"It is an act of war that was prepared, organized and planned from abroad, with complicity from the inside, which the investigation will help establish.... France, because it was foully, disgracefully and violently attacked, will be unforgiving with the barbarians from Daesh... [France will act within the law but with] all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination with our allies, who are, themselves, targeted by this terrorist threat."
From the NYT's "Hollande Blames ISIS for ‘Act of War’ on Paris."
५३ टिप्पण्या:
I wish there was as much outrage for ISIS kidnapping 200 Syrian children on Monday, binding their hands and feet, laying them on the ground, slaughtering them and then posting the video on the internet. Was this even covered in the US?
It wasn't the Tea Party? I was sure it was teh Tea Party. Or maybe the NRA, but you mean to tell me the Religion of Peace (PBUT) did this? My god, nothing like it exists in the annals of history!
The Paris attack turned out to be a smaller deal than feared last night when the reports started to come in, but it is still a big deal.
Police, intelligence, and military agencies across the world are going to study this, and there will be counter-measures.
Obama said ISIS is contained a few hours before the attack in Paris. He called them the JV team a few weeks before their original death march. My question is what is the source of his rotten info on ISIS? The military? The Department of Defense? White House staffers? Valerie Jarrett?
Because whoever's filling his ear with this nonsense needs to go.
The French have declared war on the terrorists before. A few months ago. So don't expect actual war.
Hollande: "This is an act of war."
Really? What gave you your first clue? Was it the Muslim playbook which says "Strike terror into their hearts until they submit to Allah?"
Quick, quick. Call your friend Angela and give her a heads up.
France and the Franks have been the point of the spear against Mohammed's Army of Raiders for 1400 years. The are not confused by Obama's seven years of a continuous lying Dhimmi Propaganda campaign running on CNN International and blaming the Christians and the Jews for daring to resist rape and murder at the hands of Muslims. Its always done for allah and his lying prophet who preach fear to weaken their next target..
So there will likely be a march in Paris. A march of solidarity showing the resolve and heroism of the average Frenchman. And that will be that. That will be the war part. The war war won't happen.
[France will act within the law but with] all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination with our allies, who are, themselves, targeted by this terrorist threat."
He's probably talking about the new deal afoot between the PS and the Républicains to team up to keep the FN from a predicted regional win in the upcoming elections.
"there will likely be a march in Paris."
And mass #hashtag deployments.
And finally, the West's ultimate weapon – a teary mass sing-along of Imagine.
Good to know that Hollande will act within the law. Because ISIS will be doing that too. And I'm sure that Obama will be ready to help, within legal limits, of course. Maybe a UN resolution would be a good idea. And a summit meeting to discuss how to ease tensions and avoid harming civilians.
French law is a lot more flexible than the American constitution in such matters.
"ISIS" is just a name. The problem is in the Moslem "underclass" which is smoldering and breaking out here and there and everywhere for local and general reasons from the Atlantic ocean to the Chinese border.
Whether or not France declares war on ISIS, ISIS will be at war with France. There is no policy, military or diplomatic, that will lead to peace in the Middle East. This will go on for another two or three generations--maybe longer. I just don't see an end game.
Al Gore suspended his Paris climate change event due to a change in the climate in Paris.
Michael said...
The French have declared war on the terrorists before. A few months ago. So don't expect actual war.
The French Intelligence services are very good. The French Foreign Legion Operators are superb. The French Government traditional is loath to use regular forces, but can turn the Para-military Intel guys loose as well as the FFL.
It won't be pretty, but the French are pragmatists...
I love France and I love the French. C'est tout des même un peuple formidable, un trés grand peuple.
@Hagar...The Moslem underclass has nothing to do with Jihad except as a suicide fodder. The problem has always been a few very rich and intelligent warrior leaders, usually Egyptians. They are the real Jihadists seeking world conquest out of an extreme pride...did you know they alone have the last great revelation from god, like every religious cult claims that it has.
At least Hollande can say it. Will he follow thru?
Obama and his media won't go near admission of "Islamic extremism" with a ten foot pole.
With a 7.5% Muslim population*, France is pretty much screwed. This is the problem with immigration from the Middle East.
*Read that figure last night. I did not factcheck it.
French troops are and have been (for quite some time) on the ground in Iraq, specifically in the Nineveh Plain, working with Christian Assyrian Army troops (and Yezidis) in their war with ISIS. French warplanes have been carrying out strikes against ISIS targets. The French have not been idle. Far from it: they have been very active combatants in the fight.
Original Mike said...
With a 7.5% Muslim population*
The French, being 'anti-clerical' since the revolution don't officially count such things in their census, but that's a fair estimate. add to that,
- the fact that the only immigrants coming in are Muslim
- the emigrants are all Christian or Jew
- and the local Muslims have a higher birth rate than native French and thus
long term they are F_cked
Note: the Muslim population in the USA is equal to and fast surpassing the Jewish population here. They demand special treatment from the laws and despise the Dhimmis here (you and me) just like they have already taken over the White House and the Federal Government. Hmmm?
Hollande better read Salon magazine tout de suite. Then he'll know to blame the attack on right wingers in the US.
Maybe a UN resolution would be a good idea.
Strong letter to follow.
"France is enemy number one of the Islamic State": prescient interview from six weeks ago (in French).
"NYT's "Hollande Blames ISIS for ‘Act of War’ on Paris.""
Naming the enemy. Getting somewhere.
But of course, "ISIS" is just one battalion in the Prophet's army.
Meanwhile, Europe consciously admits new potential recruits.
Cutting off the supply is step one in this "war." We'll see how "pitiless" they are.
"And finally, the West's ultimate weapon – a teary mass sing-along of Imagine."
No, Marie Le Pen will do a better job. I think this is her campaign event, not in the sense that the French right had anything to do with it but that they will know what to do next.
"Cutting off the supply is step one in this "war." We'll see how "pitiless" they are."
Yep. Bet they're pitiful.
Didn't Obama say mass shootings didn't happen in other countries?
steve uhr: I'm tired of the No Boots on The Ground mantra. Isn't that the only way to win wars? [...]
If you don't fight to win why bother.
There's no point, either, in putting boots on the ground, fighting to win "over there", all the while letting the populations of the countries you "fixed" pour into your own territory by the (unvetted) millions -- along with tag-along opportunists from every corner of Africa and Eurasia.
Gatwick Airport in Britain is now shut down after "two Frenchmen" were stopped from boarding a plane with guns. they ran and the airport is shut down.
They ran and one tossed something into a trash bin. The bomb squad is there.
"According to the Greek Public Order Minister Dimitris Toskas, the attacker found at the Stade de France who was found with a Syrian passport passed through the Greek island of Leros.
This happened in early October, under EU rules which mean migrants passing through must identify themselves."
— Telegraph live feed
So I guess we can officially say now that the mass of humanity that Western leaders are foolishly admitting to their countries does, in fact, contain mass murderers coming here with the intent to kill us.
from 06 NOV 15
"The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.
The White House would not say how many additional refugees it may take in beyond the 10,000, but two senior administration officials said they are seeking ways to increase the number.
'We want to be in a place where we can push out really ambitious goals,' said one of the officials, who spoke to Reuters on the condition of anonymity."
Does this mean that France will join forces with Russia, Syria, and Iran to confront the fallout from Obama's premature evacuation, regime assassinations and change, and the social justice-inspired regional and global humanitarian disaster?
Western leaders have been for decades unable commit us to a war with Islam, and have refused to acknowledge that Islam is decidedly at war with us. I don't expect this to change. The Islamic State needs to be wiped out, destroyed, leveled, incinerated, buried and forgotten. This cannot be accomplished without collateral damage, meaning the deaths of many innocents, but our "leaders" don't have the stomach for this. The Normandy invasion resulted in the deaths of 15,000 to 20,000 French people. This was and is viewed as a necessary evil. We need to cultivate this strength of purpose, this hardness, again, but I despair of our ability to do so.
We need to put ten divisions of French, British, and American armor and infantry on the ground in Iraq. We need to execute anyone found with weapons. We need to stop migration from the Maghreb. We need to make them pay. The message must be sent to a billion Muslim fence sitters that jihad is for losers. We need to do this, or it will be the end of us. We need to do this, but we won't.
jaydub said...
"I wish there was as much outrage for ISIS kidnapping 200 Syrian children on Monday, binding their hands and feet, laying them on the ground, slaughtering them and then posting the video on the internet. Was this even covered in the US?"
If the Syrian children were Mudslimes, it's none of my business.
traditionalguy said...
@Hagar...The Moslem underclass has nothing to do with Jihad except as a suicide fodder. The problem has always been a few very rich and intelligent warrior leaders, usually Egyptians. They are the real Jihadists seeking world conquest out of an extreme pride...did you know they alone have the last great revelation from god, like every religious cult claims that it has.
11/14/15, 8:58 AM"
Very well said. When a few of these leaders suddenly meet violent ends then we will know that the French (or the Russians) are finally getting serious. A few of these Egyptian, Saudi and Gulf State meeting a bad end will tamp things down considerably.
"...My question is what is the source of his rotten info on ISIS? The military? The Department of Defense? White House staffers? Valerie Jarrett?..."
He knows exactly what ISIS (or ISIL as he and seeminlgly only he calls it) is and is capable of. He can't state that because that would call for action. And he is not going to take action. So no threat, no action neccessary. Problem solved. Tee time awaits!
11/14/15, 8:30 AM
But tradguy, they're Catholics and atheists. So they can't have nice things like whatever tiny little sector of Scotch-Irish Protestant Christianity which is yours, the only True Religion.
Is michael MOore telling France "There is no terrorist threat. Yes, there have been terrorist attacks before, and yes there will be terrorist attacks again, but it doesn't mean there is any actual threat going on?
Or is he keeping his pie hole shut because France isnt' run by George Bush?
The French are fierce fighters, contrary to the stereotype. But active American participation beyond the usual intelligence and airstrikes will be necessary. The French simply do not have the assets to do this alone. A combination of American and French forces on the ground in Syria would have a huge negative impact on ISIS. Politics aside, this will be very difficult now that the Russians are active militarily in Syria. We have the power to knock ISIS down hard militarily. That alone does not solve the problem but it;s a big step in that direction. I do not expect our current government to use that power.
Bob Boyd quoting cbc article:
The White House would not say how many additional refugees it may take in beyond the 10,000, but two senior administration officials said they are seeking ways to increase the number.
'We want to be in a place where we can push out really ambitious goals,' said one of the officials, who spoke to Reuters on the condition of anonymity."
"On the condition of anonymity". Probably a wise stipulation when you're in the business of being a traitorous asshole.
This is "your" government, oh fellow citizen-chumps. (And no, this crap didn't start with Obama and isn't a Democrat specialty.) They're working for somebody's interests, but it ain't ours.
"If the children were mudslimes, it's none of my business." They were Christians, if that makes any difference to you, Char Char. Regardless, if you were standing between me and an ISIS terrorist, I'd shoot you first. And enjoy it.
jaydub said...
"... I'd shoot you first. And enjoy it."
Prove it.
I wondered about Hollande's use of the term "Daesh", which I hadn't heard before. On NBC News I found the following:
"It's a derogatory term and not someting people should use even if you dislike them," said Evan Kohlmann, a national security analyst at Flashpoint and a contributor to NBC News. "It would be like referring to Germans as 'Huns.'"
Oh my goodness! We wouldn't EVER want to refer to Germans as "Huns" would we?
Doesn't ANYBODY remember WW II? or WW I? We slaughtered the f*cking Huns! It's exactly what we ought to do with the Daesh.
And if we call them by that "derogatory name" maybe we wouldn't have to listen to that pr*ck in the Wh*te House call them "ISIL".
The Godfather: I wondered about Hollande's use of the term "Daesh", which I hadn't heard before. On NBC News I found the following:
"It's a derogatory term and not someting people should use even if you dislike them," said Evan Kohlmann, a national security analyst at Flashpoint and a contributor to NBC News. "It would be like referring to Germans as 'Huns.'"
I hope he's informed the French. When I was in France last spring I didn't see or hear anybody - on newscasts, newspapers, or just talking - use any term but "Daech" to describe these fine fellows. (Took me a minute to figure out what they were talking about.)
A glance at French news sources shows those insensitive bastards throwing around the term with abandon to this very day.
"The group is known in Arabic as ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām, leading to the acronym Da'ish or Daesh, the Arabic equivalent of "ISIL"."
Thus sayeth Wikipedia.
Just to further the point that Evan Kohlmann, national security analyst at Flashpoint and a contributor to NBC News, is a worthless prat who should be catupulted into sea for wasting the precious air of this planet:
The United Nations Security Council, the United States, Canada, Turkey, Australia, Russia, the United Kingdom and other countries generally call the group "ISIL", while much of the Arab world uses the Arabic acronym "Dāʻish". France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said "This is a terrorist group and not a state. I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims, and Islamists. The Arabs call it 'Daesh' and I will be calling them the 'Daesh cutthroats.'" Retired general John Allen, the U.S. envoy appointed to co-ordinate the coalition, U.S. military Lieutenant General James Terry, head of operations against the group, and Secretary of State John Kerry had all shifted toward use of the term DAESH by December 2014.
You will know that France is serious about defeating Islamist when her leaders start supporting Israel against Hamas, PLO and hezballah. Until that happens, it's all a game.
Lots of scumbags in this thread.
France doesn't even where to attack.
Sammy Finkelman said...France doesn't even [know] where to attack.
Yes they do - Belgium.
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