Said the mother of this beautiful girl:
२७ नोव्हेंबर, २०१५
"Our brothers will come and kill those like you, infidels. They'll cut heads with knives. And you know, my heart won't miss a beat."
"I looked at her and I could no longer see my child. She was simply a shell of my daughter, no soul, no thoughts, no heart."
Said the mother of this beautiful girl:
Said the mother of this beautiful girl:
५७ टिप्पण्या:
Could it be true that thee Raider mentality to kill and steal is attractive to humans, who are DNA carriers from the original hunter gatherers.
The only strange part is the crafty disguise of Mohammed's Raider Bands as a Religion that gives them a pretense of god's approval for killing and stealing.
It was so much easier back when teenage girls would just run off with their drug-dealer boyfriends and become prostitutes.
More innocent times, back then.
I am Laslo.
Something that I just do not understand. Is it the old "bad boy" attraction? Not just her, but too many like her.
This just goes back to Belmont Club's posting, "You are the Someone" when trouble comes.
On the American side of the Atlantic, Rukmini Callimachi has a long piece in the New York Times describing how a "lonely" American girl was gradually converted to Islam by an ISIS interlocutor on the Internet. "Alex, a 23-year-old Sunday school teacher and babysitter, was trembling with excitement the day she told her Twitter followers that she had converted to Islam."
The left has taken away religion and patriotism in a plan to replace them with Marxism. The Islamists have moved to fill those empty heads with another radical religion.
The West is filled with millions of people like Alex, all of them waiting for Someone. They are the product of a multi-decade campaign to deliberately empty people of their culture; to actually make them ashamed of it. They were purposely drained of God, country, family like chickens so they could be stuffed with the latest narrative of the progressive meme machine. The Gramscian idea was to produce a blank slate upon which the Marxist narrative could be written.
Too bad for the Gramscians that the Islamists are beating them to the empty sheets of paper. And they are better at it too. Maybe the old Bolsheviks could have given ISIS a run for its money, but today's liberals have declined from their sires.
Or, as Mark Steyn puts it, Why do they despise us ?
'Why do they hate us?' was never the right question. 'Why do they despise us?' is a better one.
In every generation there are a certain small percentage of teenagers that feel an irresistible compulsion to join some nihilistic, insane group. This girl would have joined the weathermen or SDS or Jim Jones had she been an American in the 60s.
Cutting off heads has become a current fad, as the photo above and several in the linked article show.
I looked at her and I could no longer see my child. She was simply a shell of my daughter, no soul, no thoughts, no heart."
They are all "born again" Muslims.
This is an important point.
She's right. It happens. This is very similar to a cultist recruiting case, such as the San Francisco Peoples Temple gang. They come from somewhere, they have mothers. Many mothers wont admit it. I have seen this. They will rationalize and make excuses.
Admitting reality is better than the rationalizations.
My guess is that by chaining her daughter to a radiator the mother was teaching her that for every problem the extreme solution works best..
A blood thirsty psychopath.
I had two gut reactions to this:
1. Nice Tank: Very sad story, poor Mom.
2. Tank is an idiot: How can we blame her parents?
"Mother, I am with ISIS now!"
"Fatima, I have already told you: I do NOT want you hanging out with those boys: those boys are trouble."
"They're good boys, Mother, they just --"
"--They cut people's heads off, Fatima. Those are NOT good boys."
"Muhammed told me you wouldn't understand..."
"Your friend Muhammed tried to set your Father on fire, Fatima."
"Daddy is an Infidel, Mother!"
"He's still your Father, Fatima, and I will not have you hanging out with people who try to set him on fire."
"Mother, Muhammed wants me to be his fourth wife and help him in his fight for Allah!"
"So you're getting married, now? When were you going to tell your parents this bit of news?"
"I knew you wouldn't understand!"
And his Fourth wife? He's this young and he's been divorced three times already?"
"No, Mother. They are all still married to him."
"I didn't raise my daughter to live in a harem, Fatima. And how is this 'husband' going to support four wives might I ask? I don't see him with any job."
"We'll live on welfare from the Infidels until it is time to join the Fight in Syria. ISIS takes care of its own."
"So you're going to live in some mud hut in Syria while your husband is out and about cutting off people's heads? You wouldn't make it a week, Fatima: they don't have indoor plumbing."
"Mother, I have prepared. I have already stopped using toilet paper."
"Oh, Fatima..."
"Mother, I'm leaving."
"You are not going out of this House dressed like that!"
"It's a burka, Mother! It is the proper way for a woman to dress."
"It's a tent, Fatima. Why don't you go put on your yoga pants and that Miley Cyrus concert T-shirt?
"Those are of the Devil, Mother!"
"I won't argue with you about Miley Cyrus on that one, Fatima, but I wish you would stop and think about what you are doing."
"I am giving my Life to a Greater Cause! Our brothers will come and kill those like you, infidels. They'll cut heads with knives. And you know, my heart won't miss a beat."
"Fatima, does that include your beloved Grandmother?
"Yes: the infidel Grandma. Are you going to cut off HER head, the woman who looked after you and read you stories and baked you cookies?"
"The Grandma who has done nothing but love you since the day you were born?"
"I -- I don't think I could do it, Mother."
"Now, THAT'S my Girl!"
"I think I would have to let Muhhamed do it..."
"I am Laslo.
Laslo Spatula said...
It was so much easier back when teenage girls would just run off with their drug-dealer boyfriends and become prostitutes.
More innocent times, back then.
I am Laslo.
11/27/15, 9:38 AM"
What you wrote in jest now appears to be sadly true.
This is the enemy. Prepare to defend yourselves in any manner available.
Too bad moderation makes a conversation impossible. Have a quiet day and stay out of malls, especially Mall of America.
Has the Muslim religion done a single positive thing for the world?
I can't keep all this crazy Suni v Shia stuff straight. Why should this be a problem? Why should we care? Can't they work out their problems after 1000 years?
Its very easy to indoctrinate young people. Our western schools have been doing it for the longest promoting liberals into liberal groupthink. While the lefties of our country are not chopping off peoples heads, look at the group think that has affected multiple college campuses. It has veered into extremist thought. THey, like this woman, need to be unbrainwashed.
At this point though, the only thing that will cure her is a bomb
Laslo Spatula said...
"It was so much easier back when..."
Ordinary decent criminals almost seem like kinfolk these days.
"La Stampa daily reported that a gang of masked robbers had stormed into a bank shouting: 'Relax, we are not Isis. It is only a hold-up.'”
Now is the time for all good leftists to step up and explain:
1) How none of this has anything to do with islam
2) How we must double and triple our efforts to stamp out the Christian menace!
You are a funny man Laslo.
"Fatima, tonight I sleep with the Wife Audrey. You must sleep outside with the others in the camel pen."
"But Muhhamed: you slept with Audrey LAST night. I'm starting to think you love her best."
"Fatima, I love all of my four wives equally, as I love my rifle, my knife and my camel."
"Then why can't it be MY turn in bed with you tonight?"
"Because Audrey doesn't cry when I make sweet sweet love to her asshole."
"Does ISIS not believe in Lube, Muhammed?"
"Lube is of the Infidels, Fatima. They are weak in the Face of Pain. You must learn that."
"I will try, Muhammed: I will try."
"If you like, I will let you sleep in my brother's tent tonight."
"But your brother doesn't use Lube, either, Muhammed."
"Remember what I just said about the Face of Pain? Do I need to Strike you to enforce the lesson?"
"No, Muhammed. I will sleep in the Camel Pen and look at the stars, grateful for all that ISIS provides."
"That is a Good Woman. Now clean between my buttocks before I go to bed, Fatima: I was not able to fully clean myself away with my Left Hand. Too much hummus."
"Can't one of the other wives do that tonight, Muhhamed, just this once?"
"I'm sorry for asking, Muhammed. Bend over, my Husband, and lift your robe."
"Thank you, Fatima. And while you are cleaning -- please remember to tickle my balls..."
I am Laslo.
Heartbreaking story, but why did she first convert to Islam before joining with ISIS? Why didn't she just become a Catholic jihadist? Or a Mormon jihadist? Or Baptist jihadist? As Hillary said in cautioning us about using the Islamic radical or Islamic jihadist label for ISIS, "We are at war with violent extremism, we are at war with people who use their religion for purposes of power and oppression, and yes we are at war with those people but I don’t want us to paint with too broad a brush." So, why did this poor, delusional girl have to go and try to paint with a much narrower brush by seeming to imply that jihadism is somehow associated with Islam and not associated with all the other religions that practice jihad?
Oh, yeah. Never mind.
Laslo said...
"I am giving my Life to a Greater Cause! Our brothers will come and kill those like you, infidels. They'll cut heads with knives. And you know, my heart won't miss a beat."
Laslo hits the nail on the head. We are a culture without a point. We have had all of the movements that are based on service like church/military driven from popular cultural and had them replaced by an awful greedy Social Justice movement. Feminists and Racemongers are all that kids have as movements to join. Those are the "Greater Cause" now.
Hillary is the presumed nominee for a major party. People who pretend to be decent are considering voting for her. The left has introduced a rot that destroys the soul and removes empathy.
People used to go to Christian churches.
Now, they have climate change or conversion to Islam to fill that void.
As the Grand Inquisitor (sort of) said to his prisoner, "You messed up. You gave men free will. Most of them can't handle it. They want someone or something else to provide meaning for them; to tell them want to do, how to live."
Yeah, I was reading Dostoevsky recently.
Still, it's a great parable.
She's the Selena Gomez of radical Islam. I never knew jihad could be so sexy!
Most Muslims seem either ignorant of Islam’s history or don’t dwell on the horrifyingly violent roots of their religion-ideology. On the other hand, ISIS is well aware they are acting consistent with documented legacy of murder and sex slavery. Meanwhile, both President Obama and president-in-waiting Clinton deny ISIS is Islamic. That is their political game. Stories like this lay out the truth.
Lightweight Religion is looking better and better all the time .
If ISIS isn't Islamic, who or what is? Is Farrakhan the soft side; because he is out of his mind.
There are sick sinners associated with all religions. Currently, the Westboro Baptist Church is a Christian embarrassment, but at best their just a bunch of Assholes.
Maybe the pure evil we see stemming from radical Islam might have something to do with the fact that Mohammed is simply a false prophet.
Laslo said: "It was so much easier back when teenage girls would just run off with their drug-dealer boyfriends and become prostitutes."
Actually, it's strikingly similar.
From the newspaper account:
"Fatima and her mother had been close as she grew up, her mother revealed, but everything changed when she went to university as a scholarship student in her home city of Surgut in Siberia, and met her 'recruiter', a man known as Abdullah."
The way that young people are being drawn into radical Islam is strikingly similar to how they're drawn into illicit drugs or (in the case of girls) prostitution.
They start running with the wrong crowd, and eventually they meet some guy who dispenses free samples and gradually seduces them into it.
We really need a D.A.R.E. to keep kids off radical Islam, just like we try to keep them off drugs.
If you suspect your child is using drugs, you can ask your doctor or local hospital for help. The same thing should happen if you suspect your child is getting mixed up with radical Islam.
Cog: "horrifyingly violent roots of their religion-ideology."
What are the horrifyingly violent roots?
As far as I can tell, both Jesus and Mohammed started out the same way: Preaching peace and brotherhood. Both encountered opposition and eventually threats to their lives.
And that's where the similarity ends. Jesus allowed himself to be murdered. Mohammed fought back. Hard. And he won.
Mohammed was no more "horrifyingly violent" than Spartacus. Not by the standards of ancient times.
Parts of ISIS theology have roots:
After being asked why Al Azhar, which is in the habit of denouncing secular thinkers as un-Islamic, refuses to denounce the Islamic State as un-Islamic, Sheikh Nasr said:
It can't [condemn the Islamic State as un-Islamic]. The Islamic State is a byproduct of Al Azhar's programs. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic? Al Azhar says there must be a caliphate and that it is an obligation for the Muslim world [to establish it]. Al Azhar teaches the law of apostasy and killing the apostate. Al Azhar is hostile towards religious minorities, and teaches things like not building churches, etc. Al Azhar upholds the institution of jizya [extracting tribute from religious minorities]. Al Azhar teaches stoning people. So can Al Azhar denounce itself as un-Islamic?
Nasr joins a growing chorus of critics of Al Azhar....
The principles of a philosophy matter. Both wrong and selective principles engender dysfunction.
Good thing she only became a "jihadi," not a "radical Muslim." This mom should listen to Hillary! and count her blessings.
By the way, if male martyrs get 72 virgins, what do the female martyrs get?
madAsHell: you are correct.
What a sad, tragic world this has become.
Yes Harrogate.
As always, the answer to each and every islam inspired atrocity is to promote "moderation" in all religions, but especially not islam in particular.
Goodness no.
After all, the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam.
Put it alongside the crazy ex-girlfriend stories.
Michael K: Similar thoughts in a 2006 writin by Eric Raymond, excerpt:
"Gramscian damage"
"Again, this is by design. Lenin and Stalin wanted classical-liberal individualism replaced with something less able to resist totalitarianism, not more. Volk-Marxist fantasy and postmodern nihilism served their purposes; the emergence of an adhesive counter-ideology would not have. Thus, the Chomskys and Moores and Fisks are running a program carefully designed to dead-end at nothing.
Religions are good at filling that kind of nothing. Accordingly, if transnational progressivism actually succeeds in smothering liberal individualism, its reward will be to be put to the sword by some flavor of jihadi. Whether the eventual winners are Muslims or Mormons, the future is not going to look like the fuzzy multicultural ecotopia of modern left fantasy. The death of that dream is being written in European banlieus by angry Muslim youths under the light of burning cars." Entire article worth a read.
On another note, Sadly, I can relate to this Mom's statement "a shell of my daughter" as that is how I feel about mine as well, her husband, as totalitarian as any jihadi (only supposedly Catholic) has emptied her of any worth or fight. And when I found out about his beating my 2y.o. Granddaughter, (which my daughter did not know about) it crushed my soul, I too--if only briefly--actually wished I had not had my daughter, as then the most precious thing in the world to me, my granddaughter, would not be terrorized by this monster of a "father." I may never speak with my daughter again, as I finally just confronted her with this information, and her reaction was that I was "trying to destroy her family" and I calmy replied that no, I was trying to save her family--if he sought help now, it would benefit all, and perhaps most importantly, it would prevent the inevitable--that someone at some point (pre school teacher, doctor) is going to notice and report it, and that would be horrific.
I think madAsHell is onto something. Maybe we should spend some taxpayer dollars for a study to quantify this.
Headline is misleading: There are two quotes in the headline. Only one said by the mother.
Cog said...
Most Muslims seem either ignorant of Islam’s history or don’t dwell on the horrifyingly violent roots of their religion-ideology. On the other hand, ISIS is well aware they are acting consistent with documented legacy of murder and sex slavery. Meanwhile, both President Obama and president-in-waiting Clinton deny ISIS is Islamic. That is their political game. Stories like this lay out the truth.
11/27/15, 12:04 PM"
Now what was it Obama said about the Muslim call to prayer.... and since when is Hillary an expert on Islam?
"Yes, my husband."
"Did I not have your Grandmother bound?
"Yes, my husband."
"Did I not have your Grandmother gagged?
"Yes, my husband."
"Did I not have your Grandmother blindfolded?
"Yes, my husband."
"Did I not have your Grandmother down on her knees?
"Yes, my husband -- Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes"
"Then why did you not cut off her head?"
"She was always kindly to me -- she sang me songs, and made me cookies --"
"She is an Infidel, Fatima!"
"I know -- I tried. Really I did!"
"Try? Do. Or do not. There is no try!”
But Muhammed, I did cut cleanly through her wizened throat, but when the knife hit her spine I was not strong enough to cut through the bone."
"Fatima: If you cannot cut through a spindly old woman's spine how will you ever behead a man twice your size?!"
"Maybe I could use a chainsaw?"
"I am so sorry Muhhamed, I know that is a Tool of the Infidel..."
"Do not be sorry, Wife! That is not a Tool of the Infidel, that was surely a Moment of Religious Inspiration! The Chainsaw! Surely Allah would Approve!"
"Do you really think so, husband?"
"We will ask the Cleric, sure, but I truly Believe that you were just Touched by God!"
"I am so pleased that you are pleased, my Husband."
"Tonight you do not sleep with the camel, my Wife: tonight you sleep with me!"
"Uh... Lube is still of the Infidel, though...?
Lube is still of the Infidel, Fatima..."
I am Laslo.
And Yes Indeed there was a Yoda reference.
Layers of an Onion.
I am Laslo.
"Fatima! Great News!"
"Yes, my Husband?"
"I spoke to the Cleric and he said there is nothing in the Koran that would forbid the use of a chainsaw!"
"That is great, my Husband!"
"He said ISIS has had to take a lot of recruits of late that are physically weak, and that the Chainsaw will surely increase our Efficiency in executing Allah's Will!"
"That is great, my Husband!"
"He Congratulated me, and confirmed that I indeed had a True Moment of Divine Inspiration!"
"Uh, Muhhamed...?
"Yes, Fatima?"
"Ummmm... I was the one who had the idea."
"No, no, my Wife: it was me."
"Actually, I am pretty sure it was me..."
"Don't be silly, woman: Allah would not give a Divine Revelation of Such Importance to a mere Woman!"
"But -- "
"No, Fatima: He simply used you as the vessel unto which He delivered His Message to Me."
"I was just a Vessel, Mohammed?"
"Perhaps more like a Hose, Fatima."
"A hose."
"Yes, Fatima: now you understand."
"But it really WAS my idea, Muhhamed..."
"Fatima, when you say such things it requires of me the Strength of a Hundred Men to not plunge my blade into your lying Heart!"
"My Husband --"
"Not yet, Fatima! I am still Restraining!"
"Woosh. That was a close one. I feel a little dizzy."
"Muhammed, I was Wrong: I was just a Hose, just like you said. You are Right."
"I am so Gladdened that the Devil has released his Grip on your tongue, Fatima."
"Me too, my Husband."
"I will still have to give you twenty lashes, though."
"I understand, my Husband."
"Make me dinner, and I will Whip you after we eat and you Clean Out My Ass after my Day's Final Defecation."
"Yes, my Husband."
"And Fatima?"
"Yes, my Husband?"
"When you Clean Out My Ass remember to tickle my balls: it will make it easier on you..."
I am Laslo.
Darwin is hurrying after her to give her a Darwinian Award.
As far as I can tell, both Jesus and Mohammed started out the same way.
No, they didn't. Read any reputable history of Islam's origins. Start with Richard Gabriel's "Muhammad: Islam's First Great General (Campaigns and Commanders Series)."
sin52: “What are the horrifyingly violent roots?”
Just compare the spread of Christianity to Islam:
When Christ’s apostles went out to preach and baptize, wherever they weren’t welcome, they would follow Jesus’ instruction “to leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.” This they faithfully did, even though their persecutions and martyrdoms.
On the other hand, when the peaceful Quaraa Jews surrendered to Muhammad and his followers, Muhammed ordered the 800 men and boys to be beheaded and the women and children enslaved.
To this day, modern Islam will not apologize for anything done by their founder.
As far as I can tell, both Jesus and Mohammed started out the same way: Preaching peace and brotherhood. Both encountered opposition and eventually threats to their lives.
Muhammad's first action after founding Islam was to order his supporters to attack Mecca. Islam has been spreading by the sword ever since. Jesus told his supporters to love their neighbors. Muhammad told his supporters to convert their neighbors or enslave them.
Islam is much closer to the Thugees than it is to Christianity.
I was trying to save her family--if he sought help now, it would benefit all, and perhaps most importantly, it would prevent the inevitable--that someone at some point (pre school teacher, doctor) is going to notice and report it, and that would be horrific.
Theranter, I feel for you. One time years ago, I was working in an Emergency Room while still a resident. I had a child come in with a bump on her head that looked suspicious to me. I talked to the mother who finally admitted she had struck the child. At that time, I had to get another opinion before calling police. I called the neurosurgeon on call, who I knew as he had just finished his residency the year before. I knew he was an asshole but did not anticipate that he would come in, spend 30 seconds with the child and declare the bump was a bug bite. He was pissed at being called.
I could do nothing. I know how you feel.
Well..if they move towards merely cutting heads with knives, we will have progress. we still have our troops listening to young boys being analized in adjoining tents?
You can see the mother's beauty that she transmitted to her daughter. It is behind a mask of distress and pain it is there. Her beauty must have seem such a gift, and now it is totally useless.
"I talked to the mother who finally admitted she had struck the child. At that time, I had to get another opinion before calling police. "
After the mom confessed?
And the neuro you called in deemed it a bug bit?
What's wrong with these girls? In the 30's and 40's the Japanese military pressed ganged Korean and Chinese woman into being "comfort woman". These girls are volunteering for the job.
Oh, I thought this was about the Packers v Bears. Never mind.
Michael K, it's worse now with providers than it was a few decades ago. Many of them are idiots, and most think they know more than is real. But I'm not bitter.
Dear Fatima, based on what happened to Samra Kesinovic, I urge you to enjoy what's left of your short life.
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