১৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১৫

This is the Democratic candidates debate post.

Please comment here. I'm not going to be live-blogging, but I'll be commenting later. I'm putting up this post in case you're looking for a place to talk about it. Some people say no one's going to want to watch this thing, but I see that Donald Trump is going to live-tweet it, so whatever ratings they get, Trump will be saying that he's the cause. You've got to watch to enjoy his tweets.

UPDATE: Did you enjoy the debate? I haven't yet read any of your comments or watched the debate. It's 10:16 Central Time here in Wisconsin and we just had an hour long drive back from Spring Green where we saw an amazing play, "An Iliad." Meade drove, and once we got back within internet range, I went to my son John's blog and read his live blog of the debate. That was efficient and entertaining. I was most amused by:
10:34 – Cooper says he's glad to see all of the candidates "back" after the commercial break, and says he's particularly glad to see Clinton back. Clinton, seeming out of breath, says: "You know, it does take me a little longer!"
UPDATE 2: I also read Meade some of Trump's tweets. This one struck me:

He retweeted "shitty"!

২২০টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   220 এর 201 – থেকে 220
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

No, that's a lot of it--the going broke part--but the real thing coming is the end of the need for human labor (robots, AI, etc.). What then? We need to start figuring out how to tax robot labor.

When work is finally made obsolete we will all become honorary Trumps and only get paid for self-promotion.

Or become hippies. Then you wouldn't have to brag about Slovenian marital labor.

BN বলেছেন...

Seriously, what are we gonna do when there is no need for human labor any more? What will the rich people do with us then?

Is it weird for me to wonder?

And what about demographics? Advanced cultures are not reproducing at steady-state... what's the word... paces. Non-advanced cultures are, but even they are decreasing. What does all that portend? Who's done the economic analysis of the effects of a decreasing population on national and global growth of GDP. I'd absolutely love a cite for that.

And what about when money itself is a thing of the past? Bitcoins, inserted chips, whatever. And the alt underground cash old-world economy. A bifurcated world economy. What then?

But yeah, let's solve social security. Then we can take on the 80 trillion in other unfunded liabilities (Medicare, whatever).

Putting out fires in the sofa, while the kitchen rages.

My advice: Better get in the 1 percent quick. I do expect they'll be sitting pretty, living half a millennium and merging with cyber tech, while the rest of us... carry on as best we can--which won't be pretty.

But us? Animals. We will be animals.

BN বলেছেন...

"Then you wouldn't have to brag about Slovenian marital labor."

Hell, I don't even know where Slovenia is, much less have I married anyone from there.

BN বলেছেন...

But have you seen my wife? She's gorgeous! And yuge! Yuge I tell ya!

jr565 বলেছেন...

"That's the endgame of what Grover Norquist meant when he set out to, and succeeded in, creating a government "small enough to drown in a bathtub." Only he miscalculated. Instead of saying, "Let's get rid of all this!" as he wanted them to say, the public got pissed when it woke up one day, and found all those institutions in crisis."

That is absolutely ridiculous assessment considering it never happened. Whatever Grover may have WANTED, you can't make the argument that govt is small enough to drown in a bathtub.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

My government is, though, actually. I measured my bathtub, and the government fits comfortably inside it.

But I can't argue if your bathtub is too small to fit a government inside it. Go back to the local home improvement store, ask to speak to the sales manager, and ask specifically for a bathtub big enough to drown a government inside it.

One of their talented sales professionals will be happy to help. Make sure you provide them with the proper dimensions.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Damn, jr565 just beat me to it.

"That's the endgame of what Grover Norquist meant when he set out to, and succeeded in, creating a government "small enough to drown in a bathtub.""

Get that, folks? R&B thinks that the government is, currently, "small enough to drown in a bathtub."

20 trillion debt is "small enough to drown in a bathtub".

Leviathan is "small enough to drown in a bathtub".

I know now to skip over every single comment by R&B, for all time. He has reached peak moron. There's nothing left to look forward to.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

BN look up the Nestor decision. SS is broke until Congress tells us eff you and then it won't be broke. As for the unfunded liabilities, same thing. If it isn't a bond or a contract then its as good as whatever Congress is session when the feces hits the fan. people have a bad habit of forgetting when dealing with the sovereign, the sovereign is sovereign.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Rhythm and Balls said...

My government is, though, actually. I measured my bathtub, and the government fits comfortably inside it.

But I can't argue if your bathtub is too small to fit a government inside it. Go back to the local home improvement store, ask to speak to the sales manager, and ask specifically for a bathtub big enough to drown a government inside it.

One of their talented sales professionals will be happy to help. Make sure you provide them with the proper dimensions.

10/14/15, 12:32 AM"

Will one of those talented professionals help me with a theft proof enclosure for my wallet before your government steals it?

Achilles বলেছেন...

Rhythm and Balls said...
"I actually agree with Achilles in that I can see where at least some of Bernie Sanders' policies are impractical. But I looked at another one of the popular themes of the debate and came away with a better overarching interpretation.

Almost every problem we have today results from over leveraging.

And not just financially. Over-leveraging of at least a few things."

Strangely enough someone else brought up the technologies that I usually insert into the discussion so I will apply it here. We only have 30ish years left before the train leaves permanently on progress. It will end up a lot like that stupid Matt damon movie with all the poor people on the planet and rich people on a space station.(elysium?) The planet will seem like utopia and there will be 1000ish space stations with 1 intelligence inside that started out human. I am not at all worried about our national debt.

"We are over-leveraging our reliance on military force."

This is the only useful thing our government does with respect to the future I describe.

"We are over-leveraging our reliance on college. (Seriously, a lot of dum-dums are going to college today. Focus on building up the trades, and you invigorate our interest in manufacturing, stop giving incentive to shady correspondence degree programs and stop taking in battalions of adolescents on-board whose deepest thought is how offensive every day speech has become to the victimized identity group du jour).

And yet, they all said we need to do more for college. No we don't. We need to do less for college. Decrease the demand, and the quality of the supply will improve as its costs reduce dramatically."

Couldn't agree more. Federal student aid is a trap that is transferring trillions from our younger generations to the baby boomer generation. There are so many people who are smart enough to be HVAC technicians and would make a great living at it that go to college, rack up debt,and end up baristas instead living in indentured servitude while that money goes to some overpaid administrators who contribute nothing of value.

With respect to our military spending and reliance i am going to posit that our best chance to see the full benefits of technological advance be widely available is if the US Armed Forces is in control of it. The plutocrats are the competition. I know what they will do. A socialist entity being in control will end up in mass killings and a future where we are managed in our best interests. The US Armed Forces is the best hope for a measure of equality there.

BN বলেছেন...

"Otherwise fuck it, *fuck them*, just keep paying."

From another thread, but, apropos.

BN বলেছেন...

"SS is broke until Congress tells us eff you and then it won't be broke. As for the unfunded liabilities, same thing. If it isn't a bond or a contract then its as good as whatever Congress is session when the feces hits the fan."

Agree, except the sound will be more like machine gun fire than mere curses.

Birkel বলেছেন...

As we drive toward the real financial cliff, I am glad we have Democrats asking us to hit the gas in the hopes that we can Wile E. Coyote ourselves over the Grand Canyon.

"Let's go broke faster" would make a nice campaign slogan.

BN বলেছেন...

Achilles said: "It will end up a lot like that stupid Matt damon movie with all the poor people on the planet and rich people on a space station.(elysium?) The planet will seem like utopia and there will be 1000ish space stations with 1 intelligence inside that started out human. I am not at all worried about our national debt."

yes, something like that. But the road from A to B will involve lots of worrying.

And blood. The blood of our grand, great, and great-great grand children. But, whatever.

Achilles বলেছেন...

"yes, something like that. But the road from A to B will involve lots of worrying.

And blood. The blood of our grand, great, and great-great grand children. But, whatever."

Within a decade or two the rate of life expectancy increase will exceed the rate of time. Most people alive now will live forever if they choose to. We are currently gaining 2.5 years for every 10 that pass. This will soon be 1 : 1. So it will be us and maybe one more generation before shit goes down.

This will not be a violent change. Most of you won't even notice judging by the comments I read here which is too bad because this blog is far above average compared to the rest of the web. You guys are still worried about social security and debt. They are dead letters. There are much better things to concern yourselves with.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Bernie is a good speaker. Shame he isn't a Democrat.

Which is why he's running for the nomination, caucuses with them, and said he'd support their candidate, even if it isn't him.

Because he's totally not a Dem.

SEIU has enough money to run an ad about changing walmart during the debate.

Did they mention the employees who saw their hours slashed?

The contrast between the Democratic debate and the Republican debate couldn't have been starker. The issues were spoken about at length and no one was disrespectful. Webb was a bit whiny and looking overly upset, but he doesn't have a chance with the base anyway. The Republican debate was a circus, the Democratic debate was refreshingly substantive.

Because the moderator wasn't trying to set up conflicts and the Dems have no difference on opinion on any policy issue whatsoever. Stepford Wives have more independent thought than a Dem.

Ah. Well, that's because Democrats feel compelled to actually give something called reasons for why they take certain positions.

Hillary has provided no reasons why she changed on gay marriage, Keystone, TPP, etc.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Sanders has played out his role to make Hillary look younger and faster by contrast. So his time is over.

In the younger and faster race Sanders is a 3, Hillary is a 4 but Trump is a 9. The only known 1 is Jeb Bush. The only known 10 is Adelson's boy Rubio. Fiorina is a slow seductive who runs her own race on a different track.

Nichevo বলেছেন...

Trad, you realize that Trump is actually pretty old, yes?

rwnutjob বলেছেন...

For the front runner in a debate: Woody Hayes used to describe a forward pass...three things can happen; two of them are bad.

"a viewer from Mars might be surprised to learn that a Democrat has been president for the last seven years."
... @MichaelBarone

rcocean বলেছেন...

I'm probably the only person who remembers the RNC giving Chaffee $$millions for RI his senate run in 2006 while giving Allen a few peanuts. I can also remember all the RINOs at the RNC and places like national review telling us why we had to support Allan Spector and Criste (Florida) - of course all the men turned Democrat.

Chaffee got elected Governor as an Independent. Sanders gets elected to the Senate as an Independent. No one calls them out for the dishonesty.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   220 এর 201 – থেকে 220   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»