"On Sunday, MU football coach Gary Pinkel seemed to throw his entire team’s support behind the protests, tweeting a picture of his players along with the protest’s #ConcernedStudent1950 hashtag and the message: 'The Mizzou Family stands as one. We are united. We are behind our players.' After meeting with the team this morning, it is clear they do not plan to return to practice until Jonathan resumes eating."
From a new article in The Washington Post titled "With $1 million at stake, U. of Missouri’s president now taking protests seriously."
For reference: here's the post from 2 days ago where we first talked about the hunger strike.
UPDATE, Monday morning: Wolfe resigns.
७६ टिप्पण्या:
I don't get it. Why is the Mizzou President personally responsible for what third parties did?
Evidently, a lot of African-American students have come to believe that they can demand successfully that members of their university's administration, staff and faculty be fired.
These students are grossly maladjusted to university culture.
The university deans better get busy calling these students, one by one, in for reprimands.
Strike, and be damned!
Time to cancel the rest of the season before they can lose anymore games. Four losses is enough.
Whoops ! They lost five !
@DB: "I don't get it. Why is the Mizzou President personally responsible for what third parties did?"
You must be a privileged white male. He failed to provide a safe home. He failed to cave to a black student's demand. They think he can be rolled, therefore he will be rolled.
"Evidently, a lot of African-American students have come to believe that they can demand successfully that members of their university's administration, staff and faculty be fired. These students are grossly maladjusted to university culture."
Until proven otherwise, they believe right and they are very well adjusted.
"I don't get it"
No part of this story – as filtered through the national media, at least – makes sense.
Universities need to call bluffs and pull football scholarships (they're renewed yearly, after all) or else just give up being universities.
They've allowed the inmates to run the asylum.
Though, to paraphrase Milo Yiannapolous, it is entertaining to watch Leftist faculty suffer the kids they generated.
Any bets that the feces-smeared swastika will turn out to have been done by a Social Justice Warrior, as is typical in these campus "hate crime" incidents?
"damikesc said...
Universities need to call bluffs and pull football scholarships (they're renewed yearly, after all) or else just give up being universities."
Send them their tuition bills, and see how long the protest lasts.
David Begley,
Maybe not responsible, but apparently at minimum he failed to show sufficient, or at least sufficiently rapid concern. According to one commenter on Althouse's earlier post he rapidly tweeted congratulations to the girl's volleyball team. This is now the stardard by which his tweets must be delivered in order to be considered timely.
Still, I see Missouri is playing down to the big state school stereotype that the football coach gets to decide who is and who is not part of the university "family."
I've never understood hunger strikes. I don't see the leverage.
Give me a fever and a place to stand, and I will move the world.
Between the Yale costume fiasco, and this poor bastard getting hung out to dry, I am thoroughly entertained. Fuck President Wolfe. He's probably worked the leftist academia ladder all the way to the administrative top, and now he looks like a deer in headlights.
The University Left is now at the point where they are devouring their own revolutionaries and sympathizers. Just turn this guy over on his back and give him the ol' Robespierre guillotine routine.
Maybe hunger strikes work like pulleys, or perhaps atwood machines.
Well, at a minimum, they can start by firing the football coach.
He has a defined job to do - if he doesn't want to do it, he can seek employment elsewhere.
I'm sure he can get a job as a football coach at Yale.
This looks like Alinsky tactics, and something else is the motive. I suspect somebody wants to be unaccountable.
Maybe they could legitimately ask for the replacement of the Dean of Students or something like that.
The SEC should respond by giving Mizzou the boot.
Few people are asking what specifically are the racial incidents that prompted the football to strike.
If it is something significant, some violent threat, some racist policy - something tangible that some University official did that caused concrete harm to someone, then the football team may have a point.
But if it's something minor, something diffuse, something that somebody did at some point in time that offended some snowflake student, then, well, this is just another racial grievance scam by leftist idiots, following a long line of racial grievance scams (see, Lacrosse players, Duke; see, also, Halloween costumes, Yale)
Also, any bets that Tim Wolfe, the Prez of Mizzou, is a Democrat Obama supporter, like nearly all University Administrators?
According to many articles and studies, most universities lose money on their football program.
Here's one example.
The first question that should be asked is whether Mizzou makes money on the program. If the answer is no, they should cut it back or cancel it, or at least call the players and the coach on it.
If the answer is yes, then maybe they should do what the players want. Maybe they should investigate the profitability of bake sales, too.
Giving up an opportunity, however small, that some NFL scout might see something in you that an NFL team might be able to use just to grandstand/avenge a non-existent slight of discrimination?
"Ya knos, I always b thinkin' that the hood's the place for me."
Time to send the little snowflakes packing if they can't fulfill their obligations. Since when does an administrator need to coddle someone for being called a name?
BLM is alive and well funded in MO.
Speaking of "cheap grace," there's not much of a sacrifice being made by sitting out for these players, who are 4-5 and not in contention for anything. Renounce your scholarship over your cause, sacrifice something real, and I'll be more impressed. Pledge to transfer if it really matters. Otherwise you're just a quitter with an excuse.
And privilege? Who's more privileged than a football player on an SEC campus?
"Send them their tuition bills, and see how long the protest lasts."
The athletic department probably would have as much to lose as the players if they did that since they are earning millions off the efforts of the football players. At a big-time university football players are being compensated far below the value they are providing to the institution.
Under the guidance of loony leftists, America's colleges have become safe havens for rapists, and bastions of unchecked racism.
Or at least that seems to be what they are advertising.
Last December, the University of Alabama at Birmingham shut down its football program. Missouri should do the same.
Paco Wove,
Agreed. There must be a more significant back story here, like the health insurance cancellation/reinstatement story mentioned elsewhere. Still that also doesn't make much sense as a cause for termination either.
These are still children after all; little barbarians testing boundaries and finding little resistance pressing on to victory whatever THAT is.
Perhaps they should request an investigation to determine if their concerns are in fact being marginalized, rather than campaigning to destroy an innocent man's life for what appears to be an agenda driven by their personal prejudice.
Also, the symbolism is all wrong. The order of drawing the swastika and the smearing of feces matters. If they coincided then this is, pun intended, a smear campaign. It is anyway as the students place their prejudice before the pursuit of justice, and have exhibited a greater interest in collecting victims as collateral damage. This incident has the tell-tale signs of a planned event.
Last December, the University of Alabama at Birmingham shut down its football program
To be precise, the UA Board of Trustees -- overwhelmingly full of Cronies of Bear Bryant's, and led by his son -- shut down the UAB Football team. It's as if they were jealous of anything good that's happening in Birmingham, vs. Tuscaloosa (where Greek Life reigns supreme).
"...there's not much of a sacrifice being made by sitting out for these players, who are 4-5 and not in contention for anything."
Kentrell Brothers is leading the NCAA in the numbers of tackles. Sitting out games will probably cause him to lose that title and it will certainly affect he position in the NFL draft next spring.
In fact, the defense as a whole is ranked 11th statistically for FBS teams. The defensive players have a great deal to lose even in spite of the incompetent offense of the team and the losing record.
Let the hunger striker eat wedding cake.
Agree that if the school were paying the players a share of what they make on TV etc rights, I would respect the players' strike a lot more. They would have skin in the game. Actually they do have skin in the game (scholarships) but I suspect they haven't awakened yet to the damage they're doing to their position. Definitely a good idea to send them tuition bills.
But in the larger scheme --of Progressive self-immolation-- I am happy to point, laugh, and pass the popcorn.
I'm on Team I Don't Get It
All this over 'systematic oppression' with no specific examples of such. And they are running off a very good and accomplished president, while the same time, they are trivializing their cause.
"Last December, the University of Alabama at Birmingham shut down its football program. Missouri should do the same."
Now that is funny. The football program generates revenue in the mid $30 million a year range with expenses under $20 million. It subsidizes the rest of the athletic department.
UAB football on the other hand was not making money. Even still, UAB football will be back in 2017 after raising a bunch of money form donors.
The faculty has now walked out in protest to support the students.
Bullshit. They're just joining the party before they get carted toward the guillotine themselves. Hilarious.
Is tuition and fees waived and refunded on the walk out days?
Gusty Winds said...
Between the Yale costume fiasco, and this poor bastard getting hung out to dry, I am thoroughly entertained. Fuck President Wolfe. He's probably worked the leftist academia ladder all the way to the administrative top, and now he looks like a deer in headlights.
The University Left is now at the point where they are devouring their own revolutionaries and sympathizers. Just turn this guy over on his back and give him the ol' Robespierre guillotine routine.
11/9/15, 9:03 AM
I'm grabbing some popcorn, with extra butter.
I've looked at a couple of articles on this but no mention of the "racist" incidents that's spurred this. Too many of these "racist" incidents have been false-flag creations by the aggrieved faction, like the black guy who just got charged with setting fires to the black churches around St Louis, like the swastikas and nooses that were claimed to be set by others only to be found to have been set by the person lodging the complaint.
"Also, any bets that Tim Wolfe, the Prez of Mizzou, is a Democrat Obama supporter, like nearly all University Administrators?"
There is a good chance you would lose that bet...
"He began his career in 1980 at IBM Corporation in Missouri, first as a sales representative in Jefferson City then as a manager in Kansas City. For the next 20 years, he assumed progressively more responsible management positions, leading to vice president and general manager of the global distribution sector.
"From 2000 to 2003, Mr. Wolfe served as executive vice president of Covansys, a global consulting and technology services company headquartered in Michigan. In 2003, he joined Novell, a leading provider of infrastructure software. As President of the Americas and as a member of the senior management team for the organization, he was responsible for more than 3,000 employees and partner firms in the United States, Canada and Latin America. Wolfe was influential in developing the company’s overall strategy, product development, mergers and acquisitions, marketing investments and community service initiatives."
Wolfe got the job because he was acceptable to all the members of the Board of Curators, event the rather conservatives ones.
Yeah, the linked story makes it clear he's a business guy who was brought in to handle the university's money problems, not an academic.
"a business guy who was brought in to handle the university's money problems, not an academic."
Now it begins to become clear. Larry Summers redux.
Stolen from a comment at JustOneMinute:
According to many articles and studies, most universities lose money on their football program.
The 350 division I schools are making money. In fact, the football and basketball teams supports women's activities.
"most universities" is a vague category. I'm sure there are a lot division II (300 schools) and III (450 schools) that are struggling to make ends meet, but if the team can't put butts-in-seats, then I'm sure the program is cut.
...and the University of Alabama at Birmingham has reversed course. The football, rifle and bowling teams will compete again in 2016.
"... if the school were paying the players a share of what they make on TV etc rights, I would respect the players' strike a lot more. They would have skin in the game"
I don't get your logic. If they were compensated even more then they would have even more of a right to strike? I dunno...seems to me that if they were paid more they would have less of a right to strike.
What university gives a coach a contract that gives him the right to only play part of the season? Fire the coach today. Christ, MU has won only one SEC conference game so far. It's scherenfuden for the old Big Eight, especially because they left for the "bigger money" of the SEC.
I support the players' right to civil disobedience, I also support their rights to the consequences, losing scholarships for not fulfilling their contracts.
Shut the program down. Of course the taxpayers will be on the hook for all the lawsuits from the SEC, TV, and equipment suppliers, as a Mo taxpayer it will be worth it.
Tim the Shrubber wrote -
"At a big-time university football players are being compensated far below the value they are providing to the institution."
Now that's funny. Let's test that statement against minor league baseball where players are actually paid. Why don't you check minor league compensation against the value of that system to MLB.
One might say these football players were also being compensated with a valuable university education in addition to the opportunity to be noticed by the NFL. But that would be nearly as funny as your original statement.
P.S.: I'm sure the envy alone of the rest of the male students at the increased status and (ahem) social opportunities of the football players would also constitute additional compensation. Perhaps more than money in the mind of most 19 to 22 year olds.
Outsider brought in to take away the punch bowl == the organization rises up in revolt. The academic body fights the invader. Groups within the University community have probably been trying to find something to spark this off for some time.
"I'm grabbing some popcorn, with extra butter."
Well, you should get a lot of popcorn, because the show is probably coming to a campus near you soon. The issues being protested are hardly unique to Mizzou. I am sure there are many University administrators across the country nervously watching Missouri.
These are the litany of horrendous crimes against black bodies committed at this KKK university.
The protests began after the student government president, who is black, said in September that people in a passing pickup truck shouted racial slurs at him. In early October, members of a black student organization said slurs were hurled at them by an apparently drunken white student. Recently, a swastika drawn in human feces was found in a dormitory bathroom.
More recently, two trucks flying Confederate flags drove past a site where 150 students had gathered to protest on Sunday, a move some saw as an attempt at intimidation.
It's the 1940's all over again I tells ya
In Wolfe's shoes I'd go on TV and announce that the current Mizzou football losing streak tells him that the team basically quit playing over a month ago, and anyone not suited up, on the field, and playing hard this Saturday can either turn in their scholarship or have it revoked.
Then I'd post a security guard outside Butler's residence and announce that you were merely making sure no one was sneaking him food when the press wasn't around. Also I'd force Butler to be publicly weighed daily to ascertain that he really isn't taking in nourishment.
Finally I'd announce that termination proceedings for cause will be initiated against any faculty members who fail to teach their classes.
It's not like Wolfe has anything to lose.
Here is a pretty good timeline I got from someone's twitter feed.
Well, I need to get a much larger popcorn popper as the one I have now is not up to the task any longer. Watching all of these lefty/liberals eating their own and being devoured by their offspring is most entertaining! I just wonder how far away from peak absurdity we are. Every-time I think I have "seen it all" they crank it up another notch!
Oh, note that Missouri had the 2nd highest number of alleged sexual assaults by their athletes of all schools in the nation, only behind that bastion of higher learning, Florida State University. Any overlap with those calling for a boycott is strictly coincidental.
ESPN study of sex assaults
"Actually they do have skin in the game (scholarships)"
Anything I could say about the "value" of scholarships to black football players would be racist.
Although it still makes very little sense.
It sounds like at root is the desire for more hiring of black administrators at the university.
"Let's test that statement against minor league baseball where players are actually paid"
That would be an apples to oranges comparison. Per the slideshow in this Forbes article (http://www.forbes.com/sites/chrissmith/2012/06/08/billionaires-like-warren-buffett-profit-from-minor-league-baseball-ownership/2/) the most valuable minor league football team is the Sacramento River Cats, and they only have a revenue of $20 million a year. That is far less than the revenue generated by the Missouri football team.
We need separation of Sport and University. Sports are fine, for those who like them, and universities are necessary, or at least useful in some ways, but history has proven that they don't mix well.
Kevin said...
"Any bets that the feces-smeared swastika will turn out to have been done by a Social Justice Warrior, as is typical in these campus "hate crime" incidents?"
I doubt that will "turn out", because I doubt it will ever be found out, but going by the past few decades of hoax crimes at colleges, and by common sense, the poo swastika was almost certainly drawn by a Black.
Tim the Shrubber: I guess I wasn't clear. If the football team was drawing a salary and decided to forfeit that to conduct their strike, they would be consciously paying a demonstrable price for adopting their position. That's what "skin in the game" means to me: you put your money where your mouth is. But because they are still getting the benefits of scholarships etc while they purport to demonstrate their indignant commitment to a just cause, it is effectively costless. (For now: they may be so stupid or insolent as to think they won't ultimately pay a very real price, whether through forgone scholarships in future years or in crap statistics on their resumes for pro ball; but that price will probably have to be paid eventually).
I hope that by beating this horse to death you can now see what I meant.
My main point was different and very simple. Let it burn.
"Oh, note that Missouri had the 2nd highest number of alleged sexual assaults by their athletes of all schools in the nation..."
Of all schools in the nation? The report you linked to very clearly stated they only looked at 10 schools, and only at football and basketball players:
"Outside the Lines requested police reports involving all football and men’s basketball players on rosters from 2009 to 2014 from campus and city police departments covering 10 major programs: Auburn, Florida, Florida State, Michigan State, Missouri, Notre Dame, Oklahoma State, Oregon State, Texas A&M and Wisconsin."
Big Mike's suggestion is not without appeal, but it comes from another time that is long lost - both the good and the bad of that time.
The striking thing here is that there is very little that has happened to cause this. A few jerks yell out racist comments? Some cowards in a passing vehicle? A swastika on the wall? The protests show what a mess the college campus has become and it is taken over by leftists/socialists.
I also never understand why a swastika is considered more anti-black than anti many others groups There were few blacks in Germany. I don't think they were sent to concentration camps. The Nazi's were no fans of blacks, but they committed greater crimes against whites - Jews, Gypsies, Ukranians, and Catholics, for example.
rightguy2 said...
All this over 'systematic oppression' with no specific examples of such.
Oppression, or racism, is "systematic" when the examples, if any, are laughably trivial.
Real oppression.
Systematic oppression.
Prominent and not so prominent talkers from the American Black population come out with similar theories of vague and invisible forces that are oppressing people, like “institutional racism” and “white privilege”.
"I doubt that will "turn out", because I doubt it will ever be found out, but going by the past few decades of hoax crimes at colleges, and by common sense, the poo swastika was almost certainly drawn by a Black."
Hmmmm...there was also a swastika drawn in a dorm using charcoal a few months earlier in April...and in that case they did identify the perpetrator...and it was a white student.
Adios muchachos---or y'll can leave now; the message needs to be sent loud and clear. As Rhett Butler might have said, "Frankly I don't care if Mizzou doesn't have a football team."
Tim the Shrubber said...
Hmmmm...there was also a swastika drawn in a dorm using charcoal a few months earlier in April...and in that case they did identify the perpetrator...and it was a white student.
Oh, the horror...for the maintenance guy who had to clean it off.
I know a guy who inherited a lot of Nazi memorabilia, with plenty of swastikas, of course. He's Jewish: is he offended or oppressed? No.
Tim the Shrubber said... [hush][hide comment]
"I doubt that will "turn out", because I doubt it will ever be found out, but going by the past few decades of hoax crimes at colleges, and by common sense, the poo swastika was almost certainly drawn by a Black."
Hmmmm...there was also a swastika drawn in a dorm using charcoal a few months earlier in April...and in that case they did identify the perpetrator...and it was a white student.
11/9/15, 10:09 AM
Ah, but was he the "right" kind of white? Was he from ROTC or the SJW crowd? Was he motivated by prejudice or was he "trying to bring attention to the plight of the OTHERS on campus and oppose the oppressive climate"? If he was from the first group, it would have been national news. If from the second, ho hum, he meant well, poor misguided youth. Just saying he was "a white dude" doesn't give us enough information to know if we should be outraged or not!
Please please please refuse to resign.
"Ah, but was he the "right" kind of white?"
No, he was not a leftist sock puppet. Nor was he a hard-core neo-Nazi. Just a racist douche.
And he did not just do it once. Two days after first swastika was painted over he did it again in the same spot and added the words "You have been warned."
MU chancellor resigns! Madness!
The economist Roger Blair has done extensive work showing that at best 20-30 college football programs actually turn a profit. They mostly act as loss leaders to keep big money donors connected to the university.
First, get rid of the football programs. These are money losers for most schools, and they have no place in colleges. The hilarious fiction of these athletes pretending to be actual students is a mockery. Let pro-football do farm teams like in baseball, or some other form of starter leagues. But universities are not the place for it.
Second, call their bluff--cancel the season and see if these idiot "student athletes" are ready to throw their future careers away. Maybe some will get picked up by other schools, but blowing an entire season can handicap their chances at the pros.
But more importantly, show that these tactics will not work. They want him out of his job simply because he is not showing adequate fealty for their movement? (At least, from the article that's all he appeared to have done. If he did something worse, they should have stated that). This would have a chilling effect on academic freedom and universities will have to stand up if there's any hope of preserving their mission.
OK, so you don't honor the contract to play BYU, Saturday. Good luck trying to get a decent team to visit, next year.
"MU chancellor resigns! Madness!"
No, the UM System President resigned. The Chancellor of the UM campus has not.
Thank goodness he's gone. Now racial slurs will never, ever be uttered by anyone again, for sure. Whew! Problem solved!
I don't blame him for caving. No-win situation. Might as well GTFO.
Coach Pinkel has placed himself in a difficult spot. He is supporting his guys. But, no matter how he phrases the walkout in support of the hunger striker, the top demand is that his boss be fired.
Take their schollies? Sure. So long as you never want another minority recruit on your campus. That will also assure no decent, white jocks will be coming either. So that cuts the SEC network and other income. I drops the source of pride for many of the big buck alum.
So, do we let the inmates run the asylum? Or does dear old Mizzou cave. I suspect cave. (And could not happen to a better choice of school.)
Tim the Shrubber @ 9:56,
Sorry, but it's you comparing apples to oranges. Minor league baseball is a perfectly appropriate point of comparison. That you would even bring up a distraction like minor league football, presumably because they both have minor league in their name, or compare them to Mizzou football, presumably because they both have the word football, just shows your ignorance of the larger roles these various institutions play. I thought your concern was player compensation, but it appears you're more exercised by profit margin. That anyone is compensated less than the value they provide is the nature of compensation. Whether or not it is "far" less presumes that you know the noneconomic factors as well as the present value of all the economic factors, and that the numbers you have are both correct and complete. Even then "far" is a judgement call.
So, every time we see a rainbow flag or an "=" sign, we can assume that the people are bigots and support selective exclusion?
I wonder what other symbols and words have ambiguous meaning.
Tim the Shrubber said...
Two days after first swastika was painted over he did it again in the same spot and added the words "You have been warned."
Has anyone asked the maintenance guy if he's scared cuz a Secret Cabal of Nazis is gonna git 'im?
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