The Paris prosecutor, François Molins, said the attackers were all armed with heavy weaponry and suicide vests.... The gunman with the Syrian passport — which Greek officials said had been registered at the Aegean island of Leros on Oct. 3 — was 25, and died at the stadium. Another gunman, who died at the concert hall, was 29 and a native of Courcouronnes, about 20 miles south of Paris. He had a criminal record and was known to be associated with extremist Islamic ideology, Mr. Molins said....
The possibility that one of the attackers was a migrant or had posed as one is sure to further complicate the already vexing problem for Europe of how to handle the unceasing flow of people from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. It could also lend weight to the xenophobic arguments of right-wing populists like Marine Le Pen, the leader of the National Front party, who on Saturday held a news conference to declare that “France and the French are no longer safe.”
१४ नोव्हेंबर, २०१५
"Three teams of Islamic State attackers acting in unison carried out the terrorist assault in Paris on Friday night..."
"... including one gunman who may have traveled to Europe on a Syrian passport along with the flow of migrants," the NYT reports.
५२ टिप्पण्या:
If ISIS isn't careful, they are going to elect Donald Trump President of the United States.
The Democrat answer to this, as seen in Salon, is more Muslim immigration.
Yeah, that'll get you votes.
Why are we calling the stream of Muslims immigrants "migrants"? Does anyone really believe that they intend to leave in the foreseeable future? Or is "migrant" simply an attempt by the media to find a new euphemism to mislead the public?
Plan A) Bomb the shit out of their Caliphate. Take the stolen oil back and kill them all.
Plan B) Apologize for the Christian Crusades, bow in total surrender to them and pay the Jizya as a Dhimmi must do.
Or use Jack Benny's line, " I am still thinking."
Xenophobic arguments? Newspapers with decent journalistic standards leave such modifiers out of reportage pieces and reserve them for editorials.
If it's fair to describe the National Front's position on immigration xenophobic, then it is also fair to describe the current policy of Hollande's Socialists as moronic.
The possibility that one of the attackers was a migrant or had posed as one ...
The Gray lady doing its best to distance herself from an obvious truth.
Leave it to the NYT to describe LePen as "xenophobic", which means "an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange".
Do you think "xenophobia" toward ISIS and murderous Islamist fanatics of all stripes
is unreasonable?
Or do you think LePen's advocacy of nativism---defined by wikipedia as "the political position of preserving status for certain established inhabitants of a nation as compared to claims of newcomers or immigrants. ..... opposition to immigration is common in many countries because of issues of national, cultural, and religious identity---is unreasonable?
Lefties just can't admit it, but some times, "right wingers" are right.
Angela Merkel will learn this when she is ousted in the next few month.
Cheap labor turned out to be real expensive.
The Times says that the murder of well over a hundred French civilians by Islamic terrorists might bolster "the xenophobic arguments of right-wing populists".
Gee, you think?
So Obama thinks ISIS is contained and we should accept more refugees from Syria!!! What a bozo.
The problem with socialists is that they refuse to acknowledge that history can teach any lessons (which is bizarre in light of the early history of socialism when every socialist batherskite seasoned his drivel with liberal doses of terms like"historical processes") and therefore they keep making the same mistakes...
Jeff Bangle said...
Why are we calling the stream of Muslims immigrants "migrants"?,
You mean those xenophobic right-wingers who accurately forecast those unforeseen consequences? Yeah, those guys are idiots. We should never listen to them. What do they know?
What a motherfucking surprise. Of course any thought that loading one's country up with savages may be a poor idea is clearly "xenophobic". I hope Le Pen wins and deports every last one of them. France can still be France without cheap kebabs.
Marine Le Pen is coming and boy is she pissed !
Personally, I think Merkel is toast but who knows what Germans will do ?
Save your Euros as souvenirs,
Muslims and foreigners target, attack and murder hundreds of people- and Le Pen's concern is xenophobic.
Someone swipes shit in the shape of a swastika, blacks students appropriate Jewish outrage, and Althouse is down with the struggle...
Academia must be like having a bacteria in the brain that eats common sense and judgment.
wholelottasplainin' said...
Lefties just can't admit it, but some times, "right wingers" are right.
Exactly. I say that as somebody who used to vote lefty. I can't wait to hear tonight what the leftwing solution will be.
My mistake for attributing the quoted excerpt to Althouse- It wasn't she that called Le Pen xenophobic. Je suis desole...
In the EU, "far-right" means "nationalist." Which is to say, any party that believes that there's something particular about a nation that ought not to be diluted. Disagree, and you're automatically "far-right." This isn't how we use language on this side of the pond, but it appears to work for them -- at least in sidelining half their politicians.
MDT: "This isn't how we use language on this side of the pond....."
Hmmmmmmmm, isn't it?
"France and the French are no longer safe.” This is not a xenophobic argument. It's not an argument at all. It's a fact. There's no "lending creedence" to facts. They just exist.
chickelit: "I can't wait to hear tonight what the leftwing solution will be."
1) Jobs programs
2) Free tuition for "immigrants"
3) Address climate change
4) Gun Control
5) Criticize the "bitter clingers"
6) Establish additional programs to ensure we all "understand" that Islam is a religion of "peace"
7) Free tuition
8) Expanded welfare benefits
9) Address climate change
10) Free tuition
11) More gun control
Free tuition shows up simply because, and this is utterly and completely coincidental(!), it will be a mainstay of the Hillary! campaign.
So, cue "progressive" agitators aggravated over made-up (and probably self-created) "crises" (which cannot be allowed to go to waste).
Gee, not at all like the Occupy Wall Street crew which just happened, coincidently, to show up in time for an election where the repub nominee was a big successful venture capital guy.
As always.
A close relative, generally very liberal on social issues, with in-laws in Germany, was just there last week. His take? The train station where he was had something like 10,000 refugees (for lack of a better term) there, refusing to leave the immediate area of the station.Tents were being erected for temporary shelter, while the government decided what to do. The refugees in Germany that he saw were probably ⅔'s or more military age males, not older people, women or children. Smaller towns and cities are being tasked with somehow absorbing a number of refugees equal to current population, with no jobs, no housing, no education, and usually, no common language. And of course, the refugee population is of a mix which is not interested in immersion within the German culture or nation, but rather, expects to convert Germany to an Islamic-based nation with standards and mores compatible with the newcomers. German citizens are being warned not to wear provocative clothing or to do anything that might offend or inflame the newcomers, at least until everyone has a chance to get accustomed to the new normal. There is no sense that the newcomers are being likewise counseled on how not to offend the mainly Catholic and Lutheran German people.
This is all quite insane, and my relative says there is little sense that Merkel and the politicians actually speak for the German people, who have not been consulted in any meaningful way on all this, although the Germans seemed originally comfortable with the concept. Now that the reality is setting in, there is some dissension starting to show, even in Germany where the slightest hint of racism is considered an ethical failure. This was a week before the Paris attacks.
And I agree with the previous comments re: the NYT's use of "xenophobic", which implies "irrational" or "unreasonable." It's precisely this kind of BS that explains a fatuous jackass like Donald Trump being so popular. He has the stones (or perhaps the better advisors) to say what so many Americans believe on a number of subjects, including immigration, while our President wants to actually bring in some of the overflow from Europe. The lunatics really are in charge.
robinintn: ""France and the French are no longer safe.” This is not a xenophobic argument. It's not an argument at all. It's a fact. There's no "lending creedence" to facts."
You don't understand.
The left requires this fact to NOT BE a fact.
Ergo it is not a fact, but instead will become a "fact", which can then be dismissed.
After all, "reality has a left wing bias", so sayeth the left they ignore reality and push unreality.
JCC: "He has the stones (or perhaps the better advisors) to say what so many Americans believe on a number of subjects, including immigration, while our President wants to actually bring in some of the overflow from Europe."
It's actually both. Trump has the stones to say what so many rational people who refuse to drink the kool-aide believe AND Trumps advisors seem to be much more in tune with the base voters who vote in the GOP primaries.
Again, Trump is being given tremendous credit for simply uttering "2+2=4", which drives the lefties crazy who insist that 2+2 actually = (enter non-objective truth answer here).
Drago wrote 6) Establish additional programs to ensure we all "understand" that Islam is a religion of "peace"
When that phrase rings out tonight -- and something like it will -- watch for the heads nodding in approval. Virtue signaling.
JCC said...
The refugees in Germany that he saw were probably ⅔'s or more military age males, not older people, women or children.
Appalling cowardice.
But The Great Global Warming War is melting like an ice cap on a hot tin roof.
The Caliphate is being rather narcissistic. How can AlGore tell his whoppers for political power and riches if they keep making war on Kafirs he needs to pay attention to Weather Terror.
"It could also lend weight to the xenophobic arguments of right-wing populists like Marine Le Pe"
For Progs, that's always the worst part about the killing.
If those jihadis keep it up, they might even get the Progs seriously mad at them.
Then, watch out. O might send another drone, or postpone closing Gitmo, or only take 10,000 rather than 100,000 Muslim "refugees."
The refugees in Germany that he saw were probably ⅔'s or more military age males, not older people, women or children.
The Syrian rules for refugees is 'Men first, children next, and women last.'
What will happen at the debate tonight?
Well, [they will say]:
We have to show balance in our response to the Paris murders. On the one hand, all Republicans are dogsh_t and climate deniers should be jailed and this is the leading question before America - how to get rid of these two groups; on the other we should not judge ISIS and its supporter Iran by the violent jihadists they support nor become emotional about the people they kill.
And they will say:
Nothing done by Hillary Clinton or Obama has anything to do with anything that happens but we should elect Hillary because, thanks to Obama, she has held many important positions and been very influential.
The students at Missouri University are not thumbsuckers; they are awesome. The jihadists targeted bars and a heavy metal concert and, consequently, young people. They killed 128 people injured hundreds. This is the same thing the Missouri students face; they are young also and go to bars and heavy metal concerts and there, they might become victims of lack of understanding. They are homesick and everyone is dancing instead of recreating a Chuck'Cheese space for them. They get tweets about rumors about how someone said someone saw a Confederate flag on a passing car and heard a shout which could have been an insult; and people just go on go dancing and the next day their professor gives a micro-aggression, a pop quiz. It's just like being shot dead in Paris except it goes on and on like Hell so it's worse. And Hillary agrees that all this is so. VOTE HILLARY.
And to sum up:
Nothing is too ridiculous for Hillary to say it with a straight face. This is the major qualification for the leader in the Democratic party. The world? screw the world, they'll fall in line. VOTE HILLARY.
The number of terrorists is now at two refugees. I wonder how many will be the final total?
I am so happy I canceled my trip to Greece in September. We saw enough "migrants" in France and Belgium to last a while.
We also did not ride the trains this time.
Winter is coming and the "refugees" are not prepared for it, I suppose. The Kurds who went to Sweden years ago at least were from mountains and had probably seen snow. The Kurd fathers still murdered their daughters for getting too "Westernized" but they dressed warmly.
It could also lend weight
I would not blame any country one iota if they stopped accepting all immigrants. Tell the people clamoring to get in that one too many of their countrymen bit off the hand that was extended in friendship --- and that maybe they should rethink their quiet acceptance of that behavior.
I'm wondering what Security will be like on my flight back to the USA. At least I'm not flying through Europe.
@Rusty, if you drop by this thread, I hope you reached your friend and that he's OK
Now more than ever we must redouble our efforts to stamp out Isllamophobia. The best way to forestall a terrorist attack on this country is to repeal the Patriot Act and close Gitmo. Persecuting Cheney as a war criminal would also help. A few hundred thousand Syrian refugees would afford many ordinary American citizens the opportunity to have a first hand experience of these gentle migrants who only want the best for Ametica and its residents. There is much to discuss at the Democratic debate. They will offer ideas not platitudes.
It could also lend weight to the xenophobic arguments of right-wing populists like Marine Le Pen …
For some it’s xenophobia(an “unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers”) for others of us it’s survival of our culture from the totalitarian darkness that is the Islamic “religion.”
Islamic majorities in a nation means misogyny, no free speech, no free press, forced attendance at the local mosque, sharia as the legal system, honor killings and execution of anyone who leaves Islam for another religion, etc., etc., ad infinitum.
I do not want them in my country. Let them stay in their freedomless, religion-wracked hellholes. I believe I am morally justified to feel this way because the fear is entirely reasonable.
chickelit said...
Exactly. I say that as somebody who used to vote lefty. I can't wait to hear tonight what the leftwing solution will be.
Can you hear a dog whistle?
Ann this is at least a "two fer". Two of the dead Paris shooters/terrorists passed through Greece in the last few months as "refugees" from Syria. And on another blog someone reported that Obama and the State Department are executing their plan to import 10,000 "refugees" from Syria by flying them to New Orleans. From there they'll be dispersed to 100 communities in the United States. If you're going to import infection, you may as well spread it around.
I keep thinking two completely disconnected thoughts.
1) Four plus years after Obama became President, his administration and Democrats everywhere continued to blame Bush for every ill in the United States.
2) If a Terrorist attack happens in the United States in 2017, it'll be the Republican Presidents fault (Assuming we have a Republican President).
"xenophobic arguments" against immigration are beginning to look like "common sense" arguments.
So I went to Slate & Salon to see what the response would be and I found articles about Islamophobia and why the West is to blame for terrorist murders against our own civilians.
Nice, media.
The Times Saturday edition was very careful to avoid inflaming the public by suggesting Islamic extremists might have had something to do with the coordinated Paris attacks.
I am very surprised that the German people have not reacted more to the immigrant deluge. We are a long way from the time when " you have not been in a fight until you have fought the German army". I find it hard to believe that the spirit that has driven the Germans over the millennia has died. The longer it lies dormant the worse it will be when it is awakened.
A few observations. The French military and police costumes are fierce-they look like they are slim fitted-who designed them? Not a fatty on the streets of Paris-so refreshing! All the women are hot-old, young and in between.
1,000 people in Paris attended a heavy metal concert-weird.
Lastly, Paris is my fave city in the world-so fab.
Vive La France!
tits and muscles.
"I am very surprised that the German people have not reacted more to the immigrant deluge."
My impression from studying German thought and getting a little insight about the people is that Germany more than any other country in the world feels genuine guilt about their earlier actions. A lot of countries were terrible in the past, Germany really has the guilt for it. I've heard it said that admitting immigrants is part of their re-conception, the country that went out and caused so much destruction becoming a safe haven for those suffering from current destroyers.
Forget the passport. The bomber is not going to have his own passport to bomb his target. He's going to have a fake passport to throw the investigation off.
Warfare 101
The most frustrating aspect of Muslim terrorism is that they can't do anything to us without our active participation.
Every single perpetrator of 9/11 came into this country with the approval of the officials of our government, by means of technology their home nations are incapable of producing.
So two of these terrorists came in as "refugees". Well, they needed boats to get to Greece, I suppose we have to give them credit for that one; but they were then processed and passed through by European officials, and no doubt used the trains, plains, or buses to get to Paris.
So, so easy to put a stop to it, all that is lacking is the will.
Its not complicated. Blame Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and talk about the Republicans.
Aren't they essentially a tourist country now, relying on the outside dollars to continue flowing in?
Nope. They have a vibrant aircraft and nuclear power plant manufacturing capability, and are very wealthy. It's true they squander their money on communist programs, but you can't take wealth with you to the grave.
>>Its not complicated. Blame Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and talk about the Republicans.
You forgot global warming. Which, again, makes it our fault.
Grackle said: What a motherfucking surprise. Of course any thought that loading one's country up with savages may be a poor idea is clearly "xenophobic". I hope Le Pen wins and deports every last one of them. France can still be France without cheap kebabs.
I’m in agreement with the sentiments of this comment but the commentor needs to find another handle. grackle is already mine.
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