By Monday afternoon, governors from Texas, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Arizona, Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, Ohio, Louisiana, Arkansas, New Jersey, Idaho, Kansas, New Hampshire and Montana had joined Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley and Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, who on Sunday led the charge in refusing to accept refugees from Syria. Kentucky Governor-elect Matt Bevin, who won't take his oath of office until next month, also said on Monday that he is opposed.ADDED: New Hampshire and Montana have Democratic governors.
१६ नोव्हेंबर, २०१५
"A fast-growing group of Republican governors on Monday revolted against President Barack Obama’s existing plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees next year..."
"... saying the Paris terrorist attacks show that it’s too risky to provide a safe haven for those displaced by Syria’s bloody civil war...."
१०४ टिप्पण्या:
Actually federal law is part of this and the governors cannot do that.
But, maybe a few Democrat senators from those states will now be willing to IMPEACH Obama. He is beginning to become a great liability to this country and to the Democrats.
The NH gov is a Dem and she joined in. Probably because she is running against Sen. Kelly Ayotte in 2016 and wouldn't have a prayer if she didn't.
Actually federal law is part of this and the governors cannot do that.
They are saying they will not cooperate with the Feds. Can you say non-sanctuary state?
This is kind of silly.
While it is quite true that there is no way of vetting the Syrian refugees for ISIS ties, there is no way of vetting any other groups of immigrants either, no to mention the gadzillions of illegal aliens that actually are being invited to enter our country.
It is remarkable the amount of nonsense being spouted in response to the Paris attacks.
People need to realize that Obama is not going to listen to any of this. He is the smartest man in the room, and all will proceed as he has foreseen.
Republican AND Democratic governors.
The feds slapped down Arizona which tried to enforce existing immigration law. Maybe this will get to the Supreme Court.
How about a "sanctuary state" for American citizens?
Conservatives have to fight fire with fire. the governors are just playing the same Alinsky playbook as the Dem mayors. It is about damn time.
The barbers at my barber shop are young Syrian guys, and I really like them.
And if I understand the rports correctly, a substantial portion of the "Syrian refugees," perhaps most of them, are not from Syria in the first place.
People are fleeing the war zone, which is all of
the "Arab" world" (and a lot of that is not Arab either).
Federal law, is that like that law about marijuana?
Plus Feinstein says ISIL is NOT contained.
Gov. Nikki Haley of SC is not joining in the non-sanctuary movement. Say goodbye to the veep slot Nikki!
The barbers at my barber shop are young Syrian guys, and I really like them.
I hear they do a great straight blade shave on infidels.
If the refuges were christian, then sure. If you're a muslim, then you're part of the problem. It's that simple.
Hagar, if Obongo is the smartest man in the room then the total iq of the room matches that of a termite mound. He merely is untouchable by dint of his skin color. The racist don't dare hold him to normal standards.
Tim said...
How about a "sanctuary state" for American citizens?
That's the kind of out-of-the-box thinking I like. Let's carve out a new state 300 miles wide all along the southern border. Mexico owes it to us.
"Scott said...
The barbers at my barber shop are young Syrian guys, and I really like them."
This is a twofer for Obama. He gets to call us xenophobic jerks for objecting to bringing in a bunch of single military age males from Syria. Then when there is a mass shooting in a gun free zone he can push more gun control.
I think any woman and child that wants to come in is fine. Any male over the age of 17 without both wife and child should be fighting to fix their country.
There's actually a pretty easy solution: accept only Syrian Christians.
Help millions, leave tens of millions and a wasteland behind. The humanitarian response is not to apply anti-native foreign and domestic policies, but to join Russia's lead and directly confront the consequences of the ill-conceived social justice movement. Especially the effort to conduct a transparent replacement of the millions of Americans killed with the selective-child policy by the abortion and planning industry.
Walker plans to build a wall along the Illinois border to match the one he is building on the Canadian border.
we are all in this together, and we have some obligation to help the refugees given our history in the region. Playing right into ISIS hands if we refuse to help the refugees.
I would think a minimum would be a system that requires a vetted sponsor for each refugee with the requirement that the sponsor is legally responsible for them for the next 18 years in the same way a parent is responsible for a minor child.
It would be so cool to have a real conversation about this.
Like, if Obama thinks we can take in refugees and safely screen them, he should describe that process in detail. Then we would have some information to make our own judgements.
That isn't how Obama operates these days.
we are all in this together, and we have some obligation to help the refugees given our history in the region. Playing right into ISIS hands if we refuse to help the refugees.
To paraphrase Pierre Trudeau: You Bleeding Hearts, go on and bleed.
"Radical Islam," or whatever you want to call it, is not just an "ISIS" or "al Qaeda" problem to be solved with bombing raids "making the gravel bounce." It is going to take "boots on the ground," a lot of them, and Arabic speaking ones. That means taking leadership, deciding on a strategy, and choosing allies to woo.
Obama has sort of done this; it is hard to tell exactly with his "leading from behind" approach, but it seems that he has decided to put his, or rather our, money on Iran.
This is a country that is aspiring to become an empire in the old tradition, and itself is governed by clerics of a rather uncompromising version of Islam.
I do not think this is going to work out the way he thinks it will.
So what's new? The Obama Administration has always been at war with America.
Deception is the art of war. And the Deception Level under War Sheik Obama has been near 100%. Nothing he says has any truth anywhere in it.
Global Warming and rising sea levels that do not exist?
Unemployment Statistics that do not exist?
Support for ally Israel that does not exist?
Racial harmony that does no longer exists?
Cheap available Health Insurance that does not exist?
The Keystone pipeline with ally Canada that does not exist?
Support for ally Egypt that does not exist?
Support for the ally Kurds that does not exist.
Support for a strong military that no longer exists.
The question is whether Obama's Justice Department dissolve the Union now. Without a Congress, who the heck needs States anyway?
Colorado announced they would continue to take refugees. Do you know how many refugees they've taken thus far? One. Yep. Such do-gooders.
All the kids from last summer just disappeared, right? Remember the kids pouring over the southern border? They were just kids, but where did they go? Who took care of that? What checks were made?
Why do we trust immigration to be done well by our government right now?
Matthew 25 sez these Republican governors are headed for eternal punishment. That's a fact the liberal media will never dare attempt to square with these so called Christians. No matter, there is an endless supply of hypocritical and just plain ignorant Christians to go around. Obviously.
Hickenlooper cares more about his party and obeying Obama than the safety of the citizens of his state.
well that's governor hickenlooper, no, who's illegal restaurant employee killed some one, if memory serves
"We can query our database until the cows come home, but nothing will show up because we have no record of them." [them = Syrian refuges]
Who said that?
Denver is a sanctuary city, illegals can obtain drivers licenses and a mistake was made - oops - a "mistake" was made, and 500+ illegals were given the opportunity to register to vote.
Now all we need is a terror cell to take root. Just a matter of time. If Obama the dictator gets his way, Guantanamo will be closed and the terrorists will be placed in CO prisons. I'm sure the ISIS folks will be cool with it.
Matthew 25 sez these Republican governors...
Garage is a special person. Naturally his bible is one written for special people.
"Quaestor said...
Matthew 25 sez these Republican governors...
Garage is a special person. Naturally his bible is one written for special people."
That's a fake garage.
If we can't vet them -- as someone upthread said -- then the answer is: Don't let them in until you can.
Do the governors have the Constitutional authority to refuse to accept "migrants" that the federal government has allowed into the country? Does the President have the Constitutional authority to decide that 5 million illegal aliens can stay here and get drivers licenses and work permits and welfare? Well, I guess the thing is, the Constitution doesn't seem to have the authoritativeness it used to have, back in the olden times when almost all responsible Americans thought they should obey it, even when they didn't want to.
Civil disobedience is an honorable thing, isn't it?
Or, as Nixon said, It's not illegal if the President does it.
For some reason a lot of governors do not seem to trust the guy who said if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Stevens Benghazi guns Syria rebels ISIS shhh plausible deniability no email
Obama praises George W Bush. Hell begins to freeze over.
Obama ignores everything Pope Francis said about the destruction of Christians in the Middle East and everything the Pope said about abortion but claims the Pope called for Catholics to support a vast Islamic migration to America. Hell stops freezing over.
Where is Al Gore speaking next? Hell, we all want to know.
Nebraska and Iowa agree.
Football, however, is another matter.
More military age males among the refugees than women and young children. Except for the Chaldean (Iraqi) Christians and Syrian Christian, all of whom are being exterminated by the Moslems, I wouldn't accept any refugees from the Middle East until and if things get sorted out. There's plenty of room in the Moslem nations of the Middle East.
Don't recall any place in the Constitution which requires us to take in anyone who wants to come here. We should get to choose who gets in and who stays out. It shouldn't be the immigrants/refugees call.
It sounds a little like a lonely 3rd Amendment problem.
All it would take is one example.
My job is to read people. An easy read is the people who want to be "cool" and w/ Obama use "ISIL." About 90% of the people in this country, even most in the MSM, use "ISIS." Mr. Althouse was told by the boss to use "ISIL." She changed him from a homo hating, KKK, Hoosier to a Madison girly man. She'll dump him soon.
I'm sensing there's a revolt in this country. If we get hit like Paris, hold on tight!
America welcomes the poor and oppressed. Fine. But I see some problems ahead if we welcome those people who believe that we are the oppressors who impoverished them. Those young guys look very much like the young guys who danced like banshees around the named bodies of Americans in Iraq........At a Tea Party demonstration, the press immediately focuses on an overweight guy with a Confederate Flag belt buckle. When they cover the migrants, they focus on the sad eyed child and the weeping mother. The young man with the fierce beard right behind her not so much......Nor do they ask probing questions of these hopeful citizens. What's their opinion of America's alliance with Israel? Do they approve of gay marriage?
I think there are people that just can't stand it that Meade and Althouse have a happier marriage than they do.
""A fast-growing group of Republican governors on Monday revolted against President Barack Obama’s existing plan to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees next year...""
Obama needs to set a good example by taking some Syrian refugees into the White house. I believe there are some spare bedrooms there.
No, it's not ISIS/ISIL now, according to Obama and Kerry. It's Daesh, an Arabic acronym that the bad guys find offensive. That'll teach them.
Me, I'm waiting for a Gofundme site that gathers Rangers, SEALs and their French freres to hunt down "caliph" Baghdadi and send him to the 72 white raisins he deserves.
"Playing right into ISIS hands if we refuse to help the refugees."
What a dopey assertion. How, exactly, are we "playing right into their hands"?
Ben Rhodes claimed this weekend that we will have robust vetting of the refugees. Everybody who believes that, raise your hands.
If there's one thing that's going to convince people to put aside their concerns about the security ramifications of allowing tens of thousands of people from a war torn region with major extremist Islamic sympathies into the US it's hearing Christian hating liberals making inapt Nativity comparisons and quoting Bible passages out of context.
It is only fair that we send these refugees to Mexico
Why would the US refuse to admit Syrian Christians -- who will die if they are sent back?
From the recent timestamps of my postings, maybe you've discerned from where I write now. I'm reminded of Internment Camps in WWII for some reason with this.
Listened to the Meghan McCain radio show today in traffic. I know, but I sometimes like to know what the RINOs are up to. She had a counter terrorism guy on discussing the Paris attack. The conversation got around to the refugees and Obama's plan to import them. He said it was impossible to vet them unless they had international criminal records. We have no access to the war torn regions databases, even Iraq's is inadequate.
The thing that struck me was his mention of polling of refugee camps by NGOs and opinion polling companies. He said that 14-17% of the refugees support Isis. He said those numbers were striking considering Isis isn't that popular. The popularity of Hamas and Hezbollah soar.
Colorado announced they would continue to take refugees.
Is marijuana halal?
Moderate muslims provide a comfort zone for radical muslims.
It's the universal human values not being universal thing.
That "universal values" quote really made me gag. Not even Americans share common values.
Michael McCain wrote:
More military age males among the refugees than women and young children.
That is a tell that they are more economic than they are political refugees (putting the best face on it).
If there's one thing that's going to convince people to put aside their concerns about the security ramifications of allowing tens of thousands of people from a war torn region with major extremist Islamic sympathies into the US it's hearing Christian hating liberals making inapt Nativity comparisons and quoting Bible passages out of context.
Yeah, there's nothing I appreciate more than atheists explaining Christian theology to me. Its not like I spend a lot of time coaching them on how to afix cheese curl crumbs to their neck beards.
Curious George said...
"Quaestor said...
Matthew 25 sez these Republican governors...
Garage is a special person. Naturally his bible is one written for special people."
That's a fake garage.
And curiously enough,George, just as molar grindingly stupid.
"There's actually a pretty easy solution: accept only Syrian Christians."
That sounds good, but how do they distinguish them? Anyone can claim to be Christian.
I think it goes without saying for any immigrant or refugee we take in that we find some way to verify that they aren't dangerous before releasing them from the detention centers. It isn't hard for ISIS sympathizers to infiltrate the other refugees (and the other refugees likely can't tell who's who) in order to get here and do mischief. What are our normal procedures for this, and how well do they work?
The sad part is I can sympathize with Christians and Muslims trying to get away from those monsters, and because those monsters are so devious that they could try and infiltrate the emigrants, it brings everyone else under a cloud of suspicion.
I hope when they do catch some of these guys they go to town on them.
we are all in this together, and we have some obligation to help the refugees given our history in the region.
We owe them nothing. We owe nobody anything. It's not our job to take in the world's poverty and jihadists who don't like how stuff is going back home.
Playing right into ISIS hands if we refuse to help the refugees.
Then...well played, ISIS. You win. I don't want them.
Matthew 25 sez these Republican governors are headed for eternal punishment. That's a fact the liberal media will never dare attempt to square with these so called Christians. No matter, there is an endless supply of hypocritical and just plain ignorant Christians to go around. Obviously.
So garage is calling for a Christian theocracy to govern America. The Left is impressive with its ideological...flexibility.
Ben Rhodes claimed this weekend that we will have robust vetting of the refugees. Everybody who believes that, raise your hands.
We've seen how well European "vetting" has worked. And we do it worse than Europe.
"MadisonMan said...
Why would the US refuse to admit Syrian Christians -- who will die if they are sent back?
From the recent timestamps of my postings, maybe you've discerned from where I write now. I'm reminded of Internment Camps in WWII for some reason with this."
Those that noticed probably figured you got a night job and Kwik Trip. Dude no one cares that much about you. Maybe because you equate the interment of US citizens to the denial of refugee status to foreigners who have demonstrated a hate for our country and ways.
The "if you do something I don't like, the TERRORISTS WILL HAVE WON!!" trope is pretty worn out by now, Steve U.
"If the refuges were christian, then sure. If you're a muslim, then you're part of the problem. It's that simple."
No, it's not.
When a dam breaks, you can futilely try to keep ahead of the flood by bailing water as fast as you can, or you can go fix the dam and stem the flood at the source. This flood of refugees is not going to abate until the West, probably in the form of NATO, goes and fixes the root cause of the flood. Nothing else is going to work, and anyone who thinks they can get ahead of this flood by taking a few thousand or few ten thousand refugees is delusional. Fortunately, many Europeans are starting to come to the same conclusion.
I suggest we take them in and relocate them to the Shorewood Hills and Maple Bluff area of Madison, like they do with all the sexual offenders. Ooops, that's right, can't have them mingling with the liberal Madison elite. Better to send them to Fort Maccoy like Carter did and have the crime and murder follow them to the hinder land. And the progs will be congratulating each other while sipping mocha latte at Starbucks. There's a chill in the air this morning, better take a scarf along as you head for your safe place at UW.
" If you're a muslim, then you're part of the problem. It's that simple."
No, it's not."
I'm sure Cookie has the welcome mat out in Arabic for his own personal refugee.
The left loves being generous with other people's money and lives.
Yeah, there's nothing I appreciate more than atheists explaining Christian theology to me."
Why the snark? Atheists often know as much more about Christian theology than do avowed Christians.
(I once told a woman I used to work with, an Irish Catholic, that God's name was not "God" but Jehovah, or JHVH / Yahweh. There are other names for him in the Bible, but Jehovah/Yahweh are the most-used. In any case, she was astonished and refused at first to believe me.)
""There's actually a pretty easy solution: accept only Syrian Christians."
That sounds good, but how do they distinguish them? Anyone can claim to be Christian."
Bacon sandwiches. It's what's for dinner.
I wonder, Michael K., (@7:27 AM) if you had lived in Germany in the 30s, how readily you would have accepted that Jews, as such, were, as a people, treacherous, conniving vermin, to be distrusted, hated, segregated and worse?
Why is it a revolt when it is what the citizens want?
Oh, wait, I get it: it's a revolt because it's not what the Liberal and Progressive "freedom lovers" want.
I thought Robert Cook had stopped calling fellow Americans Nazis?
Why the snark?
Cause neck beards offend me.
steve uhr: we are all in this together, and we have some obligation to help the refugees given our history in the region.
Who's this "we" you're talking about? There is a "them" that controls our idiotic foreign policy, and they compose the same "them" that gets very angry and abusive whenever we presume to think that we ought to have some say in who gets to move into this country. Stuff your "we".
Playing right into ISIS hands if we refuse to help the refugees.
Yeah, "we" know, Steve. All the bien-pensants agree with you - the key to defeating ISIS and radical Islam in general is to import as many Muslims into the West as possible.
The key to defeating ISIS is to publicly piss your pants for the world to see. We're terrified of refugee children!
"We can query our database until the cows come home, but nothing will show up because we have no record of them." [them = Syrian refuges]
Who said that?
FBI director James Comey.
Robert Cook: I wonder, Michael K., (@7:27 AM) if you had lived in Germany in the 30s, how readily you would have accepted that Jews, as such, were, as a people, treacherous, conniving vermin, to be distrusted, hated, segregated and worse?
When it comes to convincing people you've got something to say on a subject worth hearing, nothing beats completely losing your shit and lashing out hysterically.
Robert Cook: I wonder, Michael K., (@7:27 AM) if you had lived in Germany in the 30s, how readily you would have accepted that Jews, as such, were, as a people, treacherous, conniving vermin, to be distrusted, hated, segregated and worse?
How many Jews were blowing up theaters or beheading Christians?
The more appropriate question to Cook is, after WWII, would you accept that the concentration camp guards were, as a people, treacherous, conniving vermin, to be distrusted, hated, segregated and worse? Because hey, the refugees from Assad's regime are more like the camp guards than the inmates.
"Actually federal law is part of this and the governors cannot do that." That's a weird interpretation of the results of a single court case. Let's see some analysis before making a claim that can only be answered (if challenged) in the courts instead of making a claim that is not prima facie in the real world.
if you had lived in Germany in the 30s, how readily you would have accepted that Jews, as such, were, as a people, treacherous, conniving vermin, to be distrusted, hated, segregated and worse?
Dear God (or Jehovah), Bob. Please don't tall me you're going to make this completely invalid comparison. No one with a modicum of intelligence should be making this comparison.
Jews weren't blowing people up, threatening jihad, demanding that the laws of the country be fitted to their needs, demanding more and more social services and generally being a pain in the ass to their hosts.
So please, check yourself.
jaydub (11/17/15, 7:13 AM) nailed it. France has spent a couple of decades trying to prove diplomacy is the only answer, that they are the worlds foremost diplomats, that the U.S. is too big for it's britches. France has repeatedly interfered with U.S. attempts to reign in states supporting terrorists (like Iran). The French (and Democratic party, and Obama's) view that the U.S. influence is too big and unhealthy has prevented dealing with the European "refugee crisis" before it became a crisis. That did not lead to the terrorist attacks in Paris directly, but I read an article this week indicating that ISIS/ISIL/whatever now considers France more important than the U.S. in executing the global "war on terror."
You sow the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
And where are the articles about civilians killed in the French air strikes?
gasrage mahal said...
The key to defeating ISIS is to publicly piss your pants for the world to see. We're terrified of refugee children!
Your rhetorical point demands to see how many of the tens of thousands are actually children.
Can you deliver?
Anyway, for the nation's localities, there's money to be made! All that government contracting $$$ going to faith-based organizations who help settle the refugees in your town, and make sure to support them for..six months, after which they suck up your welfare $$$! And complain that the food sucks.
If we let them come, please give first priority to sanctuary cities, then Martha's Vineyard (diversity is strength!), Hawaii and, if more room is necessary, tent cities on golf courses.
Actually federal law is part of this and the governors cannot do that.
It depends on what the governors are actually doing which may not be the same as what has been reported. A number of news headlines and press releases from State governors have said the equivalent of “our State will not accept Syrian refugees” which I agree is something that they really cannot control. But when I read the executive orders issued by the governors they usually says something along the lines of “we won’t expend State resources to bring them here, won’t offer them additional public services beyond the ones we’re already required by law to provide and to the extent possible, we’re going to monitor them while they’re here” which is something that they can do.
There's actually a pretty easy solution: accept only Syrian Christians.
A large part of the reason why we’re seeing resistance to bringing in people claiming to be Syrian refugees is that we have no reliable way of determining if they are who they say they are and not actually a jihadist like the ones that attacked Paris last Friday. How would giving preference to people for self-identifying as Christian fix that problem?
When it comes to convincing people you've got something to say on a subject worth hearing, nothing beats completely losing your shit and lashing out hysterically."
Heh. Lashing out? Hardly. Simply asking an easy question based on the innate prejudice revealed in Michael K.'s comment.
"How many Jews were blowing up theaters or beheading Christians?" many of these refugees were blowing up theaters or beheading Christians...(and other Muslims, the greatest victims of ISIS and their kin-groups)?
(Comment from chickelit directed to Garage Mahal:)
"Your rhetorical point demands to see how many of the tens of thousands are actually children.
"Can you deliver?"
Rather, your question demands to see how many of the tens of thousands are actually ravening terrorists.
Can you deliver?
"...hey, the refugees from Assad's regime are more like the camp guards than the inmates."
And you know
If you like your ISIS-free refugee immigrant communities you can keep...
Robert Cook: Heh. Lashing out? Hardly. Simply asking an easy question based on the innate prejudice revealed in Michael K.'s comment.
Nope, it was pure emotionalism.
You're in poor form today, Cookie. Maybe you ought to take a breather and think about whether some "innate prejudices" of your own might be the source of your irrational reaction to other people's comments.
Heh. Lashing out? Hardly. Simply asking an easy question based on the innate prejudice revealed in Michael K.'s comment.
Just for the record, the last 1,400 years of History has led me to become prejudiced against Islam and Muslims.
Perhaps the next 1,400 years will show me the error of my ways? many of these refugees were blowing up theaters or beheading Christians
At least one......
Angelyne wrote:
'You're in poor form today, Cookie.'
Like Obama, Cook simply makes an assertion, and then questions the morality of anyone who points out that all he has done is make an assertion.
So Hizzoner in New York City said he'd take on some refugees. Has anyone told him he's got 59,000 homeless in his city???
As for prejudice, garage, hell, you don't like Negroes. Where do you come from sticking up for these guys?
The Syrian refugees are neither Syrian, nor are they refugees.
Put them in Gitmo with Clinton's Haitians.
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