... but I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man. My mother and I have discussed her affair. She was a young woman in a bad relationship and I have no judgment. This has been my lived reality for nearly 30 of my 35 years on earth. I am not ashamed of it, or of who I am—never that—but I was advised by my pastor nearly 20 years ago that this was not a mess of my doing and it was not my responsibility to fix it. All of my siblings and I have different parents. I'm actually not even sure how many siblings I have. It is horrifying to me that my most personal information, for the most nefarious reasons, has been forced out into the open and that my private past and pain have been used as jokes and fodder to discredit me and the greater movement for justice in America. I resent that lies have been reported as truth and that the obviously racist intentions of these attacks have been consistently downplayed at my expense and that of my family....ADDED: What does King really know? Assuming he's being scrupulously honest here — and he has a very strong motive to lie — he is relaying what is only hearsay. His mother could have lied to him. If his current story is true, then she lied to the authorities and caused a lie to appear on the birth certificate. She had a motive to tell that lie, we might observe, and less of a motive to lie when she — assuming he's telling the truth — told him about that "a light-skinned black man."
King's current writing conveys great outrage — "horrifying," "nefarious,""obviously racist" — but that outrage is not inconsistent with lying. He's trying to push back those who would discredit him, and perhaps we should take a big step much further back and wonder why a man should ever need or care about whether or not he had a "light-skinned black" father? But King has made progress in the world through his self-presentation as a black man, though that light-skinned black father was only a story — true or false — told by his mother.
The Black Lives Matter movement calls us to become more race conscious as we perceive and think about great social and political issues. It is possible to go that direction without getting into the details about the authenticity of particular individuals. I mean it is possible for particular individuals to stick to the general patterns and issues. You're not going to get everyone to do that. So we end up with the strategy of calling those who question the authenticity of individuals as "horrifying," "nefarious,"and "obviously racist."
Poor Shaun. It's tough that people have been going around claiming that race is of fundamental importance - that one's race is all that matters in determining guilt and original sin.
Black lives matter is an indication of deep stupidity, on the other hand.
A simple DNA test would end his nightmare of not knowing if his ancestors were kidnapped Africans by Senegal tribesmen, and sold to the slave traders.
I think we can all agree that his mother is a whore.
This is a reality TV show I would watch.
Charles C. W. Cooke's characterization of BLM: "Had the activists who accosted [HRC] been Christian missionaries instead, their gospel would best have been characterized as one of original sin without a chance of redemption, and their intention in proselytizing would have been not to save souls but to imbue guilt. No religion that operated on such a presumption would last long in the public imagination, nor would it deserve to. Black Lives Matters will have to do better than this."
DNA. Run, don't walk to the nearest clinic. Problem solved !
All of my siblings and I have different parents. I'm actually not even sure how many siblings I have.
I admit, this does sound like a black family.
Shaun King in the sequel to The Momma From The Train, Throw Momma Under The Bus. Obama threw grandma there as well. This is an obvious War on White Women.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Bet the next Fathers Day will be a corker.
Parents are, apparently, disposable items in the search for an identity.
Right on, Althouse!
Just blogged this as well: 'Dana Loesch Destroys the #BlackLivesMatter Narrative (VIDEO)':
"Oh, also, this Shaun King is an awful, horrible person who throws his mom under the bus, claims the white father from birth records is not his real "black" father, and in fact that his mom slept around. Supposedly, "my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man." (At Memeorandum.)
Right. Like we believe you. Just like we believe Rachel Dolezal, who threw her own parents under the bus, claiming she in fact had no actual record of her live birth. I'm gobsmacked at the lengths white people will go to hold onto their black appropriation privilege. God it's literally depraved and indecent. Almost shocking."
The racial identification problem started back in the mid 1960s, when the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and other organizations decided that excluding white people would be an expression of Black self-determination.
Forty years later, a lot of white people feel a common cause with the struggles of Black people, but have no way to express that. I don't know who benefits from that kind of tension, but eventually something's got to give.
In today's America, we are constantly bombarded with the message that we should be color-blind as a society. But, in reality, EVERYTHING here is based on color. Black Lives Matter is just the latest example.
... I'm gobsmacked at the lengths white people will go to hold onto their black appropriation privilege. God it's literally depraved and indecent. Almost shocking."
a nod to Stephen Sondheim here - what was true in 1958, is true today, I suppose:
DIESEL: (Spoken, as Judge) In the opinion on this court, this child is depraved on account he ain't had a normal home.
ACTION: (Spoken) Hey, I'm depraved on account I'm deprived.
DIESEL: So take him to a headshrinker.
ACTION (Sings)
My father is a bastard,
My ma's an S.O.B.
My grandpa's always plastered,
My grandma pushes tea.
My sister wears a mustache,
My brother wears a dress.
Goodness gracious, that's why I'm a mess!
"perhaps we should take a big step much further back and wonder why a man should ever need or care about whether or not he had a "light-skinned black" father? But King has made progress in the world through his self-presentation as a black man,..
I'd say he has made his way though the world as a race hustler.
Mr. King, Petard.
Petard, Mr. King.
Why this is of such interest is the apparently inconsistency of words and actions. BLM words are (as I understand it and I admit it's hard to pin them down in their actual statements): white racism makes life of every black person difficult and dangerous. The the actions of some (Dalzel, young, and wasn't there a brother of a tv star who was Indian(asian) and claimed blackness) imply that there are advantages to being black that are greater than any difficulties or dangers, and that really undermines the message of BLM.
Regardless of the truth, CNN just ran cover for him on their morning show.
Black Lives Matter so much that a White Man Passes
Haven't been following this closely but what I get from this is that his mother is white and the (alleged) sperm donor was black. So he is, biologically speaking, at best half-black. (kinda like some other famous 'black' man.) So I guess it's ok when liberals apply the one-drop rule.
#BLM, as a creation of the progressives, is not in the business of getting people to think deeply about "about great social and political issues". They want a simplistic "black good, white evil" analysis. Too much deep thinking would lead people to start questioning how and why various gatekeepers and activists are increasing the atomization and stratification of our society.
Rethinking the shakedown (like Jackson & Sharpton) and "Balkanization" (Obama & Holder) of American society and tradition...Black Lives Matter is on the job.
Am I supposed to have heard of Shaun King?
Althouse wrote -
"But King has made progress in the world through his self-presentation as a black man, though that light-skinned black father was only a story — true or false — told by his mother."
This sentence reminds me of Elizabeth Warren.
Ignorance is Bliss said...
Am I supposed to have heard of Shaun King?
Any relation to Chung King?
Frauds are always outraged when they're caught.
"Remember, Jerry, it isn't a lie if YOU believe it."
If he was honest, a DNA test would solve the question forever.
Science! Don't the Libs worship science? Better than hearsay.
What does King really know? Assuming he's being scrupulously honest here — and he has a very strong motive to lie — he is relaying what is only hearsay.
This is statement parsing only Clintons get away with...hey- having the first black president as his father gets him off the hook, doesn't it?
Ignorance is Bliss,
Obviously, you're not a Tulane fan. His '98 season was simply phenomenal and he was helped by (and in turn helped "make") coaches Tommy Bowden and Rich Rodriguez. But there were always doubts about whether his talents would translate to the NFL (he was "only" a second round pick) and he never made it as a starter. Still, he played 6 seasons in the NFL and did a little time in the Canada and Arena Football, and that's more than most of us ever did!
black appropriation privilege
Poor boy discovered that he is trans racial. A black man trapped in a white body. Horrors indeed. Somebody call the surgeons and the hormone suppliers and let's get this VICTIM into the victim hood he chooses. All social benefits go to victims and he wants some.
Is his mother still alive? If so, how about someone asking her.
Models of society are meant to be shorthand to reflect and help understand society not actually be society. The structural model of society has won out; at least among academics, elites, politicos, and much of the media. It has won not so much because it accurately reflects society, as the above are rigidly determined to turn the actual society into the model.
There are no more any actual people behaving as a result of a complex intersection of history, beliefs, environment, and personal vices and virtues, only categories. People are slotted into their respective categories, or attempt to slot themselves into such categories as they find personally desirable. When individual behavior is inconsistent with the category, the conclusion is not that the behavior is individual, but that a new category is required, e.g: White Hispanic.
The categories are real. It's the individual people that are illusory.
Shaun King is so white he makes Michael Jackson look black.
Shaun King is so white he free-style raps to Lawrence Welk.
Shaun King is so white he could point a loaded gun at a cop....and live to tell about it.
Another Rachel Dolezal? Another white liberal gets down with struggle by faking a persona.
Why do these social justice warriors lie so much?
Shaun King is so white...his name is Shaun King!
Shaun King is so white that he doesn't smoke Newports.
Shaun King is so white that during the Ferguson looting he BOUGHT a pair of sneakers.
So we are back to the "One Drop" rule of Plessy v Ferguson?
The thing that bothers me the most about BLM is its basic untruthfullness. Reading an article in a prominent media that started with the claim that the interaction between Mike Brown and Darren Wilson (in Ferguson) when Wilson accosted Brown for crossing the street, and then pointed out that we all cross the street, implying that it could have happened to any of us, if we had been black. The author pointedly ignored that police interaction was likely when Brown engaged in a strong armed robbery a couple minutes by shoving the person in the convenience store a couple minutes earlier, that Brown initiated the physical confrontation by reaching into Wilson's vehicle to strike him multiple times, then tried to take Wilson's gun from him (which is typically seen as attempted murder), and finally died, when he refused to stop charging Wilson, despite repeated verbal commands to stop and receiving multiple shots to the arm, torso, and finally head. Both Big Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin died after trying and continuing to try to kill their armed victims. A number of the supposed victims of BLM died this way, or at least in the process of trying to kill or seriously injure the person who ultimately killed them, though in a small number of cases, they just acted badly and very stupidly around cops.
What those pushing the BLM meme refuse to consider is that the reason that so many young Black males are dying in this way is because so many of them are undomesticated violent criminal thugs, and that the cops only kill a very small percentage of the blacks who die violently every year. Rather most blacks who die violently do so at the hands of young black males. Moreover, many more whites are killed by blacks every year, than the other way around (ditto for sexual assaults, etc). The funny thing to me is that the black female author would have been the first in line demanding that the police protect her from Big Mike Brown, if he had come after her instead, which statistically much more common than the violent young black males going after armed police officers.
My view of the BLM movement is that it is first an exhibition of political power in the Democratic Party caucus of interest groups to the party, and a reminder that Obama was elected because thanks to this power. And how are they rewarded for this? Highest rate of unemployment of any demographics in the country, thanks partly to Dem politicians supporting illegal immigration (primarily of Hispanics). In short, Blacks gave Dems power, esp the White House, and their thanks is having their jobs given to illegal HIspanic immigrants. Of course, what few if any Dems will admit is that the root problem is 50 years of progressive social policies that subsidized the breakup of Black families by subsidizing illigitamacy and fatherless child rearing.
Shaun King is so white he could point a loaded gun at a cop....and live to tell about it.
Probably not. It was attacking or pointing a gun at police that killed them, and not being black. Otherwise, the police would be killing a lot more black women - and they aren't.
I love how the "one-drop" rule perpetuates among both white racists and black racists.
If he wants to really have a "lived reality", why doesn't he change his name from "Shaun" to "Shauntel" or one of the completely dreamed-up names intended to evoke African heritage?
"Jim in St Louis said...
Shaun King is so white that during the Ferguson looting he BOUGHT a pair of sneakers."
Wait. So he and Rachel Dolezal pulled the same thing. They're both continuing the horrifically racist theme that the jerk-offs who come up with "cuckservative" were crowing about on some level. They accuse some nameless black dude of impregnating and abandoning married white women, never supporting or even identifying themselves to their children. Because that's just what black guys do, and you're racist if you doubt that. Oh, and the sorts of white women who have sex with black men are of course the sort of women who will think not a damn thing of lying about who their child's father is for decades at a time.
This whole thing is staggeringly racist on the rotten, dysfunctional attention-seekers' parts.
The "One Drop" rule is racism at its worst. I would think constitutional law professors might take this opportunity to rid society of 18th century Louisiana-style racism.
Whither those professors?
David Begley said...
If he was honest, a DNA test would solve the question forever.
Science! Don't the Libs worship science? Better than hearsay.
Socialists hate science.
Via Sailer, a socialist at Vox emits amusing words:
"A person’s race isn’t derived by biology; it is instead set by society and a person’s own identity ...
Race may have no biological or hereditary basis, ..."
Blogger Curious George said...
"Jim in St Louis said...
Shaun King is so white that during the Ferguson looting he BOUGHT a pair of sneakers."
It's a sign of social progress that a white woman can have a blackish baby and no biologist considers writing it up as an incidence of atavism.
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." - another fellow named King.
Progress. Having to prove you are black instead of white.
Plausible deniability, ain't it great.
Con artists all the way down.
Why all this talk about the Bureau of Land Management? Are they harassing old ranchers again?
But King has made progress in the world through his self-presentation as a black man....
Never mind his self-presentation. Have a white cop look at him. If the cop's trigger finger starts to itch, he's black.
The Black Lives Matter movement calls us to become more race conscious as we perceive and think about great social and political issues.
#BlackLivesMatter have obviously not thought this thing through. Should we be race conscious when we observe this fact. Would an #AsianLivesMatter movement even make this mistake?
A black woman declared Bill Clinton our First Black President, why can't King declare himself black?
A Faked Indian Woman becomes a Senator, why can't a faked black man become a BlackLivesMatter activist?
Never mind his self-presentation. Have a white cop look at him. If the cop's trigger finger starts to itch, he's black.
I suppose that was intended as humor, or let's say I trust that was intended as humor.
In the 1960s light-skinned Black people passed as white. Fifty years later we have young white people passing as Black. Are Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal likely to be the only young white people doing so, or are there others? My conclusion is that "white privilege" is a hoax; in 21st century America the privileges rest with black people.
So if I'm reading this right, the definition of black in america is:
1. A person of any known or unknown heritage
2. Any color from white to black
3. Who may or may not have ever experienced any overt or covert racism
4. Who self-identifies as black but can pass as white or other ethnicities
This is by definition undefined, there is no definition of black in america, it's anything anyone wants it to be.
That's going to be a problem for a movement tied to identity.
It's unbelievably disingenuous for him to say now that he is pained to tell people about his mother's past - when that's what he's been doing all along, every time he told people who knew his family that he was really black. He can't now claim to want to protect his mother's reputation, just because people just started questioning his representation of the facts. The best way to protect her was to keep his mouth shut, all those years ago.
Of course, this is all assuming what he says about his parents is true. If it is, he's from Versailles, KY - maybe he can get Raylon Givens to find his real daddy for him.
It's unbelievably disingenuous for him to say now that he is pained to tell people about his mother's past - when that's what he's been doing all along, every time he told people who knew his family that he was really black
If we take him at his word, he was a white-skinned boy growing up with a white mom and a white dad on his birth certificate. He chose to present himself as "black", whatever that might entail, therefore living a life that demonstrates his dad was someone other than the man whose name he carried.
So he'd already "outed" his mom.
But it also says....he chose to identify a certain way. He chose the way that he claims is the harder path. Why would he do that?
It can only be because that was what he wanted in his life.
It seems to be a kind of Munchausen syndrome, what he and Rachel are doing.
Not only have they adopted blackness, but they have also created a hate crime against themselves. They desire victimhood.
It reminds me of what Andrew Sullivan said about the exhilaration of being part of an oppressed minority.
This dude has adopted a mustache that you used to see on black men, like forty years ago. I honestly haven't seen that style in quite a while. I will look harder, I may be wrong, but I see maybe a hundred black men every day and I can't remember that particular look in recent years.
He is a strange guy for sure. His lie about being brutalized as a young man is not serving him well in the current kerfuffle.
Some twisted souls.
I too am confused about his work for the Bureau of Land Management.
Smilin' Jack said...
Never mind his self-presentation. Have a white cop look at him. If the cop's trigger finger starts to itch, he's black.
Quite the opposite.
Study: Cops Hesitate More Before Shooting Black Than White Suspects
The real racial bias: Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds
So, a guy who found out that his bio-dad was black (or, actually, part-black) has been representing himself as black for many years, in spite of the fact that he was told that his dad was in fact white? That doesn't make sense.
I went to a large public high school in a very blue state, which was about 50-50 black and white. For the most part, things were pretty smooth, relations were pretty harmonious.
It was not uncommon to have "cultural migrations" i.e., some of the hip white kids migrating towards the black kids and vice versa. My best friend was a black kid, who joined the Air Force, and went to an Ivy League college.
I have absolutely no problem with any of that. Culture, in my view, unlike race and sex, is and should be more malleable.
But Rachel Dolezal and now, Shaun King, are doing something much more pernicious. They are lying and deceiving people about their race and using it to promote a toxic left wing cause that is also filled with lies and deception about race.
The Grand Jury cleared Officer Darren Wilson, and ruled he used lawful, justified force.
As for Eric Garner, that really was a sad event, but for different reasons -- the Left wing policy of taxing the crap out of cigarettes, and then having the police crack down hard on folks selling loosies, was and remains a travesty. Eric Garner should never have even been arrested.
So, if the BLM Movement is gonna be dishonest about their cause, ignoring the specifics of each case, and then elect leaders who are dishonest about their own race, well, even folks who are sympathetic to black folks and black culture should be allowed to raise a skeptical eyebrow.
Who gives a shit about BLM? It's all agitprop. Ignore it and it will go away. The best response to BLM is that black criminal life doesn't matter and thank God for the cops that take them out for doing the law abiding public a favor along with taking out white, asian and hispanic criminal scum as well. And by the way, why are you shilling for criminal scum?
As for King, judging from the photo he is definetly been tar brushed. As for the rest of his story, frankly I refuse to waste any time reading Kos and the life story of an SWJ activist doesn't interest me in the least.
Even if his mother told him that his "real" father was a light skinned black man (which is dubious), Shaun King might be reluctant to take the DNA test, because his mother might be a lot like Elaine and Jerry.
I googled Shaun King. It's interesting that most of his photos are black and white and not in color. I suspect the mustache style is deliberate to make himself look more like a black man. It is passing strange that there are people who want to pass themselves off as a disadvantaged race. Surely it is a sign that things have improved for that race, no?
"Police sometimes see ALL black males as threats, they cannot distinguish."
This is nonsense.
It seems he has identified as black and been called black all the way back to high school at least. So in that sense I don't feel he is lying or feels he is lying. The case is different than Rachel Dolezal who very clearly was still considering herself white in college and didn't call herself black until she was an adult.
If the people who run and follow BlackLiveMatter don't care then it doesn't matter. And since conservatives care nothing for BlackLivesMatter then it really shouldn't matter to them either. Ultimately it's Breitbart trying to tell black people that a white guy is bilking them. Why does Breitbart care? Why does anyone here?
"Too many unarmed dead black men/boys to explain away."
Have a look at the Chris Rock Video of several years ago in which he gives tips to avoid getting killed by the police.
CNN:"A city police officer shot and killed Rice on November 22. A citizen had called the 911 center to report a "guy with a pistol" outside a city recreation center, but the responding officers weren't told the caller said the gun might be "fake" and the guy might be a juvenile. Rice actually had a pellet gun."
Tamir Rice was playing with a functioning airsoft rifle, which does not look like a toy, and is far from the definition of "unarmed." To expect police to roll up on a scene where a man with a gun is reported to be and then resist the self-preservation urge to take down the threat holding what looks like a real weapon is insane. You're asking for cops to be perfect, when humans aren't. You're asking them to risk losing their lives because the big kid holding a gun might only have a toy in his hand. Might. Might not.
Lot's of unarmed people die at the hands of police yet we are asked to be concerned only with black ones. Why is that?
Too many unarmed black boys attack cops foolishly and then die. Why is that?
"Of course, this is all assuming what he says about his parents is true. If it is, he's from Versailles, KY - maybe he can get Raylon Givens to find his real daddy for him."
Raylon moved to Florida
All of my siblings and I have different parents. I'm actually not even sure how many siblings I have.
Sounds like one of those EyeWitness News(tm) tragedy families where no two family members have the same last name.
he Grand Jury cleared Officer Darren Wilson, and ruled he used lawful, justified force.
The Grand Jury should be investigating municipal Ferguson's practice of taxation by citation, instead, if they're interested in root-causes and police-citizen resentments.
Maybe Shaun King chose his look because of this: Light-skinned African-Americans are more intelligent that dark-skinned African-Americans.
The story Shaun King told reminds me of the story Elizabeth Warren told, that it was known within the family -- but not by outsiders -- that there was Cherokee blood in their ancestry. She had "high cheek bones." She used this as the basis of her claim to be the first minority woman professor hired at Harvard Law School.
And from Harvard, on to the Senate.
Remove the "v".
He should move to Zimbabwe and become Mugabe's minister of justice.
Forty years later, a lot of white people feel a common cause with the struggles of Black people,
Actually, I'm convinced that left wing white people believe blacks cannot accomplish anything worthwhile without white help.
Therefore, they pretend to be black and take over running black organizations like the NAACP and Black Lives Matter.
After all, they mean well.
Of course white racists used to believe that blacks could not do anything for themselves. Now it's the white left.
He may be all white, or part black, but without a doubt his balls are brass.
A DNA test would tell the tale, but privacy.
How would Marcotte view this? He has made a public issue of his partial blackness and has profited from it. Do we not therefore have a legitimate interest in his DNA?
The man should be very careful where he leaves his condoms or his toothbrushes.
Shaun King is so white that during the Ferguson riots, he paid someone to say he stole a pair of sneakers.
h/t smart alec daughter
this would be so easily solved if Shaun went on Maury Povich's show. He'd sort out who Shaun's real dad was in a jiffy.
Bay area guy wrote:
As for Eric Garner, that really was a sad event, but for different reasons -- the Left wing policy of taxing the crap out of cigarettes, and then having the police crack down hard on folks selling loosies, was and remains a travesty. Eric Garner should never have even been arrested.
Eric Garner had every reason to be arrested. He was a serial offender and continual breaker of laws. If you want to sell cigarettes, you can do so, but you have to go through proper steps. He refused to do so. Continuously.
The state goes after stores that sell cigarettes to kids. If they are caught doing so they can lose their license to sell. Now, if they are held to such a standard, why should Eric Garner be able to sell cigs without a license, and with no verification process to who he sells to. I'm sure stores would love to also sell looses, but they are bound by laws not to do so.
Should the state not go after stores who sell cigs to underage kids? regardless, stores are bound to obey said laws, or lose the ability to do business.
Surely a guy who sells cigarettes illegally shouldn't have more freedom to sell illegally than businesses that follow all the rules, and pay hefty money to do so.
Where does it end? Should people be able to sell booze from the back of a truck to anyone without a license, while making bars pay hefty sums to get a liquor license? Whether society is wrong or right to do so, that's the rules of business that legitimate businesses abide by. If they are optional, why apply for a liquor license? And if you don't punish the guy selling booze out of the truck why would you close a bar if they sell booze to minors?
What if every day the guy selling booze out of the truck gets arrested, then comes back the next day and sits in front of a bar and sells booze out of a truck. He has no right to protection from the law when he goes out of his way to break it.
It must suck for Shaun. He's not 100% if he has white privilege or not. he's relatively sure he might not have white privilege, because his mom said his dad may not be his dad. But she's a whore who sleeps around with lots of dudes. So, you just can't know these things.
He is sure that the rest of us have white privilege though.
"Tamir Rice was playing with a functioning airsoft rifle, which does not look like a toy, and is far from the definition of "unarmed." To expect police to roll up on a scene where a man with a gun is reported to be and then resist the self-preservation urge to take down the threat holding what looks like a real weapon is insane. You're asking for cops to be perfect, when humans aren't. You're asking them to risk losing their lives because the big kid holding a gun might only have a toy in his hand. Might. Might not. "
Yup. Exactly. Two thumbs up.
"Despite his youth, the victim had a lengthy criminal record that includes five arrests — one for an attempted assault with a brick, sources said."
14 and already arrested 4 times, including once for attempted assault. Yet, his uncle disputes that he was in a gang:
“It breaks my heart,” he said, sobbing uncontrollably.
“In the end . . . I want to know why . . . He’s a good kid, nice-looking guy. He never did anything. He never hung out with gangs, nothing like that.”
If you want to know why, look to the life he was leading. His uncle is either willfully blind, retarded, or covering for his nephew.Does he also dispute that his brother was in a gang. Why then does law enforcement know this kid and his history and link him to a gang? Why are gang bangers rolling up on him and shooting him in the neck. It wasn't to rob him, since they simply executed him.
People have willful blindness when it comes to kids. That is simply ignorant of human nature and the world we live in.
@jr565: Amen, brother. I raised my family in a changing Chicago neighborhood [for the better, we were gentrifiers].
Blogger jr565 said...
"It must suck for Shaun. He's not 100% if he has white privilege or not. he's relatively sure he might not have white privilege, because his mom said his dad may not be his dad."
jr, you don't understand. This isn't just about whether Shaun has White Privilege. It's about whether his whole life even matters.
"Too many unarmed dead black men/boys to explain away."
Superficially, and cynically, it is easy to explain - the percentage of criminal thugs is much, much higher in the poor inner city black communities than elsewhere in this country. Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin were both criminal thugs who made the fatal mistake of trying to kill people who were armed when they were not. But most of the time, things are reversed with the young black male thugs being the ones armed, as the prey on the rest of the inner city, and esp their own communities. The statistical reality is that most interracial violent crime is black on white, and not the other way around, and blacks are far, far more likely to be the victim of a crime committed by blacks than by whites. It doesn't fit the narrative, so is ignored.
Mary thought that there were too many young black males being killed by cops, but the reality is that most of the time, the immediate actions of the cops were legally justified. Much of the time, weapons are found. And then you have these black males killing cops at much higher levels than any other demographic. Mention was made of Garner, but studiously ignored was that two cops were assasignated in their squad car in retaliation. Why should anyone be surprised that the police shot an almost 200 lb 5'7" male appearing to be pulling a gun from his pants?
Just an extra two cents. What was wrong with that kid Tamir Rice that a cop car is coming sliding up to him so close that he could have adjusted the mirror, and he sits there? Is it what is a man? Autism? Sullen disobedience?
I know a child, like 6, you really have to work at it to get her attention when you talk to her. If it's a developmental disability I would tell her father. If it's just childish badness, not to say a bad child because she's not, I guess you deal with it another way.
But when you're being rolled up on by a cruiser fast enough so that he can't stop and close enough that he almost hit you, why are you just sitting there? And a 200 pound male in a hoodie with a realistic looking gun is no longer a boy for real-world practical purposes. I bet he had hair on his nuts. A hundred years ago "boys" his age and size were marrying and working.
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