Besides the predictability of this retort, the thing that stands out is how thin-skinned and defensive it makes Trump look. For all this talk about what an "alpha male" and "boss" Trump is, I would think a true alpha male would let criticism roll off his back, or at least he'd fight back against the substance of the criticism. This comes across as childish and petty, not "great fighter".
Brando, or maybe this is the media's meme on Trump. "Hes not presidential material." Have you noticed the media's glaring silence about the thin skin of Obama? If you do a little research about Kareem, you will find out Trump is not only correct in his assessment, he is generous.
""Hes not presidential material." Have you noticed the media's glaring silence about the thin skin of Obama?"
I have noticed the media giving Obama a pass--and trying to pass Obama off as "cool" and "no drama" when he has shown himself quite prickly. But I have yet to see Trump shrug off any attack against him, or even respond in the aloof manner of someone who is above such nonsense. It comes across very insecure. I suppose for some people it makes him "tough" because he "fights back."
"If you do a little research about Kareem, you will find out Trump is not only correct in his assessment, he is generous."
That may be, and Kareem's article may have been unfair. But if you have to respond to it at all, maybe refute what he said?
That may be, and Kareem's article may have been unfair. But if you have to respond to it at all, maybe refute what he said?
In his defense, there is little reason to believe the press will ever air what his refutation was. A lot of Republicans try to respond to vitriol with reasoned statements and it gets nowhere (anybody remember Ryan's response to the ad showing him throwing an old lady off the cliff? How about Romney's response to the ad accusing him of killing that dude's wife when she had cancer?)
Calm refutations have not done well with the GOP for a while.
"Here again he attacks a journalist who disagrees with him, not by disputing the points made but by hurling schoolyard insults such as ‘nobody likes you.’ But if you look behind the nasty invective, you find the assault still remains against the Constitution in an effort to silence the press through intimidation."
If Trump's intent was to provoke a response like this then I guess he won.
For Trump's comments may be "nasty invective" but they are only a verbal "attack," and surely not an "assault against the Constitution." Is the press truly so weak that it can be intimidated or silenced by "schoolyard insults"?
Sorrybut, as much as I'd enjoy seeing Trump humbled, he won this exchange. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar would have done better to remain silent if this was the best retort he could muster.
"A lot of Republicans try to respond to vitriol with reasoned statements and it gets nowhere (anybody remember Ryan's response to the ad showing him throwing an old lady off the cliff? How about Romney's response to the ad accusing him of killing that dude's wife when she had cancer?)"
I don't think Kareem's article had anything in it that was so damaging it merited a reply, but assuming it did--how about simply "this guy writes an article packed with lies--such as me giving one of my employee's cancer, for crying out loud--another example of the media and their elite buddies making things up to tear me down!"
And if it's just the usual article saying the same old stuff, it's better ignored. It's not like everyone's going to be talking about Kareem not liking Trump after a few days.
A president is going to be getting a lot more of that for a lot longer--should he really be lashing out with personal insults on Twitter every time someone crosses him?
I like and respect Kareem, but his article about Trump was a weak thrust, and Trump just posterized him in the paint. (Feeble attempt at basketball vernacular, sorry).
The Trump Thump is only a verbal game. Since words don't hurt, then who cares. But like a paintball contest there is a winner. And words are Trump-Hermes home territory.
And yes, we vulgar type lawyers like to win so much that we will use whatever words spoken in the perfect moment get deepest into a jury's mind and heart. And we will repeat them and repeat them and repeat them... Like Trump does.
He's been trying to get a head coaching job in the NBA for 20 years. He finally got clued in that he wasn't getting interviews because he treated people like a Grade A jerk for the previous 25 years.
He's made strides towards improving his people skills but he's too old now to get a head coaching gig.
He's an intelligent, thoughtful individual who unfortunately thought he was better than the rest of the world for most of his life.
The fact that Trump rudely responds to him and others is hardly an assault on the Constitution. It's called the rough and tumble of free speech. When it comes from a non-leftist it rocks their world.
Like trump or not.. It's hard to not see Bernie surrendered his podium while Trump controlled his. Kareem's version of the Ramos presser is laughable. Is Kelly really considered a "reporter"? Certainly not in that instance.
For anyone on Trump's side in this idiot piece of slapstick, I direct you to the editorial Trump didn't respond to. It is Daniel Drezner's editorial in the same paper:
this incoherent gasbag has been blathering on for more than two months now, and there’s only so much one man can say about his shtick.
Drezner goes on:
we’re at a political moment when Trump is clobbering all of these talented politicians in the polls — and doing so by honing the lessons he learned from reality television.
That last phrase is the rub. The reason Trump insults Kareem Abdul Jabbar isn't because of anything Jabbar wrote. It's because Jabbar is a celebrity. Trump is a celebrity. So you get twice as much celebrity per insult. It's a pretty simple calculation.
"Calm refutations have not done well with the GOP for a while."
Which Trump understands, hence his success so far. W didn't understand, hence the ease with which the Donks demonized him. Trump sees a chance, just a chance, that victory might be as simple as saying out loud what's on so many American's minds.
“An observation: Trump should hire people to try and take over his podium. Ramos did Trump a favor by acting the way Ramos did. And I predict the polls will reflect it.”
… and now as we can all see at the URL below, Trump has risen another notch in the latest Monmouth University poll and has increased his lead over the GOP field by 4 points from earlier polling by the university.
All is proceeding according to Trump’s plan.
Another prediction: An attack on Trump by anyone with a Muslim-sounding name(like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) is gold to Trump’s campaign. The more the better. Watch Trump’s lead increase as a result. The Democrat Party already has a serious blue collar white male deficiency – this latest attack on Trump will only increase that problem.
"The reason Trump insults Kareem Abdul Jabbar isn't because of anything Jabbar wrote. It's because Jabbar is a celebrity. Trump is a celebrity. So you get twice as much celebrity per insult. It's a pretty simple calculation."
So do you think Trump calculated Jabbar would share it and respond?
Nichevo, conflating knowing more about the legal system with being smarter is why lawyers are held in such disrespect. You may or not be smarter than Traditional, but being better at manipulating the legal system is not proof of that.
Would you win a physics debate with Stephen Hawkings?
Trump does indeed pick his targets. Responding to some little known blogger gets no traction in the media. Responding to Kareem is the perfect choice. First, because both are well known and thus this exchange will generate media attention. And, secondly, people who know Kareem don't like the guy and thus a little laugh at Kareem's expense.
Expect to see he media go to the talking point of any response Trump has to someone as being an "attack." Watch for the tag lines, like Bullying, to be used when describing Trump's actions.
Walter, it is very hard to believe Trump does not know exactly what he is doing with his responses to people like Kareem. He may not be 100% sure of what they will do, but he has been around media and entertainment people long enough to know who is or is not likely to give him the response he wants. A long time ago, a friend observed that heckling a stand up comic would almost always be a losing proposition. Same with Trump. He has a huge stock of comebacks and snarks and can simply shape them to whatever individual comes along. He also has a huge accumulation of insider knowledge about the media, celebrities, and the news and entertainment industry. Remember his feud with Rosie? He said she would be off the View in 2 months. The view's exec producer Barbara Walters said Trump didn't know what he was talking about. Which one turned out to be right? Trump knows where the bodies are buried.
Not for nothing, Goju, and all the more because you stuck up for me...but though I think it is there, I'd also like to see some cool calm discreet rationality from Trump. Knowing and using skeletons is fun and easy in low stakes TV war. I hope he's not the type like Obama to say, Oh, this is how we got OBL and this is who helped us type deal.
Oh... but the press loves Trump! They love to ridicule him, that is.
But it's Trump. He can't tell the difference. Attention is attention.
“Sometimes they write positively, and sometimes they write negatively. But from a pure business point of view, the benefits of being written about have far outweighed the drawbacks.”
“I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular.” (The Art of the Deal, 1987)
Never underestimate an American conservative's need to make important decisions on the basis of nothing better than short-term emotional gain. They're like adolescent girls that way. Worse, in fact - as grown women are generally smart enough to see through Trump. The grandiose garden of bullshit he builds around his vanity is something they can smell a mile away.
But conservative American men? They see themselves in him. If they could be who they wanted to be, that is.
No one is actually going to read Kareem's piece; they will just hear the sound-bite Trump response.
And they will LIKE the sound-bite Trump response: because they trust that whoever he is arguing against is wrong. They do not need to read the originating piece: they just feel like they are -- finally -- represented in the loop.
And they realize that Kareem's piece has ben edited by those who know better. Grammar, Correct Thinking, etc.
That is just basic response to a media that no one can trust.
Kareem tried to fuck me in the ass at a shopping mall in the San Fernando Valley when I was a kid. Because of his height he wanted me to stand on top of the toilet lid in the bathroom stall.
Can anyone point to a journalist who has been intimidated by Trump's bullying? For someone to be a bully as opposed to a chest thumper, doesn't he have to successfully bully someone? I don't think the First Amendment is under much threat from Trump.
Here's another Trumpism destined for the record books.
“I do whine because I want to win, and I'm not happy about not winning, and I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win.” (CNN, Aug. 10, 2015)
He's got some really great howlers. Reading them is the best footnote to his campaign. Check them out!
walter: Democrats, unlike your tribe, apparently can take note of a talented speaker's (or even his marketing campaign's) ability to deliver. But I guess you're one of those guys who thinks he was better off in late 2008 than he is today.
walter: If Trumpthusiasm isn't the most deluded form of political hysteria I don't know what is. Unlike Trump, Obama never bankrupted himself (and countless people whose livelihood depended on him) four times.
But apparently Trump's political fans find this to be just as unnoticeable as everything else that escapes their attention. Despite the fact that, unlike the non-materialists who vote Democrat, Trump's conservative fans think his wealth is sign of virtue.
Imagine that. A faction that worships wealth, materialism and corporatism channels its greatest amount of enthusiasm into a quadruple-bankrupt.
I think he's rolling you guys. There's no way normal people can be so mentally bankrupt as to not see the stupidity in that.
You're his best customers: The sort he refers to as "suckers."
(KNOCK KNOCK on the bathroom stall door, somewhere in the San Fernando Valley, years and years ago)
"This is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: don't you want to let me in, little boy?" "I said Occupied!"
"I can sign your underpants: would you like tat? You could show all your friends..."
"My Dad said to stay away from any Laker that isn't Kurt Rambis!"
"Your Dad is a Boston fan?"
"My Dad just doesn't want me butt-fucked by a Laker!"
"What if we just hugged? I'll let you wear my goggles."
(Opens the door)
"Mr. Adbul, you're not wearing any pants!"
"Pants can be constricting. Like, if I'm going for a Sky Hook, I want to be as free as possible. Would you like to be Sky Hooked?"
"I don't think so, Mr. Ardul."
"Just pretend that it is a basketball going up your hoop..."
"Get away, Ka-Ream! Get away!"
"Son, don't you want to grow up and play in the NBA?"
"I don't want to be fucked in the ass!"
"Everyone in the NBA does it. Do you know who Jellybean Bryant is?"
"No..." "He played for the Clippers."
And he has a beautiful boy named Kobe..."
"So you know what?"
What, Mr. Ajarr?"
"I fucked Kobe in the ass, gently, and he is going to be a Big NBA Star someday: mark my words."
"Won't that mess him up in his head?"
"What? Like he would become a self-absorbed rapist or something? It was just an erect penis, bending slightly to the left, in his young tender milk-chocolate ass."
"I don't think I like you, Mr. Akbar."
"Fuck it. Your loss, kid: a lot of children use this bathroom..."
Obama didn't have the balls to take any risks that might result in bankruptcy. Of course, he never had the balls to do much of anything in his life other than give more speeches.
"I guess you're one of those guys who thinks he was better off in late 2008 than he is today." It would take a lot of dissection to unpack that idiotic statement. But yes..he's delivered some primo BS. Just finishing up on his promise to skyrocket electricity costs. But yes..he is a talented speaker..err..when the prompter's rolling.
Well, when you're ready to take out your kit and do the dissecting, let me know. Because in the meantime, it's exactly the same yardstick used by Reagan's campaign. And it's precisely the right one to measure presidential success by.
Unless you think rhetoric is ALL that matters and just happen to prefer Trump's rhetoric to Obama's. But some of us think that results actually matter.
Again, Trump is a quadruple-bankrupt though so I think it stands to reason that his supporters and Republicans generally have completely given up on the importance of real-life results.
So I guess The Party of Fantasy is good for figuring out how willing you are to believe in things just because!
First, not did the press dislike Kareem, but if the books can be relied on his teammates weren't fond of him either. But hey, that doesn't mean he's not a political wizard.
I for one, always think Islamic multi-millionaires who played BB for 30 years are fountains of knowledge on how to make America great again.
Ah..I'm refreshed to hear you didn't vote for Obama in '08, when all that was there was a nice speech, creassed pants, very slim achievement record and sealed academic records. Good on you. You didn't get caught up in the history of the "Hope". Wise you were there. But if you think it's all good in the age of Obama "recovery", many would disagree. The real question is how much holding down of the economy he's responsible for. Talk about Party of Fantasy..please.
The hardest part of being a lawyer is giving complicated explanations of legal points and necessary procedural tactics to a client who already knows the law he has read in Google searches and just wanted one more opinion to confirm he doesn't need a lawyer.
Trump is getting his case to be President from one point on the tactical board to another point faster than the others can realize they are in checkmate. He doesn't need apolitical consultant. It would make him cautious when the attack words are right there in his brilliant min I do feel sorry for the experts that are waiting for Trump to slow down as he laps the field and throws out nails for the tires of the others that seem to be getting close.
His pitch perfect challenge to Hispanic Bush to speak English says it all. Do Mexicans have to assimilate to become Americans or do Americans have to assimilate to become Mexicans like Senore Bush has chosen to do?
The essence of rudeness is pretending another person in the room is not there. The Mexican aristocrats tactically speaking only Spanish around Americans is effectively making the Americans not there. Senore Bush loves that and wants to lead!s like Love in his eyes.
Please, thank you, and you're welcome, walter. As it's actually "The Tea Party Recovery". (At least if you don't like it). Exactly how many compromises to their demands was Obama forced to make, after all?
You're not being objective. And that's the first requirement of someone trying to get away from fantasy-based thinking.
"...but I feel we need borders. I feel that we have to, the word illegal means we’re a country of laws. You saw that at my press conference today, and illegal means illegal. They’re not supposed to be in the country. And we’re either going to have a country or we’re not."
Of course, the Liberals and the Wall street billionaires don't want a country, they want cheap labor and votes.
"I for one, always think Islamic multi-millionaires who played BB for 30 years are fountains of knowledge on how to make America great again."
I don't think Kareem is a multi-millionaire. He's had some financial difficulties. It's a sad story. It's one of the reason Shaq put most of his money in annuities.
Kareem was a all time great player. High effort, tough and competitive. I respect him for that. His quest for a role outside basketball has been a hard one. I respect him, even though he looks a little silly as a columnist. He will look more silly if it turns out that Trump was not the author of the reply.
Thanks again. I needed something to laugh at it. Yes..Obama's been relentlessly cow-towing to the Tea Party. I guess it's progress that you're not calling them Tea Baggers.
So, telling celebrity that he is wrong, or even a fool, is an "attack" on First Amendment rights? I was not aware that the First Amendment said "thou shalt not criticize Kareem".
He has been rendered helpless! Except for being the leader of a major superpower, stacking departments with sick-o-phants and issuing executive orders. Besides that..helpless.
Unlike Trump, Obama never bankrupted himself (and countless people whose livelihood depended on him) four time.
Again, Trump is a quadruple-bankrupt though so I think it stands to reason that his supporters and Republicans generally have completely given up on the importance of real-life results.
Translation: Trump is a person who is smart, a good negotiator, able to legally protect his own company and today owns a company worth billions.
I believe there is at least one group of “people whose livelihood depended on him” who are extremely grateful of Trump’s bankruptcies:
The 22,450 employees of the Trump Organization - who depend on the Trump payroll for a livelihood.
If only we had a POTUS who would protect his citizens like Trump has protected his employees.
Who in negotiations would never cede to the enemy everything the enemy demands.
Who would never travel around the world apologizing for America and kowtowing to foreign leaders.
Who is not ashamed to express an unalloyed patriotism openly and proudly.
Who believes in America’s greatness enough to incorporate it into their campaign slogan.
Who actually interacts and converses with audiences instead of reading prepared notes on a teleprompter.
Olajuwon is the greatest center in NBA history. Excellent defender, scorer, passer, rebounder, and free throw shooter. Kareem, like Wilt, was good on offense but didn't play defense. Russell is the second best center. His only weakness was free throw shooting. He was almost as bad as Shaq from the line. Kareem is the third best center ever. Ahead of Wilt and Shaq.
This is why people like Trump. A BLM race-baiter like this goony multi-millionaire Muslim likes to spew his victimology, and Trump just tells him to STFU. Many of wish we had the national megaphone that Trump has, so we too could tell race-baiting hypocritical progressive democrat party millionaire victimologists to STFU.
Maybe Trump hears the 75% or whatever of AMERICANS who didn't vote for Obama or the Democrats, and who would never vote for Hillary!, and would like to speak and possibly act on for them.
The essence of both democracy and republicanism is that the People have a voice. Let who can, hear it and answer.
Olajuwon carried the Rockets to those two titles. He was the best I ever watched (I was too young to have watched Russell or Wilt), and he had a complete game.
Kareem was certainly up there. I loved the Laker/Celtic battles of the 80s. I think he stayed around a year or two too long. The skyhook was an unstoppable shot, so cool to watch. I can remember Chick calling it, swings left, shoots right.
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७८ टिप्पण्या:
Besides the predictability of this retort, the thing that stands out is how thin-skinned and defensive it makes Trump look. For all this talk about what an "alpha male" and "boss" Trump is, I would think a true alpha male would let criticism roll off his back, or at least he'd fight back against the substance of the criticism. This comes across as childish and petty, not "great fighter".
The Donald is nothing, if not entertaining.---- Apparently, Howie Carr beat me to that line.
Brando, or maybe this is the media's meme on Trump. "Hes not presidential material." Have you noticed the media's glaring silence about the thin skin of Obama?
If you do a little research about Kareem, you will find out Trump is not only correct in his assessment, he is generous.
Insulting a celebrity who is critical of you is considered Presidential by a lot of people these days.
""Hes not presidential material." Have you noticed the media's glaring silence about the thin skin of Obama?"
I have noticed the media giving Obama a pass--and trying to pass Obama off as "cool" and "no drama" when he has shown himself quite prickly. But I have yet to see Trump shrug off any attack against him, or even respond in the aloof manner of someone who is above such nonsense. It comes across very insecure. I suppose for some people it makes him "tough" because he "fights back."
"If you do a little research about Kareem, you will find out Trump is not only correct in his assessment, he is generous."
That may be, and Kareem's article may have been unfair. But if you have to respond to it at all, maybe refute what he said?
Trump should have addressed him as Roger.
That may be, and Kareem's article may have been unfair. But if you have to respond to it at all, maybe refute what he said?
In his defense, there is little reason to believe the press will ever air what his refutation was. A lot of Republicans try to respond to vitriol with reasoned statements and it gets nowhere (anybody remember Ryan's response to the ad showing him throwing an old lady off the cliff? How about Romney's response to the ad accusing him of killing that dude's wife when she had cancer?)
Calm refutations have not done well with the GOP for a while.
I really like the "Best Wishes" closing.
"Here again he attacks a journalist who disagrees with him, not by disputing the points made but by hurling schoolyard insults such as ‘nobody likes you.’ But if you look behind the nasty invective, you find the assault still remains against the Constitution in an effort to silence the press through intimidation."
If Trump's intent was to provoke a response like this then I guess he won.
For Trump's comments may be "nasty invective" but they are only a verbal "attack," and surely not an "assault against the Constitution." Is the press truly so weak that it can be intimidated or silenced by "schoolyard insults"?
Sorrybut, as much as I'd enjoy seeing Trump humbled, he won this exchange. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar would have done better to remain silent if this was the best retort he could muster.
"A lot of Republicans try to respond to vitriol with reasoned statements and it gets nowhere (anybody remember Ryan's response to the ad showing him throwing an old lady off the cliff? How about Romney's response to the ad accusing him of killing that dude's wife when she had cancer?)"
I don't think Kareem's article had anything in it that was so damaging it merited a reply, but assuming it did--how about simply "this guy writes an article packed with lies--such as me giving one of my employee's cancer, for crying out loud--another example of the media and their elite buddies making things up to tear me down!"
And if it's just the usual article saying the same old stuff, it's better ignored. It's not like everyone's going to be talking about Kareem not liking Trump after a few days.
A president is going to be getting a lot more of that for a lot longer--should he really be lashing out with personal insults on Twitter every time someone crosses him?
I like and respect Kareem, but his article about Trump was a weak thrust, and Trump just posterized him in the paint. (Feeble attempt at basketball vernacular, sorry).
The Trump Thump is only a verbal game. Since words don't hurt, then who cares. But like a paintball contest there is a winner. And words are Trump-Hermes home territory.
And yes, we vulgar type lawyers like to win so much that we will use whatever words spoken in the perfect moment get deepest into a jury's mind and heart. And we will repeat them and repeat them and repeat them...
Like Trump does.
Truth be known, I like Kareem's columns for the most part. Don't agree with everything but he is more sane than a lot of other commenters.
Someone named Kareem defending the Constitution is a fucking joke.
Trad, you know everybody hates lawyers z right?
Nichevo -- Everyone hates "the other guy's" lawyer.
Ex basketball player is now a journalist?
Trump leans in, pushing the big man back. He shoots and scores. Big man left with egg on his face as the buzzer sounds.
I remember how much the press did not like Kareem. Does anybody else?
Nichevo...You are right about hating lawyers. Everyman that has had a divorce despises the man who helped the ex-wife take authority over him.
But, guess what. We don't care if you hate us. We just want to win and earn our money which used to be your money..
If you hate lawyers, then get Google to help you to believe that you are actually smarter than us.
Was that Bombastic enough?
Kareem's had issues for years.
He's been trying to get a head coaching job in the NBA for 20 years. He finally got clued in that he wasn't getting interviews because he treated people like a Grade A jerk for the previous 25 years.
He's made strides towards improving his people skills but he's too old now to get a head coaching gig.
He's an intelligent, thoughtful individual who unfortunately thought he was better than the rest of the world for most of his life.
The fact that Trump rudely responds to him and others is hardly an assault on the Constitution. It's called the rough and tumble of free speech. When it comes from a non-leftist it rocks their world.
I say it's about time.
Like trump or not..
It's hard to not see Bernie surrendered his podium while Trump controlled his.
Kareem's version of the Ramos presser is laughable.
Is Kelly really considered a "reporter"? Certainly not in that instance.
"Valentine Smith said...
Someone named Kareem defending the Constitution is a fucking joke."
Someone named Kareem defending anything is a joke
"... to make America great again" Meaning Dear Leader hasn't done that already? How insulting!
Kareem was good in Airplane.
If you hate lawyers, then get Google to help you to believe that you are actually smarter than us.
Ignoring the rest, what good would this do?
For anyone on Trump's side in this idiot piece of slapstick, I direct you to the editorial Trump didn't respond to. It is Daniel Drezner's editorial in the same paper:
this incoherent gasbag has been blathering on for more than two months now, and there’s only so much one man can say about his shtick.
Drezner goes on:
we’re at a political moment when Trump is clobbering all of these talented politicians in the polls — and doing so by honing the lessons he learned from reality television.
That last phrase is the rub. The reason Trump insults Kareem Abdul Jabbar isn't because of anything Jabbar wrote. It's because Jabbar is a celebrity. Trump is a celebrity. So you get twice as much celebrity per insult. It's a pretty simple calculation.
Jabbar and Drezner both do what they accuse Trump of doing. So much for not lowering yourself...
Carter Wood said: "Trump should have addressed him as Roger."
What's your vector, Victor? Huh? Do we have clearence, Clarence? Huh? Roger, Roger. Huh?
"Calm refutations have not done well with the GOP for a while."
Which Trump understands, hence his success so far. W didn't understand, hence the ease with which the Donks demonized him. Trump sees a chance, just a chance, that victory might be as simple as saying out loud what's on so many American's minds.
Back on 8/28/15 I posted this comment …
“An observation: Trump should hire people to try and take over his podium. Ramos did Trump a favor by acting the way Ramos did. And I predict the polls will reflect it.”
… and now as we can all see at the URL below, Trump has risen another notch in the latest Monmouth University poll and has increased his lead over the GOP field by 4 points from earlier polling by the university.
All is proceeding according to Trump’s plan.
Another prediction: An attack on Trump by anyone with a Muslim-sounding name(like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) is gold to Trump’s campaign. The more the better. Watch Trump’s lead increase as a result. The Democrat Party already has a serious blue collar white male deficiency – this latest attack on Trump will only increase that problem.
Bob Lanier would out-hustle Kareem down the court.
OTOH, Don't Mess With Kareem!
I bet Kareem likes Gladiator Movies.
"The reason Trump insults Kareem Abdul Jabbar isn't because of anything Jabbar wrote. It's because Jabbar is a celebrity. Trump is a celebrity. So you get twice as much celebrity per insult. It's a pretty simple calculation."
So do you think Trump calculated Jabbar would share it and respond?
Nichevo, conflating knowing more about the legal system with being smarter is why lawyers are held in such disrespect. You may or not be smarter than Traditional, but being better at manipulating the legal system is not proof of that.
Would you win a physics debate with Stephen Hawkings?
Trump does indeed pick his targets. Responding to some little known blogger gets no traction in the media. Responding to Kareem is the perfect choice. First, because both are well known and thus this exchange will generate media attention. And, secondly, people who know Kareem don't like the guy and thus a little laugh at Kareem's expense.
Expect to see he media go to the talking point of any response Trump has to someone as being an "attack." Watch for the tag lines, like Bullying, to be used when describing Trump's actions.
Walter, it is very hard to believe Trump does not know exactly what he is doing with his responses to people like Kareem. He may not be 100% sure of what they will do, but he has been around media and entertainment people long enough to know who is or is not likely to give him the response he wants.
A long time ago, a friend observed that heckling a stand up comic would almost always be a losing proposition. Same with Trump. He has a huge stock of comebacks and snarks and can simply shape them to whatever individual comes along. He also has a huge accumulation of insider knowledge about the media, celebrities, and the news and entertainment industry. Remember his feud with Rosie? He said she would be off the View in 2 months. The view's exec producer Barbara Walters said Trump didn't know what he was talking about. Which one turned out to be right?
Trump knows where the bodies are buried.
Not for nothing, Goju, and all the more because you stuck up for me...but though I think it is there, I'd also like to see some cool calm discreet rationality from Trump. Knowing and using skeletons is fun and easy in low stakes TV war. I hope he's not the type like Obama to say, Oh, this is how we got OBL and this is who helped us type deal.
Oh... but the press loves Trump! They love to ridicule him, that is.
But it's Trump. He can't tell the difference. Attention is attention.
“Sometimes they write positively, and sometimes they write negatively. But from a pure business point of view, the benefits of being written about have far outweighed the drawbacks.”
“I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular.” (The Art of the Deal, 1987)
Never underestimate an American conservative's need to make important decisions on the basis of nothing better than short-term emotional gain. They're like adolescent girls that way. Worse, in fact - as grown women are generally smart enough to see through Trump. The grandiose garden of bullshit he builds around his vanity is something they can smell a mile away.
But conservative American men? They see themselves in him. If they could be who they wanted to be, that is.
I think many people are missing the point.
No one is actually going to read Kareem's piece; they will just hear the sound-bite Trump response.
And they will LIKE the sound-bite Trump response: because they trust that whoever he is arguing against is wrong. They do not need to read the originating piece: they just feel like they are -- finally -- represented in the loop.
And they realize that Kareem's piece has ben edited by those who know better. Grammar, Correct Thinking, etc.
That is just basic response to a media that no one can trust.
Kareem tried to fuck me in the ass at a shopping mall in the San Fernando Valley when I was a kid. Because of his height he wanted me to stand on top of the toilet lid in the bathroom stall.
Fuck Kareem and his penis that bends to the left.
Fuck him.
I am Laslo.
Can anyone point to a journalist who has been intimidated by Trump's bullying? For someone to be a bully as opposed to a chest thumper, doesn't he have to successfully bully someone? I don't think the First Amendment is under much threat from Trump.
Here's another Trumpism destined for the record books.
“I do whine because I want to win, and I'm not happy about not winning, and I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win.” (CNN, Aug. 10, 2015)
He's got some really great howlers. Reading them is the best footnote to his campaign. Check them out!
"Never underestimate an American conservative's need to make important decisions on the basis of nothing better than short-term emotional gain. "
Unlike voting for "Hope and Change" or the granting of a pre-emptive Nobel.
I liked Wilt much better. For one thing, he was;t such an obvious jerk. Second, he hadn't changed his name.
walter: Democrats, unlike your tribe, apparently can take note of a talented speaker's (or even his marketing campaign's) ability to deliver. But I guess you're one of those guys who thinks he was better off in late 2008 than he is today.
walter: If Trumpthusiasm isn't the most deluded form of political hysteria I don't know what is. Unlike Trump, Obama never bankrupted himself (and countless people whose livelihood depended on him) four times.
But apparently Trump's political fans find this to be just as unnoticeable as everything else that escapes their attention. Despite the fact that, unlike the non-materialists who vote Democrat, Trump's conservative fans think his wealth is sign of virtue.
Imagine that. A faction that worships wealth, materialism and corporatism channels its greatest amount of enthusiasm into a quadruple-bankrupt.
I think he's rolling you guys. There's no way normal people can be so mentally bankrupt as to not see the stupidity in that.
You're his best customers: The sort he refers to as "suckers."
(KNOCK KNOCK on the bathroom stall door, somewhere in the San Fernando Valley, years and years ago)
"This is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: don't you want to let me in, little boy?"
"I said Occupied!"
"I can sign your underpants: would you like tat? You could show all your friends..."
"My Dad said to stay away from any Laker that isn't Kurt Rambis!"
"Your Dad is a Boston fan?"
"My Dad just doesn't want me butt-fucked by a Laker!"
"What if we just hugged? I'll let you wear my goggles."
(Opens the door)
"Mr. Adbul, you're not wearing any pants!"
"Pants can be constricting. Like, if I'm going for a Sky Hook, I want to be as free as possible. Would you like to be Sky Hooked?"
"I don't think so, Mr. Ardul."
"Just pretend that it is a basketball going up your hoop..."
"Get away, Ka-Ream! Get away!"
"Son, don't you want to grow up and play in the NBA?"
"I don't want to be fucked in the ass!"
"Everyone in the NBA does it. Do you know who Jellybean Bryant is?"
"He played for the Clippers."
And he has a beautiful boy named Kobe..."
"So you know what?"
What, Mr. Ajarr?"
"I fucked Kobe in the ass, gently, and he is going to be a Big NBA Star someday: mark my words."
"Won't that mess him up in his head?"
"What? Like he would become a self-absorbed rapist or something? It was just an erect penis, bending slightly to the left, in his young tender milk-chocolate ass."
"I don't think I like you, Mr. Akbar."
"Fuck it. Your loss, kid: a lot of children use this bathroom..."
I am Laslo.
if you go after Trump he's gonna come back at you - HARD - regardless of who you are.
Obama didn't have the balls to take any risks that might result in bankruptcy. Of course, he never had the balls to do much of anything in his life other than give more speeches.
"I guess you're one of those guys who thinks he was better off in late 2008 than he is today."
It would take a lot of dissection to unpack that idiotic statement.
But yes..he's delivered some primo BS. Just finishing up on his promise to skyrocket electricity costs. But yes..he is a talented speaker..err..when the prompter's rolling.
Well, when you're ready to take out your kit and do the dissecting, let me know. Because in the meantime, it's exactly the same yardstick used by Reagan's campaign. And it's precisely the right one to measure presidential success by.
Unless you think rhetoric is ALL that matters and just happen to prefer Trump's rhetoric to Obama's. But some of us think that results actually matter.
Again, Trump is a quadruple-bankrupt though so I think it stands to reason that his supporters and Republicans generally have completely given up on the importance of real-life results.
So I guess The Party of Fantasy is good for figuring out how willing you are to believe in things just because!
First, not did the press dislike Kareem, but if the books can be relied on his teammates weren't fond of him either. But hey, that doesn't mean he's not a political wizard.
I for one, always think Islamic multi-millionaires who played BB for 30 years are fountains of knowledge on how to make America great again.
Ah..I'm refreshed to hear you didn't vote for Obama in '08, when all that was there was a nice speech, creassed pants, very slim achievement record and sealed academic records. Good on you. You didn't get caught up in the history of the "Hope". Wise you were there.
But if you think it's all good in the age of Obama "recovery", many would disagree. The real question is how much holding down of the economy he's responsible for.
Talk about Party of Fantasy..please.
Trump's response is great - just the right mixture of niceness and meanness. I love the "Best Wishes" at the end.
The hardest part of being a lawyer is giving complicated explanations of legal points and necessary procedural tactics to a client who already knows the law he has read in Google searches and just wanted one more opinion to confirm he doesn't need a lawyer.
Trump is getting his case to be President from one point on the tactical board to another point faster than the others can realize they are in checkmate. He doesn't need apolitical consultant. It would make him cautious when the attack words are right there in his brilliant min
I do feel sorry for the experts that are waiting for Trump to slow down as he laps the field and throws out nails for the tires of the others that seem to be getting close.
His pitch perfect challenge to Hispanic Bush to speak English says it all. Do Mexicans have to assimilate to become Americans or do Americans have to assimilate to become Mexicans like Senore Bush has chosen to do?
The essence of rudeness is pretending another person in the room is not there. The Mexican aristocrats tactically speaking only Spanish around Americans is effectively making the Americans not there. Senore Bush loves that and wants to lead!s like Love in his eyes.
Please, thank you, and you're welcome, walter. As it's actually "The Tea Party Recovery". (At least if you don't like it). Exactly how many compromises to their demands was Obama forced to make, after all?
You're not being objective. And that's the first requirement of someone trying to get away from fantasy-based thinking.
Why I support Trump:
"...but I feel we need borders. I feel that we have to, the word illegal means we’re a country of laws. You saw that at my press conference today, and illegal means illegal. They’re not supposed to be in the country. And we’re either going to have a country or we’re not."
Of course, the Liberals and the Wall street billionaires don't want a country, they want cheap labor and votes.
"I for one, always think Islamic multi-millionaires who played BB for 30 years are fountains of knowledge on how to make America great again."
I don't think Kareem is a multi-millionaire. He's had some financial difficulties. It's a sad story. It's one of the reason Shaq put most of his money in annuities.
Kareem was a all time great player. High effort, tough and competitive. I respect him for that. His quest for a role outside basketball has been a hard one. I respect him, even though he looks a little silly as a columnist. He will look more silly if it turns out that Trump was not the author of the reply.
"You're not being objective."
Thanks again. I needed something to laugh at it. Yes..Obama's been relentlessly cow-towing to the Tea Party. I guess it's progress that you're not calling them Tea Baggers.
Lew Alcindor is smarter than the average basketball player, which is kind of like being taller than the average jockey.
So, telling celebrity that he is wrong, or even a fool, is an "attack" on First Amendment rights? I was not aware that the First Amendment said "thou shalt not criticize Kareem".
I really feel like this is the Caddyshack campaign. Trump is the Rodney Dangerfield of politics.
But Trump gets too much respect.
Ok, I'm back. Guess I can't resist this shit.
first thing we do is kill all the lawyers. Second thing we do is kill all the big black dudes. Third thing we do is kill each other.
I've been drinking.
A Ritmo thread again.
Football on TV.
Lol. You read Ritmo? Missed opportunity to jump ahead.
Well, it's hard to "cow-tow" to someone who thinks your every move (even your every breath) is wrong, walter.
Lol. You give Michael K too much credit, BN... (BO?). My comments are to him like a laser pointer to a cat.
" My comments are to him like a laser pointer to a cat."
That's when the teams take a rest. Like a cat does.
Yes, R&B! His very breath!!!
He has been rendered helpless! Except for being the leader of a major superpower, stacking departments with sick-o-phants and issuing executive orders. Besides that..helpless.
Unlike Trump, Obama never bankrupted himself (and countless people whose livelihood depended on him) four time.
Again, Trump is a quadruple-bankrupt though so I think it stands to reason that his supporters and Republicans generally have completely given up on the importance of real-life results.
Translation: Trump is a person who is smart, a good negotiator, able to legally protect his own company and today owns a company worth billions.
I believe there is at least one group of “people whose livelihood depended on him” who are extremely grateful of Trump’s bankruptcies:
The 22,450 employees of the Trump Organization - who depend on the Trump payroll for a livelihood.
If only we had a POTUS who would protect his citizens like Trump has protected his employees.
Who in negotiations would never cede to the enemy everything the enemy demands.
Who would never travel around the world apologizing for America and kowtowing to foreign leaders.
Who is not ashamed to express an unalloyed patriotism openly and proudly.
Who believes in America’s greatness enough to incorporate it into their campaign slogan.
Who actually interacts and converses with audiences instead of reading prepared notes on a teleprompter.
Olajuwon is the greatest center in NBA history. Excellent defender, scorer, passer, rebounder, and free throw shooter. Kareem, like Wilt, was good on offense but didn't play defense. Russell is the second best center. His only weakness was free throw shooting. He was almost as bad as Shaq from the line. Kareem is the third best center ever. Ahead of Wilt and Shaq.
This is why people like Trump. A BLM race-baiter like this goony multi-millionaire Muslim likes to spew his victimology, and Trump just tells him to STFU. Many of wish we had the national megaphone that Trump has, so we too could tell race-baiting hypocritical progressive democrat party millionaire victimologists to STFU.
Maybe Trump hears the 75% or whatever of AMERICANS who didn't vote for Obama or the Democrats, and who would never vote for Hillary!, and would like to speak and possibly act on for them.
The essence of both democracy and republicanism is that the People have a voice. Let who can, hear it and answer.
Olajuwon carried the Rockets to those two titles. He was the best I ever watched (I was too young to have watched Russell or Wilt), and he had a complete game.
Kareem was certainly up there. I loved the Laker/Celtic battles of the 80s. I think he stayed around a year or two too long. The skyhook was an unstoppable shot, so cool to watch. I can remember Chick calling it, swings left, shoots right.
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