"These symbols set the tone for the rest of the school and the fact that we hold up the Harvard crest as something to be proud of when it represents something so ugly is a profound disappointment and should be a source of shame for the whole school," said one law student.
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
Eat your vegetables.
Wheat? I thought it was broccoli.
I know one Harvard law student who once said, "I'd pop her eyes out and skull fuck her." But not for attribution, so he shall remain nameless.
Just illustrating that the day I respect anything said by one Harvard Law student is the day they say something reasonable, rather than idiotic.
Taking away the crest doesn't erase the history. If they truly object they should transfer to another school.
If I were they're parents I'd ask for refund.............
It's a profound disappointment and should be a source of shame for the whole school to have students that inane.
If only they could find a University founded and run by martyred Saints.
Even that wouldn't work, I suppose. The Saints were still part of the Patriarchy (or else they'd never have achieved Saint-dom).
"If I were they're parents I'd ask for refund............."
I don't think it's the hospital's fault their kid is an idiot.
At Yale, of course, there's controversy about Calhoun College being named for slavery-advocate John C. Calhoun. It's a pity, because the solution is so damned obvious: rename the college after Algonquin J. Calhoun.
Its not just the slave business. That crest is hardly welcoming to the gluten intolerant.
I'm still pissed off at the North Africans who held members of my Christian Minorcan family ancestors as slaves chained to galley oars hundreds of years ago. I'm still traumatized by those events. I'm thinking about filing reparations...
The idiocracy is upon us.
HEADLINE: Harvard Graduate Level Students Amazed to Discover That "The Past is a Foreign Country".
Seriously, would you hire, either as an employer or as your legal representation, anyone who was this stupid?
Will somebody PLEASE start slapping these little dipshits?
Hell, Harvard should do so. They cannot want it publicized that their students are morons.
"Looking for something to be offended by?"
Drop the question mark. Add a period. There that's all that needs said.
There's nothing wrong with the design.
There's just something wrong with the person who originally used the design.
So what do they want?
Give the right to pick a design to the next person who contributes $X million to Harvard?
"The design is also the coat-of-arms for Isaac Royall Jr., who through his estate helped found the school."
So they object to the symbol but are perfectly happy to be taking material advantage of the slaveholder's estate. Got it.
Social Justice Warriors, searching every dark corner to ferret out things by which they can be offended, and thus justify their perfervid orgies of browbeating.
(Your typical SJW must have brows like Brezhnev. Giant brows, beating like squirrels in heat.)
One wonders when average Americans will no longer tolerate SJW shit like this. I think that threshold is fast arriving.
Perhaps the student is looking for a future in (so-called) public interest law?
The Boston guys that blatantly use this pro-slavery wealth Crest are far more evil than a few Confederate Battle Flags and the Stone Mountain Memorial to brave soldiers and Generals.
The New England guys need to lose a Civil War and have their property confiscated and their money declared worthless and be occupied by a Military Government.
No wonder Liz Warren wanted so badly to be known as an Oklahoma Cherokee. Anything to escape the shame of being one of the people at a slavery wealth created Institution.
Did not the Romans have slaves? Did they not speak Latin? Is Veritas not Latin?
Obviously, they aren't paying for their education. This is what happens when free-riders congregate.
The deep shame of Harvard is what makes them all crimson.
This is fun. Twitter could hold these self evident truths.
But is the "Shame, Shame, Shame" chant copyrighted by Wisconsin Democrats?
I guess we've found something beyond Self Actualization in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
"The design is also the coat-of-arms for Isaac Royall Jr., who through his estate helped found the school."
Hey, Harvard should calculate the compounded value of Royall's initial gift. Then withdraw that amount from the endowment and split it between the NAACP and the Urban League.
It's probably only a couple billion dollars. Harvard will never miss it. Reparations!
Alexander J. Clayborne, you're going about this all wrong. I suggest you walk down the middle of the street. Wave your arms, and maybe rob a mini mart first.
You and your cause will be national news the day after the police stop you.
And my initial thought before reading the article was the word Veritas. I thought someone was finally recognizing how shameful it is to have that on their crest. Harvard hasn't been within spitting distance of Truth for quite a long time.
I'd think if they pulled that down a lot of alumni would be crestfallen.
I think "having a conversation about slavery" is rather an excuse to avoid having to talk about present problems.
I presume that Stanford would be glad to have him (and he'd save $1500 on tuition!). Or Georgetown Law. Or even whichever school is dead last in the US News rankings.
Brilliant comment Born. I will steal it.
Asparagus is the tallest and proudest of the vegetables, the pillar of the vegetable kingdom.
Wheat? I thought they were fasces.
Overtime for all at the Ministry of Truth.
As far as we can determine slavery of some sort has existed since at the advent of writing and probably began not long after the development of agriculture settlements.
So, it is obvious that learning, a non-nomadic lifestyle, and agriculture are synonymous with slavery and anyone participating in such a system is the same as a slaveholder.
Oh, and the coat of arms? Worse. Than. Hitler.
The story is redundant: Obama already proved you can be book-smart, get into Harvard Law and yet lack common sense, have little character and no shame.
David said...
Wheat? I thought it was broccoli.
It says right at the top: "ve ri tas", which means "Without broccoli no pudding."
But I can see how members of the Indo-European ethno-linguistic group living in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, North Asia and Central Asia, who speak the Indo-European Slavic languages, and share, to varying degrees, certain cultural traits and historical backgrounds would be mad at broccoli.
Jack Wayne,
Speaking of "Ve ri tas" squeezing the last three letters into the third book reminds me of the old "Plan Ahead" plaques from the fifties-sixties.
Nobody ever stops to wonder if their morality is well calibrated after noticing that so many good things were founded by people they consider reprehensible.
I thought they represented pubic hair.
In the article there was a reference to taking down the Cecil Rhodes statue at the U of Cape Town. At last, something the Boers and the blacks can agree on!
Why only eliminate the 3 sheaves of wheat? I would've thought "Veritas," the non-ironic use of a term that implies that there is such a thing as Truth, is even more deeply offensive to people who regard all truth as socially constructed. There's never a Critical Legal Theorist around when you really need them.
We should expunge every vestige of slavery from our history books up to, through, and past the Civil War and Reconstruction. American History courses should begin with 1933 and how FDR saved the Nation from the Great Depression.
We're graduating morons by the boatload. They think their enemies are gluten and Republicans. These are the people leading the next decades of the American Story.
The sins of the father are an excuse to disposes their sons, seven generations later.
Next step: changing the name of the place. After all, wasn't Harvard some kind of troglodyte Puritan opposed to evolution, SSM, and anthropogenic climate change?
"veritas christo et ecclesiae"
Maybe they should be ashamed about removing "for Christ and the Church" from their original motto.
The slave driver Royall lived in Meh-Fah?
My grandmother lived in one of the earliest and most notably old-school, by-the-bootstraps suburban black neighborhoods located in West Meh-Fah. She was one of a few whites on her street, and driving the few miles to grandma's on Sunday was a bit of a culture shock for a kid raised in pretty much an all white suburb in the 1960s. Unlike the Harvard Law types today, however, the people who for decades sought a better life there didn't have time for this.
West Medford: Change on the Mystic
For decades, African-Americans forged their own middle-class neighborhood called The Ville, creating an enclave of self-sufficiency and high ambition. Now its survival is being put to the test.
BLACK FAMILIES settled in West Medford between the Civil War and the early 1900s, establishing an early, vibrant African-American neighborhood. At first, they were limited to three streets: Lincoln, Jerome, and part of Arlington. They found work as carpenters, gardeners, laborers, and housekeepers for affluent white families nearby...
The growing community, in an era of rigid prejudice and segregation, learned the value — indeed, the necessity — of self-sufficiency. They held prayer meetings in living rooms, baptisms in the Mystic — a tidal river at the time — and sunrise Easter services on its banks. They fished for bass, perch, and bluegills and canned their own tomatoes. They built houses, founded Shiloh Baptist Church, and formed the Mystic Finance Club, an association to help black families buy homes when white lenders would not. They converted a surplus Army barracks into the West Medford Community Center, which became the nucleus of social and family life...
Many West Medford natives describe almost idyllic childhoods, with baseball teams and tennis matches, horseback riding at nearby stables, and swimming at local beaches. They traded empty Coke bottles for Wax Lips, Mary Janes, and other candy at a tiny store on Jerome Street known alternately as the Little Store, Mr. Henry’s, and Hawkeye’s. The kids, many of whom went to the local Hervey School, developed their own vernacular. “Don’t step on my jeebs,” roughly translated, meant “Don’t mess with something important to me.” “You’re offed” was how you broke up with someone. They played games like borderhole (a hybrid of hide-and-seek and tag involving certain telephone poles) and buckbuck (in which you competed to see how many friends you could hold on your back).
The mothers and fathers of the neighborhood looked out for — and were free to discipline — everyone’s kids. “All of our parents were all of our parents,” says Brian Collins, a 48-year-old engineer who grew up in West Medford and is now raising his daughter there. “We could get smacked by any one of them.” It was time to return home when you heard the 6:45 p.m. bell ring at a nearby Arlington fire station, Collins and his contemporaries say.
Everybody left their doors open; you knew to yell when you walked in another house so you wouldn’t catch someone’s mother coming out of the shower. Johnny Reid, a 65-year-old West Medford native who still lives there, says his father used to leave the keys in the ignition of his early ’50s green Ford, with the windows down, in the driveway. For decades, the neighborhood had no sidewalks. The joke went that you could always tell a West Medfordite, because he walked in the middle of the street. Outsiders likened it to Mayberry.
If life within The Ville felt relatively insulated, Medford was hardly immune to racial strife, which flared as black students ventured outside their defined community. Schools were, at times, a flashpoint; as in other communities, there were battles over segregation and a scarcity of minority teachers. Medford High School saw at least two serious racial brawls, in 1977 and then in 1992.
"Fred Drinkwater said...
"The design is also the coat-of-arms for Isaac Royall Jr., who through his estate helped found the school."
So they object to the symbol but are perfectly happy to be taking material advantage of the slaveholder's estate. Got it."
Exactly. They should bulldoze the whole stinking place, sell the land, and offer the proceeds up for reparations.
Some people really need to just get over themselves.
The imminent Royals were Anglicans that were well connected enough to the British Monarchy that they were let in on the Super Wealth creator of England's ruling class in the 18 Century. That was a nifty trade of slaves bought in West Africa to Caribbean Islands owners that worked them to death making sugar cane to make rum to be sold for food grown in the Colonies to feed the slaves and for tobacco to import back to Europe to be sold. And then more slaves were captured and it was repeated. This inhumane activity created most of the English fortunes. The Sugar Islands were what the French and the British fought over the hardest once the Fur trade went kaput.
After Cornwallis' Army surrendered the Royal family was exiled from the State of Massachusetts for supporting the British Monarchy's Army's attempt to kill off the volunteer Presbyterian American soldiers. The Royals had a piece of land in Boston and donated it to Harvard College which used the money to begin a Law School.
Change the sheaves to dollar signs and the motto to "PECUNIAS"
Why do wew tolerate "god" on all our coins and bills--the same god who conspired with Satan to kill all Job's kids, slaves and animals and who undertook to practice genocide?
are you aware of the Wichita State University symbol?
My first guess was "broccoli-eating cows farting methane gas and destroying the ozone layer and/or the environment."
My second guess was "broccoli-eating General Tso and the appropriation of Asian history for American taste buds and/or dollars."
Empty-headed moral preening over the sins of the 18th century is what we should expect from students, seeing as how brave one must be to oppose slavery these days. I wonder, what sins of the 21st century will set teeth on edge in 250 years?
Have we reached peak outrage yet? I remember people joking about this in the early '90s, that we would someday live in a world where absolutely everything was too offensive to tolerate, and it seems we're just about there.
Hell, even if my college had something offensive about its seal or mascot, I think I could survive just ignoring it, graduate, and move on with my life. Apparently that is a bridge too far for some people.
That symbol is clearly bunches of some agricultural product. To make the leap that it glorifies slavery takes a broken mind. The outraged student should be put on academic suspension while he gets the mental help he needs.
That Harvard could graduate someone with no apparent ability to reason is unfortunately no surprise.
If Cecil Rhodes and all his works are BAD, BAD, BAD, then explain the popularity of Bill Clinton amongst the very people who excoriate the memory of Rhodes.
There are two kinds of kids in the world. Those who build things with blocks and those who can't/don't/won't build, but are happy to knock down what others do.
"You didn't build that" (contrary to Obama's and Warren's usage) should be the phrase these people hear right before they get smacked on the behind for knocking down someone else's block tower. As in "you didn't build that, you don't have the right to knock it down, *smack* go build your own if you want something to knock over."
Crabs in a bucket...
...and why are we so Old Testament lately.
Anyone at any time did anything wrong, and they're persona non grata; an outcast; sentenced to walking the streets yelling "unclean unclean" to announce their status so the "perfect" can avoid them and not risk inadvertently touching them and becoming permanently exiled themselves.
If we threw into the trash heap everything that was built by anyone who had ever misspoken, mis-stepped, or done something we now consider unforgivable, we'd have nothing but a trash heap.
In his own day, Isaac Royall was taken to be a respectable and generous man. He caught more flack for beng a loyalist than for being a slave owner. Why do we judge him by our standards rather than those of his contemporaries?........If I have the name right, Hawkens was the first English slave trader. He was unsuccessful in raiding the coast of Africa for slaves. He enlisted the help of a native tribe. That tribe helped hm capture a tribe of their enemies. Hawkens became enraged at his allies because they celebrated the success of their raid by killing and eating their captives......We rightly criticize Hawkens for slave tradng. Why can't we criticize the tribal elders of his allies for their mass murder and dietary habits.......There's a kind of white supremacy that underlies these arguments. Why are only white Europeans capable of acting on moral impulses as we understand such impulses in our era?
Broccoli Law Matters.
Unknown said...
are you aware of the Wichita State University symbol?
A "hay seed"?(informal). Yikes.
Is that the new logo or the old logo, and they're changing it to a broccoli seed?
It seems that Royall has already been banished:
"During the Revolution, Royall, who had patriot sympathies but significant Loyalist connections, was named in the Massachusetts Banishment Act of 1778 and fled to Nova Scotia and then to England, where he died of smallpox in 1781."
Anyone who has followed Bridget Bardot's principled stand against the clubbing of cute baby seals should understand just how profoundly immoral is the whole practice of using college seals. Enough.
Why do wew tolerate "god" on all our coins and bills--the same god who conspired with Satan to kill all Job's kids, slaves and animals and who undertook to practice genocide?
I bet you think you are quite witty.....well you're half right....
Are you aware of the Wichita State University symbol?
I've just received my "Andrew Claybourne Extra-Insightful Red Pill" by super-secret extra-special same-day express logistics...
Yes, now I see it... A blue-eyed devil offers a giant hallucinogenic mushroom to an innocent Native American enviro-saint. Eat this, foolish Injun, says the White Man, and become a slave to the heritage of Greco-Roman world-conquest! Above them materializes the great Magic Lamp that house the Evil Jinn known as Homer, Virgil, Archimedes, Shakespeare, Newton, Washington, and Einstein. Above the Magic Lamp are the stars which symbolize the Evil Jinn and the Pleiades, home of the extraterrestrial gene-splicers.
WSU must die!!!!
rename the college after Algonquin J. Calhoun.
"Excuse me, your honor, but how much ground did we lose while our attorney was defending us?"
George Stevens
"Why are only white Europeans capable of acting on moral impulses as we understand such impulses in our era?"
The question answers itself
Have we reached peak outrage yet? I remember people joking about this in the early '90s, that we would someday live in a world where absolutely everything was too offensive to tolerate, and it seems we're just about there.
Batman was more correct than we realized.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Little asshole is all too happy to use Harvard to benefit himself/his life, of course, but wants to take a shit on the guy who made all of that possible.
Seems like a pretty good mascot for the age, really.
Looks like asparagus to me. Or is it "veritas" that offends?
If Mortimer Bresney was awake, he'd approve.
Or is it "veritas" that offends?
I seem to recall "veritas" does indeed deeply offend.
Actions speak louder that words. Harvard should put all money received from slavery profiteers (not just slave owners) into a fund for reparations for American descendants of slaves.
(If you calculated the money that slavery profiteers gave to Harvard, and compounded it from the time of donation until now, it would be be a good chunk of their endowment. Indeed, with some not unreasonable assumptions, you could obliterate the endowment entirely. $500,000 compounded weekly at 7.5% over 150 years is $ 38,129,656,005.44. That exceeds the amount of Harvard's endowment. But no problem, they could take a mortgage on the physical plant to cover the extra $5-6 billion.
What I find utterly shocking is that people in the Northern states owned slaves at one time. I had been taught that only was true of the South. Apparently I was misled!
The past is an inexhaustible resource for those looking for something to be outraged about. It's just an exercise in picking your favorite evil, and then linking it to whatever in the present you want to fuss about. Since every conceivable evil has had a long run in human history (with no end in sight), it won't be a difficult exercise.
Most universities did not permit women to matriculate until the 19th century, so why not run with that? You don't even have to get into this kind of recherché silliness about coats of arms. Just go with "Harvard is irredeemably evil because it was founded by men who hated women (and hated gays, blacks, and lots of others too)." The only way to right the historical wrong(s) is to disband the place, or at least follow Glenn Reynolds' suggestion about taxing the endowments of places like Harvard as a blow against entrenched elitism.
Speaking troof to power.
Whew! That's the only complaint.
I thought it might have had something to do with the three wrapped sheaves being faggots or something.
Freshen up your HP12-C. If the half million is compounded weekly at 7.5% over 150 years you would have one hell of a lot more than 38 Billion.
If you want to be offended by slavery, I would suggest that the non-hypocrite turn his or her attention to slavery TODAY, which exists only Saudi households in the US. So either picket them, or contribute or work for in some manner the number of organizations that are trying to stamp out slavery globally, where it still DOES exist.
They could raise money, participate or educate. All of it would have some purpose.
TOMNOD is running the Ghana child slavery campaign. There are a large number of international campaigns to help modern slaves. Harvard could actually accomplish something if it tried.
If they really want to show The Man, they can pay back his entire endowment, with 300 years of interest. Getting rid of the crest is weak sauce.
traditionalguy said...
"The New England guys need to lose a Civil War and have their property confiscated and their money declared worthless and be occupied by a Military Government."
I attended a wedding in Boston during the 80's, after which I swore an oath, that if I ever return to Massachusetts, it will be in the lead tank of a liberating army.
Ever notice how many fucked up things come out of that wretched shithole? It didn't start with Ted Kennedy.
Ever notice how many fucked up things come out of that wretched shithole? It didn't start with Ted Kennedy.
I remember smirking watching the Bostonians go bananas when they were forced to take their own medicine by allowing blacks into their schools.
The only thing that happened when my Deep South high school desegregated in 1965 was that out football team go a little better (our track team got a LOT better...thanks Hubert!)
You can also rock out to local Atlanta band, Darryl Rhoades & The Hahavishnu Orchestra, as they do a live version of their tune, "Yikes!, Here Come The Negroes".
" If they truly object they should transfer to another school."
Yes, but they won't. This is just more virtue signaling.
They can go to McGill, where the crest reads "IN CON-DOM FI INI-DO"
Three sheaves of hairshirts. That's my suggestion.
Michael I will run the calculation again.
Here's the real outrage:
Why the fuck does the article babble about "enslaved people" instead of "slaves"?
I'm getting pissed off at the SJW's butchering the language because they can do it.
Ran it again, Michael, this time with monthly compounding instead of weekly.
Result: $37,117,445,626.28
Pretty much the same.
So who's wrong you or me?
The Japanese call them the Strawberry generation because they bruise so easily. Apparently it's not just an American problem.
Somebody wake me up when the second coming of John Calvin's total depravity of man nightmare has run its course. At least Calvin had the redeeming feature of possible salvation in his vision; the latest incarnation courtesy of progressives has no salvation at all, only endless grievances to locate due to the rather obvious problem that virtually all human endeavors, persons, and achievements are linked with evil at some point in their past (or at least what passes for evil in current progressive thinking, the definition changes with the times).
And on top of the f*cking slave-harvested sheaves is the fact that the British promised freedom to the slaves (excuse me: the enslaved persons) in the American colonies if they joined the British side in the Revolution. So obviously the only thing any truly enlightened American can do today is lobby to give the country back to the Brits.
That's not so bad. It's not as bad as giving the country to the French or the Spanish. Or the Indians. Oh wait, didn't the French, Spanish, and Indians have slavery, too?
Harvard Law School? I'm one of those who believes they should remove their accreditation based on their graduating Barack Obama. If there's anyone who doesn't understand the Constitution and the law it's him. He was also President of the Harvard Law review? How can someone who has so little respect for the Constitution and the Law get to such a noble position?
I have no respect for Harvard.
Sheaves heave-ho'd
Harvard has accepted millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia where migrants live under slave like conditions, and women are treated like property in accord with sharia law: Women in Saudi Arabia, of course, must still have written approval from a male guardian – a father, husband, brother or son – to leave the country, work or even undergo certain medical operations. Can't drive. Women have only recently been given the right to vote in local elections, but reportedly only 16 women have actually registered to vote in the upcoming Dec. election. (http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Only-16-women-register-to-vote-in-Saudi-elections-413719)
$10 million bought a department chair known as the Prince Alwaweed Bin Talal Professor in Contemporary Islamic Thought and Life
The Harvard Law School has already accepted three Saudi-funded institutions devoted to the study of Islamic law. First, there’s the King Fahd Chair for Islamic Shariah Studies; second, there’s the H.E. Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani Islamic Legal Studies Fund; third, there’s the Bakr M. Binladin Visiting Scholars Fund.
The King Fahd Chair for Islamic Shariah Studies began with a $5 million dollar donation by the Saudi royal family in 1993. Riyadh Daily reported: “The celebration was attended by Prince Bandar bin Sultan, Saudi ambassador to the United States, who was received by the Harvard University rector, the dean of law college and the first professor for the King Fahd Chair for Islamic Shariah Studies at Harvard University. In a press statement, Prince Bandar bin Sultan expressed his happiness over the establishment of the King Fahd Chair for Islamic Studies at Harvard University and commended the King’s efforts in supporting Islamic awareness.” Prince Bandar is the same man whose wife allegedly funds terrorism. The Chair itself is devoted, in the words of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Adjunct Professor of Islamic Legal Studies Frank Vogel, to “dissipat[ing] the ignorance of Islamic law, with its complex history of social, political, and religious change.”
The Bakr M. Binladin Visiting Scholars Fund was created in 1994 by Osama Bin Laden’s brother, who donated at least $1 million in all probability. The fund is designed to bring “visiting scholars” to study law at Harvard; the “scholar” should be a citizen of a predominantly Muslim country.
Harvard has encountered trouble in the past while accepting radical Islamist cash. In 2003, a Harvard Divinity School student led a charge to return a $2.5 million grant made by United Arab Emirates President Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan, who had previously funded an anti-American and anti-Semitic think tank in Abu Dhabi. (http://humanevents.com/2005/12/28/when-harvard-met-saudi/)
But the seal is offensive.
VE - RI - TAS means the truth split three ways.
100 comments. L-O-fuckin'-L.
I'd think up something smart alecky to say, but I'm still laughing.
Wait... ok... how 'bout this...?
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Some work in the fields,
And others sniff glue.
1430 payments compounded at 7.5% on an investment of 500,000 results in 37 Billion. 150 years is 1800 payments.
Magic of compounding will give another 1.5 billion.
It is three spikey penises... Let's go easily offended, discuss
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