... when a man in the crowd asked the first question like this: "We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American. We have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question, when can we get rid of them?"
The failure to correct is now the subject of outrage. Is the outrage justified? Probably. Trump saw and used a tricky way to signal to a certain subgroup and to make them think he might be on their side. All the while, he preserved the ability to say I didn't agree. I made fun of him!
But Trump has fed on this kind of outrage. He's a clever communicator who knows how to work in a swirl of verbal energy. He lets other people talk and he says things that make for greater fun and excitement. Those who express outrage are just as useful in his game as the guy in the crowd who unleashed a torrent of crazy.
It's all good in Trumpworld.
११५ टिप्पण्या:
And it is crazy questions like this that show why Hillary keeps such a tight hand on all of her events. In some ways, Republicans should learn from that.
As it was in the Obamaworld with whatever he did. Neither is useful except for the user.
I've been watching early period Jean-Luc Godard movies recently, and they're certainly interesting enough, but I've come to the tentative conclusion that, had I been around back in those days, and had I known him personally, I would not have liked him at all, pretty much for the same reasons I don't think I would like Donald Trump and his talent for working in a "swirl of verbal energy."
I don't go for insistent extroverts who think their shit doesn't stink.
Charles Manson comes to mind.
"Bad actors make great salesmen."
A theater joke.
I don't think so. We've all been in meetings where people ask you a question and you process the gist of it but otherwise are using your brain to formulate the answer. Someone could add "and pie!" to the end of the question and you wouldn't hear it. If it was recorded and played throughout the world, the pundits would opine, That Guy Hates Pie, He Didn't Address Pie, OMG! I think that's all that happened here. A public forum like this is the pressure of a work meeting x 1000.
Trump sure does attract our best and brightest.
Could you link to the video? Would like to see it in context. Trump has said in the past that when it comes to Islam "there is a problem." Duh. Or does Ann disagree.
What if he's right?
President Barack Hussein Obama has turned his meeting with Pope Francis into an opportunity to ridicule the Church by introducing him to a bunch of fags and abortion advocates.
I remember the destruction wrought on the Church by letting openly gay men into seminaries in the 60s.
I remember the tens of millions of deaths caused by the behavior of your beloved gay men who launched the AIDs epidemic. I remember people dying from the tainted blood supply.
You are an evil and destructive women, professor. You know these things, too. Your gay agenda is deliberately destructive. I ceased believing long ago that you were only doing it out of enthusiasm or stupidity.
So, why should I try to appear "reasonable" to a devious monster like you?
The swirl is throwing sand in the media's PC gears. There's the excitement.
Women mostly like the PC world and so don't go along. Indeed it will expose them to ridicule.
That was a Bush/Rove setup with the hair on fire reactions all
Preset since the contrast to McCain was already in the can.
Trump is guilty of laughing at Rove's weak tactics again. But the highest skilled dirty tricksters are on Teump's case. That is how mellow JEB gets what the Bush Familia wants.
Obama was clearly a Muslim as a child in Indonesia. His "conversion" to Wright-style Christianity violates Muslim rules about heretics. The birth issue is bogus but originated with the Hillary 2008 campaign and had a grain of truth as he apparently represented himself as Kenyan in his book promotion material, and possible to gain admission to Harvard Law.
What's the big deal ? Obama worship is getting old.
I think this is Trump doing a version of "Costanza Does The Opposite" by refusing to react the same way that the traditional candidates are trained and scripted to act. Why he will never apologize for anything. That's why the pundits/most of us have all been wrong in predicting his demise. The general rank and file are so sick of politicians that they are willing to elect someone who is unelectable / unqualified under all of the normal rules.
The best place to read about Trump's appeal is the anti-fag hag site, Heartiste.
Ignore the "game" posts and go straight to the political stuff.
Heartiste is a great source for understanding the destructive sexual sickness and perverse hatred for normalcy and one's own kind that animates the Nutty Perfesser and her Rent Boy.
The failure to correct is now the subject of outrage. Is the outrage justified? Probably. Trump saw and used a tricky way to signal to a certain subgroup and to make them think he might be on their side. All the while, he preserved the ability to say I didn't agree. I made fun of him!"
Fake outrage from fake Americans. Next.
I'd like to know more about that person from "a certain subgroup".
Certainly, there are people out there who could identify him. What if he isn't a Trump supporter?
ST, I have been saying that too, even in these comments. Trump is using game. I wish some of the other candidates would learn from him. I don't think, BTW, that game is only for sexually using vulnerable young women, I think it is something that would help a lot of men in committed relationships be happier and make their partner happier.
Easily a setup. That rally was apparently full of people there to cause trouble.
"Certainly, there are people out there who could identify him. What if he isn't a Trump supporter?"
Possible false-flag, Moby-type stuff.
In reality Obama is a Muslim, political correctness is the denial of the obvious.
"I don't think, BTW, that game is only for sexually using vulnerable young women, I think it is something that would help a lot of men in committed relationships be happier and make their partner happier."
Game is not for sexually using young women. It is for enticing and exciting them. Both parties are beneficiaries. But yes your point that it helps LTRs as well is correct. It helps in all walks of life as it grooms confidence and charisma, which Trump has in spades.
America is at a crossroads. Chances are we're already doomed, but I see Trump as a Hail Mary...maybe, just maybe, he has the unorthodox mix needed to pull us back from the brink. With everyone else I just see differences in the speed at which we, and the world, will implode.
If something makes Republicans look bad it's surely a plant.
garage mahal said...
If something makes Republicans look bad it's surely a plant.
9/18/15, 9:55 AM"
It's obvious you are a plant. But thanks for the low energy effort.
Michael K is correct. Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia that only Muslims could attend and the schools own documentation identifies him as such. He had an Indonesian step-father, after all. And, re his book deal his OWN WEBSITE identified himself as being born in Kenya for ELEVEN YEARS straight when he thought it advantageous to be thought "exotic," so many can be forgiven for thinking that perhaps he was born in Kenya. Don't forget also that the ring he wears as a "wedding band" has Arabic inscriptions on both edges praising Allah.......funny, the MSM never seems to point out THAT little item..
Is there a chance some people might understand the outrage felt against Boehner and McConnell for failing to correct lawless Obama?
Probably not here.
Hey garage, don't you have some rape accusers to bash as sluts? Or did Hillary's imprecation that we must believe rape accusers call you off? I do wonder which it is...
Naah! No I don't! We all know that it IS that which helps the Democrats, decided situationally.
Obviously a plant by the elites, just after the CNN poll that said that a large population believes Hussein Obama is a Muslim (gasp, really, "Hussein Obama" a Muslim?). The point is that Obama admits to Muslim schooling as a youth, and has never pinpointed the time he became a "christian". If he did give up being a Muslim then he is an apostate in the eyes of Islam, but that doesn't seem to be the case, as he has flashed the Muslim 1 finger sign to his Muslim brothers in international gatherings, and has Muslim advisers (like Jarret, as does Hillary, w/ Huma).
He has never proven his place of birth (a pic on a website is proof of nothing), and is certainly not a natural born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS, since he was born British, of a British subject father.
This was an attempt to evoke the thought police. Obama and his handlers and fellow conspirators are arch criminals, killing and starting wars and invasions all over the world in the advance of Islam. He and Hillary created the refugee crisis by destabilizing N. Africa--- on purpose. Islam and Marxism go hand in hand-- both are totalitarian.
"Is the outrage justified? Probably. Trump saw and used a tricky way to signal to a certain subgroup and to make them think he might be on their side. All the while, he preserved the ability to say I didn't agree. I made fun of him!"
Politician signals possible support to one group, while preserving plausible deniability to another, therefore outrage is "probably" justified. Yeah, sure, it's outrageous. How dare he. Got it.
Of course, the "outrage" is actually a phony fabrication by Prog opponents, using virtue signaling to mobilize their own support. Is outrage at the outrage also justified, professor?
I predict that Obama will eventually come out as a Muslim when he thinks the time is right.
So are Mick, Michael K, Nad Virgil also mobys, then?
Plenty of people on this blog seem to agree with the questioner ... yet when it looks Republicans look bad publicly it always is claimed to be a moby. If they are holding a Walker as Hitler sign that could never be a moby, as it's from the other political side and we only excuse Mobys that make republicans look bad.
I guess Mark is talking about what I said. Which was:
What if he isn't a Trump supporter?
Pay special attention to the bold words.
The questioner may have been a Moby, but Trump's response to it was fantastically stupid.
If they are holding a Walker as Hitler sign that could never be a moby,
Because it is obvious to any disinterested observer that unhinged haters of Walker who grasp at any and all possible interpretation of events that make Walker look bad as the Truth with a capital T are vanishingly rare. If he looks bad, it's worse, if he looks good, he's lying. We get it.
I am sort of amazed that, given the new evidence that the John Doe prosecutors were investigating Wisconsin Supreme Court justices in an attempt to force recusals, Althouse hasn't posted on it. I am sure that the John Doe prosecutors were MOBYs.
Re-painting Trump as a cartoon character redneck doofus is too little too late. It is so 1990s Rovian a trick to be get taken seriously after Trump has already shown that he is a cautious and super rational thinker with a perfect eye for BS.
But when their best attacks fail, the Bush Familia will probably arrange a real assassination.
a clever communicator who knows how to work in a swirl of verbal energy.
Inferring the meaning and intent of each post has been its own reward.
What would Obama do differently if he were a Muslim?
"It is so 1990s Rovian a trick to be get taken--"
What? That's the standard Democrat play book against any and every Republican who has run for office since at least the late 90s. Rove used a base turn out election strategy; depress their side, excite your side.
Mark said...
"So are Mick, Michael K, Nad Virgil also mobys, then?
Plenty of people on this blog seem to agree with the questioner ... yet when it looks Republicans look bad publicly it always is claimed to be a moby. If they are holding a Walker as Hitler sign that could never be a moby, as it's from the other political side and we only excuse Mobys that make republicans look bad".
What the man said to Trump was true, except for the fact that Obama is not a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN, and not eligible for POTUS. He is certainly Muslim, because he was raised a Muslim. To be anything else is to be an apostate in the eyes of Islam, and that is not the case by his interactions w/ them. It is made to look "crazy" by the media, and to evoke the thought police, and to smear Trump as agreeing with the "crazy" (but correct) supposed supporter.--- DUH
It is so fun to watch Trump soil the republican brand. Please keep him in the spotlight and make him your nominee :-)
I think AA is right. It is an answer that doesn't offend the "Obama is a Muslim" sector. It's no different than his stupid anti-vaccine position in the debates. Vaccines do not cause autism regardless of whether you space them out or not. So, he keeps the vote of those anti-vaccine nuts by using some weird rationalization to not offend them.
I asked my wife, "What are you preventing by spacing out vaccines?" Certainly not autism.
Trump is gonna Trump. He is what he is. Really, the only attraction to him is he is not a standard politician and he's willing to take on the immigration issue. As you may have noticed normal politicians are really unpopular these days and for good reason.
Is Obama a Muslim? *shrug* Best case: he's more or less incompetent at everything other than getting himself elected and reading a teleprompter, plus he is an arrogant jerk. Worse case: he's intentionally sabotaging the country. Don't really need to know anything else to dislike him.
I was there, last night, at the Community Center in Rochester, N.H. The place was packed, people were hot (temperature on my car indicator read 90 degrees when I arrived at 5:30 P.M. which is damn hot for N.H. in September) and Trump was visibly tired. The guy who asked the moslem question had been animated from the start and may have been a plant. There were certainly a handful of cretins who tried to make trouble by heckling Trump as he tried to listen to the global warming question. And a certain straight-out-of-Manhattan-hipster-Marxist tried to engage Trump about the use of the military, I think although I don't hear all that well and couldn't be sure. The hipster demanded that Trump receive a small bouquet of flowers, as absurd a scene as you can imagine. Remember it was hot so no one was in them mood for these antics and frankly it occurred to me just how pathetic this type of political action is. Certainly one heckler won't forget the large man who quickly rushed him mid-heckle waved a finger in his face and described in no uncertain words what further heckling would result in. That heckler left shortly after that and I'm surprised he wasn't the one heard from on the news later, a "Heckler Assaulted," type story. By-the-way, I'm guessing if you took a poll there last night 80% of the crowd would have agreed with the questioner, plant or not, that Hussein Obama is a moslem and a usurper, as I do and any sensible person who spends a few hours reading up on the matter, would.
Trump has revealed something to the American public that the elite must be regretting and that is that all politicians are bought and paid for and are only interested in the voters on election day and the media are whores, also bought and paid for. That is Trump's essential message.
"What would Obama do differently if he were a Muslim?"
Besides drink beer, launch more crone strikes at Muslims than his predecessor, support gay rights and abortion rights, appoint women to the Supreme Court, and attend church for decades?
I have a lot to criticize of the guy, but the idea of him being secretly Muslim is bonkers and just advances the idea that his critics are nuts.
there's more evidence that Obama is a Muslim than there is that Obamacare reduces the deficit, and yet the one claim that is ridiculed has no discernible effect on policy whatsoever, while the other, which is demonstrably false, is taken at face value and repeated with a straight face by elected officials.
"By-the-way, I'm guessing if you took a poll there last night 80% of the crowd would have agreed with the questioner, plant or not, that Hussein Obama is a moslem and a usurper,"
-- That's because you're an idiot who just assumes people he dislikes are idiots.
I don't think Obama is a Muslim, but I think he is far less wary of them than the average American. Maybe that's a good thing, but it's definitely a thing. Me, I'm suspicious of people who aren't suspicious of kids who bring suspicious looking clocks to school.......The resident liberals will brand my suspicions as paranoid and racist, and Obama's embrace of Black Lives Matter a gesture of racial healing. We all process data in different ways.
Obama worships big government. The rest is semantics.
There's more evidence to indicate Obama is a Muslim than to indicate Trump is a Christian.
"He is what he is. Really, the only attraction to him is he is not a standard politician and he's willing to take on the immigration issue."
Well since immigration is THE number one issue and disgust with politicians, the media, and elites in general is rampant it seems that's all he needs to win both the nomination and the general.
Investigative reporters have dug up the fact that both Romney and Jeb Bush were involved in bullying incidents in high school. Why is there no investigation of Trump's high school days? Has he in some way bought off he media? Why are we so uninformed about this vital facet of his personality? I'd bet anything Trump was a bully in high school, and I smell a cover up.
It is every citizen's duty to defend the honor of our President.
This is one of my favorite outrages. All hands on deck! Everyone defend Obama's religion!!!!!
Just remember, you no longer have to say he is against gay marriage.
Whether or not Obama is a Muslim he as a devout critical theorist is a Muslim sympathizer and anti-American to his core so in practical terms who cares? He has enabled the resurgence of radical Islam which was at a low ebb when he took office. Whether by design, folly, or both he has made us weak and our enemies strong.
"Trump has revealed something to the American public that the elite must be regretting and that is that all politicians are bought and paid for and are only interested in the voters on election day and the media are whores, also bought and paid for. That is Trump's essential message. "
Pokertone, Ann can have ten thousand comments on Trump in any number of threads but you have stated what all of Trump's supporters believe in your comment. What is Trump saying if not that they are all whores, on both sides and he has at various times either bought or rented them all and that he is too rich to be bought or rented. That alone just might get him elected. What ought to be scaring both parties is that message is appealing to voters in both parties. Unlike Perot, if he stays more or less on time and on target he really looks like he just might win.
Obama cannot be a Muslim. Muslims believe in Allah and his prophet Mohammad. Obama believes in the higher power of the state, and its prophets Marx and B.H. Obama
Meanwhile, Obama says everyone who disagrees with his Iran deal wants war. He and he alone can disparage with an ugly smear those with whom he disagrees.
Brando, you're right. What could I have been thinking? A Muslim would never kill another Muslim.
Obama doesn't have to be a radical Muslim to act like one. Spreading death and misery is his MO. Just because Obama made the middle east a festering shit hole where women are rounded up and sold as sex slaves doesn't make him a Muslim. Just because his policies caused a refugee crisis doesn't make him a Muslim.
Obama is also black, but under his watch Black people have record low labor participation rates, lost the most wealth of any demographic, and had their kids educational opportunities limited whenever possible. To say he hates poor black people would seem accurate.
Michael K said...
Obama was clearly a Muslim as a child in Indonesia. His "conversion" to Wright-style Christianity violates Muslim rules about heretics. The birth issue is bogus but originated with the Hillary 2008 campaign and had a grain of truth as he apparently represented himself as Kenyan in his book promotion material, and possible to gain admission to Harvard Law.
What's the big deal ? Obama worship is getting old.
What you wrote is all true. I particularly want to underscore the part about him representing himself as Kenyan for that book promotion. POTUS' apologists would rather that weren't true.
It's the knee-jerk Obama defense that's getting old.
Brando said...
"What would Obama do differently if he were a Muslim?"
"Besides drink beer, launch more crone strikes at Muslims than his predecessor, support gay rights and abortion rights, appoint women to the Supreme Court, and attend church for decades?"
I don't think he is a Muslim but your post is stupid and completely lacks critical thought. The 9/11 high-jackers were told to blend in and watched porn, go to bars, chase women etc. and did not act like Muslims. That doesn't mean they weren't.
Obama isn't Muslim, he just supports anything that would tear down this country.
Matthew Sablan quoted me: "By-the-way, I'm guessing if you took a poll there last night 80% of the crowd would have agreed with the questioner, plant or not, that Hussein Obama is a moslem and a usurper,"
And then wrote:
"-- That's because you're an idiot who just assumes people he dislikes are idiots."
I did not mean to imply that the 80% who agreed with the questioner were idiots as I agreed with him also. If that is what makes you think I'm an idiot than so be it. I don't assume people I don't like are idiots. I can have a reasonable argument without resorting to name calling.
Achilles said...
Obama doesn't have to be a radical Muslim to act like one.
Bing. It's the old being vs. does thing.
The thing is that Obama acts more like a Muslim more than any previous President did.
Also, do remember that the Obama is Muslim rumors became mainstream through the Hillary campaign.
MayBee said...
"It is every citizen's duty to defend the honor of our President".
Giggle. That was funny. I guess you defended Bush too? Forward Comrade!
I'm starting to hope Trump wins, just to imagine sunsongs expression.
Mick, I suspect Maybee is employing sarcasm.
Obama doesn't think enough of religion to be a Muslim--he's a Christian and attended Wright's church mostly at the urging of people trying to help his political career, as he mentions in his own book. He strikes me as about as lightweight-religious as they come, mouthing words along with Rev Wright and not objecting (for years) to the Rev's outrageous statements. Most people (understandably) assumed that meant he agreed, but I think it's just as likely that he didn't really listen/didn't care.
It's silly to accuse him of being a Muslim. He's reflexively anti-traditional American (in the sense that conservatives use "American," which includes a strong Christian component) and that should have been enough. He doesn't seem to think deeply about religious matters and as such he's free to blow with the wind when necessary (ie his early (false) assertions that he was against gay marriage and then his evolution on the subject.
Obama isn't weak on upholding and projecting traditional American values because he's secretly a Muslim, he's intentionally weak on those things because he firmly believes America needs to be taken down a peg, needs to be more like other nations (western European social democracies), needs to be less of a leader in world affairs, etc. Claiming he takes the positions he takes because he's secretly a Muslim lets him off the hook, frankly.
Matthew Sablan said...
"By-the-way, I'm guessing if you took a poll there last night 80% of the crowd would have agreed with the questioner, plant or not, that Hussein Obama is a moslem and a usurper,"
"-- That's because you're an idiot who just assumes people he dislikes are idiots."
I think a reasonable person could decide Obama is a Muslim. I think they would be wrong. He acts like a Muslim.
In every place where Islam is the dominant cultural force you have the same issues. It is therefor reasonable to think that Muslims hate women and gays and create an intolerant shitty place to live. There should be nothing wrong with verbalizing this.
Wazzup Fantasyland!
Happy Friday...
Man..that delivery was stiff. The Dems really need to better vet their actors.
(or Priebus)
Commenters: Yes! Obama is a Muslim.
Also: The dude was a plant!
virgil xenophon,
"Don't forget also that the ring he wears as a "wedding band" has Arabic inscriptions on both edges praising Allah.......funny, the MSM never seems to point out THAT little item.."
They can't point something out that is not true. A simple Goodle search will get you pictures of the his wedding ring, and Snopes has pictures of it on their site. To apply a little Inigo Montoya, "it does not say what you think it does." But it's the over-willingness of some to accept an assertion like this- contra evidence- that is most telling.
Michael K,
I think that it's possible that Obama was at least partially "raised as a Muslim" during some of his time in Indonesia, but it's far from clear and certainly not a given. My understanding is that he attended St. Francis of Assisi Catholic school and the Besuki Public School, neither of which would be considered "Muslim" schools. From age ten, he lived with his grandparents, who were Christians and remained there through adulthood, so it would have to have been from age 6 to 10. There, too, it's problematic that- with some very few exceptions- Islamic denominations don't have a confirmation or Bar Mitzvah in which someone becomes a full-fledged member of the religion -- which presents obvious problems for our defining what it would mean for him to have ever been a Muslim. Certainly, even if he had been raised during those four years to become a Muslim, it's quite possible (and understandable) that he himself might not accept that as "being a Muslim" - like, for example, my grandmother would have told you that I was Catholic, but as I was never confirmed, I do not consider myself having ever been Catholic, given that the experience was limited to attending mass and Bible study, and I was far too young to understand-- much less actually believe-- the information I was digesting. My brother and sister had Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, and another sister had her First Communion, so they would have a different interpretation of their religious identity, and perhaps rightly so. It's complicated.
The left: He blew on a "dog whistle"!!
By the way, aren't we due for an update on the progress of NASA's outreach to Islam directive?
"If you like my Christian faith, you can keep my Christian faith."
There. He said it. He's a Christian, end of controversy.
That guy was no plant. He is the face of the Trump supporter. The question is, will the Republican Party give Trump the nomination or will they find their testicles and finally reject him?
In my opinion he isn't Muslim, isn't Christian, he is nothing. Like most leftists e.g. Cook he defines only by opposition. He is FOR nothing, that or he knows that if he told you what he's for, you'd scrape him off your shoe.
I also don't know what's the beef. Trump's response seems pitch-perfect to me. You expect him to panic like a little bitch? You must be thinking of someone else.
AH..so..in all the various Q&As among Dem candidates, none have "failed to correct"?
"Republican Candidates Promise to Keep Us As Safe As George W. Bush Did"
someone should really consider correcting this...
Allen, I was referring to Ann's post not yours.
Trump should have said. "I am not aware that anyone named "Obama" is a candidate in 2016, so I don't see how this is germane. Also, it's not my job to get the vapors protecting the honor of the current President. That's Chris Christie's job!"
10 to 1 the guy was a plant. Sounds scripted.
"If you like my Christian faith, you can keep my Christian faith."
Trump was supposed to go into spasms of Obama worship, same as any given member of the press would have done.
Yeah, lets not base a politician's worth on what he says on substantive issues, lets base on what he doesn't say to people we don't like.
Its not Trump's job to defend Obama against crazy charges. The Communist party supported Obama in 2012, when did Obama publicly disown them? Guess he had that handy "dog whistle".
"By-the-way, I'm guessing if you took a poll there last night 80% of the crowd would have agreed with the questioner, plant or not, that Hussein Obama is a moslem and a usurper, as I do and any sensible person who spends a few hours reading up on the matter, would."
Huh? I don't remember any applause for the guy. Unless you took a stat sample of the audience you have no way of knowing what they believe, one way or the other. But its interesting you had to diss the crowd to make yourself look better.
Rush covered the scam today. Be sure to check out his analysis, which is roughly that it's a Journolist thing with both parties colluding.
Nobody actually likes Carly. It's just a get rid of Trump play.
The problem isn't whether Obama is a Muslim or not.
The problem is that Obama is a Leftist and is soft on radical Muslm terrorists.
BTW, here's some stupid "Hot Air" analysis on Trump skipping the SC Heritage event:
"Did Donald Trump skip tonight’s Heritage Action Presidential Forum to complete a business deal — or to hunker down for a bit while controversial remarks from yesterday blow over?"
Uhh...Trump didn't make any "controversial remarks"! This entire phony exercise is about him *Not* defending Obama when someone attacked him.
Just like when the Democrats correct every person who states that women make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes and that there is a rape crisis on college campuses, for example?
I listened to Rush for a few mins. He seems to not like Carly. Oh well.
Ah, one of the "dog whistles" from Trump. When did Althouse join the MSNBC crowd?
I guess if you think being objective about Miss Carley is 'not liking her' - you're right.
No doubt Rush remembers her disastrous run for the Senate in 2010 when she beat the conservative in the (R) primary, then got pummeled by Boxer. Or perhaps it was her stint at the NRSC or her support for McCain in the 2008 primary, or her running HP into the ground.
"...Josh Earnest said, “Is anyone really surprised this happened at a Trump rally? I don’t think anybody who has been paying attention to Republican politics is at all surprised. The reason for that is that the people who hold these offensive views are part of Mr. Trump’s base and Mr. Trump himself would be the first to tell you he’s got the biggest base of any Republican politician these days.”
He continued, “What is also unfortunate is Mr. Trump is not the first Republican politician to countenance these sort of views to win votes. In fact, that is precisely what every presidential candidate is doing when they do not denounce the cynical strategy of Donald Trump, because they want the same votes. Other Republicans have used the same strategy, and one Republican congressman told a reporter that he was David Duke without the baggage, and he was elected by a position to the third the ranking position in the House, and those same members of Congress blocked immigration reform, and those same members of Congress blocked re-authorization of The Voting Rights Act, and those same members of Congress could not support a simple funding bill, because they are eager to defend the confederate flag. So those are the priorities of today’s Republican party, and they will continue to be until somebody in the Republican party decides to summon the courage to stand up and change it.” "
machine mumbled: ""Republican Candidates Promise to Keep Us As Safe As George W. Bush Did" someone should really consider correcting this..."
How about Republican candidates promise to keep us as safe as FDR?
Later garage mahal: "Commenters: Yes! Obama is a Muslim. Also: The dude was a plant!"
Earlier garage mahal: Anthony Weiners twitter account was hacked by Breitbart ratf***ers!!!!eleventy!!
Shorter Sunsong: obamas mouthpiece says stuff that must be accepted at face value.
I wonder how long it will take Josh to land a job as an objective MSM fact-checker post-Obama?
Obama was registered as Barry Soetoroand entered the Franciscan Asisi school in 1 Jan 1968 serial number 203 and sat in class 1B. School documents listed Barry Soetoro as an Indonesian citizen born in Honolulu, Hawaii on 4 Aug 1961. His religion was listed in school documents as Muslim. School documents further record Barrys father as "L Soetoro Ma" who worked in the Topography Div of the Indonesian Army. Barry was described by classmate Rony Amir as being "a very devout Muslim." "Barry was quite religious in Islam," said Amir. "All the relatives of Barrys father were very devout Muslims," he added.
Hillary started it all...and NOW she's crying about how prejudice it is????http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/barackobama/8478044/Birther-row-began-with-Hillary-Clinton.html
And in case you want the US version...http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/02/08/the-secret-history-of-the-birthers.html
Sadly this thread is demonstrating just how crazed some of Obamas critics are. News flash--he is not Muslim. End of story, take a step off the crazy train.
And for those who point out that the 9/11 hijackers also went to strip clubs, well touché, I suppose! I guess we're all Muslims now! I guess the hijackers also launched drone strikes against Al Qaeda, and attended church their whole lives too-- just what those sneaky Muslims would do to fool us!
Does any of that prove Obama isn't faking all of this, and secretly worships Allah? Maybe not, but by that standard everyone is suspect.
Consider the possibility that he's just not good at his job. You can believe that without going full looney with this secret Muslim theory.
Sometimes I think the best friends the Democrats have are the lunatic fringe of the far Right.
That said, I can't fault Trump here--in the heat of a rally, presumably with supporters all around, it's understandable to not have a good canned answer when one of your "fans" says something batty. It can't have been something he expected.
why on earth should trump defend obama from this guy's comments ??
mccain did that when asked a similar question...how did that work out for him ?
"mccain did that when asked a similar question...how did that work out for him ?"
McCain lost with dignity. Which is why he's still the NYT's favorite Republican.
@Brando@ 6:38pm/
Please, pray tell me why Obama has a SS## from a state (Conn) he never visited and a forged selective service document. And why all of his college records are sealed. We don't know, for example, when, if ever, he renounced his Indonesian citizenship. The Occidental school records would reveal if he applied as a foreign student or as an American. Or what of the you tube recording of an interview with George Stephanopoulos in which he let the Freudian slip about "...my Muslim religion."
"Consider the possibility that he's just not good at his job. You can believe that without going full looney with this secret Muslim theory."
I don't think he's "secret Muslim." I think he was clearly a Muslim in Indonesia as a child. Apostasy is not favored in Islam. Like they cut heads off and stone to death. I suspect somebody in Muslim countries think he is still Muslim. Personally, I don't think he worships anybody but himself but there are people other than " right wing crazies" who think he is Muslim.
Let's take a step here. Who are we to proclaim with any certainty what's inside Obama's heart? Wasn't it Obama who told us multiple times that his christian faith makes him disagree with a concept of homosexual marriage? Wasn't it Obama who dozens of times claimed that "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance"? Wasn't it Obama who said he never knew anything about rev.Wright and his hard-left, racist views?
So ye, some people think he is a moslem, some people think he is not a moslem. At this point, what difference does it make? Why should Trump or anyone else jump to proclaim that Obama is a Christian? Hey, for all we know, Obama may be a secret admirer of Louis Farrakhan, a guy who was celebrated in Obama's church.
Can it all be a coincidence?
Obama was born in Honolulu. It waas only 54 years ago, and the Dunhams were not anonymice. There has to be any number of people around that remember it well.
But I do not think he believes in any being greater than himself.
If it wasn't for this, the professionally outraged would have been similarly outraged over something else. Just more noise from the jackals.
Imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth had Trump just replied "Did you just wander in from Hillary"s 2008 campaign.?
At that, I do not understand the "outrage."
What could be more dismissive than Trump's reaction?
It must be that he did not follow the MSM's established formula.
But then Trump never does, which may be the secret to his success this far.
There is nothing you can say or write that can't be misinterpreted or words to that affect. When I said 80% of the crowd probably agreed with the questioner I never realized how it would be interpreted by some commenters here. To you being lumped in with this statement of Hussein Obama's moslem beliefs would be outrageous. To me it was a throw away line to try and soften the faux outrage of what I still think is a not so unreasonable perception of Obama. None of this matters in post-truth America where what others think of us is more important than the, you know, truth of the matter.
And not to get everyone's knickers in a twist but what about all the sealed records in this most untransparent person's biography? Isn't is reasonable to wonder why? Or is this a test that you pass when you can say, "Oh, I get it, it doesn't matter to the right people so it shouldn't matter to me as if this collection of media and political whores are right.
God help us all.
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