An intelligent person believes she has identified a niche demand that is not being met. The cost of setting up a web site is in the vicinity of a monthly grocery bill.
I can't read the Facebook post -- but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it doesn't end with a link to her new dating site...
Why not?
She's probably right that there's a demand for such a site. Set it up. Post the link. Ride the free press to a small fortune in google ad revenue.
The question is do the "the 'kind-hearted fireman', the well-read carpenter, and the surprisingly intelligent landscaper" really want an over-educated woman?
Unless it is Science or Math, the over-educated woman has mostly been schooled to be upset at most all aspects of Life under the Patriarchy.
Does the 'kind-hearted fireman' wish to save a cross-dresser from a fire during the day, and then be lectured on the correct terminology at night?
Does the' well-read carpenter 'really want to hear about the latest PC outrage in The Guardian, or just enjoy his own chosen book on his own terms?
Is not the "unsurprisingly intelligent landscaper" smart for avoiding people that would find his intelligence 'surprising'?
Over-educated women: you have done this to yourself.
Looks like Facebook took down the link. But as SteveR said, a woman can meet an intelligent landscape architect by starting a law blog.
N.B., the worst landscape architect I ever met was the one with the college degree in horticulture. So I'd drop the adverb in front of "intelligent" in her shoes.
Being educated does not improve the SMV of a woman, in fact as has been alluded to it is more likely to make her the kind of entitled, demanding, and unfeminine "feminist' type that is a turnoff to any self respecting masculine man.
Men (real men, not the emasculated "feminist" beta schlubs that are so prevalent today) are attracted to good looking, slender, feminine woman with sweet dispositions. In other words the exact opposite of your typical feminist.
Also, FWIW, I've posted several comments here and on Instapundit about the basic problem of the male-female ratio of college undergraduates tending towards 40-60.
What this has to mean is that one third of all graduating women are going to have to marry a man without a four year degree, if they marry a man at all.
@Laslo, you're sticking the knife in pretty deep. Don't blame the women; blame their high school teachers and college professors. Well, you can blame them for listening to their professors, I suppose.
"Well, you can blame them for listening to their professors, I suppose."
I am purposefully using the term "over-educated" rather than "intelligent" or "educated." Over-education is where you 'learn' things past your intellectual ability to evaluate them.
Also, FWIW, I've posted several comments here and on Instapundit about the basic problem of the male-female ratio of college undergraduates tending towards 40-60.
What this has to mean is that one third of all graduating women are going to have to marry a man without a four year degree, if they marry a man at all.
The problem isn't quite that big. A significant number of those women are either lesbian, or proto-lesbian feminists. They definitely don't need or want a man. Another large group are Black women, who aren't getting married anyway.
"Why would it be surprising that a landscaper is intelligent?"
Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs. You might find a MORE intelligent person doing that, and there's something ludicrously flawed about the idea of wanting the assurance that the person is at least capable of getting through law school.
Step 1: move away from New York to somewhere like... Iowa. Step 2: when your kitten gets stuck up a tree, call a kind-hearted fireman, a well-read carpenter, and a surprising landscaper. Step 3: marry the one who talks you out of having a kitten and getting a dog instead.
Hey, my wife of 20 years is an attending physician at a major teaching hospital where she runs the residency program in her specialty. Me? I was phys-ed major. These types of relationships can work out...knocking on wood
Have a problem with termites, or carpenter ants (bedbugs and roaches being somewhat of a turnoff for the potential man of your dreams). Call your *local* pest control company.
Get over the ick factor if you have issues with bugs, and you'll find yourself learning all sorts of interesting things.
Perhaps inspired by the Portlandia episode about the furniture guy? Also a paraphrased line from Boyhood after the arty guy's gf leaves him for an athlete because of the lack of drama: "Oh, yeah, I can see how dating a jock would really clear the mind."
AFAIK, females of all educational levels have always loved firemen and surfer-roofers anyway. The latter in particular is the female version of a hot waitress or yogini. It's the non-gym, naturally developed back muscles and the tool belts. Or so I'm told.
New research study finds that the career span of courtesans lasts much longer than that of prostitutes, despite prevailing wisdom that men are predominantly visual. Feminists are flummoxed at the news, retreating to lesbian enclaves with surprisingly phallic sex toys.
Film to be released at eleven. Or whenever Planned Parenthood is denied government funding.
"Unless it is Science or Math, the over-educated woman has mostly been schooled to be upset at most all aspects of Life under the Patriarchy."
A lot of women doctors are married to firemen and paramedics. They often work three shifts a week, like my son does, and that works well for childcare. Most women doctors I know do not work 60 hour weeks like we did.
Why does the fireman have to be kind hearted but the woman only has to be educated?
This is a real problem in the Bay Area, by the way. Many women throw out huge signals of being impossible to live with, even on dating sites. Huge tattoos, piercings to the point of mutilation, radical politics or impossible conditions listed right in the profile*... You would be amazed how few people market themselves as being kindhearted, likeable, fun to be around, etc.
*I have no objections to being choosy, or even to being committed politically. But if you define yourself to strangers as being impossibly choosy, that's a warning sign. If your idea of a romantic gesture is insisting that people agree 100% with your most extreme political positions, same deal.
Because something is always being cast up on that beach, as new classes of girls mature, and you can always get a new one, if you are willing to overlook certain weaknesses in the departments of thought and feeling. But if it is thought and feeling you want, you can always read a book, or see a film, or have an interior monologue. But of course with the spread of literacy you now tend to get girls who have thought and feeling too, in some measure, and some of them will probably belong to the Royal Philological Society or something, or in any case have their own 'thing,' which must be respected, and catered to, and nattered about, just as if you gave a shit about all this blague. But of course we may be different, perhaps you do care about it. It's not unheard of. But my main point is that you should bear in mind multiplicity, and forget about uniqueness.
In our neighborhood there is a very talented 65+ landscape gardener who is living alone but has a girlfriend. He got the house by doing landscape work for a well to do woman who married him when she was widowed. She died and he has the house until he dies.
Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs.
With respect, Professor, there's a lot that a landscape architect needs to know in order to be successful at his profession. In addition to knowing which plants to choose given the soil conditions, amount of light, and planting zone, it takes vision to foresee what the area will look like in a couple years when the plantings mature, and a proper artistic vision for that result to be attractive.
Mellors shows up out of nowhere in the woods and meets Connie. He and Connie don't get along at first, and he seems really irritated that she's intruding on his private moments with his chickens. Seriously. When he sees Connie crying about those chickens, he's so moved that he has sex with her immediately. Mellors is so good at sex that he makes Connie fall in love with him against her will—but it backfires when she starts talking about packing up the U-Haul and moving in with him. While Connie is spending the night, Mellors spews some vitriol about women and modernity. Connie heads off to Venice, and Mellors's estranged wife Bertha shows up to smear his name all over town. Clifford fires Mellors, and he heads off to learn to milk cows and tend goats. He writes awesome letters to Connie, and they wait for his divorce to go through.
Shmoop Editorial Team. (2008, November 11). Oliver Mellors Timeline in Lady Chatterley's Lover. Retrieved August 29, 2015 from
I've long admired porn actors: They get paid to do what every other guy would have to pay to do, namely, have sex with a talented prostitute whose foremost goal is to get you off and to look good while doing it.
That the porn guys almost always whack themselves off at the end strikes me as kind of weird.
But I figure it's kind of like the old days when you were supposed to display the blood-stained bed sheet out the window on your honeymoon.
"the assurance that the person is at least capable of getting through law school."
That doesn't mean what it use to.
I know a woman who has to be the dumbest lawyer I've ever met (I've been surrounded by them all my life). She's one of those who thinks she's smarter than she really is. Always jumps to the wrong conclusion, always based on poor logic and clouded insight. She's also a very dangerous person.
And a public defender. Those poor criminals. The one exception where they would be better off representing themselves.
Lance Romance said: "Go to church. Or at least to church social activities. You won't find all the desirable uneducated men that way, but you'll find some."
You are incorrect on two fronts. In most churches that I have attended, single women outnumber single men. In most cases, by a wide margin.
Secondly, there are uneducated men in our church, but educated men are in the majority. This is typical of the churches I with which I have been associated.
Of course, I am referring to evangelical churches.
Education isn't what it was. In my mother's family (old Manila family, full of merchants and government officials) it wasn't till our own generation that anyone went to college. But everyone was formidably educated by modern standards. Families had libraries, could discuss history and the European classics on a level that I certainly haven't found among the "educated" youth of the US, in my thirty years. Every one of my numerous aunts and uncles would have found the intellectual youth coming out of even the University of California embarrassingly ignorant.
University educations are a social marker today. For the most part they are functionally meaningless. They don't guarantee that the graduate, or rather the victim, has any useful skills or any culture, as our ancestors understood it. It is amazing how incapable they are, in the general case.
When my daughter-in-law married my youngest son, she had already graduated law school and he was a Navy surgical tech, an E-4. She must have seen his potential because he's now a career Navy officer (psychiatric nurse practitioner) while she's a lawyer working for a major corporation. They've been married for 15 years and have two sons. They've been good for one another.
Larry J said... "When my daughter-in-law married my youngest son, she had already graduated law school and he was a Navy surgical tech, an E-4. She must have seen his potential because he's now a career Navy officer..."
As some have mentioned earlier, there are True Men available in the military, and she wasn't over-educated to the point of mentally negating such a possibility.
The over-educated women do NOT want a military man: too patriarchal, too comfortable in their own skin.
The over-educated women want an over-educated man with the exact same learning they have:males shut up and listen.
Eventually everyone will go to college and forget how to fuck.
Althouse posted "Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs."
Ann, you went to NYU law and teach at the U of Wisconsin. Both of those institutions attract the brightest seeking to be the best. I followed a similar path.
Unfortunately most colleges (there are probably 4 times the number there were when we went to college) do not attract the brightest nor do they provide an education for them. Most colleges are places to party for 6 years (if your parents or loans hold out) while you gain some maturity. That's it. For those who aren't in the top 25% by merit at the top 100 colleges, there is no intellectual boost from those 6 years of drunken stupor. And a great many not so bright people DO manage to graduate from college, some even become wealthy.
Pest control says in a certain tone of voice: "Well, Sorry, I didn't go to College, like You Did."
Bev answers, "the question I asked was based on an article that you sent to me to read. I don't understand the jargon of your area, because I Don't Work There. Explain things to me in more detail, and I'll maybe figure out how I can help you.
Also, FWIW, I've posted several comments here and on Instapundit about the basic problem of the male-female ratio of college undergraduates tending towards 40-60.
I was just thinking of this as Mattress Girl was mentioned again as an example of the scorned woman getting even by falsely accusing a guy she hooked up with of sexual assault. One of the issues, of course, is that the one of the few jobs gender studies majors can get is as a Title IX administrator at a college, and their success there depends on how many guys they can prosecute for sexua assault, regardless of culpability. But another facet here is that with this sort of sex ratio, the relative few attractive guys left on campuses (plenty of stoners, gamers, but not that many datable guys) are effectively in charge of the dating scene. Which means that they are often in a position of demanding sex in exchange for their brief attention. Why settle down with one woman, when other equally qualified women are lined up to service their sexual needs? So, no surprise that a lot of co-eds feel used. They give away sexual access in trade for a night with a desireable guy, hoping for a longer term relationship, and the guy moves on the next day. What makes this bad is the ratio of males to females, and making it worse is that a significant number of the remaining males are not dating material (I.e. stoners, gamers, etc.) And making things even worse is the toxic environment for guys on many campuses these days, where the number of scorned women combined with Mickey Mouse sexual assault procedures heavily stacked against them makes dating (or just hooking up) with women on campus progressively more dangerous.
The problem that is being addressed by the cited article (I think) is that college educated women are having problems finding husbands. And a lot of it is, as I suggested above, a direct result of comparatively too many women going to college. When I was in college as an undergraduate (late 60s, early 70s), the sex ratio was reversed, and as a result, the women essentially controlled the dating scene. For the most part, many of them were able to trade sexual access for a long term relationship that often led to marriage. Often long term marriages - I know a lot of classmates who have celebrated their 40th anniversaries. That just doesn't happen that much any more, and I will suggest that it is partially a function of sex ratios on campus, and partially that college is becoming ever more toxic for males, thanks to the almost complete takeover of American academia by the left, and esp SJWs and gender studies feminists/lesbians. Women today are just not graduating rom college with an engagement ring on their fingers, or at least involved in a relationship that had a good likelihood at ending up in marriage. Instead they are often faced with having to find and settle for guys who are not their equal in at least terms of prestige.
It is interesting that I see no discussion whatsoever on the issue of just what it is these women that have been educated past the level of their intelligence have to offer a successful blue-collar tradesman. The assumption appears to be that the mere attainment of some bullshit educational credentials somehow confers automatic status as one of Nature's noblewomen, desireable for that alone.
It doesn't work that way. The fact that these women frame their thinking in this manner in the first place is why it would never work. Most of the tradesmen I know are actually smarter, in the practical sense, than most of these sorts of women would recognize. They would instantly identify the patronizing BS these sorts of over-educated ignoramuses exude like bad body odor, and immediately drop the relationship before it got much past the opening stages. Probably before the first date was over.
The problem isn't the availability of men, nor is it the education. It is instead the entitled and unrealistic attitudes that have been inculcated into these women, who mostly really are not that smart. Or, even well-read. Most modern graduates aren't even that well-educated, something I learned the hard way after I had to spend thirty minutes explaining the allusion to Sisyphus I'd just made in casual conversation. You'd think that wouldn't be something you'd have to do with a woman who earned a diploma from one of the Ivy League schools, but there you have it: Stone-fucking ignorant of even the basics of Western Civ, but fully conversant on matters relating to her oppression by the Patriarchy. Oh yes, I see a future for her, but it is full of cats, not hunky firemen.
Ann Althouse said... " 'Why would it be surprising that a landscaper is intelligent?' Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs. "
"Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think."
We're an educated family, but my (smart, polite, funny, articulate, non-tattooed) 20 year old son decided to forego college and work to save money to start a business in a few years. He can, and is, read(ing) Dostoevsky and Chinese history etc on his own time. The classroom just isn't for him.
But it has occurred to me that, in a few years when it's time to get married, women with college degrees won't take two looks at a guy like him. After all, even his great-grandparents met in chemistry lab. And I don't want him to marry "down." But society expects that.
Sorry to make this all sound like Downton Abbey, but when it comes down to it, social/economic status matters.
Let's not lose track of the fact that we are really not discussing intelligence, here: What we are really discussing is educationally-conferred social status, which is not at all the same. While I know some really smart, really sharp folks with impressive educational attainments, the sad fact remains that there are also a lot of really stupid people that have those same pieces of paper. Education may have been a marker for intelligence in some idyllic, imaginary past--But it sure as hell isn't in this sadly diminished age of ours. I know university graduates who proudly boast that they haven't read a book since they were in school, and have acquaintances who remain without degrees that devour books on topics like quantum physics and network engineering which would challenge graduate students. But, of course, they are the dumb ones, 'cos they didn't have the money or time to waste sitting in classrooms for four years...
It is indeed a sad commentary on our times, but a degree from a prestigious institution doesn't mean the holder of that paper has half a brain. I know a pair of women, who would serve as perfect exemplars of that--One is an educator, with a Master's in that field. The other has been a waitress her entire life. Care to guess which one sends out quasi-literate emails and texts, full of grammer, spelling, punctuation,and cognitive errors? Ìt isn't the waitress; anything I've ever seen from her is painfully correct, lucidly written, and often embarrassing to compare to other such missives I've seen from her "betters".
These women aren't experiencing problems in dating because of the men; most of their problems stem from the fact that they have bought into the fraud that is higher education, these days, and have absorbed all the unjustified arrogance that fraud has carefully inculcated into its marks. What, pray tell, does a holder of an advanced degree in Women's Grievance Studies have to offer a "hunky fireman", except a lifetime of patronizing condescension and disrespect? Stemming from, I might point out, an entirely delusional sense of self-entitlement and unjustified pride in essentially meaningless educational markers...
The man always has to have the upper hand, at least physically and financially. That is the way nature intended, and that is what women want, whether they know it or not. It doesn't mean he has to have a degree.
"he question is do the "the 'kind-hearted fireman', the well-read carpenter, and the surprisingly intelligent landscaper" really want an over-educated woman?"
Or perhaps the word "want" just needs a modifier to distinguish between a durable (long-term) "want" involves a durable (long-term) and a transient (short-term) one?
"The question is do the "the 'kind-hearted fireman', the well-read carpenter, and the surprisingly intelligent landscaper" really want an over-educated woman?"
You're just using a stereotype, making you like those highly educated women who reject men who haven't gone through college. Maybe you already have someone or you don't mind limiting your options, but I believe many people are hurting themselves with this kind of attitude, perhaps because they assume they are not wanted by that other kind of person.
When I was young, the term was "stuck up." She's too stuck up! Obviously compensating for the fear of rejection. And she too may be overcompensating, assuming less educated, less conventionally successful men will not have the ego to match her.
We're talking about individuals and it can be hard to find someone who fits what you really like. You may be missing whole categories of people who would go well with you. The notion that female professors should be matched with male professors is just laughable and sad.
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५९ टिप्पण्या:
Start a blog, I've heard that works
Facebook won't let me view the article, essay....whatever.
It says I'm not part of the in-crowd.
My daughter the teacher is married to a plumber.
Women now educate themselves out of the sphere of desirability.
I am Laslo.
Probably a better idea to remodel your kitchen or re-do your landscaping than to burn down your house.
Or just re-do your bathroom wallpaper, like Carmela Soprano did.
I'm also feeling slighted that I'm not one of InstaPundit's FB friends. Oh well.
How surreal.
An intelligent person believes she has identified a niche demand that is not being met. The cost of setting up a web site is in the vicinity of a monthly grocery bill.
I can't read the Facebook post -- but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it doesn't end with a link to her new dating site...
Why not?
She's probably right that there's a demand for such a site. Set it up. Post the link. Ride the free press to a small fortune in google ad revenue.
The question is do the "the 'kind-hearted fireman', the well-read carpenter, and the surprisingly intelligent landscaper" really want an over-educated woman?
Unless it is Science or Math, the over-educated woman has mostly been schooled to be upset at most all aspects of Life under the Patriarchy.
Does the 'kind-hearted fireman' wish to save a cross-dresser from a fire during the day, and then be lectured on the correct terminology at night?
Does the' well-read carpenter 'really want to hear about the latest PC outrage in The Guardian, or just enjoy his own chosen book on his own terms?
Is not the "unsurprisingly intelligent landscaper" smart for avoiding people that would find his intelligence 'surprising'?
Over-educated women: you have done this to yourself.
I am Laslo.
It went out of business due to a lack of female clients.
Looks like Facebook took down the link. But as SteveR said, a woman can meet an intelligent landscape architect by starting a law blog.
N.B., the worst landscape architect I ever met was the one with the college degree in horticulture. So I'd drop the adverb in front of "intelligent" in her shoes.
Maybe the "surprisingly intelligent landscaper" will find the "surprisingly attractive over-educated woman".
And -- being surprisingly intelligent -- he will walk right past her.
I am Laslo.
The women could start by realizing that higher levels of education have no correlation to higher levels of intelligence.
Being educated does not improve the SMV of a woman, in fact as has been alluded to it is more likely to make her the kind of entitled, demanding, and unfeminine "feminist' type that is a turnoff to any self respecting masculine man.
Men (real men, not the emasculated "feminist" beta schlubs that are so prevalent today) are attracted to good looking, slender, feminine woman with sweet dispositions. In other words the exact opposite of your typical feminist.
Also, FWIW, I've posted several comments here and on Instapundit about the basic problem of the male-female ratio of college undergraduates tending towards 40-60.
What this has to mean is that one third of all graduating women are going to have to marry a man without a four year degree, if they marry a man at all.
@Laslo, you're sticking the knife in pretty deep. Don't blame the women; blame their high school teachers and college professors. Well, you can blame them for listening to their professors, I suppose.
"Well, you can blame them for listening to their professors, I suppose."
I am purposefully using the term "over-educated" rather than "intelligent" or "educated." Over-education is where you 'learn' things past your intellectual ability to evaluate them.
Smart chicks can be Hot.
I am Laslo.
Why would it be surprising that a landscaper is intelligent?
Also, FWIW, I've posted several comments here and on Instapundit about the basic problem of the male-female ratio of college undergraduates tending towards 40-60.
What this has to mean is that one third of all graduating women are going to have to marry a man without a four year degree, if they marry a man at all.
The problem isn't quite that big. A significant number of those women are either lesbian, or proto-lesbian feminists. They definitely don't need or want a man. Another large group are Black women, who aren't getting married anyway.
"Why would it be surprising that a landscaper is intelligent?"
Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs. You might find a MORE intelligent person doing that, and there's something ludicrously flawed about the idea of wanting the assurance that the person is at least capable of getting through law school.
Step 1: move away from New York to somewhere like... Iowa. Step 2: when your kitten gets stuck up a tree, call a kind-hearted fireman, a well-read carpenter, and a surprising landscaper. Step 3: marry the one who talks you out of having a kitten and getting a dog instead.
Hey, my wife of 20 years is an attending physician at a major teaching hospital where she runs the residency program in her specialty. Me? I was phys-ed major. These types of relationships can work out...knocking on wood
Build a house...have it landscaped...burn it down...
Have a problem with termites, or carpenter ants (bedbugs and roaches being somewhat of a turnoff for the potential man of your dreams). Call your *local* pest control company.
Get over the ick factor if you have issues with bugs, and you'll find yourself learning all sorts of interesting things.
Perhaps inspired by the Portlandia episode about the furniture guy? Also a paraphrased line from Boyhood after the arty guy's gf leaves him for an athlete because of the lack of drama: "Oh, yeah, I can see how dating a jock would really clear the mind."
AFAIK, females of all educational levels have always loved firemen and surfer-roofers anyway. The latter in particular is the female version of a hot waitress or yogini. It's the non-gym, naturally developed back muscles and the tool belts. Or so I'm told.
...but how do you find this person?
Go to church. Or at least to church social activities. You won't find all the desirable uneducated men that way, but you'll find some.
New research study finds that the career span of courtesans lasts much longer than that of prostitutes, despite prevailing wisdom that men are predominantly visual. Feminists are flummoxed at the news, retreating to lesbian enclaves with surprisingly phallic sex toys.
Film to be released at eleven. Or whenever Planned Parenthood is denied government funding.
"...but how do you find this person?"
Join the army.
"Unless it is Science or Math, the over-educated woman has mostly been schooled to be upset at most all aspects of Life under the Patriarchy."
A lot of women doctors are married to firemen and paramedics. They often work three shifts a week, like my son does, and that works well for childcare. Most women doctors I know do not work 60 hour weeks like we did.
No one is better read than an intelligent man who has done a good, long stretch in the slammer.
Why does the fireman have to be kind hearted but the woman only has to be educated?
This is a real problem in the Bay Area, by the way. Many women throw out huge signals of being impossible to live with, even on dating sites. Huge tattoos, piercings to the point of mutilation, radical politics or impossible conditions listed right in the profile*... You would be amazed how few people market themselves as being kindhearted, likeable, fun to be around, etc.
*I have no objections to being choosy, or even to being committed politically. But if you define yourself to strangers as being impossibly choosy, that's a warning sign. If your idea of a romantic gesture is insisting that people agree 100% with your most extreme political positions, same deal.
A fertile field for these women to plough is the military. An untapped source of intelligent available men.
Barthelme on educated women
Because something is always being cast up on that beach, as new classes of girls mature, and you can always get a new one, if you are willing to overlook certain weaknesses in the departments of thought and feeling. But if it is thought and feeling you want, you can always read a book, or see a film, or have an interior monologue. But of course with the spread of literacy you now tend to get girls who have thought and feeling too, in some measure, and some of them will probably belong to the Royal Philological Society or something, or in any case have their own 'thing,' which must be respected, and catered to, and nattered about, just as if you gave a shit about all this blague. But of course we may be different, perhaps you do care about it. It's not unheard of. But my main point is that you should bear in mind multiplicity, and forget about uniqueness.
In our neighborhood there is a very talented 65+ landscape gardener who is living alone but has a girlfriend. He got the house by doing landscape work for a well to do woman who married him when she was widowed. She died and he has the house until he dies.
Generally, women are hypergamous, less educated indicates lower economic and status prospects, hence to website that the author is asking for.
Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs.
With respect, Professor, there's a lot that a landscape architect needs to know in order to be successful at his profession. In addition to knowing which plants to choose given the soil conditions, amount of light, and planting zone, it takes vision to foresee what the area will look like in a couple years when the plantings mature, and a proper artistic vision for that result to be attractive.
Oliver Mellors' Timeline:
Mellors shows up out of nowhere in the woods and meets Connie.
He and Connie don't get along at first, and he seems really irritated that she's intruding on his private moments with his chickens. Seriously.
When he sees Connie crying about those chickens, he's so moved that he has sex with her immediately.
Mellors is so good at sex that he makes Connie fall in love with him against her will—but it backfires when she starts talking about packing up the U-Haul and moving in with him.
While Connie is spending the night, Mellors spews some vitriol about women and modernity.
Connie heads off to Venice, and Mellors's estranged wife Bertha shows up to smear his name all over town.
Clifford fires Mellors, and he heads off to learn to milk cows and tend goats. He writes awesome letters to Connie, and they wait for his divorce to go through.
Shmoop Editorial Team. (2008, November 11). Oliver Mellors Timeline in Lady Chatterley's Lover. Retrieved August 29, 2015 from
"If your idea of a romantic gesture is insisting that people agree 100% with your most extreme political positions, same deal."
I used to read the New York Review of Books. The personals were hilarious. "Sixty year old fun loving female. No Republicans !"
Talk about your 50,000 volt flashing warning signs !
I've long admired porn actors: They get paid to do what every other guy would have to pay to do, namely, have sex with a talented prostitute whose foremost goal is to get you off and to look good while doing it.
That the porn guys almost always whack themselves off at the end strikes me as kind of weird.
But I figure it's kind of like the old days when you were supposed to display the blood-stained bed sheet out the window on your honeymoon.
Some things never change.
My husband and I have fab educations-
But, on the side, I prefer uneducated hot trash. Not knowing english well is an added plus.
Slumming is hot.
"the assurance that the person is at least capable of getting through law school."
That doesn't mean what it use to.
I know a woman who has to be the dumbest lawyer I've ever met (I've been surrounded by them all my life). She's one of those who thinks she's smarter than she really is. Always jumps to the wrong conclusion, always based on poor logic and clouded insight. She's also a very dangerous person.
And a public defender. Those poor criminals. The one exception where they would be better off representing themselves.
Lance Romance said: "Go to church. Or at least to church social activities. You won't find all the desirable uneducated men that way, but you'll find some."
You are incorrect on two fronts. In most churches that I have attended, single women outnumber single men. In most cases, by a wide margin.
Secondly, there are uneducated men in our church, but educated men are in the majority. This is typical of the churches I with which I have been associated.
Of course, I am referring to evangelical churches.
Education isn't what it was.
In my mother's family (old Manila family, full of merchants and government officials) it wasn't till our own generation that anyone went to college. But everyone was formidably educated by modern standards. Families had libraries, could discuss history and the European classics on a level that I certainly haven't found among the "educated" youth of the US, in my thirty years. Every one of my numerous aunts and uncles would have found the intellectual youth coming out of even the University of California embarrassingly ignorant.
University educations are a social marker today.
For the most part they are functionally meaningless.
They don't guarantee that the graduate, or rather the victim, has any useful skills or any culture, as our ancestors understood it.
It is amazing how incapable they are, in the general case.
When my daughter-in-law married my youngest son, she had already graduated law school and he was a Navy surgical tech, an E-4. She must have seen his potential because he's now a career Navy officer (psychiatric nurse practitioner) while she's a lawyer working for a major corporation. They've been married for 15 years and have two sons. They've been good for one another.
Larry J said...
"When my daughter-in-law married my youngest son, she had already graduated law school and he was a Navy surgical tech, an E-4. She must have seen his potential because he's now a career Navy officer..."
As some have mentioned earlier, there are True Men available in the military, and she wasn't over-educated to the point of mentally negating such a possibility.
The over-educated women do NOT want a military man: too patriarchal, too comfortable in their own skin.
The over-educated women want an over-educated man with the exact same learning they have:males shut up and listen.
Eventually everyone will go to college and forget how to fuck.
I am Laslo.
Althouse posted "Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs."
Ann, you went to NYU law and teach at the U of Wisconsin. Both of those institutions attract the brightest seeking to be the best. I followed a similar path.
Unfortunately most colleges (there are probably 4 times the number there were when we went to college) do not attract the brightest nor do they provide an education for them. Most colleges are places to party for 6 years (if your parents or loans hold out) while you gain some maturity. That's it. For those who aren't in the top 25% by merit at the top 100 colleges, there is no intellectual boost from those 6 years of drunken stupor. And a great many not so bright people DO manage to graduate from college, some even become wealthy.
Perhaps many men who are actually Intelligent enough, and who aren't particularly smart so much as they think they are,
have short attention spans, not to mention high levels of self esteem, just like their female counterparts?
Bev asks a question.
Pest Control answers.
Bev asks for clarification.
Pest control says in a certain tone of voice: "Well, Sorry, I didn't go to College, like You Did."
Bev answers, "the question I asked was based on an article that you sent to me to read. I don't understand the jargon of your area, because I Don't Work There. Explain things to me in more detail, and I'll maybe figure out how I can help you.
How am I being angry towards you, if you send me data on a subject, and, when I read through it, you disagree with my results/response?
Also, FWIW, I've posted several comments here and on Instapundit about the basic problem of the male-female ratio of college undergraduates tending towards 40-60.
I was just thinking of this as Mattress Girl was mentioned again as an example of the scorned woman getting even by falsely accusing a guy she hooked up with of sexual assault. One of the issues, of course, is that the one of the few jobs gender studies majors can get is as a Title IX administrator at a college, and their success there depends on how many guys they can prosecute for sexua assault, regardless of culpability. But another facet here is that with this sort of sex ratio, the relative few attractive guys left on campuses (plenty of stoners, gamers, but not that many datable guys) are effectively in charge of the dating scene. Which means that they are often in a position of demanding sex in exchange for their brief attention. Why settle down with one woman, when other equally qualified women are lined up to service their sexual needs? So, no surprise that a lot of co-eds feel used. They give away sexual access in trade for a night with a desireable guy, hoping for a longer term relationship, and the guy moves on the next day. What makes this bad is the ratio of males to females, and making it worse is that a significant number of the remaining males are not dating material (I.e. stoners, gamers, etc.) And making things even worse is the toxic environment for guys on many campuses these days, where the number of scorned women combined with Mickey Mouse sexual assault procedures heavily stacked against them makes dating (or just hooking up) with women on campus progressively more dangerous.
The problem that is being addressed by the cited article (I think) is that college educated women are having problems finding husbands. And a lot of it is, as I suggested above, a direct result of comparatively too many women going to college. When I was in college as an undergraduate (late 60s, early 70s), the sex ratio was reversed, and as a result, the women essentially controlled the dating scene. For the most part, many of them were able to trade sexual access for a long term relationship that often led to marriage. Often long term marriages - I know a lot of classmates who have celebrated their 40th anniversaries. That just doesn't happen that much any more, and I will suggest that it is partially a function of sex ratios on campus, and partially that college is becoming ever more toxic for males, thanks to the almost complete takeover of American academia by the left, and esp SJWs and gender studies feminists/lesbians. Women today are just not graduating rom college with an engagement ring on their fingers, or at least involved in a relationship that had a good likelihood at ending up in marriage. Instead they are often faced with having to find and settle for guys who are not their equal in at least terms of prestige.
It is interesting that I see no discussion whatsoever on the issue of just what it is these women that have been educated past the level of their intelligence have to offer a successful blue-collar tradesman. The assumption appears to be that the mere attainment of some bullshit educational credentials somehow confers automatic status as one of Nature's noblewomen, desireable for that alone.
It doesn't work that way. The fact that these women frame their thinking in this manner in the first place is why it would never work. Most of the tradesmen I know are actually smarter, in the practical sense, than most of these sorts of women would recognize. They would instantly identify the patronizing BS these sorts of over-educated ignoramuses exude like bad body odor, and immediately drop the relationship before it got much past the opening stages. Probably before the first date was over.
The problem isn't the availability of men, nor is it the education. It is instead the entitled and unrealistic attitudes that have been inculcated into these women, who mostly really are not that smart. Or, even well-read. Most modern graduates aren't even that well-educated, something I learned the hard way after I had to spend thirty minutes explaining the allusion to Sisyphus I'd just made in casual conversation. You'd think that wouldn't be something you'd have to do with a woman who earned a diploma from one of the Ivy League schools, but there you have it: Stone-fucking ignorant of even the basics of Western Civ, but fully conversant on matters relating to her oppression by the Patriarchy. Oh yes, I see a future for her, but it is full of cats, not hunky firemen.
Ann Althouse said... " 'Why would it be surprising that a landscaper is intelligent?'
Because it's not one of the jobs that comes with assurance that the person hits a certain minimum intelligence, like the higher-education-requiring jobs. "
"Intelligence has much less practical application than you'd think."
We're an educated family, but my (smart, polite, funny, articulate, non-tattooed) 20 year old son decided to forego college and work to save money to start a business in a few years. He can, and is, read(ing) Dostoevsky and Chinese history etc on his own time. The classroom just isn't for him.
But it has occurred to me that, in a few years when it's time to get married, women with college degrees won't take two looks at a guy like him. After all, even his great-grandparents met in chemistry lab. And I don't want him to marry "down." But society expects that.
Sorry to make this all sound like Downton Abbey, but when it comes down to it, social/economic status matters.
Let's not lose track of the fact that we are really not discussing intelligence, here: What we are really discussing is educationally-conferred social status, which is not at all the same. While I know some really smart, really sharp folks with impressive educational attainments, the sad fact remains that there are also a lot of really stupid people that have those same pieces of paper. Education may have been a marker for intelligence in some idyllic, imaginary past--But it sure as hell isn't in this sadly diminished age of ours. I know university graduates who proudly boast that they haven't read a book since they were in school, and have acquaintances who remain without degrees that devour books on topics like quantum physics and network engineering which would challenge graduate students. But, of course, they are the dumb ones, 'cos they didn't have the money or time to waste sitting in classrooms for four years...
It is indeed a sad commentary on our times, but a degree from a prestigious institution doesn't mean the holder of that paper has half a brain. I know a pair of women, who would serve as perfect exemplars of that--One is an educator, with a Master's in that field. The other has been a waitress her entire life. Care to guess which one sends out quasi-literate emails and texts, full of grammer, spelling, punctuation,and cognitive errors? Ìt isn't the waitress; anything I've ever seen from her is painfully correct, lucidly written, and often embarrassing to compare to other such missives I've seen from her "betters".
These women aren't experiencing problems in dating because of the men; most of their problems stem from the fact that they have bought into the fraud that is higher education, these days, and have absorbed all the unjustified arrogance that fraud has carefully inculcated into its marks. What, pray tell, does a holder of an advanced degree in Women's Grievance Studies have to offer a "hunky fireman", except a lifetime of patronizing condescension and disrespect? Stemming from, I might point out, an entirely delusional sense of self-entitlement and unjustified pride in essentially meaningless educational markers...
The man always has to have the upper hand, at least physically and financially. That is the way nature intended, and that is what women want, whether they know it or not. It doesn't mean he has to have a degree.
"he question is do the "the 'kind-hearted fireman', the well-read carpenter, and the surprisingly intelligent landscaper" really want an over-educated woman?"
Or perhaps the word "want" just needs a modifier to distinguish between a durable (long-term) "want" involves a durable (long-term) and a transient (short-term) one?
"The question is do the "the 'kind-hearted fireman', the well-read carpenter, and the surprisingly intelligent landscaper" really want an over-educated woman?"
You're just using a stereotype, making you like those highly educated women who reject men who haven't gone through college. Maybe you already have someone or you don't mind limiting your options, but I believe many people are hurting themselves with this kind of attitude, perhaps because they assume they are not wanted by that other kind of person.
When I was young, the term was "stuck up." She's too stuck up! Obviously compensating for the fear of rejection. And she too may be overcompensating, assuming less educated, less conventionally successful men will not have the ego to match her.
We're talking about individuals and it can be hard to find someone who fits what you really like. You may be missing whole categories of people who would go well with you. The notion that female professors should be matched with male professors is just laughable and sad.
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