.
Some people make more than others, Did y'all know that?
Some people make lots of $$ from smart investments too -- like buying real property in San Francisco 40 years ago, and maintaining its upkeep.
On the other hand, sometimes investments go south, and you lose your shirt.
Some people goof off in High School, and never go to college or waste away at junior colleges on and off for 5 -10 years, trying to find themselves.
Some people go to college, but choose art history or dance or sociology as Majors. Not too many high-paying jobs in those fields.
Do the Democrats not understand this? Boy, they are stupid.
Anybody who trusts what goes on at a Hillary rally doesn't deserve to be paid.
Their mom could make more if she rebranded herself as a wetware sanitation engineer.
Wonder if she took the time to potty train her sons, or whether they'll just graduate from red diapers to (Occupy Wall) Street defecators?
at least it was a kid whining about how unfair it is. My guess is Relic is going to learn some life lessons the hard way due to a mother and a name neither of which were his choice. So unfair.
Complaining about pay in front of your kids is what a loser does.
A simple question is "What are the odds that daddy could do mommy's job better than mommy can do daddy's job?". Because we know the answer. You can be taught to teach kids without a ton of effort.
Engineering is a bit more of a grind.
Also, I bet the dad doesn't get three months a year off.
Was the 9 year a prop for Hillary's "war on women" meme? Of course. There is nothing authentic about Hillary or her campaign.
Choice. Or perhaps Chance.
The war on men continues. A male child is put up to making a public statement that is very disrespectful to his father. The father will deny this most likely, because he is fearful or has been socialized to be docile and compliant when he and his his entire gender are treated disrespectfully. By his own son, his wife and the likely future President of the United States no less.
Someday a female anesthesiologist is going to put him to sleep and then scream MAN UP at his inert body. And someday he might wake up and wonder what happened to his inert spirit. But probably not.
Someone definitely scripted this. it tells you a lot about the kind of people that surround Hillary. And of course about Hillary herself.
"Because she's taking care of children and I just don't think it's fair."
Does not think much of his father's contribution, does he? I wonder where he learned that?
Hmm...teacher needs to work "more harder" on the kid's grammar...without judging, of course. But..9 isn't THAT young.
I don't suspect Dad has civil service protections like the mom likely has if in a public school. Would the kid (or the handlers) say a skyscraper construction worker should make more than her mom? I guess since they don't work with kids....
She's not real teacher. She teaches Pre-K.
He's not real engineer. He's a software engineer, ie programmer.
This family has a problem with reality.
What about the engineer? Depending on his discipline he is:
Software engineer. It's right under the title of the article.
"Nine-year-old Relic Reilly told Hillary Clinton that his mom, a preschool teacher, was complaining that she earned less than his dad, a software engineer"
The war on men continues. A male child is put up to making a public statement that is very disrespectful to his father.
No joke. The mom denigrates the father to his own kids? Fuck that. I'd divorce her in a heartbeat over that. I don't care what you say about me to my face...say it to my kids and there is going to be a huge problem.
She's not real teacher. She teaches Pre-K.
He's not real engineer. He's a software engineer, ie programmer.
She's a glorified day care worker. Coding is not fun, but he could more readily deal with little kids than she could code shit to save her life.
I'm pretty sure there's a snarky point to be made involving Hillary and her party's penchant for abortion and our having to deal with children used as political props, but I'm too damn classy to find it.
Ooh, I wonder if a non-Leftist editorial cartoonist can portray this kid as an animal on Hillary's leash now. Naah, that'd probably be too ugly.
I agree with Ann that it is a bad idea to include children in politics. Children rarely have the knowledge base to make intelligent points, but if you respond to the child there is the real risk of being seen as a bully. It makes it a cowardly act to use a child as a prop, a sort of rhetorical human shield if you will.
There are exceptions. Sometimes the child is already involved in the issue because he or she cannot avoid it, in which case the child's view may hold some weight. There is also the rare prodigy.
For the other child's name, how about Rerun? It was good enough for Peanuts.
She used to be a civil engineer and chose to go back to college in 2010 to become a preschool teacher and started student teaching in 2011.
You can learn a lot about people who publish and end-of-year newsletter online.
Here's a point I'll make, though: Pre-K teachers and child care providers in general now compete for jobs with a hell of a lot of lower-skilled immigrants, and those immigrants are willing to take low salaries, which means the non-immigrant workers (ceteris paribus) will have lower wages. Maybe the kid ought to ask Mrs. Clinton why someone who just came in from Mexico (illegally) should be allowed to push his Mommy's wage down.
Keep importing those Dem voters, though, and be secure in the knowledge that the Media won't ever point out that while immigration may boost the economy as a whole the distribution of that boost is nothing close to equal, and existing (native) low-skilled workers like the kind Democrats often pretend they care about are usually hurt worst economically.
"Dem constituents are victims of Dem policy allowing illegal immigration" is a headline you will never ever read.
Bill the Texan has it right,figures.
"She's not real teacher. She teaches Pre-K."
Pre-K teacher is a euphemism for day-care worker.
Next thing you know, lesbians will be fainting at her rallies. "Uh, Uh, give her some air, Uh, anybody got a bottle of water, Uh, Uh, have we got a paramedic?"
""Because she's taking care of children and I just don't think it's fair."
Does not think much of his father's contribution, does he? I wonder where he learned that?"
I thought that at first--and that it was telling that H didn't comment that the Dad should help out more. But that's not what Relic meant.
The kid was programmed (by his pre-k teaching mom, AND his regular school teacher) that since their jobs entailed taking care of children, they should make as much as say, a software engineer that doesn't have to teach children. Hence his bumbled statement.
What a disgusting parent she is. Poor kids.
I bet if mommy went to daddy's job, she could do it in a breeze! Actually, my experience in software has been, largely, though not exclusively, that the women end up managing the men, who prefer to code rather than deal with people's problems and jerkwad clients.
A Democrat schoolteacher indoctrinating her children, and probably others' children, on the lefty art of whining.
Can you infer the name of the other boy? [Selleck? Cedric? Cleric? Eric?]
"He's not real engineer. He's a software engineer, ie programmer."
Engineering – discipline, art, skill and profession of acquiring and applying scientific, mathematical, economic, social, and practical knowledge, in order to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that safely realize improvements to the lives of people.
So, it depends on what he's doing. Also note that sometimes being, say, a Mechanical Engineer is looking up parts in catalogs.
"He's not real engineer. He's a software engineer, ie programmer."
Wow. Sticking words in your kids mouth remains, but the rest of this story just fell apart for me.
My mother tells this story of my early childhood where I walked around proclaiming, "I want to be an engineer." My father was so proud. Turns out, I wanted to drive a train.
The Union Courier, newsletter of the Union Congregational Church in Groton, Mass reports:
Nursery Attendant Position
Bita Reilly is leaving in order to spend more time with her family. If you know someone who might be interested in this job, direct them to Gail or Carol in the office for details/job description.
So she quit her job (or was forced out) in November of this year. Her job description was "nursery attendant." It's not an unimportant job, but it's not a field known for high pay, to say the least.
Also of note is that Bita seems to have grown up in Tehran. A woman who seems to be her mother lives with the family in a very nice new house they built recently. So perhaps Daddy is not entirely useless.
Social media and the internet are quite amazing. (http://www.uccgroton.org/Site/documents/Courier/2015%20Courier/2015%20November%20Courier.pdf)
From other sources I learned that Bita claims a technical degree from the Polytechnic University in Tehran. She seems also to have enrolled at one point at Fitchburg State University (total annual cost under $10k for Mass residents) to study education.
They seem a happy family. The twins are cute and have great smiles. Some nice You Tube videos of them doing sweet family stuff. Non political except for the tweet about Romney.
Sounds to me like Bita jumped on the carousel and got the gold ring. Lucky her.
It's crap like this that makes me ashamed of my sex.
Speaking about gender equality, Ernest Borgnine could beat that woman in a beauty contest.
MathMom said...
I told my daughter that I wouldn't wish for her to work some place where everyone gets paid the same. I want her to have the chance to make more than the others.
The real problem is that most liberals have as much understanding of economics and pay differentials as this 9 year old boy. This is what is sinking this country.
P.S. A real leader would have asked "Relic" to explain what his father is doing.
"Can you infer the name of the other boy?"
The other twin's name is River.
My guess is that it has something to do with Iran. The river. The relics. A little strange but we've all seen much stranger.
Whatever dad's job is, they seem to be doing ok. Travel. Built a new house. Able to take care of her mom. But the strangest is that, coming from Iran, she seems to think that women are badly treated in America. Women get a lot more respect in Iran than they do in several other Mideastern nations, for sure. Maybe she has been treated badly here. The nice cute kids, the nice house, the skydiving (yes, it's true) could all be a facade. It's possible. Or maybe she absorbed some bad influences. On the ideological level I am willing to make allowances because she ended up in Massachusetts. That's a tough influence to overcome. Kind of like the clerics in Iran.
It's hard enough for us to explain ourselves, let alone someone else that we do not even know.
The assertion that women earn .77 cents on the dollar for the same work men do is prima facie false, as evidenced by the existence of any employed men.
Bita also had a blog: http://yasbita.blogspot.com/2008/11/congratulation-to-world-november-05.html
The link is to the post of November 5, 2008 (the day after election day.)
I still remember how disappointed I was after the presidential election in 2004 when George W. Bush won. I almost couldn't sleep the first night, not knowing if it was for real or I was having a nightmare ! Living in Massachusetts which is a very democratic state, I had thought everyone in the US would vote for John Kerry, but I was not experienced enough to know that there were a lot of slow people who had not gotten what kind of president Bush was yet. That's why for this election I tried hard to not have my hopes up for Barack Obama to win....
I have been trying to follow the debates, knowing the biography of Obama and McCain to help me know who I really want to win in this election. And now, I think Obama is going to be great ! I am really excited and know having a president like him for the US will help the world to be a better place to live in
It was so cute watching Relic and River running and shouting OBAMA everyday !
Exactly what you would expect. She's one of millions, so let's not be mean. What's the point.
"EDH said...
Speaking about gender equality, Ernest Borgnine could beat that woman in a beauty contest."
Yeah, two kids, twins. No one would hit that twice.
Why should babysitters be paid the same as engineers?
If the twin's name is "Artifact", we know at least one parent played Dungeons & Dragons in the old days.
I read all of Bita's blog. It started in 2005 and ended in 2009. She is a woman for whom life is often difficult. Se loves her children and does her best. She is not politically sophisticated at all, and is probably attached to people she thinks will take care of her and people like her. Her blog ends when her children are less than 4 years old but they are clearly very bright and she is deeply enmeshed in their lives. She has physical ailments, perhaps depression and is affected by being far from her own family (12 siblings) in Iran. The blog is about family, children and feelings--no politics whatsoever other than the one emotional and worshipful one about Obama's election.
This is a woman who tries to be kind and needs kindness. She is dreamy, anxious and hopeful. She spent two months in Iran with her family and children when she was most actively writing the blog, but wrote very little about Iran as a country. There is no reason to concentrate political outrage on her. It will make no difference, other than possibly causing injury to a vulnerable person.
There are far more deserving targets.
Planting slant in kids minds.What teachers do.Way to exploit your kid Mom.
Relic is such an Old Soul.
According to The World of Bita Reilly Relic's Twin is named River.
Relic, your mommy is a whore.
David said...
There is no reason to concentrate political outrage on her.
Calling half the country stupid is reason for criticism.
"some are asking if his mom put him up to it."
Some are just so cynical these days. I don't understand it at all.
(good sarc or ugly sarc?)
If only the government would do something about some people earning more money than other people!
"Calling half the country stupid is reason for criticism."
More than half the country is stupider than dirt.
Exhibit A (do I have to say it?): Obi-wano-bama.
Forgive me, Father, for I have given reason for criticism.
Child abuse
Obviously, she should have named the kid Howdy Doody if that's the way she's going to use him.
When he was an infant, his mother kept him in a reliquary.
Teachers, real teachers, have been poor-mouthing their pay for so long they believe it, and others do as well. Go take a look at the teacher's parking lot at your local school. You won't see any clunkers there, only Priuses, Lexuses, and so on. I taught for nine years as a second career--middle school and high school. During that time I made enough money to buy an airplane, a Beechcraft, and I didn't have to finance it. Paid cash.
The problem with teaching is not the pay. It's the stress of dealing with obnoxious parents and students.
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