२६ ऑक्टोबर, २०१५

Comedian wins the presidential election by a landslide...

... in Guatemala.

Cue the ready-made jokes about American elections won by comedians. 

ADDED: My son's take:
A celebrity who's a "household name" in Guatemala and used to have a TV show, but has never held office, and was initially considered a long-shot contender who didn't offer enough policy specifics to back up his conservative platform, went on to shock many people by winning the presidential election in the face of "widespread discontent with Guatemala's political class." Fortunately, that could never happen here . . .

१७ टिप्पण्या:

Scott म्हणाले...

"Voters pointed to widespread discontent with Guatemala's political class..."

Sort of like the US. Except that our "two party system" is so entrenched, there is no viable way to throw the bums out. With Guatemala as an example, perhaps the United States should become a banana republic.

TRISTRAM म्हणाले...

Other than Reagan and Clinton, and to a lesser degree GWB, I can't think of a less funny, more take themselves too seriously, thin skinned group of men than US Presidents. I suppose there is always the unintentional comedy aspect, but really, other than poor Gerry Ford, even that is limited. Hardly comedians.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Minnesota beat them to it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

He beat the corrupt leftist female.


David Begley म्हणाले...

I'd vote for SNL's Kate McKinnon in a second. She's not a known liar and more competent than the real HRC.

Spiros Pappas म्हणाले...

Mrs. Clinton would make an adequate president. She's also more likely to control the border than Trump. The Republicans have used the rush of cheap labor to bust our unions and to further enrich wealthy industrialists and corporations. The GOP has trampled on the middle class (the only real impediment to fascism) and is now using racial discord to dismantle the welfare state. The GOP loves the Mexicans! Have a heart!

Big Mike म्हणाले...

@Spiros, Επιστρέψτε στην Ελλάδα

Skipper म्हणाले...

For the classically ignorant, Επιστρέψτε στην Ελλάδα means "Return to Greece."

अनामित म्हणाले...

WE have the BIGGEST JOKE in the White House, right now!!!!

JSD म्हणाले...

Do not confuse the election of a comedian with same-old Central American politics. His party, the FCN, was formed by right-wing ex-military. He is the beard for those in power. Guatemala has been thoroughly corrupted by the Narco trade.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

@Skipper, I hope that's in modern Greek and not classical Greek. I may never trust Google Translate again!

Carol म्हणाले...

This sort of thing happens in Montana all the time. Low stakes, I guess.

Tyrone Slothrop म्हणाले...

Another landslide in Guatemala? At least this one didn't take out a village.

walter म्हणाले...

So..Hilary's out of place laughing is just a laughtrack miscue?

lgv म्हणाले...

I'm thinking Pat Paulson wouldn't be a bad choice. We need another Pat Paulson.

averagejoe म्हणाले...

So, did this joker win his election by finding duffel bags full of ballots all cast for him in the trunk of a car?

Pretty sad when America's electoral process is more corrupt than a Central American banana republic. But democrat party members are sure enjoying it.

averagejoe म्हणाले...

If your son is inferring a parallel to Donald Trump, it ain't happening- The election is a year away and when it comes, Trump won't be anywhere near it. Not that America couldn't elect a completely unprepared loudmouth bozo who insults his fellow Americans and seems more interested in the perks and celebrity of the presidency than the actual responsibilities of the office. Shucks, America may even elect an embarrassingly incompetent completely corrupt utterly dishonest ignorant evil old hag. After Obama, I don't put anything past the democrat party and the fools and phonies who support them.