When the economic crisis began in Greece, the going rate for sex with a prostitute was 50 euros ($53).... Now, it’s fallen to as low as two euros ($2.12) for a 30-minute session.Meanwhile, in NYC, women have been successful using dating sites to find men who will take them out to dinner, even when the women are honest that there is no hope of having sex with them and they were are in it for the free food.
२८ नोव्हेंबर, २०१५
"Some women just do it for a cheese pie, or a sandwich they need to eat because they are hungry."
Dire prostitution in Greece.
४४ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe demand fell off. Not everything is a supply problem.
Oh wait, there's this
Semen is only one percent sperm; the rest is composed of over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc.
That rivals cheese.
Meanwhile, in NYC, women have been successful using dating sites to find men who will take them out to dinner, even when the women are honest that there is no hope of having sex with them and they were are in it for the free food.
I read it differently. Both appear to have been dishonest in their trolling. Neither woman named gave any sort of no-sex disclosure up front.
"Now, it’s fallen to as low as two euros ($2.12) for a 30-minute session."
I wonder what Madison whore Suzie Favor Hamilton would fetch?
From the NYC "dinner whore" article:
'Looking back, I truly didn't see the harm in my actions,' Pierre concluded. 'I met a wide variety of men and honed my acting and interviewing skills while chowing down on some awesome steak dinners.'
Great quote. Tells you everything you need to know about the woman involved.
Some topics are best left for Laslo.
"That rivals cheese."
Perhaps. But does it rival Nutella? Modern girls are vegan.
Well it looks like my aversion to Greece-style debt was in error.
So let's elect Hillary and Ryan and McConnel to spend us into Greece-style debt as a world leader, not the world ass-punk like the Greeks have been known for thousands of years.
The future is so bright, I gotta wear multiple Jimmy hats.
She's disputing the idea that her actions resulted in any harm to herself. As if people should be concerned about her end of the bargain; she has to spend hours with boring men just to get a decent meal! But no worries, she persevered and seems to have suffered no lasting damage from the hours spent with boring men.
A guy has to be pretty pathetic to think that buying dinner for a woman means that she will (or even should) put out for you. Guys who have this kind of expectation typically have no game, and they just don't want to admit it. If a woman has decided that she's not going to have sex with you- even if she tells you that upfront- that's your challenge to get her to change her mind.
If all you want is a cash-for-service transaction, then cut out the middle man and pick up an escort- it'll be a lot cheaper. Oh, wait, you can't do that legally in this country (except in parts of Nevada) because social conservatives believe it's the proper role of government to determine how people decide with whom they are going to have sex. "Limited" government, indeed.
'Cheese Pie' in Greece is, I think, the equivalent to a grilled cheese sandwich.
Two euros for sex? Is there no problem that supply-side economics can't solve?
Some economist should make a Laffer curve that will accurately predict the price point at which women will no longer sell sex, and also, the optimum pricing model. I contend that this graph will show not one but two symmetrical curves.
I wonder, by the way, how Prof. Laxos performed this 3-year study. Was the study hands-on?
Why do they charge at all? Surely, the new era of Greek socialism has brought collective ownership of the means of reproduction?
"It's an ill wind that blows no good." At least there's a silver lining for the johns.
"What's a Greek urn?"
"About $4.24 an hour."
I find this incredibly sad.
The Socialist system in Greece has succeeded in taking away everything people have, including dignity.
Plus, women should be able to make a good living through Prostitution.
I am Laslo.
If you can't devalue the currency, you can devalue the sex workers. Tourism is encouraged in either case.......Still, I would have reservations about using the services of a two dollar prostitute. You want to attract the tourists with money, not Albanians on a long weekend.
Sociology professor Gregory Laxos and his team at Panteion University in Athens
Panteion University doesn't seem to know who he is.
They DO know about GlaxoSmithKline
Oh, wait, you can't do that legally in this country (except in parts of Nevada) because social conservatives believe it's the proper role of government to determine how people decide with whom they are going to have sex. "Limited" government, indeed.
I imagine that legalized prostitution is the only way librul betas can get laid when all the leftie womyn are plum wore out.
- Krumhorn
I think it's safe to say that if you only pay $2.12 for the pie, you'll surely get some cheese a little later. I don't think that penicillin will fix that. Some bleach maybe.
- Krumhorn
"men who will take them out to dinner, even when the women are honest that there is no hope of having sex with them and they were are in it for the free food."
Grist for the future best seller, "The Lonely Guy's Guide to the Wallet-Rape Rooms"
As to the benefits of semen - you are missing some of the most important - mood hormones. Ever wonder why women like sex, even when they don't climax? Think endorphins in the semen. Ditto for why many women think sex is better without condoms.
Unless the women selling themselves for a sammich were whores, prostitutes or sex workers before the Greek financial crisis, I don't think it is correct to state that the price of hookers has fallen in Greece. I think the correct analysis is that there are a lot more women willing to trade food or money for sex than before the crisis.
And for that correct analysis, which indicates desperation on the part of Greek women rather than a possible decline in the numbers of men seeking sex for money, I charge nothing at all.
Cheese pie is a euphemism.
"found that Greek women now dominate the country’s prostitution industry, replacing Eastern European women"
So the Romanians swam to Italy?
"The study comes after a shocking report last month of an unemployed Greek mother pimping her 12-year-old daughter to a priest and a retired man for money. The mother, 44, was sentenced to 33 years in prison and fined 100,000 euros ($106,153), the paper said. The Greek media dubbed the woman “monster mom,” and the country was outraged by the case. "
I ran camera for an interview with a teen girl from Beloit who in the course of telling her story discussed how her mom whored her out to a guy in exchange for fixing mom's car.
I hope the NY Times does a liberating write-up should a bunch of guys go on a sex-tour in Greece.
'Cheese-pie hookering builds sense of community'
'Brain scans reveal Empathy increases of over 17%'
'Donny'- I realized these girls...were people. Each cheese-pie tells a story.
'Raymond'-It's like science, and art. We're truly in a global village now.
Pierre went on plenty of bad dates, ...another who flirted with every woman in the restaurant....
What? Was she jealous? If she's just in it for the meal-ticket, and the date's not harassing her (like the foot-fetish guy), what the hell does she care what he does with other women?
Ms Pierre is truly a piece of work.
What would Melina Mercouri say about the market bottoming out?
As I've mentioned in this forum before, I have a client who has an employee who is not just "pretty", she is really beautiful. We were once discussing steak houses in DC, and she mentioned how much she liked Mortons.
Me: "Oh jeez, Mortons is expensive. The damn baked potatoes are twelve bucks at Mortons, much less the steaks."
Her: "Oh, I never pay."
Me: "Do you only go on dates, and they pay?"
Her: "No, I'll go with one of my girl friends, and by the end of the meal, some man in the restaurant offers to pay for our dinners. It happens every time."
That was followed by my stunned face.
And, speaking of poorly paid prostitutes, you know where prostitutes are among the best paid people in the country? Cuba. They make more than doctors, and often get paid in foreign currency. The lives of prostitutes are so good in Cuba, that there's no longer any social opprobrium attached to the "profession". Hey, at least one socialist country can do good by its escorts. Maybe Greece will develop further in its socialist consciousness until its hookers start getting a "fair wage for fair work". I've even got a motto for their struggle: "We're not gonna take this lying down. Or in any other position."
I think it is sort of romantic to go on a date, just to watch a woman enjoy a good meal. She doesn't even have to talk.
At my age, my hormones are pretty low, and the only erogenous zone I have left, are my fingers (wrapped around a leg of Turkey)...
The "dinner whore" story has appeared on this blog before.
"Think endorphins in the semen."
I have been thinking about it for some time now, but I still can't remember the name of the commenter here who talked about women getting addicted to anal sex because of a certain chemical in semen.
The guy posted under his own name, I think he might have been a professor of something somewhere. Had his own blog maybe too. Very intelligent, the type to graduate college at 19 magna cum laud etc.
Three names???
Black hair, short. About 5'10" to 6'1" with a slender build.
Damnit I wish I could think of his name.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
Some topics are best left for Laslo.
11/28/15, 7:46 AM
He's busy packing for a trip to Greece, loading his suitcase with ham sandwiches and cheese pies.
Mmmm . . . cheese pie . . .
YoungHegelian said:
I've even got a motto for their struggle: "We're not gonna take this lying down. Or in any other position."
It's always a mistake to go full Lysistrata.
Women in the United States just don't know how well off they have it.
How do they suppose things will go for them if the United States becomes socialist, like say, Venezuela?
It's ironic how the Obama's of the world are always getting elected and professing to look out for women and minorities, and yet, their policies make life hell for the women and minorities.
Tom Marks Ferris?
Timothy Cooper Mathis?
Alan Tim Scott?
"Stephen A. Meigs said...
Freedom to sodomize is not a sexual freedom unless one considers sodomy sex (which I don't). Sodomy is not directly about reproduction--it's a chemical addiction in my opinion. So a better question would be whether one should have the freedom to addict people. Suppose sodomy is addictive. Then why shouldn't sodomizing be seen as a wrong to be treated with laws akin to those against illicit drugs? A society that has laws banning addictions (in the ordinary chemical sense) will have citizens that behave more according to their natural brain tendencies than according to the tendencies caused by the artificially introduced chemicals. The important thing is that people be free to behave according to their natural tendencies when those tendencies don't hurt others; that way, more refined natural tendencies will evolve. A society which discourages its citizenry from behaving according to unnatural tendencies caused by addictive chemicals (like those of semen after they have been absorbed by the digestive system) will tend to evolve much better than other societies, where people are totally free to be as druggy and screwed-up as they come to want to be. Actually, the situation is rather worse than mentioned. Since sodomy screws up sexual selection more than natural selection, and since it is mainly sexual selection that is responsible for the evolution of goodness and other higher moral traits in society, people will tend to evolve to be very selfish and bad in a society in which sodomy is common.
Sodomy is such a nefarious and vile tool for separating someone from their natural sexual tendencies, it would be a quite useful and mostly harmless assumption to treat anyone wanting sodomy as someone who originally was tricked or forced into it. In my opinion, no clear thinking person with understanding would voluntarily choose to be sodomized. Just as 80 year-olds should be protected from making reverse mortgages at 30% interest (because the natural assumption is that they were tricked or forced into it on account of senility), laws should outlaw sodomy (because the natural assumption is that anyone wanting to be sodomized wants it because they were tricked or forced into getting screwed up, e.g., because they were violently molested). Anyone truly interested in sexual freedom would see that forcible sodomy and rape being common makes sexual freedom very difficult, and if enlightened would try to discourage sodomy because allowing people to choose to be sodomized empowers rapists and forcible sodomizers. Rape isn't very useful to rapists if it doesn't have a prospect of turning into something longer-lasting. And anti-sodomizer laws might be somewhat directly useful, for example, in making it easier for people who have been forcibly sodomized to prove that the sodomizer committed a crime even if she can't prove the sodomy wasn't asked for, and in making it dangerous and thus less selfishly useful for sodomizers to sodomize people.
Freedom to sodomize is not like freedom to choose religion, either. People believing in good religions presumably evolve better than people believing in bad religions, but society deciding what is a good religion discourages people from evolving to choose the best religion, which would be dreadful even if society could be trusted to choose rightly what's good religion. The only thing that evolves better in a society that doesn't discourage sodomy is anti-sodomy defenses, all quite useless to the extent sodomy and chemical addiction is discouraged (unless from external countries rampaging hordes gain control and sodomize most everybody, a very mild consideration with today's lethal weaponry). And bad sodomizing unlike bad religion is unchangeable and easily defined, so there would be no need to trust society to understand what it be. All sodomizing is reprehensible and can be defined simply as "putting semen into a digestive system".
8/20/11, 3:07 PM"
althouse.blogspot.com chemical semen addicted
That was the search I used and it yielded the provided result.
Please anyone at any time feel free to delete any posts not cool, especially of mine, as my goal is to increase interest and discussion and has never been to destroy or directly detract from this website. I only say that because in the past I have said things approaching the opposite, although knowing then and now it's your site to do with what interests you until it doesn't.
In China, they do it for chili.
Prof Laxos is full of it.
Even he admits that the hookers operating for as low as 2 euros for 30 minutes represent less than 3% of the prostitutes he surveyed, and he never bothers to validate his survey as reflective of the prostitute population in Greece. But Laxos doesn't like austerity and saying that 2.3% of working whores charge minimum wage because of those mean German bankers is better than admitting that crack whores will do anything for their next hit.
Kind of like John Kerry blaming the Paris attacks on my SUV while he jets off to the AGW conference.
Advice to men on dating sites: Never make the first encounter a meal. A cup of coffee, perhaps, or, at most, a drink. In fact, don't offer a meal until you're fairly confident it will pay off.
I dated a Greek girl once. She was pretty, after she depilated her cheeks (all four of them), and she LOVED cheese pie.
I am not Laxos.
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