ADDED: In his statement, which you can watch at the link, Wolfe says he doesn't think protests, like the hunger strike, are the right way to effect change. We should respect each other enough to have a conversation, he says, but that's not what is happening. But he takes "full responsibility," he says, apparently hoping that the resignation will be enough: "Use my resignation to heal and start talking again."
The football team really is more powerful than the university president:
The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players. #ConcernedStudent1950 GP— Coach Gary Pinkel (@GaryPinkel) November 8, 2015
AND: A threat to commit slow suicide compelled powerful authority to resign. What will that inspire?
२९९ टिप्पण्या:
299 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I'm sure he heaved a sigh of relief. He doesn't need the grief. He's not an academic and probably can do something now that is fun.
Nobody is going to take universities seriously until they get nuclear weapons.
STEM lives matter.
The cockroaches are now in control of the light switches..
Isn't this a fine precedent.
They got their scalp (oops, was that an micro-aggression?), time to move on and find their next unsuspecting victim (dang, was that another micro-aggression?).
See, blackmail works.
Gonna be fun hiring a new Prez.
Gotta be a SJW, right?
In a bizarre coincidence, Tom Wolfe is the most recent flak catcher to be mau-maued.
I guarantee that this little factoid has not gone unnoticed in Football Player land.
The inmates control prisons too.
"Push ahead until you meet steel."
Things haven't changed much since Lenin, have they?
Remind me of why tax payers should fund these bizarre institutions. The whole higher education thing is looking like a scam.
What a teachable moment!!
Unfortunately, it teaches all the wrong things.
Wolfe wasn't left-wing enough for the SJW faculty and students at Missouri, so they got his scalp by using "racism" and the football team. Of course, Wolfe is no conservative but just being a moderate liberal can get you fired.
Maybe the football team can now go on strike for better wages.
I was mistaken in the comment I wrote on a previous thread.
African-American students are indeed correct that they can demand successfully employment terminations among their university's administration, staff and faculty.
It's the Age of Obama.
The Tumblr crowd threatened tumbrils, and won!
I shudder to consider the incentive effects, but the academic Left is all for this stuff, so it's good that they're being eaten by their children, at least.
The armed services should strike until President Obama resigns. Why not?
I hope no Mizzou law student uses this as an excuse to speak despairingly about Wolfe's tenure.
I would say that someone who uses human feces for graffiti writing is more likely to be mentally unbalanced than racist. I know the terms are not mutually exclusive, but my guess is that they are more nutso than racist. Past history has also shown that those who engage in sch activities are just as likely to be members of the group they malign.......Due process. It's only for football players charged with rape or domestic abuse.
Love Tom Wolfe the author, probably not a fan of Tim Wolfe, former Prez of Mizzou, but I think we gotta defend him from this low-rent, left-wing intellectual lynching.
As for the Missou Football team, weren't they all homophobes who tormented and/or marginalized Michael Sam, a few years back?
The head coach is a disgrace, and should be fired for joining this racial grievance scam.
Did he do anything wrong, or is this pure thuggery?
ADDED: In his statement, which you can watch at the link, Wolfe says he doesn't think protests, like the hunger strike, are the right way to effect change.
So naturally you give in thus ensuring these tactics will be used more in the future.
Nice job!
Well, we see the future of academia and it's sad.
Are their actual people who exist that don't know an SJW is a social justice warrior?
I find that odd.
I think everyone agrees that football players are particularly called out for racial abuse. The large size of the offensive linemen makes them stand out. Drunk whites are always fretting in their grills. Well, this is a step forward in the healing process.
So using the phrase, "Social Justice Warrior" means you're a bigot?
Get thee to thy fainting couch whist thy clutch thine pearls, milady,lest thou collapse from the rigors of life!
Coach is probably gone after this season, maybe they hold out until next season for recruiting purposes, but I doubt it. It's going to be pretty hard to recruit regardless of who the coach is.
University Leftists deserve the culture they have created. I hope they enjoy next years budget freeze from the Legislature...
Will Obama resign if some other sports team does the same?
Chicago Bulls?
Wisconsin Badger football team?
Green Bay Packers?
If you're an American adult and you claim to not know what SJW means in the context of most discourse, you're either bullshitting or you're stupid.
The students should form Committees of Racial Healing. If, on examination, any teacher is shown to give blacks lower marks on average than the white students in his class, he should be summarily fired. That dismissal by itself should not be considered sufficient punishment. The teacher should be made to walk across the campus naked and beg forgiveness from every black student he/she encounters. Only by such pro active measures can we make amends for our racist past and present.
... or pig ignorant.
STEM lives matter.
I just learned this weekend that there is a push to change “STEM” into “STEAM:”
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
"Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics."
Also known as, PME -- Pretty Much Everything.
Here in Nebraska many fans want the AD and Chancellor to resign because the new football coach lost 6 games before November 1.
Don't think for a minute this thing is over. It's just getting ramped up.
A "tent city" (#Occupy) was erected over night, and gay hero Michael Sam is now on campus.
Aside, apparently the campus is only 3 miles from Furgeson, so there's that.
The opposite of the n-word is not "honky" or "cracker" but "racist". It doesn't have quite the emotional impact of the n-word, but it can get you fired or ruin your reputation. I doesn't even have to be proven. The fact that it is alleged is sufficient proof of guilt.
Wow. I can only imagine what is going to happen in American higher education after this.
Bring on the purges, Comrades!
Anyone on an American campus with Politically Incorrect Ideas will be liquidated!
Understanding insider acronyms and lingo is for those who hang online in certain circles....
Like you do, with this blog ... where the term "SJW" is used virtually every day.
Browndog said...
Aside, apparently the campus is only 3 miles from Furgeson, so there's that.
The campus is 115 miles from Ferguson, or about a hour and 45 minutes.
University of Missouri Child Care Center
Ann, of Course football and basketball are more important than academics. Your BB coach makes $2.75 million and your Chancellor makes about 18% of that.
The highest paid college employees (nyet, public employees) at the State level are almost all coaches.
The left is eating its own!! You built that progressives!!! YOU own it!!
I would still like to know if the poop swastika was a hoax. Based on history, I think it is reasonable to presume it was. Second most likely scenario is a mentally disturbed person, i.e., the sort of person who would stick his finger in his own feces and draw an offensive symbol.
It could also be a racist.
I wonder if there would be any appetite for boycotting U of M football games...
He at least should have waited for the hunger striking drama queen to starve to death. I always wondered what would happen if you call a hunger striker's bluff. I imagine they'd be hitting the Cheetos after a couple weeks.
In a way, I blame this president Wolfe more than I do the protesters. Protesters generally are stupid, reactive people who think like babies--make a tantrum, you get your way. But like with babies, the real problem is when the parents give in to the demands--what else is a child to learn except that the tantrum works and should be used repeatedly? Wolfe was at a crossroads, and had a valuable opportunity to teach them that strikes and not eating wasn't going to work. Let those moron football players spike their careers; let the students waste class time they owe a lot of loans to pay for. Let the moron hunger striker wither away.
Far as I could tell, Wolfe was under fire for not "responding" well enough to some allegations of racism on the campus. I'm not sure what he could have done that he didn't--make a weepy speech? Force everyone to take sensitivity training? Promise a bounty for the head of any student who said something racist (except the black ones, they get a free pass to be racist)? This is pure campus hysteria, and the adult in the room needed to stand up to it. Now we have a precedent, and it will not stop easily.
I feel bad for any of you with kids in school. This is the environment they're going into.
I just learned this weekend that there is a push to change “STEM” into “STEAM:”
That's been around for a while. Humanities Professors trying to attach their cart to money-producing fields.
Having an artistic bent in sciences is definitely helpful so there is a push to make such learning more mandatory, or at least acknowledge its benefits.
Of course, it won't work the other way. Artists don't have to learn about Science or Math at all.
Althouse likes to pretend that she wasn't a pioneer in the great "I'm a Nigger" game.
She is and was. The whole stupid performance over gay marriage, which was not wanted, needed or sane, was her performance of the "I'm a Nigger" game on behalf of her son.
Just like the current brigade of students playing "I'm a Nigger" Althouse is a spoiled fat ass child obsessed with gaming the system.
The asshole on this woman is huge and deep. Sometimes, I wonder if there is anything to the professor but self-interested asshole.
Why is the current crowd of fat ass spoiled children supposed to be embarassed to play "I'm a Nigger?" Fag Hag Althouse and her depraved sisters set the precedent.
Gonna be fun to watch liberal universities brought down my the very monsters they created.
Lots of future opportunities for on-line entrepreneur's to offer alternatives to university.
The campus is 115 miles from Ferguson, or about a hour and 45 minutes.
Thanks for the correction; heard that on the radio.
"I would still like to know if the poop swastika was a hoax. Based on history, I think it is reasonable to presume it was. Second most likely scenario is a mentally disturbed person, i.e., the sort of person who would stick his finger in his own feces and draw an offensive symbol.
It could also be a racist."
I'm going out on a limb here and saying it was definitely a hoax. No one is going to walk around with a bunch of feces and risk spreading it on someone's door where they could be seen (and of course have the feces smell on their hands), when it would be much easier to use marker. But not so hard to do to your own door when you can wait for the coast to be clear and slink back into your room to clean your smelly hands.
As for someone "near" campus yelling something racist at a student--well! Clearly this calls for a new president!
Brando said...
I'm not sure what he could have done that he didn't--make a weepy speech? Force everyone to take sensitivity training?
Quadruple the diversity budget and hire the hunger striker and student president. Give more money to minority advocate groups.
It's always about money and control.
"Nobody is going to take universities seriously until they get nuclear weapons."
Mizzou already has a nuclear research reactor.
How unfortunate. I was really hoping that Butler fellow would starve himself to death.
The thing I love about the Age of Obama is all the racial healing...
I. We demand that the University of Missouri System President, Tim Wolfe, writes a handwritten apology to the Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demonstrators and holds a press conference in the Mizzou Student Center reading the letter. In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege, recognize that systems of oppression exist, and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demands. We want Tim Wolfe to admit to his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators, consenting to the physical violence of bystanders, and lastly refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department used excessive force with demonstrators.
All I know is this weekend I am a HUGE Brigham Young fan. GO COUGARS!
Our culture needs a figure with the balls of one Miguel de Unamuno, who publicly told the fascists what they were.
The football team really is more powerful than the university president:
Is it time for the NFL to fund it's own minor leagues and Universities to get back to education?
Link to my Poll
"Remind me of why tax payers should fund these bizarre institutions. The whole higher education thing is looking like a scam."
Well, at least in the case of Missouri they don't so much any more. In 25 years the University of Missouri might just be an private institution. At this point only about 15% of the 3 billion UM System Budget comes from state appropriations, and the number is generally on a downward trend.
The logical conclusion we can derive from this ostensibly successful protest, is that when Obama, Reid, Pelosi et al fomented racial discontent, the reason they were not impeached and removed was because of their disregard for the concerns of the people they serve.
Althouse said ...
The football team really is more powerful than the university president:
By and large it will be the same idiots who promoted college sports teams over academics who will now whine the most about this particular outcome. Don't feel a lot of sympathy.
Prediction ~
Bruce Harreld, the new president of the University of Iowa is in the crosshairs. He just started his term and he is a true outsider - a businessperson with a somewhat frothy resume. No academic background at all. He starts amidst a series of student protests and "no confidence" procllimations from the faculty. Blood was in the water before he was.
Perhaps only the Hawkeye's perfect season so far is forestalling an extream leverage event on him. Wait till after the bowl game though. He's in for a helluva fight.
Interesting that the offending symbol was a shit-stika, but there was no official reaction from the members of Alpha Epsilon Pi or the Sammys.
As for the protestors, they were not concerned about equal treatment, but planned to collect victims as collateral damage.
According to other new articles, Tim Wolfe raised tuition, purchased a golf course and pushed for an expansion of the stadium before announcing budget cuts and entered into an agreement with Planned Parenthood to provide abortion services for university students. The university, apparently, also was losing its place in national rankings. It sounds like he successfully alienated just about every person who could have come to his defense.
I'd be interested to see what happens to the SJW who tries to get a more popular college president to resign.
You get more of the behavior you reward. Expect more of this behavior.
Ah, the Left eats its own.
How come Gary Pinkel doesn't have to admit to his white male privilege?
Gee, this will not possibly encourage more of this.
Thanks for the correction; heard that on the radio.
An argument to change channels?
Mizzou feeds the beast.
But the beast is still hungry.
The beast is always hungry.
In his statement, which you can watch at the link, Wolfe says he doesn't think protests, like the hunger strike, are the right way to effect change.
If it's stupid but it works it's not stupid.
"Far as I could tell, Wolfe was under fire for not "responding" well enough to some allegations of racism on the campus."
Yep, that's all i could gleam from reading the Newspapers. As usual, its almost impossible to get the actual *facts* from the MSM on anything regarding race.
Being gutless seems to be a qualification for College President. I remember reading about all the Universities Presidents who caved into student demands in the 60s. A couple of lefties would show up in their office and before they could open their mouths the typical President was on his knees begging for forgiveness.
"It sounds like he successfully alienated just about every person who could have come to his defense."
Well, you don't have everything before that right, but you are correct that Wolfe did not have many friends on campus long before the events of the last few months began.
One of his first acts was to unilaterally decide to close the University of Missouri press, and growing controversy has followed him pretty much since.
AReasonableMan said...
By and large it will be the same idiots who promoted college sports teams over academics who will now whine the most about this particular outcome
No one promotes university sports over academics. A fair number of people, likely a majority, believe sports including football can exist without much effect on academics. People who have to misstate their opponents positions in order to criticize them are implicitly admitting they don't have good criticisms of their opponents' actual positions.
I can't wait for Obama and the Justice Department to pile on.
ESPN's Sports Center is showing a mass of students dancing in a giant scrum of celebration. They look really, really happy. But I bet they are now satiated.
And so it begins.
You know, it's hard to even blame the protesters--they felt a grievance, determined that they could use a tactic to get a result, used that tactic, and got the result they wanted & expected! You can ask if the grievance was valid and whether the result they wanted is either just or makes sense, but their belief (and prediction) about the outcome of their tactic was correct.
Be a good Bayesian and update your priors, everyone; this kind of thing works...expect to see more of it.
Rick said...
A fair number of people, likely a majority, believe sports including football can exist without much effect on academics.
If you paid even the slightest bit of attention to the constant academic scandals that surround semi-pro sports in colleges you would feel shamed for writing something so clueless.
Wolfe ... entered into an agreement with Planned Parenthood to provide abortion services
The irony of his choice leading to a planned future, and now it may also be cannibalized for profit.
Mizzou football players issue a statement: "We were hoping to avoid getting our asses kicked by BYU next weekend and by every other team after that, but now we see no way to avoid that."
AReasonableMan said...
If you paid even the slightest bit of attention to the constant academic scandals that surround semi-pro sports in colleges you would feel shamed for writing something so clueless.
If you were capable of a thought that didn't support your preconceived politics you would have asked yourself what effect these scandals have on the twenty thousand or so actual students in the typical university big football schools. If you had the intellectual honesty to ask the appropriate questions maybe you wouldn't embarrass yourself assuming something that doesn't exist.
So, the new President will make it a point to yell at people who might not be students if they possibly offend students? And also to carefully watch the fecal matter at the university.
As for someone "near" campus yelling something racist at a student--well! Clearly this calls for a new president!
...and the idiot would likely resign over it.
Well, at least in the case of Missouri they don't so much any more. In 25 years the University of Missouri might just be an private institution. At this point only about 15% of the 3 billion UM System Budget comes from state appropriations, and the number is generally on a downward trend.
We should tax endowments as well.
But remember, ALL college admins, by and large, are Progressives. THEY led to this. I, personally, find the self-immolation hilarious.
Well, a new president will address all their concerns. Such as, uh....white privilege. The articles keep referencing the Ferguson shooting of an unarmed black teenager. They don't mention exactly what prompted the shooting. It wasn't "Hands up, don't shoot!" after all.
Wolfe should have held out for a few more weeks, so the football team could walk the walk and not play, not that anyone would have noticed.
No where does it say they caught the perpetrators of these racist crimes. We don't know if they were white or not, or even Missouri students.
"The cockroaches are now in control of the light switches.."
Thanks for a laugh.
ARM, that last comment was pretty stupid, even for you.
" the constant academic scandals that surround semi-pro sports in colleges "
We had one at SC that the NCAA tried to kill the football program over. It was a phony scandal and might just bankrupt the NCAA. It is winding its way through the courts as we speak (type). Too many Humanities types think sports are icky. Sort of like you do.
If a Republican is elected President of the United States you'll see this kind of thing on grand scale.
Althouse and her fellow tenured professors and administrators have this type of purge coming and they deserve it.
Remember, this asshole has been prattling about Bob Dylan and freedom for decades, while her job was to dump hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt on kids to support her lifestyle of leisure.
Professors and administrators have been exploiting the blank check of the guranteed student loan programs for every cent they could get in their pockets. Althouse and her peers have been ripping off the kids for decades to support their lavish perks and benefits.
I hope that this incident is the start of a bloodbath and the disintegration of the corrupt system that produces depraved, ripoff artists and assholes like Althouse.
Those acronyms were around long before your preferred group adopted the term Social Justice Warriors to define themselves. (In my personal circles, we simply refer to them as Christians...)
Your "circles" are laden with imbeciles, apparently.
Sorry, but you need to learn how to communicate outside your group...
So, we should just ASSUME you don't know much of anything?
...well, given your demonstration here, it isn't an assumption.
This is going to be good, really good. Remember all those sit ins? Cal, Columbia? They were nothing compared to what is coming very, very soon.
Tenure? Careful what you say or write, Althouse. Tenure don't mean shit to them that's headed your way.
Very excited to see the lions turn on their trainers. It was only a matter of time.
As a 50 year fan of MU football, I am disappointed. As a Missouri taxpayer, I am disappointed.
I'm now trying to decide on whether to burn my MU gear or buy gear of all their opponents or save money and just stencil "RAT FUCK EM" across the MU gear.
So the kindergartners have taken over the day-care center and ousted the adult in the room! Now who will get them their milk and cookies when it is nap time?
Higher Ed is committing suicide right in front of us and the "grown-ups" did this to themselves.
"Lord of the Flies" anyone?
Wolfe is a famous name in Canadian history. Missouri was once part of New France, that was captured by the British General James Wolfe's brilliant strategy at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec on September 13, 1759.
Wolfe was killed in the battle. But it ended the Seven Years War which ended the British Monarchy's need to get colonial's cooperation. That lead to the Tax Acts, the Iroquois Wars and the American Revolution.
Not a bad day's work.
Black elites don't live in gated communities?
I'll trade our Governor Wolf (Pinko-Pa) and a SJW to be named later, for the U of M ex-president Wolfe (Gutless Wonder-Mo).
I am willing to take the chance.
Missouri will vote Republican in 2016.
How whacked out do you have to be to think Missouri a southern state? Very I would guess.
Now imagine yourself a SJW at a good school, a really good school, observing the victory of the rural yobs in Missouri. Do you think they will leave it at that, the good school SJWs? I think not. I think you will see some SJW competition emerging.
Right soon as they say in Deep South Missouri. LOL
"I would never want to live in Missouri. IF you don't think there is a racial hangover, in how whites and blacks are treated there today, you've never visited."
Well, that is a shame. For all of its problems Missouri is not a bad place to live. Other places are just better about sweeping race issues under the rug.
It isn't all of "higher ed" because I see the kids who are going to medical school and I know there are lots of kids getting engineering and computer science degrees. I know some of them.
What we are seeing is a group of people who do not belong in a university and who are responding to imagined slights and fantasy stimuli. One example is a female pre-med student who wrote a letter about a "campus rape" seminar.
"Not only was Emma's false accusation abhorrent and did she inflict physical and emotional trauma on Paul [the man Sulkowicz accused], but her response to the widespread media attention is the most immature and attention-seeking action she could've possibly taken," the student wrote.
There are two species of college students these days. Those who are getting ready for a successful career and those who are failures, like a group of black football players with a losing season.
College presidents are easy to find. A good running back is rare.
"I'm now trying to decide on whether to burn my MU gear or buy gear of all their opponents or save money and just stencil "RAT FUCK EM" across the MU gear."
Please burn it.
We got an awful lot of angry white folk here today... I wonder why?
Why is it that the left always confuses ridicule and laughter with anger? I suspect it's a form of projection. They don't find any humor in life, so they don't recognize laughter when it's directed at them.
I think it's a matter of racial justice that the faculty be the same ratio of blacks as the football team.
tournament bridge term
One of my first jobs: Caddying at a bridge tournament. Very smoky. Lots of coffee with cremora. Early 1970s. People raising their hand and saying "Director"
These spoiled College kids at Mizzou and elsewhere really have no clue what the real world has in store for them.
Nobody would hire these "activist" fools. No small businessman, who has worked 80-90 hours a week to make his business work, to feed his wife and kids, to pay the mortgage, would ever hire these young, unskilled, over-educated, theoretician-morons. They can vote Democrat all they want, they still won't get a paid job, even in a Democrat campaign, just for being a social justice warrior.
And, of course, there's the question of student-loan debt -- $100 - $200K large, depending on where one matriculates.
These kids are drowning in school debt, then buying a "bill of goods" for a few fleeting moments of social activism. But when the payment comes due in their late 20s and early 30s, the bill will be real, real steep.
Another reason to vote against Hillary, and, generally, vote GOP.
It's fascinating how these students demand that their feelings not be injured, that they be protected from speech that "hurts" them or causes them discomfort and at the same time they are quick to call others racists and bigots and demand that those acknowledge and publicly apologize for their sins and privileges.
Extreme sensitivity for me; none for thee.
Very Red Guard-like mentality.
It it wasn't so funny it would be worrisome.
"You white, Tim?"
Yes, but not my whole family is.
"Been living there for a few generations now?"
I have only been here most of the last 38 years, with a few short stints elsewhere.
"Family well known/untouchable?"
Nope....just the son of an electrician father and a seamstress mother.
Now, how much time have you spent in Missouri?
"You retired yet, old man? "
Yes and I quickly glanced at your ugly screed. You can be sure that is the last time.
Crazy switch indeed.
"Wait until you all stop laughing,
and the demographic power shift we've seen today sinks in."
Please, this is a fringe group in our society that is taking advantage of the lack of any principles by college administrators.
Once they get out in the real world reality will be a big surprise. Safe spaces?
It's a fad.
Whites and blacks haven't been this split since OJ Simpson was acquitted. I predict vastly fewer fans at Missouri's next home game unless campus SJWs suddenly develop a passion for football.
Here's to hoping the Yale football team strikes next and demands various resignations from one or more privileged, overpaid administrators. I will be all over that:)
Watching their demands now. Demanding "Wholistic Inclusion". Want to make sure all "marginalized students" are feeling safe on campus.
Crazy is happening in these threads.
Crazy happened at Missouri.
I hope the academics enjoy the world they are creating.
#FirstAgainstThe Wall
What goes around comes around. In the 60's the government decided to reorder students' lives and ordered full-scale busing. A lot of people moved to the suburbs, enrolled in private schools or began home schooling emptying out the cities and creating less diversity than before busing. Water always finds a way. So now that the crazies have taken over a college, folks will begin to avoid that college. Is the next step to order mandatory attendance to Missouri to ensure the "right" diversity? Busing for college because it worked so well for public schools?
How can anybody make these delicate snowflakes feel "safe"?
White elites: be advised.
The future is coming, and it DEFINITELY will affect your place of position.
The "diverse" future already came for large swathes of the world. We already know what it looks like.
Life after the "demographic power shift" "sinks in": Europeans/Asians prospering, "people of color" at the bottom of a highly unequal wealth distribution. Exception: catastrophes like South Africa, where the only people trying to get in are from places where the whites are long gone and the Asians haven't yet got around to re-colonizing them.
Late to the party and too lazy to research.
I assume a lot of rapes,riots, beatings, murders, arson, theft, maiming, blackmail and other felonies happening to make this particular college unsafe?
Or something even more nefarious?
Compared to school, penitentiary be a walk in the park.
Haha. This is funny. Men and their ridiculous addiction to football.
Football players aren't just students. Many are idiots. They bring in $$$ for the school. This is why they have such leverage. It's a real life Lysistrata. Spike Lee should have used football players in his movie, not sex.
Rick said...
what effect these scandals have on the twenty thousand or so actual students in the typical university big football schools.
I am sorry that you did poorly at school and thought the professors where big meanies when they tried to uphold academic standards against the tide of idiocy flowing from the athletic department and the administration. Very, very sorry. Apparently you were one of those students who didn't give a shit about learning, as long as you got to party on Saturday night. For the students who went to school to compete academically the degradation of academic standards is an enormous source of irritation, you of course never met those students, they were taking the 'hard' courses.
eric: Are their actual people who exist that don't know an SJW is a social justice warrior?
In more plain-spoken fora the term "shitlib" is commonly used to describe that sort of person. It leaves little chance for confusion about its meaning, so perhaps we should adopt that form, as a courtesy to the less cosmopolitan members of this forum.
Being called "dumb fucks" by a racist moron who must know that her comment will soon be deleted, like the others before it? I don't know about the rest of the commentators, but being abused by this particular ephemerid makes my day.
Can you hear that? It is the end of college campuses. We want have many if any physical locations like Missouri U in a generation. The only function they will serve is for rich connected people to meet up.
Anyone interested in education and skills will be online. People who want to party and protest will go to these country clubs for leftist provacateurs.
Was Wolfe bullied out of a job? I mean, his office certainly wasn't a safe space, poor fellow.
"The sun has set on your empire. The natives will not be appeased with your superior firepower."
A bit right there, but not the way you think. The future is in India and China. White and Black American's both will be on the same losing team.
Clean up on Aisle Crazy.
The Leftists must follow all the rules, including self-contradictory ones, or they will be purged.
UM-St Louis campus (UMSL) is only a couple miles from Ferguson - that was probably the confusion.
But the main University of Missouri campus is in Columbia, MO - which is about 115 miles from St. Louis, as stated above.
Dr Weevil said... [hush][hide comment]
Being called "dumb fucks" by a racist moron who must know that her comment will soon be deleted, like the others before it? I don't know about the rest of the commentators, but being abused by this particular ephemerid makes my day.
11/9/15, 1:57 PM
I use Chrome and got the KF (Blog Comment Killfile) plug-in. She (and a very few others) made the cut and I don't even see their comments any longer. I don't mind having a good spirited debate on current topics but that isn't what goes one with some. One must do all that they can to say far away from "cray cray"...
Job Interview Question: "Did you ever find in necessary to utilize a defined "safe space" while you were in college or on campus?"
The SJW's have found the key pressure point at most colleges: The Football team. Had the strike continued Missouri would've been out $1 million and i assume it would've been $1 million a forfeit if the strike had continued.
Plus, if Missouri had gotten the Rep among black players as being "racist" their football team would've gone in the toilet next year.
By resigning the President saved the University millions$.
Advice to the soon-to-be-delated moron: Todd obviously didn't read your comment, he read mine referring to "a racist moron who must know that her comment will soon be deleted" and correctly deduced that I was referring to you. He's not reading yours now and won't unless someone quotes it, which I don't plan on doing. Bye bye, racist lying fool.
AReasonableMan said...
I am sorry that you did poorly at school and thought the professors where big meanies
I'm sorry your arguments are so weak you have to resort to juvenile taunts hoping we'll focus so much on them we'll to fail point out you're still resting your entire argument on an interrelationship that doesn't exist.
Apparently you were one of those students who didn't give a shit about learning,
Apparently you believe not hating sports mean you can't study...somehow. Maybe if you had picked a better school you would have learned how to think logically.
For the students who went to school to compete academically the degradation of academic standards is an enormous source of irritation, you of course never met those students, they were taking the 'hard' courses.
How does a few dozen people per year taking PE and AA studies classes force the engineering classes to lower their standards?
My livelihood isn't impacted by this. Especially since I'll be competing and obliterating these losers for jobs.
As long as males in STEM majors are not affected too much by this PC bullshit, I don't care.
Bay Area Guy said...
Nobody would hire these "activist" fools.
Nobody who's normal, or who does something normal, would.
So it makes sense that their "demands" are mostly that the U. hire more activist fools, "particularly those of color".
BDNYC said...
I would still like to know if the poop swastika was a hoax.
I seem to recall a story from a while back that a town had started doing DNA testing on dog poop to track which owners weren't cleaning up after their dogs. If so I would assume that DNA testing could be done on human feces too. While it likely wouldn't tell you who ( unless their DNA was already on file from another crime ) I suspect you could use the DNA to determine race.
ARM, you really need to meet more people. I assume you think that sports and academics are mutually exclusive. I can't explain your comments any other way. Shall we match GPAs ? How about majors ?
I've had football season tickets 56 years.
You seemed smarter than this. I assume you must be a hothouse flower.
The revolution is starting to eat its own. Wonderful!
One thing that will be really fun about a Republican House, Senate, and President in 2017 will be all the different ways we can utterly put the screws to the Education establishment, from Universities down to grammar schools.
So lefties, please, keep on providing us with 1: precedents (see Education Dept and "transgender" boys in the girls locker room), and 2: Justifications for sowing the ground with salt.
Somehow this doesn't seem to be our best and brightest.
The newcomers are going to eat your lunch, doing more for less, and with plenty less complaints.
Since most jobs require real skills, and do not involve "_____ Studies," I think few have anything to fear.
BDNYC said...
"I would still like to know if the poop swastika was a hoax. Based on history, I think it is reasonable to presume it was. Second most likely scenario is a mentally disturbed person, i.e., the sort of person who would stick his finger in his own feces and draw an offensive symbol.
It could also be a racist."
It was almost certainly a racist black who did it, or claimed to have seen it (I'm not sure if the poop swastika ever existed). He was also probably mentally disturbed.
"Please, this is a fringe group in our society that is taking advantage of the lack of any principles by college administrators.
Once they get out in the real world reality will be a big surprise. Safe spaces?"
Don't you believe it. This crap works in the corporate world as well. Ask Jesse Jackson what he does for a living. Look at all the nonsense about women and tech. They have control of the universities, and the bureaucracies, and it doesn't look like they will be dislodged any time soon. The cure for parasites is poison, but it can be hard on the host.
ARM: "For the students who went to school to compete academically the degradation of academic standards is an enormous source of irritation, you of course never met those students, they were taking the 'hard' courses."
Sorry, feminist-studies/(enter ethnic designation here)-studies in no way, in no universe, constitute "hard courses".
I'm sorry you never learned that.
More importantly, next up in the pantheon of campus dummies on just about everywhere are the "education" majors who routinely have courses in real disciplines watered down and taught in the education department as opposed to the departments with oversight of those disciplines.
Think mathematics and any/all of the sciences.
And who, on campus, are the biggest lefty crazies?
Go ahead, take a wild guess.
Note: not all education majors are imbeciles. I can only imagine the extraordinary anguish accomplished students who are called to major in "education" must experience given the insane Maoism/Marxism that is de rigueur in those departments.
I call bullshit: you don't play football.
No shit. Really?
Know what -- after they hit 21 --- most of those guys won't be either.
Then what?
You're the one crying out for deletions here, for a special safe space for you.
Who's crying for deletions? I just understand why Ann won't want somebody around saying "nigger" constantly. I'm all for you making an ass of yourself.
Hope your Daddy (or mommmy) has a job lined up... You can't compete honestly. Many of you here left that far behind, when you took your elite, protected jobs. The newcomers are going to eat your lunch, doing more for less, and with plenty less complaints. We're not princesses, or princes, like you have trained yours up to be...
I'm married with 2 kids. Please, tell me more. I'm fascinated.
As for doing more with less complaints? Have you SEEN these idiots? And you haven't been a kid since 1860.
Jupiter: "They have control of the universities, and the bureaucracies, and it doesn't look like they will be dislodged any time soon. The cure for parasites is poison, but it can be hard on the host."
It's quite possible that we have reached peak leftism. It's also quite possible we have not.
To the extent the lefties do here what they've done elsewhere in the world, you can be sure that our global competitors will be diligent at avoiding this insanity even as they laugh as we wallow in ours.
All this, and Clinton and Sanders have the gall to suggest we use more federal funds to pump into these joke institutions. In an ideal world, colleges are places of free thinking, learning, training and challenges. Steadily they are instead becoming indoctrination centers that also serve as social signaling for jobs, and strangely expensive ones at that (though not so strange when you consider that everything you subsidize always becomes more expensive). I'll be damned if I'll support anyone wanting to pump even more tax dollars into this scam.
Also in an ideal world, the university president would bluntly tell these crybabies that campuses are not supposed to be "safe", they're supposed to prepare you for the real world, and hearing things you don't like and knowing how to deal with them maturely is a part of that. He'd also tell whoever made a feces-swastika on their dorm door to clean it up or be charged by the university for the job, and the hunger striker to help himself to a Twinkie, and the football players that they're welcome to quit playing football and do whatever else they're qualified for, up to and including cleaning the feces-swastika off the door. Then he would drop his mic, and let the Board of Trustees (or whoever else he answers to) try and fire him and likely have to buy him off with a golden parachute or face a wrongful termination claim that would cause more damage to the university.
It's official. The children are in charge. I'm sure they will do great and it won't be anything like Clockwork Orange
TraD 11/9/15, 12:40 PM
As long as you're babbling, babbler:
A Wolfe worth the words
Here is the timeline.
As you can see, its really not all that much about whats going on on the campus but rather an offshoot of black lives matter and lefty protesting to affect social change. They needed a (white male) sacrifice. This guy was it.
Brando: "All this, and Clinton and Sanders have the gall to suggest we use more federal funds to pump into these joke institutions."
Why wouldn't Sanders and Clinton advocate for more federal funds to be pumped into these institutions?
It's simply another path (of many)for the money-laundering necessary to keep the dems afloat.
If you are of the belief that any concern the left has for "education" extends beyond brain-washing and money laundering, I suggest you rapidly disabuse yourself of that misconception forthwith.
A threat to commit slow suicide ... What will that inspire?
A Nobel Peace Prize... and probably mass slaughter and discrimination of "others" in the pursuit of progress. The establishment of a pro-choice cult has consequences.
Can we build dedicated universities for STEM where no PC "studies" courses will be allowed?
It's not strictly about effecting social change, but that seems to be their only viable alternative to mass slaughter and discrimination. The normalization of elective abortion, planned cannibalism, anti-native policies, dysfunctional relationships, etc. are too slow to marginalize and eviscerate their competing interests.
About the feces swastika, that does have "loon or hoax" written all over it. I tend not to think that actual Nazis would defile their rallying symbol like that. Furthermore, swastikas tend to be directed at Jews, not blacks. Not that the Nazis have any love for the blacks, but if you really wanted to show your hatred something Klan related would make more sense.
If this really is a Nazi doing this, it is probably a very stupid one.
Again, how would somebody smuggle feces there, paint a swastika, and escape if they weren't supported by the loons?
I also await the "I thought you WEREN'T going to strike" comments when they lose.
Alex said...
Can we build dedicated universities for STEM where no PC "studies" courses will be allowed?
We could build them privately. The political left would never allow this with public money as it would eliminate the sinecures for the very activists that disproportionately drive campus politics.
Along the same lines there are plenty of Universities in this country without big money sports, many with no sports at all. If this issue was so dire you'd think those fainting over sports would find one.
Exploiting unplanned survivors is a means to an end. However, their first step was to establish a "Church" to select favorable orientations and direct behavioral development, while maintaining a false, self-serving demand for "Separation of Church and State". In a "secular" society, the State is the Church.
I guess Caltech & MIT are as close to STEM-heavy universities as exist.
Tweet: The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united.
Entire Missou Family, including University President, demands President resign.
"Can we build dedicated universities for STEM where no PC "studies" courses will be allowed?"
Actually, if Apple, Google, Zuckerberg, and Gates were REALLY concerned about the lack of American programmers and engineers that's exactly what THEY would do.
"Why wouldn't Sanders and Clinton advocate for more federal funds to be pumped into these institutions?"
Oh, I get why those two would favor it--what's more troubling is that so many people think it's a good idea (because after all, every other form of subsidy didn't cause prices to go up, like with housing, health care...).
"Again, how would somebody smuggle feces there, paint a swastika, and escape if they weren't supported by the loons?"
No person who thinks about it for ten seconds believes this was done by a genuine white supremacist. I guarantee that when (if) the culprit is actually found out, it was someone sympathetic to the SJW plight trying to get attention for their cause. There's a long history of this sort of stunt, and it smells of publicity ploy (and feces).
So she-who-shall-soon-be-deleted thinks those of us arguing with her are all one person, and are simultaneously smug about our "elite, protected jobs" and "associate/non-tenured professors" afraid to sign our real names to your posts? She can't even be bothered to be consistent. Of course, everyone else knows there's only one of me.
As a teacher at various levels, I've always found it better not to share my political opinions with students. The two times I've told students how I voted, I've regretted it. It was not so much the students on the other side who suddenly decided I couldn't possibly know anything about my subject if I voted that way: it was the students on my side who thought they'd found a guru to tell them how to vote in the future. No thanks! It seems to me unprofessional for college teachers to try to influence their students' votes, still more so for high school and middle school teachers to try to influence their students' future votes. Since my real name is relatively rare, and students often google it, I use a pseudonym.
By the way, the preceding paragraph was not written or our ephemeral moron, but for anyone else thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of using a pseudonym, or discussing politics with students.
"I guess Caltech & MIT are as close to STEM-heavy universities as exist."
Rochester Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech
Carnegie-Mellon University
"it was the students on my side who thought they'd found a guru to tell them how to vote in the future."
Exactly. Its why the voting age should be pushed back to 21. The whole "they can die in Vietnam but they can't vote thing" is long gone. In fact, the whole constitutional amendment to lower the voting was nothing more than pandering on the part of Nixon, and of course it didn't help him or the GOP one bit.
Cal Tech had a football team back when I was paying attention. Attendance was light but that was Cal Tech.
I sure was wrong about that - the prospects of dumping the president!
Larry Summers time.
EMD said...
Carnegie-Mellon University
While CMU has a very strong STEM program, it has a similarly strong fine arts program.
Rick said...
Apparently you believe not hating sports mean you can't study...somehow.
I don't hate sports. I think athletic departments play vastly too large a role in determining university policy/attitudes. This is a very easy distinction to make, I am surprised that you cannot grasp this. It would be hard to find a better example of this particular problem than the current one. The minute the athletic department backed the players, the president was gone. That, in my view, is insane.
What purpose does a semi-pro sports team play on a university campus? Of all the things that could be privatized this is the most obvious one since there is a complete lack of overlap between the goals of the athletic department and the goals of academicians.
I'm of the opinion that we are not seeing facts about what started this outrage in the MSM articles because it doesn't make sense - and they don't want to report that.
Someone reports being yelled at by a truck who drove by - no one knows who it was.
Someone else reports a drunken presumed students yelling racial epithets - no one knows who it was (that I can tell).
A swastika was written in feces - no one knows who did it or if there was even a message intended to be conveyed towards Jews or anyone else.
During the homecoming parade protesters interrupted and swarmed into the parade and the university president's car is said to have bumped into a protesters leg (who swarmed the parade, and no reporting on what they were protesting then).
That's it. That's all I can gather started this from everything I've read in both MSM news reports and various specialty blogs reporting on the events.
If the guy didn't want to be President, fine. But he took on the role of president and shame on him for not being a leader.
Not exactly Reagan and PATCO, are they?
So this is from the timeline:
September 12 -- Student Government President Payton Head uses Facebook to broadcast his frustration with bigotry, anti-homosexual and anti-transgender attitudes at the school after people riding in the back of a pickup truck screamed racial slurs at him. "For those of you who wonder why I'm always talking about the importance of inclusion and respect, it's because I've experienced moments like this multiple times at THIS university, making me not feel included here," he wrote in the widely shared post.
September 17 -- Missouri Chancellor R. Bowen Loftin, the top resident official on the Missouri campus, issues a statement deploring "recent incidents of bias and discrimination." He calls them "totally unacceptable."
September 24 -- Students protest, saying university officials had done nothing to address to Head's concerns.
Here's the problem with this. I don't want to say that such actions should be acceptable. I just don't know if its the schools fault if such actions are to occur. Nor do I know that they would be able to do anything concrete anyway. People yelling at you from the back of a pickup truck - is that students yelling from the back of the truck? Does he know the people by name and the school refuses to do anything? Or is it more of an issue of something bad happened somewhere, and now he is demanding something be done.
If they don't know who the people in the truck were I don't get what the school is supposed to do. And if he did know, he should have named the guy so WE know.
"October 1 -- A second "Racism Lives Here rally" is held on campus. "White silence is violence, no justice no peace," protesters chanted, according to a report by the Columbia Missourian newspaper"
And right off the bat it runs off the rails for me. White silence is violence? Only white silence? Trigger warnings! I need safe space to prevent me from hearing hurtful things about my race!
But really, I take offense at that. Why is only white silence indicted. And silence about what? Do they know who the person in the pickup truck was and are covering it up?
And for comparison, in the black community they have a no snithching policy. If there is a murder for example, most in the community wont cooperate with cops, even if it was a black victim. There it would a literal, black silence equals violence message.
Just from a logical standpoint (and I'm not saying its right) IF whites had that same no snitch policy, why would blacks object to it if it were in protection of their own, or in protection of the system they support?
Only there is no indication that there is some coverup going on, because no one is establishing any kind of pattern that would suggest these incidents are anything but isolated.
"October 4 -- A drunken white student disrupts an African American student group, the Legion of Black Collegians, preparing for homecoming activities and uses a racial slur when they asked him to leave. "Not only did this individual disrupt our rehearsal, but we were also made victims of blatant racism in a space that we should be made to feel safe," the group said. Loftin issues a statement the next day, saying "racism is clearly alive at Mizzou." "What we have done is not enough. Every member of our community must help us change our culture," he said."
Its a horrible incident, but it involves the action of ONE DRUNKEN BIGOT. If the premise is, you cant be safe so long as there is one bigot who can get drunk and disrupt an event, you will never be safe. Because there will always be at least one drunk in the world. Does this rise to the level of racism culture?
Wolfe resigned, but I'd be willing to bet that it was not his choice. I also don't believe it was because he caved into the protesters. He even said it in his speech that this was a bad idea. So who does that leave? Can you say "Board of TRustee's?" I knew you could. This reeks of the cowardice of a faceless board that only has one concern, making money. And if that involves doing something totally idiotic as long as it keeps the bucks flowing now, then that thing is to be done.
I'm sure that the same board will be begging for the big buck donors to "Please come back. It's over." The big buck donors are going to look at this and the purse strings are gonna snap shut...HARD. And all the while, the BoT is going to have their fingers crossed, hidden behind their backs.
Because that's all Universities are dumbed down to do anymore. Beg for money. From alumni, from donors, from the government. The teaching of these SJW courses are merely an easy way to bilk money from fools, and the government. But then I repeat myself.
Mary Glynn. You keep up with the struggle girl! You genius you. Tell me something sweetheart, how long til YOU"RE considered no longer a useful idiot, and need to be replaced? How long would that take? 5, 6 minutes? Calling you a useful idiot does a disservice to idiots.
AReasonableMan said...
Rick said...
Apparently you believe not hating sports mean you can't study...somehow.
I don't hate sports. I think athletic departments play vastly too large a role in determining university policy/attitudes. This is a very easy distinction to make,
I'm interested that you find your own distinctions so easy and clear even while demonstrating you cannot follow any other distinctions. I didn't say you hated sports. I'm noting that the group you're criticizing as elevating sports over academia has done nothing of the sort, they simply refuse to demonize sports as you do.
I am not surprised you cannot grasp this since your ability to follow an argument is completely dependent on whether you agree with it. Here's a clue: you asserted the link between sports and studying as applying to me. So when I point out this link doesn't exist the subject remains the same, it doesn't change the subject you.
But enough of the aside. Please share with us how not hating sports prevents academic study. And please share with us how a few dozen people taking uninspired classes requires lower standards for thousands of other classes in different disciplines.
THis next one is pivotal.
October 8 -- Loftin orders diversity and inclusion training for students and faculty in 2016. "This training will inform all of us about the diversity of our campus and the organizations present on campus and make us conscious of how to be inclusive in our words and behaviors," he wrote. In an open letter to Loftin in the campus newspaper, student leader Jonathan Butler welcomes the announcement as "a step in the right direction," but criticizes the chancellor for not acknowledging the work of African American students in developing diversity programs and for failing to acknowledge the breadth of racial issues on the campus.
since when was it a requirement that they need to acknowledge what afican Americans have done to develop diversity programs? The university can't possibly win. Even if they implement a diversity program they also now how to give credit to African americans for their role in other diversity programs, for some reason. Why not give credit to the transgendered community while they are at it? Did the transgendered community do nothing towards implementing other diversity programs. The guy on the humger strike did in fact mention transgender issues along with racism and sexism as a reason for his hunger strike. But the black groups only want to credit black people apparently. Just like black lives matter crowd gets offended if you say All Lives Matter.
"October 10 -- In a pivotal incident, protesters block Wolfe's car during the Missouri homecoming parade to voice their concerns. Wolfe doesn't respond to their complaints, something he later apologizes for, and his car taps a protester -- inflaming passions. No one was hurt, but protesters later accused police of using excessive force to clear the street. Head, the student body president, later posted that Wolfe "smiled and laughed" during the protest. "He laughed," Head wrote. "In our faces. This is your president. This is America. 2015."
Lets start off with "THE PROTESTERS SURROUNDED HIS CAR. If he doesnt' respond to complaints while his car is being surrounded it might be due to the fact that a mob is surrounding his car. You shouldn't expect dialog if you are being confronted by a mob. Look what happened to the guy at Yale, that Althouse linked to only yesterday.
His car taps a protester even though no one was hurt. If you are surrounding a car, he might tap one of you when trying to move. Even though clearly no one was hurt, again. And then someone says "This is America. 2015" What about it? An incident involving a crowd surrounding a car where no one is hurt. How is that indicative of AMERICA in the segregated south? If it were then, they'd have gotten out the hoses and dogs. Here, NOTHING HAPPENS. reiterating that the mob is surrounding a car (cont
I said:" Football players were feeling unsafe because some anonymous idiot drew a swastika?" Hubby said " That explains why they are 4 and 5."
jr565 said...
September 12 -- Student Government President Payton Head uses Facebook to broadcast his frustration with bigotry, anti-homosexual and anti-transgender attitudes at the school
Red Flag. Someone does this and it just happens to be the student government President whose activist future depends on his ability to create publicity while on campus - with no other witnesses?
Further, if he is not getting out of the car to have a dialogue how do you know what hes' thinking when he's smiling? Is It a nervous smile as in "quick put on a brave face so they don't know you are scared shitless right now. Keep waving at the mob surrounding the car".
When I was a kid I saw my friend fall off a jungle gym. When I went over to see if he was alright he was mad because he said I was "smiling when he fell down". I let him know I may habe been squinting in the sun, which might look like a smile from far away but I wasn't laughing. if he could misconstrue my squint as a smile, I imagine what people looking at someone in a car might make of someone smiling. YOU DONT" KNOW. YOU CAN"T READ MINDS. Don't assume racism based on a perceived expression of someone in a car. Especially when you have his car surrounded.
"October 20 -- The student group Concerned Student 1950 -- named for the year African-American students were first admitted to the university -- issues a list of demands. Among them: an apology from Wolfe, his removal from office and a more comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum overseen by minority students and faculty."
They already offered a diversity program! Now it needs to be one run by minority students and faculty. What?!? How is that reasonable? And why would the school agree to that?
"October 24 -- Another incident roils the campus. Someone uses feces to draw a swastika on the wall of a residence hall. A similar incident had occurred in April, but with ashes, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune."
and because no one knows who did it what should be done? How do we know it wasn't hoax.
Rick, you completely failed to address my arguments. Please do so.
And right off the bat it runs off the rails for me. White silence is violence? Only white silence? Trigger warnings! I need safe space to prevent me from hearing hurtful things about my race!
Can't figure out why they don't have majority support. Really, it is baffling.
Its a horrible incident, but it involves the action of ONE DRUNKEN BIGOT. If the premise is, you cant be safe so long as there is one bigot who can get drunk and disrupt an event, you will never be safe. Because there will always be at least one drunk in the world. Does this rise to the level of racism culture?
I'd also like to see what he slur was. These people seem a bit...fragile.
since when was it a requirement that they need to acknowledge what afican Americans have done to develop diversity programs? The university can't possibly win.
It sounds like they are demanding fucking gold stars for not shitting themselves, doesn't it? And given their chants earlier, I am beyond curious what these "diversity programs" look like.
Hating whitey, as a rule, isn't diversity.
October 26 -- Wolfe meets privately with Concerned Student 1950 members, but doesn't agree to meet their demands, according to the Missourian.
Mabye because the demands were things like mentioned above. Just because you make a demand doesn't mean one must agree to it. How about demanding inclusionary policies that don't exclude white people for one? or only allow minorities to be in charge?
"November 6 -- Wolfe issues an apology to Concerned Student 1950. "Racism does exist at our university and it is unacceptable. It is a long-standing, systemic problem which daily affects our family of students, faculty and staff," he says. But that night, in Kansas City, he angers protesters who ask him if he knows what "systematic oppression" is. "It's -- systematic oppression is because you don't believe that you have the equal opportunity for success," he said, prompting disbelief from protesters. "Did you just blame us for systematic oppression, Tim Wolfe?"
Oh shut up. Just shut up. You asked for a definition and you got one. You don't believe that you have the equal opportunity for success." He might have said "One doesn't believe" as opposed to "You", but the point is, THAT"S THE DEFINITION.
and if you don't believe it it could be cause it isnt' true. Namely, you don't believe that you have equal opportunity for success because facts show that to be true. Not saying I agree with them, but that is a perfect reading of what he is trying to say.
You people are really retarded. What do mean YOU people? I mean you people who are making this ridiculous argument. Not all people who are black or women. YOU people I'm singling out in a particular group. Get it?
AReasonableMan said...
Rick, you completely failed to address my arguments.
False. You asserted at 1:56 that (1) not hating football prevents a person from studying and (2) that sports causes the degradation of academic standards.
I'm simply not allowing you to move onto new points in an effort to hide your earlier ridiculousness. I reproduced your comment below in case you forgot what you wrote.
AReasonableMan said...
Rick said...
what effect these scandals have on the twenty thousand or so actual students in the typical university big football schools.
I am sorry that you did poorly at school and thought the professors where big meanies when they tried to uphold academic standards against the tide of idiocy flowing from the athletic department and the administration. Very, very sorry. Apparently you were one of those students who didn't give a shit about learning, as long as you got to party on Saturday night. For the students who went to school to compete academically the degradation of academic standards is an enormous source of irritation, you of course never met those students, they were taking the 'hard' courses.
11/9/15, 1:56 PM
Rick wrote:
Red Flag. Someone does this and it just happens to be the student government President whose activist future depends on his ability to create publicity while on campus - with no other witnesses?
Yup, where's the damn police report? We are to assume something is true merely because it's uttered by someone. And then we'll have politicians say "Better to have 10 people falsely accused of rape get kicked off campus than not believe one person who brings a charge.
This new crowd not only is opposed to acamedic spaces they apparently have issues with innocent until proven guilty. Yet, they demand that cops don't treat them like criminals.
The real thing to fear, for the middling competent in STEM, are H1b's and outsourcing.
The stars will always be OK, but the real competition for the rank and file is in that direction.
Not US women or any minorities that aren't already filling up the STEM programs.
The real competition for US young white men in US tech education are mainly Asian men and some Asian women. But the foreign competition is an even bigger threat.
IIT graduates (Indian Institutes of Technology, there are 18 campuses now, 5-6 more coming soon) do not care much if at all about social justice or sports or US ethnic politics.
and thats just a small part of the human potential coming online elsewhere.
Sports, social justice, social fashions are foolish wastes of time and resources.
Rick, I am genuinely sorry that you had to find an outlet for your academic frustrations by getting blasted on Saturday nights and yelling at a third rate semi-pro sports team as part of a university sponsored recruitment drive for alcoholics anonymous.
But, why should a university pander to this kind of student?
The athletic department undermines academic standards. They have no interest in student's academic achievement and this conflict with the rest of the university inevitably leads to corruption. Are you unaware of the endless academic scandals associated with corrupt athletic departments? You cannot possible be that naive. Do you genuinely believe that this corruption is just bad luck? Do you believe that this corruption doesn't piss off actual students and faculty who are there to learn and teach?
I would think that if pickup trucks full of yahoos shouting epithets at black students were a recurrent problem around UMo, there would be cellphone videos, or at least still pictures, or, failing that, some record of the make, model, and license plate numbers that could be plastered all over the web to help identify the perpetrators. Lacking any such evidence, I tend to think that either (a) this has only happened once or twice in the years since cell-phone cameras became ubiquitous, and by odd coincidence happened to the student body president, or (b) it never happened at all. I lean towards (a): with tens of thousands of students, and even more non-students, in the area, some of them will be flaming assholes. It certainly doesn't seem to have happened often enough to leave any actual evidence, or to justify feelings of oppression.
It's rather like bigfoot and UFOs: there seem to be a lot fewer believers in either of these phenomena now that anyone who sees either one could easily prove it with a quick cellphone snapshot or video.
AReasonableMan said...
Rick, I am genuinely sorry that you had to find an outlet for your academic frustrations by getting blasted
I think your refusal to stop being an asshole says everything that needs to be said about you.
Mobs and dictators were made for each other, and when mobs appear, dictators will soon flourish.
Jaron Lanier
The feminists will need the STEM majors to design all the safe spaces for them to retreat into when they get triggered. The only thing those same women will contribute is the concept that colleges shouldn't be centers for learning but instead safe spaces where delicate flowers can retreat to when facing problematic thoughts.
When I was in college I was walking down the street at night and a truck drove past me and threw a beer can my way. He looked black to me. I immediately got my buddies together and we said all blacks on campus obviously hated whites. ANd I demanded the head of the university step down. She didnt' do enough to stop a guy from throwing a beer can at me.
Then I got all the members of the lacrosse team to support my hunger strike until she stepped down.
Oh wait, none of that happened, (except the guy throwing the beer can at me). Because it was an isolated incident and there are people in the world who would throw beer cans at you.
Apparently she-who-shall-soon-be-deleted either can't read, or is willing to tell bald-faced lies about what she reads. I carefully explained why I use a pseudonym, and it has nothing to do with fear. So which is it? Fool, liar, or a bit of each?
Bet a large portion of the purported racist incidents were actually committed by the supposed victims. Staged, fake political incitement..........
Rick said...
I think your refusal to stop
I think your failure to address one fucking question says everything that needs to be said about the current state of college athletic programs. Seriously, can you not see that this current business at Mizzou has everything to do with an out of control athletic department that cares more about protecting their recruitment for next year than any academic principle. Do you think this is OK? It's not. It is fucking outrageous.
Do you think the Chinese universities pander to some fat drunks who need to be entertained on Saturday night? Fuck no! Nor do German universities feel the need to entertain the fat fucks who have no interest in being at university. Only in our dumbass country do we encourage this shit and have parents dumb enough to pay for it.
Blacks have had enough. They are taking back their power. Racism is NOT defensible, and racist acts are inexcusable. God bless them in their efforts!
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